Log:Jedi Order: Island of Death Part I

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A Jedi mission to Pamarthe

OOC Date: May 17. 2021
Location: Stormhaven, Pamarthe
Participants: Qutha Buvu Pah, Yuun, Ahsoka Tano (Hiding as Ostana), Aryn Cortess

Pamarthe, the sea-storm world responsible for many legendary pilots throughout the galaxy's history. One such island, that of Stormhaven, makes host to a number of remote denizens who live just outside the Misty Veil, a section of the hot sea where steam makes a misty wall that, for generations, have claimed many a seaworthy captain. The prison they seek, the seeing stone held within, is harbored within the mysterious grasp of the Misty Veil.

Aryn sets to landing the vessel at the starport which is safeguarded from the sea by the obsidian walls of a dormant volcano. Being remote meant the village relied on geothermal power, and the warmth of the volcano warded off the chill of the rain and protected them from the rage of the sea.

As the Rainstorm set down (Aryn's ultra light freighter) the ramp began to lower and the noble at the pilot's seat rose up, moving into the luxurious hold for personnel at the heart of the craft. "We have arrived, gentlemen. Conceal what tools you carry with your cloaks, ponchos, or capes. Let us hope we are not drawn into something that will bring a lot of attention to ourselves, yes?"

Aryn leads the way down the ramp and into the starport where an odd looking official, and their posse, wait for them to pay the toll. Just nearby, on a path that leads to the water docks, another altercation is occurring within ear shot.

Said altercation is that of a group of rough looking individuals standing between Togruta and the end of the dock where her skiff is moored. "Yeah, I've told you already, if you don't have the proper documentations, I'm not letting your dock inspector onto my ship..." It's not at all a big vessel, enough for cruises around the horn at most, but certainly not massive cargo hauling.

This is the sort of thing that one has to expect on Pamarthe, and at least presently, no blasters have been pulled. The tall alien isn't wearing any obvious weapons either, sot that's likely for the best. Ostana frowns deeply as the group remains in her path, keeping her from making her way further onto the dock.

"I don't even HAVE any cargo for you to inspect.."

"Difficult not to draw some, sadly, to say the least." his hood is down and his cloak is worn closed despite this, keeping all but head and hands hidden as Qutha's steps carry him in Aryn's wake. The misty air already plastering his hair to his forehead before they've cleared the ramps and attention drawn to figures arguing at the base of the docks.

"Especially difficult, unless you wish us to ignore such as that?" tone giving a stark indication that he must be partisan to justice for the individual being predated on by the local riff-raff. Or he's grossly mistaken, but postures and the like seem to be influencing his decisions.


Yuun sat comfortably on Aryn's ship and he honestly enjoyed the ride. The Initiate was asleep, though as they land he adjusts in his seat. His eyes flutters a little and he stands up and stretches out. He checks his clothing, which is loose and flowing but more street ware then anything. He raises his hood over his head, and moves his hands into his pockets. "Let's hope we're able to move as we need to." he smiles.

Following down after Aryn and Qutha, "No worries, things will be alright. His eyes scan the area as he looks around keeping a watchful eye out for their group, he even scans the area where an altercation is, if he can see it. If not, he would just be on the look out in their general vicinity.

"Good day, miss. Our docking inspectors will board your ship now to ascertain what goods you bring to the surface. There are strict laws regarding contraband, and we must insist. A service cost of twenty-thousand credits will be incurred for this duty.."

"Twenty thousand, you say. My goodness, that is a steep price for a common port. Not even the Hutt Lords run such an affair," Aryn comments in a civil tone, the posh of her high born accent marking her a prime target for extortion. "If your men should step aside, we will go about our business then.."

Aryn, feeling pressured into something she did not mutually agree to stands her ground. A subtle wave of her hand fills the space between them with the will of the Force; Aryn's words become laced then. "You find nothing of value upon my vessel, and find out payment sufficient; move along."

Taking root, the man's face goes blank as he recites, but through his own volition, believes what Aryn has said, "We found nothing of value upon your vessel, and your payment is sufficient. Move along.. move along.."

"Thank you," Aryn intones, her cheeks red from a rare moment of bold posturing; something she had learned from her mentor. Aryn triggered the hatch to rise up on the Rainstorm and seal, its alarm initiated to prevent any tampering.

Aryn glances toward Ostana and the challenge she is experiencing nearby. When she, Yuun, and Qutha regroup safely from the dock workers who attempted to extort them, Aryn nods toward Ostana. "Should we help them? Locals on Pamarthe are not well known for their warmth, they may be able to help us.."

Ostana is standing her ground as well, hands on her hips and all her weight on her right leg which is back too far to be useful if they decided to make the conversation more physical. Her entire demeanor bleeds stoic, but she's clearly out matched by the bigger goons attempting to extort her. "We go over this every single time I'm in port and you know good and well that I can't pay your over inflatted prices if I don't take on passangers. Which I can't do if you constantly try to strong arm me and keep me FROM taking on passangers. It's like you don't like credits? What do you have against making money?"

Dark brown lips pursed, one of her white head tails twitches in aggitation at the retort leved upon her. "That's none of my kriffin' business, Ostana. You want to dock that piece of drift wood on our dock, you pay the inspection feeds just like everyone else." The group assailing her are just as stoic...

"Just.. let me go into town and get passangers. When we come back I'll give you DOUBL-" "That's what you said last time and you didn't come back for an entire cycle. We can't afford to make exceptions. Not with you." "Yeah, but-" "No buts. Pay the fee or turn that dingy around and head back out into the storm. Doesn't kriffing matter to me."

"Indeed, I most certainly think we shall have need to, Aryn." first names, no titles. Draw little attention to whom they are. A pressure in the back of Qutha's head building as he approaches with the stern disapproval in his expression turning into a sort of polite authority, hands hidden in sleeves while he tries to less impose will and rather try to nudge those places in the mind that may accept suggestion.

"Sirs, this is a matter for us. We have been waiting all day to find someone who can take us out on the water and this is the first we've seen that looks capable." drawing a chit from his sleeve, "Now then, you ma'am! How much to grant passage to travelers in need of expertise?" huffing and attempting to just brush past those accosting Ostana.

"We have no time for such as this sir, now let us be off with our hire and you'll get whatever extravagant amount later once we're returned and she's with credits to spare in her pocket!"

Pause for punch?

Yuun watches the docking inspectors, eyeing them closely as they try to fleece Aryn and them. His eyes scan each person and he makes sure they weren't getting surrounded. He does have a friendly smile on his lips and he lets Aryn handle things, though as she does her thing, he grins at her. Once things with the dock inspectors are dealt with, Yuun moves with a liquid grace as they move on, but when asked about helping one of the locals, "Well I think that would be a good idea. It's always good to have a few possible allies where we go." he smiles. "I will just keep a look out for the time being." he says as he looks to Aryn.

As Quatha speaks with the beings, Yuun has a small smirk on his lips. Though he doesn't say anything and he moves casually closer to where Quatha is, but it doesn't look like he's trying to intervene. He seems to just watch, hopefully no punch will come.

A diplomatic response is something none of the pirate dock workers expect. Finally, someone who calls them sir, and they're bringing business? While the mind trick didn't take root to automatically seal the deal, Qutha's reasoning did that for him. "We expect double this time around, Ostana, or we're going to start taking liberties of our own. Pay her well, travelers.." Sneered the pirate dock worker who relents and allows them to pass.

Aryn is standing nearby observing the occurrence and speaks when they are allowed their space and freedom to go further into Stormhaven. "Call it an intuition, but I speculate those men are not actually employed by a docking authority." Her blue gaze follows the pirates' retreat back to their Docking Authority hut. "Twenty thousand credits is absurd."

To Ostana, Aryn tips her head down in a succinct nodding-bow. "Miss, I am Aryn Cortess, and these are my companions: Mr. Qutha, and Mr. Yuun. What Qutha says is true, though we know not this land. Have you any knowledge of the Isle they call.. " Aryn produces a datapad a moment, looking over the read out. "The.. island of Death? ..Mother above, that is an ominous name.."

Ostana raises her brow at the intervention of good sammaritans, which are few and far between on these docks, but doesn't remove her hands from her hips immediately. She, like the pirates, are hearing out what Quatha is offering with a whistle and jutting head nod. Both hands motioning to him as she looks away to her would be robbers, "See? Credits." Flicking her wrist upwards with a quiet bizzzzz at the threats, indicating perhaps that she's heard them before... that or she's way too big for her bretches.

Possibly both.

It's not until the pirate inspectors have moved off to harrass some other patrons that she looks to Aryn and company with a broad smile, "Ostana Tafinne.. There's very few pla...ces.." Squinting suddenly, blue eyes moving between the trio with a low whistle, tongue dashing across her lips as she replaces her hands on her hips. "Yeah, I know of them." She speaks quietly, looking away to look around them as if expecting someone might over hear them.

"I tell you what, let's head into town... or onto my skiff... to talk about it. People around here get real jumpy when you start throwing that name around."

"Just Qutha, is fine. No honorifics." gemstone green gaze on the retreating forms of the extortionists. Brushing his thumb across his nose and giving a touch of a huff. "Probably your skiff, I suspect in town they'll be in greater number after a fashion." swallowing and adjusting his robes, Qutha nods to himself, looking to Yuun and Aryn for confirmation of his idea or if they decide otherwise.

"Why is it always that brigands must be at docks." another shake of his head, "Bother..." worrying his lower lip now and then looking towards the skiff, "I shouldn't wonder that throwing that name around conjures up all manner of traps and treasure I expect." a deep inhale and his hood is drawn up to keep more of the mist and moisture off of his head than is already there.

"Bother and blow..."

Happy to see that nothing bad has happened or was going to happen Yuun just glances about as they discuss. He takes in a deep breath, taking in the sea smells. He smiles a little, "I think I like it here." he chuckles a bit. He stretches out a little bit and is quiet for the moment.

"A fair point," Aryn comments at the tail of their discussion. "Do lead on, Miss Ostana, we should like to follow you to your skiff." Aryn glances back to her vessel then down at her side where she plucks a device from her belt and holds it up to her mouth. <<"Lady Winter, you are clear to depart to orbit.">>

<<"Very well, my Lady. Be careful..">> Aryn nods her head and deactivates the comm-link, placing it back to her belt.

As the group progresses to the wet docks, they find that the place is run, largely, by pirates. Each Captain from moored vessels argue about pricing and cargo, and each are strong armed into paying hefty charges. They pass beneath a cavern threshold and into the pale grey daylight of mid-day where clouds dominate the skies. The sea is green, hazy in places where underwater magma causes the water to boil. Further out, by roughly 10 or so miles, a wall of thick mists swirl in esoteric grace. The mists go all the way up to atmosphere, it seems, and linger like some magical barrier force of mysterious nature. It is out here, moored to the wetdocks, that they find the skiff Ostana calls her own.

"Pirates always congregate where the credits are." Ostana points out for Qutha, leading them towards her skiff further down the docks. It's not the scenic tour by any stretch, but it takes them through the shadowy covered awnings and gives them a view of just how deeply the rot of corruption actually goes into the veins of this port. "And it use to be there was plenty of credits here. Ships coming and going, the fishing trade bustles during the warmer months when the storms are futher out to sea, but Melona is off season." She explains in hushed tons, turning to pass through the relatively tightly packed corridors that lead to her modest skiff anchored further down the pier.

"But most of the honest work has gone to other ports closer to the hub cities where government sponsored agencies keep closer eyes on the hooligans that would attempt... well..." She lifts an orange skinned hand to indicate where another captain and her crew are being hastled.

But her explanation is cut short as they near where her skiff is resting in the wetdocks. The spray of sea water soaks her loose clothing, running lines through the leather brace that keeps her tails back with interwoven designs down the front of her brow just between her eyes. Pensive expression, she glances back at the trio... "What under the eye of the storm could possibly motivate you to go to the Isles of Death?" Well outside of earshot, they're not yet fully upon her boat either.

"We need to find something. May not be worth a whit, could be the next step on what will likely be a neka-chase eh?" looking to the skiff with a small smile and wringing his hands within the sleeves of his cloak, Qutha looks about the pier, "Never seen so much water in all my life, I hope you'll forgive if I gawk and dawdle unintentionally." the Zelosian's eyes never leaving the sights before him.

"I know between the lot of us we could make this worthwhile, I know I could transfer funds from my accounts to handle your fees with the pirates as well, especially for the added trouble my intervention has caused." a small sniff and at last he drags his eyes to her skiff again.

"Promise I shall do what you say, when you say it, to keep things running with as little trouble from me, at the least? If you're willing to take us. I'd hate to assume, miss."

Yuun too looks back to Aryn's ship, then he looks to her, "We could've brought mine if you wanted." he says to her. THough as the ship launches, he smiles, "Ah, now I don't have anyone else flying my ship so, I see why we took yours." he chuckles a little bit.

During the walk to Ostana's skiff, Yuun travels behind the group, keeping a sentinels watch over them but to others, it looks like he's admiring the scenery. Taking in the many different skiffs and boats. He does see as they move further down the docks the hastling of people by the pirates. A small shake of his head is seen but he doesn't comment on anything until it's said that most business was moved towards ports closer to the hub cities. "I don't blame them." he says his voice lowered so it doesn't carry past their small group.

"My friend, we all can chip in to help." he says to Quatha. "It's much appreciated for you to take us where we need to go ma'am. We will be able to take care of what you need." he says to her. Then he falls silent again.

"Yes, we are looking for a special monument our mutual friend visited. He says it is at an abandoned prison, upon the Isle of Death.. though we had no idea what the Misty Veil was till now." The others spoke of chipping in funds, but Aryn waves it all off with a subtle hand. "The fee will not be an issue. From what I understand, navigating the Veil is. Would you be able to captain us through the Veil, Ms. Ostana? Or do you know of a Captain willing? Reaching this monument is paramount, though I cannot explain why. It is ..complicated, to be sure, but our friend's life depends upon it."

Ostana glances back, around the swell of one lekku, at the companions she's leading towards her skiff. "I'm familiar with the isles location and I'm one of a handful of Captains brave, or stupid, enough to go there during the cooler months." She murmurs with blue eyes dancing betweenx them. "It will be very dangerous and arguous, so if you've no stomach for the sea-" The waves, even this close to land, are violent. The mists thick enough to spread on toast, "... you seem sturdy lot. Too brave, or stupid, to know that this is a fools rush.... So we'll be in good company." Her grin spreads away from her sharp teeth. Halmark of her species.

She motions out with an extended hand, "I call him the Skyguy."

A modest turn at one corner of his mouth, Qutha chuckles, "Well my Pa used to give warning to me that Brave was just stupid in a fine suit spelled differently." looking at the craft, "Skyguy. Lovely." eyes crinkling at the corner so readily that it's a wonder his laugh lines haven't cut damn near to his ears by how deep they've been etched.

"Do lead on and aboard. Fooles the lot of us most like, but fooles are oft the ones who undertake quests of such a kind when it is dire and the timid that hang back tend to be the ones with more care for self than others." nattering on, nervous as the 9 hells of Corellia for all the gloom the clouds are making for. "I hope you'll forgive an extensive number of lights on my person, should it grow to dark."

Coughing embarrassedly into his hand before he continues, "Personal problem, but it shouldn't be much of one."

A smile falls onto Yuun's face, "Fool do have their own sort of luck don't they." he chuckles. "Though I feel that as long as we look out for one another, we'll be fine." he says to the group. He doesn't say anything until after everyone was finished speaking. He nods his head slowly as everything is mentioned. "If you don't mind Captain, I should've researched a bit more, but I would like to know more of the Veil if that's alright?" he asks. Yuun laughs at the mention of her skiff, 'Skyguy'. "I love it." he laughs, not holding it back. "I've never ridden in the waters like this, so I apologize now if I get excited about this." he grins looking a bit more alive now.

"Over there!.. They're over there! That's the one.. she didn't pay her docking fee! The blonde!" Comes a yell from the docking authority, the same small group of pirates running along the treated wooden deck in hopes of catching the companions and Ostana before they set out to sea. They had come to realize, despite Aryn's mind intervention, that they had no credits to deposit when their Captain asked for the 'sufficient payment'.

"Stop them.. blasters out! Do not let them board that ship..!!"

Aryn looks back, her face growing a bit more pale at realizing they meant her, and she had endangered their mission. "I believe the ruse is up, then. More pirates accosting us.. Ostana, I hate to leave under duress, but how quickly can your vessel be prepped for departure?" Aryn brushes her cape back revealing the curve Alderaanian styled duelist hilt of her lightsaber, and an equally shiny blaster at her hip. She draws the blaster, preparing to defend herself.

Her cape falls back into place and she holds the Westar-34 blaster pistol to one side, initiating the safety to fire, since unfortunately, the weapon had no stun feature.

Four (4) pirates make their way into the open, all carrying weapons and rallying more pirates to help their cause. Another skiff, one full of pirates, is prepping to take off and cut off their escape to the sea.

Ostana looks to Yuun, ready to explain the peculiar nature of the Veil and what might hide in the thick mists created by it when the shouts from behind them draw her attention. "... Well that didn't take long." She murmurs, eyes cutting to Aryn. Rather than answering, she reaches for a comm unit on her belt and brings it to her lips, "Chopper, get the Skiffs engines online. We've got to get out of here in a hurry..." Soon there will be blaster fire and, the particularly observant will not that Ostana, in her inifinite wisdom, is not standing out in th eopen looking to fight.

Point of fact, she's ducking behind whatever can provide her with th emost cover since she's not a weapon on her! Not even a blaster. Must be back on the ship!

With her teeth clinched and her eyes closed, she's got her fingers spread out against the deck plates like a shockballer ready to hammer into the oposite teams offensive line.

Slick grounds, water everywhere and pell-mell chasing after others while drawing down can be dangerous - sweeping a hand as he turns, as if in shock, Qutha lets loose an image in his mind that makes solid the air, pushing to one side and knocking the leg of one out from under him as he uses the motion to reach up into his cloak to tighten his grip upon...

A spear?

Yes, short like a javelin but sturdy enough with Zelosian markings running up and down its length. "However long it takes, best we be aboard to avoid delay once Skyguy is powered up I should say." hustling to race for the skiff - hoping reality doesn't play with him and send him tumbling as he had the onrushing pirate.

Yuun shakes his head, "It's alright." he says calmly to Aryn. Though he does agree with her, "Yes Ostana, getting your vessel ready would be a good idea right now." he says to her. He winks at the Togruta, and with that, Yuun takes out a pair of black gloves and he sighs a little but and as he puts on his gloves, he hears the rushing of the waters around them and as he smiles to himself he flexes his fingers a little bit as he wiggles them into the gloves. Water washes along the deck knocking one of the pirates hard, the hot water hits the pirate in the face. Yuun smiles as laser bolts are fired towards the group. "Keep close the skiff and be ready to go when Ostana tells us." he says to Aryn and Quatha.

For some reason, the waves in their vicinity begin to get more turbulent. What had been docile, for the most part, transformed into white capped waves that slapped the floating docks making it very difficult for the pirates to close the distance. One of them loses balance and falls into the boiling waters, screaming there after.

Another is tripped and reduced to a heap upon the ground, followed by another that's taken off the dock by a wave to join his fellow in the sea. The final man, who leapt over the fallen, is greeted by a hail of red blaster fire produced by Aryn's pistol. Two bolts scuff the docking, but her third shot finds purchase against his arm with a debilitating shot that takes him clean off his feet.

"We are clear for now, but let us not linger to afford them the advantage." Aryn mantles the gunwell of the vessel, landing firmly inside before planting her weapon back to its holster. "Gentlemen, all aboard.. unfasten the rope from the docking cleats and cast us adrift!" She points to the mooring lines.

"You're smiling entirely too much..." Ostana says to Yuun in a quiet voice, pushing off her back leg when the familiar whine of the engines signal that the skiff is coming online. She moves across the soaked boards of the dock with a sure footing and jumps into the shallow deck headed for the back of the vessel, "Aright! Everybody onboard..." Deet doot beeep boooop, deet... "Huh? Of course I did. As much as I could without any credits, anyways. It's not exactly like we're flush with chits and I don't see you serving drinks as a side hustle. Soon as you start pulling your weight, I'll field your judgemental accusations about the state of the ship."

Apologetic smile. "He's a little testie." The droid is below deck. Doing what droids do.

"We're headed right into the veil." She explains as everyone joins her, motioning to where the ship is moored to the floating docks. Eyes cast to the side where one of the pirates took a heated swim just to make certain he pulls himself out? "And the sea is about to get a little snippy it seems... so let's not push our fools luck by sticking around to see how this plays out, huh?"

That said... she peers around herself, "Once we get into the mists, don't look overboard. Don't even stand close to the edges... The super heated waters are home to some very dangerous creatures that we don't want to tempt by looking like something they can eat."

Ready to peel them off the docks as soon as everyone is in the ship.

Quick-like, Qutha moves as directed - spear still out as a just in case and used to help his vaulting into the craft in Aryn and Ostana's wake with moorings loosed and their passage out a near thing.

No need to watch how things play out. No need to see if they're going to be shaking fists or firing weapons, especially with the warnings given by the Togruta once they are set and under way. "Believe me, miss. I intend to be in the middle of where I can sit and hoping the light holds!" Below deck. No thank you, unless it's well lit.

There's another scuttling to where the droid's bleating is emitting, checking to see if that might be the better choice and leaving chatter to the others. First time with pirates, first time on the high seas of an ocean world and to think on the last place he explored it was lovely deep forests and jungle.

"Dear oh dear." gaze turning up, towards the veil with a growing look of concern wedded to wonder.

"My apologies." he says and allows his smile to fade. He does enjoy a good fight and honestly he wasn't going to do anything that would kill these pirates, they're just price gouging people, not killing them or anything. Still he doesn't get on, "Once you two are aboard, I will join you." he says as glances back to Aryn and Qutha.

Upon seeing the two get on the skiff and there are no other pirates coming after them, Yuun moves smoothly onto the ship. His eyes focused on the crowd near further back, "Looks like we're clear, and understood Captain." he says as he moves to find a place to sit in the middle of the skiff. Honestly a part of him wants to look out but the warning from their guide is enough for him not to do so. There is no need to bring any undo threats onto them.

Aryn moves from the stern to the bow of the ship, taking hold of a line before looking out toward the rough sea and their route toward the veil. Aryn admitted, quietly in her head, that the veil was as intimidating as it sounded; a wall of swirling mists with only mystery beyond them. She stared at the wall sheepishly, then looked back to see a pirate skiff casting off to intercept them. They were slower it seemed, but Aryn figured Ostana's skiff would have to battle the sea before finding its speed.

"We are set, Ostana. Let us away to the sea and what lay within these mists. Surely, the pirates will lose their enthusiasm once we have but vanished!"

Ostana slides behind the wheel of the open side skiff, casting them off into the winds kicking up off the breaking waves with a tilt of her head to take the spray of sea across her brow rather than directly into her eyes. She does look back, but only long enough to gauge the distance between them and the pirates skiffs ready to give chase. "We'll lose them in the veil." She sounds certain of it, unflinchingly sure. "There's only a handful of captains that can pilots these seas and none of them are on those ships."

The wheel turns and the skiff lilts dangerously up on the starboard side in a sharp about-face turn to present the opening sails to strong gust coming up off the coasts ebbing waves. Her blue eyes are focused forward, unafraid of the swirling mists. In reality, she's grinning. Leaning backwards with her hand holding fast to the durasteel wheel with the wooden finish. Far enough back that the tips of her fingers drag through the churning warm water the skiff is cutting across like a laser bolt.

"Where we're going, nobody goes. For good reason..." She'd promised to tell them, once they were aboard. "The locales believe the Isles are haunted, inhabited by a witch they say. A witch that controls the weather itself and calls on the great sea dragons to protect whatever evil artifact she's claimed as her own." The grin only grows wider as she speaks.

"So I hope you all enjoy ghosts stories... “

"Because you're in one."

In the distance, deep inside the mists of the veil ahead of them, comes a whining cry like a worshyr tree crashing upon the shadowlands deep below in the forest of Kashyyyk.

"Now you see, that" Qutha points towards where Ostana is at the controls, "That is exactly the worst possible thing to say. Now there is almost guaranteed at least one crew that will... ahh..." looking upward as if the 'cliche holozine of nautical common phrases' might hover there. It could if he visualizes it, of course. A solo endeavor.

"Cast off and haul-anchor to make after us at all speed. Or we'll run into some mystic who can wield powers beyond comprehension." an attempt to cast some humor on that bad bit of comedy being thrown about there, "I'll have it said that I was not the one, this time, to tempt destiny to have us accosted by the horrific denizens of the deep, or stinking slavering pirates!" a weak grin, but genuine - a modest attempt to cure his own misgivings that are creeping up visibly as he goosebumps and clings to his spear at the centermost part of the ship that he can place himself.

One light clicks at his belt, another and then another - turning himself into a small pool of ambient light where he is, to cut the fog on the ship and give him precious meters where he can see.

Stretching out where he is sitting and he rolls his neck a little bit. He looks out the back of the skiff, he sees the pirates vessel trying to give chase. He sighs, "This gets old pretty quickly." he says as he looks towards the boat. "I do have faith in our Captain, though I'm looking forward to stories." he smiles. He folds his legs under him and he places his hands in his lap. Yuun doesn't close his eyes but he watches the waters and he looks behind him as they race to the veil, "That doesn't sound ominus." he asys as he hears something like a Worshyr tree crashing.

Their skiff finds its stride, and just as Ostana predicted, they leave their pursuing enemies behind by disappearing into the veil. The ominous sound of the mournful cry grows louder, prompting the pirates to pull back from their chase to return to the docks and port of Stormhaven. Now, the unknown lie ahead as their surroundings, even the ship, are consumed by an ever present misty fog. The sea grows dark, and navigating becomes the true challenge.

Aryn, who timidly steps back toward the center of their vessel begins to pray, saying aloud.. "Mother, safeguard us all.."

To be continued...