Log:HUNT: Una Alateen

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HUNT: Una Alateen

OOC Date: June 18, 2020
Location: Noddreck Apartments, Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Kasia Ashkuri, Jehni'va Cihn, Rheisa Dirleel, Sebek, and Tarion Tavers

He's there on the roof of Noddreck Apartments, Tarion Tavers, the rogue bounty hunter in all his understated, nonexistent glory. The wind occasionally buffets through, tossing his hair in wild directions, but it's not like that's a major change from how it is normally. He takes a deep breath of the polluted, acid-tinged air, looking up at the clouds that threaten any moment to unleash a downpour on the cityscape below. "Ahhh man. Kriffing hell, that's a beautiful sight. So- so beautiful of a- of a sight." He's not always the most poetic, Tarion Tavers.

Turning back towards the rooftop, he gestures to his crew, summoned here by a posting on the holonet they all had the bad judgment to answer. "Greetings, strangers and acquaintances, and welcome to Noddreck Apartments. Inside these very walls, held in space like a big cube with a bunch of smaller cubes inside it, are rooms. I mean, technically they're not perfect cubes, but they're rectangular. At least I assume they are. Most rooms are rectangular." He clears his throat, adjusts his jacket. "And so, in one of these /rooms/, is Una Alateen, a wanted criminal! She's wanted, anyway, for uh, you know, stuff. Alive! Not dead. They are distinct states, and I want her distinctly alive and not dead, understand?"

Stepping back to the edge of the rooftop, he indicates a row of pitons driven into the tarpaper that lines the top of the roof, with cables attached to them cast over the short duracrete rim that mostly serves to keep items from rolling off the roof rather than a proper safety measure. "I don't know /which/ room, so just check all of them until you find a..." He pulls out a bounty puck, projecting the image for them all to see. "Young adult female what is that, Herglic? I don't know, I think that's a Herglic. Don't lick her though. Haha, get it?" He chuckles as he puts the device away. "Oh and we totally have permission to be up here and smash in through the windows, I talked to the owner. Don't worry about it."

Kasia is here. She's here against her better judgment like she so often is, in adventure pants that make moving easier, and rattly bracelets that will inevitably give her away at some important point when sneaking is necessary. Well, maybe, if they're doing window smashing, sneaking might not be on the books tonight. She has a bag with her, which she has secured with a strap across her body, and a weapon on her hip which is secured in place in its holster. "So we're going over the edge of the roof, and through the windows?" she clarifies, doing what you're not supposed to do and looking over the edge to the ground. "Easy plan, ok ka," she murmurs to herself, a drawn out sigh following this as she looks back to Tarion.

Some of the 'random trash' up here looks suspiciously like a certain huntress from Shili might still be using the old residence below from time to time. Dacon is for sleeping. Noddrek is for work. Dirty, smelly work. Bent pieces of rod, wire mesh, old wire - dumpster salvage no doubt - are propped up between some of the more stable elements of equipment up here, like the ventilation shafts. The wire threads through fuzzy and scaly cuts of animal skins, drawing it tautly over the makeshift racks.

The hatch craaaaankity-creaks open then to admit one member of crew who's not /meant/ to be part of /this/ crew. Maybe. The montrals emerge first, followed by the rest of her upper half that halts before the rests emerges. She looks a bit startled to see the windy, trashy place so occupied! "What is, party?" Hah! Rheisa clambers on out the rest of the way and ambles on over to peek at the progress of the hides half hidden there, then ambles on over to have a looksee at Tarion's carefully orchestrated means of descent. "Is race?"

So suffice to say, she's not read the 'help wanted' ad.

Occasionally the wind would pick up the topknot of Sebek of the Desert, Flagbearer of Coret, Conqueror of the Sixteenth Deck, Consumer of Hounds, Wielder of Tei Tenga, He Who Hunts and send it flicking and dancing around, as it would do to the lower half of his self-proclaimed battle cassock sticking out underneath his Weave armour. Sebek the Falleen believed himself to be a clever, intelligent individual. This would of course inspire laughter in those who knew him better, as there was a simple and easy solution to this whole 'Where is the Herglic' question that had gone in one metaphorical ear (because Falleen don't have and have never had ears, the piercings are all in ridges, get over it) and out the other.

"Yes! YES! Joy and terror! Behold, sponsored property damage! For She Who Flees shall flee but to no avail! Alas, her doom is wrought!" His velvety, thickly accented voice boomed with glorious purpose. Someone had been eating the melodrama biscuits today, judging from the wide-armed pose of proclamation. "Grant unto me the avenue of approach! For we shall descend as falling Iegans upon the din, to rend our foes asunder and claim our quarry as our own!"

How did Jehni'va Cihn get wrapped up in this? How does she get wrapped up in any of Tarion's schemes - still? One would think that the pilot would learn a lesson or two after all these years, but one would not have known her very well, then. She seems in good spirits about it, regardless - as she so often does - with these situations. "So we're rappelling down th'- hey, Rheisa - down th'side of the building?" She repeats, in a tone that suggests it isn't the first time she's asked this question. At least she isn't as chipper as that other guy.

"No, /you're/ going over the edge of the roof and through the windows," Tarion clarifies, dragging over one of the rickety patio chairs that are just hanging out up here collecting dust and rust. "I'm going to be up here, providing uhhhhhhhhhh..." His eyes roll skyward for inspiration, his mouth drops open as the stall meanders on, until his eyes light up and swing back to center. "Overwatch! Providing overwatch." Sure. He drops his butt into the seat and props his rifle over his knees. He can barely see over the rim of the rooftop.

"There's no race, but if you want to show you're a great hunter, you can go down that rope and find me a Herglic," the hunter replies to Rheisa, holding out the puck-image again. "Una Alateen. Is bad mans."


Rheisa passes a little look around to each of the other faces up here, conscripted into this probably dirty deed. Two she knows. One she does not. The Falleen and his fluttering topknot are given an inquisitive once-over before she backsteps to shadow Tarion's lounge chair. "Is mans?" An honest question - Rheisa has no idea wtf gender this Herglic is. "How you going to see strrreet from here?" she challenges the man's logic, one hand outstretched to indicate sightline, which she then squats to test her point. "Why cannot use stair?" a second gesture, this one going to the hatch she's just emerged from.

The hairless brow remains wrinkled into a look of incredulity, but looks like people are actually going to follow through with this, so she'd best be in attendance to save HER window. "Rrreesa apartment off limit," she informs for the record before stepping to the edge and hopping over.

The rope shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhks through her palm a couple seconds longer than intended when her bare foot slips the first time it lands against the toxic film growing on this ratty duracrete. After the first mistep, her descent is pretty uneventful till she hovers above the nearest window and tries to crabwalk it a lil closer and leeeeeeeeeeans to have a looksee.

Suddenly, hearning that the Herglic was 'bad mans', Sebek was confused about whether or not they were going after a male or a female. Female, he decided. It'd been said earlier. "Of course, She Who Admonishes." The Falleen did not question why the owner of the Blue Light was here on a rooftop. "The glory of first descent shall be mine." It was of course when he looked at the rope and harness he realised he didn't have a clue how to do this. Oh well, pride goeth before a fall. He stepped in and pulled up the harness, disregarding how the cassock interfered with how it sat around his hips and made it less secure, he took the rope, and stepped over the side.

Pain. Blinding pain. No matter how one trains their body there shall always be a weak spot, protected only by foresight or wisdom. Having displayed neither, stars flooded his vision as he hung from the side of the building with a vice-grip around his most vulnerables. "Curse this foul instrument!" he squeaked out, trying to take the pressure off by putting his feet on the side of the building. "To doom, I condemn you!" he sounded very pained. Taking his hand off the rope to reach the Bilari sword slung along his back only magnified the pain tenfold. Good work, Sebek.

"Overwatch?" Jehni'va squints. "Yeah, good idea."

"So, we have, uh... Harnesses?" Anything? She looks tentatively over the edge of the roof, giving a long, low whistle as she does. At least she has the sense to pause and nudge the anchor with her foot - it seems secure enough... She's always been the more willowy type - long, but not dense. It'll probably be fine. "Yeah, I've got a good feeling about this - it'll, uh... It'll be fun. Yeah?" Stooping, she grips the rope and sets to wrapping it tight around her waist - around the thighs, tied tight, around the waist, tied tight. Very tight. 

Too tight.

Jehni'va Cihn is already losing feeling in her legs when she steps off the edge, doing her best to copy Rheisa's obviously successful tactics - but rather than going the way of the graceful hunter, she goes more the way of... Well, that other guy. The loud one. The upside down one? No - that' can't be right.

It is. Jehni'va Cihn hangs upside down, rotating slowly, one hand craning out towards the side of the building, a windowsill, anything. It all eludes her grip, leaving her to dangle.

"Stairs would cost us the element of surprise, which any hunter should know is invaluable," Tarion retorts to Rheisa, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest from the patio chair and pouting. "Besides, it's a RAMP here because they can't AFFORD stairs!" Actually, it's probably for accessibility, but as someone who can totally afford stairs, the hunter cares not. While the others begin the descent with varying measures of success, he grumbles under his breath and pulls out his datapad to check his bank accounts.

Over the side of the roof, everything is vertical, slick but from... whatever that weird film that coats the buildings around here is, not by design. The wind makes it hard to hear anything, even if you DO have ears. The windows are tinted, not by design but by the layer of dust and grime on the inside, making it hard to see in. "You're doing /great/," Tarion's distracted voice wafts down.

Kasia takes time while the others climb over the edge of the roof to put on her harness in what she's pretty sure is the correct way, glancing every so often at the others who -- excluding Rheisa -- are dangling like pinatas over the side of the building. "You're doing great," she says over the edge, not yelling because that too would ruin the element of surprise. Harness on, strapped in, over the edge she goes. This is a really bad idea, and she knows it, but the others are doing it so she peer pressured herself into doing it as well.

Everything seems to be going fine, it really is, she's making her way down, down, ever so safe and upright, then something goes wrong. She has one foot planted against the building when suddenly it just sort of sinks into it, as though it were quicksand. The building is owned by a Lash, so really maybe sand was just used to patch a hole, she wouldn't be surprised. Unsurprised, and now stuck with her leg in the side of building.

"Stars-- what?" She's so far in that it's hard to get leverage with the other foot, which might also just sink into the building if she's not careful. "I think my leg is in someone's kitchen," she complains to her fellow pinatas.

It couldn't get any worse, right? "You! He Who Rambles!" That was the Falleen yelling up to the top of the roof, trying to adjust the harness while caught in the harness, losing his grip, slipping, inverting, and just barely holding on to the Bilari whip as he wound up in the same position as the upside down woman from before. Good thing he wore pants under that cassock because otherwise the galaxy would be getting a show. They could all see his baton, by which I mean what looked like a spiked riot baton strapped to his leg, get your minds out of the gutter.

"It is believed that your plan is stupid! Fat! Fat in arrogance! Fat in laziness!" Sebek couldn't even see He Who Rambles up there. "Stairs remain the superior tactic! Your mistakes cost us dearly!"

"Tavers /blind/ bad man," Rheisa mutters to self after his proclammation that they're all doin 'great'. Above and then shortly around there are all sorts of sounds of pain, discomfort, disorientation... "I have home here! Is no need for surpr---Is no good upsidedown, Jehni!" She says like the human hasn't already figured that out. "Curl, pull! Like this!" Rheisa demonstrates a tuck and curl forward before moving on.

But Rheisa's blind, too. At least in THIS window. Not even her reflection is peering back at her through all the crusty shades of grime and gross. One fingernail reaches out to scritchscratch herself a peep hole but about that time, Kasia's done this unimaginable feat of strength and put her leg through a wall.

Insert some unintelligible 'gruta mutterings here, punctuated by a SIGH and she starts climbing her way toward Kasia to lend a hand. Or foot. We'll see.

Around, and around, and around Jehn goes - reaching once, twice, thrice for the nearest ledge. At Rheisa's urging, she struggles repeatedly to copy the curling move the Togruta is demonstrating. It's on the last attempt that she finally rights herself enough to reach out, and her fingers finally graze stone. Slowly, painfully, she drags herself into a more controlled, upright-dangle - allowing her a more detailed view of Kasia's predicament, Sebek's struggles, and... Nothing else. She doesn't see anything or anyone through the windows, though. "Stairs were an /option/?!"

Tarion's head appears over the edge of the rooftop. "No! They were not an option! This is the plan and that's the plan and so, the plan! Fat, stupid plan, for fat stupid people. Now stop complaining and get to work or I'll start pulling these anchors out of the roof!" Then his head disappears.

And reappears a few moments later. "Except for Kasia's." Then he's gone again.

The wind is picking up, making the rappelers bobble like ornaments on a tree, and the windows are inscrutable as ever. Someone opens the one nearest to Kasia, an angry Weequay woman shouting something unintelligible unless you speak whatever language she's gibbering away in, waving the light fixture Kasia's foot kicked out of the wall.

Though Kasia might have hoped things would go better than this, the truth is that plans rarely ever do go better than your leg sinking into walls, at least in her experience these last few years. It's with her own strength, and Rheisa's help that she pulls her leg free so that she's dangling loose on the side of the building.

"Sorry, I'm sorry!" she calls up to the angry Weequay, and to show that she's really, really sorry, she kicks the woman out of the way so that she can climb into the angry woman's apartment, knocking over and no doubt breaking more things along the way.

"Sor--" pant, pant. "Sorry," she repeats as she looks up from her place on the floor of the apartment, both hands raised. "I'll pay," and to make good on that promise she reaches into her top, digs around in the fancy brassiere and withdraws a slightly more sweaty than appropriate credit chit which is thrown at the woman. "Buy a new lamp, and... I don't know, things." Does this woman even speak basic? She has no idea, but cash usually translates pretty well no matter the language differences. After a few beats she's unhooking the harness and getting to her feet to start the search for their target.

"I will consume your organs with a glass of Corulag Red, He Who Rambles!" was the well thought out and very witty retort from the spitting Sebek to the grumpy Tarion. But now, it was time to do some state-sponsored B&E. Getting inside was going to take a few steps. Firstly, he removed and activated the Bilari whipsword, causing the red tubelike weapon to hum with red anger. Secondly, having slowly righted himself, he kicked off the building. And finally, on the return swing... CRASH!

Through the window Sebek went, letting the rest of the rope run slack and FINALLY taking the pressure off his unmentionables. If this was a stealth mission, it wasn't now. "HERGLIC!" he yelled, before he was suddenly assaulted by the stench of enough narcotics to make Netep Muri blush. "Where is the..." and it was a this point that his eyes adjusted to the gloom and he identified the occupants of the room, all two of them. Both of them were wiry, one humanoid-ish-thing that Sebek didn't bother identifying and the other, well, the other was a "RODIAN!" He levelled the sword, hissing in anger. "FILTH!"

Rheisa edges back from Kasia's B&E position. Firstly, that alien lady looked pissed BEFORE Kasia kicked her and secondly, three's a crowd! No need to get struck with a sconce...

She has a second go at playing 'I spy' in the next window over, back toward her original hang zone, but finds this one is just as obscured as the other although the mess appears to be on the /inside/. Evidently this tenant does not fancy the notion of housekeeping. Or they're dead. The latter possibility puts a deep frown on the Togruta's face and she takes a moment to rewrap some rope around her left leg/foot, left arm, and goes patting around her belt for something - anything - that might be of use to bust in this window. "Have care!!" she shouts at the sound of Sebek's wrecking ball (effective) approach. Rodian? Rodian. There are no ROdians in her apartment. This is good knowing.

Jerky packets, sling, pebbles for sling, few blowdarts, confiscated chewing gum (Umak's), knife....knife. This might do!

Jehn isn't just going to bust into someone's apartment without being sure that it's the right person. She isn't like you ANIMALS. While loud noises, angry shouts, and electric crackles sound off above her, Jehni'va takes her time. Slowly and carefully, she presses her palms against the nearest window, and holds her face close to the grimy, translucent, transparisteel. "I see her!" She calls, waving frantically at the others. "Here, here, here!" If it's not their Herglic, Jehni'va will have a long night ahead of her spent reevaluating her personal bias.

"Now things are rocking and rolling!" That's Tarion from his seat on the rooftop, after seeing the yields from the latest promotion his armor shop put on via his datapad.

The Weequay woman, with her hideously (beautifully by Weequay standards) withered and wrinkled face and disheveled topknot, stares at Kasia for a long moment before begrudgingly accepting the proffered chit, tucking it away into her own much less expensive and fashionable brasiere.

The walls are paper-thin, and the Herglic Jehn spotted looks up at the sounds of the ruckus from the apartments next door, because Kasia and Sebek are now inside the rooms adjoining theirs. There's also a voice chanting 'here' outside the window, and Nar Shaddaa isn't known for a vibrant avian community, let alone the speaking variety. The Herglic rears up to a standing posture, looking tense through the grime of the plastoid window.

How much is on the credit chit? Kasia doesn't actually know, there are a few swimming around in there and she didn't look, she was too grateful to not be hanging off the side of the building anymore. She hears the call from Jehn, and then the roar next door, so she does what any rational person does. She channels Grom and tries to break through the wall, except she hasn't nearly the strength of a Houk, so she just manages to punch a hole through, quick to yank back her arm so it doesn't get pulled off. Provided she doesn't lose the arm, she'll at least peer through the hole to try and see the Herglic while fishing out another credit chit for the Weequay.

"Good seeking, Jehni'va," Rheisa praises with a shout to carry past Kasia's window. She abandons thoughts of dulling her blade on a window pane and spiders her way BACK toward Kasia's point of entry. Up and over the ledge she goes, one hand waving all surrendery like whilst her striped self slithers on in.

"Scuse! Scuse!" Which is equivalent to 'dont shoot!' in Rheisa speak. "Am friend," she motions toward Kasia - the woman currently punching holes in Weequay Sconce Lady's wall. Rather than join in the demolition effort though, she makes a beeline for the door with hopes of escaping into hallway! "I just go this way, yes?" said also for Kasia's benefit. If Herglic Bad Mens' walls are caving in and Jehni's peeking through the window, where might the Herglic go?

The Togruta woman is much smaller than Herglic woman - this she does NOT yet know - but has every intention of helping to corner the target from her last escape point!

"Inedible FILTH! POISON!" That was the sound coming from the angry hissing Falleen when confronted with a Rodian. Sebek, to probably no one's surprise, hated Rodians. So rather than actually do anything about the Herglic (indeed he hadn't heard She Who Dangles yelling 'here!' and generally being helpful) he was taking out his frustration at having Little Sebek CRUSHED between harness and cassock on the much-loathed alien. WHACK went the Bilari into the spicehead, and VWROOM went the bat-like swing over its head as the gloom caused the Falleen to miss his shot. They were unarmed, you wanker!

"Here!" Jehn calls again, peering back into the window to see - "oh, she's onto us! She - she did something wrong, right?" Too late to care, Jehn crouches against the wall before kicking back to build momentum, and then, swinging her weight forward, slams feet-first into the window. It shatters, spilling Jehn into the Herglic's apartment in a yelping heap. A fist punches through one wall - but Jehn cannot see who is on the other side of it. She's tangled on the floor, trapped once more by the way-too-tight ties of her rope harness, struggling to break free. She does manage to get out: "excuse me! Pardon the interruption, do you have a moment t'answer a few questions?" Demolitions continue next door. "Those're just, uh, my associates."

Kasia's hand and arm burst through the wall from the neighboring apartment, and while there are worse things seen in this building, it's not high on the list of desireable features. "HOME INVASION," the Herglic yells in a low, throaty voice that rumbles through the thin duraboard walls. "It's the NSEC or the CSEC, or the- the- THE FUZZZZZ!"

In the OTHER neighboring apartment, shrieks and shots ring out as the Rodian, coked out on spice, is chopped in the bod by a wild Sebek. Scrambling away, he fires off a wild shot from a holdout just past the Falleen's head as he backpedals across the cheap shag carpeting while his Balomar friend comes up off the futon with a blaster in hand, screaming "THAT'S MY BEST CLIENT!" at the top of his lungs.

When Jehn comes crashing through the window, that tears it, and the Herglic takes off, bashing through the door and heading straight towards Rheisa like a runaway freight train hauling a few metric tonnes of coaxium.

In the midst of all this, the Weequay lady greedily shoves the second chit after the first and quietly pulls the fire alarm. Just another Satunda in Noddreck Apartments.

Kasia's absolute lack of Gromitude means she quickly gives up on the wall breaking prospect and turns on her heels to dash after Rheisa. She flings the second credit chit at the Weequay as she passes and shaking off what passes for plaster off of her other hand. The walls aren't strong, but punching them still doesn't feel GOOD. "The fuzz," she repeats that one with a quiet little chuckle to herself, then pauses at the door out to the hall. She pulls free her blaster and peeks out into the hall, trying to get a look at what's happening out there, possibly witnessing Rheisa turned into a striped smear on floor.

YES! This was right plan, see how Herglic bad mens is co--

Uh oh.

Rheisa's realized the considerable difference in MASS between herself and Tarion's desired bounty, but she's a team player to a fault, so here goes!

The huntress pounces, springing UP rather than away from the stampeding monstrosity, intending to cling and grapple and bring this big bad being DOWN. Upon executing this manuever, sadly, things don't go so smoothly. She slips, she can't get a grip, and just like that, Rheisa Dirleel is trampled underfoot by Una Alateen. There are worse ways to die on this moon, but for sure there are better.

Rheisa lies in a twisted tangle of limbs and headtails on the floor. Am smear.

As chaos erupted the shouting and THUMPTHUMPTHUMP of a sprinting beast and the cries of distress and the previous shouts of 'here!' and the general need to visit this place other than to beat the snot out of Rodians started to make Sebek think he'd forgotten something. The flying blaster bolts and general impending sense of danger reminded him that, hey, someone else was in danger here. Suddenly startled from his slaughter as the metaphorical lightbulb went off in his head, he bellowed out, "Herglic!" and legged it.

Being a reptilian and thus of slightly different build to humans, the Falleen was built like a sprinter, all lean limbs and wiry muscle. On legs, he went from 'full stop' to 'Skywalker take the wheel', out through the door, about-face towards the swathe of destruction left in the Herglic's wake, and charged. Obstructions meant nothing to the dark-and-bling clad Sebek, the puddle on the floor that was a Togruta was vaulted over, and at the same time the angry red rod of doom snapped into its component pieces, joined only by wiry cable and a whole lot of electrical anger. "HALT," he screamed out, throwing the whip-blade of the weapon forward and aiming to wrap around the fleeing Herglic's arm, "SHE WHO HALTS!"

"We just 'ave a few questions!" Jehn shouts after the retreating Herglic, finally disentangling herself enough to scramble to her hands and feet and give chase.

But her Togruta friend is trampled like grass (but not grass), and that distracts the pilot. "You okay?" She offers a hand down, wincing in sympathy as she does so. From the sounds in the hallway, it's safe to assume that one of the other companions has caught up with their quarry, so Jehn doesn't feel any pause in her pause.

"Don't let that sleemo get away!" the Rodian trumpets, dragging himself out into the hallway. Only his top half makes it through the doorway, where he lies to take a potshot at Sebek's back but hits the wall instead. The Balomar sidesteps over his deathstick-buying buddy and shoots down the hall as well. Red lights flash and there's a loud clanging from the fire alarm, but nobody seems to care. Probably because of the frequency of events like this in this building.

The Herglic, struck by a chain-whip that wraps around their arm and digs in with furious effect, sprays blood everywhere as the big person stumbles backwards. IS IT EVEN HER?! No one is sure. But hey, how many Herglics could live here? Right? "You aren't the FUZZ!!" The arm tugs free and the Herglic reels forward, borne by momentum and righteous indignation, heading for the ramp of all places.

The timing works out horribly, or perfectly if you're someone that likes to see Kasia suffer. She gets to the door right when the whip hits the Herglic Lady(?) so the spray of blood hits Kasia. It's awful, there's blood on her new adventure pants, and shirt, and jacket, and in her hair and on her face, and... and...

There's muted sound of horror that comes from behind firmly closed lips as she swings up her blaster and fires. Woosh, the twin blaster bolts miss the Herglic by a wide margin, doing more damage to the walls of this apartment complex that is likely to come crumbling down around them here soon. One relatively dry sleeve is used to wipe away (smear around) the blood on her face so she can shout, "She's going this way!" to anyone who might not know it, or to anyone who might presently be a smear on the dirty tiles of the apartment hallway.

IS SHE!? Okay, that is. Rheisa doesn't answer Jehn right away, likely trying to figure it out for herself. The wind's been knocked clean out of her, so says the plaintive little gasps that fail to really gulp any air for the next twenty seconds. Her eyes are closed against the wave of diziness and nausea that stem from smacking her montrals into the floor (nevermind her skull). An experimental flexing of limbs says nah, nothing's more broken than it already was so she forms a dumb nod at Jehni and peels herself stiffly off the floor.

"No! I am He Who Hunts!"

Under other circumstances, that would have been a very effective fear-instiller. But here at Noddreck, on a He Who Rambles special mission, it was like watching a hot-blooded holonet show that the actors took way too seriously.

The whip darted out again to try and snag the Herglic again, this time aiming for the... neck.

Yeah this was gonna go well.

Okay: assess the situation. One Torgruta is down, one Herglic is yelling and barreling through her fellows, several other spiced up randoms are causing their own rucus - the loud one kicked the hornet's next, it seems - and Jehni'va is... Jehni'va. Happy to help Rheisa up, she gives a questioning thumbs up before reaching for her holstered blaster and running after the noise. Instead of her blaster, however, Jehn remembers their prerogative: alive. Not to mention that she has no idea what this person did, what makes them worthy of being hunted for bounty? She reaches for her knife, instead. "We just want t'talk!" She tries one more time. "Give ya a hundred creds if ya stop an' list-!"

The sudden redecorating of the hallway paint job isn't one they're being paid for. "We don't even know what she /did/!" The pilot sputters out, after a moment of shocked silence.

The impact of the whip's needle-tip is quick and impactful, and this time there's no real internal struggle about whether to keep running or not. That's all over! The Herglic burbles once and then falls to the hallway floor, just shy of the doorway to the ramp. There's no actual door because doors cost money and all they do is keep out noise, drafts, rain, and undesirables.

The timing is inopportune, as Tarion emerges from the ramp at the same moment, looking down at the body at his feet and then up at his henchmen-for-the-night. "Oh hey, what are the odds, two Herglics after a- wait." His eyes narrow, and he looks down at the Herglic again, pulling out the bounty puck. "Oh for krif's sake. How many times did I specifically say 'NOT dead'?!" Quick, infuriated fingers pull his datapad out of a cargo pocket, scrolling through to a message saved on it. "And I quote, 'I want Una Alateen ALIVE so that I can look her in the eye and demand an apology for the way I was treated last week at the Tarisian Fashion Emporium. It was humiliating and I want to hear the contrition in her voice myself.'" The device is jammed away again, and Tarion nudges the Herglic's head with his foot. "I am so not getting paid for this. ...unless? Any of you people know a ventilationist?"