Hadrix Kora
Hadrix Kora
Title: Al'Verde Kora
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Mandalorian
Profession: Soldier
Homeworld: Coruscant
Organization: Clan Kora
- Log:Hunting Trip
- Log:Get Off Our Lawn
- Log:Gimme the Prize
- Log:Hitching a Ride
- Log:Sands of Tatooine
- Log:Metal and Power
- Log:Mandalore: For Whom The Bell Tolls
- Log:Blockade Running
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 2
- Log:Outriders: Victims of Circumstance
- Log:Gearhead Grindup II
- Log:Gearhead Grindup I
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 1
- Log:Iridonia: Acquisition
- Log:Rebellion: Heist Heist Baby II
- Log:Nar Shaddaa: People In The Streets
- Log:Courkrus: We must board them!
- Log:Courkrus: Batten Down
- Log:Corellian Civil War: Doom
- Log:Boonta. Eve. CLASSIC.
- Log:Courkrus: Avast!
- Log:Rebellion: Heist Heist Baby I
- Log:Voss Galactic Sabotage, Part 3
- Log:Courkrus: Yo Ho Ho
- Log:Mandalorians: The Despot of Onderon
- Log:Mandalorians: Steel Rain
- Log:Mandalore: Dragons
- Log:Log: Rebellion: ID Theft is not a Joke
- Log:Voss Galactic Sabotage, Part 2
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Dominion
- Log:Demon Outpost
- Log:Mandalore: Line in The Sand
- Log:Voss Galactic Sabotage, Part 1
- Log:A Great Hunt
- Log:Tatooine: Command & Commerce
- Log:Mandalore: Sleeping Giants
- Log:Mandalore: Feint
- Log:Mandalorians: Counter-Punch
- Log:Mandalore: Warrior Queen
- Log:Mandalorians: S.T.E.A.L.
- Log:Keep Them Busy
- Log:Slipping Through Fingers
- Log:Wampa Stompa Jakku
- Log:Clan Kora: Where Ghosts Haunt
- Log:The True War
- Log:Kora: Boarding Party
- Log:Clan Kora: No Mercy
- Log:Sith Empire: Consequences Don't Knock
- Log:Clan Kora: New Blood and Bonds
- Log:Clan Kora: Even Ghosts Leave a Trail
- Log:Clan Kora: Strike Hard
- Log:Jedha: Overdue Fees Are Killer
- Log:Bysis Incursion
- Log:Jedha: Pursuit of Knowledge
- Log:Clan Kora: Home At Last
- Log:Mandalore: War Within, War Without
- Log:Clan Kora: A Broken Man on a Broken Planet
- Log:Mandalore: The Great Beast
- Log:Morellian War II
- Log:A Sight for Sore Eyes
- Log:Morellian War I
- Log:Mandalore: Joyride
- Log:Mandalore: Declaw Them
- Log:Mandalore: Like Shriek Hawks
- Log:Mandalore: Like Great Iron Beasts
- Log:Clan Kora: It Has Come To This
- Log:Mandalore: We Have Their Attention
- Log:Mandalore: Field Work
- Log:Thyferra: Headshot
- Log:Mandalore: Mand'alor Djarin
- Log:Spice Runners: Will They All Fit
- Log:Clan Kora: Brains and Brawn
- Log:Clan Kora: A Matter of Revenge
- Log:Mandalore: Scouting Loud
- Log:Clan Kora: Beskar Hunters on Jakku
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Terrors of Teras-Kasi!
- Log:Onderon Tournie IX
- Log:Thyferra: Frack the Concordance
- Log:Mandalore: Stirring Sands
- Log:Mandalorians: Fight at The Museum
- Log:Mandalorians: Warehouse, There House
- Log:Mandalorians: Cheese it! The Mandos!
- Log:Mandalorians: Rumor Chasing
- Log:Clan Kora: Noble Blood
- Log:Freetown: Taking out the Trash
- Log:When the Green Rain Falls
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:Tatooine: Violent Shopping Spree
- Log:Clan Kora: Salvage in the Shallow Depths
- Log:Thyferran Swoop Circuit
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Mandalorians: King's Throne
- Log:Log:Mandalore: Pulling the Plug
- Log:Mandalore: Into the Mines
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Consolidation of Power, Pt. 4
- Log:Mandalore: The Immovable Object
- Log:Mandalore: Shieldbreaker
- Log:Retracing The Steps: Beneath The Waves of Sunny Kaal
- Log:Mandalorians: Day of Reckoning
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: It Shows You What You Want
- Log:Clan Kora: Twilight Gap
- Log:There's an Old Marshal in Town
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: A Sight of Seers Old
- Log:Clan Kora: Intrusive Intel
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: Blue Spamel Highway
- Log:That's Insane, I'm In
- Log:Mandalorians: New Deception
- Log:Kilian Blitz: United Front
- Log:Mandalorians: Just Need to Borrow This
- Log:Clan Kora: Uninvited Guests
- Log:Mandalorians: Lethal Logistics
- Log:Mandalorians: In Plain Sight
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Roadblocks
- Log:Clan Kora: Knock Knock
- Log:Undercity: Collapse!
- Log:Mandalorians: Legwork
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Interdicted
- Log:Iridonia: Celebration
- Log:Clan Kora: Welcome Home
- Log:Missing Court
- Log:Mandalore: Future Talks
- Log:Mandalore: What Was Bled For
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 8
- Log:Mandalore: Against Untold Numbers
- Log:Mandalore: They Fought Like a Hundred Times Their Number
- Log:When Charity Goes Wrong
- Log:The Pulse: Birthday Cake
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 7
- Log:Mandalore: Uncovered
- Log:Clan Kora: Interplanetary Ambush
- Log:SHOCK BOXING: Episode 1
- Log:A Reckoning: Better Uses
- Log:BHG: Silent but Violent
- Log:A Reckoning: Fireworks
- Log:Clan Kora: Things Done for Love
- Log:Clan Kora: Just Checking Your Books
- Log:Mandalore: While I Was Away
- Log:Mandalore: Take What's Yours
- Log:The Irregulars: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Mandalore: Long Memory, Short Fuse
- Log:Mandalore: Searching Memories
- Log:Mandalore: Mandalore Remembers
- Log:Mandalore: Fury of the Rageland Road
- Log:The Irregulars: For Your Ears Only
- Log:Clan Kora - Coming Home
- Log:Irregulars: For Your Ears Only (Mission Briefing)
- Log:MM: Rotting Hope
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - Ride Eternal
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - The Hungry II
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - The Hungry
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - Beyond the Horizon
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - Too Rich to Pass Up
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - Tension
- Log:Mandalore: The Wasteland Way - Noisy Neighbors
- Log:Clan Kora: Grit and Sand
- Log:Mandalore: Politics by Blasterfire
- Log:BHG: Once More Unto the Breach
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2021
- Log:Mandalorians: Welcome to Mandalore
- Log:Mandalorians: Not All It's Cragged Up To Be
- Log:BHG: Picking the Bones II
- Log:Fancy Way of Saying No
- Log:Kora - Dragon Blooded
- Log:It's a KRAYT Day For Mos Espa
- Log:BHG: Picking the Bones I
- Log:BHG: Shadows of Rishi
- Log:Mandalorians: What We Found There
- Log:The Last Stand: Part Two
- Log:Mandalorians: Exploring Below
- Log:BHG: Pirates and Slavers II
- Log:Mandalorians: Watch That First Step
- Log:BHG: Pirates and Slavers
- Log:Kora - New Blood
- Log:BHG: Scale the Castle
- Log:Mandalorians: Cleansing
- Log:BHG: Den of Blades
- Log:Mandalorians: Running Down A Dream
- Log:Just Moff Things: Dead Air
- Log:Mandalorians: Culling
- Log:BHG: Artillery Playground
- Log:It's Good To Hang Pirates
- Log:Distressful Pickup
- Log:Clan Kora: Thicker than Blood Pt. 2
- Log:Alderaan: Contested Land
- Log:BHG: Inch by Inch
- Log:Mandalorians: Old War - Waylaid
- Log:Mandalorians: Old War
- Log:Mandalorians: Blood is Thicker Part 1
- Log:BHG: Fire for Effect
- Log:Kora - Pound Puppy
- Log:Kora - What Was Lost: Checking Corners
- Log:Kora - What Was Lost: Sanctuary Run
- Log:Mandalorians: What is Ours is Ours
- Log:Mandalorians: Private War
- Log:Mandalorians: Blood In The Jungle
- Log:Whispers in The Dark
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 6
- Log:Mandalorians: No Fortunate One
- Log:A Hive of Treachery
- Log:New Republic: Airshow Fundraiser
- Log:Mandalorians: Tense Meeting
- Log:Old School Beatdown
- Log:You're hunting what?
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 5
- Log:They Make Everything
- Log:Mandalorians: Savages
- Log:New Alderaan: Autumn Festival
- Log:Mandalorians At The Bridge
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: The Spider Auction
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: Slavers Interrupted
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 4
- Log:Mandalorians: Like the Shadow of Death
- Log:Big Boats with Big Guns
- Log:Sparring the Metaphysical
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 3
- Log:Mandalorians: Forged in Blood
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 2
- Log:Wanted Alive: Lord Malik Ren
- Log:Mandalorians: The Forest Came To Life
- Log:Shadowport: Infestation Station
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 1
- Log:Mandalorians: False Deities: So Crumbles the Castle
- Log:Mandalorians: A Heart of Beskar
- Log:Rotting Missile
- Log:Clan Kora: False Deities: Even False Gods Hit Back
- Log:Chandrilan Art Fair
- Log:When Terror Meets Iron
- Log:Cophrigan IV: They call that a defense post?
- Log:Mandalorians: A New Life
- Log:New Republic: Ressl River Rampage
- Log:Cophrigan IV: Hard Exit
- Log:Cophigrin Nights I
- Log:Buried Beneath
- Log:Battle for Carida: For the Republic
- Log:Explosive Actions
- Log:What Remains
- Log:Clan Kora: Walked from the Flames
- Log:Taris - We just want the diamond...
- Log:False Deities: Tatooine Sunset
- Log:An Arm Up
- Log:Full Moon Harvest
- Log:Hunters Become Hunted
- Log:False Deities: Rigging Nar Kanji
- Log:False Deities: Trouble Comes in Threes
- Log:Dug In: Finale
- Log:False Deities: Socorro Smuggling
- Log:Dug In: Part Two
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship II
- Log:Mandalorians: Glory All
- Log:Every Clime and Place
- Log:Dug In: Part One
- Log:Piratical Problems - Air Battle over Nar Shaddaa
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship
- Log:Mandalorians: Death is Life
- Log:Indoctrinate This
- Log:Mandalorians: Things We Do For Family
- Log:Rally Ryloth
- Log:Mandalorians: Loyalty is Life
- Log:New Republic: Taking a Stand
- Log:On The Hunt
- Log:Mandalorians: Honor is Life
- Log:Rampancy
- Log:Chandrila Liberation Festival
- Log:Mandalorians: Strength is Life
- Log:Mandalorians: Warband Of Courage
- Log:Mandalorians: Shadow Hunters
- Log:Saturday Night's Alright
- Log:Sith's Bidding, Sister's Rise
- Log:Shadow of The Empire
- Log:When you wish a cyberneticist
- Log:Cold Desert Nights
- Log:Irregulars: Mining Mishap Mustafar
- Log:Dust And Blood: Double Down
- Log:Mandalorians: Bair Oyuh's Battle Doctrines
- Log:Fighting Gravity
- Log:Clan Kora: We have some questions
- Log:The Cloak and Dagger
- Log:Dust and Blood: Stranded
- Log:Spring Hunting Festival
- Log:Mandalorian Archaeology: Beskad Retrieval
- Log:For Kijimi
- Log:Mandalorians: A Little Excessive
- Log:Clan Kora: Blood Makes the Grass Grow
- Log:Mandalorian: Kora: No One Left Behind
- Log:Mandalorian Archaeology: Urna'Hun 's Spear
- Log:Xoyut Chronicles 2: Trench War
- Log:Dust And Blood
- Log:Ealor's Dark Secret
- Log:Smert Piratam
- Log:Clan Kora: Precious Cargo
- Log:Rotting Depths
- Log:False Distress
- Log:Push to Close
- Log:Clan Kora: Blood In
- Log:Clan Kora: Something Personal
- Log:Hold What You Got
- Log:Xoyut Chronicles 1: No Man's Land
- Log:Mandalorians: Echoy'la Morut
- Log:Nar Shadaa's Kaleesh Labor Riots: The Bloody Resolution
- Log:First Order: 904's End
- Log:Last Stand: Raul Wo
- Log:Wanted Alive: Rey (Failed)
- Log:Day To Day - Tatooine Dangerous
- Log:House Cleaning
- Log:Mandalorians: A Matter of Honor
- Log:First Order: Point Raid
- Log:First Order: Ride to Ruin
- Log:First Order: Pirasteroid III - Pirasteroid Cream
- Log:First Order: Dromund Kaasequences
- Log:First Order: Point of No Return
- Log:Jedi Order: Battle of Aridus
- Log:First Order: Foundation
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Party Like It's 1159
- Log:First Order: Let It Die
- Log:First Order: No Time for Caution
- Log:First Order: Outrage - Zeddir's Fist
- Log:First Order: Fury - Zeddir's Fist
- Log:Bish, Please
- Log:First Order: Poor Guest Service
- Log:First Order: Dive to the Heart
- Log:First Order: Tearing at the Seams
- Log:First Order: The Cracks Begin to Show
- Log:First Order: For the Greater Good
- Log:First Order: Praise Jibbers and Pass The Ammo
- Log:First Order: Fall of Kalarba Part IV
- Log:First Order: Fall of Kalarba Part III
- Log:First Order: Fall of Kalarba Part II
- Log:First Order: Fall of Kalarba Part I
- Log:First Order: Agent: Missing: Part 3
- Log:First Order: Everyone Loves a Party
- Log:Hell with a Kell
- Log:First Order: Agent: Missing: Part 2
- Log:First Order: FO Youth Recruiting Day on Mandalore
- Log:First Order: Agent: Missing: Part 1
- Log:Resistance/First Order: Attack on Blackrock Station
- Log:First Order: Distress Call Part 1
- Log:First Order: The Devil You Know
- Log:Unwanted Sensorship: Part 3
- Log:Unwanted Sensorship: Part 2
- Log:First Order: Finesse
- Log:First Order: Lothal Weapon
- Log:First Order: Tonight the Music Seems So Loud
- Log:First Order: Thyferran Investigation
- Log:Community Outreach
Hadrix Kora (Ne Rol) is a former Stormtrooper member of the First Order's Vanguard, the elite special forces team hand selected by Kylo Ren himself. Trained and 'built' from infancy as a weapon. Brutalized and habituated to hardships in order to train him to ignore pain, push forward and fight until dead or immobilized. Psychological conditioning groomed him to respond to most stimuli with anger, make him favor fight over flight and honed his inborn stubbornness to a degree that his obstinance would be purposefully referred to as a mental defect to spur him, often with the phrase, "What's wrong, 904? Too stupid to fail?"
After a distinguished career in the Vanguard, rising to a status where he would often work as a form of field commander, Hadrix left the First Order, unable to continue under their banner. Finding cause to question the conscription methods of the Order, the lack of care it had for his fellow troopers and a growing hate for how twisted the Order was compared to what it claimed it had set out to do. Hadrix became disillusioned with the Cause that he had been raised to uphold above all others. Friends disappeared, were thrown into a meat grinder to serve personal grudges or individual pursuits instead of being utilized to further the Order's supposed goal of establishing actual Order in the galaxy. After a long personal struggle with this twisting of the use that he and his brethren were meant for. His departure from the First Order, through loop holes and assistance from a man considered brother over friend, landed him out and alone in the galaxy - looking for his place before he discovered his actual purpose.
Swept up under the ideals of Mandalorians, having been a long time ally of Sumi Kora the century old warrior brought Hadrix into the fold of her clan and helped him understand the culture better than he had during study while part of the order. Rising up to be named Al'Verde, Commander, of clan Kora - Sumi's right hand. Plan Besh, The Boar-Wolf of Ealor, the warrior that is now Hadrix Kora marches like a reborn warlord of old stories. Leading the clan in the field under the direction of his Clan Alor - seeking his glory while combating many of the injustices he once perpetrated under different banner.
Character Info
Raised in Creche Aurek, Subgroup Osk, one of the Order's particularly brutal training creches for Stormtroopers, Hadrix was brought up from infancy to be an unfeeling killing machine, and as such had been likened to a leashed animal by many. Life outside of the Stormtrooper Corps had allowed an expansion of views, and the passion for combat has also been turned towards art and life experience. Having not been allowed to before, he gained an affection for simple and complex beauties ranging from simply observing rainstorms or a good nerf burger to some of the most elaborate symphonic, or operatic, compositions of the core.
But there is still violence in him, a true berserker who has learned to tightly control his battle lust for when he most needs it. Hadrix seeks to balance the love of combat that boils beneath the surface, trying to be a man and not a beast waiting to be set loose. The friends and family met and earned outside of the First Order, during his time with the Vanguard and following his resignation from the Order, have become the temperance to the constant rage that boils around him, hungering to be let loose in a display of directed violence.
Now a member of Clan Kora of the Mandalorians, the further emphasis on honor, structure and family is a hope to help temper him into being, what he feels, will be a more normal human being - even if he is still called to by the urge to war.
Name | Opinions |
Narsai Ordo | The first Mandalorian he'd met, the first to discuss things with him. Equal in much of his thoughts to Sumi, but for vastly different reasons. CLoser than they had expected, but not unwantedly - and happy to march side by side with her. 'Ni ratiin taabir'norac at'gar' |
Sumi Kora | Mandalorian clan leader, friend, and adopter when Hadrix left his old 'family'. Like another he once knew, they are mirrors of one another. A deadly pairing upon the battlefield. |
Emma Starflare | A good friend from the old days. A person who has been looked up to for many reasons and continues to be so. |
Zee'Roh Kora | Sister and clan mate. Aloof and often confrontational; Hadrix met her (and subsequently beat her in a fist fight) when she spat on his armor, before he was Mando'ade. |
Kirioth Kora | Vod and battle partner. Like Hadrix she is often one of the first in and one of the last out. Trusted beyond measure. |
Aryn Cole | Friend, battle sister. Jetii but not an insufferable one and a healer of mind and body. A debt owed that may never be repaid. |
VA: Cate Blanchett | Arguably his best friend, and currently longest surviving friend. A droid that has chosen to remain with Hadrix, despite her freedom. Often serving as a voice of contention to whatever hair brained idea has crept up on the big man this time. |
RP Hooks
A Night Out - Sometimes bar RP is fun, sometimes it leads to a brawl, a debate, philosophical argument, or riding the mechanical nerf at the Blue Light.Mean Mentor - Hadrix has been asked by some for combat training, it gets him out and about, and sometimes its just fun to make acquaintances via RP.
Explosions and Blasters - Hadrix lives for combat, maybe it was the intention, and maybe it just breaks out. KABOOM!!!
Food Hadrix spends a lot of time in PT - when he gets out he often is hungry... very hungry, and is rarely polite in his table manners. Come, eat with him, they will sing legends of the mass consumption!
Cats Hadrix loves Loth Cats. Who knew?
Gladiator Pits Hadrix has been known to fight in a few.
Born on Coruscant, to Family Rol - an aristocratic bloodline steeped money made in off-world vinyards, textiles, and argriculture farms. Astute and seeking the favor of the First Order, while publicly backing the Republic to hedge their bets, they allowed their child to be taken for Stormtrooper training from the hospital nursery as a conscript to the First Order. He was provided no name by his family, nor any affection.
AO-904 was the only name he ever knew himself by, and would have for the first decades of his life. Part of Creche - Aurek, Subgroup Osk, he was the 904th member of a total training group of 1200. 904 learned quickly, adapted quicker, and was dedicated to proving himself as soon as the very concept of doing so awakened in the child's mind. Often, jeeringly, questioned by his instructors if he was 'Too stupid to fail'.
By age 10 he was part of combat active training cadres, serving on live fire operations with other trainees under the guidance of graduated troopers. Intended to be at the back, tending to menial tasks while wearing basic protective plating, 904 had earned both commendation and reprimand for claiming the weapon of a fallen trooper and joining in with cover fire or barrage fire operations - shooting from barricades or available earthworks.
A killer by his twelfth birthday, 904 graduated into the Stormtrooper corps at fifteen years of age, and survived multiple marine actions during his initial tours. Renowned for being inordinately hard headed, and just as hard to kill, he was not put up for leadership positions due to his field beserkergang behavior- a mental trait that Stormtrooper command came to recognize of surviving graduates of Creche - Aurek, Subgroup Osk.
A survivor of multiple battlefields, the death of Starkiller Base was the most jarring to 904. Having been on the surface only minutes before the destruction, when the base had begun to fall, 904 knew only his duty.
Ten times, during the evacuation he volunteered to go into the thick of the destruction to retrieve First Order command staff not accounted for.
Evading growing fissures and risking life and limb to retrieve priority staff. Armor, and the man beneath it, growing more damaged with each officer retrieved. Helmet lost when it was caught between rubble that would have otherwise crushed a naked head he utilized all of his equipment to do his duty, to serve. In the end, power packs gone having been used to breach fused doors, rifle gone to brace open a hatch, and one sleeve of armor torn loose in another that had slammed on it, he lept aboard one of the last shuttles with an intelligence commander over one shoulder, and a host of officers herded ahead of him.
Soon after he received orders regarding assignment to The Vanguard.
An Illustrious Career
Within the bounds of the Vanguard, Hadrix was tested and failed often in his first weeks. A berserker, a warhound designed to rush the line and be the tip of the spear - his grasp of tactics was sound but his ability to apply them properly lacked and a number of operations ended in firefights because he could restrain himself. Looked down on by others, though members of the squadron and Knights of Ren attempted to reach out and finally managed to get word past the rage that coated his thoughts. He was coaxed to go out into the world, where he discovered spiced foods, drink, and camaraderie. His normal brutal aggression had no place, and was becoming a detriment to him when he was brought on more covert operation missions.Under guidance he began observing himself, his duty. Hadrix began forming into a leader of soldiers as well as a battlefield force. He was unwilling to let others go where he was unwilling. He was unwilling to act as a simple pawn, but as an active contributor to the cause he was championing. With familiarity there came friendship, but Hadrix noted the reluctance of his adopted brothers and sisters to embrace the freedoms that the Vanguard allotted him. He developed tastes of music and theater, clothing other than uniforms and armor. He developed a passion for his squad mates and an affection that made him worry any time there was injury. Every time one of his squad members disappeared there was pain and rage. The lack of knowing. The denial of inquiries threatening madness. He began to reevaluate again.
With that came understanding what he was doing. Pacifying people who didn't want the Order controlling space around their planet. Destroying when others did not want to be controlled. It all began to weigh on his mind. He second guessed his place and purpose. He questioned the ideals held by The Supreme Leader. Acquiring conscripts.
He began to second guess himself, and when the Supreme Leader's missions turned from The Cause he began to look for a way out. If he would have to fake his own death. If he would simply have to run. He had to get out, before he disappeared too.
The Death of AO-904
As Hadrix sought for ways to get out and make his own life of things he also made more friends, though they never knew his intentions. One was a bounty hunter and member of the clan Ryder by the name of Sumi. Bonding over a love of weapons and violence, there was banter about how he was in the wrong profession which led the man to study these people who appeared to relish combat as much as he did.As he drew closer to the point in time he expected he would need to make his move the idea of joining a warrior culture appealed. Some questioned him giving up one suit of armor for the next - but this time he would be able to choose if he'd join a mission. He could say no when ordered to kill.
He could be free.
He could have what many civilians thought they had. What many who were enslaved to day to day operations, freighter operation, regular jobs, thought they had. He studied more, he investigated - and something clicked as he had been told when he joined the Vanguard; He wasn't a Stormtrooper any more. by the words of Ren, his friend Oran, and other former Stormtroopers brought into the Vanguard before him. He was a soldier in The First Order. He was a commando, a ghost, a special operations soldier. Special Forces were not Stormtroopers.
Special Forces could resign.
O'r'tracyn Gotal’ur'Mando'ade
In fire, created a Mandalorian. Able to think, able to consider the terrors he has helped propogate; Hadrix began to crack - suffering from emotional and nervous breakdowns as the ramifications of his zealotry revealed the monster he was made and strove to cease being. Sumi of Kora found him and brought him into the folds of the Mandalorians. Gave him purpose and a place beyond being a weapon. Zee'Roh, Sumi and Ca'tra introduced him to a way of life that embraced his passion and sentimentality. Threw him into the caldera and reforged him as a being that warred for his own intentions. Battled for something beyond a mad man's power games.
Gave him a family to defend and honor.
Since then he has risen to prominence among his new people. Told by his clan leader that "He had always been a Mandalorian - he just hadn't known it."
Warlord. Barbarian. War Machine. Brother. All names he has been given, that describe him and while Husband was a title he'd lost; from the ashes of that came a new name: Father. Sire to Kar'Tracyn Kora - his beloved son and chance to do something better than had been done to him. The young half-echani child, son to Lozen Valarin, has been often described as an icon of hope for the man who has had regular struggles with identity and past. Learning to let go of all the things done by his hand, to embrace the Mandalorian tradition of cin vhetin - The Fresh Start. Small steps are taken, more is cast behind him and more the beast who had been only numbers before is slowly becoming a man.
In his time since joining his paths have crossed over and twisted around, from the separation from the woman who helped him discover his humanity to his place as Al'Verde to Clan Kora, Sumi's right hand. A figure that has become a prominent field tactician and quiet figure watching after the safety of his newfound family.
Oozlevort waddles out of the weapon shop with his security droid in tow. He pauses to take a deep breath of ammonia from his breathing mask
-(OOC)- Kasia Ashkuri says, "There you go again, with that ammonia addiction of yours. Oozlevort, you need help!"
-(OOC)- Hadrix says, "Crazy bug is huffin' the A! Intervention!"
-(OOC)- Oozlevort says, "ITS THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE"
-(OOC)- Kasia Ashkuri says, "INTERVENTION TIME"
<First Order-OOC> Hadrix says, "Willpower is to resist the urge to stop killing"
<First Order-OOC> Ciferni says, "?"
<First Order-OOC> Ciferni says, "????"
<First Order-OOC> Hadrix says, "Hadrix! Hadrix! You've killed enough" willpower check "NO! KILL MORE!!!"
<First Order-OOC> Ciferni says, "I'm just going to shoot you."
<First Order-OOC> Hadrix XD
-(OOC)- Oran Arcantael says, "TF you bought a bow for, lol"
-(OOC)- Avery says, "also, apparently I'm nimbly pimbly"
-(OOC)- Drath says, "SHUT UP ORAN."
-(OOC)- Oran Arcantael says, "lolol"
-(OOC)- Drath says, "Like you haven't made stupid impulse purchases before!"
-(OOC)- Oran Arcantael says, "Does it use primitive?"
-(OOC)- Hadrix says, "Projectile I believe"
-(OOC)- Drath says, "Primitive."
-(OOC)- Oran Arcantael says, "Do you have primitive?"
-(OOC)- Drath says, "No xD"
-(OOC)- Duke says, "Good thing that every bit of technology in the Galaxy doesn't outclass a bow and arrow in every way."
-(OOC)- Duke says, "SOLID PURCHASE"
-(OOC)- Saturi says, "Oh. Angry mobs."
-(OOC)- Drath says, "They're mostly dead now, it's fine."
-(OOC)- Hadrix Kora rides on a speeder past Oozle, kicks him "Outta the way PECK!"
-(OOC)- Oozlevort says, "Hadmartigan, you ARE great"
»« You successfully colored W.K. Bowcaster - 6932 to GRIP Golden Shine.
»« You successfully colored W.K. Bowcaster - 6932 to LIMBS Golden Shine.
»« You successfully colored W.K. Bowcaster - 6932 to STRING Golden Shine.
Seconds Later
Ace Merrill (0) pages: HE HAS A POWERFUL WEAPON...
Ace Merrill (0) pages: HE CHARGES A MILLION A SHOT
Ace Merrill (0) pages: An Assassin... that's second to none...
From afar, Hapvarnna (firebug) chants prayers, annoints you in SACRAMENTAL OIL.
You paged Hapvarnna with 'This is just 10W-30...'
Hapvarnna (firebug) pages: HOLY. SACRAMENTAL. OILS.
Hapvarnna (firebug) pages: ...that leave a great shine, and that scent? My. The Manda-Women will be all over thee.
You paged Hapvarnna with 'This is MOTOR OIL'
Hapvarnna (firebug) pages: SIPHONED WITH LOVE.
You paged Hapvarnna with 'I'M ALL SLIPPERY'
Hapvarnna (firebug) pages: YES. The bullets and beams will sliiiiiiide off.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
The Yeti shouts, "Who has been here since Oct 2019 and gotten injured a lot."
(:Public:) Sar Yavok (Sar) burps.
(:Public:) Valeska Kora (Val) says, "What a question."
(:Public:) The Yeti (,) says, "You call that a lot? amateur hour"
(:Public:) Kasia Ashkuri (k) says, "Define a lot."
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
The Yeti shouts, "More than 14 times"
(:Public:) Valeska Kora (Val) says, "I've been here only six months and I'm pretty sure I've been injured more than 14 times."
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "I dunno, who is it?"
(:Public:) Cujo (C) says, "I bet Hadrix."
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "He's been here longer than that"
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "I think"
(:Public:) Kasia Ashkuri (k) says, "He seems like a safe bet."
(:Public:) The Yeti (,) says, "Jesus christ"
(:Public:) The Yeti (,) says, "How are you still alive Hadrix"
(:Public:) Kasia Ashkuri (k) says, "Also Sumi"
(:Public:) Valeska Kora (Val) says, "Lol!"
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "lol"
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "Okay I'm wrong"
(:Public:) Rook (ery) XD
(:Public:) Cujo (C) says, "He's at EVERY combat scene"
(:Public:) Sar Yavok (Sar) looks up how long he's been here, dies a little more inside.
(:Public:) Cujo (C) says, "there's no way he's not living swiss cheese"
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "'Living'"
(:Public:) Valeska Kora (Val) says, "He's ICly swiss cheese with metal filling in the holes."
(:Public:) Rook (ery) says, "Loose terminology."
(:Public:) Rishla (Rish) says, "Hadrix sounds TOUGH."
(:Public:) The Yeti (,) says, "65 injuries in 2 years"
(:Public:) Valeska Kora (Val) says, "Yeah... I'd believe that."
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) says, "You know those thought experiments about how if you change someone a little bit at a time, do they ever stop being themselves?"
(:Public:) Hadrix Kora (Had) says, "Me?"
(:Public:) Kasia Ashkuri (k) says, "Is that all?"
(:Public:) Tarq Najjic (T) say, "Hadrix is our experiment in that regard. Eventually it's all metal, but he still smokes cigars, so...."
(:Public:) The Yeti (,) says, "Yes, you"
(:Public:) Nerys Greystorm (Nerys) says, "The Ship of Theseus?"
(:Public:) Hadrix Kora (Had) says, "Well damn"
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
The Yeti shouts, "It was Hadrix, thanks for playing."
(:Public:) Cujo (C) says, "I was right!"