Log:First Contact

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Raim Shah follows the clues to Xizor.

OOC Date: March 4, 2016
Location: CoreStar, Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Xizor, Raim Shah, Black Sun

First came the hoax on the local data networks confirming a surprise total eclipse of the sun on Nar Shaddaa within a few months. That was easy to disprove. Soon after, word came out by repeated invitations, always in the thinly-veiled guise of another sender. 'The Falleen Embassy would be flattered if you attended', one said. 'The opening of the new XTS Corporate Center' announced another. The organizations and buildings referred to do not exist on Nar Shaddaa. An embassy would be at Hosnian Prime. Xizor Transport Systems never held property on the moon, at least publicly.

Both invitations, upon close and skilled examination, originated offworld. Replies sent confirming attendance led to two physical deliveries: two data cylinders, one bearing a frequency, the other an encryption code. Text messages on the frequency receive an immediate reply, asking to confirm a meeting at CoreStar- and that you would know when.

Come the date the eclipse was alleged to occur, a courier vessel swung down to land. As jets fired, the ramp lowered, and two muscular humans in body armor, male and female, proceed down to stand to either side of the ramp's entrance.

A tall, thin human man, middle-aged, with unusual, bright-white irises comes down shortly after them, his hands clasped before him, left over right, to stand with perfect posture at the bottom of the ramp.

Raim had picked up on the strange occurances and the misinformation along with everyone else. He has sources that relay intel to him about town, and he is a curious one himself. After replying to the messages and receiving the delivered items, that caused a good bit more interest. And so it was that as the vessel swung down over the Corestar Spaceport and Bazaar, that Raim Shah was waiting for it. He did not exit from the private hangar, and thus implicate himself as having ties there, but rather he stood in the shade of one canopy at a vendor booth, and as the last human stepped down the ramp, Raim made his approach toward them.

One guard looks Raim over impassively, while the other keeps an eye on the rest of the spaceport.

The man with white irises is in an unpretentious but well-fitted undertunic and robe, of the sort often seen on Coruscant and other older systems that believe themselves more civilized. "Good evening, sir. How do you prefer to be addressed?" asks the man. "I will introduce you."

Raim smiles kindly to the man as he is addressed, taking a beat to consider the question. "Mr. Shah. Droid and Cybernetics expert will do for now, thank you." He glances sideways toward the guard that watches him and lowers his head into a short bow.

The man with white irises smiles, bows slightly. "Mister Shah, your safety is guaranteed during this meeting. Please follow me." He turns to lead the way up the ramp. "I am instructed to introduce myself to you only at my master's command," he says, somewhat apologetic. "Into this room."

A circle on the floor is outlined in white light, and when the guide steps onto it, he announces, "Mister Shah, my lord." Lights go on in the back of the room. There are very small lights on the ceiling, on the floor, and on the walls. Then he steps back, stretching his hand out towards the circle. "Please stand here. I will return after your meeting is concluded." He backs up three steps, bows once more, and the door slides closed behind him.

The lights move, and begin to form a very detailed three-dimensional shape. Unlike the common holographs that many military vessels and luxury liners sport, this one combines a wide set of cameras to project an image of far greater detail, though still obviously artificial. "Mister Shah," a baritone voice intones. The shape of a wooden desk forms, and above it- the lines of a green-skinned, symmetrical face with intent blue eyes. "I am Xizor." As the image continues vertically down, the man's clothing comes into view. A purple shirt, an extended and stiff purple pauldron on each shoulder, and over part of it, a gray vest that turns into a gold-trimmed cloak, cast over his shoulder at the moment. "You are more skilled and curious than the average droid expert. I will impart a measure of trust to you, if you extend that courtesy to me." His eyes study Raim's face. He apparently is looking at a similar holo of the Chiss.

"I represent the Black Sun." He looks expectantly at Raim.

Raim nods his head with a faint smile at the introduction, as if he were expecting something along those lines. "Prince Xizor," he says, with a slight bend of his head. "I had surmised that the... ah, invitation was somehow linked to the Black Sun organization, though I can also admit that I was not expecting such an audience to occur." He pauses a bit, as if considering the tail end of the man's comments and says, "Trust... that is a commodity rarely given without being earned, as I am sure you know. But I suppose as far as introductions are concerned, I can extend you the same. My name is Raim Shah, and yes, I do deal in droids and cybernetics... as well as other more... profitable endeavors."

"Profit and curiosity is why you are here." Xizor has a habit of looking disconcertingly straight into Raim's eyes. This is a quality holo set to manage that degree of precision on both ends. "Profit and opportunity are why I am-" He smiles slightly. "-here." The turn of phrase is relative on a holo conversation.

"Nar Shaddaa, in the heart of Hutt Space. A hive of commerce. A center of industry. A place without rules." His fingers interlace as he lowers his hands to the table. "A place that could benefit from an organization that runs as consistently as the finest timepiece." From beneath his robe, he removes a golden, circular, archaic device that counts time by the clicks of gears. "Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. I marry innovation to traditional honor, to create profit." His his eyelids lower slightly. "A time of expansion is a time of opportunity, for those wise enough to act."

Raim nods his head in agreement and says, "In that last statement, we are both in agreement. A time of expansion IS a time of opportunity. I will tell you honestly that if I had thought your invitation come from anyone other than the Black Sun, I likely would not be standing here today." His scarlet eyes gaze back directly into those of Vizor as he adds, "I see an opportunity here, and I trust that I am able to facilitate your own expansion as well, both through me and perhaps later through my allies."

Xizor nods. "I see a similar opportunity. I understand a certain caution in revealing your allies. It is warranted, though unnecessary in this case, as you will learn." A humorless smile curves his lips. "Some believe me dead. I hope that this meeting has convinced you otherwise. Few ghosts provide the kinds of opportunities I do," he says in a low, smooth voice.

"Be alert to opportunities. Soon, there will be more resources available to you to seize them." The Falleen stands up, and his height is a full six feet, seven inches. He is wearing boots, but he would be tall even without them. "I trust you will keep me informed?" There is only the hint of a question at the end of that carefully-modulated sense.

Raim bows his head respectfully and says, "Of course, so long as I can trust that you will route your allies on Nar Shaddaa through me...." It is a bold move, clearly, given their only having just met, but it is made confidently. "Should any on Nar Shaddaa receive your message and wish to join your... /our/ endeavors here, I do hope that you will send them to me. After all, it will serve us both better to have those here working under a common banner, rather than rife with the struggles of competition, and the.... ill will, that it sometimes creates."

Prince Xizor smiles openly at the words. "Some will, Mister Shah. Others will not. I do not make a habit of risking everything at a single throw of the dice. Those who prove themselves best-suited will rise above the others, in time. It is the galaxy's way."

"The Black Sun ensure our games do not contain losing outcomes. Do likewise, and you will rise. You may prove the most worthy. If you do-" The tall, green-skinned man pauses, then smiles, tilting his head a fraction forward in a nod. "Tell Vis'jah our meeting revealed fertile ground. Fertile ground," he repeats emphatically. "Good day, Mister Shah." The dismissal is obvious, even before the lights begin to fade very slowly. Xizor can be seen, at least in silhouette, with his arms behind his back for at least forty-five seconds.

It is only when they have deactivated entirely that the door at the back of the room hisses open, revealing the precise man with white irises. "This way, please. How was your meeting, Mister Shah?"

Raim nods his head, his mouth set in an almost amused smile. "I am certain of my worth, and I am confident that you soon will be too." He waits until the hologram has faded and then turns about as the door hisses open behind him. "Vis'jah, wonderful to see you again. Prince Xizor told me to inform you that our meeting revealed fertile ground... I trust that this is a good turn of events?"

"Yes, very good, Mister Shah." Vis'jah smiles, as he leads the way down to the ramp, which is opening again, as they approach. The bulky man and woman are by the entrance, but not proceeding down the ramp this time. "It is an instruction in how we should treat you: as one showing good sense. One showing good sense would not betray my lord." With a quarter-bow, he says, "I hope to meet you for longer at a later time. Good fortune to you, Mister Shah."

Raim nods his head as he walks down the ramp and turns back to face Vis'jah. "I believe that we will be seeing each other soon enough. Good fortune to you as well." With that, Raim turns on his heel and moves back through the vendor booths.