Log:Jedi: Keeping Ithor Green

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Keeping Ithor Green

OOC Date: September 24 2020 (Optional)
Location: Ithor: Cloud-Mother Herdship
Participants: Jax Greystorm, Zandra naMuriel, Yuun

The Ithorians have long since held a great mastery over the living sciences - though, as they will often tell you, it is not a domination of nature but a symbiotic understanding of it which provides them with such powerful insights. Whatever the source of their knowledge, it is their mastery which has made their technology and their goods greatly prized, and famous are the gleaming nursery complexes in which rare plants and curious hybrids are carefully cultivated. This area is such a complex: fanning eastward in a wedge from the central landing recess, the ground is a continuous sea of white permacrete, unbroken by seam or segment - the sheer perfection of that mammoth pour itself suggests a powerful science behind it. Dotting the quarter like islands on a milky sea are titan geodesics, domes whose faceted curves are designed to capture the maximum amount of sunlight to feed the green charges within.

Some of these domes, however, have had their polarized faces reverse, opaque to the light and sulking like black pearls in the gentle sunglow of the paradise planet. These, while rare, indicate the effect that Imperial rule is having on the Ithorian economy - these are laboratory domes run by the various Ithorian trading and pharmeceutical companies, among others, and a dark dome means an empty dome and reduced business for the herd. Yet another sign of the times we live in

New Republic Intellegence had reached out to members of the jedi order on Chandrila. A group of individuals had infiltrated the Cloud-Mother Herdship floating above the prestine planet of Ithor. The unknown individuals appear to relasing an expermental defoliant on the the planet below destroying kilometers of Ithorian plant life. The who, exactly where, and why were still fuzzy. That was why the New Republic was turning to the jedi. If anyone could resolve the matter, quickly, and quietly. It was them.

Jax had flown the Painted Guardian to a landing pad on the herd ship. The nimble and fast freighter getting the team of jedi there as quickly as it could. As they come walking down the ramp of the small ship, Jax's R2 unit follows behind them. The Corellian pulls his hood up and over his head as the rain starts to fall on the herd ship. It was in the early morning hours here and most of the planets residents were still asleep. Jax looks to Exine, "Go find a terminal and see if you can find out any information of note from ships coming and going. Chemical shipping company and the like." Exine chirps an affirmative and speeds off into the rain and the dark.

Yuun had come at the summons to join in the mission. He's been spending a lot of his time training as of late, as well as increasing his skills in piloting among other things. As they traveled to the herd ship, Yuun sat looking out the window a small smile on his face as he sits there. He's gone through a lot and is still going through it. Rubbing the back of his neck as they land, he would have small talk with the others, trying to get out of his head.

As they land and disembark, he pulls up the hood of his hoodie like tunic. His clothing choice is unique but still him. He looks around, "So looking for a needle in a haystack before it begins pricking someone."

Zan has been on a mission or two, though mostly she's been with Rogue Squadron missions these days. Today though, she joins the Knight and her fellow student. (Hah! Nyah, Jax!) She is relaxed and at ease on the flight over, though she does look somewhat thoughtful from time to time. As they arrive, she tilts her head, listening to the instructions for Exine, and also Yuun's comment. "I suppose this just makes things a challenge. Maybe we should chat with the locals, see if there's anyone new and noteworthy in town?"

She drifts over towards a computer terminal though, and starts seeing what public records are available.

Jax looks out at the rain, "Apt description. You feeling anything Yuun?" Jax stops standing there for a moment and then takes a deep inhale of the air. He then sneezes loudly. "I don't recommend doing that. Everything smells of wet fungus, tree bark, and chemicals." He then coughs, "That wasn't my smartest idea." He then turns to look at Zandra, "Did you find anything?"

Zandra looks up, thoughtful. "Maybe?" is her reply. "There's a Nursery District, somewhere. It's a science district with lots of chemicals and horticulture and pharmaceuticals. Also, labs. Some of them currently empty. Maybe we should see about finding ourselves a new lab?"

Yuun closes his eyes for a moment, sensing for possible danger as they wait on Exnine and Zan to find something. As he hears Zans response, he nods his head a little and continues trying to feel for possible danger.

"Sounds like a plan." Jax says to Zandra. He lifts the comlink to his lips, <Exine, new plan. I need a list of newly rented labs and currently unoccupied labs in the Nursery district.> Theres a moment before the droid comes back on the comlink. The little droid spitting out six different labs. <Thank you Exine.> He looks at the pair. "Lets head that direction. See what we can find."

Yuun walks with the others, trying to get back into the mindset of searching and looking for clues. All the fighting has clouded him a little, he rubs his eyes a little and begins looking at the doors until he comes to a lab. Quirking a brow a little, he steps to the door having noticed some scuff marks along the floor and handprint along the door. "Hold on." he says in a quiet voice as he waits for the door to open and as it does he moves inside quietly. As he does he notices the room disshevleved.

Zan gets sidetracked, as they walk, spying a bird, a rodent, and even a couple insects lazily flying by. She's somewhat startled when Yuun says something, only then realizing they are where she suggested to go, more or less. "Wait, did you find something?"

"I think so." he says as he begins looking around inside. He scans the area, looking for anyone or anything that could aid them. "I'm not into sciences but this place must be what they will need to do what they need to do." he says to her. "We just need to find the individual or individuals behind this possible attack."

Jax stops and sniffs at the air from the door. He'd pushed his sense of smell beyond that of a human. "I smell something sharp and harsh in there.. Chemically." He was no scientist, perhaps they would be better suited with Aryn. He goes to slip into the large lab and into the shadows.

The lab looked like a large warehouse or green house where they came into the facility. It was a large open room set up to plant an indoor orchard. Though it was silent and dark. There were discheveled signs of people here and the place had been forced open. A large catwalk ran around the outter edge of the wall. Most of it of it hidden in shadow. There was at the far end of the large room a metal door that looked like it belong in the hanger of a Mon Cal.

As they slip into the room, Jax uses the force to make him seem as if he's not there but as he tries to hide in the shadows, out on the cat walk, a man in old Imperial storm trooper armor steps out in the light and the room lights up from a lighting strike illuminating the Corellian for a moment. The stormtrooper takes aim and opens fire at Jax and missing. There's the crackle of a sound as the trooper announces, <There's somebody here. Open fire and alert the boss.> A second trooper in the old armor takes a shot at Jax.

Yuun is moving quickly through the large warehouse like lab, keeping himself silent and moving forward, he does use the force to sense his allies and enemies but there there is the sound of blaster fire. 'Krif.' he mumbles to himself and with that he quickly closes in, he runs towards one of the Stormtroopers and as he does he slips a little as he attempts to throw a punch to hopefully knock the buckethead out, but yeah that's not what's happening.

Zan's eyes widen as Jax is fired on, and the lights go on. She ducks a bit back into the shadows, staying quiet as she identifies the location of the shooters. She reaches for the Force, not rushing in. She'll keep herself hidden, so long as she can. But she does in fact use the telekinetic skill of a Jedi, trying to stun one of the two she can see, to perhaps hold him in mid air, unable to move or do anything. Including shoot again. She stays where she is though, just concentrating on holding that guy right there.

Alpha raises his blaster firing at Yuun as the jedi misses the trooper in his surprise attack. The blaster going wild and hitting the ground. <<We have multiple contacts! I repeat Multiple contacts. Initiated the count down. Expect hostiles. Oh Krif, I don't know what they're doing to Beta!>> Beta was hanging in mid air with his body completely enveloped in a giant telketic hand hanging mid air. He's struggingly and fires inadvertly at the ground missing Jax.

Jax takes off racing toward the big metal door. His saber lighting up in the process. "I'm cutting us a entrance while you handle those two."

At the sight of Jax's saber, Beta broadcasts, <Jedi! Contacts are jedi!>

Yuun rolls to the right as the blaster fire misses him, he quickly snakes out his right leg in a spinning leg sweep taking the trooper off his feet. He quickly moves in and as the trooper starts to fall he quickly punches the trooper in the chest sending the trooper into the ground causing his body to bounce a little as it hits teh ground.

Zan isn't fired on, she's still in hiding. But that poor beta gets a little tk shake, and then a gentle squeeze, until he's out cold. Zan sets him down gently, and then pauses to try to sense life in the place. Besides them, of course. Where are there others? It's not just these two is it?

Jax is busy cutting a hole in large metal door at the other end. There was no need to hide as Alpha and Beta had called in the fact there was a jedi here. A large hole goes clashing down and a rain of blaster fire comes out of the hole back towards Jax. The Corellian dodges to the side, "I found the rest of the team, I hope. Well I mean I hope it's all of them." He throws his lightsaber in and it goes spinning trough over the head of a trooper and then spinning back taking out the trooper before zipping to Jax's hand.

Inside there's 4 humans in Imperial storm trooper armor inside. Three now taking up defensive positions. A fourth is dressed in old scout armor, stands at a large pressurized tank entering a code. A blue holographic projection of a human in finery calling out, "Hurry before the jedi get here. I paid you enough credits. Do the Kriffing Job."

Yuun hears Jax and he looks over to Zan, "Let's go." he says to her and as he looks at the hole, he sees a lightsaber thrown into the hole and cutting down one of the trooper. "I really need to learn how to control my lightsaber like that." he says as he quickly dashes through the hole and diving in.

As he dives through the hole, his dive carries him past the downed trooper, he unclips his lightsaber from his belt and as he comes up striking down the Captain who was entering a code to get inside a presurrised room to get to whatever he was trying to access. He turns and looks at the hologram, "Who are you?" he says calmly. He thinks and smiles, and rushes to the computer, "Cover me." he says as he tries to track the signal of the incoming transmission.

Zan nods to Yuun and she's right behind him, moving a little faster than seems reasonable for a human. She heads for one of the others, picking one that is not near Yuun and Jax. She draws her lightsaber as they dive into the room, and her lightsaber swings fast and dangerous, incapacitating her target. Then she moves to a defensive position, gaze going to see who else is left in the room.

The Captain is typing into the code that would vent out the defoliant through the pressurized room out a emergency release on the outside of the Herd City and cause it to drift down onto the jungle below. He's entering the code that begins the countdown as he's struck down. The holographic figured looks insensed as the merc capatin goes down. Then he looks at Yuun, <As if I would reveal myself to the jedi. You can trace me or you can save your precious jungle. Either I get away or I win.> Then the holocom goes dead.

Jax makes it into the room striking down one of the storm troopers before he can fire. It leaves one, who seeing the rest of the team dropped. He puts up his hand as Jax extends his saber at the man. "Yuun, you stopping the clock. It don't look like we got long."

Zan sees that Jax has that last fellow in hand, and she moves to give Yuun a hand with the code. The figure in the holo gets a baleful glare from the young jedi who swiftly reholsters her lightsaber at her side, and looks over Yuun's shoulder. "that one," she says, pointing it out, as she spies the right spot to deactivate that code. "And then over here. It's a tag team effort, but Zan is certainly willing to help Yuun out on this one!

Yuun is sitting down at the chair as he quickly tries to do what he can to stop the countdown. As he tries to go through the various programs he knows but nothing works, when Zan comes over to help he moves so that she can work. Which she is able to stop the countdown and shut the system down.

The defoliant was contained in the chamber. It would probably take a scientist or engineer to return it to pressurised tank that it belonged. Though for the moment it was contained. The sacred jungle below was safe. Off in the distance the lights of emergency speeders was flashing through the glass ceiling. Jax reaches over to kick Gamma's blaster away. Then moments later Exine's binary fills the air from Jax's comlink. Jax de-activates his saber and responds to the droid, <You called in the local authorties? Thanks buddy. What you mean a Raven-Class Courier just let out of here at high speeds causing all types of panic at the spaceport? You didn't get it's IFF? It's alright you didn't know.> Then Jax looks at the pair, "I couldn't have done it without you guys. Let turn the scene and prisoners to the locals. There's a pretty good cafe here. I'll buy us breakfast. We can watch the sun rise over the jungle."