Log:From the Ashes Part 3

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Representatives of the Republic turn over the Renegade to the Explorer's Guild, and Luka Krante is nearly expelled from Republic space.

OOC Date: February 29, 2016
Location: Renegade
Participants: Old Explorer's Guild, Rax Vaelus, Raim Shah, Oriana, Narsai Ordo, Luka Krante, Zaena, Sion

It's been a couple weeks since the Renegade limped back into Republic Space. Eventually accosted by Republic forces, the ship was brought into drydock by a couple tugs at Kuat Drive Yards, and furious negotiations took place behind closed doors for a couple days. Rax has been tight-lipped about what deal was eventually struck between himself and the Republic... But today, members of the new faction--as others have taken to calling them--have gathered at KDY at the behest of Rax Vaelus. The Infiltrator is docked at a space station orbiting the dockyards, which mostly sit empty. The Renegade is nowhere to be seen. Checking his chronometer, Rax looks up and out the window at the starfield beyond.

"Well, at least the stimcaf shop was open," says Zaena, walking on up with a tray in one hand that has at least half a dozen cups of sweetened lightened stimkaf, and a bag of treats clutched in the other. "Sure thanked my lucky stars seeing that there was a Thunkin' Cronuts on here." She offers each of the cups in turn. "Don't be shy," she says, with a grin.

Luka Krante takes a cup with a grin to Zaena coupled with a thankful nod of his head. "Thanks.. should keep us awake when those boring stiffs in suits start yapping at us" He grins and takes a drink from the hot, sweet stimulating goodness. He looks over to Rax, "So they going to go all old school Empire on us and steal our ship?"

Oriana, who had come up on the Infiltrator as well, stands there looking at out it with brows knit together. She 'hms' a bit to herself, tapping her nose while thinking over.. whatever it is she is thinking about. "You just love the torture of suspense," she says looking to Rax with a smirk, then turns and leans against the glass, crossing her arms and looking around as they wait. That's when Zaena walks over with the many drinks and she pushes from the glass and goes to take some, not to drink for herself but to help hold them for whoever may want some so she isn't carrying the burden all alone. "That's a great idea," Looking down her head tilts a bit. "Any sort of tea in this bunch at all?"

Narsai steps off the ship that she'd probably spent most of the journey thinking was traveling much slower then her baby before they arrive at the shipyard, the redhead's arms crossing over her chest. "Y'know...when you promised to show me an impressive ship up here? You didn't mention it had a cloaking device," she comments with a smirk.

Zanea grins. "Yes, there's a herbal tea with Mirazzian honey," she replies to Oriana. "It's the middle one to the right," she says, hushing for a moment. She stands off to the side, a little curious to see how the 'deal' will end up, indeed. At Narsai's comment she can't help but chuckle a little bit.

Smirking as he glances sidelong at the purple twi'lek lawyer, Rax accepts one of the cups, "Madam Supercargo, I was worried you wouldn't make it." He frowns and checks his chronometer again, "Where is Raim...?" Dressed for the occasion, Rax is wearing a black suit with a maroon shirt and a gray tie. Shrugging at Luka, he looks out at the star field, "Maybe they did. I don't see any Rebel Assault Frigates out there..."

Grinning at Narsai, he lifts his coffee to her, "That would certainly be one hell of a gift from the Republic... But I have a feeling we're going to be greeted by a lot of red tape at this point." To Oriana, he just shrugs, "This isn't my fault. I was told to meet representatives of the Republic here, at this time."

Zaena arches an eyebrow. "Wow, you really took that silly title seriously!" She says with a grin. "I just handle the business die of the Bad Habit's ventures, that all," she explains, after a moment, with a chuckle. "And indeed. But seeing how she ends up, well, it's very interesting to contemplate, I'll admit," she says.

"Wonderful!" Says Oriana to Zaena, and goes to grab said cup of tea. But it seems she misheard and grabbed another, which is put back, she could tell by the smell it wasn't the right one. Finally picking out the one needed it's cradled in her hand, but not sipped at yet, so a little more time is given for it to cool down. Standing there, quietly listening to the group for now she does just that, because one can see and learn much from simple observing.

Luka Krante purses his lips a moment and shrugs. "See.. sfuff like this is why I try to stick to the fringe space for things.. less bureaucrats thinking they know what's best for everyone" he glances over to Ori, "No offense"

"Prototype cloaking devices were unstable as anything, had HUGE shield drain and those crystals of theirs weren't exactly easy to come by," Narsai lifts at Rax before shrugging her shoulders and glancing at the others gathered. No tea in her hands, but she hadn't quite been served it either. The Mandalorian in her armor save the helmet shakes her head and lets the others discuss 'business ventures' and the like. She's here for the ships

Just arriving on the fringes of the occasion, Sion Corvara pauses to take in the scene. She's dressed for potential difficulties, though she's left her hood down for the sake of comfort and peripheral vision.

Blinking slowly, Rax turns towards Narsai, "...Crystals...?"

But he's cut off as a door at the end of the lounge suddenly opens, and three people, all in blue Republic Navy uniforms, file in. An older man with a grey beard forms the point of the spear, while a curvaceous young blonde woman with glasses and an older woman with an iron bun flank him.

Stopping in mid-sentence, Rax turns to face the trio. He's dressed in a black suit, with a maroon shirt and a grey tie, his accent handkerchif bright red. "Admiral Stern."

The old man narrows his eyes. "Rax Vaelus. Wanted for the sacking of six ships in the Mid Rim, along the Corellian Trade Spine." Rax's jaw tightens, and his brow furrows a bit as he stares at the Admiral. Stern turns and gestures to the older lady, "Secretary Hartness." He turns aside, to gesture to the other woman, "Lieutenant Gorsi." He looks past Rax at the others assembled. "And these are...?"

She looks to Luka and shrugs. "I was born into it and trained for it, up until a few years ago, that stuff was all I knew. But I can't blame you for wanting to escape it, it can get rather messy and become quite the headache." Spotting Sion coming along her cup of tea is lifted to her in a form of 'hello' and she leans forward a bit, looking bashful. "Uh, Sion, think you could look over that datapad you gave me? I hit a button, something happened.. and now it's stuck sideways, I don't know how to fix it." To cover her frown a sip of the tea is taken.

Then she is looking to the others as they speak. Though engine talk goes over her head, as ships in general do. Looking to the newcomers eyes follow them with quiet curiosity and for a second she stands there. After yet another sip she steps forward and offers them each her hand, with a kind smile to match. "Hello, I'm Oriana. It's nice to meet you." To make introduction..

Raim is dressed well, in a nice suit made of some black material that shimmers in the light. Beneath this, a deep maroon vest and tie (a perfect match to those glowing eyes) can be seen. He steps forward and extends a dark sapphire colored hand toward the Admiral and says in a deep and formal voice, "Sir, Raim Shah. Droid and Cybernetic specialist and owner of the Techno Emporium on Nar Shaddaa." His scarlet eyes look the man squarely in his before they shift to Hartness and Gorsi and he extends the same handshake toward them.

"Well, well, of course," says Zaena with a smile. "Indeed, sir. However, I think everyone here well knows the difficulties that a current registration with the changed Corellian citizenship regulations at the time can offer. Those cases take years to work through the courts, Admiral," she says. "I know, it is indeed a shame," she says. "After all, the precedents offered by the Corellian Salvager's Act of 19 ABY mean that those who also have an ability to retrieve active military property are entitled to expanded self defense under the Salvager's and Privateers Dispensations that lead back to the Civil War," she says. "As I'm sure you can imagine, sir, the Renegade is a vessel that would qualify." She smiles. "But, of course, those kinds of disagreements might be so easily solved with a general waiver, in exchange for support for your own aims, I am sure." She bows politely. "I am honored to introduce myself as Zaena, a Republic-licensed solicitor from Brentaal." It's this kind of moment, she reflects, that she wears the cape for.

The Admiral and the ladies with him all shake Raim's hand, and Rax nods towards the Chiss, "Raim is my Director of Finances, and Oriana is my Director of Public Relations." He gestures aside, toward the purple twi'lek, "Zaena here is my legal counsel, I hope you understand..." That last bit is delivered with a harsher tone and a furrowed brow, and the Admiral smirks faintly while Gorsi goes a little pink. Thumbing over his shoulder, "The kid back there is Luka. And the lady dressed for an insurgency is Sion." He turns and glances at Narsai briefly before looking back to Stern. "And Narsai Ordo, mechanics division."

Rax folds his arms slowly. "She was hoping to check on the hyperdrive of the Renegade. There haven't been any problems have there?"

Gorsi is the first to speak up, looking at Zaena, "Yes, you're quite right. We'd like to avoid any difficulties as w--" Cut off by a raised hand from the Admiral, Stern instead asks, "Rax Vaelus... What guarantee do we have that you aren't going to turn around and re-arm this vessel with whatever Goddess-forsaken equipment you dig up out there on your 'expeditions'?" He eyes Narsai in particular, "You have very unusual mechanics for friends, Mr. Vaelus."

Luka Krante eyes the admiral and his companions, but lets Rax do the introductions.. he snorts at the Admirals question. "Certainly hope we arm the thing again. Can't think of a good reason not to." So helpful!

Wow. Looks like the Republic brought quite the welcoming committee, emphasis on the 'committee'. But then again, officials do seem to like making a show. Sion quickly glances over her outfit, just to make sure all the zippers are pulled and all the tabs joined... and completely misses the fact that her zip-seal is open to the last notch, white underwear showing brightly against her dark gray armor pants. Oops.

Oriana's words come as a surprise as she makes her way forward, and she blinks, accepting the device reflexively. "Oh, this? I think so, yes," she says simply, taking a moment to look over the screen. It's a new model, but from a very good and longstanding maker, so it should just be that lower corner menu... got it! She hands the device back to Ori with a smile, returned to perfect functionality. "Here ya go! How's all, Ori? I see you're on your feet again."

She looks up at the sound of the Twi'lek's voice, stifling a smile as her favorite scamp goes into a long spiel on legal matters. It's a good spiel, so she holds her tongue and just watches, offering a quietly casual salute to the Republic bigwigs, just in time for the introductions Rax makes. She does blush just a little as her armor is noted. She /did/ consider the matter of trouble. Renegade's history was a little violent, right?

Unusual? That's enough to make the Mandalorian mechanic chuckle. Maybe she wasn't the best walking case for a promise of not re-arming a vessel for warefare if one was going by stereotypes alone. Uncrossing her arms the redhead shrugs, but she doesn't really have words to offer in introductions. Russ was always the smooth-talker out of the two siblings.

Once introductions are made, Oriana steps back a few paces, because she is going to observe this too. Eyes move over each with brows knitted together in thought. Many things run through her head but they stay there, bottled up while her attention moves to Sion as she works on her datapad. Taking it back, it's in a pink case her smile grows. "You're a lifesaver, I had no idea what I did. Just my luck, too. Day after I get a gift and I do something to it." With an amused shake of her head a one shouldered shrug is given. "I'm still alive so counting as a win, and thus, I'm good." In a way of a toast her cup of tea is lifted. "And yourself?" Eyes shoot over to Luka, and narrow some at him, her head shakes with a small smirk as if saying 'shut the hell up boy',

Raim dips his head as he is introduced as the Director of Finances and then says, "Admiral, with all due respect, arming a ship with weapons found while exploring could be managed with or without the Renegade, so that possibility is not really pertinent. We found the Renegade while out exploring, and now here we are with you. Why would you assume outright that if we found any weapons that such a scenario would play out any differently?"

Glancing back as Oriana talks with Sion, Rax starts to turn away when he blinks and doubles back. Upnodding urgently just once to Sion, he glances down a couple times and makes a subtle zipping motion with his back mostly to the trio of Republic officials.

Meanwhile, Admiral Stern is glowering at Luka, looking very unamused by the quip. His eyes turning to the Chiss, Admiral Stern frowns a little more seriously, but finally nods affirmatively, "You make a good point, Director Shah. And we do appreciate your bringing her to us. However..."

The Admiral turns to look at Secretary Hartness briefly, who meets the Admiral's stare with unflinching, steel-grey eyes. "...The decision whether or not we turn the Renegade back over to you is not mine to make."

Rax straightens up a bit as the Admiral turns back around, opening his mouth to speak. He pauses, however, as he blinks at Sion...or, rather, Sion's slight wardrobe malfunction. Clearing his throat, he picks his train of thought back up, "The Renegade was a legend among those who fought in the Rebellion, and we in the military lobbied hard to have her recommissioned... Or /de/commissioned as a floating museum. But it seems you have powerful friends in the Senate, Mr. Vaelus..."

Rax's eyes narrow as the Admiral turns to him, and the two stare at each other silently.

Raim's scarlet eyes follow the Admiral's as he glances back to Secretary Hartness and he takes that to mean the buck stops with her. "Secretary Harness, Admiral Stern, Lieutenant Gorsi... we tracked down an abandoned vessel, left in deep space on the edge of a black hole. We risked life and limb to journey to it, and to recover her from certain destruction. If I found a coin on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, you would not dispute my claim of possession, and this is no different. The Republic had no intentions of journeying to reclaim the Renegade itself, despite desires to turn it into a museum. It is rightfully ours, fairly and deservedly earned."

Luka Krante snap points at Raim, "That there is a smart man. I thought the Republic was meant to be an improvement from the Empire... guess some of you have trouble letting that go, huh? It's a shit storm out there. Pirates. First order. If you've got a ship like the renegade and don't arm it you're just asking to be blown out of the black."

"S'nothin'. I'm just glad it was something pretty simple," Sion replies to Oriana with a smile. "I'm good, really. Just... I feel like a fifth repulsor emitter in places like this. Maybe I should stay close to you." For moral support, if nothing else.

She watches as the battle for the future of the /Renegade/ is fought, words not being her medium of choice. She's so intent on this that she misses Rax's hint.

The hawkish Secretary Hartness cracks the faintest of smirks at Raim's words, looking very subtly smug. Lieutenant Gorsi's eyes are a bit wide, and she stares straight ahead...until she notices a flash of white from Sion, and the blonde-haired human girl blinks, looking... Then her cheeks go bright red and her eyes snap back up, eyebrows high. Her face might as well be a Huttese billboard saying 'Awkward!'

At Luka's words, however, Admiral Stern's eyes narrow, and even Rax rolls his eyes at Luka calls out 'pirates' in his role-call of dangers in the Republic. It's the mention of the First Order, however, that gets a sharp shutdown from the Admiral, who chops a hand shortly through the air, "The First Order is nothing. They are bandits with fancy outfits and a lot of unsubstantiated rumors. They have never struck at a Republic target."

Secretary Hartness, however, is staring daggers at the back of Admiral Stern's peaked cap, and she eventually turns a piercing stare at Luka; judging, evaluating, measuring. After about two seconds of that stare, however, the gray-haired woman says calmly, "Director Shah is absolutely right, Admiral, and you have stalled us here long enough. Unless you have something meaningful to say, let us cut to the chase. You have kept these good people in suspense for long enough."

Even Raim turns around and gives Luka a narrow eyed gaze, the scarlet glow of his eyes reduced to slits. A soundless expression of 'won't you just shut up!' He turns back around, giving a polite and grateful nod to Secretary Hartness and says, "Thank you, Secretary." His eyes shift back toward the Admiral as he says, "Indeed, sir. Please, if you don't mind, can we get down to business here so we can all be about our business?"

"First Order Bandits. Fancy Outfits, blah blah blah" Luka says back to the admiral in a high pitched, mocking tone. "Are you really that stupid?" he ask and looks towards the Secretary, "He's not really an admiral is he? He's just some Make a Wish brain. cancer patent that wanted to pretend for the day right? Give me something to have a shred of faith in the Republic here"

Sion, frowning at the back-and-forth of the wordplay, isn't quite so oblivious that she misses that look on Lieutenant Gorsi's face. Glancing down and blushing herself as she sees that her underpants are not quite /under/, she mouths a silent 'Sorry!' to the shaken girl and edges behind Oriana to do up the seal.

But she's not out of this match, especially as the Admiral's words strike a chord in her memory. She steps forward again, meeting the three Republic gazes, her own dark eyes flashing with suppressed anger. "With due respect, sir, just because the First Order has never hit a /Republic/ target doesn't mean they're not a problem worth of the Republic's attention. I have friends who've seen their work firsthand, and I've seen the aftermath of their raids. Waiting to get punched in the nose just means you're more flat-footed when that fist finally swings."

She blushes a little, but forges on. "Which is why /Renegade/ needs weapons. Credible threat or not, the First Order isn't the only lawless faction out there. Luka might state his case poorly, but his concerns are quite legitimate. Another armed ship out on the fringes, one owned by responsible people, is a good thing."

Taking a deep breath, she edges back, letting it out in a puff of a sigh. Awkward, yes. Hopefully she's helped.

Admiral Stern actually goes purple in the face, and one could guess that it's been a very long time since anyone has spoken to him in that fashion. Even Secretary Hartness and Lieutenant Gorsi look shocked as they exchange glances behind the Admiral's back. The volcanic eruption that is to be Admiral Stern's reply, however, is stalled by Sion's impassioned words. Listening to the girl's scathing retort, and only glancing once at her sealed garment, the Admiral is clearly deciding on how he wants to retort when...

Reverting from hyperspace as a long stretch of grey suddenly coming into existance, the Renegade gleams in the light of Kuat. With freshly painted accent markings, true to her Rebellion heritage, the Rebel Assault Frigate looks as though it just rolled off the assembly line--an irony for those who know the true origin of RAF's. No longer bristling with weaponry, the Renegade instead sports new sensors, new antennae, and a full-sized, Dreadnaught-era, refurbished landing bay.

Clearing her throat to take the initiative from the briefly stunned Admiral, who's lost his moment to thunder, Secretary Hartness announces, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The RAF Renegade."

The vessel slows to a stop next to the station, and Hartness continues, "New wiring, new sensors, new computer systems, new service droids. Furnished, decorated, and stocked. We even left her starfighter servicing racks intact, as those technically do not violate the Treaty. You could launch a squadron of heavy fighters with minimal support." The Secretary is clearly quite pleased while the Admiral smolders.

Glancing out at the Renegade as it exits hyperspace, Raim listens intently as the Secretary lists the modifications and then nods slowly. "Was the ship's computer left alone? Or was it wiped?"

The Secretary nods, "It was suffering from some strange quirks, but we decided to leave it be, rather than wipe the memory. Quite frankly, we're not sure it would come back online if we did." She gestures aside, toward the window, "The Renegade is yours, Explorers. Go take her out into the galaxy."

Whatever exchage happened Oriana missed a bit, a holonet channel was running and she cought something on it that drew her attention. Probably lucky for Luka, because he didn't get punched. It's left her thinking and she turns to look at the window thoughtfully but that's when the ship comes in, so she watches silently at the fancy ship.

"Faith in the Republic restored!" Luka says with a grin as the Renegade appears and its made clear its' theirs to use, "well... except for him." he gestures offhandedly at the Admiral and directs his words to the Secretary before moving off towards one of the windows to take a gander at the pretty thing.

"Now we just need fighters..." Sion muses, looking thoughtfully out at the huge vessel with its new paint and trim, and enough antennae to make a colony of bugs jealous. She smiles gratefully at the Secretary and the Lieutenant, nods to the Admiral, and returns her gaze to the starship. Oh, this will be fun...

Rax has a satisfied smile on his face as he regards the Renegade restored. "Well, you heard the lady, Explorers." He nods upwards towards the vessel, "Time to see what the old girl's got." Turning away, Rax is still smirking as he passes the Admiral, his eyes staying on the man as he walks on by. Turning his eyes forward, he snaps his hand toward the docking bay, "Move out!"

Zaena gives a grin to Rax. "Indeed," she says, a little bit curious - and indeed impressed. "Point defense weaponry and civilian fighters or light freighters is standard for bulk cruisers," she says. "They'd have had a really hard time - even risk liability in Republic courts, even - sending us out with those capabilities removed," she says. "In the same way, they likely couldn't risk the kind of liability of sending us out with turbolasers launched," she says. "In any case, though, I do wonder about the extent to which they seem to be concerned about disarmament," she says. "Think they know something about this 'First Order' that we don't?"