Log:Houjix Fix

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Houjix Fix

OOC Date: March 21, 2020
Location: Kinyen, Expansion Region
Participants: Kryll Red, Kasia Ashkuri, Nubri, Vena, Ban Iskender, David Ironside, Netep Muri, Aryn Cole

The group has arrived by speeder truck. A local Gran quartermaster, who is communicating through a droid, refuses to go past this point at the foot of the forest. 'It's haunted,' he says. Naturally, that's exactly where we have to go!

Aryn Cole slides off the back of the truck and adjusts her cape, setting it to rest along her back. "What a beautiful world. A shame that such superstitions keep the locals from exploring its history. No such barrier shall stop us though." Aryn is accompanied by a green and white BB-series New Republic droid, that warbles idly as it plops down on the ground behind her. "According to the data signal from Cedar," (Aryn's droid), "..the fauna deterrent beacons are in the forest, close to the ruins where the Houjix make nest." Aryn turns to everyone, smiling. "Are we all ready?" The young Doctor looked like she was ready for the next adventure!

Jumping off the truck shortly behind Aryn is Kryll, helmet on, armored up, rifle sling over his chest but not in his hands at all. He stops to grab Six from off the truck and set him down on the ground. <"Don't get stuck anywhere Six and stay tight."> with that, he looks about, scanning the area towards the forest that Aryn speaks about. <"Affirmative."> he confirms to Aryn.

Kasia slides off the truck shortly after Aryn, stretching her legs and adjusting the bag that she carries with her through basically every adventure. She's got armor on today, rather than a dress, but she still fancy with her hair up and makeup. "I feel like every time I doubt local superstition I end up regretting it, so I believe this is haunted, but I'll still go." That belief probably won't save her, but she's trying out a new thing today.

Nubri rolls her eyes "Well, if it is haunted and we get killed by ghosts or something like that, I will blame you." she begins, looking at Aryn before shaking her head "I mean, I don't particularily fancy being food..." she looks to David "I mean, anyone else agrees I am *way* too salty." she teases, checking her rifle with a small sigh "Also, I doubt we have any time to explore the history here..." explains the green doctor in extremely crimson armour, jumping down from the truck having made sure everything is satisfactory "Right.... I hope I am not in the houjinx or what they were called diet. I am unpalatable, after all."

Vena's wearing a black jacket with a hood over her light armor today. You never knew when you'd be stabbed in this Galaxy and she'd just gotten out of a bacta nap already. The Chiss' eyes are the only thing that are seen from the darkness of the hood and she looks to the others that are on board to see who else is along. A lot of familiar faces. The Chiss takes to the back of the group once they hop off the transport. "Haunted. Yay." she states in a quiet tone.

Ban Iskender echoes Aryn with dry amusement, "Superstitions?" A wry smile briefly curls his lip as Kasia speaks of hauntings and regrets, "Just so, madam," the smartly armored young nobleman states. An eye ahead to the woods they are bound for. "Though you are not mistaken, Lady Aryn: the terrain is certainly striking."

Next off the truck is David Ironside, wearing his dark blue armor and carrying weapons on both hips -and- on his back. He nods at Nubri when she addresses him, but counters her. "I don't think anyone's said you're salty but you, but let's hope you're not on their menu, yes. Or anyone else." he muses, gesturing at everyone hopping off the truck. "At least on Naboo the murdercreatures stay in the water, near the core." he comments.

Aryn looks to each person as they say their peace, turning when she must, to meet their gaze. "I have only just realized, I do not recall what Houjix actually eat. I'd ask that quartermaster but.." The speeder truck is driving away. Aryn's shoulder sink a bit. "..no matter. Surely it's not people!" Aryn shares Kasia's luck concerning superstition, but the pair had been around each other enough to know that Aryn need not confirm it too; they lived it! Survivor buddies!

"Well, no time like the present to find out. Mr. Kryll, I believe you to be among our most seasoned. Would you lead us on? If you've weapons for defense, I recommend them to be at the ready. Houjix are primarily cowardly things, but these are acting territorial, and we're marching right into their den." Saying this aloud made Aryn realize why it was a bad idea.

Aryn draws her own hunting spear, doubling its utilization as a walking stick. Up ahead, into the forest, the trees are both wide and plenty. They rise tall into the sky, creating a canopy of gold and green leaves. Pockets of open space, where the blue of the sky can be seen, sunlight peeks through crisscrossing the shadier expanse of the forest floor below, decorating it with heavenly godrays.

Kryll nods to Aryn, <"I do not have any spices they place on the noodles on me, perhaps I spend too much time around those noodle shops. However, I will take point as requested."> Kryll takes his blaster rifle in his hand but keeps it pointed down, and starts moving out towards the coordinates Aryn has passed on. Six following close behind him, head circling and scanning as well. <"Game trail up ahead."> he marks it for anyone using a system to receive his data. <"Looks like it will lead us the way we are headed."> he makes his way that way and keeps his attention focused that way.

Kasia shares that look with Aryn, knowing full well what is likely to come, but she marches along with the doctor nonetheless. "A laugh escapes as Aryn explains the situation out loud, and with that she sliiiiides her blaster out of its holster, holding it comfortably in one hand. "You're making this sound like almost too much fun, doc." The corners of her mouth quirk into more of a smile, it's short lived because they're now hiking into nature and that takes more concentration for her than breezing down a busy city sidewalk. It takes a few for things to click that something is off, a slight frown sliding into place. "Uh..." She glances around. "Does anyone else not hear anything?" she asks, which is an odd and unhelpful way to phrase it. "I mean, just nothing. No animals, no bug noises. Just the trees some, I think. Isn't that bad? That's bad when you're outdoors, right?" She's no expert, but her husband has dragged her out into nature enough to understand a little now.

Nubri rolls her eyes "WEll, Ironguide, you just fill me with optimism." she teases, shaking her head, a sniper on her back still, and a blaster pistol on her hip, as well as one on her wrist "What with consiedering I just bought a place on that planet...." she mutters with a small sigh "And back on Coruscant.... I doubt we have any native murdercreatures left, what with the lack of actual nature and all." she grins "I love that planet." and then, the news come, causing her to sigh "Well, Davik, seems like we are pretty much dead already. If you manage to run away, tell... basically the entire array I deeply hate their guts. Except Dr. Kraze. Her, I am terrified of." she shakes her head "Also, can we settle on me being bitter instead? That fits me, I suppose. The Array's grumpiest workalcoholic..." she shrugs "I.... also notice nothing." she mutters, still deciding to already raise her carbine, looking down the sights to be ready to shoot as quick as possible, keeping at the end of the group

Vena stops when she does hear something, "There's something incoming from the West." she states as she draws one of her daggers. "Just the rustling of dead leaves...might be an animal or not." she tells the rest of the group in a calm town. Not wanting to freak anyone out, but she's prepared if something should come ready to attack.

Ban Iskender narrows his green eyes on the ground ahead when mention is made of hearing nothing. "I do hear something: an alarm, far ahead. We ought make haste," the soldier advises evenly, picking up his pace and drawing an ornate pistol from his thigh holster.

Following behind, David activates the augmented reality system in his helmet, along with his slightly distorted voice system. He slings a rifle from his back, keeping a large coolant tank attached to it on his back and marches with the others. He peers around for anything unusual, then stops. <"Looks like there used to be some kind of building here."> he intones, gesturing at some stones that neither match the natural environment nor any rocks that surround it.

The pilot picks up on what Nubri says, shaking his head. <"You shouldn't be so down on yourself. Say what you will, but you were never spit out by an organization that can't afford to say no to volunteers."> Who's -really- bitter, though? <"With that said, though, I'll pass on the message in case of your untimely transition into lunch."> He grins an invisible grin, under his visor, and wanders over to the discovery he made.

Kryll's call for a game trail makes Aryn nervous because it meant it was a well traveled path by wildlife. It was also a blessing too, being lost in the forest was a reality for many, and with something to help orient their way back, that made the trail valuable.

Kasia's observation has Aryn glancing up. No birds chirping, no signs of general forest ambience. Just a quiet. It was unsettling, and more so when Vena called out movement to the west.

"I'm beginning to rethink this bit of fun!" Aryn answers back, upending her spear to hold it in more of a ready stance.

When Lord Ban pointed out the faintest noise in the distance; it was an alarm. "You're right, Lord Ban. Alarms are never good.. let's hasten our steps!"

At doing so, they see more of the stones David had pointed out. More and more before an ancient structure with bronze colored stones becomes apparent. It was tall, at least two stories in height, its entrance partly caved in by crumbling stones. The alarm was more apparent now, loud like an engine overheating alarm. As they round the old ruins site, they find a swoop bike that's collided with the massive beacon emitter. Sparks fly, and flames trickle out from the crushed engine block. The driver?

"HEELLLP! ANYBODY! HELP!" Cried the young man from inside the ruins. His cries for help are promptly overcast by the roar of a massive den of Houjix! The entrance to the ruins were blocked (aside from the debris) by four of these horse sized four legged reptile like creatures. They had massive heads and mouths with rows of large, sharp looking jagged teeth, and tails that were spiked and heavy with muscle! Inside the ruins, the swoop driver was surrounded, trying to protect his injured girlfriend with only a holdout blaster. "BACK I SAY!" He screamed, then his girlfriend screamed. They were in real danger here!

Kryll identifies the non-hostile civilians in trouble, and tags all of the hostiles he can see. <"Six, overwatch and intel."> The droid beeps and holds his position, watching from where he is as Kryll moves forward, his first blaster bolt connecting squarely with his target's head, blasting it off its feet and to the ground. He tracks right to the second target, firing two more bolts both hitting it in the left leg, for the leg god of course, before it dies as well. He continues moving forward towards the civilians, looking to put himself into the line of fire? biting? or whatever the animals may do instead of the unprotected civvies.

There are sounds now, alarms, things incoming, now shouting. Things went sideways fast. Kasia moves toward the entrance to the ruins, holding up the blaster to fire off three shots. The first one only leaves a scar on stone, but the following shots are far more accurate, and one of them lethal. "We're here to help," she shouts to the people inside the ruins. "You can stop shouting now, it'll just bring more of them." Will it? She doesn't actually know, but the risk of it is enough for her to at least issue that warning.

Nubri grins under her crimson helmet <"You are the worst, Davik."> she teases, before sighing <"And... who knows, they don't know what they lost, I suppose. I mean, unlike me *you* can hit the broad side of a star destroyer."> she shakes her head <"But, less being down, as it makes me into a worse lunch. Wait... maybe I should be down..."> she muses, biting her lip, a bit worried, but trying to mask it <"And, just like Kreel, I was incompetent enough to forget any condiments. Horrible from me. How dare I be such a horrible luncehon.... poor Houjinxes." that is, she gulps before she hears the people, holding her weapons closer <"Well, I am definitely not moving here." she mutters, before taking aim with her erady rifle, sighing <"Well, here come the drums. Try not to die, everyone. I don't want to have to attend a funeral, provided I can avoid it."> And then... fire! The first shot misses, harmlessly hitting the ceiling, but the second hits the right eye, causing the Houjix to drop dead.

Vena hears the sound of young idiots and there's a moment the Chiss closes her eyes, sighing softly, "This is why I never had children. None of them would be wandering off to be eaten by wild animals and shouting about it." she whispers to herself. Then she's opening her eyes and then she's rushing off to start stabbing the Houjix that are blocking the entrance a little farther in, "Damn kids!" she grunts as she drops one. Then she squares up against the next.

Ban Iskender steps to place himself between the pair of civilians and the best of Hiujix still remaining within the ruins, firing inside as he does so, and dropping a pair of stunned beasts while advising the civilians, evenly, "I recognize the terror you must feel at the moment, though would advise you to remain as silent as you can to avoid drawing the beasts' attention."

David rushes ahead when the outside creatures drop, his low-light vision aiding him in seeing where the rest of them are, as well as singling out where the civilians are positioned. When he pulls the trigger it takes a second to whine before the bolts start flying out from the end, with distinct sound as several shots find targets, taking down two of the houjix. He takes a breather, letting the coolant tank do its work to prevent the cannon from overheating. <"Everyone good?"> he calls out.

Angry houjix? Eh. Netep'll let the muscley types handle the wildlife aspect. You'd think she'd have learned her lesson after getting tossed about and broken like a toy on her last exploratory gig, but...

It's Muri.

She's lagging way behind though, opting to utilize her own vehicle to zip and weave over the terrain and make up lost time. The Nightfalcon bike is heard before it can be seen, drowning out the sound of Muri's cursin complaints along the way. It's not that the Nightfalcon isn't a comfortable ride. It's that she's trying to hold on to the broken strap helping to anchor a well-bundled piece of euqipment on the back. She's here because of the rumor that this place is haunted. Ideally, she'd have brought along the Audiotizer 3000 which has thus far yielded evidence of supernatural entities on Sluiss-van and Gand. That'd have neccesitated a long conversation with Waldin, however, SO...she's found the next best thing. Some cobbled together junk that wears the label 'Audiotizer 2.0' but honestly the catawompus orientation of that weathered sticker has Muri feeling some doubts. It cost just 54 credits and an hour of her life listening to the ramblings of the old woman who sold it to her, so it's here. And so is she. FINALLY.

Netep makes haste to disembark and untangle her new toy from the bike to the tune of screams, yells, growls, and blasterfire. Pretty much par for the course. She's parked the bike a decently quick trot away from the ruins, avoiding the worst of the debris. Once the machine is off the bike and slung onto her front (because her backpack is on her back), the adventuresome(careless) nerd hastily creeps nearer to fully absorb the situation and appreciate the marksmanship of those ahead of her. Good. This is good. Marksman she is NOT but pulls the tiny Czerka from her pants anyhow and tries to catch up to the crew with all limbs in tact.

The Houjix are no match for the seasoned onslaught of blaster fire and melee ire of this team of adventurers. The four at the doorway to the ruins are picked apart in the first flurry, the impacts of the blaster bolts peppering their hides with enough concussive force that they emerged out the otherside of their bodies, spraying the air with the purple mist of pulverized blood.

Inside the ruins, the chaos ensues when the close proximity of a Morellian cannon goes cyclic rate. For the time being, the animals are put to a frenzy, and begin to lash out at those closest! Ban protects the civilians by stepping in front of what endangered them.

Aryn back pedals, tumbling over a swiping spiked tail only to slam her spear up through the chin of the Houjix, pull it free and slice it with a fancy twirl. "You were right, Kasia!.. I should stop taking superstitious... jobs!" Aryn hugs a stone wall, avoiding the ire of one creature as it charged Mrs. Ashkuri.

Seven of these beasts remain! Muri, be careful! You're walking into a den of frenzy!

Kryll continues his march forward, making note of David's selected weapon and how he needs one of those. <<"Six, ID that weapon please, and keep track of it next time we are out looking for gear.">> he lines up another of the animals and puts a blaster bolt through its head, dropping it midrun. The next two bolts go wide, but he continues forward into the area to help protect the civilians and make himself a target instead of them.

"It keeps--" Kasia moves faster than one might think she can, she's no lithe dancer, she's a sturdy built woman with more than a little extra padding, but she reacts quickly and with a practiced grace. "--things exciting, at least," she finishes to Aryn, a teensy bit breathless from the effort. Because she didn't care for that whole attempt at being mauled, the blaster in her hand is once again utilized in an effort to cut down more Houjix, firing off three shots. As with before one of the shots burns harmlessly into the walls of the rubble, but the other two strike. "Besides, we can do some good here."

Nubri blinks, as she dodges "Davik, please give a girl a warning..." she starts, shaking her ehad as she shoots at the Houjix legs, following Kryll's lead, hitting the right front one "At least, I can dodge." she mutters, before letting her rifle hang of her shoulder, running towards the girlfriend "Now, I heard you need a doctor?" she asks, hand going towards her omnipresent medpack

Vena's not too worried about those shooting. She just didn't want to be shoot in the ass! That's at the far back of her mind though as she comes to another Houjix that's injured and decides to end it's suffering with a quick stab to something vital and twists. "Wonder if these things are edible." she ponders as she looks at all of the corpses. That's a lot of meat to waste. Free dinner for days for the locals though if it was edible!

David picks up the pleas for warnings through his suit's systems, but elects to ignore them. In favor of additional murder. When he's good and ready, he slings the cannon around again to blast three more of the creatures, his helmet only having the data on them that calls then 'houjix'. Which is great, because David already knew that from the briefing on the truck. A trip to the Empress Teta libraries might be in order, but it'll have to wait. When David stops blasting, he is surprised by the relative silence. <"Wait, was that all of them?"> he asks, incredulously.

It's a waaarzooone! Muri huffs and puffs and...falls her arse down. Her little legs don't hurdle so gracefully over those corpses left behind in her party's wake, especially with an extra 20kg or so bouncing around her front and back. The toe of her leading boot catches a pulverized haunch mid stride so instead of her heel reconnecting with the soiled ground, it's her shoulder.

  • Crunch*

Her cry of anguish to follow isn't induced by pain, so much as it is dismay when she pushes herself delicately up from the gore to see a piece of the Audiotizer 2.0 dangling by some spliced wires. "RrrAAAHHHH! NO!!" No, universe, no. She's owned this piece of poodoo twenty-three hours and already it's been maimed. The fact that all blasterfire has ceased registers last after a long look around notes she isn't about to be devoured and the sound of her former scream comes echoing softly back.

"Ah. Hey." Flash that shameless smile, Muri. Pretend it's all good. "I made it," she says with a stiff stretch of her spine backward. "How uh...I see this part's under control?" A vague point around.

The Houjix are down, and for a moment, only the steaming wounds and scent of burned ozone and flesh filled the expanse of the dark ruins. This structure, and those surrounding, are from the ancient Rakatan Empire. The age old marks in the stone and ruined computer equipment have been collecting dust for more than 4,000 years.

Aryn breaks the silence to reply to Kasia, after dropping down from a higher point on the wall. Blood still drips from the end of her spear. "Exciting is one way of looking at it. -- Is everyone okay--" The sound of Muri's mishap draws Aryn's concerned gaze. "You alright over there?" Muri's posturing makes Aryn's lip quirk into a lopsided smile.

The dumb boyfriend emerges from the spot he and his unlucky girlfriend were hiding. "Thank the mother you guys came for us. I thought we were done for!" He said, clearly youthful and enthusiastic, but thankful nonetheless. His girlfriend was still nursing tears when she accepted Nubri's help. "I think it's my wrist. It.. it may be broken?" She held up the swollen limb for inspection.

"While the Doctor sees to her, let's see about fixing this beacon. We can mention to the locals that there's a bunch of Houjix slain. They may come up here for the meat.. maybe not.." Answering Vena's concern. "Come on, while there's still light out!" Aryn walks out, holding her spear akin to a walking stick. She steps over the corpses and walks back out into the cool shade. "Cedar.. we need you over here!"

With all the houjix down, Kasia slides her blaster back into its holster, and smiles at Aryn again. "It's that or recognize that I've started making the same kinds of decisions in situations like this that my husband does, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that truth." She leaves the doctoring to the doctor, and instead turns to follow Aryn out of the ruins. "Hey, Aryn..." She jogs a couple of steps to catch up. "This is neither the time or place for it, but Hex and I need to come see you soon about something. We can come to you wherever you'll be if that's easier for you, just let me know."

Nubri sighs, looking at the wrist "Seems so." she mutters about the wrist "ANYONE DEAD?" she yells, before returning to treat the woman "DAVIK! KREEL? NEED ATTENTION?" she wonders, worried before returning to pay attention

David wanders out of the darkness, back into the woods. <"I'm good."> he replies, sounding both surprised and relieved. It doesn't happen often that he'll come out of a combat situation unharmed, but he'll take it. Noticing Aryn and Kasia are off to talk, he hangs back, pulling the helmet off his head and shaking his hair into some sort of shape that's not 'look everyone I wore a helmet recently'.

Kryll reloads his weapon, ensuring that there is a fresh pack installed and then scans the area for any additional threats. barring that, he moves to secure a perimeter around the civilians while Nubri tends to them and any other wounded. <<"I am fine, on overwatch.">> he looks over to Six who moves to take up position next to him as the two stand guard.

"Never better," Netep upnods to Aryn, eyeing that spear. "S'pose I'll just have a look about this place..." seein as how the young couple are more or less 'fine' and there's nothing left to kill. Cept time! Other known faces get a little smile as she cautiously picks her way against the exiting flow. A tiny taclight beam leads her way and sweeps up wall over wall as she goes. Her left hand, meanwhile, is diddling around with the seemingly broken piece of equipment strapped to her chest until it snaps back into place. Way too easily. Switches flip and the thing blinks green.

"Well, I'll be a barvy barkrat..." It works! Now what? Muri gravitates toward one of the corroded terminals and brushes some fungi off the face. She sets the device to record and waits a moment before softly making an inquiry to the alleged ghosts. "Now that we've cleared the vermin of your house, is there anyone here who'd like to uh, chat? Any language'll do..." And she settles down into a squat on heels, leaning against that terminal. So very hard at work.

Aryn pauses, turning back to catch sight of Kasia jogging to her. /Jogging/. It must have been important. Meeting the older woman's gaze, Aryn nodded. "Of course. We can meet whenever is convenient for you and Mr. Hex. It sounds important." Aryn glances past Kasia to see David fixing his hair, and when Kryll mentions he's on overwatch, Aryn realizes it may be up to her droid to fix this beacon. "Come, we can fix this, and see to your matter, Mrs. Kasia." She offers a youthful reassuring grin, then turns to walk toward the beacon to survey the damage. "There's no saving this swoop bike, that's for sure." Aryn says. "Aw man!" Yelled the dumb boyfriend, who fixed his leather jacket.