Log:Dead Eye Testor

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Dead Eye Testor

OOC Date: July 1, 2019
Location: Beacon Outpost, Rori
Participants: Zandra naMuriel, Yuun, Jessika Pava, Poe Dameron

Zan has been here and there, and right now, she is back here. She catches sight of Yuun, and calls out, "hey, I'm sure you're supposed to move when you're sparring, Yuun." There's amusement on her face as she moves closer. "How are you doing?"

He smiles as he hears Zan, "Hey Zan." he says as he stands up and stretches out, "How're you doing?" he asks Zan gesturing for her to come over to the sparring mat.

Zan is looking relaxed, amusement lighting her eyes. "I'm good," she replies to Yuun. She's maybe not dressed for a workout, but she is disturbing Yuun in his meditation. "I went back home for a bit, spent some time meditating and working with some of the younger folks." She shrugs a bit, and then says, "I got to talk to uhm - oh, I am so bad with titles - Poe Dameron. And he assigned me to a squadron to work on my shooting. How about you?"

The sound of a blaster going off hails from the range where Poe is standing up with an A280 in hand. Keeping the weapon oriented down range, he lifts his head from the scope and squints to look at the steaming target further down. "Well, I think I hit it. I hate the offhand position." He unwraps his arm from the sling and steps aside to allow the other person a turn at the target.

He quirks a brow up a Zan. Listening to her, "There is nothing wrong with going back home. I need to make that travel myself." he smiles. He than sits back down and gestures for her to join him, though after a few moments, "I think Poe is over there." he chuckles. "Congrats on getting into Black Squadron." he smiles to her. "I just help wherever." he laughs.

"I mean, you hit something. Maybe dinner." Jessika Pava lowers the macrobinoculars from her face and adjusts them into her left hand. That hand extends to the side, offering the equipment to Poe so he can take a look for himself. He hit the target, but Jessika's not going to let him have it for free. It wasn't a kill shot. These are smaller weapons than either of them is used to using on the day-to-day, but Jessika finds herself traveling to new and interesting places fairly frequently as of late, and having to shoot the people that she meets has encouraged her to put in the time to make sure she's at the top of her game. Stepping forward, her right hand reaches down to briefly press at and massage against the side of her thigh, as if to appease it.

"I never thought getting hit with a rock would hurt so much." The muscles are stiff, still, despite being healed. Lingering trauma, she supposes, from where her body had to go through making sure everything was back to normal. Through with complaining, she draws her sidearm and adopts a two-handed grip. Spacing her feet, easing her knees into a bent position, and setting her breath at a pace, Jessika only looks at the target for a moment. Both arms move forward with speed all of the sudden, and don't tense until they snap into position at full extension. She lines up the sights of her sidearm with a much closer target than Poe was shooting at. In as quick a series of shots as she can comfortably manage while resetting for the discharge of her weapon, she fires thrice.

The first bolt smashes dead center mass, against what would be a human's heart. The second hits the shoulder, almost missing, while the third hits the left pectoral of the target. After a moment to lower her weapon, she remarks to Poe at her side. "I think I hit it."

"Oh, not black!" Zan says, shaking her head. "Definitely not that. I am not - I might be a good pilot but I can't shoot anything smaller than the broad side of a moon." She laughs though, cheeks a touch pink. I mean, I just don't even know how to shoot - but I'm working on it. I can sometimes hit what I aim at now, it's a good start." She glances over where Yuun gestures to and nods. "He's there, yes." She is standing though, not settling down to meditate at the moment. "You should go home more often. It's an important thing."

He sits there and just watches Zan as she speaks, he chuckles al little bit. "Hey that's something y'know." he says to her. He shakes his head, "I'm not meditating at all, it's the only place to be able to sit down and not get swampy or wet or anything." he laughs. He stands up from where he is and crooks a finger over to the other two pilots, "I will go home tomorrow than." he smiles."YOu want to go over and say hi?" he asks.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, that wasn't a money shot, that's for sure." Poe says, clearly squinting into the macrobinoculars after taking them from Jess. He sets them on the table between them and watches Jess take her stance, then open fire. The blaster discharging in quick succession has little affect on him, he doesn't even flinch. His ears are ringing a bit, but he turns to look at her effect on target.

"Not bad, Jess. Not bad. I still wouldn't take you to meet my mother with that aim though. She'd embarrass the both of us." He chuckles, clearly giving her a hard time. "Two kill shots there. Not bad."

It's his turn now, and he wraps the sling around his off hand and settles into a natural point of aim. When he takes a steadying breath, he allows the rifle to set downward into place until he had the right sight alignment and picture. The shot surprised him, a practiced technique of squeezing the trigger slowly. He follows through with the scope this time. "That might be dinner, but I know I jerked that one. 10 credits says it's a hip shot." He lowers the rifle, squints down range, then looks to Jess. "It's a hip shot right?" He looks ahead and nods. "It's definitely a hip shot." A charming and confident smile forms.

"I don't think I'd want to meet the mother of the man whose ass I strapped a rocket to so he could go suicidal on a dreadnought." She considers adding in that she's still mad about it, but Poe needs no more reminding of the situation. Things didn't go well despite the destruction of the huge craft, and Jessika had lost a close friend in Paige. Thinking about her causes Jessika to swallow, and a couple of quick blinks erase the brief film of moisture that threatened to cover her eyes. It's been long enough that she's come to terms with it. The emotions around it aren't enough to take her over. After firing, Jessika adjusts her stance into something neutral and lowers her sidearm towards the deck, ensuring Poe is the only active shooter for the time.

"I'll take that bet. You're not Ektor, so I'm not as worried." Setting her sidearm back in its holster after securing its safety, Jessika takes the macrobinoculars and lifts them to her eyes once she's got a bead on the direction she needs to aim them in. She settles the viewfinder on the target itself, and scans for where Poe's latest shot impacted against the target. "That's definitely a shot to the arm. Like, not even near the hip. Biceps, not hip. But, hey, at least you aren't shooting low."

Zan lwaughs a bit, as Yuun confesses why he's sitting in the middle of the sparring ring. She shakes her hea, eyes dancing with amusement, and warmth showing on her face. "We could go watch," she says after a moment of thinking. "I don't want to interrupt them at their practice. Hey, do you have a blaster? Can you shoot one?" she asks Yuun, curiously. "I wonder if I can hit anything with that, never mind a fighgter." She makes a face, before she adds, "You know, fighting was /never/ something I was allowed to think about, so I have a lot of learning to do. But I am getting there, slowly. Maybe we could try some target shooting too or something?"

He smiles. "Nah let them keep practicing and no I don't have a blaster." he says too her. "I don't like using them really." he tells her. "As for flying a fighter, I like my little freighter, though I've read that the Jedi were also good fighter pilots as well, so I think I may try to do more if you're willing to teach."

"Man, rekk me. Today isn't my day." Poe says laughing. He pockets his hand for a moment and produces the ten creds, handing them over to Jess. A small clap to her shoulder follows, perhaps something unspoken, or perhaps it was just a comradery like gesture. "Well, let's see how the rifle suits you." He places the A280 he has on safe, then leans it into the near empty rifle rack nearby. It's his turn for blaster pistol. "I feel like long distance shooting is a true art form. Not the act of doing it, but the act of being consistent, you know? Picturing where a target will go is the real trick, and I'm struggling with a stationary one." He laughs at his own expense.

"Ugh. I took a rifle out one time, with Suralinda, and it got me in a lot of trouble. I got shot, you know? Rifles are bad with my health. I haven't practiced with one in a long time." Lowering the macrobinoculars again, Jessika sets them on the nearby fold-out table and moves over to where Poe has placed his rifle. Despite knowing that he's put it on safe, she checks to make sure it is, and then checks the readout on the weapon to determine how much is left in the power pack. Enough for her to take some shots of her own. Bracing the stock of the weapon against her shoulder, resting her finger along the trigger guard after gripping the handle, and mirroring Poe in wrapping some of the sling around her left hand, so she can really help pull the weapon in to brace, Jessika moves to where her Squadron leader was standing before.

"Alright, let's just see if I can hit it in the chest. You have a chance to earn your ten credits back." Raising the muzzle of the weapon, Jessika's cheek braces against the stock and her nose finds that familiar spot along the weapon so that she knows she's getting the same sight picture over and over again. Her thumb flips the safety off, her finger slips into the trigger guard, and Jessika times her breathing. Once she's exhaled completely, she waits for that space between the pulse of her heart beating, and chooses that time to ease weight against the trigger. The weapon discharges, sending a red kill bolt lancing down range towards the target she's trying to hit.

Zan nods to Yuun. "Sure, whenever you are ready," she says. "Though I am not sure I am the right person for that. But I'll do what I can, at least for flyling. For shooting, you want to talk to these guys."

That said, she does start towards the other two, keeping well back of the firing line so she's not going to get shot, or interrupt them. She obviously wants to take a look, even if Yuun isn't all that interested. If she gets noticed, she nods her head, but she waits for a good moment to say, "Hello, you guys are scary with those weapons." There is a calmness to Zan that does show up in her expression and posture, even if she's not quite ready for prime time.

It's Poe's turn for the macrobinoculars, and he waits while watching Jess pick up the weapon and prep it. "I remember. Suralinda is really good at finding that. Trouble, I mean." He hasn't heard from Suralinda in awhile. He silently wonders if she's been enjoying the beaches at Kaadara, or secretly fine-dining in Theed. These thoughts are interrupted when Jess indicates she's ready to begin. Poe comes off his lean and brings the macrobinos up to watch.

"Consider me schooled then." Poe says post shot, lowering the macrobinos and offering them to her. "That was a clean kill shot there. They didn't know what hit them." Poe starts chuckling. That's about when Zandra showed up. Turning slightly, Poe straightens a bit. "Hot range, Zan, be careful." He offers a hand to help Zan down into the shooting pit with he and Jess. "Zan, this is Captain Jessika Pava, another Black Squadron member.. one of the originals. Jess, this is Zandra. I believe she's with the Jedi." Introductions made!

"It was luck. I think I jerked the shot at the end because a bug buzzed in my ear." Whether she's just saying that to make things smoother on the flyboy's ego or if she's serious is anyone's guess. Whatever the case, her attention is caught by Poe warning someone about the range, and Jessika immediately removes her finger from the trigger to rest against the guard again. Subconscious thought has her thumb flicking the safety on. Jessika consciously checks it, both by feel, and by the slight twist of the weapon to the right so her eyes can make visual confirmation of it. She keeps the barrel pointed downrange, but lowers it so that the muzzle is towards the ground. An initial few moments of time are taken to appraise the newest arrival.

"Nice to meet you," Jessika offers with both a sincere tone and the inclination of her head. It makes the tail of her hair graze against the sweat-beaded back of her neck, and a few errant strands are left clinging to it after they become damp. Rori is not the planet she would have picked to hide out on, for more than one reason. Still, she's not going to get political, and she's not going to complain. Too much. "You know, I finally got to go to a beach, but it was storming. Like... hurricane storming. And I've still never even been to Kaadara. When do I get my vacation days, Dameron? I'm becoming pale like you." Poe is nowhere close to pale, but she teases him about it nonetheless.

Zan accepts the hand offered, and steps down with the other two. "Right," she says, "I'm Zan. Well, Zandra na'Muriel, but everyone calls me Zan. Nice to meet you too." She'll shake hands if offered, but since they've got guns in hand, so to speak, she's okay if they don't. "I didn't really mean to interrupt, but I've never been on a range like this one, or not quite." She pauses and then adds, "Well, I suppose it was, only it was just me and my cousin, when he was teaching me to shoot behind the Captain's back." She shrugs though, offering a smile.

"Beaches are okay, but they're full of a lot of water usually, to go with the sand, and that's a little bit strange to me still. I am not sure I'll ever get the hang of them." She's not really tall, nor short, just a hair under average in height, with violet hair that doesn't show roots. "I am with the Jedi, but don't let it fool you into thinking I know what I'm doing. I mean, sometimes I do, but some times I'm just making it up as I go."

"Ha. Tell you what, Jess. You want to go to Kaadara, let's go to Kaadara. I'll even buy your first drink." He chuckles, turning his attention to Zan. He grew quiet, as she spoke. He glances at Jess then crosses his arms a bit. "Well, you didn't interrupt. Jess and I often pass time like this just to talk drek and get frustration out. The range is a good place to center, make adjustments on life, and figure out what you're shooting at." Whether he meant it literally or philosophically, no one knew.

"Making it up on the go is our specialty." He nudges Jess. "Right Jess?" Confirmation sent to the one who often had the answer to whatever predicament they were in, be it a bandolier of armed grenades, or a salvo of rockets.

"Oh, hey, that was a metaphor. Did you hurt yourself? I can't tell if that's smoke coming out of your ears or just the heat haze in the background." Poe's nugget of knowledge and the explanation for what they're doing at the range is too ripe an opportunity for Jessika to pass up. Seeing that the situation is turning more social and conversational, her left hand unwraps from the sling, though it's presence is still visible as an imprint against her skin, and she elevates the barrel to the sky. Adjusting her grip on the textured handle, Jessika more escorts the A280 to the rack than carries it. Once again, she checks the safety on the weapon, ensuring that it's not in fire before it's slotted where it belongs. She joins them soon after.

Both hands come into a braced position against her hips, just beneath where her flightsuit is peeled down and the sleeves are tied off. It provides some comfort against the sweltering heat of the swamp, even if her tee is damp and clinging around her upper chest and shoulders. "And, hey, Jedi are just people, too. You don't know everything and you can't fix all problems. I've known a couple." Readjusting attention to Poe by changing where her eyes are looking, she provides him a short, sarcastic laugh. "Ha. Maybe we wouldn't have to make it up so much if your plans ever worked." It's meant to be good-natured teasing, as indicated by the extension of her elbow to nudge him back. "Also, yeah, I'm not gonna turn down a free first drink. I want one with one of those little umbrellas. They serve those on the beach, right?"

Zan's lips quirk in a smile, and she nods. "That's about it, exactly, especially since mostly I'm just trying to become a jedi, so I have a lot to learn." She considers for a moment, her posture relaxed but more or less alert. "I see. so you use shooting, kind of like meditation? that isn't something I've thought about," she replies to Poe first.

Attention going back to Jessika, she wrinkles her nose slightly. "Pretty sure they have those drinks on beaches, yeah," she says easily. She has a small blaster pistol, honestly, but it's not likely going to shoot very far. If it even has ammo. "And if you two are planning to go find a beach now, don't let me stop you." She is eyeing the range now, curiously.

Poe comically holds a hand up to his ears as if to waft the smoke into a place he could see it. No joy, though. His smile forms anyway, even if it is at his own expense. "My father always said plans never make it past the execution stage. I suppose that's why I've never put much emphasis into a good plan." He looks to Zan and shrugs, a goofy look on his face.

"Meditation? Nah. Just something for idle hands. We don't like the quiet; it typically means something's wrong."

Talk of the beach has Poe shifting his hands to his gun belt, posting them there casually. "Well, they have the umbrella ones, yeah.. and ones with like.. fruit on a stick that you use to stir the drinks.." He waves off Zan's concern. "Again, we're talking drek. We might go later though. She got hit with a rock. A break might be nice after a good injury like that."