Log:Jedi Order: Devils in the Details

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Jedi negotiate with local government officials on Devaron to release Jedi relics back to the Order.

OOC Date: March 31, 2022
Location: Devaron
Participants: Jedi Order, Yuun, Nora Frayus, Ban Iskender, Finn, Aryn Cortess

The formal inquiry sent by Ban to the Devaronian government had been answered: the government had agreed to meet with an embassy of the Jedi, so long as the Republic's edicts were upheld: no exiles, no religious ceremonies to take place during their stay, and the visit was not to last longer than one local month. That last being a formality, as Devaronians consider a full moon's turn to establish residence.

The vessel carrying the Jedi was greeted with all formality upon arrival, and given an honor guard of two X-wings to accompany them to a landing pad at a tall tower in the planetary capital of Montellian Serat. A female voice over comms welcomed them to the Bank of Devaron as the ship powered down.

With welcomes already issued, Aryn reports to the back ramp and adjusts her cape, having to lean slightly on the Analysis droid she always brought along to help with administration and legal proceedings; it had been a gift from Lord Jensa, her legal advisor back on New Alderaan.

"Provided we are all ready, I will lower the ramp.." Aryn says, her posh accent a touch tense given the gravity of the mission they were on. The relics they intended to retrieve were priceless, and belonged in a place where its people could appreciate their true worth, and protect them.

As the ship steers in for a landing, Nora Frayus' eyes are turned out one of the viewports oriented towards where the former Jedi temple on Devaron can be seen standing atop the clearing in the dense jungles surrounding it. It looks rather peaceful from up here. And so small. Those trees that stretch up above her head and seem like they could touch the sky are put into perspective when one is truly in the sky. There's a ghost of her own reflection in that tempered, space-faring glass. When that voice chimes and welcomes them to the bank of Devaron, her eyes focus on that reflection, bringing what was out of focus into focus, and what was in focus out.

"Never in my life would I have thought myself a frequenter of this planet. Still, it is not without its charms, hmmmh? I confess at times to missing it. Particularly those rainy days within the temple," she says, and laughs. "Listen to me, so sentimental," she says.

She steps towards the still-closed ramp with her left hand on the grip of her sword and her right hand resting delicately on her hip.

"I am ready, Your Grace," she says, and looks towards the others within the ship. Her head tips and she offers them both a smile. "Shall we, then?" she asks.

The ramp is lowered and, unsurprisingly, it's Lady Frayus taking the first strides down the ramp and into the sunshine that makes it through the clouds and onto the streets of Montellian Serat.

"It's not a terrible place. Maybe a little bit extra on the weirdly lit skies, but I think we're doing fine. But maybe the rain will be twice as relaxing?" Finn tries to comfort Nora in her remembrance. Finn exits the shuttle towards the rear. He didn't know what to expect.

Diplomacy and hostility are interchangeable.

"Best behaviors, everyone."

Yuun sat quietly during the trip, he isn't good with diplomacy but he volunteered for this mission as like many he's spent a lot of time here on Devaron and he saw it as another home. Still now with their situation, he just wanted to make sure those who came for this meeting were safe and for him to learn more of the arts of diplomacy.

Standing up from his seat, he bows his head to Aryn, "I'm Ready Knight Cortess." he says using Aryn's Jedi title. He looks to each person here and he smiles, he's in good company, "Always." he chuckles.

Ban Iskender inclines his head to the inquiry. "Quite so," he voices evenly in regard to preparation. Head high, shoulders squared and emerald green half cape arranged dashingly over one shoulder, the gentleman steps out with the others into the Devaronian sunset.

The New Republic Bank of Devaron is a relatively tall, new transparisteel building among the lower structures of the old city, with an impressive view of the eldritch jungles and Blue Mountains surrounding the metropolis. The two towers of the Eedit Jedi Temple are visible on the horizon, from the landing pad. Even in the evening hours, with fasting light in the sky, the air is warm and windy, whipping at ropes and cloaks The band are greeted by a protocol droid and ushered inside to a sizable meeting room. The temperature control inside is warmer than most humans might find comfortable, but it smells sharply of pleasant native spices.

The most prominent feature of the room is a long table, finely carved of exotic wood. Together with old style hangings and sculptures along the transparisteel walls, they are traditional, rustic touches in an otherwise extremely modern setting.

Those Jedi with roots in the Resistance might recognize the Devaronian woman who rises from her chair to greet them as a longtime engineer aboard the rebel fleet in recent years. Tall and slim, at a hand's breadth over six feet, with long, dark brown hair and orange fur so short and fine it looks like skin at a distance, she bares sharp teeth in a smile. Her husky voice manages to put more nuanced inflection into each word than most Humans are used to hearing as she greets, "Welcome back to Devaron, one and all, for as long as you remain: drink and be welcome. I am administrator Erika Joduson, and I'm told you wish to discuss a matter of the Eedit Temple?" The Devaronian's fangs add a slight hiss to certain words.

As they come to the room, Aryn gestures lazily to the droid that waddles behind her to find a place nearby. It's not a dismissive gesture, just one born of perpetually showing up for legal discussions. They're greeted, and though it might have been customary to bow, Aryn just dips her head slightly, "Good day, Administrator. This is a long way from the Resistance," She adds on the last with a slight smile. "We are, Administrator. You have the pleasure of meeting Jedi Knight Yuun, General Finn, Lord Ban Iskender, and Lady Nora Frayus. Our goal is to achieve friendly negotiations for the release of the artifacts found within the Eedit Temple. May we sit?" She gestures to the table and chairs.

Outside of the ship, Lady Frayus waits to be joined by the rest of the party and moves alongside them to where they are to meet their contact. Diplomacy is a thing of subtlety, and thankfully, Lady Frayus is more than well equipped for the task. When she's introduced to Erika Joduson, Nora gives a slight bow of her head -- somewhere that splits the difference between formal and casual. "It is a pleasure, Ms. Joduson. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us," she says. When the seats at the table are gestured to, Nora takes it upon herself to pull her own chair out enough to sit. Before she does, she lifts the leather strap of her sheath from her delicate, cream white shoulders. That sword is set aside, and she pins the skirt of her dress to the back of her thighs as she sits. Her right leg crosses over her left, and her fingertips come to rest in her lap, watching the others settle down upon their seats as negotiations begin!

Finn was out of place. He wasn't so good with his words that he could be too useful. The formal etiquette was somewhat lost on him. He was a soldier, not nobility. Now he's a Jedi - one in training - but a Jedi all the same. It's all part of he training.

He looks at Erika Joduson and finds a hint of recognition there. General Finn is a good ring to it and he stands a little taller as he's introduced, a slight bow of his head given in greeting.

“Hey." Finn takes his seat, hands in his lap.

Yuun follows along with the others and as he does he's quiet yet again. As they make their way to their destination, Yuun takes this time to look around at the city and once they meet their Host, he doesn't know her, he's not met her before but the name does ring a bell. He's heard of her, when his name is called as he's introduced he steps forward and bows his head, "Hello and thank you for sharing some of your time with us." he says and then he steps back with the others. Once at the table and permission is given, Yuun takes a seat next to Nora .

Joduson makes eye contact with each guest as they are introduced, but only after quipping with a brief smile to Aryn, "A long way, indeed. Fortunate for me the war ended as it did, else I'd not have a job." That dry jest delivered, she nods once to the question of sitting. "Please. Ask what drinks you wish, the service has been calibrated for offworlders." Devaronians have multiple livers, and their alcohol tends to promptly flatten other species. Erika adds to Nora, rich with inflection in her usual manner, "The pleasure is all mine, Lady." As to the artifacts, "I have been empowered to negotiate with you on behalf of the planetary bank, who holds the former assets of your Order on this world in trust for my people. I'll say that we have no intention of violating the New Republic decree. With that said.. where does your Order wish to begin negotiations?"

Aryn accepts the offer of beverage by saying in the most posh manner, "Oh, wonderful, I am just famished.." And sees to the droid that's been programmed to provide them refreshment. She selects a particular label of wine and waits patiently for it to be served. Meanwhile, the negotiations have begun behind her. A slow sip from the glass and Aryn looks toward a window in contemplation before finally nodding. She turns, orients toward a seat and takes it, assuming a casual position with one leg crossing her other so her booted foot bounces idly. She keeps the wine glass in one hand and off to her side, turning her scarred gaze toward those who speak up to answer the Administrator's question.

Nora Frayus turns towards Erika Joduson the second time that she offers drinks. Whether or not that insistence is one born out of some sort of unknown cultural etiquette is irrelevant -- Nora decides in the moment that two insistences is enough. "Wine sounds lovely. An excellent idea, Your Grace," she says towards Aryn, smiling as she tips her hips back and forth, shimmying her bottom of that seat from side to side. When it comes time to proceed with negotiations, Nora's fingertips briefly pinch a bit of that silky white fabric of her dress between her thumb and forefinger. It's a small, nervous tick that Nora doesn't often have. Regardless, her face betrays nothing. There's just that polite and pleasant smile -- practiced, like everything, through repetition.

"Ms. Joduson, I'd like to begin simply by extending our sincerest gratitude for you and those you are negotiating on behalf of. We know that great care and respect has been given to them. I suppose that I -personally- am most interested in discussing the temple, though I suppose my concern extends beyond that to our assets as a whole," she says. When the wine is delivered, she smiles and gives a thankful nod of appreciation. She raises it to her lips and takes a sip before turning back towards those that have joined her.

"And what of you three?" to Ban, Yuun, and Finn.

"Wine sounds delicious, thank you." Finn waits for a beverage to arrive to him as he samples the drink with the smallest of sips. "To honor my esteemed colleagues wishes-" Finn gestures to Nora. "Let's talk of the Temple and its condition. While, despite public opinions, we are a peaceable Order who will try not to bring you trouble."

"So, what is your preferences, your worries and concerns for us returning and taking up residence in the Temple? No doubt you have your own opinions. Let us begin with the temple itself and your wishes as representative."

Sitting there, Yuun thinks what he could bring to this meeting, quiet and deliberating, he's never been one to drink alcohol so he passes, "I would take water please." he says as he looks to Ms. Joduson. He says and as he sits back in his seat, his eyes scanning the area as he listens. Upon hearing Nora then Finn's preferences on where to start, that would be the right recourse.

Yuun does remember their most recent mission and he contemplates, gathering his thoughts for the time being. He brings his right hand up and rubs his chin lightly as he sits there.

Joduson answers Nora with a wry curl to her lips and a raised eyebrow. "The Temple," she echoes. "It will remain here, and by Republic decree, your Order cannot reside in it. Even were it possible to be shipped off world brick by brick, we could not allow it; the temple is a historic site, and it belongs to my people. Presently, among the possibilities it to make it a museum." In turn, Finn is met with her hazel brown eyes. "Computer, play back the most recent Republic edict on Jedi, subsection two."

From the center of the old fashioned, finely carved table, a projector emerges, displaying in detail a portion of the verdict against Rey and the Jedi: "The Jedi Order, is here-by banned from conducting any training, or hold any official residence as a religious home for Force sensitive individuals within Republic space. Its current members, however, are not banned from Republic space. Its current temples, and places of worship, are to be closed immediately, and its holdings are to be seized by Republic banks. Like with the old Republic, the Jedi Order is an outdated practice, and has been declared to be against the future benefits of the New Republic."

Joduson grimaces slightly. "Harsh phrasing, but clear, General: your Order cannot occupy the temple, nor reside there. It is no longer yours. My greatest concerns are these: that the Republic will think we flaunt its laws and leave our world unprotected, and that my people will be swindled of their heritage. That temple has been a relic of my people far longer than it has belonged to your honorable Order, lords and ladies." She does seem subtly more at ease when the guests drink, even if it's only water.

Ban draws a slow breath, after having observed the exga get to this point in dignified silence. "The Temple is of Devaron, as it has long been, administrator. I ask you: what of the movable relics within; the artifacts and library which we all searched out transported to your world. By law, they belong now to this bank. I would ask if there exists the chance to compromise on those items. Surely my compatriots would be willing to see to it that your people are not robbed, though and suspect it is not purely a measure of credits in your estimation?"

Joduson eyes Ban critically, drinking. "Perhaps. Though an empty museum is.. much less impressive."

"I would like to begin with the laws of eminent domain, Administrator. Whilst the charges for Rey supersede compensation for her, they would not the rest of the Order. We were charged of nothing, and may fall beneath the clause that appropriations be made to compensate our group. To that tune, I propose an exchange of the aforementioned artifacts to settle the debt, as to the spirit of the law." Aryn comments after a brief word with the droid that waddled up behind her and warbled a gentle message. Aryn sips her wine after her delivery and settles back in her seat, relaxed.

Joduson's raised brow and curled lips don't startle Nora. She's familiar with nuances of negotiation -- feigned indignance and surprise. It's all a game, really. The young woman tips her head to the side and laughs softly in assurance that the Jedi do not mean to remove the temple brick-by-brick. "My concern for the Temple is entirely personal, Ms. Joduson. My companions can attest to the fact that I quite... miss it. The views from atop its tall tower. The smell of the jungle lifted up upon the rain. There were those flowers -- I'm sure you know them -- the blue ones that could grow between the cracks in the walls. I was so fond of them," she says, and smiles. Then, Lady Frayus gives a soft sigh. "But the New Republic's decree was remarkably, mmhh, specific. We would not compromise your world's standing, either," she says. She huffs softly into her glass and takes a sip, nodding along with Ban and the others as the discussion moves away from the temple and towards discussion of the relics themselves. It's Fae's turn to lift a brow and quirk a wry smile at the mention of an empty museum, but she refrains from speaking further on that particular point.

For now.

She turns to look towards Aryn and nods along in agreement, though she does turn back towards the Devaronian woman with a slight cant of her head and a smile.

"The temple itself is a triumph of architecture. It is breathtaking. Relic or no relic, it could certainly make a lovely historical site. Or, perhaps, a shelter. A home. As it was for us. I believe that would delight me so."

Yuun watches from his seat, first to their host Joduson as she speaks to them, her tone and mannerisms. He then looks to Aryn, he's seen her work in many diplomatic situations before, he sighs inwardly alittle, some have strengths and weaknesses in things. For him this is one of them, but it doesn't stop him from watching and learning. He looks to Nora next as she spoke, taking in her words, he watches her as he did their host and Aryn, hell even Finn is watched. He can do this, maybe anyways.

As he thinks about trying, he's scolded through memory. 'Do or Do Not! There is no Try!' a smile shows on his lips as he remembers the small green alien, the very wise Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. Taking his time to continue to his thought process for now.

The Devaronian begins to draw a breath when Aryn mentions eminent domain, but the Princess' next observation gives her a moment's pause as she considers. A spoken command aloud, "Legal: verify," and she drinks again. "I know all too well how fickle law can be, honorable guests.. Had the war gone differently I would be on the far side of a harsh verdict. But I wonder, in a purely off the record question: did you *know* that he was Kylo Ren? I can't understand sheltering that man." A cleared throat, as she amends, "My apologies, that question is unrelated to the present legal matter. You need not answer it." A look to Nora, next. "Modry blossoms, yes. They grow up the trees and the blood hawks weave nests with their vines. The Temple towers somehow feel older than the rest of the world, though they are millennia younger." She considers when Norah speaks of a historical site without relics. "Would your Order consider duplicates?" She glances to the men present to include them- a habit from her years off world, but for Devaronians it can be automatic to look to the women for major decisions.

"I would delight discussing the matter privately, Administrator, but not during negotiations. I mean that respectfully, of course. I would also like to mention that there has been some contention about holding artifacts tied to the Jedi or Sith Orders. I am sure you are aware of the galactic bounty that exists for such things, my concern is that without the Jedi Knights protecting these relics, bounty hunters may come to deface the historical site and steal these things for profit."

Aryn continues, "Or worse, enemies of the state learn of these things and seek to launch a campaign to retrieve them. Recall you the siege of Naboo when rumor of the Queen had aided the Jedi Order and the Resistance, and the First Order attacked regardless of the presence of Republic war ships in orbit. I do not intend a slippery slope by saying if this happens, this could follow, but there are substantial security risks which were mitigated when the Order maintained control of these relics. I dare say even duplicates could place unnecessary risks upon the bank, and those who maintain these historic facilities. I hope you understand my concerns.."

"Modry blossoms... hmmh. I confess to not particularly caring for flowers, but something about the color of them mixed with the rainy skies... we do not quite have anything so vibrant against the gray on Devaron," Nora says. But then she waves a hand dismissively. They are not here to have her prattle on about flowers, after all. She takes another sip of her wine while Aryn speaks. The princess is adept at playing hardball. At debate and logic, wielding them as deftly as she wields a surgical scalpel. And just as subtle.

Nora swallows and sets down her glass of wine, folding her hands into her lap and turning to look at Aryn, now. Ever on the same team.

"Though she does have a point. A museum is not much of a museum if it is barren. Perhaps some risk could be mitigated if it was public knowledge that the museum held fabrications? Could we not work with the curators to craft artifacts that -looked- the part but were known to be... mmmh... prints?" she suggests. "It is not uncommon for works of art to be duplicated. A painting is still a painting, after all. And in some cases, a restored work of art can be closer to the artist's original intent."

Nora turns to look back at the Devaronian again. This talk of Ben Solo and Kylo Ren... well. Aryn assured her that they could speak in private. Nora presses no further.

"We do understand your concerns, but as your temple is Devaronian, those relics are -Jedi-, yes?"

Yuun is a bit lost in thought, he continues to listen to the conversation and as Joduson speaks to them and go off tangent about Ben, he shakes his head and he goes to take his glass for water and he knocks it over. "Kriff....sorry, sorry." he says as he quickly picks up his glass and he grabs a napkin and starts to clean up the water. He shakes his head annoyed at himself.

A discreet audible chime from the table near the Devaronian's seat, and a panel in the wooden surface illuminates to rapidly scroll the results of Erika's legal inquiry. She looks up a moment later, answering Aryn: "I'm not ignorant of the dangers.. which is why we must avoid angering the Republic, all the moreso. But your point is well made and your concerns understood. At the very least.. if all members of your Order are willing to formally waive any future claims of compensation- legal formalities, you understand- then Lady Norah's suggestion would be agreeable: work with our historians to produce holographic duplicates, while obeying the Republic ban on ceremonies- no offense meant, Lord Ban -" she adds in a cheeky moment, answered with a droll, "None taken, madam." Joduson looks back to the others, "And once duplicates are in place I think the interests of my people, my employers, and your Order will be satisfied in permitting the withdrawal of the books and relics the Jedi brought here." There's a moment after which Yuun spills his water over the table in which the former Resistance engineer just exhales slowly. She puts on a smile. "Don't worry, we wouldn't serve drinks on it if a spot of water would ruin things." *Men*, amirite ladies?

"I believe these terms are agreeable. We have a historian who may prove useful to work with, he is a Guardian of the Whills, and can provide valuable insight on the holo-representations of the relics the Bank would possess so your people might pass down the histories of their use." Aryn sips her wine again, then holds her glass out to the side. "Provided we get all the relics, to which we can supply the bank with an inventory list, I see no issue in waiving monetary compensatory methodologies to fulfill the spirit of the law."

Nora looks towards Yuun when he knocks over his glass and gives the man an encouraging little smile. Everybody knocks over glasses sometimes! That's what that smile says. Not with words, really, but with -expression-. She turns now to look towards the Devaronian and then to Aryn. It is as if lady Nora herself is simply here to ignore all these -details- and come to an arrangement that everyone is pleased with. That is, of course, a calculated projection. A position she's found herself in that feels natural, but one that does appear, at least for now, to be working.

"Oh, how wonderful! It brings me such joy to see the legacy of the Jedi's time at your Temple living on. Its histories taught, but moreover, the -building- preserved. And it is such a lovely structure," she says.

"Shall we make a toast, then? To legacies and friendships preserved? And, if you might indulge me, the Modry Blossom. I do so love that flower," she says, and lifts what remains of her wine up and into the air, towards those gathered around the table.

Yuun spilled his drink. Could've been worse, could've lit the table on fire. Finn rests, the spill cleaned with no chance of stain. It's just water, really. Finn doesn't hide approval from the wise administrator for being so casual about the spill and just as forgiving. They are here in peaceable assembly, it wouldn't do at all to lose temper or face at something so small.

Finn gives Yuun a friendly, supportive touch on the shoulder should the Knight not deny such support. To the congregation of those assembled, Finn smiles. "Let us drink to our agreements, to this season of cooperation and success for both sides of this negotiation. We will work with the historians and curators and they shall with us. The Jedi will find friends in you and you is. The law appears satisfied and let's all be merry for it."

"To agreements old and new."

Having quickly cleaned the water up, there is a little water left in his glass. He sees the look from Nora and he offers a nervous grin back to her and a nod to Finn. He's a little embarrased, he was too into his head when he didn't need to be. He sits back down and he toasts as well, there is still water in the glass. "Cheers." he says and he looks back to the Devaronian and offers a bow of his head to her, showing he's embarrassed but still in good spirits.

Joduson nods to Aryn, "Once a holographic duplicate is produced, the original will be released to your Order." The Devaronian lifts her own glass at the offered toast. "I'll drink to that." After doing so, and before the Jedi go on their way, she adds to Finn, on the subject of merriment and flowers: "Oh, and General? Give Rose my best."