Log:Defiance: Drikish Engagement

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Drikish Engagement

OOC Date: October 08, 2018
Location: Drik
Participants: Defiance: Zhu Yan, Tarion Tavers, Siha Archer, and Sajin

Space, the final frontier. These are the continuing missions of a bunch of retards. Their mission, to kick some ass and take some names. The planet Drik sits like a bastion of simplicity and natural beauty against the backdrop of the starscape. Add a colorful nebula off to the right for that extra bit of aesthetic. A space battle rages on between Yellow Squadron, An old Hapan Battle Dragon, and a heavily armed Action VI vessel. Drik's king has been called to aid in the fight as another Action IV jumped in and is now ejaculating drop ships. Yellow Squadron, too busy helping the battle dragon needs some reinforcement to keep that new Action IV from it's mission. Careful, there's a full squadron of Headhunters that jumped in with it to ensure all goes smooth.

When Sajin entered back into real space, his hazel eyes took in everything. The ensuing battle. <<"Holy Sithspit... They must really want whatever we got... okay, who's with me today?">> So he can get a head count, <<"Sound off... like in that Holodrama about space battles. Yellow 13 reporting in. Yellow 2 you have lead of Yellow Squadron. I brought some friends along to take care of this other situation.>>"

Siha Archer is in her trusty Broadstar the Sy'dartha, all by her lonesome, snacking on some fried meat sticks which are stabbed into the grooves around her console for ease of access as she goes along, a bowl of sauce in her lap for dipping. She munches during the hyper and as she snaps back into space she too will take in the view, "Mynock Pizzle 32 here -- haha. Naw, Archer reporting in- all systems clear and ready to kick some space arse." Said mid-chew of her food, a blackened stick hanging out of her mouth as she hums along, music playing in the cockpit, whatever the star wars equivalent of classic rock playing, "Ready on your mark, Yellow 13."

DUN DUN, DUN, DUNDUN, NA NA NAAAAH NAAAAH NAAAAH. So was the music blasting through the mind of Zhu Yan, Ace Pilot (but not really, he didn't have that feat of ability), as the modern T-70 X-Wing he was piloting suddenly appeared in space where it rudely dislodged a little bit of solar radiation. Behind him, dome noggin poking out into space was Reddie the R3 droid, who unlike Yan was not happy to be here judging from the ignored translations of her complaints on one of Yan's monitors. "Mobius One," said Yan in his best airline pilot voice, all cool and calm and collected like a champ, "standing by."

<<Ahhh, Drip,>> Tarion Tavers' cringeworthy voice coos into the comms from the pilot seat of a Firespray patrol craft as it comes zooping into existence from hyperspace, the man's hands already deftly flipping switches that he has no idea of their function, but things always seem to work out. <<It's been a long time. Sajman, is that groaty old grandma still around? I think she was going to make me her consort and then I'd be your grandpa or something like that, I think it ended with me inheriting the royal treasury.>> The giant flying ironing machine surges into life, heading forward to get into position with the others. <<Oh and it's Tarion, the Parallax, but you all knew that anyway. Who am I meant to be killing and how much are you paying me again?>>

<<"Who? Who are you asking, Parallax...">> Sajin asks confused over the comms. <<"Headhunters and that Action IV right in front of us. Hey... Let's take a run at the Action IV, then deal with the fighters. We gotta stop them from launching more drop ships and getting troops on the ground.">> They're plowing strait through to the Action IV and the Pirates see them coming a mile away. They don't even attempt to come around behind the ship so the weapons trained on them are less. It causes for some Fancy flying. Sajin switches to Proton Torpedoes, links them, and the fires... and they go right past the ship and towards the planet... and explode somewhere in the atmosphere and will likely cause some more damage... "Ahhh...oops..."

<< Archer focusing fire on the Action IV-- >> Siha states over the comms, left hand flicking off said comms as she maneuvers her ship through space, a wide grin on her face, "Oh man, Sy'd, it has been way too long since we've been out together like this. Let us ---" And she yanks another meat kabob off her console, snaking it to her mouth to take a quick bite before it's balanced between thumb and forefinger of her right hand, a garbled set of words coming out, "Make it worf it, hey big guy ..." Chew. She'll sit forwards, fingers of the left hand tapping along the console as she uses the right to steer, head canting to the left, to the right, tongue flipping out from between lips to rid them of sauce and to help move food from cheek to cheek, "Okay --" Targeting the stated ship she'll wait for her screen to hit green, quickly firing off shots then == PEW PEW ==, ship dived down, or ..wherever, depending on your vantage, to drag her down and below the ship, intention to come around from behind and shoot again in another round later, << Direct hit - scanners read their shields down to 75, keep on them. >>

<<"Mobius One, engage!">> exclaimed Yan, his voice suddenly snapping back to his normal borderline-manic tone which came out when he was about to engage in a little bit of murder. <<"Fox One!">> Of course his excessively excitable nature led him to let off a proton torpedo just a second before the lock-tone went solid, and it streaked past the Action freighter and... sailed off, to drift without fuel for eternity. Yan sure hoped no one would run into it a million years later. That would be unfortunate. But not his problem! Bad feeling: gone. He tilted the X-wing and broke off to go after one of the fighters. Tactics! <<"Going to go tangle with a Headhunter.">> HEADHUNTERS. After that incident on Eel-World (RIP Raim), Yan had a healthy hatred for them. <<"You all have fun now!">>

<<This is The Royal We, moving into a firing position," Tarion Tavers announces as he pulls the yoke to the right, winging past the edge of Mobius One's wing to swing around and draw a line on those Headhunters because they look cool and everything that threatens the status of his ship as 'coolest thing in the area' must be destroyed. <<Come in, Mega Plunger, go ahead with your strafing run," the bounty hunter chatters, making up names and tactical sounding phrases as he goes, squeezing the triggers on the stick to spray hot plasma from the twin turbocannons mounted on the nose of his ship, all of which go sailing harmlessly into space. <<Kriffing hell, it's been a while since I've been out in space. This is real nice, Mega Plunger, you know how to show a girl a good time.>>

The Headhunters don't seem to think the flight of Four is much to worry about because only two flights turn to persue them and drop off escort duty of the drop ships which are now hurriedly pouring out from the ship and down towards Drik. Sajin's Torpedoes rip into the shields, taking it down, some of the explosion ripping off a bit of hull plating. The shields collapse allowing for Siha's Laser to pierce through and add some more minor damage. It's still breathing though. The Fighter Yan pursues isn't able to even dance his way out of the four heavy laser canons, the bolts rip through the shields and then smash into the older fighter. There's plasma training from it and the ship turns away from the fight, fleeing.

Siha Archer's head cranes back as she looks up above her as she brings her ship beneath that Action IV, head turning slightly as she sticks the kabob in her mouth like a corn on the cob, teeth biting down as she frees up that right hand to help her as she begins to bring her ship up and twist it around in a barrel sort of roll, righting her ship and bringing her in behind the other ship, free curls flopping about wildly around her head. She sways, teeth biting down hard, a slight grunt sounding in her throat as she gives her head a shake, the fast paced maneuver requiring some timed breathing so she doesn't pass out like a new kit just learning flying for the first time, << Archer moving in for another pass-" Ship is locked, and laser beams sent off flying through space == PEW PEW ==, the Mandalorian scoring a hit, the shields collapsing and shimmering out around the ship, her kabob snagged out from between lips leaving it one meat nugget down as she does so, << Shields are down on the Archer IV --" Said only by visual confirmation, Siha quickly glancing down as she runs a quick scan, pinky and ring finger tapping console, grey eyes scanning the readout, << Confirmed, shields down and minor hull damage inflicted, keep giving it hell. >>

Zhu Yan had a theory. When it came to defending oneself, the best method involved an overwhelming amount of firepower in a minimal amount of time. Subscribing wholeheartedly to this theory, he linked his quad-laser cannons and sent four bolts of pure unadulterated screw-you into the tailpipe of his hated nemesis. One of his hated nemesises. Nemeses? Now was not the time to deliberate. "<<You are MINE!>>" he erupted over comms, the red mist starting to cloud his vision as bloodlust took over.

<<This is The Royal We, future consort of the queen grandmother of Drip, and I- AGH,>> Tarion suddenly calls out in alarm as an impact rocks the ship, red bolts blooming against the blue of shields that were invisible until that very instant. <<Are you kriffing kidding me? I just painted this thing!>> the bounty hunter complains, despite the fact that the ship has taken no damage whatsoever and a computer is calmly announcing, 'Shields at nine-ty nine per-cent'. <<Mega Plunger, the royal vessel is going to need a stipend to cover some cosmetic work after the mission is concluded,>> he comms, putting his mouth way too close to the microphone as he dials in some dials, flips some flippy switches, the ship flying in seemingly random patterns as it moves through the vacuum of space.

Sajin loops around for another pass, shaking one of the Headhunter Flights that's moved in after him just in time to get a solid tone on the Action IV another two Protons lash out and slam into the engine reactor section. The hyperdrive fuel explodes and starts to rip the ship apart but only cracking it. Air escapes and so do bodies as the hull starts to fail. <<"Holy Nerf Tits. That thing is almost dead...">> Of course there was still the somewhat successful round invasion they would have to deal with once this was moped up. When he notices Siha come in for another run, he turns towards the fighters who are now pulling off escourting the landing craft to come after the flight of 4 mismatched ships.

Siha Archer shimmies her ship this way and that, avoiding whatever fire may be coming from other ships who may be taking an active interest in her as she continues her run on the Active IV, << Royal We, watch your six ... >> Said way after he's hit, the woman grinning a lopsided thing as she continues to turn her head to look at her compatriots, still taking bites of the kabob, empty stick tossed into a can nearby, the woman liking a clean ship, << Good job, Yellow ...uh, 13? Saj, whatever the kriffin' ship you're in, good job-- >> As she drives in for another run at the Active IV she quickly works the consoles, targeting and firing off more shots, finally allowing a triumphant WOOP of sound in the privacy of her ship, comms flipped on as she watches her shots hit the target, leaning over far to eyeball the damage, << Active IV is down, I repeat, Active IV is down. >> Unlike her private screeching yelping voice, over the comms she is cool and professional, grinning as she uncheeks her kabob meat, chewing more heartily as body rights in her seat, << Orders, yellow 13? >>

PTSHH was the sound of laser bolts pinging off the rear shield of the T-70 X-Wing Mobius One. There was what sounded like a sigh from Reddie the Astromech, along the lines of 'Oh not again', and Yan took a quick glance at his shield indicator before shunting that knowledge into the 'sort out later' pile. He had someone to kill, see. Speaking of someone to kill, it only took anothr full volley of Taim & Bak Special to turn this Headhunter into a careening pile of space dust. "Boom!" he cheered to himself, then broke off to find another victim. "<<One down, however many to go!>>"

<<So helpful, thanks for that,>> Tarion replies to Siha as she warns him about the ship that's already shot him way way way forever long ago. He's already busy circling his Firespray around behind said Headhunter to line up a quick shot, a spurt of laser cannon fire knocking the shields on the opposing vessel down a few shades of blue. That's before something starts beeping in the cockpit. <<Oh krif, Mega Plunger, I gotta go, tonight is the season finale of Hours of Our Existence and Luci's baby is going to her first day of pre-k while Treville is hospitalized from a spice overdose! I can't miss it, alright, you're gonna have to manage without me,>> the bounty hunter relates, exasperation clear in his voice. << I still expect that cosmetic stipend, >> he adds as the ship abruptly turns away from the planet below and with a sudden lurch vanishes into hyperspace.

Sajin watches the Action IV finally rip apart and explode. Escape pods fly off it, though not many. They took it down way too quick. The King of Drik finds himself a target, linking the three laser canons together. He fires right as the tone turns off, the bolts flying off for eternity into the blackness of space. He blinks at Tarion's antics over the comms, <<"Wait what?">> Sajin says, pulling away as a new fighter gets on his tail. He keeps the one he's after in his mind on sensors though.

"<<Wait that's tonight?!>>" Sithspit! "<<DVR it for me!>>" announced Yan over the comms as he lined up another Headhunter in his sights, firing quad-linked bursts in an unholy attempt to terminate the soft fleshy individual in the hard crunchy ship. But this bastard was clever and slippery. "Hold STILL!"

Sajin moves in after Nexxu 2, the Ship Tarion had damaged. He's able to get in a hit, taking the ships Shields down but the Pilot was good enough to angle his ship so that two of his strikes missed and evade hull damage. Sajin looked out beyond and to the rest of the head hunter squadron coming after them. They were about to be severely outnumbered. <<"Yellow 2, Yellow 13... are you guys done over there yet? We're about to get messed up.">> No matter how good him, Yan, and Siha were they were going up against some hard-knocks.

<<"Oh we're right here Yellow 13..."> If one were to look over the other Action IV, the one with the guns going up against an old battle dragon was exploding. What was left of Yellow Squadron is zooming towards their position.

"Oh leave me alone!" hissed Zhu Yan, more annoyed that someone was distracting him from the whole 'shooting this fracker down' business than actually making dings in his shield. Seventy percent. That was nothing. His next batch of shots went hilariously wide and he grunted, "Sithspit!" in pure frustration. "Just DIE already!" It was Eel-planet all over again!

Sajin manages to get a small hit on the Headhunters engine section, but the thing zooms into hyperspace before he can press the attack. The sight of the rest of Yellow Squadron baring down on them and the lost of their two Freighters has turned their moral into nothing. They'd have to come back and rescue their ground troops later or try again. The other Head hunters turn tail and run, exiting the system in Hyperspace, hopefully before any of the fighters can chase them down.

Occasionally there's a moment where 'if we ignore it maybe it'll go away' stops becoming relevant and it becomes appropriate to actually dodge. This was one of those times. Yan corkscrewed, letting lasers fly past where his S-foils were, and stitched the escaping Headhunter right as he started to enter light-speed. The debris trail was long, and very very thin. "<<Alright, two down! Who's keeping score! I'm winning! I'm the best!>>" So much for modesty, Yan.

== PEW PEW == Siha, who had disappeared around the other side of the planet Drik, having lost radio capability on the dark side of the planet. Dunnn dunnn duuuuunnnn. But she comes screeching silently around, using the planets gravity to slingshot herself around and quickly works on targeting the one of the escaping headhunters, finding a lock and sending shots off, her sudden appearance SO SHOCKING that it's missed and her shots find their mark, the headhunter ship exploding into a bunch of pieces, the pilot killed no doubt, or ..you know, hanging out in space while waiting for a pick up, << Got another. >>

Two Headhunters don't make it into Hyperspace and instead settle into orbit around Drik as debris. That makes a total of 3 Down and 1 Frigate. Sajin sighs, <<"Well... at least that's taken care of...">> Yellow Two comes over the comms, <<"We're not done yet, Sire... There are reports of armed insurgents on the ground. The Planetary Guard has them cornered but they've retreated into the caves and forests. We'll have to hunt them down.">> Sajin smirks, <<"Excellent, I've brought just the right people. D-bags, on me. We're heading in for a little ground action!">> He may not have gotten a kill in the air, but he packed his bowcaster and it had just gotten modified. The Squadron and mismatched flight of Four head towards the planet's surface.