Log:Battle for the Frozen Thrown

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The New Republic struggles to hold a patch of land

OOC Date: August 5th, 2020
Location: Carida
Participants: Lando Calrissian, Lorcan, Elrych Cometburn, Ban Iskender, Nerys Arda, Zandra NaMuriel, JEssika Pava, Jax Greystorm, Aryn Cole, Yuun, Merek

The snow had finally died down on the pass, though it never really mattered to the forces that were present. The Blue ice had various stains of Red that ran all over it. There had been little to no headway made on either side. However, as had been predicted - the forces of the New Republic were about to have reinforcements .. as was the First Order. It was going to be a game of who could knock out the other first.

The Republic quickly began setting up provisions - the Engineers able to get a mobile shield generator up. The plan being to hold the ground and simply pummel the forces for them to move through.

In Response the First Order had moved in several pieces of Armor to knock out the Generator and attack the forces. After all, this piece of geography was not the entirety of Carida and the Republic was willing to give up this battle and go else where to try in win the war.

And thus is where we are left. Both sides had transports landing troops - and others pushing in from behind.. The First Order had moved in several of its standard units along with several Elite Gaurds. The Republic, in turn had a few units set upon to defend the Shield Generator.

<<Ladies and gentlemen of the Republic, this is General Calrissian. I want you all to know I'm proud of you. You've given 'em hell over these past few weeks, but I gotta ask that you keep pushing. We beat the Sith at Exegol, and we're gonna beat the First Order on Carida,>> comms the General from his pop-up command station situated not overly far away from the shield generator. "Lieutenant Jorra, I want you to make sure you keep those comms coming in loud and clear. I want to hear everything," he asides to a communications officer before Lando moves to step out into the snow, his heavy fur cloak billowing around him. His cane has been left behind, the man not needing to lean too heavily on the 'feeble old man' facade he's been using a lot as of late. He crunches through the snow on his way to inspect the line of First Order soldiers, his moustachioed lips curling into a frown.

A giant of crimson durasteel; a stranger amidst an army. The immense figure of flesh concealed under his black jumpsuit is a contracted mercenary, and the uniform does not hide his affiliation with the bounty hunter's guild. Those familiar with the Carida Dam assault may recall the sandstone horned visage marked with a plethora of blemishes of age-old battles, his very own frontal horn cracked in half. Lorcan reached for his visored helmet clipped to his utility belt, lifting it towards his tan countenance that is shortly veiled with the burning orange and deep-red armor.

The hired killer sat beside regular troops born of duty, whereas his calling was the payment after. Or so the first impression would say. As their transport neared into the LZ within the active combat-zone, his gloved hand rests against his holster, rising to his feet to disembark the minute the clearence is a-go. Quickly regrouping, the Zabrak is an expendable resource fitted into the frontline; soon to fight side-by-side with those his dark, obstructed gaze identified from his previous contract.

Reinforcements did indeed arrive... in the form of Elrych Cometburn (And other people of course). A Jedi Knight, his thick dark green cloak hid the black and hold cylinder that he kept on his leather belt. It became visible as he removed it. His thumb presses the red activation button and the brilliant blue blade comes to life. "What's this I hear about Armor and elite Guards?" He worse several furs around his shoulders along with the cloak, padded brreches... warm cloths for the winter landscape. He rallies around a company of troopers, "Alright... who want's to go running into certain death and danger?" He turns to look towards the incomming armor. Taking a deep breath, he lids his icy blue eyes, letting the force flow through him.

Ban Iskender guided a Mobquet Overracer off the transport, and promptly guides the speeder bike off to one side to clear the ramp for the others. A green dragoon's half cape is worn over heavy battle armor, and the gentleman carries a sword on one side and a pistol on the other, a modern light cavalryman. Green eyes narrow behind his visor as the soldier gets a swift read of the field. <"With a measure of good fortune, I may be able to maneuver wide and circumvent the majority of the enemy formation screening the artillery. Orders?">

Don't sit on the bench if you're not ready to play, right? That was probably why Nerys in all her nerdy glory was here. She'd stepped up to the plate and signed her name to join the civilian defense force and now civilians...and everyone else needed defending. She didn't much mind the cold. She had a suit for that, and she was used to rough terrain. And she had all of her weapons on her and her Backpack of Holding. What could go wrong. "Don't worry, Jax, I've got this." Famous last words. But it was not so much the approaching army that concerned as her the area of the pass, critical eyes scanning the surrounding area. By the time she came to the line, she was silent. And attentive. And then she stepped ahead, so that she could be seen, and heard, "General. I think I might have an idea for how we can use the terrain to our advantage. if we can collapse just the right place along the walls, we could, with luck, take out quite a number of their troops. But I can't do it with what I have. if I had something stronger. A rocket, an E-web, maybe. And someone with proven skill. I don't know what we brought with us."

Not all the Jedi are knights, but there are others here indeed. Zandra is here, for one, pausing for a moment to concentrate, reaching for the force gently, and then she arches a brow at Elrych's comment. "Don't we always?" is her comment, with some amusement. She has her lightsaber in hand, and ignites it as the others do, in preparation. Jax gets a big smile, and Nerys a nod. Ban gets a grin, and then Zan quiets to listen to the instructions. Her brow furrows a bit, as she looks over the situation and listens to everything that's being said.

"I wonder if he just smooth talks out of habit these days," Jessika wonders aloud to herself more than anyone else next to her. She remembers stories of situations like this. Troops lined up to defend a generator while tyrannic forces bear down on them, bringing death and destruction and trying to crush their hope. Jessika's breath mists before her face as the hot exhales meet the icy air and crystalize. Her eyes don't have to squint against the reflection of the sun playing off the fine powder of the snow laying between their position and the gathered First Order troops. The visor of her helmet is dimmed enough that it's like a glareshade all its own. It's also ready to pick up all the targets in such a ripe environment despite the white-on-white coloring.

Jesska shifts and braces her BlasTech A280 against an embankment, right into the divot she's carved out with the repeated motions of her hand impacting against the snow to carve it out to her liking. Now's the waiting game. The quiet before the storm. The brief moment of silence before chaos erupts. She hates these moments. They make her nervous.

A sharp cold wind blew flakes of snow to swirl around Jax and stick to his gray cloak. He stood quietly with his eyes on the First Order. If he has any tactical advice or suggestions. He's keeping his own council. His hand going to his saber and drawing it. He doesn't ignite the saber yet and just listens and watches. Then finally he says, "We should have brought snow speeders, and star fighters."

Aryn Cole falls within that classification of other people. She's no soldier, hero, or even a proven warrior! She came for her companions and hoped that she might have some skill that will aid them in the looming fight. She steps off the transport awkwardly, immediately made aware of the temperature difference by a sudden sweeping chilly grasp of wind. It was so cold she squeaked, and stepped aside to remedy this.

Submerging herself in the power of the Force, Aryn enhanced her senses, and used her influence over the power to warm herself. It was not an easy technique. At first, her efforts were disrupted by another gust of icy wind, but she managed after a second try and rubbed her gloved hands together. "MOTHER... save ME.. it is c-c-c-cooooooooooold!" This of course, begins to change, and her body begins to produce that subtle rise of steam. It was warmer, but not sitting by the fireplace reading your favorite novel warm. Aryn's cheeks are rosy and her skin's natural paleness is accentuated by the snow and ice. She pulls a beanie cap down over her messy blonde, giving her a cold 'college girl' look. All she needed was her hot steaming caf in a disposable cup.

The Battle was intense, the lines had been completely smashed on both sides. There would be one area where the Republic was mercilessly slaughtering First Order soldiers only to have ten meters away the exact same scene but in reverse. It would only be a matter of time before these skirmishes would end and the two groups would engage in eachother. It was complete and utter mayhem.

Psh. Psh. Psh. All of this seems to start change when all of a sudden whooshes of air can be heard from the sky. In the middle of the battle First order HALO rockets fire and when they hit - First Order Elite Gaurd and Standard soldiers rush forward - cutting a wedge into the Republic forces. This catches the forces completely off gaurd and the republic line starts to fall back.

However, all is not as bad as it seems - an Order from General Calrissan has a specialized Troop Transport arrive down, Republic soldiers quickly setting up an Ion Canon and firing on the Armor to try in bring it down.

"That's not a bad idea," Lando says back to Nerys, lowering his monoculars after a breif survey of the enemy line. It must be said that General Calrissian is more comfortable up in the sky and always has been, but he makes a fine ground commander in a pinch. Let's hope.

<<What's the status on those rocket launchers?>> he asks into his wristcomm.

Then he's looking to the Jedi on the bike. "Let's just say I won't stop you. But be careful," he says, nodding to the man and turning to begin his walk away from the shield wall. The arrival of the drop-troops is a surprise, but not one they can't push through, especially now that the ion cannon has arrived.

Stepping back into his command center, Lando moves to the holo-table and flips through different views of the conflict, a look of deep concentration on his face.

The giant Zabrak is within the thick of the frontline assault. Yet as there is an heavy exchange of blasts from each side all around him, by a glint of luck his stare finds an opportunity. A splatter of scarlet sunk into the thawing snow and several First Order troopers corpses surround a deployed E-Web. Forcing himself through the ranks of troopers, minding to neither get shot by the allied forces nor obstruct their shot -TOO- much; he emerges from the living cover of Resistance soldiers, to make a daring attempt towards the repeating blaster.

The tip of Elrych's nose had started to redden, boyish cheeks flushed with blood as his body compensated to fight off the creeping cold. The extra layers only did so much. He took a deep breath, the hot air of his breath escaping him in steam as he slowly let it out. There's a look to Nerys. "We can try to push down some rocks with our abilities..." He offers to her. A glance moves to Aryn as she shives off towards where she is. "Save the rockets General... we'll take care of the rocks..." He looks back towards the ridge. "We need to get closer." He turns back towards the company of man... "Who wants to go?" Only a handful raise their hands or step forward. "Alright..." Turning, he moves up the defelade reaching into his robes and taking out those thick black framed sunglasses of his. Snow Blindness was a thing. He pushes them onto his nose and starts to fun forwards into the heavy battle, lightsaber at his side. The troopers follow

Ban Iskender offers a gauntleted hand to Aryn, should Her, "Highess?" wish to mount the speeder bike with him. That step taken, he draws his sword, ignites the blade to offer a sharp salute toward Lando, and accelerates in a daring and dangerous course, aiming to bypass the bulk of the Order Infantry at speed, to the opposite flank of the rocks targeted by the others. And oh, if Aryn thought it was cold BEFORE..

Nerys, unless someone decided to stop her, stepped forward to follow Lando, given that he was the one with access to the holo-table, "If I may?" because it was good to be polite. "The walls have been weakened here, here, here, and here." Nerys stepped close enough to indicate each of the places she had determined were the most vulnerable, the table leaving a blip of light in each of the places her gloved fingertip touched. "If we can maneuver them into any of those areas, or, keep them pressed in close (she was too far from the battle to see all of the troops, even with her keen eyes), "We won't be able to get all of them, not without risking our own forces, but we might be able to do some damage. It's not without risk," she offered, because it was also right to be truthful, "If we don't hit precisely where we're aiming, we could risk collapsing the pass and then no one is getting through." As for the Jedi, Nerys offered no comment. They would do what they would do.

Zan looks at all the things, while she reaches with the force to warm herself just a bit, stealing a hint from Aryn. Though Zan isn't complaining about the cold, she doesn't want to get there. She takes a step forward, and then she comms, <<Coming with you, Elrock, as Backup. >> The call sign comes automatically, whether it should or not. She moves to follow after the guy with the sunglasses, decision made. Her own saber is at her side, so she can move more quickly. Ever and again, she finds herself grateful to Rey for insisting they train body and mind both. << Let's do this. >>

Plans are being formulated. Jedi are preparing to perform feats of magnificence. There's a lot of talking going on and a lot of getting into place to orchestrate daring actions, but Jessika is part of none of those. She's on the line with the rest of the troopers, and while a General organizes his forces and lightsabers activate with telltale hisses and hums, Jessika's gazing out towards the encroaching forces. Her helmet display is lit up with locations of enemy targets as they fire their blaster rifles on approach. The vanguard of their assault lands to dive into the New Republic trenches and Jessika does the only thing she can do in a situation like this, being who she is. She pulls the trigger. It's not an X-Wing trigger, but its a trigger all the same.

The report from the blaster rifle is lost in the din of battle, but the snow beneath and just past the muzzle evaporates into mist as the frozen tibanna gas discharges. Joining the kaleidoscope of others, her shot streaks through the battlefield and takes off a stormtroopers leg at the knee. The trooper is pitched into the snow on their side when their support suddenly goes missing, and the white snow is tainted with streaks of bright red.

Aryn boarded the transport again, then emerged in a heavier cloak. As she came down the ramp, Lord Ban propositioned she accompany him into battle, and she accepted by taking his hand. "Very well, Lord Ban. I do hope you have a sound strategy." She settles behind the gentleman, wrapping her arm around his mid-section after settling her booted feet into the right places. Hesitant to unclip her lightsaber, her hand settles on the chromium pistol grip of her Westar-34. "Oh Waii--!!" They're gone. Aryn struggles to put her goggles over her eyes, and cover her face with the warm mask. She manages, then clings to the Dragoon sending up a prayer that this tactic of his paid off.

Yuun was last to arrive, the man has been dealing with a lot but after a night of talking, he came out to help the New Republic against the FO. With some deft flying, something that he isn't really all that great with, he was able ot make it down with the other New Republic ships. He catches up with the ground troops, he wasn't privy to all of what was going on, he moves with his instincts, which brings him to where General Calrissian is and he takes his lightsaber in hand but doesn't ignite it just yet, "I will help you get in close." he tells them.

Jax watches Nerys move away to advise Lando as Elrych and Zandra charge off into daring do. He watches Aryn and Ban go zipping along the snow. Then closes his eyes and reaches out to the force trying to bring it around him and protect him. Trying to center himself. Then he opens his eyes and prepares.

The battle is continuing forward, the imperials still moving forward - like a wedge inbetween the Republic. Slowly, the republic begins moving backwards - though they are making the First Order pay for every centimeter that is gained. The assault is continuing back and forth, with the Republic troops taking some hits and damage. The Armor continues to take potshots at the Republic Shield Generator to no avail.

Lorcan's mad dash does find him next to the E-web, now able to either use it or get it to safety.

However, unfortunately for Ban and Aryn - they find that they have come right into a trap - Two Soldiers with specialized black stripes drop down from the armor - ready to defend it against the would be attackers!

"Lieutenant Jorra, relay the coordinates Miss Arda just pointed out to the Jedi. Show them where they need to hit," Lando orders. His eyes turn towards the viewport of the command center and he walks over to it to get a good look at the battle, hands moving to rest on his hips as he does so.

Then there's a Jedi wandering in and talking about getting in close. Lando turns and squints at the man. "Get in close to what?" Jedi are a funny bunch, it must be said.

The Old General 'hrmm's softly and taps a foot before he says, "The Jedi's right." He moves to step past Yuun, back out into the snow, heading towards the trench where Jessika is posted up. Moving down the steps down into it, he calls out, "Captain Pava, status report. How's it looking out here?" he asks, sliding his X-8 from its cozy little shoulder holster and peeking out over the side. He'll straighten up and fire a trio of bolts towards some mean-lookin folks before he ducks back down, awaiting an answer.

A crimson blast stalks right through the crispy air, whizzing by several other targets; with one in mind. That damned giant running for the deadly E-Web. It strikes Lorcan right into his left arm, the sizzle through the durasteel plate letting steam off into the cold atmosphere.

Yet it is naught but a reason to halt, in fact the Zabrak now determined and pumped full of adrenaline with not one but two hearts, finds himself stepping over the fallen First Order troopers, before with one injured arm, he grasps for the bulky weaponry - one that naturally should be disassembled and carried by several troopers -- this mercenary instead grabs the weapon by the barrel and the generator handle in the other, rapidly scanning the area for an suitable emplacement zone with enough cover.

"Yeah? Just keep up Violet..." Elrych was... fast. Faster than the troops who had fell in with them. He was jumping from rocky outcroping to rocky out croping. Up hills, down hills. Blaster fire zipped by, explosions from morters erupted sending dirt and shrapnel everywhere. His robes were dirty by the time he reached the ridge with Zandra. The men follow a few moments later. "you think you could slow down next time, sir?" Elrych gives them that cheesy Corellian grin. His comm beeps and he triggers it, the holo-display coming to life with the coordinates Lando's aid sent him. "Alright Violet. I'll take down the east side and you do the west, yeah?" To the troopers, "Set up a defensive position here. Cover us." Turning from his cover, he takes a look to his side of the ridge of the valley. A deep breath before he pushes off the outcropping and reaches his hands forward. His teeth grind together and he groans with the strain of concentration. Suddenly with a loud and thunderous crack and entire cliff side breaks of and starts to fall down towards the troops and armor! Was it possible to sweat in the dead cold of winter? Elrych certainly was now.

Ban smiles briefly when Aryn expresses hope that he has a sound plan. "Sound? Quite so. Cacophonous, I daresay," he adds dryly, keeping his luminous sword in the left hand while Aryn has the right, giving the racing speeder bike and its riders a measure of coverage to either side beyond sheer speed.

...But mostly they rely on speed, as blaster bolts fly past them. When a pair of special troopers in special armor spring their trap, Ban responds by plowing through one at several hundred kilometers per hour. It goes poorly for the trooper, with bits of armor scattered a distance in several directions. The cavalier struggles to penetrate the mobile artillery's durasteel plating, raising Sparks and leaving swathes of carbon scoring, bit doing little damage until the final blow bites deeper.

Despite the fact that the general was moving off, Nerys stayed where she was, keeping as low as she could, trying to keep an eye on the movements of the troops and watching as the table updated the locations with her help. She continued to offer locations and attack vectors for the walls as she tried to mostly not attract enough attention to get shot. But who was she kidding? She //always// ended up getting shot.

What, like Zan is supposed to have trouble keeping up? She actually doesn't, also moving faster than she ought to by rights be able to. Maybe not so fast as Elrych, but fast enough. She arrives, brushes her robes, and glances at the coordinates, before she gives Elrych an impish grin. "you got it," is all she replies, before she turns, one hand moving just slightly, as she concentrates intently, working to bring the rock down with her mind. The force guiding her, helping her, and the rock lifts, dropping with all the terrible force of nature that is gravity, aided by a very distint TK SHOVE.

Jessika is oblivious to the presence of rebellion royalty stepping in next to her until General Lando Calrissian's voice filters in through the cacophony of combat. In the distance, through her scope, she spies Lord Ban Iskender and Princess Aryn Cole assaulting an armored target. Troopers descend to answer them, but Jessika doesn't give them high odds. They should have stayed home today. "Like there's a lot of First Order forces still alive, General. Lord Iskender and Princess Cole have engaged some of the First Order armor. The mercenary advanced to a weapon emplacement and is trying to bring it back. The others have just reached the ridge. Standby, sir." Setting her crosshairs on one of the trooeprs still advancing, Jessika searches for the right moment.

It's almost the same moment, every time. That little valley between fully exhaling and taking in a breath. A squeeze on the blaster rifle's trigger causes another report and more melted snow. The smell of burnt ozone drifts through the air. The bolt smashes into the enemy trooper's arm, rendering it useless and forcing the white-clad hostile to drop their weapon. The shock from such an injury is enough to pitch the trooper into the snow, clutching their wounded limb while chaos rages on around them.

At the sight of the large figure going to get an E-web. Jax mumbles, "That's where I need to be." Then taking off at an agile run, across the battle field his feet lightly cruching through snow as if he was running through one of the parks on Chandrila on a winter's day. He makes it to the Fisrt Order murder hole that Lorcan was making off with the E-web with. "Hello there." He says bringing his saber up to whip around in series of flurishs and sweeps meant to repel any blaster bolts coming at him and the Zabrak. "Got quite a load there. I would help but I think I'm be more useful. Perhaps."

Aryn activates her lightsaber as they draw closer. Unclipping it quickly, and ushering out the sapphire blue of its blade in a snap-hiss noise that's buried in the ambience of the battle. Ban strikes first, and Aryn is second. She drives the blade into the armor, forcing the exterior protective plates into a molten state of hot orange everywhere her blade cuts. Ban's hit did not stop the artillery, but their strikes culminated a success. Sparks fly when Aryn draws her blade free after their pass. "I struck true, Captain!" She yelled to him, hugging herself to his back as they came about for another cavalry like pass the Dragoons were known for. Her lightsaber is held to her side, and the side of the overracer.

Yuun moves as the others do, his weapon still unlit, and he runs as he tries to keep himself in front of Lando and the other NR Troopers. As he nears one of the unarmored troopers he quickly side steps and he thrusts the emitter nozzle itno the stomach of the trooper and activates the blade stabbing the trooper. He slows his movement as he turns off the blade and back on as he moves to defend those coming up behind him.

The attack is going well for the Republic.. Depending on where on the battle field you are. The first Imperial Armor is brought to a stand still by the intrepid Jedi. However, what can be seen on the plain of battle is the specialized Armor touching the side of their helmet - the FO Elite Gaurd - which is mopping up their little section of the Battlefield quite well stop.. All three turn around to find Ban and Aryn. They begin unloading on the two - and even when Ban hits the ground and the two are on the ground.. The three and specialized unit all begin to run at the two, swarming them.

During this time, the First Order Unit 1 is completely wiped out. That doesn't mean that the other two units aren't continuing to push forward.

For those near the generator - the ground begins to tremble as the one armor still working is making its way ever more closer to its destination.. The Generator.

While Armor 2 is getting ever closer, rocks begin tumbling down and get in the way - this causes a slight pause and readjustment..as the armor still tries to continue forward.

"Good. Good," is Lando's appraisal of the situation. He's normally more well-spoken than this, but it's just so blasted cold. He squints out over the battlefield and stands up to take some more shots, his sleek-looking macro-scoped pistol barking and sending bolts downrange into a pair of Stormtroopers. Both of them clutch at their wounds and spin down into the snow in response.

<<Captain, you out there? You remember that little deal we made?>> Lando comms to some mysterious person on the other end.

<<Copy that, General,>> comes the response.

<<Jedi, keep the pressure on that armor,>> Lando orders to those laser-wielding monks running around, and crashing, in the snow.

"First Order of Sons of Gand, kriffing white jar-heads." A grumble in Zabrak at the mild sting in his arm emerges from the immense mercenary in red, single-handedly carrying the heavy firepower soon to be unleashed into the direction of the opposing battle-line. A glance rises from directly ahead, having tunnel-visioned himself into a rapid dash towards cover -- noting the arrival of a Jedi, 'I got it. Just keep my other arm intact and we're good!' He growls out in the raspy, deep tone akin to a Sergeant yelling over the chaos of the battlefield.

Whilst shielded by Jax, Lorcan makes way for the Republic front, finding a distant yet optimal position for the E-web, as he sets the generator deep in cover over a small mound of proper footing and snow, laying down on his stomach as he would begin calibrating the long-yearned for destruction, 'And you know - if you want to look at the generator - or better yet grab one of those troopers, that'd help!' He yelled at the top of his lungs over the deafening explosions, blasts and screams of agony, though he expected to entirely get ignored.

Elrych turns towards the laser blasts that are sent towards him, ducking slightly from them even though they were off aim by a bit. There was only so much supressive fire could do from the troopers. He triggers his comlink; <<"General... if you've got any armor or those rockets ready... you might want to shot them into that downed armor now.">> He looks back to Zandra a moment before jumping down and engaging one of the troopers making their way towards their position. His lightsaber swings wide. The Trooper ducks. Elrych keeps up the advance, swinging again. The troopers stumbles back out of the way. With a twist of his whol body, the blade finally slices through the trooper, putting him down into the hard packed snow. "Lets get to that armor!"

Ban Iskender calls back to his royal passenger, "Well struck, my Lady! I'll bring us about for another pass-" the speeder bike is angled back toward the stricken mobile artillery piece, but Ban's words are cut off abruptly as the blaster bolts fly once again, and one strikes the Iskender squarely in the chestplate. A pained grunt and control of the speeding Overracer escapes him for a fateful instant, and the durasteel steed throws both riders in tumbling through the snow. Ban lies in the snow only for a moment when his armored body stops tumbling, before climbing haltingly back to his feet, and recalling his lightsaber.

A look to ensure Aryn is up and aware, a nod to the Princess, and Ban lurches into an advance on the nearest tank. Between his tumble and the maneuvering of the armor to avoid the fallen stones, he is nearest the second mobile artillery piece. Carving off a chunk of the vehicle's frame, he seeks to climb on top of it, no doubt to angrily jump up and down.

You know, if that Jedi got himself killed, Nerys would kill him again. Mark her words. She'd make the force bring him back just so she could do it. But rather than rushing out into the field of fire, Nerys stayed where she was, doing the sort of thing she was actually best at, which was thinking and knowing things. The fierceness of the battle and the rapidly shifting positions of the allied forces were making that difficult but damnit, she was going to do it or die trying!

Elrych takes off, beating on soldiers on the way. Zan pauses, with a thought. Because she's trying to be strategic and her thought is that if the armour stops, then El can get to it easier. And well, she takes a deep breath, reaches for the force, and tries to make the still moving armour stop in its tracks. She might well give herself a headache, in fact she does, but from the effect she has? One might think that there's no force there. She knows better, but this is just not entirely working as she saw it in her head. "Bother," is her mild expletive, as she comes to the realization that her great plan is ... failing.

"Nice shooting, General. Lord Iskender and Princess Cole have lost their transport." She's checking on their progress between downing troopers and is witness to the spectacle of the Dragoon's transport hitting debris and the two being thrown. Her voice is even, but her chest is tight from the sight of the pair flying off at such speeds. She adjusts her blaster rifle's barrel towards the specially marked troopers advancing on the two Jedi. She doesn't spare a glance towards Lando as he speaks to someone obviously not her, but the question sparks her curiosity nonetheless. "Got something up your sleeve, sir? Maybe hiding a tank in that cape of yours?" She's trying to line up a shot on the elite First Order forces still and blocks everything else out.

Again, the blaster rifle she has braced against the snow sends a shot down range and finds its target. One of the elite troopers heading for Ban and Aryn is treated to a hard clap on the back. So hard it's enough to leave

Jax grins at the line of Iridonian curses coming from Lorcan aimed the storp troopers. The Corellian Jedi adds helpfully and hopefully, "oomapijyf wif ghevaethie erhohewid ghiethivoow aedi aegh." Then instead of doing anything useful like Lorcan asks, cause you really don't want Jax messing with power converters. The jedi goes charging across the snow his hood whipping back to reveal his face and the fact he had no horns or jota. He lands into a group of storm troopers his saber driving through the chest of the sargent. His saber flicking up in a defensive stance, 'I take no pleasure in what I do now. I suggest dropping your blasters and surrendering to the Republic Forces. You won't have to fight anymore.' He watches as the Stormtroopers aren't down with that and he moves in to attack.

Aryn is sent flying before she can respond to Ban, and collides with a tall burm of snow and ice that cracks when she hits. The landing is enough to shock Aryn, the impact jarring that she bit her tongue and lip. She sits up, spitting out blood and wincing, but rolls with enough numbing adrenaline to find all fours and crawl forward. She coughs. Coughs hard, streaking the snow with red. "Get.. up.." She tells herself, rising slowly as a bolt intended for her pocks up the ground.

She shares a look with Ban, returning his nod as she activates her Jedi weapon once more and casts her cape back to cover the errant Lord and his daring mission to stop the artillery armor. Aryn squares off with the Elite guard, coughing. "Please do not force my hand." But there was no choice in the matter. Beaten and battered, Aryn showed a graceful strike that cut through the weapon of the nearest elite trooper. The tip of her blade bisected his armor, releasing a small wave of embers that were indicative of a deep strike, and his toppling in a clatter of gear told Aryn he would not rise again.

She spun, missing a second guard; then shoved her blue blade through the chest of a third. When she withdrew the blade, he fell within her wake as two elites remained and she was dedicated to protecting Ban. She raises her weapon to a defensive position, its humming evident to her now and heard over the distant battle.

Yuun's movements are slightly sluggish as he's still not fully 100 percent but he's here. He keeps himself ahead of the NR Troopers as the FO Stormies attack. His movements are still fast, though clumsy a bit. Still he is able to keep up and as the blaster fire comes in, he moves. Digging his feet into the snow and his bright blue blade finds it's mark as Yuun does straight slashing downward strike on the last of the unarmored troopers. He jumps back a step as he finishes the kill. He looks to the storm trooper and shakes his head, "No more." he says with a slight growl in his voice, but then he stops himself and breaths.

He shakes his head slightly and looks towards the armored troopers, they are next. Yuun glances around to see where the troopers are in relation to him, along with the other Jedi and General Calrissian and Captain Pava. Taking this all in Yuun moves into a position where he can be most effective.

Merek was firing with the unit which he was with, taking the time to exchange blaster fire, when he comes upon those fighting in the front line. He then takes a moment to look to all the units, taking a moment to think about it, noting that the two Jedi fighting are managing well enough. He nods a bit to Cole and Iskander, "Team, engage them!"

The Sergeant offering that for the two, whether or not it would make a difference, the man then takes a moment to shift his rifle, while the man in the white-black armor begins to take from the belt a frag. He sweeps along with a little maneuver, a hand lifting to throw the grenade, which lands upon that armor still standing, and blasting into the hull!

As Aryn gives her warning, the Elite trooper screams, "I'mma Chargin my Blaster Rifle!" At which point he fires at her and does not hit anything, nor does the trooper that attacks Ban. It would seem that the Magic Space Monks of awesomeness are still staying as such. The Troopers are getting absolutely obliterated and the good guys are continually destroying them as they crash against the Republic forces. Lando's orders to the Air Support to attack are heeded and it goes in after the Second Armor unit - scoring direct hits. The Armor starts to slowly significantly after all the damage that is being taken.

Even with these massive wins, the First Order is still moving, but it is now at a crawl as their forces are near expended

"These Jedi don't really listen, do they?" Lando asides to Jessika with a smirk as he stands up and holds his blaster pistol steady once more. Another trio of shots ring out and he hunkers back down satisfied that he probably hit something out there.

At the sight of the fighters, Lando's grin grows wider and he can't help but do a little fist pump as they land a decent-enough hit on the armor. <<Alright, everyone, they're limping; just keep pressing the attack,>> he radios out to everyone.

After what seems like an eternity of running, haulin' and preppin' - Lorcan sets the heavy barrel of the e-web directly poised for the encroaching armor; noting the air support units slowing it down. Quickly adjusting the weaponry to track carefully along the path with the estimated momentum...

A splutter of nearly constant blood-red blasts rises over the heads of the Republican troops, slamming right into the hull and leaving it peppered with orange-glowing holes.

Elrych reaches the first Armored vehicle just after the air support drop their ordenance. The armor and ground around it is still hot as he climbs atop of the now immobilized monstrosity. He swings at /something/ that looks importan cutting deep into the vehicle. Again, but only sparks. The thrid, a deep plunge of his neon blue blade deep into the core of the craft, twisting. Molten metal pools near the hilt of his weapon before he pulls it out.

Ban Iskender pauses his hand-held assault on the enemy artillery when a cold shiver goes down his spine, as he senses the imminent danger of an incoming airstrike on his target. The wounded soldier dives for distance, taking cover as laser cannons rain down ruby doom on the nearer artillery piece, leavong it immobilized, but still firing. Climbing up from the snow a second time.. a bit more slowly than before. Recalling his sword once again, the young nobleman has the distinct look of one who has Had Enough (tm). His radiant green blade carves deep.into the vehicle, burning away whole sheets of durasteel and circuitry.

The Imperials were dropping like flies. This was good. But the armor was only slowed, stopped, but not out. And everyone was shooting, including the general. Well, she had to represent for the team, right? And there was very little more that she could do from a scientific standpoint. And so, Nerys rose, taking a steady aim on the armored unit which seemed the most damaged, and thus, msot likely to, well, take any damage at all from her weapon. Bowcasters were wonderful, but they were not some of the fantastica weapons she'd seen in use today. Still, she did not concern herself with that. She simply aimed, prayed, for some value of prayer and fired, the red bolt arching across the distance and impacting the vehicle near the entry door. That was the aim, any way.

Zan starts towards the armor, but she is behind Elrych. She gets there, but is somewhat tired and her head hurts from trying to tk it earlier. She is all in all not having a very good day, still she does try to take the thing down. Well, it's already prone, but - Zan swings at it, nearly hitting it, even but she certainly does nothing but maybe scare whoever is inside somewhat. She turns to look around, trying to figure out what to do. And she meant to do that, really. Or something.

"If you could do what they do, would you?" Jessika murmurs in response. She hesitates for a moment. "Wait, I just remembered who I'm talking to." The implication being, obviously, that the General himself has some trouble listening. In Jessika's experience, such a thing is a trait of the old guard. Few of them remain. Lando. Wedge. Heroes she'd heard about in stories told by her father before bed. Heroes who had an authority issue, even if it was rightfully with the Galactic Empire. "You should know that better than anyone, I'd think, sir." Hunting for more elite troopers is a fruitless endeavor. Between the Jedi and General Calrissians shots, there are none left standing. Jessika turns towards the armor that's advancing, albeit slowly.

She adjusts her barrel towards one of those monstrosities. Is it vulnerable to her blaster rifle? Anything is if she shoots it enough, she thinks. A squeeze of the trigger means the blaster rifle going off is a surprise. The shot races out, and Jessika is far from prepared for the sudden explosion that sends debris, hot metal, and a billowing cloud of thick, black smoke curling up and from the armored unit. Aside, to Lando. "I think I hit it, sir." She knows better than to take the credit for it. The opportunity was laid at her feet by the combined effort of all their forces working in concert.

The troopers around him dispatched, Jax looks at the looming remaining armor. THe one being repaired. He spies it for for a moment and lets out a heavy sigh, "Momma said there'd be days like this." Then the Corellian takes off at a run again and he lands below the armor his saber slashing into the metal monster undoing the repair work. THen stabbing his saber through a structure point, he start to trying to melt one of the structure points of the vehicle. His effort pooring into his attack.

Danger close, and no warning! AHHH! THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNK! Heavy concussive blasts pepper the icy ground. A warning which Ban was a seasoned enough soldier to realize, but Aryn was not. She turned away from her skirmish to look at the source of the sounds only to be swept away by the sudden gust of concussive energy. For a moment, the blue of her lightsaber was visible in the smoke, then it was not. Aryn was cast aside with ease and buried in the snow and ice, and the dead, who were made so by being caught in the blasts!

Aryn's landing rendered her unconscious, but she woke when the ground shook and the second armor was engulfed by an explosion of fire and spreading molten metal. Unable to move for the time being, Aryn begins to get cold, and the beckoning void of unconsciousness draws her away. The only sound she hears now is the ringing of tinnitus in her ears.

Yuun didn't know what the orders were or maybe he didn't hear anything, he was late. Still he was there to help and so help is what he would do. He transitions from the troopers and goes to assist on the armors. Yuun uses the force to stick his feet to the ground and keep himself from slipping as he rushes the armors. Coming towards the Armor, he attacks the area that is the most damaged, focusing a lot of his strikes there, Yuun flips away as he sees soemthing flying towards the Armor.

Merek looks while the men of his take a moment to put on the fire to the units of the enemy, then he looks to that advancing war machine. He nods a bit while he takes a moment to look forward, while he then takes a frag. His finger begins to spin that dial while he thinks. The man then begins a nice run into the fight, his feet drawing him to that armor.

The man then takes a sliding stance with his feet, spinning the frag in that hand, while he takes a moment to aim, his fingers sliding upon the dial. Then he sets the device to a few seconds, rolls with a nice throw, then he swivels on a foot, rolling away from the tank while he calls to the Jedi, "COVER!" He gave them enough time to run from that. Then explosions begin to resound while the machine begins to blast into pieces! The man then stands up while that armor behind him blows up in the background, a light shimmer on his armor, while he walks back to the troops, sliding his rifle on and up to point towards any of the forces still about.

The battle for the Frozen Thrown was a very long, very bloody affair. The Republic and First Order elements were literally throwing themselves at eachother. It was something that didn't have to cost this many lives - but when you break it down, when you get to the heart of the matter.. every little win seemed important - maybe more important than it had to be. The pass would stay with in the grasp of the New Republic and they would be able to use it to supply their forward bases. If it was worth it - if these lives made any difference.. Noone would be able to say - atleast not now. It would be up to historians to debate it live.. But that would be in the future..

For now.. They held..

And those were their orders..