Cel Zhanil

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Cel Zhanil

Race: Duros
Sex: Male
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Duro
Organization: Bounty Hunters' Guild


Cel is a Duros. He stands at a tall height of 6'6, his lean body possessing an athletic, if not outright muscular build for his species. His flesh is a dark green, and is unmarred by tattoo or any other blemish save for a long scar that runs downward from his left cheek and across his jawline. Twin scarlet eyes contrast the deep shade of green that covers his bulbous and hairless scalp, and pointed white teeth can be seen past the almost lipless mouth. He is dressed well in a long coat of black dyed leather with crimson accents, a black tunic beneath, and a pair of contrasting crimson breeches tucked into polished black leather boots. At his hip he wears a belt with a holstered blaster pistol within easy reach.


Cel had a relatively rough childhood. His parents both died of illness when he was quite young, and he had no siblings either younger or older. This led to a life of roughing it. Quite sharp, he managed to keep himself in school and received high marks, but after hours he also learned the harsh realities of the Universe and what they entail. He inevitably got involved in some darker dealings with some other children from less fortunate means, and as such it didn't take long until a blaster found its way into his hands. A crack shot, he soon learned the deadly reality of a blaster's true purpose. As he came of age, he met a pretty young Duros girl, and the two soon married and had a son. Tragedy would fall later, however, when a rival gang would target his wife and baby in retaliation. Cel himself took the bounty on his family's killer and that started him on the path to where he is today.