Log:Clan Kora: Grit and Sand

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Clan Kora comes back for one of their own.

OOC Date: May 26, 2021
Location: Jakku
Participants: Hahtavi, Avery Ihala Kora, Terek Rosol, Hadrix Kora, Sumi Kora, Clan Kora

Hahtavi's landing was violent, but to his credit, he managed to save the craft and his life; it was a skill few pilots in the galaxy possessed. Crash landing on a strange world was an adventure in itself though; some were terrible planets to get lost on, and others weren't SO bad. Jakku? Terrible. To top off surviving a crash landing, the Mando'ade was now faced with a hellish sand storm sweeping in through the desert. It manifested like many sandstorms in the desert did: As a wall of dark churning clouds of whistling wind, drifting like a looming shadow that threatened to swallow everything up.

Welcome to Jakku.

Sumi's voice cut over the comms, drowning out the whistle of the winds for those who had the advantage of helmets and ear protection. <<"Hahtavi, this is Sumi. Initiate your emergency beacon and be prepared to defend your craft. Scavengers were spotted riding skiffs into the storm for fresh salvage. They know the desert, we don't. I'm bringing a fire team to your location but it will take us time to reach you. Defend yourself. You will not die alone.">> Sumi directs her E-Wing into the dark clouds to weather the winds, sand, and discontent of nature to find their downed pilot. She is not alone.

Despite all he's been through thus far with clan Kora, it did cross the back of his mind that they -might- abandon him down here. Maybe. His old clan almost certainly would have unless they thought they could overcome the scavengers and salvage his ship. Himself? Quite expendable. People on Mandalore were, their gear or ship parts? Not as much.

Therefor Sumi's voice coming over his coms is, though he might be ashamed to admit it, a boon to Hahtavi's ears. <<" Understood, Sumi'Alor. I'm going to fight to the bitter end even if you must ditch me, over. ">> There's a glance back to poor Lil, the R-2 unit vainly trying to make repairs and rerout circuitry and wiring. <" Lil, do what you can. Rerout even around the shields or weapons systems or pull replacement parts as necessary to get this ship back in the air. Atmo would be good enough. I'll go have a look at the engines. ">

A quick check of his rifle, Hahtavi glances at the dust storm bearing down on his position and adds ere he pops the seal on the back airlock, <" Let me know if you pick up anything incoming on the proximity alarm. "> Not that he can understand binary, but if she starts piping frantically, he'll hurry back in.

His own armor seals tight, Hahtavi exits the ship and moves around to the back quickly to see how bad the damage is. He doesn't have long at all before he won't be able to see or do anything.

He hates open space. He's hated it ever since he's been dangled in it for minutes in standard armor by a Knight of Ren. A dropship might be far more useful, though, than his big-rig fighter.

<"Heiyuu, take control and keep her in orbit with us."> the blattering binary equivalent of a blink before the big man sends a signal to Greeza and Pheegus, receiving a return tone on his panels. <<"Woor'tra. Be quick, need a barn-swallow before you hit atmosphere.">> lever grabbed on either side before a quick, <<"Canopy! Canopy! Canopy!">> and the ARC-170's main cockpit and gunner hatches blast open moments after breaking into cold space. Leaving three figures in suits maybe able to handle ten minutes in vacuum, best.

The trio floating free and using jetpacks to grab hold of one another, looking to the bulk of the massive VCX-350 - hoping the man at the commands will remember what he's been drilled on...

Avery is all-together unfamiliar with hard flying, even less so piloting the Woor'tra as it streaks through space above. He receives the comm chatter from Hadrix, nodding to himself about the 'be quick' portion before an eyebrow rises at the barn-swallow part. <<"Wait, you want me to do what?">> He calls through the channel, getting a rather hurried hint when the ARC's canopy blows back and the three are ejected into the void. <"Oh..."> The slicer presses forward on levers and jams the ship forward, flipping around to roar toward the freefalling trio. A grimace comes across his face as he presses a few more buttons, opening the cargo bay hatch while maneuvering to a position where he's able to scoop them up... preferrably before they all hit atmosphere and burn to a crisp. <<"On my way, keep eyes open.">>

Terek, on board the Woor'tra, starts to rapidly strap himself in as he listens to the comm chatter from Avery and Hadrix.

He quickly double checks the seal on his helmet too because the last thing he wants to do is get flung OUT of the ship while Avery is trying to pull everyone else back in, <"A little warning next time would be nice!">

The beacon was on, unencrypted and broadcasting on all channels. It was how scavengers could hone in on specific crash sites. It is also how Sumi was able to find Hahtavi and begin her approach through the choppy winds and zero visibility. <"I know, Rain.."> Sumi intoned to the bitchy R2 clamped in behind her flight seat. <"Amplify the holo-sensors, I can't see a rekking thing."> It was a thrill to fly blindly, but sensor technology was unique and allowed options for flying in such conditions. Thankfully, the E-Wing lacked turbines a lot of fighters used to power their ramrocket engines. Newer model meant smoother flying, and Sumi showed her grit in the heart of the chaotic storm.

On the ground, the storm had enveloped Hahtavi's location burying him beneath its looming shadow. Visibility cut down from 15m to 5m; 10m at most but one could only see shapes and not the specificity of what constituted the shape. Lil, the droid with Hahtavi, began to pick up movement within their vicinity. Some nine (9) targets disembarking from a heavy sheltered skiff and fanning out. From Hahtavi's position, he could see the shapes, and even see they carried weapons like staves and spears, blasters even. They were looking for him, but not quite spotting where he was in the chaos of the storm.

<<"Two minutes out, Hahtavi.">> Sumi updates.

He got one good look at the engines before the storm engulfed him. It was as bad as he feared. Hahtavi knows enough about working on fighter craft to know he wasn't going to get the kimogila back up into the air without some serious work, and new parts. Especially not with dust and sand to foul things up.

As the wall comes down on him, Hahtavi hunkers down in the lee of his ship's mass, using his kimogila skin cloak to cover as much of himself and his rifle as the initial sand hits him. Ooph! After several seconds, Lil's warning has Hahtavi trying to scan the dimness as the light of day is snuffed out. Dim movement getting marked on his HUD for target tracking - if his armor's systems can keep track through the dust. <<" Copied. I see movement - dimly. Marking targets, over." >>

Question is, will his rifle work with all the sand trying to force itself into every crevase? Hahtavi lifts it and tries to get a bead on something that moves, getting closer. He can't tell what the kriff it is. He looks for a shot... the wind is buffeting him HARD, trying to slam him against the Kimogila's hull, or throw him down into the sand, damn it. He braces himself and takes a shot, followed quickly with another!

They probably know where he is now. Not sure if he hit a damn thing, though!

<<"Good work.">> three pairs of heavy boots hit the deck - atmospheric shields engaging and cargo-doors sliding shut in their wake. <<"That's why the cargo bay isn't preferable during combat, Terek.">> Atmosphere floods back in and the ithorian mandalorian makes for the bridge once the hatch can be opened. Thumping trunk like feet pelting rapidly for the command deck to relieve the others as needed and set the courses through the growing sandstorm. Offering both Avery and Terek a bob of his big flat head, the translator collar mounted by his side-mouths making a mechanical version of basic from his lowing and grunts,

<"I shall handle this, if you prefer, vod.">

From the drop bay, more communications come in short order, <<"We're going to be looking at a little trouble once we get close enough. You two want to join me down below for combat drop once we're close enough?">> the twi'lek with Hadrix making for the ventral laser turret. Hard to strike infantry - but just in case. The big man himself pulling his long gun off of a rack near to where the bottom drop-hatches will eventually be opening again.

<<"Probably looking at... ten meter insertion drop?">>

<"You're telling me!"> Avery replies just as tersely, the ship rumbling and groaning in protest of his handling at great speeds. <"I thought I'd just be flying in for backup, not doing all this crazy stuff!"> The slicer claims, being promoted from 'cargo run' pilot to 'swift maneuver in a moment's notice while flying hard at an atmosphere' pilot in an instant. The massive machine roars through the air, approaching the three to thankfully scoop them up with minor issue and injury. Once they slip inside, more buttons are pressed and the hatch snaps shut before they reach heat upon entry.

The grey Mandalorian hears the thumps of heavy boots approaching, a glance behind him registering help arriving to take these blasted controls away. <"It would be an absolute pleasure!"> Avery states as he slips from the chair to allow a more experienced individual to take over. It's a fortunate thing his helmet is on, otherwise all around might see the color having drained from the young man's face. He grabs onto the doorframe as he heads back the way they all arrived, the E-11 unslung from his shoulder with a hearty nod to Hadrix's plan. <"Sounds like a rip-roarin' time."> The slicer adds with an unseen grin, more of his usual self coming out after months of anger and pain have clouded his being.

<"In my defense I didn't know we'd be playing cavalry quite as much when I came along. Figured we'd just scoop him up."> Terek replies, though once everything is stabalized he unbuckles himself and gets up to his feet, <"I'm ready to go once we're in position. Just give the word.">

<<"I have arrived,">> Sumi intones, her craft, although unseen in the chaos above, has adopted a hover. <"Rain, take the stick. Get above the storm. I'll get out of here when Hahtavi does."> Pulling back on the canopy lever, Sumi popped the top, slapped the quick-release on her restraint harness and stood up in the cockpit. A moment later, her jetpack activated and she left the vessel to descend to the ground, landing just after Hahtavi fired a shot. Hahtavi did not need to question who landed in front of his downed craft, the answer came when the activation of her weapon followed and the vibrant purple lightsaber blade extended, illuminating her in the darkness of the sandstorm.

Sumi held the weapon like she might a sword, possessing little grace about it. She could not hear its humming, or the sounds that followed when she swung it. What she did here was the incoming fire, slugs and blaster bolts alike hissed and whip-cracked by, pelting the downed craft and pocking up the dirt and sand. Miraculously, neither Sumi or Hahtavi sustained injury, but the quantity of enemies was suddenly increasing.

<<"Hadrix, this is a real challenge down here.. At least ten.. maybe more, against the two of us. I like the odds, but a few more boots on the ground would give me the warm and fuzzies. How far out are you?">>

Eight enemies grew to eleven (11) as another skiff arrived, smaller than the first.

No surprise to have incoming fire directed his way - but Sumi's ship arriving, even if he can't see or hear it above the roar of the storm, is a welcome surprise! Her arrival is indeed not mistaken as she alights and fires up her light sabre, immediately drawing most of the scavenger's bolts in her direction.

Hahtavi laughs inside of his helmet ere he toggles his coms, << "Welcome to the party, Sumi'Alor. Let's dance! ">> His first shot after she touched down misses, then second nails the bastard he was trying to track with his rifle! /This/ time he can see the hutt-kriffer get knocked down, fried. Then swallowed back into the murk of the sand storm.

Drop lights go green as the massive freighter, barely visible when the drop doors at the bottom of the bay slam open at speeds modified from their original design. Either Hadrix's own for moments such as these... possibly the previous owners should the need for a smuggler to drop cargo at a moment's notice.

It's all sand and wind ripping through and the big man steps out, letting his gravity belt engages to allow him one less thing to think of as the krayt scale cape blows out and rolls around him. A dark coloured meteorite surging towards the surface by Hahtavi with the charging orb of his long rifle priming with it's notable whumWhumWHumWHUmWHUM of overcharged tibanna pressurizer threatening weapon integrity.

The report is a thunderclap in the storm, a globe of green surrounding a durasteel bolt slamming between neck and shoulder of one of the scavengers, bloating the torso beneath what armor they may have as meat is cooked and blood flash boiled in preamble to the bursting of body beneath like an overripe berry. The big man's fall arrested momentarily and forcing him to control his positioning before his belt stops him less than a meter above the ground and cuts out to drop him into the sand.


The Woor'tra screams overhead, with Ithorian at the controls and Twi'lek at the bottom turret, crimson bolts churning up black glass and narrowly skimming past the second skiff to arrive, geysers of blacked granules heaving into the sky in the wake of the blockade runner, even as it begins to wheel around for another pass.

<<"I'm here Sumi. Avery and Terek are with me.">>

Avery checks his equipment one last time before he steps out of the opened bay door and plummets toward the ground. Almost immediately his rocket pack flares to life, countering the g-forces from the drop and allowing him time to view some of the combatants coming their way. The HUD on his helmet blinks back and forth with life, targets appearing and disappearing with the waves of sand that wash over them. He lifts his E-11 as he's settling to the ground, sending two bolts flying through the dust, neither connecting with any target that had made itself known. At least he crystalized some air particles, that's cool... right? <"Hey Haht, good to see you! Who are your friends?"> He asks as he moves to the downed ship, putting his back against it to protect one side, at least.

As the group jumps from the bay and fires up their jetpacks, Avery manages to catch sight of Terek suddenly vanishing out of view as he gets smacked in the face by a piece of debris that's been swept up by the storm.

There's a flash of his jetpack as he tries to recover, and then a heavy thud as he impacts the sand, having managed to get upright and land on his feet. The downside is he falls over a moment later because he just jammed the hell out of his knees in the process.

He'll probably be back in the fight in a moment or two, once he catches his breath.

<"Let's..">> Sumi called back, running into the mess of scavengers and scattering them. One is not so lucky to escape the wrath of the lightsaber's reach, and Sumi impales them upon it. Twisting to one side and casting the person aside, she drags her weapon to a high-guard and strikes straight down, splitting a Twi'lek in half, down her center. Sumi laughs, swinging wildly and missing a third. <"Hahaha."> WMMMPH!

The number is drastically lowered by the arriving reinforcements of Mandalorians. The scavengers realize their mistake the moment a deafening turret blast violently shakes the ground, and the forms of the Mando squad come into view. "OH DREK!" One yells, but there's no running from them now. They started something and they had to finish it.

Seven (7) scavengers remain.

The buffeting sand knocks Hahtavi down, unable to see what is going on with the others though he is aware by coms chatter and flits of bright jetpack light and added blaster bolts that the calvary has arrived! He sees Sumi slice and dice her foes, laughing like a fiend. It is a beautiful music to his ears!

Lying prone in the sand and making no effort to get up, Hahtavi sights down his now steadier rifle and picks out targets of opportunity as he can catch glimpses of them through the raging storm.

One bolt, then two from his Galaar strike his foes, killing them and feeding the desert.

<< " Not sure who they. Answered my invitation to dance, though!" Hahtavi's blood is up! It's just like being at home, shooting raiders in the Ragelands.

PENKPENKPENKPENKPENKPENK again the turret underneath the Woor'tra speaks and stitches a line of fire along one of the scavenger skiffs.

<"Think there'll be more, Sumi?"> hungry sounding, Hadrix stalks forward into the storm, leaning into the first short of his personal artillery cannon, another nova of blazing bright green streaks between the distance, scooping the head from another scavenger and sending it to burn through the air to explode in a shower of plasma and meat.

The skiff erupting adds more cacophony, more pressure to mix with the winds and the Massive Mandalorian is forced to stumble to one side as he pulls the slide bolt. Knocking another bolt into the launch chamber but able to perform little more than that when the buffeting puts him down on one knee, left arm pulling the krayt skin around to cloak his visor while he regains his balance.

<"Let's show them a good time, shall we?"> Avery replies, kneeling down in the sand for a bit better aim. The tactic seems to pay off for the first shot, the searing red bolt disappearing into the storm to illicit a strangled cry of pain in return. <"They had a good time!"> The next bolt is loosed and disappears into the mix as well, this time no sound follows announcing a hit. <"Well... at least one person had a blast from this get together."> He remarks, glancing behind him at the wounded ship to see if there might be anything for him to assist with. After a few moments of appraisal, the damage feeding into his HUD, the parts compromised appearing in red, Avery turns back to the fight at hand, blaster marks scoring the earth around them. <"You did a number on your ship, Haht...">

Terek is pushing himself back up to his feet when he gets a bolt to the leg, right in between two of the plates. He lets out a yellp of pain and falls right back into the sand, "Damn!" He yells out though no one can hear him over the sound of the windstorm.

Pulling his pistol he fires three rapid shots in the vague direction of the bolt that hit him, figuring he might hit SOMETHING. Or at the very least force the guy that shot him to put his head down, <"Damn this storm! I can't see a thing!">

The final foe that remained alive was robbed of life just after Terek shot them, and Sumi drove the violet blade of her weapon through their back to stick out of their chest. She deactivated the lightsaber, allowing the person to crumble while hooking the hilt back to her belt. <<"I do not think so. Not yet, anyway.">> She answers Hadrix. <<"We need to tow Hahtavi's ship out of here, though. Your freighter up to the task?">>

Sumi turns back to the squad of Mandos, looking toward each as they came into view from the looming sandstorm.

Finding no more targets to sight upon, Hahtavi gets back to his feet in the midst of the storm. << "Appreciate the assistance." >> A turn of his head to try and see where Avery is in this mess. << "My fault for not killing them first. Real fond of her, grateful not to have lost her." >> His ship, he means.

He turns and starts to trek towards the others, leaning into the wind that is trying to sand blast the finish completely off of his armor.

<<"Easily.">> bronzium and wroshyr cannon swung up and over his shoulder to its hangar there, Hadrix turns, surveying the area while Pheegus takes his answer to Sumi's inquiry as command. The blockade runner moved to where it can hover over the downed Kimogila.

<<"Won't be pretty of course, no hangar...">> looking up to the craft that is compensating for the force of wind and sand threatening its filters. <<"It's all going to be chains and mag-clamps for outsize cargo tucking her up, but we can get her to where Evie can get her back up and running.">> there's almost disappointment there when there continues to be no attack. No scratch that. There is distinct disappointment that there are no more assailants to contest with.

<<"It's no one's fault Hahtavi, just battlefield fortunes eh?">> still watching the ship coming down, service droids and Greeza already on the move to begin assembling the equipment for the ride home.

The E-11 is slung over his shoulder once more after the return fire ceases and Sumi's purple blade is extinguished. The Mandos all come together, an eyebrow lifted high at Terek who comes wounded to the group. <"I had a devil of a time seeing them in this mess, how'd they find you?"> Avery asks with a manner of amusement in his voice. Of course, with the amusement is also a hint of concern, though their friend is only limping and not missing a leg or something. <"You alright?">

His T-visor view shifts between the downed ship and the group, lifting a hand to shield his face while he peers up at the Woor'tra as it comes in for a landing. <"If we could predict everything on the battlefield, there would never be wars.">

<"I have to assume all the dust I kicked up when I slammed into the ground at speed."> Terek replies to Avery, as he limps up to the rest of the group, <"I'll live, but I'm definitely going to need to get this looked at. Tweaked the hell out of my knee too on the landing."> This is his first time getting a good look at the ship though, <"Wow. I don't know a lot about ships but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to look like that.">

<"Alright team, let's get her loaded up and get the hell off this ball of sand. We got people to do and drek to see."> Or was it the other way around? Sumi climbed up on the wreck to take one of the chains to find a good place to hook it. She tested the tension then moved to the next, humming as she worked.

It wouldn't take long for the storm to pass. When it had, there was no sign the Mandos had even been there. The desert's thirst for blood was quenched, and it hadn't claimed one of their own. Today was a good day.