Log:Explorer's Guild: Lothal It's Cracked Up To Be

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Explorer's Guild: Lothal It's Cracked Up To Be

OOC Date: June 18, 2019
Location: Lothal
Participants: Explorer's Guild: Corr Waldin, Netep Muri, Kairi Wray, Siha Archer, and Sajin


The ruins of the capital city loom tall above them, shells of a lively metropolis that once housed a thriving hub of trade, the key port of call for an entire planet's industry and agriculture. Now, it's no more than a tomb, picked over by scavengers for any scrap of valuable materials, the bombed-out skyscrapers that still stand leering at crazy angles.

Leading the way through the streets is Corr Waldin, explorer, a man of average height and size wrapped up in a suit of protective gear with a pack on his back and a shooting iron slung just below his hip. "So way I heard it is, right up ahead, a big ol' crack opened up the other day in the wake of some sorta tectonic shift, they expect," he confers to the others, glancing over his shoulder for a moment to make sure everyone is still following him. "So naturally I thought, wonder what's down there? We should go look." A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Should be a nice easy adventure. Just rappellin', after all."

"I recall how smoothly that went, last time!" Muri is here, because what else does she do but wander, mostly into places she ought not be, in the name of science, sociology, and amusement. The woman's dwarfed by the Nightfalcon she rides at an impressively slow hover alongside the rest of the gang. She's not a fan of moaning, groaning metal teetering hundreds of stories above her heads, but maybe...just maybe she'd have a chance at racing the tumbling towers while astride this speedy bird. (Also, it'd be a LOT of walking in this Scout armor, on foot!) For now, the helmet's face shield has been unlocked and slid open, enabling some fresh air to get up in there. Her thermal regulator hums quietly upon her back, just over her left kidney, or so the vibration tells. "But I concur, much adventure lies in wait..."

Kairi had changed little since the first time she'd met Corr, physically, that is, still messily dressed with her armor shoved over the top; the woman had at least become more comfortable wearing the Cinnigar export. And, she had dried out a bit.

"Sounds like an excellent idea." She replied, voice filled with mock enthusiasm, a small smile touching her lips. "My natural thought process to when I hear about chasms opening in planets is.. Why not jump in!?" Muri gets a sidelong glance from the plodding along messy sod, along with a quip. "Oh, last time sounds great!"

"You are so full of shavit, Waldin. You remember that one time we were supposed to be just hanging and drinking on your credit line?" This is Siha speaking through her t-visored vocoded helmet-do and agreeing with Muri and elaborating for Kairi, "DEATH WITCH. Oh, just rapelling? Oh, maybe some DEATH SLIDES." Which, if one is being honest, sounds amazing.

"Besides, truth be told, I don't come for your easy adventures, and pray to the Jawa Lord before I come on these things for insanity so .." She's just plugging along, katana bouncing on one hip, her pistol on the other, "If we're lucky we're gonna be caught in more tectonic movement, and find some new world of tiny creatures that either worship us or have prophesized our arrival and the requirements of their Goddesses to eat us." She can only hope.

Oh. She's wearing black and gold beskar'gam. So scurry.

"Repelling? I'm pretty good at that." Comes the voice of Sajin from his flight-suit. Given where thy were going and what they were doing power-armor seemed a bit over the top. "So I've got Buckets with me... just in case." The R2 Unit rolls behind him Whistling something about not wanting to be here. His owner is ignorant of what the domed droid is even saying. The pair continue on, following Corr and Netep. The handsome Hapan reaches into one of his flight-suit pouches and pulls out a food stick. He tries to shove it in his mouth but it breaks on the helmet instead. "Awww..." The dullard looks sad.

Well, Corr can't really argue with the protestations of the others, so he shrugs. "It all worked out in the end," he comments airily, stepping on ahead.

Before long at all, they arrive at their destination: a massive yawning rift that's torn through the duracrete pavement and however many layers of the rock and soil below. Peering down over the edge, the bottom is nowhere in sight, vanishing down into blackness. "Looks inviting," Corr comments, and it's difficult to tell if he's being sarcastic or not. Here and there, buildings have fallen across the gap or dangle out over the side. "Find something to anchor on to." There's a streetlight post conveniently located ten meters back from the hole, and in a few moments Corr has a rope looped around it. "Look around, find somethin' to hook up on."

Netep tosses Kairi a wink as Siha elaborates in her colorful fashion, and leans back in her seat, dually padded by her suit's effects and the knappy looking leather pack riding in passenger seat behind. The bike drifts along, steered lazily by the toes of her boots between the occasional kick of power. Not great, far as naps go, but a good stretch. From that pack, she pulls another food stick and tosses it overhand at the Hapan. "Try again."

When the maw of hell appears, Muri dismounts a bit clumsily, shoulders her pack, clips some clips in place to anchor it, then shuffles on up to the edge. When the underworld smiles up at you, it's polite to grin back. Or grimace. "Bloody drek," she mutters, watching Corr hook up to the light post. One hand slaps the face shield back down and twists the sealing latch back into place. "Piece of cake, yeah." For the next few minutes, Netep pokes around, testing this or that with trepidatious nudges of hand and foot. At last, she settles on the hitch of a wrecked A-A5. Looks solid enough to support twenty of her, even if it is just a decrepit shell. A few hand-lengths of synthrope are tugged out from her belt and secured. A firm yank tests it. But just to be sure....Muri unravels a couple arms lengths, hold the slack in hand, then bolts a sprinted two steps out. It snags, yanking her back off her feet. We good.

The mess of Wray found her sidelong glance moving from the bike riding to the darkly armored, T-visored (undoubtedly crazy) woman, her own brow lofting each time the word 'DEATH' something was mentioned, with an extra little bit more for the whole mention of Jawa Lords and tiny worshipping creatures. Finally she allowed the brow to drop, and merely added a wry comment on the end. "Or maybe we'll just come out the other side of the planet." Kai had no idea how good she was at repelling, and while scanning ahead said idly. "That's what these are for, right?" Knocking on her helmet.

As they approached the opening the young woman following the words of Corr found herself an anchor point; rather one that she thought would work and headed for the spacey hydrant thingy.. It was sticking out of the ground, and looked as solid as she could hope, anyway!

Siha Archer is SPECTACULAR at spotting things. Like, a true professional. Corr gives the call to find something to hook onto and Siha is making some sort of face beneath her helmet, by no means a climbing or rapelling expert, therefore her choice of anchor is, well. A doorknob on a derelict door hanging on a suspect half-crumbling property. She goes, looks at her rapelling kit which is awkwardly harnassed atop her armor, pulling out the hook and eyeing it a long, long, long ...long. Long. Long. Moment. She's working out how to do this. And how the end opens.

She will loop the end of her rapelling rope-ie-do around the knob and click the carbiner, tugging it back to tighten it and giving it a few good yanks to test it, "Whatever ..." She mutters to herself, turning and walking as the rope unfurls from the doohickie on her hip to the edge of that yawning rift, pebbles and rocks crumbling off with her steps that take her to the edge, the rope unspooling sound ceasing as she does so, hands plunking to either hip just above her weapons, "So inviting." Sidelong to Corr, though her helmet doesn't move to indicate if she's looking at him or just, you know, echoing him, "To the other side I guess." In response to Wray, Siha getting ready to step off in dramatic fashion.

Sajin is clearly focused on where his feet fall, stopping only to look up an survey the gouge in the planet they are about to die in -- explore... A small smile came over his plush and pretty lips, the blackness of the maw darkening his dreamy hazel eyes. He's taken in by the darkness... until the food stick Netep throws at him hits the side of his helm. He shutters, spazzes, tries to catch it and somehow manages. "Oh... uh... Thanks, best keep it for later." He stuffs it into one of his pouches before turning to move off. He searches and searches until he finds a jagged vertical outcropping of natural rock. Hands go to his hips as he studies it. "Yes... this will do. Buckets... my rope!" The Droid wheels up and open up the storage area. His service claw reaches in and pulls out a pair of black beads. The Hapan double takes. "No... NO...." He rushes towards the droids shoving them back in, "Not those... you shouldn't even have those." The droid appears to be laughing at its master as he has to dig through whatever else is in there and pull out some coiled up rope. Backing away, Sajin glares at buckets before moving to Tie off one end of the rope to aforementioned anchor. Next he puts on the proper harness and starts to back towards the edge, checking the strength of his rope. "Should be good." He then looks towards the others.

Stepping backwards over the edge with little fanfare, Corr makes his way down with the practiced ease of someone who's done this dozens of times before. His body hangs from the rope, which holds firmly to its anchor point, posture relaxed as he sits back in the harness while one hand fixed behind his rump holds him in place for a moment before the casual walk down the vertical surface. Before long, dirt gives way to rock, though the rope above him rubbing against the exposed earth showers a small stream of debris in fits and starts down onto him.

As the darkness rises up to meet him, the huntsuit's single lamp flares on, but it's pointed upward and mostly useless. Still, when he stops and takes a peek downward, something is there. Something faint and luminous, individual points of dim light floating ethereally in the gloom. "...does anyone else see those?"

Muri's first several scrabbling steps down the wall are performed blind, eyes squeezed shut for a moment's breath before she forces them open and twists for a looksee. Her pace continues as slow and steady, if just a bit awkward on acount of her sideways tilt. She's no pro, but she's done this a time or three. Her helmet's light shines a hazy beam into the abyss, sweeping over gaping wounds and malevolent teeth of rock. Her right hand releases the rope, left anchoring it beneath her, so she can kill her light. Indeed. "I see'em!" She activates her nightvision next, just to toy with the different perspective.

"You know what would have been a good idea? Me buying a flashlight before going on this crazy escapade." Words said by Kai not long after she had started repelling. A new experience for the woman, she carried the same constant tension she tried since landing on Nar Shaddaa, the bits of dirt and debris her own rope caused to dust down with its rubbing against the side not causing her to lose her nerve, but providing a level of irritation fortunately mitigated by the helms handy viewplate. At least her hydrant remained where it was, and nothing heavier clonked her on the head.



After Siha had stepped into the darkness of that open maw with one large step forwards, dropping down. The squealing-ruffling of that rapelling rope unfurling sounds as she disappears, going, going, going until there is a sharp 'TINK', the doorknob yanking off the door without much fanfare, a fact Siha is completely unawares of. She's doing a trust fall. FWUMP. She lands, one knee to the ground, both hands to either side on the ground, gloves finding the sweet safety of the ledge she's miraculously managed to land on.

It's only after she gets plunked on the head by the carbine after the rope coils down in behind and to her side that she becomes aware the doorknob betrayed her, "HA. EFF YOU WALDIN. I LIVED." Called up from below, though perhaps not so much below the group, her surroundings only just coming into view as she refocuses. Uncrouching slowly, and ravelling up that rope with a touch of her hip-rig thing to suck it back in, she turns her head and lets her helmet visor bring to life the underground world around her. The ledge she's on drops off even deeper, more of those glowy things, Siha doing a slow turn, boots crunching on rock and dirt and echoing softly around her, sounds swallowed by the expanse above and below.

Mid-turn she sees a cave entrance is open behind her and she'll call up, "Hey, guys, cave here, and I see more of that glowing crap. Not a straight entrance, it curves, probably deeper into this system." Will she wait for the group?

She's feeling friendly today, so yes. Stepping to the cave entry way she leans in against the wall, waiting then, ankles crossing, for the rest to drop down with her.

The ledge Siha's fallen onto is about level with the progress the successful climbers have made thus far, and so it's a simple matter to trundle on over to where the glimmers of the lunatic's gold-plated armor accents are lingering and drop down the last couple of feet. Corr joins her shortly, unhooking himself from the rope and producing a piton that he shoves into a crack to keep the rope from wandering off. "Glad you're still tickin'," he comments to the woman, giving her a Look with one eyebrow raised as he steps around towards the cave she's discovered. "Looks like it does go deeper on in there. And I see 'em too." The glow-balls. "Least /one/ of 'em in there. Whatever they are." Adjusting his belt, he steps inside. "Let's check it out then, see if we can get some answers."

"You're droid is defunct," Netep informs Sajin matter-of-factly once she's secured her own line and is free to investigate just /how bad/ his injury is. The nightvision flips back to actual light.

"GAUGH!" Netep's helmet fogs with the force of her muffled revulsion. The beam of light swiftly turns aside (with her face), boring into the black face of rock across the chasm. "Sajin, I'm no doc, but I wouldn't leave that exposed for long...I mean. You got something sterile to wrap it?" BUT, seeing as it's his arm and not his legs that are borked up, she leaves him to make up his own mind about pressing on or .... somehow going up.

The bobbing ray of illumination catches Kairi in its glow next and she motions for the lightless gal to partner up.

Safe and uneventful had its perks. Kairi didn't have a bone poking through her clothing, and after fiddling with where she'd attached herself to the rope found booted feet quite firmly on the ground. "Ooh, more glowing crap." She intoned Siha, adding. "Good job scouting ahead." Voice sounding enthused, and probably masking the sarcasm, mostly! Taking some dirt crunching steps away from her rope to get a good look around, thankful the armor she bought came with a low light boosting helmet at least, she couldn't help but agree with Muri. "Yah, I'm not sure your droid is supposed to try and murder you, I'm not an expert but.." She let the sentence drip away, focusing on this twisting chasm and the lights that were being talked about. "Anyone seen this sort of thing before?" They were a bunch of explorers that had explored together before! Seemed like a sensible question to ask.

"Hold on..." Sajin says to Netep as he fiddles with his rope, "Tie me off and I'll get down. Done it with one arm before." He scoots over towards the edge, using her light to find it. "I'll follow you." He makes a pfffft sound, "Nah... I'll be fine. I've had worse. Like... last week. I mean, a hole blown through your innards is pretty bad too." To Kairi, "Buckets? Nah, he's fine. Just how he shows affection I think." He is that dense, yes.

Thank the Force for bacta, though everyone present is probably well on their way to eventual bacta resistance.

Corr leads the way into the cave, relying not on low-light vision from a helmet but a simple floodlight set on low that's mounted on the chest of his suit. Low because it uses less batteries. The light swings about wildly when Siha 'pats' him on the shoulder, and after a cough, he replies, "Yeah, hemmin' and hawin' ain't really my style. I darn a pretty mean sock though." Again, hard to tell if he's joking.

The passageway is tight quarters, necessitating single file after a ways and at least for Corr, a stooped posture as he heads deeper in, with the faint floating light vanishing away from them, either fled or simply lost in the artificial glow. The slope is cast upward, though only slightly. Before long, the natural tunnel opens up again in a wide cavernous area, marked with flowstone all along the walls, and a single strong beam of light filtering down from above, around which hover a number of the dim luminous spots, maybe half a dozen. "...Take a look around, see what you can see. Be careful though," Corr cautions, eying the faint orbs suspiciously. "I don't like the way they bob around. Kind of puts you in mind of jellyfish and I don't care for them either."

Netep meanders along after after giving Sajin his knotty assist, as requested. The gravely scrape of her boots approach the cave unhurried but unafraid. "Not this far into the crust, no," she answers Kairi. "Reminds me a bit of a lure, honestly. Come one, come all...follow the pretty lights into this luminescent gut." Hah. It's a chilling thought, though, and her left hand goes out to graze along the layers of geological history as she moves. Less interested in the rocks, more interested in whether or not the rock ceases to feel like rock. Because weirder things have happened to them.

It pays to be short sometimes, and Netep passes right on through the squeezed aperture without difficulty. And what a sight to behold! She sucks in a quiet breath, gawking like a small child at the wonderous visual awaiting their arrival. "Will'o wisps..." she breathes, voice pitchy with a little note of disbelief. "Hasn't ever been substantiated what they /are/, just....what they mean. If you'd believe the old folk wisdom afloat out there. An omen. Something big, something bad...something worthy enough of so beautiful a harbinger." And she moves toward the light.

Kairi at least had a hard time faulting Sajin's determination, especially if there was truth to his story about having a hole blown through his innards in the previous week. She bore Netep's buddying up gesture in mind, still finding time to snicker at Siha. "Fairly beguiling. I always get my best compliments in the dark." Her tone wistful as she took to following Corr, leeching off the light of others as they wound through the tunnel while listening to the banter between the Mando and the group leader.

Stepping out in to the wider area, Corr's warning about the orbs was silently heeded, and his request taken in to consideration, padding some steps forward in the dirt. Almost randomly she squatted down, rubbing at the muck beneath her and finding it cleared away to reveal smoothstone with text carved in to it. Quietly she absorbed what she could read, loudly commenting when she was done. "Writing in the floor here, looks like people hid down here, couldn't find a way back out. Fourteen or so." Washing at that dirt a bit more with her hand, as if looking for more.

Little known fact, Siha is nearsighted as ISH. Is this common knowledge? No. Who /does/ know? Her parents. And maybe like 3 Jawas. What does this mean for her. It means she is not great at searching for things like clues, and that she favors her katana because she is -fantastic- up close and personal.

Again, search wise? Not so much. So as she turns her head to look around once the tunnel opens up into the cavern and she's not butt shuffling with the others through that narrow passageway. It was a bit awkward, with Siha grunting as her sword hit the rocky walls and whomever walked behind her, the grunt one of apology or annoyance. Take your pick.

Finally the very fuzzy lights are looked at, head craning back to do so, one hand in the crook of her lower back, the other on her sword hilt, "Sounds like a breakfast bar .."Siha murmurs to Muri, moving to step in alongside the woman briefly as she squints hard to try and make out something more than floating halo-bugs.

"They aren't so beautiful as they are ..glowy, I mean .." Hand lifts from back to wave loosely in the air at her side, shoulders waggling from side to side, "As beguiling as the new chick in the dark .. maybe tasty .." Shrug. She's not made a determination about either the glowy floaters or Kairi. Her chin immediately snapped down as she turned her attention to the floor, squating down to squint at said writing on the floor near Kairi, "What the crackers, how the hell did you see that ..Fourteen days? Or people." Clarification matters. "I don't see /bones/ ..." She ain't see shavit.

"Jelly is tasty." Sajin can barely see, being a Hapan, one had a bit or a lot of night blindness. He could see the orbs though as they were the one light source in the cave. The lights of the others, if they had them, were helping a bit too. Otherwise his hand was grasping for Netep's shoulder which would lead him towards that aperture. This male near-human was /not/ short. Instead, not seeing his, bonked his helm against the aperture sending him in a completely opposite direction off the main path. He stumbles in the dark. "Ah, Drek. Netep? Corr... anyone?" He stumbles into an alcove and trips over something, slamming up against the hard cavern wall. He kneels down and feel around, picking up what feels like a rounded object. "Guys... I think I found something..." If one were to shine a light or turn their NV/IR his way they would see a group of dead bodies huddled together which were disturbed by him. He was currently holding the semi petrified head of some local. "Is it worth anything?" He asks before looking to it. He drops it in shock and backs away. "Man, I still hate the dark..." He does sleep with a night light.

THE BONES. Corr does turn towards Sajin and with him turns the light, and there they are: the entombed remains of just over a dozen residents of the city above, now coated in hardened mud from the years of solitary isolation down here and laid bare by the rift that split open the tunnel they'd been trapped in. The haunting orbs of light wafting about the cavernous chamber... the man shudders involuntarily, lips curling downward into a guilty frown.

"It's worth something, alright, but not credits. I uh. Reckon this is as good a resting place as any, so. Let's not disturb them." Corr's eyes turn up towards the shaft of light that filters down into the middle of the area, then back out towards the cave passage they came in through. "Guess it can't always be treasure and valuable artifacts."

"Did they say what year?" Netep queries with half distracted a tone about Kairi's finding. She's still a bit preoccupied by the wisps, contemplating a way to get up there TO them. Just to touch. If they're touchable! It's a no go, though. Sajin's left to fend for himself against the dead while she moves in for a closer squint at some lines too well connected to be coincidental flowstone formation. Her palm wipes over the wall, clearing away a little sprinkle of dirt from above.

"Bit more history here than the misfortunes of lost souls..." She murmurs and traces the lines with a finger, following the shapes they form. "Loth wolves. The people that drew these were here looooong before our entombed friends. I wonder if this is what they were here to see." She tries to polish it up a bit before pulling out a small recording gizmo from her assorted gadgets on belt. A tilt of the head, adjustment of light, and the petroglyphs are immortalized with technology.

Kairi couldn't help the playful lilt to her tone when replying to Siha, after her comments. "Fourteen Mantellian Savrips. They probably flew out in the end. Yes, people." There, plenty of context provided! Explained the lack of bones on top of the writing and everything. That bones were discovered moments later was something of a horrible coincidence, the sight of which from a distance made her stand up and flick the dirt from her fingers. She wasn't sure how she felt about the discovery, it made her reflect a little on the ruins above, and how similar war could make a place to how she'd been trapped in the past. It was a long moment that passed for her, and Netep got a simple. "Not that I read." In return, abandoning the little bit of text she had read, and moving over to the woman she'd last responded to, more out of a small interested reaction to listen, rather than to read it for herself.

Siha Archer turns in her crouch, hands pressing to her knees, to look over at what Sajin has pointed out verbally, the woman seeing visually the pile of bodies, "Oh shavit, I thought that was like ..rubble." Admitted without guilt; she didn't, afterall, kill them. "I mean, they're found, so ..maybe now that we found them ...their spirits will escape and find peace." Lips press together as joints creak loudly, woman pushing up with a softly intoned grunt of discomfort, "Or follow us home like a curse." Skin suit anyone? "I don't mind ship guests I guess ..." Said in a shrugging sort of way as she strolls after Waldin, "You bloody liar, new Girl. You're probably a voracious reader who also researches the footnotes .." Reading is sexy. Stride, stride, stride away, hands tucking into the pockets of her flightsuit beneath armor plates, "You know what I could go for right now? Noodles and mushrooms." Casually stated, the excitement of the trip having reached it's peak, "Anyone wanna stop on the way? I know this killed little place on an asteroid not far from here."

Sajin rises and turns as they start to walk towards the exit, keeping his broken arm close to him as he reaches out with the other to grab onto someone shoulder. His stomach growls, "I mean... noodles sounds good. I definatly don't want a ship ghost though... unless they're nice and like Melodrama Holos." He sniffles, "Dihane left Steiv last week."

"Let's just get out of here," Corr decides with a heavy sigh, clearly demoralized by the discovery of the semi-petrified refugees from the devastation that took place above. "This place has run dry of happy memories. There's too much of the past in it now." Perhaps unexpected from the typically-laconic fellow, but he shuts up immediately after and heads for the passage, following Siha and beckoning anyone else who hasn't already started that way. "I promise next time we'll find somethin' better than a cave full of dead people," he apologizes to the group as they go. "You're still gettin' paid, at least."

A low rumble from somewhere below.

Or above.

Rain begins to fall on their heads, except it isn't rain, it's pebbles; they're still in the cave.

A sharp crack. Bigger chunks of stone falling now.


"Actually, the era /before/ that city above existed to be lain waste to was quite fertile and ha--"

"--py." A tiny 'plink' bouncing off the brow of her helmet gives Muri cause to shut up and look up. And do as Waldin says.

Or she would, if a loop on her pack hadn't snagged on hungrily reaching flowstone frags, and if said pack weren't fastened so securely to her suit and self. A struggle ensues, but only briefly before the loop pops free of the seams hold it there and Muri stumbles over her feet in attempts to maintain a mobile, upright position. Something crunches underfoot. "Sorry!" she bleats to the tibia and its phantom owner. Either the apology isn't enough to give her a pass or the dead refugees want some company. Four scurrying strides toward the narrow passage out and she trips again, this time getting pummeled by bigger chunks of Lothal on her way down. An ominous hissssssssssssss of air leakage from a mechanism on her suit is lousy music to her ears and her ankle's screamin somethin awful. It probably shouldn't twist that way.

Kairi, still listening to Netep primarily overhears the group conversation about food with the mention causing a brief hunger pang to reverberate through her. It quickly passes, the woman too curious about the planet she is IN, glancing upward as Muri stops talking and taking the hint herself and hurrying off. She catches sight of, and hears Muri fall. Altering her course to try and help the woman up, Kai feels her quarry slip and mentally blames the armor she's wearing! Not her own lack of grip or strength in the situation!

While Siha had every intention to bolt out of there like a marathon runner with like, no care in the world, she is forced to stop very briefly after Corrs' girlish scream, though the chunk of stone that plummetted from above was also like a very good motivator to get out. But nope, she's stopping, seeing Kairi Wray, otherwise known as Vaguely Beguiling New Girl, fail in lifting up Netep with the necessary stength, "Oh come on, what, you skip bloody leg day?" Breathed out in brash annoyance, Siha darting forwards to crouch down and bodily grab Muri away from Kairi, forcibly, to toss her over her shoulder, booty facing the direction Siha's about to run.

"Puffer-pig ride time Muri, this won't be fun." For her or Muri. It's a coin toss. Grunting hard she uncrouches to a stand and begins running, slowed down slightly by the weight of Muri, not having expected to haul 115 pounds of lady around outside the bedroom. Grunting and gritting her teeth she hustles hard, not stopping again to help others, woman all Muri'd out and not able to carry another passenger, "Don't take ..this wrong ..Muri .." Siha breathes out hard, struggling to speak because she in the EXERCISE ZONE, "...But this is ...like ..the best part of this trip." ACTION. Huff. Huff. Hustle. Hustle.

THROUGH THAT TUNNEL. It's likely Muri's noggin' is gettin' a tossin' against some walls, because Siha is not being gentle or taking her time to ease through the small space. Not. Gentle. At. All.

Don't worry, guys, Corr will take care of you. He's a seasoned adventurer.

As he's running on behind the rest, he trips on a rock and immediately falls into a wall, cracking his head with a resounding smack against the rock wall of the cave. Blood, a ludicrous amount of blood despite the likely superficial wound, streams down over his face from the split on his forehead. "Go! Keep goin'!" he yells, stumbling forward, clutching involuntarily at his bloody face. A few moments of blind shambling follow before he pulls his hands deliberately away to see again and runs after the others, following the sound of Muri's helmet beating against the rocks and finally breaking out into the half-light at last, coming to a sudden stop to avoid falling off the edge of the ledge.

Behind him, the cave collapses further, not sealing itself outright but several sizable boulders settle into place, blocking the way in for all but the very thin and wriggly. "Ow," their fearless leader announces, hands finding their way back to his head. "Everyone alright? Everyone got out, right? ...right?" Right!
