Aryn Cortess
Dr. Aryn Cortess
Title: Queen of Alderaan; Darth Kalus
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Sith Lord
Profession: Doctor
Homeworld: (Born on) Delaya, (Moved to) New Alderaan
Organization: Sith Empire, Alderaan System
Ship: Tantive IV (CR-90 Corvette), Sunrunner (Baudo Yacht), Rainstorm (Helix Interceptor), Grimoire (Upsilon Shuttle)
- Log:Sith Empire: Commander Traega and Nim's End
- Log:Sith Empire: War Drums from the Deep
- Log:Sith Empire: Troiken Siege
- Log:Sith Empire: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:The Force: As One
- Log:The Force: Not So Stationary
- Log:Sith: The Empress Strikes Back
- Log:The Sith Care For YOU!
- Log:The Force - Event Horizon
- Log:Iridonia: Clench
- Log:Lira: Meditation Practice 2
- Log:Iridonia: Iron Grip
- Log:The Sith: Audience
- Log:Sith Empire: Dark Legacy III
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Night II
- Log:Sith Empire: Domination
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Fleet I
- Log:Alderaan: Vaults of Shadow Tower
- Log:Alderaan: Shadow of Delaya
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 3
- Log:Alderaan: Belsavis Debrief
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 2
- Log:Alderaan: Free the Rist
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past Pt 1
- Log:Alderaan: On Target for Spring
- Log:Voss Galactic Sabotage, Part 2
- Log:The Art of Forging
- Log:Alderaan: Job Opening
- Log:Alderaan: The Odds of Success
- Log:Black Nova: Open Declaration of War
- Log:Sith: Hidden in The Webs
- Log:Sith: Becoming The Problem
- Log:Sith: Part of The Solution
- Log:Spies of Icy Watch
- Log:The Queens Justice
- Log:Clipping Wings
- Log:Clan Kora: Where Ghosts Haunt
- Log:Jervo's World Cup: A Lava of Love
- Log:Reception At Wooka's
- Log:Aldera Squad: Serreno Trail
- Log:Aldera Squad: Raid At Halmad
- Log:EVENT: A Ship Wreck!
- Log:Aldera Squad: The Burbs
- Log:Aldera Squad: Interdicting Interdiction
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Splish Splash Bash
- Log:Alderaan: A Noble, Notable Birthday
- Log:Artisans Guild: The Dubious Tarisian Estate
- Log:A Prayer for My Daughter
- Log:The Sound of a Heartbeat
- Log:Avishan Campaign II
- Log:Aldera Squad: Poking The Wampa
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Ice Mountain
- Log:Aldera Squad: A Bad Seed
- Log:Aldera Squad: Avishan Campaign I
- Log:Twilight at Voidlight
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Last Light and Dark Heart
- Log:Alderaan: Trade Relations
- Log:Jedi Order: An Order in Healing
- Log:SMASH: Bringing Law to the Lawless
- Log:The Circle: Chaos on Kafrene
- Log:Delaya: Cavalry Skirmish
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:Jedi Order: Lightsaber Training
- Log:Last Light of Killesa II
- Log:Jedi Order: Revisiting the Ash Worlds
- Log:Jedi Order: True Defense
- Log:Jedi Order: The Living Force
- Log:Jedi Order: A Seaside Lesson
- Log:If Stones Could Speak
- Log:Delaya: Last Light of Killesa
- Log:Jedi Order: Devils in the Details
- Log:Jedi Order: Like Firebirds in the Sky
- Log:Jedi Order: A Bridge Too Far
- Log:New Alderaan: The Red Summit
- Log:Jedi: Into the Heart of Darkness
- Log:New Alderaan: Delayan Peace Summit
- Log:Trial: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Endor
- Log:Aldera Squad: Shakedown Flight
- Log:Jedi Order: Corellian Emergency
- Log:New Alderaan: Noble Shoot
- Log:Jedi Order: The Arrest
- Log:Artisans Guild: A Steel of a Deal
- Log:Jedi Order: The Monsters at our Door
- Log:Jedi Order: Hutt Lord Update
- Log:New Alderaan: Stronger Than You Think
- Log:Jedi: Auspicious Audience
- Log:New Alderaan: Day of Celebration
- Log:New Alderaan: Knights of the Spring
- Log:Jedi Order: What Was Lost Part 1
- Log:Inter-Rim Championship Races: Bespin
- Log:Kilian Blitz: United Front
- Log:Jedi Order: The Known The Unknown
- Log:Jedi Order: The Lady's Wardrobe
- Log:Jedi Order: What the Music Means
- Log:Ominous Symphony
- Log:Jedi Order: Finding Fondor
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Fate of Lord Harrow
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Corellia
- Log:Jedi: Will We Dream?
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Roadblocks
- Log:Jedi: Like Clockwork
- Log:Jedi: Repairing the Damage
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Interdicted
- Log:New Alderaan: Break the Rist
- Log:New Alderaan: Defend the Beach
- Log:One Small Crack
- Log:New Alderaan: All Fighters On Me
- Log:New Alderaan: Blades in the Night
- Log:New Alderaan: A Single Spark
- Log:Jedi Order: Removing the Stain
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Sluis Van
- Log:New Alderaan: Now You Cant Leave
- Log:New Alderaan: No Time Like the Present
- Log:New Alderaan: A Storied Knight
- Log:Jedi Order: Hatchets and Burials
- Log:Jedi Order: Blood Feud
- Log:JEDI ORDER: Sithspit! A New Knight?
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Rooting Around Raxus
- Log:Jedi Order: From a Point of View
- Log:Jedi Order: Methane Cometh From Chad
- Log:New Republic: Use Your Instincts
- Log:Jedi Order: Eternal Eye
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Qualifiers
- Log:Jedi Order: On What Wings
- Log:Jedi Order: Did He Smile?
- Log:New Republic: Centerpoint Station
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Dig Yag'Dhug
- Log:Jedi Order: Fearful Symmetry
- Log:Alderaan: All Can't Be War
- Log:New Republic: Off the Rails
- Log:Jedi Order: Immortal Hand
- Log:Something Fowl in the Air
- Log:Jedi: Arachnophobia
- Log:Jedi Order: Forests of the Night
- Log:MM: Rotting Hope
- Log:Jedi Order: Burning Bright
- Log:Jedi Order: The Valley of the Jedi
- Log:Jedi Order: Island of Death Part III
- Log:Jedi Order: Island of Death Part II
- Log:Jedi Order: Island of Death Part I
- Log:Night at the Holy Day Inn
- Log:St
- Log:Jedi Order: A Voice from the Stars
- Log:Jedi Order: A Call for Help
- Log:Quest of the Violet Knight Part 3
- Log:Quest of the Violet Knight Part 2
- Log:Quest of the Violet Knight Part 1
- Log:Natural Disaster: Volcanic Mayhem
- Log:Mystery of the Obroan Core
- Log:Knights of Ren: Do Not Go Gently
- Log:Jedi Order: Dawn of the Violet Knight
- Log:New Alderaan: Spring Festival
- Log:Jedi Order: Master of Fate
- Log:New Alderaan: A Hunt in the Savannah
- Log:Jedi Order: Menace of the Years
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Crait Escape
- Log:Jedi Order: Wrath and Tears
- Log:New Alderaan: Battle of Yvonne Forest
- Log:Jedi Order: Bloody, but Unbowed
- Log:New Republic: A Safe Haven
- Log:Jedi Order: The Bludgeonings of Chance
- Log:Alderaan: Contested Land
- Log:Jedi Order: Black as the Pit
- Log:New Alderaan: A Way Forward
- Log:Jedi Order: Out of the Night
- Log:New Alderaan: The Fall of Teraan
- Log:Explorer's Guild: More than Jelucan
- Log:Jedi Order: The Force Garden
- Log:A New Beacon
- Log:Mighty Nobility
- Log:Force of Will
- Log:New Alderaan: To Be Better
- Log:Tarisian Celebration of Rebirth
- Log:Waywards: Grand Opening - ILM
- Log:Tools for the Trade
- Log:Resting in Restuss
- Log:Jedi Order: Byss - The Abyss Looks Back
- Log:Jedi Order: Byss - Confrontations
- Log:Jedi Order: Byss - Guard Duty
- Log:Jedi Order: Byss - Identity Verification
- Log:Alderaan: Much ado
- Log:Jedi Order: Spanning the A-Byss
- Log:Banquet of Fire
- Log:A Matter of Identity
- Log:Swordsmanship Training
- Log:Whispers in The Dark
- Log:Meeting Others
- Log:We Seek the Truth
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Snowy Ruins
- Log:You Had It All Along
- Log:A New Perspective
- Log:Jedi Order: Wayward Discovery
- Log:Back to Naboo
- Log:More Than Meets the Eye
- Log:A Hive of Treachery
- Log:Jedi Order: Set the World On Fire
- Log:Jedi Order: Illuminating the A-Byss
- Log:Alderaan: Silver Lined Snakes
- Log:Rotting Research
- Log:You're hunting what?
- Log:Jedi Order: It Belongs to Them Cloners
- Log:Alderaan: Objection
- Log:They Make Everything
- Log:Into The Lungs Of Hell
- Log:Charity Concert for Anti-Slavery
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Sneeve Nuts
- Log:Jedi Order: Legacy of Palpatine
- Log:Jedi Order: Peace and Closure
- Log:New Alderaan: Autumn Festival
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: The Spider Auction
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: A Discovery
- Log:Alderaan: Cophrigin Nights III
- Log:Big Boats with Big Guns
- Log:Sparring the Metaphysical
- Log:Jedi Order: Lost Library pt 4
- Log:Jedi Order: Verify For Verity
- Log:Rotting Missile
- Log:Carida: Hit the Ground Running
- Log:Battle for the Frozen Thrown
- Log:Jedi Order: Family and Visions Part II
- Log:Mandalorians: A New Life
- Log:New Republic: Ressl River Rampage
- Log:Cophrigan IV: Hard Exit
- Log:Miserere Nobis
- Log:Cophigrin Nights I
- Log:Battle of Carida: Above the Ridgeline
- Log:Battle for Carida: For the Republic
- Log:Taris - We just want the diamond...
- Log:Jedi Order: Looking to the Horizon
- Log:Tython Rangers
- Log:Full Moon Harvest
- Log:Jedi Order: Lost Library pt 3
- Log:Jedi Order: Family and Visions Part I
- Log:Jedi Order: Cloak and Saber
- Log:New Republic: Parting Gifts
- Log:Jedi Order: Legacies Lost
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship II
- Log:Resistance: Technical Malfunctions
- Log:New Republic: The Troiken Matter
- Log:Follow the Science
- Log:New Alderaan: Elder House Soiree
- Log:Jedi Order: Ghosts of Sullust
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship
- Log:Indoctrinate This
- Log:Devil In the Details
- Log:Echoes Through the Ages IX
- Log:A Friendly Duel
- Log:Nugget Loop
- Log:Food for the Flotilla
- Log:Canto Bight Goodbye!
- Log:Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt II
- Log:Ironing Out Some Questions
- Log:Jedi Order: The Frozen Ashes
- Log:Gun Meets Pen
- Log:Rotting Core
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VIII
- Log:Bomb in the Ballroom
- Log:Jedi + Knights of Ren: Heroes and Heretics
- Log:Jedi Order: Plumbing the Depths
- Log:Resistance: Poison Crumbs Part II
- Log:Resistance: Trail of Poisoned Crumbs
- Log:Houjix Fix
- Log:Up Stream
- Log:Shadow of The Empire
- Log:Guilded Gifts
- Log:Irregulars: Mining Mishap Mustafar
- Log:Jedi Order: The Saarai-Kaar's Lair
- Log:Dust And Blood: Double Down
- Log:Jedi Order: What Lies Beneath
- Log:Jedi Order: A Lost Relic
- Log:Fighting Gravity
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Fountain of Yelsain
- Log:Clan Kora: We have some questions
- Log:Resistance: A Very Fond Farewell
- Log:Spring Hunting Festival
- Log:For Ackbar
- Log:Jedi Order: Ben Solo Returns
- Log:For Kijimi
- Log:Expired Munitions
- Log:Resistance: Take Out That Relay
- Log:A Beautiful Day
- Log:Resistance: The Snows of Kijimi
- Log:Resistance: Forbidden Valley
- Log:Rotting Depths
- Log:Push to Close
- Log:Resistance: From Farewell to Fallout
- Log:Resistance: Reclamation Duty
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VII
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VI
- Log:A River Runs Through It
- Log:Lady Floofington's Carniverous Moo-Stash: Pt 1
- Log:The Twins, Part 5: The Unveiling
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages V
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Corridors of Insanity
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Hothy Winter Fete
- Log:Resistance: Crucible Part II
- Log:Jedi Order: Devaron Delights Part I
- Log:Resistance: Warehouse Snatch
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages IV
- Log:Adarade Colony Falls
- Log:Sweet Rot and Wine
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages III
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages II
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages
- Log:Resistance: Bloody Hypothesis Pt 2
- Log:Misty Islands
- Log:Mists of Avaria
- Log:Resistance: Hardly Working
- Log:Resistance: Rori Night
- Log:Jedi Order: Bread Basket
- Log:Civil Unrest in Darglum
- Log:Resistance: Icon Immortal Pt 1
- Log:Right of Justice
- Log:Mandalorian Training
- Log:Nature of Science
- Log:Resistance: Rodian Wreckage
- Log:There Is Only The Force
- Log:It Survived the Void
- Log:Jedi Order: Spinnaker Trail
- Log:Rescued From The Brink
- Log:Royal Decree and Nae Tama
- Log:Sweet Rot and Dark Tidings
- Log:Biological Threat in Theed
- Log:Jedi Order: It's a Cold Cold Summer Pt I
- Log:The Dark Places of Madness
- Log:Another Day in Medical
- Log:The Last of His Name
- Log:Quiet After the Storm
- Log:Galactic Reputation for Killing
- Log:Shownar the Credits
- Log:House Holster Incident
- Log:Against the Current
- Log:Bloodlines and Duty
- Log:Swords, Suitors, and Mystery Noblemen
- Log:Realignment
- Log:Tending Wounds
- Log:Badge of Mastery
- Log:An Unworthy Quest
- Log:Most Worthy Quest
- Log:JEDI ORDER: RedFire and BlueIce United
- Log:JEDI ORDER: Solving BlueIce's Tentacle Issue
- Log:JEDI ORDER: Desert Swoopers
- Log:JEDI ORDER: The Gungan City
- Log:JEDI ORDER: For Chewbacca (For Peter Mayhew)
- Log:Resistance: Exaltation 4: Glee
- Log:Lady Redfire
- Log:Resistance: Exaltation 3: Rapture
- Log:Jedi Order: Specter of The Order V
Aryn of House Cortess serves Alderaan system as its ruling Queen. Aryn began her journey a second born child to Duke Jace Cole and Duchess Marian Cortess. She had not intended to grow beyond the confines and duties of a noble lady, but circumstances led her down an adventurous path. Aryn was mentored by the late Princess Leia Organa, and installed as the royal Princess following Leia's death during the Cold War. Aryn was accepted by the Elder Houses of the Galaxy, and the last will of Organa was fulfilled when the responsibility for Alderaan, and its vast and frustratingly divided diaspora, became hers to rule.
Aryn has since united the great houses of Alderaan and established a capital upon the world of New Alderaan. When the Sith Empire imposed its influence upon the system and called out for the alleged Jedi Queen to surrender herself, she arrived as requested to negotiate peace for Alderaan and its people. Through diplomacy, Aryn was permitted to join the Sith Empire alongside her husband, the Prince-consort Ban Iskender, to strengthen its cause by becoming Darth Kalus and Darth Durandus, respectively. As Dark Lords, the pair were permitted to see to Alderaan's security personally, allowing them to preserve the peace for which they sacrificed a great deal to achieve. This arrangement brought an abrupt end to the Alderaanian civil war with Delaya, and the execution of its architect, the despot ruler Lady Lana of House Panteer, aka the Pretender.
RP Hooks
Name | RP Blurps |
Mnngal-Mnngal or 'MM' | Aryn is the leading researcher on the galactic threat that the MM poses. On more than one occasion, she has set aside her allegiance to form unlikely partnerships to battle the threat head-on and stop the transmission of this awful and dark parasite. If this Hook interests you, please page and we can work out a scene jumping into the chaos. |
Life-Long Student | Aryn is an eager student easily drawn into subjects she can research. She studied anthropology and history and is very learned in topics of culture, nature, and ancient technological languages. If you have a plot where this might align, or you would like to form some sort of history or connection using this option, just let me know! |
Alderaan Ruler | Aryn is seeking help from Lords, Ladies, or Citizens of Alderaan to preserve the peace, and contend with Alderaan's enemies. Should this interest you, ask about serving the cause! |
Sith Empire Cause | Open to story and plots concerning the Empire. I may relegate Aryn to the Alderaan system, but I would be happy to NPC and GM to help with plots that add to our narrative. |