Log:Finding a Safe Place

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As the hole opened up in the battle over Chandrila, Sesti opened a tight beam to her small 'fleet'.

<<Alright everyone, listen sharp. As soon as you are through, set coordinates for Rendezvous Two. We do not know if we are going to have any escort from here as planned, the party started early. Guns on the Kal, be ready to fire, we might be the only cover the transports have.>>

In the thick of the battle, the large cruisers were starting to break up, and Sesti couldn't even see if her family and friends were alright, straining to hear their voices in the chatter as the number of ships reported down rose. Her knuckles white, but her arms relaxed, she turned and dodged, and sent out a barrage with her gunners that briefly pushed back the ties in the area.

<<Go, NOW NOW NOW>> she sent through the tight beam, and slowed as the others passed her. As the fourth transport exited the gravity well, she turned the Kal'Ayure, pointing it out towards space. Switching to broad comms she reported <<Iridonia out.>> Any further words of gratitude or encouragement were cut off as the body of a tie, spinning without its wings, slammed into the fourth transport, and both become a shower of short lived sparks in her view port. She closed her eyes briefly, before she could see the bodies spilling out into space and yanked the hyperspace lever, letting the white lines fill her vision. "Force be with you," she whispered to those left behind, and settled back into her seat, shaking out her arms. <<Gunners, we have five minutes. Be ready.>>

It was a short jump, planned to get them clear of Chandrila space and to meet up with a larger escort from the Iridonian military fleet. Crossing her fingers, a human thing that she'd picked up from her long association with them, Sesti prayed that some of them had been out ahead of schedule to scout the rendezvous points early.

Galen's been quiet his eyes closed as he sits in one of the freighters. As the screams are suddenly silenced on the fourth transport the crusty scout lets out a bit of a sigh. His eyes open and he looks around at the refugees aboard the transport with him, "We've entered hyper we're safe for the moment." He reaches over his shoulder to tap the head of the BD scout droid perched back there, "Stumpy suppose we should go introduce ourselves to the skipper of this boat and see if we can be of any assistance. They were nice enough to let us hitch a ride and all." Climbing to his feet he adjusts his jacket just a bit before he starts to make his way towards the front of the ship.

<<Alright, coming out of hypserspace in one minute>> comes the first warning from Sesti to the gunners, and they get themselves strapped in, ready to seek targets. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Sesti allows herself a moment to count the transports coming in with her, three. She has no time for relief that they've made it through, as the space around them is suddenly swarmed with Sith gnats again, the black ties zipping about for targets to lock on to.

The Kal lets loose with turrets and fixed mounts, as the comms officer is busy identifying how many friendlies they have, fingers are busy sending the coordinates on a tight beam to any allies that have made it to the first rally point.

Down with the passengers, a few look up as Galen speaks, but most are huddled together, holding on to each other. Packed shoulder to shoulder against the walls, some of them shift a little to try and find a little more comfort along the hard surface of the bulkhead.

Galen glances over as he starts to make his way towards the front of the ship... "Whatcha got there bud?" He taps Stumpy, "We might not be headin up to the bridge just yet. I have a feeling we're needed here." He reaches under his jacket to pull a cylinder out of it's pocket holding it in his hand as he puts them both behind his back leaning in a bit more to get a better look, "Need a hand fixin it? Stumpy here is great at repairing stuff."

"Two scouts, Senator. Ours," comes the report and Sesti gives a grim nod.

"Better than nothing," she says. The turrets go wild, having troubles with their computers this soon after leaving hyperspace, but she manages to line up on one of the fighters that was tagged by the waiting scouts. At least one tie fighter spins out of the fight, and Sesti taps the controls, cycling to the second loaded rendez-vous. The Kal manages to fire another round while they wait for the three transports to report in. Once she has confirmation that they're all spooled up, she clicks on the comms to the scouts. <<Jumping now>>

At first the person against the bulkhead tries to ignore Galen, their shoulders hunching a little more around their spot as they turn more towards the hard steel. But when Galen leans over his shoulder to take a look, he raises a hand to cover the spot behind him. "No, no, I don't need no droid," comes the gutteral voice. "Just... find your own spot, yeah? This one's taken." Then, they're in hyperspace again.

Coming out this time, there's a slightly longer lag before the ties swarm, and not as many of them seem to have made the jump. But, there are no Iridonian scouts hanging in space waiting to ambush this time.

Galen shakes his head, "Oh I'm fine I don't need my own spot. I've got one someplace or other." He waves his hand in the direction of something the cylinder in his hand glinting from the lights, "But I'm more interested in what you've got goin on there. See there's only a few reasons I can think of folks would be tinkerin with somethin on a refugee ship. One is that you're tryin somethin that you shouldn't be." He taps his gut, "And that's what my gut says. So if you don't mind lettin me take a look I'll be on my way."

There was an escort waiting for Sesti and her small fleet at the second jump. Though it wasn't the one that she was expecting. Among the space trash, a small fighter floated. There were always space trash at the best pirate jumps. The ship systems were on low power except for the life support and moments before the fleet arrived. Seventy, Jax's bb unit started doing passive sweeps of the arrival. Then moments later the little sensor dome swivels to look at Jax letting out a series of beeps and dots. Jax looks up, "I see it. First we're targeting anything getting near the Kal." A swell of anger and rage rising in him up beckoning him to let it out and Jax finds himself reciting the jedi oath to press out the call of the darkness.

The arrowed shaped jedi star fighter accelerated as it goes racing through the void towards the Kal. Then at the last moment the fighter roll so that it's inverted to the cockpit of the Senator's yacht. The rotary laser cannons spinning to life as Jax end the Tie/sF on Sesti's tail. Then moment's later a voice crackles, <Iradonian fleet, this is Saber Leader requesting permission to join your convoy.>

As the fighters zoom around, Sesti's eyes widen as one of the ties comes out almost on top of them, speeding towards them before she has a chance to react. That doesn't stop her from trying, though, but before she can get a lock, a familiar diamond shape flashes over them, and the ship disappears. She can't help the relief and a broad smile as she fires at the next tie, damaging its shields. <<Granted, Sabre Leader. Glad you didn't miss out.>> She glances quickly to the comms officer, who nods, making sure Jax knows the next coordinates.

The scouts flank the transports, firing away and drawing the ties away as best they can. They send another tie to oblivion, this one spewing sparks from severed wires, as it vents gasses from the hole in it's hull. They dodge and weave, avoiding shots as they wait for the signal to jump.

"Well... go to your spot, then. I'm not tinkering with anything. I'm just.. Nervous, I fiddle with things when I'm nervous," Galen's buddy replies. They shift again, lifting a hand away to give a shooing motion to Galen. "So, yeah, you're not making it any better, right? Go.. wherever you were going." They think their body is covering their spot enough, but Galen can catch the blink of a light in a port on the wall.

Galen shakes his head, "Nah I'm not buyin it. Tell you what...." He motions his hand towards the man, "Tell me what you're working on and I'll go back to my seat."

"What's it to you if I want to talk to my buddies?" the person asks. "I'm sending the ties our coordinates, I've almost got the comms cracked so that I can send it before we jump, if you hadn't interfered, I already would have it done."

And the signal comes through from the transports, the small fleet going to hyperspace again.

Jax joined up with the fleet as BB-70 coordinated his jump with the rest of the fleet. There enough crackle and static in the broadcast his voice sounds tinny and hit hides things. Then he pulls back on the lever and jumps with the fleet. He lets out a sigh, "Seventy... what are we going to do?"

Galen chuckles and nods, "I see. Well. I'm going to have to ask you nicely to stop." With a whisp of sound the stun saber in his hand ignites, "And if you don't want to do it nicely well... I'll ask you again with a bit more authority. At this point of your life you've got to make a choice. Please my friend choose to live."

The figure turns completely around to face Galen, but at the same time, their body blocks the port they've inserted their device in. Hands held up in surrender they shake their head. "Whoooaaaa..." then he raises his voice. "Hey, I said get you're own spot! I'm just tryin' to mind my own business and hope I make it out of this alive, like everyone else here... what're you doin'?"

Up on the bridge, Sesti's R unit lets a sudden, outraged, squeal. "Rave!" Sesti shouts, hunching her shoulders towards her ears. "What is it?"

"Senator, he says there's someone accessing our comms from one of the ports in the cargo bay," the comms officer relays, face going pale.

"Eedulk," Sesti clips out without turning her head, but her cousin is already on his way, talking on his comm unit. There is going to be one very dead sentient soon. "Find us a back up point for our next jump."

Galen sighs, "I said choose to live. Come on why would you? You know what nevermind." He reaches out with the Force to try and move the object that's been inserted in the port to have the Force say nope not today my friend. And with a shake of his head Galen changes tactics and levels the blade of the stun saber at the man the whisper quiet electric field, "You leave me little choice." With a flick of his wrist the blade swipes at the man impacting with a dull thud and a release of the electrical stun energy into him. As the would be spy staggers off to the side Galen steps forward and yanks the device free of the port.

As the wanna be spy staggers against the bulkhead and stumbles, other refugees somehow find plenty of room in the crowded area to get out of the way. As Galen yanks out the device, the hatch slides open, and a pair of zabrak guards step through. Their attention is instantly caught by the glow of the stun saber, and the blinking light in Galen's other hand. They both bring their blasters to bear, but one of them notices the injured party, and nudges the other slightly with their elbow and switches her aim to the stunned person. "What is going on here?"

Galen glances back towards the guards and holds up the blinking device, "Our friend here wanted to tell his friends where we were going. I took offense to that." With a click of a button on his stun saber he retracts the blade, "I also assumed everybody else would take offense as well." He offers the device towards them, "Not sure how much they got out though."

The one on Galen looks at him steadily for a moment, then he says something quick and short in Zabrak to his companion, and lowers his weapon. He reaches out a hand to take the device and turns it over in his hand before he nods, drops it to the floor, where he crunches it underfoot. Meanwhile, the other guard has kept her aim on the leaning figure, who shakes his head. "I don't know what he's talking about," they protest. "That was his! I swear..." a bead of sweat runs down the side of their face.

"You are not a very good liar, /friend/," the male security officer says, advancing towards him. Glancing around, where before the refugees found space to get away, that space has been blocked in, and they have nowhere to go. With a quick motion, they reach for their wrist, but it's not quick enough. The guard drops him with a stun shot. "Target secured," the male says into his commlink as he bends down to scoop up the remains of the device to hand to Galen. "Bring this for me, please." Then the two of them drag the now prisoner away.

As they come out of hyperspace, no one is surprised by the swarm of ties, and there are three fighters waiting as the fleet comes out of hyperspace. They concentrate their shots around the transports, while the Kal opens fire once more. <<Alert the others>> Sesti tells her comms officer. <<And give them the new coordinates.>>

Galen nods as he scoops up the parts tucking the saber back into his jacket, "Sure thing. Guess I'm going with you all as well. I was heading that way anyways. Name's Galen, pleasure to be of assistance."

Saber Leader exit hyperspace. His alarms going off as Seventy starts to identify ties. "What happened?" The little bb unit spins it's head left and right then back at Jax giving him a response. "No need to talk like that." Jax opens fire at one of the ties missing it. <Kal, this is Saber Leader. Something isn't right. I'll keep firing, if you have a chance to get people out of here do it.>

Having gotten the coordinates to get here, his emotions were raw having watched the destruction on two ships he served on, but for now that had to be pushed back. Karas didn't know what he would find when he left hyper space but as he does, he sees three Iridonian fighters move closer to a group of ships. He sends his transponder, it's Saber 4. Though when he picks up something on his sensors and seeing a ship firing, Karas flips the s-foils into attack position, <<Saber 4 is here, will fly screen.>> he calls as his X-Wing spirals in to engage.

<<Welcome to the party, Sabre 4,>> Sesti responds, marking Karas as a friendly fighter to the others. The zabrak word that comes out of her mouth as the ties seem to zip just beyond reach or shrug off glancing blows indicates they do more than just annoy her. "Eedulk," she asks tightly as he re-enters with a man in tow.

"Culprit was found and is in custody. They were tipping the Ties off to our movements." He gives a nod to Galen. "This man stopped the transfer of information before we arrived."

Sesti nods. "So we can send our coordinates for the next jump to the others without them being intercepted?"


<<All Ships, do NOT use the previously planned coordinates. New jump is being sent. Transports do not wait, just go.>> Beside her, the comms officer rapidly sends out the information as she speaks. It doesn't take very long, before first one, then the other two transports disappear. <<Get yourself home, folks>> Sesti says, just before she pulls the lever for the next jump.

Galen offers a bit of a wave when he gets up to the bridge behind the guards, "Hey there. I'm Galen." He points at the BD peering over his shoulder, "This is Stumpy." As he looks out the viewport his attention snaps towards one of the TIEs, "Sithspit. Brace for impact." After the strafing run from the TIE he sets the blinking device down, "It's still blinking so maybe out an airlock before we leave? Or melt it to slag? Not sure it's worth reverse engineering right now."

Jax quickly out maneuvers the Sith Tie fighters targeting him. <Welcome to the party Saber 4. Don't do anything dumb.> Then Jax does something dumb. He puts himself between the Kal and a striking Tie fighter. His shields ripple red as he absorbs a blast. BB-70 screams at Jax, "I know. I'm making sure she gets out of here. Once she's out of here, I'll follow her. "

With the return fire coming it's way, the T-70 X-Wing is clipped slightly and the fighter shakes a bit. Karas quickly flips the alarms off, before he says anything, Spark reports he's already working on it. "Thanks man, I will get us through this." he says. <<Copy that Saber Lead.>> he calls back into the tact net. Pushing more power into the engines the T-70 streaks in to help the ships within the caravan.

"Yhasu," Sesti grimaces, and she holds on to the controls, the straps keeping her in place so that she doesn't lose course. The flash of a familiar fighter going by receives a glare almost as scorching as Seventy's scream. Then she looks over her shoulder with a nod, "Galen, nice to see you again," her eyes glance at the blinking light, then up to her cousin.

Eedulk gives a look to the device. "Dack told me it wasn't working anymore." Rave gives a couple of beeps from where he ended up against a console and rolls over, extending a small set of pincers towards it. Then an arc of electricity zaps the metal and wires, and the light stops blinking as a puff of smoke rises from the ruins.

"Problem solved." Sesti turns back to piloting, and then the white lines fill the viewport.

It takes the little fleet a couple more jumps to make it to Iridonian space. The Kal Ayure and the transports orbit around to the city of Taret Tira to unload the refugees, while the Sabre leader goes to a private landing pad he knows well. After seeing to the unloading, and making arrangements for the Kal to be taken to the capital city for an overhaul, Sesti boards a small shuttle to go home.