Log:Drugs or Bust

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A Rodian attempts to peddle drugs at a bar.

OOC Date: October, 25th, 2016
Location: Blue Light Bar
Participants: Reeloo Chazzatta, Nyla Forr

Tonight the Blue Light seems a little slower than usual. Despite the peak rush hour of the popular bar, the sheets of rain outside may be the culprit of keeping the Blue Light quiet. Not every soul has had their spirits dampened, however. Nyla Forr, a short human female, drives her shoulder into the door and enters the scene. She's wet, her dark clothes stained darker as she brushes off the excess rain while marching towards the bar. Nyla scrambles onto a stool, the heels of her hands driving into the slick, metal bartop as she leans forward and squints up at the menu as the Twi'lek bartender hovers near the newcomer. "Uh," she begins, voice uncertain. "Coruscant sunrise, puh-lease."

A stocky Rodian, several stools away from the newcomer, looks down at his barely touched drink. Glancing about, he discreetly dumps it out into the bar drain before sidling up to the human female. "Make that two! Sounds delicious." He glances up and down, as if noticing her for the first time. "Greetings, salutations, and all the variations, madam! I must say you're making this dampest of days positively glow with warmth. My name is Chazzatta, Reeloo Chazzatta. At you service. And what, pray tell, is yours?" He slicks his hand through his greasy shock of black hair and folds his snout into what approximates a smile.

Nyla Forr's eyebrows shoot up just a second before her eyes slide over. "Oh ho," the girl murmurs, inching her hands down to grip at the edge of the bar. Her arms stiffen, locking elbows as she leans back to consider the Rodian. "I'm Goo Boo the Hutt lord," she replies with a smirk pinching at the corner of her mouth. "I'm not buying your drink if that's what you're sniffin' after," Nyla snorts as she eyes his greasy hair.

Chazz feigns indignity. "Far be it from me to ask favors of a great and powerful Hutt, such as yourself. I merely thought perhaps, with a chill in the air and gloomy grey skies, you may be in the market for something that'll pick you up a little faster than a sunrise of any sort." With a flick of his wrist, he produces a vial of glowing liquid, which he rolls down his knuckles like a coin. "What say you, Goo Boo? Care for a sample?"

For a moment Nyla appears to be amused. Her elbows unlock, easing her rigid stance into one of bemused regard for the Rodian. As he speaks her mouth opens to reply to what she assumes to be a come on, When the stranger produces a vial, however, it derails her retort. The human's head immediately tilts like a curious canine, teeth catching the inside of her cheek. "Huh," Nyla grunts. "This is a new one, I gotta admit. It's not like... Rodian piss, right?" Brown eyes dart from the vial to Chazz's face and back a few times.

Chazz chuckles in a high pitched Rodian buzz. "Though it has been filtered through several contraptions of my own design, this humble Rodian's body was not among them." He considers her as the the bartender places down their drinks. "And to your question, it is new. So new there's no laws exactly forbidding it. Just a dozen common, accessible, ingredients, that in the right proportions..." He leans in to a whisper as he pops the vial into the air and catches it. "Will let you feel the warmth of a sunrise and taste it's colors to boot." He leans back, chortles, and snatches the drink off the bar. He takes a sip. "But I guess you could settle for /this/."

Nyla Forr seems eager to keep an eye on her drink as it is delivered in front of her. Strangers with vials at a bar. It's... well. Suspicious. Quickly she curls her hand around it, dragging the orange and red concoction closer to her. "These are my go-to," Nyla admits with a wistful sigh. "Haven't had a hit of glowy mystery liquid in /forever/." Sarcasm weighs heavy on her tongue as she studies Chazz. "So. You're giving out free samples of a miracle drug. Do tell. What would I expect from it? I can't end up naked in the middle of the park /again/."

"Public nudity is not a side effect I've witnessed, personally. Though I'd imagine it would feel amazing!" Chazz almost seems to whistle to himself. "It's a simply bacta derivative. I've simply found a few kickers that repair sensory connections that, well, didn't exist in the first place. I'm a physician, so no harm and all that." Chazz shifts in his seat. "So what does a Hutt have to do to get busted down to the bar with the rabble? Sorry state to be away from the slave girls and toad juice."

"Eh," Nyla begins casually. "Lost too much weight. I have been shunned with dishonor. They even de-slimed me." She raises one arm, indicating the lack of slime on her person. "I /do/ miss the slave girls, though." The girl reaches out, curling a finger to request to see the vial up close. "Level with me. /Will/ I be able to fly on this shit?"

Chazz lets out a giggle. "Fly? No. But perhaps it'll take the edge off missing those slave girls. Think of this as an enhancer..." He tosses her the vial. "I developed it for the last merc crew I was with. Made battle more, what did they say? /Yummy,/" He Does a little spin on the stool. "Good gracious me, I'm a lightweight with this stuff." He taps his glass.

"No nonono," the girl starts to protest as if the Rodian is throwing in slow motion. She makes a grab at it and it's about as pathetic as you could imagine. Instead of coming close to catching it, Nyla Forr basically slam dunks it into her drink. "/Dammit/," she grumbles as she grabs her drink up and eyes into the condensation-coated glass. "Welp," she huffs and looks over at the Rodian as the vial leaks into the drink in little lava-lamp like globs. "Fuck it. Flip a credit. I'll drink if you win."

Chazz's eyes go wide. "By the FORCE! Toss it! Hit the deck! The formula is extremely volatile when exposed to distilled spirits!" Chazz scrambles to find cover.

"Wait, /what/?!" Nyla says, pulling a face at the Rodian over the glass of explosions. Hesitation grips her for a split second before she shoves the glass towards the sink behind the bar. "Why would you try to give it to people AT A BAR?" Nyla demands as she slips off the stool and scrambles back a step. Down the bar, the Twi-lek stares at them.

Chazz taps his chin. "Hmm. I suppose people /would/ have alcohol in their stomachs. Guess that would have been bad..." BLAM! The drink explodes into a tiny green gas cloud that hovers above the sink. Chazz scrambles over the bar and inhales. "For SCIENCE!"

Nyla Forr stares at the Rodian, eyes wide as if attempting to debate if this is actually happening. She ducks at the explosion, the whole bar crowd looking over at it as she pushes a hand above her at the gross underbelly of the bartop. Space gum and hardened boogers press against her hand as she hunkers down for dear life. "/Science/," she hisses, slowly picking herself up from her hiding place and backing up. "Aw, shit. My drink! Are you kidding me?" Explosions and gas clouds aside, the human female sends daggers at the Rodian for the lost alcohol. She wipes her dirtied hand against the side of her jacket.

Chazz smacks his snout lips. "I'm definitely experiencing extra sensory input. But mostly I just taste whatever's under the bar. Ugh." The bartender grabs Chazz by the scruff. "Listen, you just may have saved lives with that experiment. Just, uh, put it on my tab and get the lady another drink." As he is hauled off and out of the bar by the bouncer, Chazz tosses Nyla a card. "If you every need anyone patched up or, well, blown up, I'm at your service!"

Nyla Forr doesn't offer even a sliver of help as Chazz is dragged off. She watches, the bartender giving her the stinkeye before turning away to make another drink. "I am /not/ with him," she insists to the back of the Twi-lek. "Ow!" The card pings her in the back of the skull and she whips her head around to wonder at the insane Rodian. Brown eyes drop to the card that now rests on the sticky floor between her feet. Nyla sighs, stoops, and pockets the card without knowing exactly /why/.