LegendsLog:Troubling Trandosha Part 2

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Troubling Trandosha Pt 2

OOC Date: April 14, 2019 (Optional)
Location: Trandosha
Participants: Brianna Kae (GM), Lord Ruzu, Sedra Sunfell, Jos'mi Bravin

It's late evening time, and it's the tail end of a huge village battle. Two people, a man and woman, heave with struggling breaths, as they run back to their encampment with the weight of failure on their shoulders. Several times, along their way back to camp, they stopped to listen because they thought that maybe, they were being followed. With nothing but nature revealing its face, the pair continue on.

It's about a half-hour's travel to the camp, and when they arrive, their voices stir activity. "We've lost! The battle is over. Their warriors.. too much!" This isn't in front of their grand leader but the first patrol they came to.

They're taken back to the heart of the camp, escorted to the long house where their leader awaits the report. The canvas doors are held open and both are pushed in. This is what awaits them...

The light fading heavily by the time they arrive and the small campfires and torches around the perimeter are kept at a minimum to help with adjustment for eye sight for those who are scouting the perimeter. Those outside the quickly erected hut of hides and saplings bent over themselves are abuzz suddenly with the news, speaking in hushed tones in the red light of sunset. There are those already rising and discussing their view on what the next course of action should be. The cadence of the natural life around them silences suddenly while their conversation continues. But even that begins to die in a rushed hush as the tall figure of a woman stands in the threshold of that the hutt, flanked by two others. Green eyes are rimmed in a ragged markings of black that give her a sinister appearance as she strides forward.

The two survivors are given full attention before she says one word. "Speak." It is hushed but gifted like a command. The tension in the air that bleeds the very wind from the trees seems to cocoon the encampment with a preternatural energy.

Those who were speaking have backed up a pace or two and many have lowered their eyes in Sunfell's mere presence.

The two that fled the battle are injured. Each struck harshly with something cylindrical in shape. They fall to their knees before her, groveling at her presence and the weight of the authority that carries in her voice. "The battle is lost, my lord. We could not take the village as you commanded." The man (Daos Klakk) says. The woman, Delara, speaks up then. "They had great warriors with light swords who cut our warriors down. We injured some, but they were too skilled. There was little that could be done!"

There's a sound over the forest akin to the scream of an Imperial engine.

Footsteps slowly close that distance between herself and her messengers as the woman remains quiet though her eyes narrow after a brief moment. Sunfell's attention is for the horizon from which they fled, a slow breath drawn that makes her shoulders rise and set back. It is a deft motion as her hand lifts, nails set with dirt and grime as a tender touch is offered the man as she turns his head up with two fingers to his chin. Without a glance down to him she sets her hand upon the top of Delara's head, nesting her fingers into the thick wild hair a moment. "Prepare to move. Our enemy must not catch us unaware. You have both failed me. There is a price for failure, a balance to be kept." The form of the Daos Klakk begins to suddenly spasm and grab at his head as those two finger keep contact until he jerks away and falls backwards, screaming in agony as he rolls upon the ground. Delara shakes beneath the gentle pet to her head that follows before Sunfell turns. The oppressive feeling in the air remains. "We have visitors..."

The sound of the engine is enough for her to reach for the scuffed and darkened saber t her side and pulls it free from the clip that holds it at her right hip. It remains just that, a piece of metal in her hand as she faces the direction the sound of the engine originates from.

Outside, a Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor roars across the top of the treeline, making its way to the site of this camp that houses a potential source of these echoes of the dark side near it. Aboard the starship numerous life signatures can be felt, all manning their stations, and none of them echoing anymore than normal soldiers usually do within the force. The ship slows to a stop above a firmer clearing outside of the camp's boundaries, setting down with a whoosh and buffering of repulsors upon the swampland below. Systems powering down, the back ramp descends, and out march a squad of silver enclosed Sith soldiers, metal encased boots meeting the ramp with heavy thuds just before the sounds turn to a squish as they descend further.

From behind this squad of soldiers marches a figure, wreathed in the black robes of the Sith with a lightsaber clipped to his belt. Lord Ruzu has arrived, a breath filtering mask firmly in place over the bottom half of his face and his hood turned up to guard his ashen skin from the light above it. Fanning out from the ramp, the soldiers ensure a proper front in case they're walking into a hostile situation, as Ruzu comments through a modulated voice behind them with a hiss of the Rattataki voice. "I sense sixty sentients here. We will be cautious." he advises the soldiers, as well as the apprentice with him.

Outside, a Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor roars across the top of the treeline, making its way to the site of this camp that houses a potential source of these echoes of the dark side near it. Aboard the starship numerous life signatures can be felt, all manning their stations, and none of them echoing anymore than normal soldiers usually do within the force. The ship slows to a stop above a firmer clearing outside of the camp's boundaries, setting down with a whoosh and buffering of repulsors upon the swampland below. Systems powering down, the back ramp descends, and out march a squad of silver enclosed Sith soldiers, metal encased boots meeting the ramp with heavy thuds just before the sounds turn to a squish as they descend further.

From behind this squad of soldiers marches a figure, wreathed in the black robes of the Sith with a lightsaber clipped to his belt. Lord Ruzu has arrived, a breath filtering mask firmly in place over the bottom half of his face and his hood turned up to guard his ashen skin from the light above it. Fanning out from the ramp, the soldiers ensure a proper front in case they're walking into a hostile situation, as Ruzu comments through a modulated voice behind them with a hiss of the Rattataki voice. "I sense sixty sentients here. We will be cautious." he advises the soldiers, as well as the apprentice with him. (re)

Beside the Rattataki walks another figure in dark robes. The red is so dark that it's nearly black, the hood pulled forward to nearly obscure her face. Pale is her skin and yellow is her hair, the long scars upon her left cheek barely visible when the light falls just so. Human, and a woman as well, Jos'mi is tall.

She remains at his side, allowing the soldiers to fan out first. That is THEIR place; she is in hers. "Yes, Master." she replies in a soft voice. Hands draw out of her robes, a metal lightsaber cylinder held in the left. Unlit, at least for the moment.

Daos falls to the ground screaming in agony as pain filters down through his nerves from his very mind. Pulsating stabs of invisible knives find every single pressure point and soft, sensitive part of his flesh, and continuously stab over and over until all he can do is tremble and scream. Delara is left to watch, the absence of warmth upon her scalp indicative of the vacated hand of their Lord leaving her.

The soldiers that pour from this vessel are distinctive warriors in black armor and helmets. They carry large blasters and bear the emblem of the Empire in red across their chest. In the moonlight of night, god rays of eerie white cast down over the ship, soldiers, and now Sith. Both Lord Ruzu and Jos spot the figure at the heart of the camp which is the source of the screaming. Patrols of natives have stopped in fear, uncertain if they should attack the alien device and its people or flee into the woods and allow their Lord Sunfell handle it.

The massive ship is something that freeze her collective encampment but does nothing to Sedra. A step forward is taken and then another as she stands still on the raised earth that keeps the camp free of the soggy ground and occasional sinkhole that is hidden in plain sight. Death can be one footstep away for the unwary or the unready. The natural life remains quiet as she stands at the fore and says to her assembled. "Remain." Sunfell does not mince words and those dark smudged decorations around her eyes cause the whites of them to stand out in the moon light.

She stills and the wind does not dare to breathe as the saber at her side, gripped in her left hand does not move.

But there are other forces at work and instead of close the distance physically, Sunfell reaches out with suspicions.

His saber left conspicuously at his side, Lord Ruzu gazes out with reddish tinted green eyes at the encampment at the natives trempling in fear at the arrival of such a force. This particular detail taken in, he begins to stride forth, an ungloved hand moving out to motion to the sentients around them. "See how they cower in fear, Acolyte. Let it give you strength." This said over the modulator with a hiss of his true voice, Ruzu continues forward, stepping past the troopers. They naturally form up in a wedge in his wake, the group making their way through the encampment. "I sense one of our own. You may put away your weapon, Acolyte."

He doesn't stop, and unless the fearful natives get in his way he'll simply approach the center of them, to that tent, at which he'll come to a halt and call out, "Darth Sedra, we assumed you dead. How nice to see you have merely been on vacation honing your skill." It's a joke, a Sith joke. They're usually barbed aren't they?

His saber left conspicuously at his side, Lord Ruzu gazes out with reddish tinted green eyes at the encampment at the natives trempling in fear at the arrival of such a force. This particular detail taken in, he begins to stride forth, an ungloved hand moving out to motion to the sentients around them. "See how they cower in fear, Acolyte. Let it give you strength." This said over the modulator with a hiss of his true voice, Ruzu continues forward, stepping past the troopers. They naturally form up in a wedge in his wake, the group making their way through the encampment. "I sense one of our own. You may put away your weapon, Acolyte."

He doesn't stop, and unless the fearful natives get in his way he'll simply approach the center of them, to that tent, at which he'll come to a halt and speak to Sedra herself, "Darth Sedra, we assumed you dead. How nice to see you have merely been on vacation honing your skill." It's a joke, a Sith joke. They're usually barbed aren't they? (re)

Jos'mi remains at his side, on the left, her own saber held casually in her grasp. Blue eyes gaze from beneath the hood, her long strides matching his as she looks around at the natives. Nostrils flare, as if breathing in the sense of their fear. "It is... delicious." she murmurs. And for all that, there is little doubt to the most casual observer that she is guarding his flank.

Jos'mi pauses when he does, and at his words the lightsaber disappears within her robes once more. The Apprentice knows her place, and if the Sith Lord chooses to step forward without her he obviously doesn't require her assistance. The tall blonde waits.

Sedra holds her high ground even as the shorter Ruzu stands before her speaking to her in such a familiar way. Finally the air starts to move again and she draws a deep breath while dark waves of hair shift about her face. "Ruzu." is all she says. A woman of few words she lifts her chin and steps closer to him. "Brother. You gave up on me. Too busy parading around with your soldiers." It is all she says before slowly hooking her saber back in place upon her right hip.

About to speak again she holds still and turns her head. The heart of something. The power. It pulses and calls and once more she looks to the natives. "Prepare, now. We have allies," allies is said as she glances to Ruzu and then past him before turning about. "You sense it. I know you do. It has eluded me for too long."

"There is a war, Sister." is all Lord Ruzu has to say about her thoughts of abandonment. He's arrived now, after all, and the Sith aren't overly fond of personal 'weakness' in the first place. Regardless, he gazes back at her as she gazes at him, and after a moment that pulse of power distracts him.

Turning back to the soldiers present, he raises an ashed white hand towards the one in command. "Set up a perimeter, and scout the surroundings. There are Jedi here, we cannot allow them to disrupt us before we have retrieved our objective." Not Sudra, apparently. Sudra is an added bonus! "Acolyte, have you ever fought Jedi before?" The tone implies she may be able to quite soon, after all. Especially with that he just told those soldiers. "We are here to retrieve the artifact, Sister. Perhaps we will get to sate our blades along the way."

The tall Apprentice pauses, tilting her head beneath the wide hood. She is at some distance behind the two Lords, back with the soldiers. Their conversation is not for her.

"I sense something as well." she offers softly, even though she was not addressed. Fortune often favors the bold, when it comes to Sith Apprentices. Then again, it's also a profession with a high mortality rate.

Jos'mi draws back her hood, then, showing features that would be quite comely were it not for the scars. She smiles, and it's not a pleasant expression. "I have not had the pleasure of killing Jedi, Master. Not yet." And she looks pleased with the prospect.

The search is underway, and it goes on for hours. When the morning light is just cresting the horizon and rays of sun shine through the trees and tall canopy of leaves above, the Imperial troops report back, saying they've found a cave near a large swamp.

In traveling to it, they find that the cave is well concealed against the roots of a mountain. Tall, swampy looking trees conceal much of the entrance. There is life inside the cave, deep within it, and the presence of the Force practically pulsates from this spot. Whispers travel upon the breeze, and they can feel an overwhelming presence, twisting their stomach and making their skin crawl, detecting emotions of intense anger and desparation.

The acolyte gets a look for her comment but nothing is said or shared by Sunfell. She has sent her native minions to ready for an attack while the sith begin their search. Ire and frustration become friends just below the surface of her skin with how long it takes them to arrive at the mouth of a cave that finally appears promising. The sensations that roll free of the mouth of the cave cause Sedra to smirk, her green eyes rimmed in the dark outlines of warrior like markings glance aside at Ruzu and the acolyte. "Anger...desperation..." she intones, vocalizing the emotions that crawl along her skin before she steps into the cave without hesitation. Her gaze narrows as she treads the unknown path for what awaits them.

They must be quick what with Jedi likely ready to hound them with the full light of day.

Lord Ruzu, for all his skills as a huntsman and warrior, is unable to properly locate the source of their search. It's not wonder this location has eluded Sedra for so long. It's at long last that they come to the source of their search, however, found not by the Lords or the Acolyte, but by their rather mundane soldiers. How humbling. "This place, it hides itself within the mash. Making itself widely known, but never so much as to draw one to its proper place." This said with some tone of admiration from the hissing modulator, the Rattataki draws his lightsaber, holding the blade off to the side without switching it on as he follows Sedra into the cave itself. "You will remain." is told of the soldiers themselves. It's best that they stay out of the affairs of their betters.

Jos'mi follows along with the others to the cave, senses extended but showing nothing for all her efforts. It is the soldiers, crashing around in the underbrush, find what they seek. A paradox? Dumb luck? Or something else?

Still, when the Sith Lords enter without hesitation, the soldiers are left to remain outside. And the Apprentice follows her elders in the Arts. Hood back, her own crimson weapon is ignited and she gives the jungle one last survey before stepping inside.

The cave isn't large at first, the opening is barely big enough to allow one person by at a time. This passage stays narrow until they are through to the first/main cavern corridor. It is steep, leading down with bits of light coming from above. The whistling of wind is heard, whipping by them to the exit, and that feeling of dread increases.

The further they go down, the darker and more impressive the feelings they experience. Emotions, in their rawest form, touch their minds. The sound of laughter follows, sudden and piercing, and further within the cave.

When it seems like they could not go any further /down/ they find that the solid of ground is replaced by waist deep water. It's a massive cavern too, and sounds do not travel very well here. It's dark, very dark, and without light, or their ability to use the force, it becomes impossible to navigate.

To make matters worse, something massive breaths here. Each breath it takes triggers the exit of oxygen, like they experienced when they first stepped into the cavern. The ground trembles slightly, and water splashes far ahead.

The force ripples outwards, seeking to know what lives if at all. <<We are not alone>> this is offered not vocally but through the inner voice delivered to each through telepathy from Sunfell. She steps forward, careful with how she moves as her saber is drawn from her hip and the force fails to help with her senses. She is for all intents and purposes - blind. Tension coils up through her form and settles into her shoulders as she readies her saber yet to be activated. <<Ruzu, I am going right.>> Her voice is clear through that connection as she starts forward, one foot over the other and hunched into readiness, making herself smaller and using careful steps in the water to try to make her presence harder to discern.

They can't see, this deep down. It's something of an issue when one isn't exactly trained on the ability to sense outward with the force without the sense of sight. As such, Lord Ruzu decides it's time to make use of the readily available source of light - hish lightsaber. His gaze shifting into the infrared spectrum, bringing a yellowish tinge to his eyes, the blade of his saber activates with a hiss, illuminating his surroundings in red light. It's somewhat difficult to sneak around when you have no idea where exactly you are, after all. "Be prepared." is the only advice he has for the Acolyte at his side as he strides forward through the waist deep water.

A moment after Ruzu's lightsaber ignites, Jos'mi switches on her own. With Darth Sedra going right, the Apprentice remains to the left of Lord Ruzu. No words, but her hood is back as she slogs slowly through the chill water. Jos'mi nods to Ruzu. Ready. Had she been alone, Jos'mi might have chosen to remain hidden in her exploration. But it's too late for such subtleties now. The moment those lightsabers came to life, a laugh filled the chamber and blue fire ignited across the way. It fills the far end of the chamber until it becomes clear that the new source of light was intended as a spectator's view. The laughing comes from an apparition, that seats itself in the central chair. What it's wearing is not clear, but its presence is undeniably powerful in the force.

Below, the massive thing in the water, is a spiked creature that stands over 20ft tall with massive arms and torso. It is a Terentatek, and its eyes cycle until a glowing pair of red lock onto the three Sith, and its mouth opens to roar. The sound is deafening, and is followed by the apparition's laughter. "Survive, or diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee! Muahahahahaaa!"

Lord Ruzu does not halt in his approach. The sudden blue light across the way causes him to narrow his gaze slightly, but he strides, even waist deep in water, with a gait of extreme confidence. The beast serves to be faster than him, true, but speed isn't always everything. Not when your enemy is as clumsy as this thing happens to be. Stepping back and out of the way of its wild swing his direction, and doing little to assist the Acolyte in the aggrivation it's showing her, he waits for an exacting moment.

It comes soon enough, as Ruzu steps forward, slashing his lightsaber across the chest of the Terentatek. The upward swing is followed once more with another downward one, severing part of its arm just before he spins, burying the lightsaber hilt deep into its back and sending it face first into the waiting waters below in its death throes. He continues forward, a sizzling spark emitting from the back of the creature as the saber is removed and held back at the ready. "It is time to die, you who linger here."

Jos'mi is prepared, as advised, when the huge Terentatek lunges... attacking both her and Lord Ruzu. And even though they were expecting trouble, the attack caused her to hesitate. It was long enough for Lord Ruzu to evicerate the beast. He continues forward and she continues watching his flank. After all, if the Sith Lord wishes to kill something who is she to deprive him of the pleasure?

As Ruzu deals with the Terentatek her saber remains in hand but yet to be lit as she stalks forward, her dark outlined eyes set upon the figure ahead. She strides forward, hearing the passing of a saber to cleave through the flesh of the beast. Only after it falls does her saber snap to life with a flick of her arm outwards, holding it parallel to the ground as she continues stalking forward through the water. She is ignored for her efforts that others can not hear and so she turns her had to regard Ruzu and the acolyte who has no name and is not one she cares about at present. <>

This is likely not over as she turns about and begins searching for another section or tunnel to explore - just in case. The blade of her saber is held back to spare her eyes.

What's odd is the death of the Teretatek does not render a dead body, its form simply vanishes in smoke of purple haze and fog. The apparition begins to laugh and raises his hands, palms skyward. "Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood." He says, his voice sounding inhuman and frightening. "Prepare yourselves once moooooore.." The ground shakes, and the lingering haze and mists create three more Terentateks! They all roar and begin to run toward the Sith. Two rush Lord Ruzu, and the other is closing toward Lord Sedra. Thundering steps and splashing water is the overwhelming noise aside from their roars!

The red brilliance of her saber bites an sears through the air as Sunfell faces off with the barreling creature that heads straight for her. The first strike is accompanied by a whirling turn that keeps her out of its range and causes it to turn. The next is low and dips beneath the to slice upwards with a flare and a cry of primal rage. Dark hair falls in her face and as the blade of her saber burns red it dips within the body, the smell of burning flesh beginning to permeate the immediate air she breathes. A grin passes over her lips on when that overly strong front appendage comes careening through the air at her. Her saber is dropped and deactivates as she hits the far wall with a heavy crunch.

Sedra grunts, feeling her vision blur as she falls face forward into the water with a resounding splash and begins to sink. Darkness off a more final sort starts to filter in around the edges of her eyes. For all intents and purposes Sedra looks to be drowning if she is not dead already. The woman sudden snaps up, dragging in an audible breath as her hair lays slicked against her cheeks and neck. Her hand outstretches and she growls at the beast, still disoriented the saber flies back into her hand with a snap and screech it ignites to illuminate the area and her bull like foe. Hissing through her teeth she rushes forward and though only one of her strikes hit she lets out a primal sound in response.

The battle is joined by ever more creatures, and Lord Ruzu scoffs beneath his mask at the sight of them. "Apparitions?" he asks incredulously. "This must be some sort of test." That decided on, he charges at the Terentatek that approach him, a roar emitting from behind that modulating filter of a mask that he's decided to wear while on this world. These are larger, more dangerous, but he directs his fury upon the one closest to him. His lightsaber whirs, appearing almost as a single arc of red light as it slices through the first Terentatek.

It's not idle, of course, a claw swiping into his midsection and causing a grunt of pain and anger to escape the Sith. Red begins to tinge his vision, the green being replaced by it that radiates out into a yellowish color. If the Jedi couldn't sense the dark side presence here before, they can at this very moment. "Die!" he roars, the Lord leaping and carrying his blade across the Terentatek's chest, landing with a slash on the other side as the apparition is given a long cut from the stomach to the mid back. His saber tugged from the creature, it's then used to slash at the other attacking him, the fury only building from his wounds.

Lord Ruzu is relentless in his assault of the remaining Terentatek, the Sith sidestepping and dodging beneath another swing as it comes. They're large, and they're slower, and they're likely going to be dead because of it. With yet another roar of hatred and pain coursing from him, he brings that blade up, removing the creature's arm. Another slash goes across its chest, opening up some of that thick hide just before he tilts the blade, plunging it deeply through the opening in the chest and into the torso of the creature. It burns, fizzling against the outside of its soon to be corpse. The other has dissipated, of course, but he can enjoy the smell of burning, lightsaber scored flesh while it lasts.

The pain and near death experience has left Sunfell in a rage and as her saber movements become more erratic she growls like some beast risen. Her eyes are a storm and the green appears near black in the lack of light as she drips sodden and wet. The sizzle of her saber sounds out as she allows it to dip into the water and steam rises like some ominous cloud that begins to thicken as she reaches her right hand out and the force ripples through her like a lover bid near. She gifts her teeth and her fingers go ridged as the power manifests itself first as light crackles of lightning arcing from raised hair to raised hair upon her arm. It begins to throw flicker shadows and plays of light across her face.

The sound sizzles with the squelching screech of her saber dunked in the water. Out she thrusts her hand to propel the lightening towards her target. A cry escapes her, a satisfied sound that echoes off the wall and accompanies the sizzling screech of the force made lightning that leaves the beast smoking and motionless.

Lord Ruzu /twists/ the grip of his lightsaber inside the Terentatek, no doubt causing all sorts of discomfort for the creature. Though perhaps not, it's not exactly a truly living being. Regardless, he sidesteps the clumsy attempt at disloding him, and with one great, heavy push he shoves the lightsaber sideways, exiting to the side of the body with a mist of whatever is inside of them as a deep wound is caused halfway across its body. It slumps, dissipating into mist as his blade sizzles and hisses with the leftovers upon it before they too dissipate into mist. Turning his somewhat glowing red and yellow gaze to the apparition, he starts through the water in that direction, his pace strong and direct.

As the creature collapses with a splash, Sunfell turns about, lifting her blade into the air as it flickers to full strength. Even as watches Ruzu claim his second victim she is still charged, little blue sparks here and there along her arm and at the edges of her wet hair. They throw her features into small moments of relief until it begins to fade and she approaches him. The soft splash of water is loud after the encounter and she looks up to towards the apparition as both the lords are painted in red light, made to look dark and sinister in the hue that radiates from their sabers. "Be done with this masquerade!" She says with a hiss - her first audible demand since they entered.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! GOOD! Now, you face my council. Hahaha!" The Apparition raises his hands and the ground begins to shake. Mist waver all around the Sith Lords, purple and hazy. The unmistakable sound of snap-hiss activation of lightsabers follow. And from the mists step 6 shades of former warriors holding blinding red Lightsabers. Their images become clearer, each is human like with glowing purple eyes, and rage is within their expressions. Three trudge through the water, closing the distance toward Lord Sunfell, the other three move toward Lord Ruzu.

There is a sudden laugh from Sunfell that echoes off the walls as the apparition calls its council with their glowing sabers. "This is what you send us!" She cries out in something near a maniac response but those eyes. They are dangerous and utterly focused on the incoming three dance partners. The water slows movements but it does not slow reactions above the surface. Her blade dances out at her first target, scoring him hard across the chest and then jabs suddenly forward through Saris' neck. Pulling back she sweeps her hand back around to finish off the first she struck who is having a great deal of trouble remaining up right before his head falls right off his body. She moves to turn around and feels the burning strike of Lord Selmur's blade. Stumbling back, Sunfell staggers back, the tell tale squelching of the blade dipping below water as her hand come up to where her wound should be to find nothing - but the pain is oh so real and disorienting. Pressing her hand to her chest where she was 'struck' she has to take a moment to catch her breath as the steam from her saber rises from the water. Dark eyes pin the last lord with a narrowed gaze that could kill.

"I tire of these games." Lord Ruzu announces, his modulated voice echoing within the room as he continues in his approach of the apparition. The one that's apparently the source of said 'games'. The first lightsaber wielder, Lord Dimodan, is met with a deflection and a slash across the chest, sending them down to dissipate in the water. If that's what they do. The second, Lord Fable, fares slightly better. His strike is deflected, though he manages to dodge the riposte. His underestimation of Ruzu's ability to swing backward is what gets him, however, and the apparition is cut in half. Ruzu's advance is halted, at least briefly, by the final combatant, who comes charging directlyat him. His saber is held up at a 90 degree angle, blocking the swing of the final Lord Montari, sending sparks and sizziling hisses into the air as the sabers meet.

Lord Montari doesn't fare all that well, the other Lord far too focused on overpowering Ruzu. The weak, not all that physically imposing Ruzu. So instead, a foot flies out, catching the apparition in the stomach and causing it to stagger back momentarily, breaking the lock of lightsabers. This is followed up by a rapid strike, the blade entering firth at the waist and exiting beneath the arm pit, and turning back to the side to remove the head of the former Lord Montari. As the body falls, Lord Ruzu begins his approach once more, walking through the dissipating body of Lord Montari, the smoke of the body parting around his form as he comes to a stop before the apparition on its throne. Raising his saber, the angry red blade points at the apparition, that red and yellow still very much present within Ruzu's gaze as he stares it down. The threat is clear on who gets to go next.

The pain is enough to keep filling her rage over and over and this time her first strike reverses her saber with a drop catch into a slashing position. She leaps forward and suddenly dodges to the right and brings her leg hand in hard, leading the full length of the blade along the Lord's torso, sending him back, her second slash missing but as he falls she grasps the hilt with both hands above her head and swings the blade at a downwards angle and rushes the point straight through his chest as he falls. Water is sent away from he fall of the body in a wave before it rushes back in to surrounding his skewered form before the saber is drawn out and she stands over the submerged body, one foot slammed hard into his crotch to hold him down.

"Your strength is apparent and worthy of my boon. Come, take this relic with you, and use it to terrorize your enemies. My purpose here.. is complete."

The apparition disappears, and everything begins to shake. What had been an elevated platform where the Apparition's throne had sat now turned into stairs, moving outward until they reached Lords Ruzu and Sunfell.

At the top of the stairs, behind the throne, sat the relic. A silver gauntlet jeweled and shiny. Its purpose remains a mystery, but the power that radiates from this is unmistakable.

Only when the apparition disappears does she relax a measure, but only a measure for the room begins to shake and she narrows her gaze as the steps extend towards them. The water splashes a bit as she takes a step back as if prepared to move should things go sideways. When it finally stops moving and things settle she, Sunfell does not even spare a glance for her 'brother' before stalking up the stairs with her saber held angled to the side.

The throne is given a look an then something shiny reflects the light of her saber. It catches her eye and draws her around to stare at the item a moment. She holds her saber aloft to bathe the gauntlet in a red glow before a brush of her finger snaps the blade out of existence. She latches the metal hilt to her hip and reaches down with both hands to take up the item.

There is a slow smile that spreads to her lips for all of a few seconds and then her eyes lift. "Time to go. If Jedi are here we have trouble..if there are other Sith..they will kill us for this." No honor amongst Sith as it were. She does not put it on but instead tucks it beneath her arm and shelters it there with her other. "We will explore it in saver confines. To your ship."