Log:Into the Breach pt 1

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Into the Breach pt 1

Location: Anchorhead, Tatooine
Participants: Leia Organa, Barquo Dentoo, Ayeeou Wanaii, Rey, Siha Archer, Vraag Rengh, Zandra naMuriel

The Outter Rim! Leia Organa-Skywalker and Rey are racing against time to put together a mission that will take them to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. With the InterGalactic Banking Clan having sided with the First Order and significantly strengthen the defense forces there, they are tasked with finding a diversion to allow an extraction from the City-World's surface in the event they are discovered. After sending an anonymous message to Vraag Rengh, the General and her young companion head to Tatooine to meet with the Mandalorian company; Ebon Guard, to form a partnership.

The sun beats down onto Anchorhead, the heat near sweltering and able to cause sweat in the most inconvenient of places within seconds. After having received the holocomm with a job offer from an anonymous source, Vraag had insisted that the Ebon Guard fly out a few hours ahead of time to scout the town for any sign of foul play. Finding none, the Mandalorian leader had returned to the Pure Sabacc to remove his armor and pull on the leather trench coat, hoping that it would be a little cooler without taking away any chance he had of protecting himself from the whipping sand.

Leading his group back away from the landing field, Vraag pushed his way into Desert Nights and soon claimed the largest table at the back of the somewhat deserted bar. A few locals come in and out, but many do not stay, allowing for a convenient level of privacy.

By no means a quick proceedure, Barquo Dentoo starts to detach the matte black plates of his Ebon Guard Armor setting them aside and proceeding to the next until the suit is finally fully removed.

Another desert... Ayeeou does not look delighted, but she's making the best of it. She has several containers of water, brought with her because she's really going to need it and it's way cheaper to bring from the ship than to buy it from the locals. Not that alcohol isn't a very fine thing, but it won't help keep the amphibian hydrated. She's wearing sturdy linen over her head and tendrils to keep the sun off her, and looks a little like wilted calamari as she sits with the others.

The slicer of the ebon guard is feeling a little bit like a hermit crab without his shell at the moment. He is dressed in a tan shirt and leather vest with his two blasters slung one at hip and one under arm. The large dl-44 rests at his hip and is far easier to draw from this location. Barquo looks over at Vraag and says "You know boss, it's odd how much I've gotten used to wearing all of those plates of armor. I almost feel naked right now."

Zan generally only wears her armour with her flight suit and the young trader wasn't the pilot for this little flight. She hopefully won't be asked to fight either, but one never knows. In this case, she is simply along to add numbers and keep an eye on her ship. She grins at Barquo's info about feeling naked, shrugging lightly. "That means you should practice more, you know," is her reply, lightly. "At least that's what you all tell me about combat, right?" Siha Archer had stuck around in the ship the first time around, the pilot shutting down the ship and ensuring it was properly locked down as the others went to look around and scout things out. She, not being a Mandalorian, and having no armor, didn't have to change out of beans, and merely had to take her coat off once the ships systems had powered down.

With the return of Vraag, said coat was tied around her waist, the sleeves of her short-sleeved tunic rolled up to shoulders, and her hair wound up into a haphazard bun. To the bar she followed, not sure what they were here for other than a random job, and more than happy to be there for it, "You look naked. It's creeping me out, I'm used to your face atop that armor, not ..you know. Seeing the rest of the skinny bits." Shared in a friendly manner with Barquo as she sips from a glass of overly expensive water, "I haven't been in this bar in a deserts age, it's changed like ..not at all." Rim of glass presses to her lips as she sips a few times, her gaze drawn to that holovid display, "Same crap as usual on the holovid, too ..." Her lips curve into a half-smile as she looks to Zan, "Have you been practicing?" Asked over the rim of the glass as it lowers slowly from her mouth, "I've only done a little."

The message was sent while the pair were still halfway across the galaxy and it's only through the speed of the Falcon's illegal hyperdrive that they were able to make here in the time they have. Old access codes got them admission to one of the star ports without drawing suspicion and all-weather hoods keep her protected from the sands, as well as from identification.

When the tiny woman enters the otherwise abandoned establishment, she is accompanied by what appears to be a Resistance Soldier in full combat armor complete with helmet... but it doesn't appear as though either of them is armed.. so that's a plus.

It is also not difficult to figure out where their contact is and the hooded woman makes her way over towards the large table at the back of the establishment. "Thank you for meeting me... I'm sorry for my clandestine messages, but I'm sure you will understand the necessity." If not, once she reaches up to flip her hood down onto her shoulders and releases her long dark hair down either side of her neck, it is likely more obvious. "I am General Leia Organa-Skywalker." her hand turns to Rey beside her, "This is Aliah Duh'tana. My advisors said I shouldn't go anywhere without a guard... I've begun to wonder who's actually in charge, eh?" A wry grin.

When Rey had seen the planet of Tatooine outside the viewport of the Falcon upon approach, her first thought had been 'Oh, here we go again...' but she kept it to herself.

After landing, however, and trudging down the ramp in that heavy Resistance bodyarmor and uniform... with a thick blast helmet sitting atop her head and sun-protecting eyewear over her eyes she just softly exhaled and looked over to Leia.

As they walked toward the town, Rey spoke to the Princess. "Can you do me a favor after this?" She asked Leia, waiting for a response and then replying. "Please don't fly away and leave me here afterward? It would just... I'm not sure I could recover from it." She was partially jesting, partially not... mostly looking to just say something while she trudged along further in this heavy clothing in a super hot world.

Once inside the pub where their meeting was, Rey just fell behind Leia's shoulder and stood like a good guard should. Giving a nod to the others when her name 'Aliah' was given.

With Nautolans, it's hard not to notice their head, first. It might be the very, very large black eyes that almost never seem to blink, separated by a wide, vee-shaped ridge leading to her nose. It might be all those long, thick tendrils in place of hair, several of them hanging well past the bottom of her back. This particular youngish and slender Nautolan is about five and a half feet tall and light-toned, her skin a rather subtle aquamarine. Framing her face and traveling around the back of her neck are freckles with a slightly darker tone, the spots lessening as they go up each tendril to finally fade. That darker skin tone returns at the tips. Most are kept back, held by two connected by a wide dark blue band. Two on each side hang down in front instead, and remain mostly still. There is the occasional twitch that might coincide with an interesting odor. As with most of her species, her cheeks arch inward sharply into a narrow mouth and not quite pointed chin.

She dresses modestly and practically. Her simple calf-length peach dress with long sleeves is covered by a sleeveless lilac shrug which hangs to her knees. It is belted by a wide aqua sash that buckles simply in the front, and adorned only with a pin that indicates she is a member of the medical profession. Sturdy brown boots cover her feet, leaving very little skin exposed.

Vraag presses himself up from his chair, heaving his bulk vertical as the contact makes their way across and toward the table of the Ebon Guard. His eyes widen slightly as Leia turns down her hood, flickering across her face for a moment as if comparing her to the holo-vids he has seen in the past. She apparently passes his expert form of facial recognition, given that the big Mandalorian grunts and says, "In that case, I think we can all pretty much say we understand the anonymity. Not that it was that much of a surprise. Many people looking to hire mercenaries do it on a basis of no names given." He extends a hand out to Leia, and then to Rey as he uses his free hand to point out each of his group. "This here is Barquo, my computer specialist. Zandra is one of my pilots, along with Siha there. And Ayeeou here is one of my medical personnel," Once the introductions are made and the hands shaken, Vraag eases himself back down to the little chair he has claimed, the piece of furniture groaning in protest from the weight.

The Nautolan wasn't expecting... well, Ayeeou wasn't sure what to be expecting. Not such a well-known face though, and her very large black eyes get even larger as she studies the face she's seen on vids. She seems perfectly content to let Vraag do the talking for her, and stays quiet. By the way she takes a gulp of her drink though, she understands the magnitude and the risks of any job they accept from this particular client.

The wide eyed slicer blinks a moment at Leia before he looks over at Siha and says "Don't be fooled... under these clothes is a hundred and fifty pounds of pure rippling muscle..." He shakes his head "I'm sorry I can't say that with a straight face." he takes a deep breath as he returns his attention to Leia and Rey. He stands briefly and gives a nod to the two of them. "It's a pleasure to meet you." he then plops back down and nervously plays with the drink in front of him. You've received a +nom from Vraag Rengh. +nom/pending to review.

When Vraag stands, Leia gets a good look at the coat he's wearing and quirks a well groomed brow. She's certain she's seen it before and that seems to satisfy earlier curiosity of the ship she'd seen in the landing bay as well. "Commander, thank you for your understanding." A delicate hand slips into the huge one offered her and she returns the nods of greeting to each of the Mandlorian's crew. "The pleasure is mine."

While she resembles the woman often seen on holovids, she likely appears younger in person. Possibly some trick of the camera or just the way she's often seen wearing her hair and dumpy General garb. Leia has clearly taken better care of herself than, say, a drug addict might have over the years.

Once introductions are behind them, the General takes a seat across from Vraag and motions for her companion to sit beside her, "I had hoped to speak with your organization prior to this, but the situation on Nar Shaddaa escalated out of any conventional time table. Matters took me off world quicker than I'd intended." She explains, "Which brings us here. I understand you've taken a neutral stance with regards to the First Order... Is that true or simple skuttlebutt?"

Zan sort of freezes, staring. She nods her head when she's introduced, bowing slightly. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am," is all she says. She's not Mandalorian though, and that will be obvious. She then goes quiet, just staying where she is, listening and watching.

Siha Archer chokingly sputters on her water, the glass quickly set down on the table, both hands pressing to the table top as she feels her face getting hot. It's with a rattle that her chair gets kicked out from behind her by a springing action upwards to a stand, the backs of her legs no doubt later to feel the bruising from the immediate action, "General Organa-Skywalker. Guard Duh'tana." Near breathlessly, her face having fallen to one of confusion and reverence and a little more confusion, "Oh my goddesses, Barq .." A whisper to the man as she tries to look normal. And there Siha was, suddenly a child again listening to harrowing stories of the princess from her mother and father. Stories come to life in the form one one tiny arsed woman. And her guard. Aliah. She's not fan-girling, she's ..feeling her eyes get watery. What in the holy sand devils. Eyes will widen as a result and Siha manages to look stunned as she tries to blink away the moisture. Why is she like this?! And Vraag, so calm and cool.

As she's introduced she'll manage to let go of the air she was holding in her chest, letting out a throaty, "I'm pilot." Nodding, her knees unwilling to unlock to allow her to sit down until she's given the go ahead to do so. She doesn't mind. She'll stand there until General Organa-Skywalker and her guard leave if she has to. Holy shit, she's got smooth skin.

Rey would shake the hand of Vraag when he offered it and she'd give a nod to the others with him as well. But she didn't talk or comment on anything, she just fell back and stood there with her hands crossed over one another in front of her lap.

At least until Leia motioned for her to sit aside her. The combat geared incognito-Rey would then settled down on the indicated chair and try to keep herself poised while looking relaxed, but she wasn't exactly used to this attire, so the entire process was a bit awkward.

Rey's covered eyes looked from one of their faces to the next and occassionally around the pub also.

Vraag's eyes shift toward Leia as the woman begins to speak, getting right to the point with the questions regarding his stance with the First Order. When it is his turn to speak, he doesn't immediately answer. Instead he looks toward Incognito-Rey and gestures with a hand. There is a smile on his face, and his voice is anything but aggressive as he says, "You know, I thought it was the Mandalorians who had a reputation for hiding behind their masks. General, we have come here in good faith. We did a bit of scouting to make sure we weren't walking into a trap, but when it came time to do business we left our armor on the ship. We believe looking a man... or a woman... in the eye when we make a deal."

He lets that hang there for a moment before saying, "As for the First Order, we have not decided to take a neutral stance. I am curious who has told you that, regarding us. We are simply waiting and attempting to figure out our best move. I have six star fighters and a Raider-class corvette at my disposal. We aren't going to take down any star destroyers, but we plan to do what we can." Ayeeou Wanaii is not a deal maker. She's not a Mandalorian. She's no kind of fighter - ask anyone who saw her try to use a blaster. Honestly, armed the female is a menace to herself and her friends. So right now? Her trap's staying shut and she's letting the professionals handle this. Those talented at reading the facial expressions of a Nautolan though, might be seeing a whole lot of 'How did my life choices bring me to a bar on Tattooine with a bunch of mercenaries, meeting with one of the most wanted people in the galaxy?'

Barquo smiles at Siha when she scolds him and then he cants his head to the side as he listens to Leia. He gets a rather sour look on his face at the implication that he is in someway neutral to the First Order. A little out of character for Barquo he simply says "First Order." and then draws enough moisture into his mouth to spit to the side.. missing any of his compatriots. "The whole lot of them can burn as far as I'm concerned." He takes a deep breath and then swallows some of his ale. He looks to Vraag and says "I will follow my Leader where he goes but as Far as I'm concerned any day where I can shoot a First Order officer in the head is a good day." the remark is once again slightly out of character for the normally gentle-natured slicer. Zan's gaze goes from one to the other, to the other, as the conversation continues and she edges closer to Yee, almost as if supporting the Nautolan. She shrugs a bit, letting Vraag of course do the wheeling and dealing as she listens. She's also not so much of a fighter, but she is a good pilot. "I think you'll find we're all with the bossman here, though some of us are young enough to not have any interactions with large, famous and ominous galactic groups." She stops there, thinks for a moment, flashing a grin. "Course that may be a good thing."

"Apparently someone untrustworthy, but that hardly surprises me now." Leia admits with only a fractional shrug of her shoulders when the truth of the mandalorian stance is provided. "But it sooths me to hear it... for a change." Clearly whomever it was has not made a lasting or pleasant impression with the General.

As to companion, Leia remains quiet a moment, but then nods her head. "I can see how this might be viewed. If I thought saying it was necessary would aleviate your concerns, I would offer it, but the decision is not mine to make." Which puts that choice in Rey's hands because she's the one with the hefty bounty on her head in a room full of Mandalorians.

Barquo brings her back to the topic at hand.. and she nods agreement with him, "Fortunate that you say that, Barquo. I am not here to request you join the Resistance, but I do have... a mission.. one that will lead to a good day for you... at financial benefit to yourselves I might add."

The shock apparent on some of their faces is, regretably, not new to Leia and she smiles reassuring at Yee and Siha. Likely misunderstanding the formers and amused by the latters. "I'm sure you are a very good pilot, at that." To Zan and Siha.

How is everyone so bloody calm and cool? Siha continues to stand there, hands pressed to the table, looking like she's demanding a raise, or perhaps a drink, from her stance, "I ..my parents. Me. We." Slow and effusive nod. Yeah, she's totally in to whatever Leia is into. Lookit her. She's good to go. Honestly. Ignore her verbal abilities, "Yes, I fly good." And there her knees will buckle, because Leia Organa-Bloody-Skywalker has spoken to her directly. Down into the chair she sinks, her skin on fire as blood reams through it as her heart beats wildly. Yee and She are on the same page, "I'm young but ..I'm not stupid and I know." Things. She meant to say so much more but Siha is nodding now. Normally she is much more verbose and snappy. Today. Is not that day.

Rey's hands were on the top of her covered thighs and her gloved fingers were gently tapping at the pockets on the thighs of those combat trousers. She listens to the others and lets her gaze travel across their faces, but as she resettles her covered eye son Vraag she reaches up to pull the goggles off of her eyes and set them up ontopf the helmet's dome over her forehead.

If they recognaize her face from this much of it shown now, thats up to them how to react to it... She gives a look over to Leia then and softly exhales before looking back.

"Stopping the First Order, ultimately, is what everything we do going forward... is about." Rey speaks up then, her Core Worlds accented voice was calm, but decisive. She was young, a teenager even, but confident.

Vraag's eyes crinkle to mirror the smile as Rey lifts her goggles to expose her eyes to the table. He gives her a respectful nod at the gesture, clearly seeing it as her being willing to meet him in the middle on this whole honorable deal making thing. His eyes shift from Leia to Rey as they each speak, offering a nod of his head along with each of their statements, and then looks to his gathered squad. He gestures toward them each with a wave of one large hand, "We are not afraid of danger. Well... some of us might be, but they will each stand up for what is right. They have in the past for me, and they will continue to do so even after I'm gone, I believe. When word of Coruscant and Corellia falling got to the Y'toub System, a few of them wanted to move forward with an attack right then. If you can trust anyone, you can believe that you can trust us to do the job right."

His eyes are on the faces of each of his men, gauging their reaction to all of this. Finally his eyes move back over toward Rey and Leia. He leans forward to place his forearms on the tabletop, crossing them one on top of the other, and then says, "So what is it that you need us to do?" Not that Nautolans blink all that often, but apparently this young Nautolan is aware that others have issues with the staring. She finally forces herself to blink. Occasionally. And to breath, which she might not have been doing often enough. She in turn inches a little towards Zandra, also perhaps in support. She can't help looking at Siha as she does her thing, and her head tilts a little to one side as she tries to follow those strings of words. Maybe it's in some sort of solidarity with her fellow having so much trouble that she blurts out an admission in reply to something Vraag says. "I'm afraid of danger." Having opened the bottle, as it were, she then kind of rambles. "I mean, really, really afraid of it. I'm a doctor. This is really not where I expected to be. All this? Terrifying." She pauses then, and makes an effort to ramble less, and get on point. "But I've got their backs. And we'll do what's right."

The slicer looks over at Siha and her current state of sanity and just laughs a little at his cohort. "Remind me to make fun of you for this later." he says quietly to her before returning his attention back to Leia and her bodyguard. The brown eyes of the slicer gaze through opening of the helmet and he simply lifts an eyebrow before giving a slight nod. "I'm all about making some money for Mandalore, especially if it means we get to take on the First Order a bit to do it." he turns his attention to Leia again "It would be a pleasure to hurt the first order for you and your friend." he looks back to Rey gives her another firm nod of recognition before leaning back in his chair and taking a drink of his beer. You can see the wheels turning in his head but he just seems amazed more than anything else.

Leia nods to the Mandalorian group at the table with her and spares a glance back over her shoulder. While she's no stranger to these kinds of meetings, it has never been of any particular joy to her to engage in them. "The InterGalactic Banking Clan have proven yet again that their loyalties lie entirely on profit margin. They have no dignity or honor and have abandoned the Republic when they could have offered assistance against this one sided invasion."

The General frowns slightly, fingers pressed together, "I have no doubt that any force sent to engage them would be outgunned... and I don't believe that any amount of credits would be worth a protracted battle with the entire fleet of the Clans, but I do think a small task force might slip amongst their ships, possibly one of the Munificent-Class star frigates..." Her brow raises slightly.

"This mission, it is not to deal a lasting blow to the First Order OR the Banking clan.. and I assure you that the First Order will respond with elements positioned around Coruscant." Her fingers link together, "Further, I cannot promise any support from the Resistance... this will be a surgical strike with a singular purpose... and very dangerous."

Zan simply watches, quietly. She's maybe not the best at identifying folks, and certainly she's not following up with the news or the gossip. Busy running cargo and learning from her new friends here about fighting and other things. She listens to the mission, as it's detailed out, a brow arching. "That's going to require some precision flying," she says softly. "And preferably invisible ships."

Rey's hands went up then and she pulled the helmet up off of her head, she sets it down into her lap and then runs her right hand softly over her hair which is pulled back into a tight bun on the back of her head.

"The missions is perilous." She tells them all, softly, her brown eyes scanning over their faces. "But its one that General Organa and I -must- go on. There are items on Coruscant that we have to retrieve, before the First Order can."

She pauses for a brief moment. "Their darkness will only grow, should we not be able to complete this mission. And the Resistance is still in a healing phase, after what occurred previously."

She exhaled sharply then and fell silent, she had more she wanted to say... but she was new to all of this, and didn't want to overstep her boundries. Or say the wrong things.

Vraag leans back into his seat as the mission is laid out, his own face set as if he was decided on this mission as soon as the identity of the one hiring them was revealed. He looks from one to the other, and then to his troops, gauging their reaction to this very dangerous proposition. "So just to be clear, you are wanting us to get you through that First Order blockade around Coruscant. Past the security checks," Vraag says. He is silent for a moment longer before he looks to Leia directly and says, "You know who this coat belonged to? And the ship outside?" He tugs on the leather coat he wears for emphasis.

"We took on a dangerous mission for a smuggler we met back before all of this with the First Order started. We discovered after the fact, that the man who had hired us was Han Solo. That ship we got out of the deal is fast. Faster than any ship I have ever seen... It is small. Maneuverable. It will be a tight squeeze for all of us, but I think I have a plan."

Looking to Zandra first, as it is her ship, he then says, "You arrange for a sensor jammer to be installed on that ship, and we use it to fly through that blockade. The ship is small enough, fast enough, that maybe if we are lucky we can jam the blockade's sensors long enough to get in the shadow of a ship that has already made it through the security check. We get in, we get whatever it is that you need, and we get back out."

"We can do precision." Siha will say awkwardly, but wholeheartedly, her jaw muscles tensing as she looks ever so serious, looking to Barquo as he promises to tease her later, those dark eyes of hers full of intense earnestness, "You don't understand what she means." To Siha. Her family. Her words are quiet, cheeks having flushed a deep red and her eyes holding a glimmer of moisture, mainly from being overwhelmed emotionally. A look back to Rey and Leia, Siha not recognizing the first from her face, but still drawing the same respect for being in the company of Leia, "I'm not Mandalorian, General Organa-Skywalker, but I have their heart and their drive when it comes to fulfilling a mission." To Zan Siha will nod, her voice still shaking though full of confidence, "We can do that flying, Zan." Her gaze shifts to Leia and Rey, I promise you, General, we can do that flying." Vraag confirms that all, Siha's body tense, each breath drawn in through her nostrils and exhaled out through the same skull holes, her jaw too tight to open her mouth for anything but words. Screw you, air! Nose holes for you.

Yeah, Barquo has more than enough ammo to tease her later, but she'll take it in good humor and stride. Intergalactic Banking Clan? Surgical strike? Sneaking past the First Order's blockade of Coruscant? Ayeeou's eyebrow ridge goes way, way up and she forgets to both blink and breathe again. Her mouth's just a little open, and it's hard to tell whether she's thinking a whole lot really fast, or nothing at all. It's a very long moment later that she finally manages to close her mouth, but the breathing and blinking will have to wait. She looks from Leia and Rey to Vraag, when he says he has a plan.

Watches his boss as he gives the news of where they got their ship and some of the items that they now possess. His dark brown eyes flash over Reys face as she removes the helmet and he gives a nod to himself as if he confirmed what he saw already. When Siha talks he gives her a warm smile before returning his attention to Leia and Rey "I will be happy to slice whatever computer systems we come in contact with. If it's up to me the first order and the banking clan won't even know we've been there." he gives a solid nod hoping that his skills with a computer can back up what he's saying.

Leia weighs the counter presented by Vraag and cants her head slightly, "I have no doubt that you are capable of doing what you say.." She heard him, about Han, and to her credit it is with the considerable talent at politics that she's not suddenly breaking down over a wound that is still only a week old. Her expression remains fixed, polite of course, but still fixed.

"I also know what it is we have to do and that once we're on the planet it will likely become a fight to our destination." Which is still unsaid, "If you absolutely insist on joining us... all of you cannot come. The importance is too great to risk bringing more than a handful of individuals through the streets themselves." Tactically she appreciates the mandalorian commander's plan, but her resolve is pretty strong.

"I also understand the considerable risk of attacking the InterGalactic Banking Clan directly.. but given the nature of why we're going to Coruscant, it is the best chance for success. It also shows the galaxy that there are more than just the Resistance resisting this occupation of the Galaxy."

All of that said, she is not without wiggle room. She clearly appreciates what she's asking and is genuinely weighing the option presented.

Rey was calmly and confidently sitting there with the helmet in her lap. Her eyes were now freely moving from one speaker's face to the next. At least until Han was brought up. When the name was mentioned she instinctively looked to Leia to her side, then she couldn't help but drop her eyes.

She hadn't spent near the time with him that Leia had... of course, but the time she had spent with him had been literally life changing. Han got her out of her rut, or started her on this pathway to getting out of it. He'd been a strong presence in a short span of time. He'd been the first person to offer her a job off-world that she'd actually been tempted to take.

Rey drew in a breath with her lips parted, then looked back up... she said nothing. She just moved on. 'Focus.' She told herself.

You paged Vraag Rengh with 'if that makes more sense.'

Vraag considers Leia's words for a moment before he says, "I see. That puts considerably more risk on my men and the few ships that we have. I am not saying no, I was just thinking that a stealth extraction could be an easier proposition than drawing the fire of a First Order blockade. I am not sure how long any of my ships could maintain such an attack. Even our corvette. You already said that the remaining Resistance fighters will not be able to assist us..." His right hand works his fingers back and forth across the table's surface as he considers.

"You still need a fast extraction, right?" he asks of Leia. "Do you have a vessel for that task that is more suitable than the Pure Sabacc? If not, maybe Zandra could fly it in to an extraction point set up ahead of time. You two could meet her there, and then fly out to the hole we are theoretically making in the blockade."

There's a thought, but one that seems distasteful to Ayeeou as it filters into her mind. She frowns, but says to Vraag "I don't know anything about... any of this. But if you want to brainstorm ways to make a hole in a blockade, talk to Hopp. I... think he has some experience with unusual ways to... incapacitate. And the subject really interests him. I mean, to a really disturbing degree." She shrugs, then. "Also, he can handle medical and has more other skills than I do. He'd be a better choice for a small team." She doesn't look like she's trying to weasel out of it, though. Small team means efficiency.

The inside of Siha's cheek is bitten down on as Leia says not everyone can go along, and with a slow exhale she will release that flesh, quashing down any feeling of disappointment in the moment. Siha is not Mandalorian. Siha is not the most amazing pilot in the universe. So Siha will not be on this mission. But ..she does make a mean corellian apple pie. But why would anyone here know that. And why would that matter. Oh man, Siha's parents are going to loooose their minds when they find out she met Leia. That will be worth it, their pride in their daughter. Siha will focus her gaze on Rey as Vraag and Leia speak specifics, grey gaze studying the younger woman, seeing that reaction to the mention of Han. Man, Vraag, why you gotta name drop like a week after stuff went down. A glance to Vraag then, Siha sliding her hands from off the table to settle them beneath her thighs, palms up, waiting for the General to respond to the Mando Vraag.

"OH. HOPP. Oh my brains, yes. He would be an amazing addition. His brain is so twistedly brilliant, he can put together bombs like nothing, and we've been collecting these soft blue spores that have a weird effect on the body, it makes your limbs numb. It's ..I mean, it's disturbing, but he's an absolute must for in the moment improvisation for incapacitation." So adds Siha quickly to support Ayeeou, "Sorry." Ahem. Back down she goes.

Leia considers, looking down at her fingers locked together on the table, then back up to Vraag. "I think that's a sound plan." She agrees, nodding. "We've secured legal means onto the planet, it was our extraction that was proving difficult to organize." She weighs each word, eyes shifting a little towards Rey beside her, then the Mandalorian commander.

"If your corvette can create a hole, even a momentary one, for a single freighter to slip through the gauntlet..." She peels her hands apart now, "We'll have four individuals who need extraction, including myself. The closer to our point of attack the pilot can get, the more likely it will be that we can exit to orbit before the First Order can muster a counter attack in the system... but all of this requires precision... exact timing.. and for your pilot to be ready on the planets surface before the engagement begins."

She looks, then, to Zan. "Do you feel confident in this?" Then, to Yee.. she bows her head slightly at this suggestion, but does not know the individual mentioned. "It is, as I said, a daunting task. I would understand anyone who wished nothing to do with it."

The subject of her dead husband has not been dropped, but she's focusing.. so as not to let that distract her entirely. Even saying the ships name made it difficult to keep her straight face.

Zan sits up straighter as she listens, and she nods her head. "Yes, ma'am," is all she says quietly. "I'm a fair trader, but a better pilot. I can fly in, be ready to go, and that ship is beautifully fast." That's all she says, her confidence there, especially given her young age. She still thinks she's invincible, truthfully.

Vraag shakes his head toward Ayeeou. He points at her and then says, "I want you to fly in with Zandra. If the general or her team get injured, I feel like you have the most recent and.... traditional medical background to be able to assist them. Two women flying into Coruscant will not draw any more attention than Zandra would alone. The two of you will go to the rendezvous point and await the general's team for extraction. When they board up, you start getting out of there as fast as you can. We will have a hole ready, but for how long we can't be sure. Zandra gets them out as fast as she can, Ayeeou will doctor any who are injured."

His eyes shift to Siha, noticing her crestfallen expression and he adds, "I was hoping to keep Siha with the rest of us. Either to pilot the Ebontide or one of the fighters. Do you think you can manage that?"

He looks back toward Leia, his brows lifted in a way that suggests he is seeing if his orders have met her approval. "I don't know what your resources are. I know that they must be tight. But if you can swing that sensor jammer, perhaps it would be better suited on a ship that will remain in the fight. If we can jam the sensors of those blockade ships, maybe we won't be killed as soon as we start the attack. If you can't, then I suppose we will just have to play the odds."

Rey's quietness was entirely due to observing everything about her mentor in these current days, Leia. She was learning from her in how she did what she does best. All of this. Her hands rest atop the helmet in her lap and her eyes give looks to each person speaking, then somewhat here and there throughout the pub on this planet that is uncomfortably similar to one she doesn't wish to ever go back to...

'Luke was from here.' She told herself. 'Somewhere on this dusty ball, he had a home. He spoke of it in his notes. I'd very much like to see it.'

'Focus!' She told herself, putting her eyes back onto the others.

Siha Archer's face lights up and she sits up immediately, nodding her head, "Yes, of course. I can do that." A look of thanks is given to Vraag, the young woman's lips pressing together in solemness as she draws her hands out from beneath her thighs again, "I can do it." More quietly then, Siha taking direction from Vraag.

Leia nods to Vraag's assessment, "Quite tight, but if you're willing to forgo payment, I may be able to swing the sensor Jammer... which you can then keep for whatever benefit you see fit." Which is a sort of payment itself, one might suppose, "Most of my accounts have been frozen, however, with the InterGalactic Banking Clan's betrayal."

She can feel the turmoil beside her and removes one hand from the table to lay against Rey's forearm. A small smile on her face, but she's still looking forward. "We will be organizing the strike itself for the next week.." With the obvious difficulty of getting everyone together to run it, "..So there should be time for me to put together a few more credits should a jammer become available."

That said, she looks to Vraag's jacket.. then back up to the Mandalorian, "Was that payment for your assistance?"

Ayeeou doesn't hesitate to nod to Vraag. She said she'd follow his lead in this, after all. "We're young. Young people like to go to Coruscant to shop, even when it's being blockaded because young people are also stupid sometimes." she says to him. "I'll make sure the medical supplies are fully stocked."

Vraag offers a nod of his head to Ayeeou and Siha, grateful for their willingness to do as he says, but also for the trust they have in his decisions. It is a thing that he does not take for granted. Looking back to Leia, Vraag says with a chuckle, "I have heard something quite similar to that arrangement in my recent past." His hand lifts to tug the lapel of his coat for emphasis. "One more question. Who is in your strike team aside from the two of you?" he says, clearly thinking that what he has agreed to, and the dangers he will be taking are worth full disclosure here.

He waits for his answer before looking to the coat and saying, "Actually, the ship was our payment. The jacket and an old DL-44 were left on board, along with some shaving supplies... other personal effects. I took the jacket, and my slicer took the DL-44. My men took the rest off of the ship when we got it back to Nar Shaddaa. If you wish, you are welcome to have what we have boxed up." Siha Archer gives a sidelong look to Vraag, "Oh my head, Vraag ..give her the bloody coat." Said beneath her breath, her grey eyes narrowing a bit. Like, why would the woman ask about the coat otherwise. Not that she was asking /for/ it, but come on. Significance.

Rey's eyes went to Ayeena and she stared at the other after yearing the part about what 'young people' do. It made her want to smile, but she stiffled it to remain calm and stoic instead.

Her attention went back to Leia and Vraag's words then, to look at the jacket in-question. "It looks like him." Rey said softly, her voice smoothly saying those words. She looked down then to Leia's hand on her forearm and then over to the Princess. "I'm not sure that Chewbacca would be pleased if we came back with a box of shaving supplies. Even if they are Han's." She said these words with a grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

"No." Leia raises her hand at the suggestion of giving her the coat, "These are not my things nor will they bring him back." She offers as she stands slowly from the seat across from Vraag. She heard his question, though. She may stall on it, but she knows also that it is an important matter, "Jax Greystorm and Ax of the Waywards." She offers quietly, glancing over to Vraag. It'll be obvious once they're extracted anyways, right?

Rey's joke, however, has her laughing just a little. A quiet sound in her throat, "No, I suppose he wouldn't would he?" She again shakes her head to Vraag, "I appreciate you coming out here to meet with me, Commander. And I'm glad that you've opted to assist.."

Vraag pushes himself to his feet as Rey stands. He has not yet said anything to her regarding her identity, though by this point he has to have figured out who exactly it is that he is looking at. He shrugs out of the coat, that is admittedly too small for him. If it reaches the ankles of a six foot tall man, with Vraag being over seven feet it perhaps only reaches mid shin for him. "You knew him?" he asks of Rey as he slips the garment off of his shoulders. "We met up with him just outside of Jakku for... maybe thirty minutes. We were delivering a cargo hold of Rathtars to him that he said he was going to go and sell to some prince that had an appreciation for exotic animals," Vraag said. "This should be with someone that knew and loved him. It is important to keep those with us that we have loved and have moved on from this life."

The big Mandalorian folds the leather jacket in half, then extends it out across the table toward the two women. "One of you take it."

Leia looks to Vraag as he explains how he knew Han and smiles slightly, if sad, at the story. It's relieving to know he was up to something before they met on Takodana, but she wished she'd had more time with him before he'd left again... for the last time.

When the jacket is extended across the table, Leia turns to Rey and lays a hand on her shoulder, "As odd as this might sound... I believe you knew him better than either of us, at least in his last few days." She reaches then to the hood to pullup over her head, "He would want you to have it." Of that, however, she has no doubt. He'd spoken nothing but good of Rey: The daughter he'd never had.

Rey stands at around 5'8" to 5'10" with her boots on, and is still much shorter than the Mandalorian when he stands up. She hears his words and a small half smirk appears on her lips. "That was right before I arrived and met him myself." She tells the Mercenary, her eyes going over to Leia with a look of surprise / shock restrained behind them. She put her attention back on Vraag.

"The Rathtars got out of their pens. We were forced off the ship by gangs that broke in through the airlocks. We escaped aboard the Falcon... No idea what happened to Han's freighter that we left behind, with the one Rathtar that was still aboard it."

When he took off the big jacket, she looked over to Leia to see if the General was going to take the offered item.

Vraag looks toward Leia, offering the woman a nod of his head before he bends forward to place the jacket down on the tabletop in front of Rey. "He seemed like a man I'd like to have a drink with in any case," Vraag says toward the both of them. He remains standing, as Leia has pulled her hood up and he assumes she is about to leave as well. "I know Ax and Jax both. Tell them they better not be dragging ass down there on Coruscant. We have a time schedule and a limited window, yeah?" he says toward the General. "Where do I need to take the ship to have the jammer installed?"

Rey looked again to the jacket after Leia said those emotionally charged words, she couldn't help but have those few hours she had with Han just flash right past in her mind... all of them... the good and the horrible bad at the end. Her eyes blinked and she reached out for the jacket to pull it toward her and take it up into her hands, folding it over her forearms.

"Thank you." She said to Vraag after he said that part with the drinking. She showed a smile to him, the corners of her mouth raised as she held the coat against her. "He'd complain throughout the drink, but he'd of done it in a way that would've somehow been charming." She laughed softly and then glanced over to Leia again.

Leia returns Vraag's nod with a small smile, "That would have worn off quickly." She teases the old smuggler out of pure habit, but it is done with nothing but genuine regard for him. Her mind, however, goes back to the task at hand with ease, "I'll make sure they're on their top behavior. None of us want to be down there when the gauntlet closes..." The First Order is unlikely to be forgiving of anyone who's caught, especially not with their given target. "I can give you the credits and you can locate the jammer? I have a few more things to organize and wont be anywhere near Nar Shaddaa for the foreseeable future..." There are other vendors, but few more reliable.

To Rey's glance, however, the General shakes her head and smiles. "See?" Arms folding inside her robes sleeves, "It already looks quite at home." She bows her head to her young companion, then to Vraag, "We make frequent stops at regular data points to receive transmissions... if you run into any troubles that you think we should be aware, don't hesitate to inform me. I'll reach out over an encrypted Holocomm."

Vraag nods his head at Rey, happy that she consented to take the coat. "He might just do that. He didn't even tell us his name at the time, of course, I would not expect anything else when such a deal is being made," he says. As the girl makes ready to leave, Vraag says, "By the way. Don't worry about our end of this. We'll make sure you get through that blockade."

Easing back down into his seat he turns his eyes back on Leia and says, "That will be good enough. I don't suppose you know exactly which night you are wanting to move, do you?"

Leia reaches into a pocket inside her robes sleeves and pulls out a credit chip which she passes over the table to Vraag, "This should cover the cost of the jammer.." She isn't up to date on current market values, but it's a pretty weighty amount all the same. She smiles, then, to his offer. "It wont be forgotten." She assures, meaning that part.. Leia never forgets a hand extended.

"Not exactly, no. There are elements I still have to put in place before we'd be ready to move on such a vital, dangerous, target.." The General is always known for being well prepared, even if the track record suggests otherwise. Always against overwhelming odds, one has to take that into account. "It will be into next week, however."

Vraag nods his head as he says, "Well be sure to keep me in the loop. I will await your comm and ready my men and the ships in the meantime. I want to make sure that the ships themselves are in top combat readiness." He pushes himself up to his feet with a grunt then says, "I am glad that you took the chance to reach out to me. Whoever told you that we would not be willing to help you quite simply doesn't know what they are talking about. I would not put my faith in them to point you toward dependable allies. As soon as my men heard about Coruscant and Corellia, many of them wanted to go to war." Cujo gave you Ship MISC - Sensor/comm Jammer - 5525.

Leia bows her head to Vraag, "Once they made their inability to be trusted clear, I immediately reached out to you for this." She would have regardless, to be certain, had she not needed to leave Nar Shaddaa when she did. "If it helps, I didn't believe them then either." She smirks a little, "I've never heard any bad word about your unit from anyone that I trust.." With that, she adjusts her hood so that her identity is a little less easily seen, "I'll make sure you remain in the loop.. as soon as we're ready to press forward or if anything changes."

Vraag nods again and then says, "May as well walk back to the landing field together. It wouldn't do for you to walk back alone." He may not be wearing his armor, but he is still a formidable looking man, even if he can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. If Leia consents, Vraag will escort her back to the private hangar they had arranged for, then from there will return to his own ship to carry him and his crew back to Nar Shaddaa.