Log:Explorer's Guild: Bespin Headspin

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Explorer's Guild: Bespin Headspin

OOC Date: March 1, 2018
Location: Bespin
Participants: Explorer's Guild: Corr Waldin, Siha Archer, Eilam, Netep Muri; Special Guest Stars Jezid Hevois, Sajin, Aliraet, Vido Nurn, Grishk


The gas giant houses a thin band of habitable atmosphere where the floating settlements like Cloud City are constantly monitored to remain, and it is through this band that the Explorer's Guild flies in a roomy cloud car. "This city's antigravity propulsion gave out without warning centuries ago," Corr is explaining to the assembled crew, packed into the cloud car. "Fell down into the toxic levels and just surfaced. A coupla kids decided to go check it out and haven't been back for a few days. Place is basically a ghosttown, and nobody's sure how long it'll be around before it dips back into the dead zone. Stay on guard and keep your eyes open for anything good while we're down here, and we'll find those kids."

The cloud car sets down on a rickety old platform to unload, and Corr leads the way out. The city itself is ailing. There's no better way to put it. Buildings are scarred and worn by the acidity of the lower atmosphere, some outright crumbled, and a weird sort of corrosion has settled in on every surface. The air itself is foul, threatening to curdle the stomach of all those it inflicts itself upon.

Siha Archer secures her helmet within the cloud car, the creepy looking multi-faceted visor turning this way and that as she tests it, feeling the seal around her neck with gloved fingers. Fancy. Feeling around her body to test the rest of the flightsuit she finds all systems are go, and thus she steps out from the cloud car when it lands, a sword at her back and her gun at her hip, "Wow, this place is a shavit hole ..." Murmured through the helmet which augments her voice slightly, voice coming across a bit filtered.

"Place stinks." Says Jezid, tilting his head side to side. He takes a few steps off the ramp and frowns, stomping his foot. "Huh." He stomps it again, then shakes his head. "That's not good. Anyone able to tell if the main power is on? Are there lights anywhere?" A thoughtful pause, "And where might the ship of our missing charges have gotten to?"

Sajin steps out of the cloud car wearing the helmet of his formfitter power armor. He takes a wordless look around, stepping out a bit farther to give another crew member some breathing room while esccaping the lofty contraption. "Huh..." He says through the helmet's intercom. "I think it looks cozy, I've lived in worse." And he has which is the sad thing, not often or never did the handsome hapan actually tell a lie.

Aliraet has been fairly quiet, sitting a bit apart from most of the othrs, save for the big Trandoshan and Advosec, her arms folded across her chest. As the car finally lands, she rises gracefully and pads off with a predatory air, moving out away from the others a bit as her left hand idly rests on the pommel of her sword, thumb rubbing over the base of the pommel. "This where they landed?" a slightly husky female emerges from the concealing helmet, painted over with a stylized skull of some sort of predator, the faceplate caught between the jaws. Her head turns slightly as she looks for sign of recent passage...by foot or by claws.

For Eilams part, he had actually come relatively prepared. A full bubble-like aparatus around his head today in the form of a glass breathing dome, that was sealed into his D.D.C Glider armor, a breathing apartaus held onto his lower back. The Ghostling otherwise looked much as he ever did beneath it, a satchel over one shoulder with several books in it, and a few other odds and ends, though held in one hand he had the stave he used to carry with him when it came to the original missions. That weren't just 'Go into this volcanic passage to find metals'. This seemed more moderate than the last ones.

Time would tell. Hopefully Muri would be about to be an emotional support blanket of sorts. Or maybe she'd be drunk again and not much useful for that.

Vido Nurn isn't here for the missing teens, he's here for the goods, and that's what he's thinking about as he very nearly smooshes his face against a window of the cloud car. To him, the derelict city doesn't represent a pile of junk, but a historic playground inviting him to poke around and discover its secrets. Really, this is the sort of thing he was made for.

"Incredible how the atmosphere has had its way with these structures," the Advosze says on disembarking from the vehicle. His cybernetic goggles whizz and whirr as he scans the area carefully, one hand gripping the spear he brought with him, which also serves as a deadly walking stick.

Next time Muri lays eyes on this gaseous world, she's gonna be doing so from the luxury of a casino suite, but for now...

"Yeah, it's pretty gr---eeeerhgk." The stink gets a little bit worse for a minute around the proximity of Netep as, after too long a struggle getting her helmet fitted into place (can ya tell she's barely worn this thing?) over some uncooperative hair, she succumbs to the first few breaths of rancid, toxic air and retches up all those snacks she's just stuffed her face with on the flight here. The sentientologist/nerd/'scientist' is off to an unproductive start, it would seem, and communes intimately with the corroded platform under her hands and knees for an agonizing few minutes. So now her helmet's rimmed in splash-back and she's torn between finding a way to clean it while breath holding before putting it back on, or cutting her losses here and just sealing it up. Sucks.

Grishk's armored, reptillian body thuds as it jumps out of the car. His bare feet hitting the base of the long abandoned city as he looks around. Sniffing the air from behind his helmet. A look to Aliraet is given. As well a nod to Vido. "Stinks a bit, smells better than Nar Shaddaa in some ways." Adding as he walks a few paces around the group before bringing his rifle to bear.

Someone asked 'is this where they landed,' and Corr glances back over his shoulder to answer with "Near as anyone can-" before his pale face finally tinges green. The fearless leader pauses mid-sentence to double over, hands on his knees, and chuck the in-flight refreshments out onto the eroded duracrete pavement. "Near as anyone can tell," he repeats sickly to Aliraet, a glum hand wiping back across his mouth. "Alright, uh. Let's head a little deeper in here and see if we can figure out where they went. Ship's not here, so maybe somethin' happened." The abandoned street up ahead stretches away in a straight line as far as the eye can see, lined with buildings of varying heights, all of them in some degree of disrepair. "Seems to be holdin' up for now, so somethin's still ticking down below," the man remarks aside to Jezid.

Siha Archer glances down as Corr doubles over, the woman not moving out of the way, her face expressionless due to the helmet, "You gonna be okay?" Her filtered voice asks as she casts a wide look around them and the acrid environment. The concrete is toed with a booted foot, her left hand on her pistol, watching as the concrete crumbles a little with the toe scrap, her chin tilted down to take it in, "You know, the ground might just fall away below us." Intoned darkly, a low cough erupting from the woman, her hand coming up to smash against her chest heavily. Tilting her head back she takes in the view in front of them, eyes narrowing a little behind the helmet as all the little cameras on her helmet tell her things. What things she don't know, but something seems off in the distance, "Hey, what's that hunk? It doesn't look as shavit infested as the rest of the place." A turn, Siha facing the group, "Or is this new helmet not calibrated, ya'll seein' what I'm seeing?" Hook of her thumb over her shoulder back down the street.

Turning his goggled gaze vaguely in Corr's direction, Jezid nods. "Well, I'm here to slice and dice. Find me a terminal and I can see if there's any sort of information. Logs, journal entries, flight histories, sensor logs, stuff like that. Might be able to access some cameras for you guys to look at, from the right place." He shrugs, "If they have any security cameras around, anyway."

The goggles turn towards Netep. "Aren't you glad you had that last ration bar?" The corner of his lips turning up.

As Siha gestures up the street, Jezid hmmms. "Could be the ship the kids landed in. Especially if it's not as corroded as the rest of the environs. I do not see what you see, though that is hardly surprising." He offers in response to her query.

Sajin stares at Corr. Well, that's what it looks like because he's wearing a helmet. Beneath it, the Hapan frowns, shaking his head. He then glances over to where Siha indicates, his helmet visor enhancing his vision enough to make it out. "Oh yeah... I see it too. Looks like a cloud hopper or something. Not as much erosion or corrosion on it so it's a recent crash. Should go check it out." He puts his hands on his hips, surveying the rest of the imediate area.

"What was this platform's purpose? Tibanna gas production or was it another sort of facility?" Aliraet asks crisply. She seems content to let others take over scanning for signs of the teens for the moment, though she hasn't drawn her weapon as others have. She'll do it when she's needing to kill someone. "What's the most valuable area they might have headed to explore, for example? That might be why they landed farther in, if they had a target in mind." And if it's valuable? Well, no reason she can't be the one to remove said valuables, after all. The others are here for the kids...she's here for the interesting salvage. Which, she supposes the kids technically are, sort of.

"Given how long they've been here, compared to how long we have, they may very well be a good bit further away. Probably nowhere outside, since this place is so worn down. Maybe inside somewhere, or in an area that may not be as toxic? I wonder if there might be anywhere like that, perhaps somewhere that has an airlock or hatch." a pause and then he asks, "Maybe they went towards where the gravity generators are, to try and fix it? That is what I would do... because even if they manage to survive a while, if the city plunges again what is the point? Perhaps we should split up... does anyone know where the generators are? I brought along a book on repulsorlifts among other things, so we may be able to find out something or some way to fix the problem or extend it, even if they are not there."

"Who here can repair machines or diagnose problems like that?"

Nurn is busy investigating some of the rubble up close, noting the way in which the atmosphere here has degraded it in a such a way that brings to mind an old expedition of his to an ancient site in Vjun. Memories of that time flood him. "This place will surely be lost once it falls too far into the gas," he mutters to himself, thus completely missing what others see in the distance. He does, however, clue into the present once people start talking about the possible vehicle ahead. "It was most likely a mining post, yes, which means there much to find below the surface," he mentions to Alariet, "though as to where the missing kids might be, I couldn't tell you."

Misery does love company so despite the gross factor of her smeary visor, Netep can find a smile around all her quease...for a few seconds until Corr's puke has a delayed effect and she revisits her own session. Jezid's concern earns him a show of gratitude in the form of one fingered salute. Eventually, she does get her stuff together and sways to her feet for a looksee around at what Siha's questioning. Her fancy scouting helmet does its thing and she nods once her brain catches up to the binocular feed. "I've done a bit of tinkering here and there, but I'm no engineer," she addresses Eilam's query while gravitating on over to the ghostling. "So your sense of curiosity has led you to join us once again, eh? Against better judgement..." her voice drops, elbow nudging out to knock his lightly. "Least we can't expect to encounter any lava eels here." Green brows wag once inside the smudge of her faceplate.

Eilam mumbles in response, "It seemed less dangerous... maybe I was wrong. I could not bring myself to complain."

Grishk sees the ship in the distance as well, as he shoulders his rifle and does a quick scan. "If we comms stay stable, we can split up and use radios." The Trandoshan states as he points to Aliraet and Vido, "We can make up a group, with any others that want to come, and search. The rest of you can go a different way if we stay in contact."

"I don't see a good reason not to check out that wreck first," Corr decides with a quick spit of residual vom-taste onto the street. "It's prob'ly theirs, which would explain why they ain't made it back yet, and maybe they left a trail. Or they're dead in there and that'll be a quick mission," he remarks dryly, and it's not clear if that's supposed to be a joke. At any rate, he starts heading that way, waving for the others to follow. "If there's nothin', we'll try to work our way down to the engines. And uh." Faded blue eyes scan over the group briefly before tossing a small device to Aliraet that looks like a compass, only it moves vertically instead of spinning. "Keep an eye on this altimeter. If we start dropping, or... rising, or... I guess that's the only two. So yeah, just keep an eye on it." Your safety is well in hand, everyone.

Siha Archer has no idea what the heck is going down! She's coughing heavily in the confines of her helmet, a bit of a wheeze drifting from her, but don't worry folks! All her germs are contained within the helmet. The sealed helmet. She raises a hand to the side of her helmet, moving with the others, head shaking a little, unawares of much aside from what's in front of her face and a few feet ahead. A sniffle, a snuck, and she falls back behind just enough so she's got bodies in front of her leading. Survival 101.

"Again..." Jezid states, "If you find me a terminal, I can almost certainly find us a map that could answer many questions." He turns towards Eliam, "I can do some repairs, and I even have tools. I'm better with computer hardware, but in a pinch it's all wires and circuit boards." He hmms and gestures about the large group, "Shall we stay together, or split into two parties as he," a nod towards Grishk, "Suggests. One to investigate the ship, perhaps, and another to come with me to find a terminal, perhaps?" He shrugs,

"Staying together is fine too." He says as Corr begins to set out. "Probably far safer. I'm just along for the ri.... awww worm dung." His hands dart into his sleeves and come back out holding a pair of vibro-daggers, blades held downwards. "We've got company incoming. There..." he points towards a warehouse. "Avians by the sounds of them. Annoyed avians, at that."

Sajin is kind of just walking with everyone else, looking around. Though when he hears the screaching he pulls his blaster from it's holser, the magnetic quick draw grip activating as he brings the weapong to Bare. "Space Monsters! Where?!" He glances around, wide eyed, though that can't be seen from under his helmet. He ducks as the swarm comes, pointing the heavy weapon and squeezing the trigger once. "OH god, Kill it with fire!" Which he did as it falls to the ground smoking and flaming from the heat of his blaster bolts.

Aliraet catches the altimeter as it's tossed her way, glancing at it absently then clipping it to the inside of her right sleeve which she can see. At the warning of incoming creatures, however, her right hand reaches down and draws her vibroblade in a smooth motion, the blade humming to life as she flicks it on. She remains at the ready as the birds approach...most likely her companions will bring them down with the wide variety of weapons they have...but if they're alive enough to come around for another pass, she'll be ready.

"You don't see a..." Eilam took a deep breath before sighing and just looking towards Muri with a look that perhaps she understood. Though as he looked ahead, and heard... ...


"YOU DON'T SEE A REASON?! I SEE A REASON!" And with that Eilam was right away from there, going /way the hell away/. Nope, he's not having any of that, the rest can try and sort through THAT madness, he'll just kindly walk the other way and start trying to find some kind of terminal. He does, however, pull out something to hold in his other hand, some kind of handle, even if it isn't obvious what it was unless anyone had already seen the stunsaber he had. Which was more meant to poke at something and try to deter it from getting too close but hey.

Nurn swivels his head over to Grishk and nods. In a quieter voice, yet nowhere near a whisper, he says, "There is a chance searching for the kids will distract from finding any salable gear, so perhaps we - " He is cut off when the flying beasts appear. First, his goggles' eyepieces swivel and whirl to focus on them, then his head snaps over to follow. Like Aliraet, he readies the spear in hands and prepares himself in case anything gets past the blaster fire.

Grishk looks too Nurn and expects to nod though that doesnt happen as the creatures approach, His tracker already 'at the ready' as he wastes little time and mere fires at the closest first one approaching the group. "Kill em all!" He roars

Netep's grin fades behind another smokescreen of exhale as she watches the altimeter exchange hands with some dubious instructions. "Hey, do we have more than one of those?" she pipes up and trots into gear to catch up with the longer-legged leader. "I mean if some fo-OOOH what are those!?" It would seem Muri's seen/heard them, too. She doesn't sound wholly disturbed by the inbound aerial assault, too busy squinting in wonder, but DOES flinch aside when Sajin suddenly explodes in a round of blasterfire.

"Hey wait!!" She protests over the din of panic. "These are--" *duck* "Rawwks! Rawwks, guys, they eat shhhhhhavit!" One swoops a little too closely for even her comfort. But eating air shrimp isn't the only thing these crazy feathered bats are good for! Which brings her to look WAY up....just in case.

"No, I don't see a reason," Corr is in the middle of replying to Eilam, pulling a brand new canteen off of his belt when abruptly he sees the excellent reason by now everyone else has already noticed. "...That's a reason," he agrees quietly, fumbling with his drink and the belt and trying to get it quickly shoved back in there. He is not losing another canteen, dammit. "Maybe they're-" RAWKKKK and blaster fire. "-who cares, SHOOT 'EM!"

The Rawwks, as Muri has correctly identified them, are aptly named, shrieking RAWWWWK to the sky as they circle around the small party in a maelstrom of flapping wings and flailing legs. They lash out at the adventures, a pair of talons barely missing Corr's head. Even Eilam, singling himself out, is a target, as a pair dive in on him, RAWWWKing with fury as they try to latch onto the lightweight prey. It's anyone's guess how that airhopper accident happened, huh?

"WHY BIRDS?!" Siha screeches out, "BECAUSE DINNER." At first it might have seemed like she was scared, but the woman is hupped up on cough medicine and it just kicked in. And it's the DM kind, the kind you need to show your ID for and get put on a list for! The kind that has her hunting for winner winner, chicken dinner. Her shiny new sword is swung up off her back, body ducking an attack from one of those winged beasties, "I'MMA DUNK YOU IN RED SAUCE!!" And, surprisingly well, she swings her sword once through the air at the bird, the thing finding purchase on something. Hopefully not one of those who aren't potential food.

PLOOP. The bird is DED! Siha steps to it, stomping a foot down on the bird she just killed, "MINE!" Yelled out in a howl of awesomeness, cracking it's neck with an air of finality.

Jezid takes a hit and slices back at the bird, then waves his knife at another, hitting both.

Talons, suckers, beaks, what ever the hell the RAWKING Shrieking terror is, Sajin is too busy being hustled by one that's absolutly being rather agressive with him to hear the name of these creatures. It stabs a talon right through the weak point of his armor under his shoulder and at the join. The Hapan screams in pain as he's knocked to the ground, raising his 44 to send another two rounds in the hopes to save himself and others from further attack. Right now is where a Flamethrower would be nice! "Dinner isn't supposed to fight back, SIHA."

The armored Devaronian crouches to avoid the first sweeping attacks as several Rawwks shoot past her, claws narrowly missing her helm...then there's the third one, which she meets with a picture perfect lunge with the point of her vibroblade as the humming edge rips cleanly through it, slicing it almost in half as the parts go flying past her before she drops back to a crouch again to make herself a harder target over the taller people around her. "Just means it hasn't become dinner yet.." she says absently to SAjin, her voice sounding almost...gleeful behind her helmet.

Nurn braces himself against the avian onslought, noting the name Netep screams out over all the noise. Whoever had the pleasure of discovering them wasn't very creative. Or perhaps they simply went through a similar situation. He ducks and dips below a smaller Rawwk that has chosen him as its prey, feeling the beast's talons scratch against his armor. Then, when an opportunity presents itself, he thrusts the tip of his ancient spear into the beast. "These are /surely/ a distraction from finding salable goods."

Grishk gets assaulted by the birds after his rifle fires into the flock. Despite his thick skin and beautiful lizardlike qualities, he is managed to be speared and pecked at fairly moderately. Finding chinks in his scales and causing a few open wounds. Grishk hisses and the pecks seem to attack hard. Causing him to swat and rear back to fire again.

Eilam was not having any part of this, he didn't want any part of this, he was getting swooped at by some of the Rawkhawks and suddenly he felt one of the birds grab at the glider outfit he had and actually manage to lift him up. "G--get off of me, stupid thing!" Thankfully it wasn't ripping and clawing at him, or if it had tried it didn't do a good job, but for the time being, he was flailing and struggling and eventually flicked his stunsaber on long enough to try and jab towards the bird hoping it might let him go so he could try and glide down with his glider suit!

Between the efforts of Sajin, Siha, Jezid, and the band of bloodthirsty pirates, rawwks are falling left and right. Seeing their kindred chopped down like chaff before a thresher, the rest of the flock takes to the sky, rawwking their consternation for all to hear. The one that's managed to lift the featherweighted Eilam into the air takes a shocking hit to the foot, letting loose of the Ghostling abruptly and releasing him to the freedom of gravity.

Meanwhile, Corr's finally got his canteen put back into his belt, and whips the DT-29 from its holster, ready to blast some birds, but when he looks up, all that's left are a few bloody corpses and echoing shrieks. "Well, seems like we got that dealt with," he announces cheerily, shoving the pistol back into its holster. "Let's see if them kids are over in the wreckage or not."

Siha Archer crouches down to grab her bird by it's neck, swinging it up and over her shoulder, a truly triumphant look on her face hidden by that damned helmet of her Ebon Guard flightsuit. She presses the head of the bird into a hook on her suit, letting it hang off over her shoulder as the other hand swings her sword back into place onto her back. Ha. She'll look around, checking out the skies for any more dinners, "I'm bringing this back to the Blue Light, I bet they can cook it up real gooood ..." She trails off, coughing still a little, though the meds are working well, "Hey, guys." A nudge of her helmeted head as she looks to the wrecked cloud hopper, "In the windows. I don't ..think my reflection hits that high, you all see what I'm seeing?"

"The window is open. If you are asking if you see the two faces peering out, that is." Says Jezid. "I would assume those are our wayward explorers. I shall ask them what's wrong with their ship, and fix it if I can."

As the avian's make their retreat, Sajin remains on the ground catching his breath. Taking a moment he sits up, bringing his kneeds up in order for hims to rest his arm across it, blaster hanging from his hang in a relativly save direction. He scans around, making sure there were no more threats. Blood trickles down his armored arm and side from the puncture point. After a moment, he stands holstering his weapon before moving to pick up the dead animal he hath slain. "Siha... yes... let's take some of these back for Hex." Such a nice guy, bringing his boss some exotic food. He glanes up towards the hopper and pauses, noticing something. He nods. "Yeah... there's someone in there..." He points, dead and mangled avian dangling fom his hand.

Aliraet sniffs a bit, straightening up, then flicking her sword at the ground, the motion combined with the vibration of the blade sending teh blood on it splattering free to clean it, before she flips it off and slides it back into place. "Rawwk dinner and founds the kids. Greeeeat." she mutters. "Well, let's go get them. Maybe the birds were keeping them inside or something."

"Get... OFF... ME!" Eilam jabbed repeatedly at the bird until something connected and the resounding squawk and release had a moment of panic. Flexing his hands, Eilam activated the glider mechanism in the suit and the electrically-charged material shot out, allowing him to slowly glide back down - strangely gracefully all considered, before landing carefully and looking moderately huffy about the entire ordeal. He hadn't really bothered looking around nor had he seen anyone nearby, so instead he just grumbled and tried to see if anything got torn or ripped as he was lifted. Seemingly it had not.

"So, what now? Why is it always... creatures, or monsters. Why can it not be a nice small fluffy something that wants to be pet. Always the screechy things that want to eat you."

Nurn drops the head of his spear, which falls heavily with the weight of the Rawwk carcass impaled on its end. Still gripping the weapon tightly, he struggles to pull the pointed spearhead out. "Come on," he grumbles, twisting and turning the weapon to try and break it free, each time mutilating the poor thing further. Then, finally and with noisy grunt, he pulls the spear up and out of the beast. "Aha!" he shouts. When he looks up, its to see the others focusing on the cloud vehicle and the people inside. So much for plundering this platform.

As the others lower their weapons, Grishk keeps his shouldered, though lowered a bit. As Vido thrusts his spear into one he smiles a bit. "Nice" he states, otherwise remaining quiet after his numerous shots have went flying. "lets just get the kids and get out of here. Anything of value is probably disentigrated anyhow." he states,

"Taxonomically speaking, they aren't birds!" Netep voices aloud for the little it's worth, stepping over a few carcasses to meet Eilam at his landing zone. "Think of it as a compliment?" she offers lamely to soothe Eilam's hurt feelings over having been chosen as dinner by the arthropod-eaters. "You all right?" But even as it's asked, she's looking back over her shoulder to those who've spotted the kids and travels her gaze beyond to the cloud hopper. Well. This was an unexpectedly short search!

"I'll bet they're glad to see us..." she murmurs and bends to pick up a decently intact Raawk for inspection. "They're a /little/ fluffy," she defends the would've-been-cute creatures and carries it along by the hind feet. Not much she can bring home to send across the stars to her bro from this crumbling place as souvenier, but perhaps a Raawk skull might entertain the young man's imagination.

"Let's go make sure they aren't hurt, and then we'll put 'em in our cloud car," Corr decides, heading forward toward the building with the wreckage smashed into it. The door is locked, but there's a handy hole where... a cloudhopper made a new door. He steps through, waving the others in behind him.

Inside the building appears to be some sort of shop, but it's been well-picked-over and the displays are empty of what seems to be all valuable items, leaving behind little more than tin cans and issues of some inscrutable magazine, an image of a long-dead celebrity barely peeking through the dust and the layer of acidic condensation. The teenagers have apparently garnered enough hope of rescue to relocate, as they emerge from a door on the far side of the room, a boy and a girl, both looking frightened and bruised from the wreck, little cuts and scratches covering their clothing, presumably from the rawwks. "Is it safe?" the girl asks, stepping further into the room, and behind them, a small clump of... algae(?) floats possessively after their ankles. It's got tentacles on it.

Siha Archer will move through the shop, right hand on her birds neck, the other reaching out to run fingertips over magazines, a few unfolded and shook out as Siha leans to the side to peer into downward turned pages, some disintegrating. She'll glance up, covered in birds blood, her mutli-faceted helmet turning towards those voices. Right, right ..no looting. Goddess-amit. Siha is not going to be the one to answer that, instead her gaze drops right down to that delicious looking calamari thing, left hand turning into a little gun figure so she can point with her index at the little algae bite, "Food?"

Sajin isn't far behind Siha, scanning around and seemingly okay despite his still bleeding wound. He should probably get that looked at! Either way, he stops as they come upon the teenagers, eyes going to the alge tenticals... "Uh..." He leans closer to Siha, whispering, "What if they're like posessed by some evil tentical creature... you know... a body snatcher thing."

Aliraet steps in after the others, rolling her eyes inside her helmet at the pair of kids. Stranded surrounded by monsters and they have not found a comfy closet somewhere at least for shenannigans? And they call themselves teenagers. She notes the oncoming tentacle thing....yeah. Nooope. One of the other ladies can go kill that. She'll be over here by...hmm...this...safe that...the ship...huh.

She casually crouches down for a moment, her hand sliding down as if to brace herself, then vanishing back up into a pocket before she zips it up, straightening and casually walking back towards the group.

"I think I... nnn... well, I'll find out later." Eilam winced as he started to try and shift his arms, realizing he was likely going to be quite sore at the least from that experience, probably bruised and maybe with a pulled muscle of some kind. "Not bleeding though, or anything... that I know of. Lets just try and... get this over with?" Though the others seemed to have found something. What was it? "Oh, were they not down below, but nearby? That's... well, that works. Maybe. If that's them." And Eilam moved to follow Muri with whatever it was she was doing at this point, deactivating the stunsaber but still holding onto it, and the stave he had with him, firmly. To poke away anything that got too close again hopefully.

Where Siha holds back on looting the place, Nurn does the opposite. He manages to keep the found kids from distracting him from finding any precious goods. So, as some of the others point out the strange tentacled piece of algae, he steers clear of that mess to rifle through the rubble, taking his cue from Aliraet. The only sound from him comes from his cybernetics as they carefully inspect a quiet corner of the room, followed by a brief squeak of pleasure.

Grishk stands, statuesque with his rifle as the teens are foundm eyeing Aliraet before looking about the rest of the group. Who seem to think the lack of attacking avians equates security. "lets get them out of here before the place dips below the safe zone" he states in a heavy accent. "The air here stinks anyhow."

"Until this city begins to sink into the toxic depths again, yes! It is." Netep helpfully chimes in reply to the girl's question after half tripping her way over some gnarled wreck of display hook. "Grishk here's got a worthy point it really is quite fou--Hey, what's that?" She points, assuming the teens are aware of the little thing hovering around their ankles. "It almost resembles a...huh. Do Beldons ma--what /is/ that? A spore?" She moves in, stooping low and rolling up a magazine to do the scientific thing and gently nudge it. Away from ankles, because tentacles.

"Yeah, you don't want to eat that," the girl answers quietly to Siha, indicating the little puppy-sized floater following them around. "That's a baby Beldon that got separated from its herd, I think. It's been following us. They're full of tibanna- hyperdrive coolant."

"Who cares," the boy interrupts impatiently, pushing in front of the girl. "Get us off this deathtrap before those things come back!"

Corr has spent this time glancing around the room carefully, checking the corners and whatnot, but not for loot. "I'm inclined to agree. Let's head back to the cloud car. Aliraet, you got a reading on that altimeter? How we doin' here, cause it's smellin' worse." He's already starting to head towards the hole to get back onto the street. "Let's get moving."

The mostly quiet of the store is suddenly broken by a sharp beeping as Aliraet glances down, then lifts her arm to peer at the altimeter on her arm. She pauses briefly, then begins jogging rapidly towards the exit. "Yeah, well, we're all about to die if we don't get to the car, so maybe we should be GOING!" And she's already sprinting out the door, waving Grishk and Vido after her!

Siha Archer's mouth drops open from behind her helmet and a wheezy breath of air can be heard as it's exhaled, Siha listening to Sajin, "Oh no way ...that would be soooooo cool and yet sooo crazy." Sajin just -blew- /her/ =mind=. Oh man, "Do you think it could like, take over /my/ brain? Can you even imagine? Not having to think, because something else is doing it." She turns slightly to eye Sajin, her face hidden but she's making some sort of waggly eyebrow face at him. A hand lifts and she points at him, "You've got red on you." Poke. The girl gives Siha an answer however, and she'll shift her body to look at the youngster, "Awww, man but..I love tibanana hyperdrive coolers ..." Then Aliraet sounds the alarm, Siha blinks, trying to push past Sajin (she's a sweet heart), to get out, but she falls, that bird on her shoulder bringing her down as it gets caught on the counter! GAAACK, "I'M DOWN!" She calls out, landing on her backside, the back of her helmet hitting the floor. In a daze, and slower than the others, she will manage to right herself and ..crawl to the door, eventually getting up to limp/run, "Ow, I broke my backside I think." Limp, run, limp. Chicken/bird still clasps to her suit, thus her shoulder.

Not needing any further prompting, Jezid turns and begins sprinting towards the cloud car. His vibrodaggers are shoved hastily into his sleeves, but the motion costs him a moment's concentration, and his foot catches on a pot hole in the corroded plasteel of the paltform. He starts to go down, but manages to tuck himself into a somersault, leaning his shoulder forward and rolling with the fall to land back on his feet. Once again he's sprinting towards the cloud car, somewhere in the middle of the pack of fleeing explorers.

Sajin gives a giggle as Siha pokes his wound, an odd rections. "Don't... that tickled." Okay, maybe he was loosing too much blood now. Definatly time to get on the run as the alarm is sounded. Screw the kids, he stumbles as Siha makes her way past him but is able to recover and make a run for it. He notices her go down and helps her up. "Don't worry. Your butt will be fine." He continues his glorious escape.

Grishk said his peace, he makes his way back to the vehicle from whence they came.

"WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT!" Eilam squeaks out in frustration, turning to run as fast as he could, using his stave once the handle of the stunsaber is slipped into his satchel as an aid in combination with his movements to keep his balance, even if he looked to be in pain when overusing his arms. Still, Eilam was able to make it to the vehicle with time to spare, even if the lingering pain from having been grabbed and lifted like he was. For a normal person it might not have any effect but for Eilam, it really did seem to leave some lingering problem. "If we get out of this, I am choosing our next destination, Corr Waldin, not you! You conflate Exploration with Adventure and Danger!"

Using his spear to push himself back up from his crouch, Nurn does a quick about-face in time to see Aliraet exiting the building. And fast! "Wait for me!" he calls after the Devaronian. Making a beeline for the exit, he isn't afraid to jump in front of others, step on toes, or even give a gentle nudge to anything in his way.

Aw. Baby. Gas? Netep's adoring thoughts are interrupted mid transition before they reach sinister levels thanks to the sound of that beeping. The hope of Beldon smuggling is abandoned in favor of "OUT!" She gives the boy and girl a shove ahead of self, then almost loses her footing scrambling along after, thanks to that same janky hook. Not this time! A skip and hop and she's home free, even if almost run over by Nurn. It goes south somewhere along her hasty scramble over the hood of the wreck, though, with rawwk tucked under arm. Something on her suit catches and her hop off the craft doesn't go so smoothly. Muri eats pavement, or would have, had her helment not been secure! Something's been bruised though and she gimpily trots along after getting a lil help up, grumbling all the way.

Bringing up the rear, Corr yells something unintelligible about the altimeter and something indecipherable about the fungus thing before he runs off after the rest, face-planting in the middle of the street on his way to the cloud car, arriving last with a skinned-up face and bleeding hands as he does a quick headcount before piling in. "Go, go, go!" he yells to whoever is manning the pilot seat.

As the car pulls up into the sky, it becomes clear that the city is indeed sinking; down and down it goes, slowly but surely dipping through the orange layer of clouds until it vanishes from sight below them.

The kids are saved, though, and the mission is accomplished. "Good work, everyone," the bloody Explorer leader announces, looking around with a grin. "Next time we'll find one that's already sunk."