Log:BHG: Scale the Castle

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A Huge Finale

OOC Date: March 18, 2021
Location: Coronet City, Corellia
Participants: Bounty Hunters' Guild, Boba Fett, Oozlevort, Hadrix Kora, Zelo Parrai, Hahtavi, Eriu Jynx, Ishnahk, Sumi Kora

The battle had already begun, and for this team, their purpose was the coup de gras. Make it to the penthouse suite of the corporate building, smash the personnel defense, and bring down Mankon Camron, the criminal Kingpin of Coronet city. Every battle, every struggle, every bit of blood, sweat, and death (because bounty hunters don't cry) has led to this moment.

THIS TEAM is led by Mr. Gor Bullet himself, the Guildmaster of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Sumi was a part of the advanced party, orchestrated for shock combat to paralyze and encourage enemy forces to the lower levels of the skyscraper while a separate team made the climb to the top.

The one caveat was that Sumi's team had to bring down the defense turrets monitoring the scale of skyscraper. Well, Sumi's voice addresses that over the comms.

<<"Mr. Bullet, we have brought down the internal comms, and turrets are offline.">> The sound of fighting and blaster fire can be heard over the background noise. <<"We are pushing our way to the top, taking the scenic route..(Background noise of hissing laughter, "He mmmmelted, accccccid grenadesssssssss.")... we may need to take another route. Rekking Bossk just ruined this stairwell. Sumi out.">>

THIS TEAM sits in the belly of an APC Summit Climber, a modified piece of machinery that Gor Bullet repurposed from the vehicle factories on Coronet (yes, the ones we raided) and put into use against the people who designed them. This APC was not limited by altitude. When the spider like legs (the means of its locomotion) arrived at the base of the tower, the interior rotated back as the vehicle went vertical and magnetically latched to the side of the skyscraper, making its climb to the top, with no threat of being accosted by defense turrets now.

The interior of the personnel hold, where everyone is prepping, goes red, signaling they are two minutes out from the drop point.

People admire anyone who can crawl their way out of the sewer. Especially a sewer as putrid as Corellia. But now Oozlevort has had to crawl IN to this sewer to save it. His gas mask's intake baffles glow orange as altasocra sage incense slugs are heated, infusing his breathing apparatus with hallucinogenic vapors to assist the Gand in seeing the Path. "Why are we going vertical," he asks, bracing himself as the entire APC shifts like King Kong climbing a skyscraper.

Boba Fett (known publicly as Gor Bullet, BHG Guildmaster) sits at the controls of the Spider-APC vehicle that they had taken control of for this very mission. His visior is peering forward out of the spider-walker's foreward viewport as the vehicle ascends the side of the building. The entire structure of the droid shifts and shakes as the vehicle ascends the building.

<"Copy that. Try not to get blasted."> Fett says over the team comms.

At the question from behind him, Boba's visored stare looks back for a second. "They prepared the tower for anti aircraft. They didn't prepare it for ground vehicles." He says in a gruff voice as the vehicle continues to smash its legs into the side of the Coronet skyscraper

Head lifting at the light shift, Hadrix's visor lifts towards it for a moment before he checks the charges on the plasma caster chosen for the festivities of close quarters blitz assault. Leaning back and tapping his foot to a rhythm only he seems privy too, the Al'Verde of Kora gives his kit one more check over.

<"I thought you were the wizened mystic hyped up on aerated drugs capable of seeing the paths of the cosmos and knowing which is the right one, bug."> visor turned to Oozlevort when he speaks through the helmet vocalizer. A bit of a smirk audible in his voice before he shifts into the upward tilt of the vehicle.

<"I need one of these.">

Hahtavi may be a little surprised to have been selected to go with the Guild Master's squad to hit the penthouse level instead of working the lower levels. Webbed into his seat within the APC, rifle attached to his tactical rig, the Kora tal'at'cuyir turns the T-visor of his helmet to look over at Hadrix, then back to Gor Bullet to listen up for any additional information.

The slight shaking of his armor indicates his trying not to laugh at Hadrix's reply. Otherwise, this Mandalorian leans back and waits until they are about ready to get out of thing and leap into the party.

Zelo Parrai is checking over his gear. He's STILL got an ache in his knee, but it's not effecting his ambulation now, at least. Vertical, upside down, direction means nothing unless you're falling - at least for a pilot who grew up swimming. But he's not flying, and he's not swimming today. In his hands is the most-trusted weapon he owns - an E-11 imbued with the force and vigor of the weaponsmith who had given it to him. The Nautolan rechecks the ammo, sliding in a new powercell - just to be certain - and then goes about testing and rechecking every fastening of his gleaming blue-sky Skyripper armor, which he has rarely taken off since he received it. He has nothing direct to add to the chatter - no light banter, no useful information - so he exercises a sniper's practice of cautious silence and preparation. When the bug-machine opens, he's ready to engage whatever they meet outside.

"Don't disappoint them," he says, to himself, inside of his helmet. With the sounds of the machine and the action in progress, it carries to none but his own ears.

Ishnahk hefts his rifle, checking the charge and making sure the weapon is as ready for action as the Trandoshan himself is. He doesn't join in the chatter, thought he familiar faces in the transport are offered a nod in greeting.

<<"Acknowledged,">> Sumi says just before something blows up. Those privy to a view port see the side of the build explode outward. Aurra Sing's distinct voice follows the end of the explosion, <<"..whoops.">>

Boba Fett arrives at the reinforced section of the penthouse suite, a three level mansion at the top of the skyscraper that was completely closed off with armor plating and reinforced transparasteel. That matters little against the special breaching feature the Summit Climber (SC) has. Triggered from the control cabin, the SC clamps its belly (containing the team) flush with the side of the building. A highly-focused mining beam repurposed to cut through most known alloys begins to trace out an opening in the side of the building.

The personnel hold changes from RED, TO GREEN, indicating the time to disembark was now. The opening that the APC carved out, fell inward like one large brick, revealing the interior to be a high-class luxury suite of expensive wooden floors, very nice furniture, and ample bad guys COMPLETELY caught offguard by the sudden appearance of this team.

Thirteen (13) thugs begin to fall back further within the interior of the penthouse, abandoning their post to defend against this new foe!

Our Hunters have the advantage, with plenty of cover (in the form of furniture and tables that can be flipped) to engage the repositioning thugs and get a foot hold on the top floor.

Oozlevort pulls out his blaster and surges through the new ventilation port before any thugs can get their bearings. He fires his blue bolts wildly with a WA-SHOOM , WA-SHOOM , WA-SHOOM  ! They don't hit anything but they do give Oozlevort time to flip some office furniture and take cover. His altasocra sage incense off-gases through the escape ports of his breathing apparatus, giving anyone following a significant contact high.

Across the city quadrant, members of CorSec's upper management are watching through macrobinoculars as the spider vehicle crawls up the outside of the tower and begins to settle in at the penthouse level.

Moments later there comes the shine of the mining laser and a waterfall of bright shining sparks that tumble and rain down the side of the building.

The commander of the CorSec unit lowers his binoculars and just stares at it from across the city. He mutters. "Gotta hand it to them. They're certainly creative..."

Back inside the control cabin of the repurposed Spider Walker, Boba gets the mining laser through the side of the building and reaches out to tap the comms again. <"Try to sound sincere, Sing."> He replies to the woman he's known almost all of his life.

To the others, Fett turns. "Go now." Just as the red light changes to a green. He starts to unfasten his crash webbings and pull himself out of the control chair. His hand drops to his thigh to pull out his father's last remaining Westar...

Head turning towards the sound of the nautolandorian before a slight tilt to one side, Hadrix stares for a moment with the only indicator of it being the red glow of his bionic through the t-visor. Shoulders lift as if preparing to speak, then again, but then they make their appearance in the target area.

<"Well. Looks like we're here."> still facing Zelo, <"I'm your cover until you have cover. Long range as you prefer." his visor then on Hahtavi, <"Spearhead?">

He answers himself as he steps out behind Oozlevort, glad for his helmet filters when the findsman's smoke hits him before creating a little smoke and fire of his own - an iridescent coil of liquified fire spiraling out over the short distance to cover one poor bastard and send him shrieking and spinning in panic in the worst possible method of extinguishing the fire coating him.


As the cutting begins, Hahtavi unfastens his webbing and gets ready to bail out in a hurry - and possibly under fire. Rifle gripped in his gloves, he shifts position to crouch against the seat back, ready to spring forth!

If Hadrix goes in like a bull to lead the 'spearhead' then Hahtavi is at least right on his heels. As soon as they are leaping out and putting boots to polished floors, Hahtavi goes for cover close by the couch, behind a large planter with some tall greenery in it. Hostiles are getting marked on his HUD and shared with Zelo and Hadrix as quickly as he's able. Hahtavi's rifle laid over the edge of the planter, he fires and nails one of the thugs as they stick out from behind a piece of furniture. Another pops out and a second shot rips out from the Galaar to try and hit them but they duck behind cover too fast to hit.

As usual, he's not saying much while he's busy.

Green means go - as does the command from the man known as Gor Bullets - and Zelo does, releasing his harness and readying to move out after his Al'verde and his fellow Kora-recruit Hahtavi. Hadrix's orders are simple enough and Zelo offers a short, <"Yes Al'verde."> The low tenor voice is steady as he turns to the field and files out behind the others. There is engagement almost immediately, and there's no time but to lift the E-11 's sight to his visor, and seek targets. He instinctively moves the direction opposite Hahtavi, hoping they can provide cross cover if closed upon.

One thug is just standing in the open, fiddling with his gun, and Zelo's bolt puts him down before he has a chance to right whatever was wrong. The Nautolan blinks black-pool eyes once and takes a few steps as the weapon quickly readies for another trigger pull. He kneels behind a solid-looking bench and rests the barrel on it, steadying a shot that drops someone who may have been eyeing the Gand - he really should have asked for names. The thug - name not important - flies backwards, life leaving his eyes before his feet leave the floor. <"Two more down."> He tips the bench forward so he can lay more prone behind it, though he still rests his weapon atop it, ready.

Once the all clear is given, Ishnahk bursts into the penthouse along with the others. With a roar, he kicks over an endtable and ducks behind it. His rifle comes up and he aims for one of the fleeing thugs, but his shot goes wild. With a curse, he begins preparing his next shot.

Several people are shot down, or in one poor soul's case, set ablaze. This establishes the tone of the incursion, and now the remaining thugs have found, what they feel is a, comfortable place to fight from. Trading shots back and forth, the noise in this penthouse is loud and obnoxious, leaving unprotected ears ringing!

The immediate area is wide with ample decorations and even a fountain which the burning man has cast himself into, trying to douse the flames. He does not rise again. Nine (9) foes remain in this area, and beyond them is a staircase to the second level. To the left, elevator lifts become active.

<<"Sumi here. We're taking the less scenic route. Be up there soon.">>

Aurra Sing's voice answers Boba by chuckling, before the feed cut out again.

Oozlevort reaches over the table and fires two shots into one of the bodyguards. WA-SHOOM WA-SHOOM ! That bodyguard crumples. Then another is blasted in the face with a blue bolt of plasma. "The Path is clear to this Gand. The staircase!" A bunch of flames goes past him. "Hey watch the fire, this is an enclosed space!"

With the shooting starting, Fett marches through the interior of the Spider Walker until he comes upon the hatch and just sweeps around the corner of it with his blaster pistol coming up to aim down the sights of it. His polisehd visor shines as he lines his pistol up and starts to fire. Red bolts lance out of the pistol's tip and over the chaos inside of the penthouse under siege. The first two targets are struck by Fett's attacks, dropping them to the floor while the third is narrowly missed.

Boba keeps marching in further though, keeping his pistol up and ready for the next shot and the next thug to present themselves.

<"Sumi. Blast the south lift tower. They'll send reinforcements up if we don't take it out."> She knows this already, he's just a nag.

<<"Sumi'alor, it's going to be all quiet by the time you get here.">> adjusting his weapon nozzle choke while Oozlevort grouses at him, <"Don't get hit by it, let your feline urine and burning slug fumes guide you."> remembering things told to him by a short wielder of the dark side and then a slightly less short redhead had told him in the past,

<"Reach out with your feelings! Let the litterbin and burning bug-stink guide you, and you shall be a true Findsman!"> the sarcasm and snark is strong with this one, Hadrix's arm extending to fire another spray of multi-hued flames onto another of the cronies of the master of this so-called palace. Switching then to clan channels,

<<"Koras, fire and advance.">>

Bolts zip past Hahtavi's helmet and his thigh but miss him probably due in part because he keeps shifting around behind the planter for cover. He eyes the water fountain and the stairwell, but he's not moving for the next floor while they are still under fire. Rather than get pinned down though, Hahtavi quickly changes cover by darting over to the fountain near by and getting a different angle on the thugs. As soon as one of them shows themselves he fires two bolts in quick succession - one hits and takes the guy OUT.

<< Hahtavi advancing, leapfrog. >> Being careful though as Hadrix's plasma flames gush out, not to cross his vod's line of fire, no way! A quick look to see how the rest of their team is doing, a glance for Zelo first, then the others.

The thugs are dwindling as fire, plasma and debris tear through the upper floor and the thugs that guard it; Zelo continues to do one of the things he does best - seek targets. '<<Koras, fire and advance.>>' Zelo nods, unseen, to acknowledge the command. His first target is found simply enough and lost just as quickly as his body flies over the back of a plush-looking couch. He is beginning to rise, another target found, when a loud clanking sound on the glass behind him draws his attention at the worst moment; spinning, Zelo's trigger pulls as he sees the faintest hint of a bird falling from the transparisteel where it had so-recently come to a sudden halt; the E-11 discharges and a muttered, "Kriff," leaves his lips as he turns around to follow the the Kora contingent. Nobody saw that, right? He catches Hahtavi looking at him and freezes, hoping.

<<"On your six, Al'verde.">> Nobody saw that.

Ishnahk rrises up to take aim at one of the thugs, but apparently this isn't the best time. As soon as he shows himself, he's knocked back as two blasterbolts slam into his armor. He staggers then whips his rifle up. Spying one of the thugs that just shot him, he lines up his sites and...BAM. One less thug. With a grunt, Ish ducks back behind his notsogreat cover


The lift to the room opens and the doors make a whoosh sound lost in the chaos of the firefight on the current floor. A dark armored figure is slumped forward as if ready to leap further into the lip but instead the bright edge of a a sword tip is shoved further through his torso to peek through the other side.

The armored, visored female figure steps forward, driving the dying figure back before her foot lifts as she pivots and she kicks him off the end of her sword to send him to the floor in a heap, clawing at the wound as the life drains away. The elegant blade glints, painted in blood. <"Reinforcements have arrived."> The posh accent filters through from the swordswoman.

The shrill tone of Zuckuss cuts over comms, speaking in the language of the Gand, answering Fett. 4-LOM promptly translates, <<"He says, we have just finished wiring the south lift tower to blow. It looks like..">> The entire skyscraper shakes violently, rattling dust from the rafters of the penthouse suite. <<...they are going to blow it,">> 4-LOM finishes after the explosion. Zuckuss makes an odd noise over the comms, laughing. <<"He says.. he is amused.">> 4-LOM cuts his comms after that.

Eriu Jynx is not the only one to arrive.


The door opens and Sumi is thrown from the interior of the lift like a sack of soggy fleek eels. In full plate beskar, the ancient warrior slides across the floor leaving distinct scratches against the decorative wooden panels. Her foe? A massive thug Herglic that stands, easily 8ft tall, and looks ripped enough to tear speeders in half for a living. He charges into the fray.

ADDITIONALLY, there is a lot of noise coming from the second level of the penthouse. Twelve (12) thugs arrive at the top of the stairs as the man on fire keels over and just.. continues to burn (he died). Meanwhile, the lone thug on the bottom floor back tracks to join what's left of the thugs.

13 Thugs, and 1 Herglic

Oozlevort fires wildly at the bodyguards coming up through the staircase. He hits one. To hadrix he says, "Do not mock the holy Muilpëër'lac findsme- Oh no!" A giant whale comes smashing through. And Oozle's pistol ammo amount reads: 1.

Boba's aim on his next target is wavered by the building shaking from the blast down below.

<"Lets try not to bring this whole thing down around us!"> He barks back at the other hunters on the team. When the dings come and the reinforcements arrive for both groups, Fett turns toward their enemies and lowers his pistol, takes a step forward and unleashes a trio of rockets from his knee launcher!

The three rockets scream out from the Guildmaster's leg and sweep around the chaos, one of the rockets slamming in to a thug's chest and sending him flipping backward through the air! The other two slam in to the walls and explode in a shower of debris.

<"Holy is just a word for religious nutjobs drinking their own flavor-aide drink mix..."> Hadrix rumbles as he continues to stalk forward, turning first and pointing the flame rifle towards the appearance of Jynx, <"Lady Jynx... I almost incinerated you. Please join the excursion, it' becoming interesting"> Looming through blaster fire and ducking suddenly when Sumi is introduced to the mix among the gathered posse of renewed of scum and villainy.

<"Kriff!"> watching her slide and giving moments to check on her visually, still breathing? Explosives firing from Gor's boots... Need some of those... and then.

<"What's with this damned gang and their ocean theme?"> turning at the waist as he makes for partial defilade from what will be likely incoming fire, vocalizer volume raising, <"Hey! Nobody kicks over a Sumi in this town!"> plasma caster hissing and spraying fire onto the Artiodactyloid emerging from the lift.

As the team cuts down the thugs and Eriu Jynx steps out all stylishly from the lift, Hahtavi starts to break cover to make for the stairwell. Zelo, you are safe! No sign he saw you shoot a bird by mistake!

No sooner than he's starting out then Sumi arrives and gets tossed out by the hulking Herglic! Hahtavi stops and backtracks the two steps to get his arse back under cover! << "Alor! What the kriff is that /thing/?" >> More red bolts zip through the penthouse chamber and Hahtavi's forced to return fire upon the newly arriving thugs. His rifle takes two of them down, more bodies and blood to slick the shiny floor.

Yep Hadrix is covering Sumi as he expected. Hahtavi can smell the burning flesh from here! <<" Cook us up some steaks, Hadrix! ">>

Zelo, trying to keep on the heels of the other Koras, drops to cover again when the elevator dings - though the first one seems to have someone on their side, judging by the body that dropped out of it ahead of the armored figure with the very cool-looking sword. The second elevator made him glad for dropping to the tipped table as he had, his own Alor being flung out by some large... Something he hadn't seen before. Hahtavi says his own question first. The cluster of thugs that join the party from above are simpler targets, and he takes aim at them. The first bolt drops one near the midle, and briefly trips another, though his footing is gained quickly enough that he's not where Zelo plans when he fires the second shot. <<"Trying to thin out that new cluster coming in. Staying in cover until told to come out again.">>

The new wave of thugs is expected and equally unwelcome. Especially the massive Herglic leading the pack. Ishnahk snarls as he lines up a shot at the biggest target he's had so far. He hisses as he draws in a breath and pulls the trigger, sending red death hurtling toward the beast. His shot hits and he roars loudly as the Herglic goes down. Another mark beside his name on the Scorekeeper's list!

Sumi enters in a bit more roughly but certainly leaves her mark as Eriu's visored face turns to watch her. <"We need to work on on elegantly you enter a room. I know you have it in you."> observes the Hapan before she turns bakc around just as the others begin engaging and Hadrix steps up to aid with the Herglic. <"Hello big guy, going to watch your back.">

The hilt of her sword is lifted to brush across her visor in a salute before the press of her heels on the floor roughly activate the rocket boots. Instead of going up she angles and directs herself forward in an arc that close the distance in a sudden rush as she helps slow her approach as she flips forward, head down as the rockets flip forward and slow her against the opposite wall so taht she drops towards the floor.

Her hand switches the blade and she sweeps in, catching one of the thugs along the shoulder but plunging the blade with a whirl of it right into his gut. She stays low and as the blade is withdrawn she sweeps her blade back to use the momentum to try to strike though she only finds air as her first opponent goes down.

Sumi rises up slowly, showing her age and laughing. <"I'm here.."> She tags onto the end of Eriu's declaration that Sumi needs to work on her style. <"That's entrance enough for me..YOU!"> She screams across the open expanse of the fighting, pointing at a thug before HURLING a sparkling blue orb at him. <"HOLD THAT!"> And he held it. With his face. And the core matter melted his face, and the interior, and it was disgusting. He died without feeling much after being hit with the boomer. Sumi laughs, jiggyjogging into the mess and getting shot at simultaneously. They miss, though one comes close to her foot!

The noise up on the next level sounds mechanical. And suddenly, everyone becomes aware of the culprit.

A MASSIVE, metal hulking suit powered by their acquisition lands amidst the fighting, squishing two of his own guys as one mechanical arm in this MECH SUIT rotates to a gatlin repeating laser. The flooring caves in slightly with each step he makes, and a mechanical voice greets them, its pilot hidden from view, for now.


The 15ft, 2 ton Mech rotates, searching for targets as the remaining thugs retreat, clamoring over the top of the herglic to get to the lifts.


The doors part, and the group of thugs beating feet to leave suddenly melt in a cloud of green acidic gas, screaming until their lungs have burned up from the fumes. Out steps Bossk, with a big toothy smile, shouldering his cannister rifle after feeding a new grenade into its breach. "Rooooom for one mooooooooore? Haaaaaa..haa sssssssssssssss!"

<"That /was/ a Herglic!"> Sumi comments to Haht, but turns her attention to the big guy. <"Rekk. Me. Running. LIGHT IT UP!">

Oozlevort runs out of rounds in his Glie-44 and stuffs it under his robes, pulling out a larger First Order-issued SE-44c pistol. He flicks the setting to 'kill' while crouching behind a desk. "Don't these Corellians have laws? How did he get that monstrosity in here? What a terrible planet!"

The arrival of the mech has Fett turning around and having to immediately keep his balance as he feels the floor start to give out with every step that that metal monster takes.

<"There's our target."> Fett announces over the team comms. <"All firepower, put him down. If he lives, great, if he dies... well, that's fine too.">

A greande is detached from Fett's belt and he activates it, tossing the glop bomb toward the mech just as it sweeps one of its arms and sends it flying right back to the the hunter. Boba narrowly avoids it and the glop grenade is sent right back out one of the broken holes in the building to splash against the side of the penthouse.

Fett grunts, and reaches for something else on his person as he moves toward some cover from the mech's attacks.

<"Rekk me..."> Hadrix looks up at the sudden appearance of the miniaturized AT-PT having joined this particular soiree. Making to get clear of open fire-lines and even reaches to grab Eriu to pull her with him, whether that turns out to be successful or not. She's a slippy one, after all, <"Bad timing, good times"> bitten out before he looks about,

<"Hahtavi, crossfire, Zelo keep ranged and find a weakspot!"> It's going to be one of those nights, he's sure of it, but at least it's not going to be boring, tell true. Watching Bullet's grenade go out, following it go to viciously destroy that hole in the wall! Take that Upper (still lower, it's Corellia) Class construction!

Fumbling one hand in his belt while firing an coating one side of the mechanoid with liquid hot plas-ma while he tries to be less noticed despite being a Volcano Man.

All hell is breaking loose as the huge mechanical joins the fray! Hahtavi ducks down and glances at the charge on his rifle, <<" Frak me, gotta reload, vod. ">> /That/ to Hadrix. The Mandalorian hunter who's missing a finger works the ejection on the power cell of his Galaar and his gloved hands rams a new cell into place from his belt. The old one is let to fall to the floor and roll away. It costs him precious seconds he could be firing, but a moment later Hahtavi's bringing the rifle back into position to aim.

At least the thing is so big, he can shoot up at it over everyone's heads! Good thing Gor's grenade didn't hit any of the team!

Zelo Parrai has seen a lot of things in his not-that-long time. A lot of bandits. A lot of pirates. A lot of turrets. A flying swordsoman whose voice almost sounds familiar, but not quite. Something that used to be a Herglic. But he's never seen a walking mech suit like this before. He winces as two of the thugs are ground under its landing feet. He hears the Gand ask about the legitimacy of the robot and before he can question the wisdom of such a thing, the Nautolan's mouth opens: <"They don't exactly strike me as the types with a great deal of interest in laws."> At least, that's how he understood things.


The order from Sumi doesn't need to be delivered twice. As Zelo is readying for more pulls of the trigger, he sees a glop grenade fly toward the target before being batted right back at Gor Bullets. The thing is fast! <<"Understood,">> is all the response needed on Kora's comms channel as he lines up the shot. The mech reminds him of some of the giant crabs from Glee Anselm - the trick is to strike at the joints, where the carapace and hard sections meet. So this he does. Black pool eyes pick out a mess of wires, just barely exposed inside the upper part of a leg where it joins the body. With a deep breath, Zelo exhales slowly and pulls the trigger once, barrel steadied on the edge of the table. First shot widens the exposure of the wiring and soft internals. Without pausing to take another breath, Zelo freezes, adjusts his shoulder slightly and pulls the trigger a second time. An identical hit tears more exposure into the metal carapace.

Ishnahk takes another shot to his breastplate that staggers him, but doesn't take him down. Idly, he considers that it might be time to invest in some better armor. Now that it seems there's only one target left, the Trandoshan joins the others in taking shots at the giant mech. He wishes he'd brought some grenades too and mentally adds those to the list, too. In the meantime, he continues to unload shot after shot in the mech's direction.

<"Timing is everything,"> she remarks as she twists back about, blood dripping from the sword to give the large target a lon look. She curses below her breath in the native tone of her people.

She twists the blade, bringintg it back around just as Hadrix grabs hold of her and the smaller, slender form moves easily with the rough handling by the mandalorian. <"Hey there, dinner first."> The nervous edge of her voice titters along the edge as she wets her lips and catches her breath.

The chaos that enuses is something else and she speaks up to those near her. <"Going in...going to get behind and look for weak spots."> Weak spots she finds for as she closes the distances she sees a joint and slashes in. The next takes her a second as she hacks at the same spot only to twist and thrust the blade into aother weakened portion as she starts to back pedal, not wanting to be in the way of everyone else as more chaos rains down.

Sumi stays where she's at as intermittent fire erupts, hitting the mech from various angles. A tap to the side of her helmet triggers a target amplifier, and she tilts her head to lay the missile on target. <"INCOMING EXPLOSIVE! TAKE COVER!"> Sumi heralds, giving the team five seconds to react to the callout before she triggers the release of a rocket off her back. It screams all the way to the target where it goes...PLINK against the armor and does NOT detonate. It had not reached its minimum velocity to detonate so it acted like an huge rifled slug.

The Mech stumbled forward, its hydraulics malfunctioning from EJ slicing its tubes, and heat proximity warnings from the FIRE kept its gatlin laser from firing MORE. It turned on Sumi and the Findsman of the group and fired! Sumi was BARELY missed, while Oozlevort felt the impact of the last blister his cover and render it useless. HE NEEDED TO MOVE!

<<"DIE!">> Screamed Camron!

Oozlevort somehow attracts the attention of a gatling laser despite being a small nonmetallic target. Rockets explode. Laser blasts shred his desk. He dives awkwardly to one side, behind a display case, firing two shots at the clod-like collection of condensers.

The group was working together to take out the mech and Boba was taking a moment behind some cover to let them all spread out and give the madman in that metal suit too many targets to even know which one to focus on. The thing about rich folks like this? They never really know what to do with their fancy toys when the time comes to actually use them.

From behind the foundation pillar, Boba steps out and wields his Blastech Shotgun. He walks with purpose toward the suit's back, waiting for it to turn right around and eventually face him.

He raises the shotgun up and aims it right for the face of the suit, and some of the damage done by the previous attack from the other's on his team.

"You first." Fett says to the Mechsuit driver before he pulls the trigger on the DP Shotgun and blasts right in to the suit's passenger compartment where the man's face likely would be found.

Leaning back out of cover as fire rains down on the combat suit, Hadrix looks to Hahtavi, Zelo and then Sumi at last before he watches Gor move from behind the pillar with shotgun in hand. His own bringing up an ion munition - holding when he sees the DP-23 open up, watching for the mechanoid to drop before he just up and hurls one of these expensive bastards out there.

After all, he might hit one of them and kriff up their equipment.

<"Sumi, still got your lazer stick? We may need a can-opener to check if he's breathing." arm prepped back in case this goes sideways..er. Sidewayser? Eh. He isn't a scholar of wordiology. Sumi's missile is fired and before he can get off a shot, Hahtavi's ducking back down behind the fountain again! Only, there's no explosion. Huh. That's weird. His helmet dares a look, rifle up to try to get that shot but Gor Bullet is already on it, bringing the hulking Mech crashing down. Hahtavi feels it through his boots and up his legs as the huge tin beast hits the floor, smashing it.

<<" Nice. You gave him a face lift. ">> Well then, that's done. Hahtavi starts checking carefully to be sure they are clear, and to see if they have any wounded among them that have need of a medic. /That/ while Hadrix, Sumi and possibly Gor make certain of their kill. <" If you need a medic, sing out. ">

The swordswoman jumps in, fearless almost under the feet of the massive machine, as the fire continues to sound through the corners and walls of the penthouse. A missile is launched, but doesn't quite do what missiles do. More fire, and just like that, with the blast of a shotgun blaster, it seems to be over. Everyone had done well - Zelo didn't see Hahtavi reloading. Nope. - and things seemed to be under control. Zelo slowly rises as Hadrix calls for a can-opener - of course, the target may still be alive. He switches his rifle to stun and advances, rifle ready and at his shoulder, to stand at Hadrix's side. <"Covering until you or the Alor give an all-clear.">

Ishnahk raises his rifle in victory as the mech goes down in ruin. All in a day's work for the BHG. He flicks the safety on his rifle and lowers the weapon with a wince. Now that the battle is over, he's reminded of his injuries. He idly wanders over to the downed Herglic in search of some sort of trophy. Maybe a tooth or a fin.

The warning is given and Eriu is once more employing those rocket boots to the best possible benefit. She pushes off the back of the mech armor and rockets off and away, getting clear for the area before she becomes part of the collateral damage. The blade is held low and at her side along her leg before she twists in the air, trying to get one foot down but finds she is coming towards the ground fast. Its not a rocket pack.

She splays her sword to the side and keeps the edge away from her as she ends in a roll that hs her coming to her feet as she glances behind her to watch as one of the mandalorians executes the canned man inside.

"Well then." She remarks and straightens up slowly, sword falling to her side as the tip points towards the ground. It seems things are over when someone speaks about a medic. Untouched as she is she reaches her hand up, unlocking the void helmet as she drags it off and lets it lower in her left hand as she catches her breath. Auburn hair coiled in a braid atop her head to keep it out of her face. "Nicely done."

Sumi watches the mech topple over in no short amount of clatter and noise. When nothing rises from its core, Sumi shakes her head at Hadrix to signal 'nah'. <"No need. That Huttsucker doesn't have a face anymore. And, if by some grace of higher power he IS still alive?"> Sumi snorts and stows her boomer in a satchel. <"..he is not happy.">


The elevator doors open and inside, a group of thugs look ready to fight until they see the group standing around the dead mech and pile of bodies. The smallest of the group, a Bothan, rapidly taps the 'CLOSE DOOR' button. "Wrong floor." He declares, smiling nervously as his fur, and its reaction, give him away.