Log:Jedi:Classroom Ax-Room II

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Classroom Ax-Room II

OOC Date: August 6th, 2018
Location: Arisnar
Participants: Jedi: Ax, Yuun, and Elrych Cometburn

~ Ax was standing near the podium, organizing some index cards he'd scribbled upon in preparation for the class. It was a subject he believed in, but was no master of himself. Still, an important skill to have and he was going to make sure that at least some of the students would learn a bit of it.

On the board behind him, in large holographic letters, was written 'Hiding your force potential 101'. Of course, the Echani had never attended any university anywhere, so he was just playing this however he could. ~

Elrych Cometburn , late as always, barges his way into the classroom. "Sorry, I'm late. I had some healing and meditating to do. Got shot the other day... I mean damn, you should have seen this hot redhead. You know, she had a light saber too. I was surprised. I couldn't sense any force in her though. Really weird..." Then he realizes he's rambling, "Ah... sorry Ax." And takes a seat.

Yuun has been keeping on the planet, training more so than he has in the past. Having heard about the training class, it was nice that a class is being run, though he had to finish his training with his telekinesis first. Still after finishing, he quickly runs to the classroom, "Sorry I'm late." eh frowns. "I'm here and ready."

~ Ax just headshakes. "Redhead with a lightsaber, huh?" he asks as Elrych enters. Then, Yuun arrives. "Well, I'd hoped for a bigger turnout, but I guess I'll take what I can get." He looks back towards Elrych, "The reason you likely didn't sense any force ability coming from her is because she was implementing the ability to hide that from others. That happens to be the subject of the class. It's known as force masking or force stealth. It doesn't make you invisible, it doesn't make it where people have a hard time seeing you, it simply makes it difficult for others to pick up that you're trained in using the force." Ax steps away from the podium and sits down on the step leading to the raised platform. "The more you advance in your trainings, the stronger your force signature becomes. With the First Order having their own force users, we'll call them Dark Jedi for lack of a better term, hunting our kind, it's a good idea to learn how to mask your force signature." ~

Elrych Cometburn listens carefully, "Right... that makes sense now. Yeah I was on Mandalore. It was a trap. Anyways... so. like that faucet thing with the force." He nods, "It'll make it easier to go out in public now and not run to the cargo office and back avoiding everyone I see." Was her serious? "Okay, maybe it's not /that/ bad."

Yuun moves to stand with Elrych as they look towards Ax, paying attention to what is being said, Yuun allows himself to catch his breath seeing as he ran all the way here. Still something else he's been working on. He stretches out a little, "So while using Force Stealth, are we still able to sense others around us, or still be aware of danger if it's near?" he asks. He quirks a brow up at Elyrch, "I've been wanting to go to Mandalore, but I'm glad you are alright and made it back safely." he says as he looks to the fellow Padawan.

~ Still sitting, Ax listens to Elrych. "That's the idea, but until you've gotten pretty good with it, it's going to require you to actively keep that ability going," he says. Then, he's looking at Yuun. "With practice, yes. The ability to sense danger is innate to being able to sense the force itself, so it will continue to be as it is. However, sensing others is going to be based on your ability to do so to begin with."

Ax leans back on his elbows, "I am no master at masking my force signature, but it is one of the first skills I started working on. It is honestly one I should work on advancing further. Still though, I know enough about it to teach you how to do so. Tonight, we're going to discuss the basics of it. Next training, we're going to do some practical work with it. So, before I begin, any questions?" ~

Elrych Cometburn shakes his head, "No questions here Ax." He gives a thumbs up and a grin, masked only by those extra dark and thick rimmed shades of his. "Banannas."

Smiling and looking around before answering, Yuun chuckles a bit. "I like this." he says to Ax and Elrych. "I'm ready and I do not have any questions." he says to Ax.

~ "Have either of you learned how to sense the force ability of others, yet?" Ax asks. "I'm going to attempt to hide my force signature and I want the two of you to attempt to pick up on it. Again, I am no master of this skill, or really master of anything, just the closest we have aside from Rey and Leia I guess." ~

Elrych Cometburn shakes his head, "I've tried and just did what ever Yoda suggested but I havn't been overly fruitful in that department, no." The answer is honest and Elrych attempts to close his eyes and reach out to see if he can get anything comming off of Ax.

Allowing himself to focus Yuun opens himself up to the Force. "I've never tried to do it, seeing as I was working on things slowly and did a lot of book learning." he says. Shaking his head, "No I don't sense you at all. I can see you but not sense you in the force." he states.

~ "It's not automatic for me like it is for some," Ax says. "The skill is also useful for concealing your presence from all abilities of sensing someone through the force, such as the ability to sense life signs," he adds. "Masking your force signature can make you nearly invisible to all forms of force detection."

"Again, it will do nothing against physical senses or electronic surveilance, but mixed with mundane stealth ability, you can hide yourself even from other Jedi." He leans forward, elbows upon his knees. "Every jedi has their own methods for utilizing the force. Me, I am a more visual person. I think of the force as a light emanating from me. I visualize it in my mind, feeling the force and then I try suppressing that light, dimming it. It is difficult to explain how to utilize sensory abilities and their counters. The best way is to feel the force that is flowing through you, instead of that around you, and suppressing it in such a fashion as that it is nearly imperceptible, yet still there." ~

Elrych Cometburn nods slowly, "That's kind of how I see it. It's like a pressure or a steam that comes off of me. At different levels sometimes. It's wild and I have to visualize how I much I want to let off. However, it might tip someone off if you have no force at all that something is off. So you might want to keep the rough amount all living things have inside them active to avoid suspicion right? That's probably the really tough part."

Yuun thinks about this for a long moment, going quiet well after the other two have spoken, "To me....I don't know." he says simply. "I never tried to give it something for myself. I equate it sometimes like water, it's like a trickle, only giving me just enough to sustain myself." eh smiles. "Than if I need more it can come to me like a wave allowing me to push and pul with it." and as he says this his arms shoot out and move in a wave but something akin to martial arts soft, from the look of how he moves but than suddenly he stops. "Sorry about that." he laughs.

~ Ax looks to Elrych. "Yes and no. The normal person who has no ability in the force will not register at all when you are attempting to sense force ability. Even those who are sensitive to the force but have no training are near impossible to detect in such a fashion. Yet, when you are putting your senses out there to pick up upon someone who has force ability, those who have more training and refining will show up like a beacon unless they are suppressing the ability."

Ax looks to Yuun. "There is no right way or wrong way to view how the force moves through you," he says. "If you wish to think of it as water flowing, steam coming off of you, or glittery dust floating about, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of visualizing it or feeling it, or however you are best at doing it. Then, it's a matter of suppressing what it's shedding off of you." ~

Elrych Cometburn nods slwoly, "Right... so sensing life signs is a bit differant than sensing force ability then. Got ya."

Nodding his head, "Alright thanks." he says as he looks to Ax. Looking over to Elrych, quirking a brow up at him, "Cool, your learning how to sense life." he smiles. "I've been working on telekinesis and lightsaber defense." he states. "Though I do need to pick up my pace a bit, I've gotten back into reading more of the Jedi texts that we have."

~ Ax nods to Elrych. "Yeah, definitely different. Sensing life signatures is sensing how the force flows through someone or something. When you are trying to block your force signature, you aren't usually trying to block how the force flows through or around you, though in theory you can. It is not something I have put to a test personally. Fortunately, the times I came in contact with people like Kylo Ren, they weren't looking for Jedi. The proverbial cat, however, is out of the bag. There are quite a few rumors floating out about us and there are now bounties upon us. That is why I am teaching this ahead of lightsaber construction or lightsaber skills, both of which I'd probably be better at teaching." ~

Elrych Cometburn nods to Ax, "Well. I'm going to give it a try I guess." THe young corellian takes a deep breath and closes his eyes attempting to concentrate. He can do it, a little bit but it's not overly powerful in it's success. He's been working at it or has had time to tinker with the idea in his travels.

"I see." he says as it's explained that everyone have their own feelings when it comes to using the force as a whole. Though as Ax continues to explain why it's important to mask their presence he frowns a little. He's heard stories of the Dark Jedi and none were good, still where there is dark there is light he suppose. Turning his attention to Elrych he smiles as he attempts to hide himself within the force, "I will try to, thats what we are here to learn." he focuses on stopping the flow and drawing in on himself within the force.

~ Ax smirks. "Alright, work on it. Help each other. I don't expect you to be able to do it every time by next class, but I expect you to at least have a concept of how to do it and with a few attempts be able to at least diminish your signature in the force," Ax says. He stands up, looking to the two students. "It's not exciting like making things fly through the air or cutting things in half with a lightsaber. It's not flashy or even something you'll use often, but when you need it, it's imperative that you are able to do so. Not everything you're going to learn here is going to be fun or exciting." ~

Elrych Cometburn nods to Yuun and Ax, "But it's an absolute necessity and will aid us in ways that those two other skills can not. Thanks for the Lesson, Ax. It'll come in real handy. Yuun and I will keep practicing and if we see Zandra around we'll drag her along too... Or the bit fish animal looking guy." He only mt Punt once.

A playful smirk shows on his lips, "Yeah, but not everything has to be fancy or cool. Right now with bounties on us, we have to be careful." he agrees with both of them. He stands up as well, "Yeah, I know Zan was working on this for a while, so she may be bale to help us as well." eh states. "Our training group." he states. ~

"Zandra is actually as good or better at masking herself as I am, it was one of the first skills she picked up before coming here," Ax says with a smile. "It was also the first skill that I learned, and the first skill that I insisted Jax learn. "The best thing you can do is practice with each other. This could also be good practice for trying to sense the force in others," Ax says. "Zan would be good to practice with, she might have a technique different from mine that better suits you." He begins walking towards the exit now. "The last lesson of this course is going to be sending you into the city, letting you drift into a crowd, and then sending Rey or Jax out to find you via your force signature." He smiles and then heads out the door. ~