Log:Jedi Order: Vestige of an Old Empire II

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Vestige of an Old Empire II

OOC Date: November 25, 2022
Location: Interstellar Space
Participants: Jedi Order: Finn, Jax Greystorm, Galen Dawnstar, Chani Tahn, and Ruur. Saber Squadron: Nerys Greystorm. Special Guest: Elrych Cometburn

Somewhere on the Trailing (Galactic West) side of the Core rests a derelict imperial fleet. It appears there was once a battle here. These ships, while many in number, are not seemingly alive their lights dark and engines silent. Yet still, the cold hulls of even destroyed Star Destroyers were intimidating.

Hidden deep inside the debris is the large cone shape of a super weapon laser core serviced only by the basic frame of a Death Star and the workstation that services it. Other than this there was nothing but the harsh light of the galactic bulge, a clump of tightly packed stars/nebula/and black holes which dissipated and spread out towards the west where the unknown regions lay. Just as good a place to hide as the deepest reaches of the Outer Rim.

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

The space within the derelict ghost fleet had been secured by a small contingent of Saber Squadron. There seemed to be no activity from the parts of the damaged ships still in use. Likely they were homes for families, training facilities, or support areas for the main Space Station. The Jedi and the Allies they gathered now found themselves on this station.

There was no retaliation after the surprising defeat of the Tartan Patrol Cruiser. Nothing but static on comms aside from an odd sort of fluctuating binary that was picked up. While Binary might be understood by some in the group, the words that were spoken made no sense. Clearly, a language within a language encoded in various unsettling clicking sounds. Scans showed very few life signs within the station. Faint at best and hard to keep track of.

The team gathered in the larger hanger bay. No turrets fired upon them as they approached. They were greeted instead with eerie silence and the natural hum of the station. The lights worked. Equipment used to service the station, load and unload freighters dropping off supplies, sat as if they had randomly stopped what they were doing all at once. Not a single person was here to greet or attack them.

Ruur had landed his Eta 2c and expelled his large lupine frame from the tight confines of the ball cockpit. His droid, a basic R2 unit he referred to as 'Iba', chittered from his socket in the old Clone Wars era Fighter. Ruur glanced back over his shoulder, a single red eye glaring silently at the droid. He turned back towards the rest of the hanger and just watched in stillness for the moment.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

"I don't like it," Chani Tahn murmurs to herself and the BB series astromech slotted into the space behind the cockpit of her starfighter. The sleek, dagger-like craft, designed by the Naboo, glides into place near Ruur's Eta-2c and settles down on its repulsorlifts once Chani shifts over from sublight engines powered low to carry her into the hangar. No landing struts deploy, but the ship comes to a halt and Chani powers its main systems down. The communications headset is slipped off and set on a hook meant for it. "Do you want to stay with the ship and monitor the hangar bay? I'm not sure you'll be able to stop anything from happening, but at least you can alert us if something goes wrong with the ships. They're kind of our only way out."

Chani doesn't wait for an answer, and the wide sleeve encasing her right arm slips back once her hand abandons the contoured grip of the starfighter's flight controls to rest her fingers on a handle. Tension along the back of her hand, flexing the tendons underneath the skin, freeze up after a moment. "I wonder if the atmosphere is on..." Rather than open her fighter's canopy, Chani fumbles for the communications link resting on her leather belt. A bump of her thumb against its activation stud transmits to a standardized frequency they'd all agreed on prior to this strike. <"Are the atmospheric controls on? I don't wanna get sucked out into space just because I opened a window.." Chani's thumb abandons the button to await a reply.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

As the Hostile Negotiator comes to a landing the hiss of the boarding ramp precedes the slow opening which ends with a dull thud before Galen comes walking down the ramp glancing back to his BD droid, "Stay here with the ship and get the sensors going." Once his boots hit the deck of the station he glances around spotting Ruur he heads over to meet up with the other Jedi, "Tunnel vision is a terrible thing. Remind me to keep from getting too focused?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The Painted Guardian comes in for a landing next to other ship. Jax sits there for a moment finding his center and exhaling. He rises and lift the hood of his cloak. There's a hiss of steam from his ship as the ramp extends from his ship. Then as he walks down the ramp. "Jedi, Keep your heads on a swivel. We are in his den now. Trust your instincts and remember the Force is your ally."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys Greystorm, Break, to anyone who knew her in Saber Squadron, powered down the E-Wing, and swung over onto the exit stairs, pulling out her backpack from where it had been wedged. She never went anywhere without it. An ID10 and a BD droid uncrammed themselves from the cockpit and Nerys went through the business of suiting up. The explorer of many hats, one of which was pilot, the other being that unmentionable thing which gave the Republic plausible deniability, but came down to wetwork when necessary, was suited up in what might have been record time, but really amounted to having been in this situation far too many times to count. Pistol here, baton there, the sheath of a sword tucked in behind the backpack , and other such sundries. The ID10 maglocked itself into place on her backpack, the BD droid climbing up onto her shoulder, like some mobile, but not terribly combat effective turret. <<""Air seems fine to me.">> Of course, Nerys was in a vac suit, but the actual Jedi seemed fine. "And what am I supposed to do, Jax?" There weas a rolling humour in Nerys voice as she moved to join her cousin.

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn had discarded his jacket aboard the Guardian, and was putting his belt around his waist, cinching his Jedi styled tunic down around his torso after he disembarked the ship. His saber clipped to the side of his belt on the left side, he looks up to see the others arriving, and over hears some of what Chani had said. "Come on..." Finn says then, his eyes going to the others as they are joined. "These monsters should be worried that we're here, it's time to put a stop to this kind of secret nonsense. Call it personal."

Finn starts to walk ahead now, his eyes scanning the old hangar bay, taking in the details he recognizes, and those that he doesn't too...

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

The Hanger was empty and the air indeed was on but perhaps tasted a bit stale, likely from a filter that needed replacing or recycled air being reused to keep costs down. Typical of old Imperial technology. However, there was a distinct odor, the smell of what someone might describe as Ozone. Ruur smelt that, the nostrils on his snouts twitching as he sniffed. "There was a firefight somewhere on this station." He adds in his low growling multi voice. It rumbled across the hanger and filled the echoing void it created. He started to move towards the exit on the far end, his red eyes vigilant as he did so. Ruur stopped in front of the closed blast doors and fingered the control panel. It whirred as if it was about to open and then let out a error sound as the mechanics in the door clanked together in a way they probably weren't supposed to. "herm..."

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Chani has to play catch-up. It becomes apparent her concern is unwarranted once Galen and the others disembark their craft. "I mean, it could have not been on..." Her voice sounds loud in the confined space of the cockpit. She commits to the tension in her fingers, tugging on the canopy release and creating a hiss of depressurization inside the craft. The transparisteel canopy glides along its track and Chani rises from her seat with her hands reached out to either side of the canopy to brace against the lip. Sky disengages from the slot behind the cockpit and deploys anchoring cables that allow it to safely disembark. The thuds of Chani's boots are soft, but metallic, and they tap loud against the starfighter's frame, then the deck.

She doesn't run, but strides out to make up the distance, fluttering the long robe concealing the exact shape of her silhouette as it bobs and weaves above the floor and around her legs. Sky rolls behind and beside her, viewing module upright over the rotating sphere that moves it along. Having her dark hair slicked back into a tight bun allows her gaze an unadulterated view of the hangar and her surroundings, and she makes use of it, sweeping her almost-black gaze around their environment while coming up to the other Jedi at the door. Ruur tries the control panel and nothing works. "Sky.." Chani motions with her hand forward and the astromech beeps as it rolls past her to engage its datalink arm into the port available. It interfaces, twisting the datalink arm and turning the structured ring interface. It takes mere seconds of work.

Then the whirs and the bleeps start. Sky, through a vocorder that speaks in Basic, reports to the Jedi standing around the door: <"The door refuses to open despite all systems being operational. It's mechanical function is being impaired. The emergency override will not function.">

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen walks over closer to the door to look it over and shakes his head, "Not something I'm capable of fixing unless it's with brute force." He does move to look through the rest of the hangar, "I wonder how much of a fight and how long ago though. If the smell of blaster fire is still in the air it couldn't have been that long ago right?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"If something tries to shoot or stab you, I recommend shooting it. Other than that you listen to Ruur and Finn." Jax says to Nerys. As Chani's bb droid relays the message to the others, "That is problematic Sky. Most problematic. We could use some of our sabers as universal keys. Though that will take tame. If Galen is right. We don't have that time." He looks around for a moment. Then points to a maintenance hatch. "We might be able to bypass the blast door through that maintenance hatch. Just going to have to do some crate stacking or telekinesis." Then he looks back to Nerys, "Wait BB units can speak basic? All this time Belate could take just speaks basic?"

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

As Jax moved forward, Nerys filed away the Jedi Greystorm's commands. Command 1: Kill anything not in the group. Command 2: Listen to Jax, but also Ruur and Finn. None of that, however, came out of her mouth, as she moved to inspect the door, pulling supplies out of her backpack as she moved, before she took a knee at the mechanical, pulling of a panel to explore the mechanism. "Well, there's an easy way and a hard way. I prefer the hard way." Nerys worked quickly, as she moved to the center of the blast door, building out what looked to be something like gum, something like tape, measuring out a breech hole that was slightly higher than Nerys sized (her wingspan only stretched so far, say sorry) but perfect for normal sized humans with some ducking), and inserted a detonator core at the base, "Breeching charge in, step back!"

Thankfully, as the demo charge began to burn out, it did not explode, only melted the metal until it dripped from the door and sizzled on the decking. A spark marked the point of apex for the charge, and Nerys lifted a foot, giving the metal a good stomping kick, the hole blowing out and the segment of door falling into the room beyond. "One at a time, if you're going this way." Nerys stepped away. She was not the boss. She was just here to provide options.

[ Finn (Fn)]

"Besides." Finn continues his thoughts while everyone moves about their different directions, as they all gravitate toward the blast doors. "The Force is with us..." He says overly-dramatically before stopping when the door doesn't open. He mutters something then as the others move to investigate.

Eyeing the droid, eyeing Jax, eyeing Nerys, Finn narrows his gaze as the pilot starts to melt through the doors. "Huh."

Finn reaches for his saber on his belt, and unclips it. "Nicely done." He tells Nerys before ducking through the hole she creates, and just emerging unceremoniously through to the other side, his brown eyes searching what lies beyond, his silvery handled saber hilt clutched in his fingers as he fans them against its metal over and over...

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

Ruur leans in towards the service hatch and sniffs, "I was wrong... it's this door that's making the smell but even so... that's an odd smell for it to make." He inspects further, "Something welded the mechanism... I've never seen that done. There's no evidence of a charge or anything. It's messy."

The Lupine steps back and lets Nerys forwards. He seems unsuprised that one of the Sabers would have a shape charge like this. There is a nod of approval from the former First Order Scout.

When the section of door is kicked in, Ruur draw the silver cylinder from his belt, the stunsaber he was issued, yet does not ignite it. "I shall go first."

As big and Furry /squeezes/ through the opening Nerys made, his leg almost gets caught. He stumbles forwards into a hallway. There is a long pause before the group on the other side feels his rumbling voice. "My word..."

Upon moving through the door, they come upon a scene of Carnage. Uniformed bodies line the long corridor. A scene and corridor that is recognizable to Jax and Ruur. It is the same hallway where their Captured Officer who's mind they entered was assaulted by Sentinel Prime. Ruur's hair stands up on edge, his ears twitching as his parasympathetic nervous system kicks in from the flashback.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

"It's something I learned about only recently. Apparently Sky's had it the whole time, she just prefers to speak in binary. I don't know if that's common or not." Sky deigns not to say anything. Disengaging her data-link arm from the door's interface port, the powder blue and white astromech maneuvers through the new doorway created by Nerys to follow Finn, and Chani's left regarding the imperfect hole that's roughly human size much to her chagrin. "Maybe she's shy," Chani offers to Jax as an explanation. Either way, she follows her fellow Jedi's lead by first reaching her right hand across her waist to where her lightsaber is clipped to the brown leather belt keeping her double tunic and its sash cinched tight against her. She removes the hilt.

Keeping the emitter facing downards and away from herself -- and everyone else -- during the passage, Chani emerges on the other side after dipping low underneath the impromptu door's frame. "Shiraya..." Envoking the name of Naboo's moon goddess, Chani seems at a loss for any other words. She approaches one of the uniformed bodies, the corners of her mouth downturned and her brows knitted towards one another to create a subtle pinch of skin between them. Her gaze darts over the body. "This is awful. Do you think Sentinel Prime did all this?" The question is posed to the Jedi filing through. "Doesn't he use lightsabers to fight?" Chani lifts her chin from its lowered position and forces her eyes away from the scene.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen 'steps' through the blast door as he starts to look around there is a lot of dead. A soft sigh as he starts to follow the trail of carnage down he points down the hallway, "It's going from here in this direction I can't tell past the cross section there. But the injuries look like what a lightsaber would do."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax ducks under the molten hole created by Nerys. "Thank you Nerys." He starts to walk down the hall. "It was the Prime Sentinel. He was on a rampage. It's from when the Imperial Officer was picked up by Rey. I wasn't on that mission. Just cause he has a saber doesn't mean he doesn't also have metal hands with the strength of a droid and the ability to make Elrych use the force to do things to a sentient body." He points in the same direction that Galen was pointing. "The rampage lead in that direction."

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn observes the situation, the bodies, the cold stillness to the canned air in here. He keeps a stern expression on his face, calm, but not exactly pleased about all of this. At Nerys' question, Finn also speaks up.

Rey wants us to scout the place, decide if there's anything we can do about it, but otherwise, we're here to do what we can, and then give the location of this place to Chancellor Calrissian." He glances directly at the woman then. "Unless you brought enough of that sticky goopy stuff to blow up this whole place." He says, of the unfinished Skeletal Death Star that they are just now delving in to the secrets of. "Come on then, lets get a move on. If that freaky droid thing is here, he's gonna regret everything he's done..." And with that Finn starts off in the direction Jax and Galen noted.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, who, it should be noted, offered the dead bodies only a passing glance, moved immediately to locate the first computer termnal she could see that did nt put her at too far a distance from the group. Bitty unlocked herself, and the pair got to work, likely chattering to themselves over their personal comms as the two worked in silence. Numpty, keeping his head on a swivel, stood up on Nerys' shoulder, using her helmet to brace himself. The things one had to do when they had no arms. As Finn commented to her, Nerys did not look over, but she did free a hand long enough to lift a flap on the bandoleer of pockets she wore around her waist. The gleaming shell of a thermal detonator peeked out before Nerys tucked it back away, "I have ways and means." And then, a beat. "Alright, I'm in to the security system. Looks like we might have found what we're looking for." She beckoned the rest over. On the security monitor, there was the inside of a storage unit. Within the unit, there are five platforms. four are empty. On the fifth, the body of one Elrych Cometburn floating in it inside ray shielding. He appears unconscious. Behind him, hanging from the wall is the Sentinal Prime robot fear. There are four places for other Force Batteries and those Sentinal gears are gone.

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

Ruur presses forwards to look down and over Nery's at the screen. There is a solem groan from the Lupine, perhaps at the prospect that there are /other/ Sentinels. His hunter's ears perk up then, hearing a clicking sound echoing through the Corridors. Metal on metal. His well trained sense of Danger kicks in, causing him to ignite the stunsaber in his hand. "Something is coming..." He warns.

Suddenly, from above where the grate to the maintenance shaft they had considered taking runs through the station, the loud rumbling of something large moving through it echos. Then, the grate drops and out crawls one, two, three... four of the Sentinels, clinging to the ceiling like mechanical spiders, their vision screen heads void of any Plapatine impressions but certainly portraying menacing kabuki like faces imitating various emotions. Sadness, Fear, Laughter, and Pain. "Jeeediii... Pathetic." Red lightsabers, junk at best, hum to life... their cores unstable resembling wild swords of fire more than the solid grace of a Jedi's blade.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Ruur's alert comes moments before the grating of the maintenance shaft bursts open. The skittering Sentinels filing out, limbs attached to the ceiling above, cause an instant reaction from Chani. Using her thumb to depress the activation stud of her lightasber, the cyan blade's snap-hiss is more a whisper than a vibrant, violent noise. It's not her lightsaber that she attacks with, though. Chani raises her left hand, and utilizing the symbiotic relationship she shares with the binding energy of the universe, reaches out with her mind to try and seize one of the approaching Sentinels after it activates its lightsaber. She attempts to yank it from the ceiling and onto the floor, but the quick, spider-like movements see her ripping a section of the ceiling away, instead. It clatters to the floor violently and slides away into the nearby wall, where it clangs loudly against the base of it and halts.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen reaches down to the saber from his belt igniting the stunsaber as he looks around adjusting his stance into a defensive one one as he starts to assess the situation with the four weird droids, "Those are absolutely creepy looking. But I think Joy is the one nightmares are made of."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax's head turns as he hears the words 'five plate forms.' Jax frowns, "There are more than one?" It's about that time that the Sentinels arrive calling them Pathetic. Jax's hand stretches out to pull his saber to it. The blue blade igniting in a hiss. The jedi leaps to attack the lead Sentinel. With a series of slashes and strikes. "Pathetic? Fine. I guess we all got to be something."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"Always when I'm working." This was the story of one Nerys Greystorm's life. But, at least they knew where, one imagined, their target was, as Nerys turned away from the terminal. Numpty hunkered back down, clinging to Nerys shoulder with all the strength of his little droid toes, Bitty snapping back onto Nerys' backpack as the armored woman turned, drawing a blaster pistol from her hip. And if the Sentinels thought the insult might hurt Nerys' feeling, well, they were in for a shock. First, she had no such feelings to injure. Also, not a jedi. She simply lifted the blaster to fire on the incoming enemy.

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn is there watching closely. His eyes had taken in the thermal detonator, and he widened them for a moment before just shaking his head. "Not sure that's enough, admittedly." He says before they all move on. Once at that terminal, Finn pays it a moment's glance before his senses warn him of something coming. Like the others, Finn's weapon comes up, and the green bright blade leaps out of the hilt. He holds it up in both hands, the blade pointed straight up on the right side of his head, casting a glow across his features.

"Looks like the decorating crew is here." He says dryly. "Watch each other's backs!" He warns his companions.

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

The lead sentinel was the face of Joy, which meas Galen's sense had to be correct. It reels back, gears grinding under the force ad strikes of Jax's attacks. His saber cuts, leaving melted slags, lacerations of heated metal. It cries in pain, the screen face flickering to static as the video system starts to fail. He hunches over, attempting to reorient it's self, drawing from the Force battery inside of it. A blue colored Nautolan female, visible now through the cuts Jax's had made.

Ruur strikes onward, his stun saber clashing with Fear. Ruur is not a bad swords man, in-fact he excelled but wielding a stunsaber and defending against a lightsaber was a very different matter. It required focus and the training of a Jedi, which he just started. Thankfully, he focused on defense first ad parried the attacks brought upon him, having an equal exchange with his combatant.

Pain and Sadness jump into the frey, their wild blades slicing into wall and floor as they attack the two most aggressive targets, Jax and Finn. Jax, a true swordsman repels their advances while Finn receives a small nick from the crimson flaming blade.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Unable to rip the Sentinel down from the ceiling through the Force, Chani's lightsaber stabs up, seeking out the limbs that are attached to the ceiling. She utilizes quick jabs and short cuts the barely move the tip of the blade. The first attack almost strikes, turned only at the last second, and the follow up stabs are swept away from their target points. Both Chani and the Sentinel use furtive, quick movements. They look panicked, with Chani aiming for quick contact while not over-extending herself, and the Sentinel needing to yank its blade around into a position to divert hers from its intended target. These are not wide, sweeping, telegraphed motions, with Chani's muscles remaining relaxed until the last moments of her thrusts, when the muscles flex in preparation to push the energy blade through whatever foreign substance it comes into contact with. The electric squeal of lightsaber blades clashing are brief, with the whispering hum of Chani's blade standing out in sharp contrast to the hungry thrum of the Sentinel's.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen looks as the Sentinels leap into the fray as he moves to engage Sadness. He glances down at the stunsaber in his hand as he looks to the flickering barely holding it together lightsabers before he pushes forward his initial slash being easily avoided by Sadness however Galen's been studying the saber long enough to adjust the slash into a thrust the blade impacting the poor sad Sentinel before he readjusts to prepare for their onslaught.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

With Joy wounded and out of action for the moment. Jax ducks from a strike from Sadness's saber. He teams up with Galen and strikes with a series of attacks that look more like Vaapad than anything else but it was something different. It was an attack from the Ambrosia school of combat. "There's living people inside these monsters. Anybody got any ideas on how to take out the droids without killing the people?"

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

As the Jedi fell into form attacking the Sentinels, Nerys narrowed her focus. She could see that living battery inside the Sentinel, and she aimed for that, trying to thread the needle to try to hit the body within the slightly broken shell. Kill the battery, kill the machine, yes? Ask Nerys if she cared she was killing a living thing. Spoiler alert. She didn't. (Sorry Jax!) But it was impossible to ask her such a question, or see her expression behind the mask. As for Numpty, he freed a foot, kicking at Bitty's waist (she was all waist, really and he needed the help!) and the droid detached herself, coming up to look over Nerys' shoulder.

[ Finn (Fn)]

The speed at which the fiery blade came at him surprised Finn. He catches a glancing blow off of the outside of an arm, searing through the dark grey fabric of his Jedi tunic! He doesn't think about it though, the training remotes have stung him enough that he's gotten some ability to shrug off pain like that. Instead his focus is solely on his attacker and he strikes back, his emerald blade shining, growling, and sweeping through the stale oxygen of this old Imperial station.

"If there's people in these ones, try and just disble their limbs, cut them to pieces and we'll worry about medical attention after!" Finn shouts. "But remember, our lives are paramount in these situations!"

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

The static increases on the Screen of Joy, the Sentinel Gear finding it increasingly difficult to maintain balance. It holds it's self against the wall. Its lightsaber extinguishes and it lets out a horrid cry of pain through it's mechanical-esq voice. Suddenly, as Jax asks about releasing the people from them, the large black eyes of the Nautolan Female come to life, formerly lidded and glossed over. She pulls wires from her head, screaming as she does so. A hand reaches out from the metal gear the entraps her, seeking help from her would be saviors.

Ruur is rather good at situational awareness. He notices what's going on around him in a battle. There's an odd look when he sees the hands of the woman reaching out of the metal frame of the sentinel.

He refocuses on the fight after Finn's words, seemingly having a point. Injure the metal bodies enough and the people could be set free. He strikes once, finding a hole in the Sentinel's defense after studying their form. It's a small strike, but enough to get their attention. There is a reprisal, parried.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

The Shistavanen Jedi, Ruur, is close enough by that Chani has to be careful with her strikes. The moment it's announced that there are living sentients inside the droids, she immediately changes tactics, and while the Initiate takes debilitating stabs at the droid with a stunsaber, Chani presses forward in a move that's surprisingly aggressive for the young Naboo native. She sweeps her blade up from her right up towards her left shoulder, threatening to bisect the Sentinel in the same fashion, but she puts weight behind the entire blow, changing up the force with which she connects and catching the Sentinel off-guard enough that its own lightsaber blade hops up from the impact. Chani quickly darts the tip and edge of her blade down, carving through the base of the Sentinel's lightsaber hilt and cutting through all manner of wiring that connects the power cell to the crystal. The lightsaber is rendered inert, and Chani calls out to Ruur. "We need to use telekinesis together! We need to try hold it in place while she pulls herself free from the Sentinel!" It's not much, but it's a suggestion. She'll do anything to prevent from hurting another living sentient, even in a situation like this. The danger to them has declined significantly now that they're both not staring down the blade of a lightsaber.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen continues to press the attack with Sadness although the Sentinel is now expecting the Initiate's moves and easily knocks them to the side as Galen brings a pair of slashes in quick succession. "Like inside inside? And isn't ionization really really bad for droids and only moderately bad for organic lifeforms?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"If it's not shielded. If the droid is shield then it won't do much. Do you have anything that does ion damage?" Jax preforming another cross body slash on Sadness. Trying to damage the droid without the person inside. "This is like the worst Dark trooper set up I've ever encountered." Jax shakes his head.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, needing only one hand for the pistol, riffled through her waist bandoleer with the other, feeling by hand the various and sundry item she had tucked away there. She did not stop shooting though, aiming for what she judged might be the most central junction of its power source, perhaps in so doing, to deactivate it long enough to wake up the person inside. "I can handle the medical, but we need to get them all awake, or they'll just kill us while we're trying to help the other two."

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

Ruur looks to Chani as she asks him to use Telekinesis, her and his Lightsaber strikes revealing the face of a Twi'lek female beneath the metal chassis of the Sentinel. He is unsure at first, not having much experience with a controlled use of telekinesis. Despite disarming the Fear Sentinel, it strikes out with its bare metal limbs, attempting to strike the pair of mismatched Jedi. Ruur dodges deftly. He narrows his brows, determination spread across his face. The time for doubt was not now. He raised his hand and reached out with the force and felt an invisible hand reach around the chassis. He squeezes and pulled against the metallic beast. Pistons and joints whirred as the beast struggled to move. Ruur's grip was weak and he was struggling, growling as if lifting a metric ton of weights. Chani's help was needed.

Despite the beating it was taking, Pain was still upright, it's blade striking out at the opponents. Almost desperately. The unconscious body of a human male visible inside the cuts and damage the sentinel received.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Chani deftly jerks her shoulders back and leans the same way, avoiding a vicious swipe of metal fingers and a solid arm from connecting with her torso. When Ruur throws out his hand Chani does the same. She focuses all of her attention on Fear, and opens her mind and body up as a conduit for the Force to flow through. Her mind envisions her goal, Fear entrapped, and as the two Jedi work together, the Sentinel is forced into a static position, neither on the ground nor the ceiling, but hoevering between both, with the Twi'lek within exposed. Chani pants quickly, outstretched left hand holding its fingers in the shape of a cage. The effort has her knuckles blanched and the tendons in her wrist and the back of her hand standing out. Her teeth are clenched, showing the physical exertion of performing such a feat through the Force. What they do is no easy thing, but it's the best chance the Twi'lek within has, especially as her features contort and she clearly struggles to arouse from whatever enforced comatose state she exists in. "Keep... holding.. it! Someone... help... pull her out!" Chani's voice raises, hoping one of their fellow Jedi, or Nerys, will be able to extract the Twi'lek from the disarmed and for-now imprisoned Sentinel trapped between Chani and Ruur.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen had already shifted his stance and engaged with Pain when he hears Chani asking for help, "Be right there if you still need the help..." His slashes are easily defeated by Pain but Galen isn't quite done yet his stance shifting to prepare for another clash of sabers.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax hood falls back as he steps up next to Galen, "On your left." He announces to the other jedi. "Just like the probes." He says with a couple of quick cuts to disable the droid. He press the button to retract his blade. "This one's not coming out either." He says trying to get the gear off the droid. "That and we need to see if we can rescue Elrych."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys frowned, as the Sentinels were, more or less, put down, and she slipped the blaster away, moving over towards one that was being held up by the force. Nerys was a small woman, no one would ever deny that, but she was, perhaps to some, surprisingly strong, and she climbed up the Sentinel's body, before she grabbed the edge of the pod the battery had been floating in, setting her feet and clearly doing her best impression of her stronger, prettier (and probably morally better) half, ripped it open far enough to assist in getting the nautalon the rest of the wat detached and out of the case. "We can get these stable, but we need to get Cometburn, before he ends up in his pod as well. And I don't know how many of you have the ability to go up against a ray shielding projector."

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

As Nery's grabs the Twi'lek Female from the chassis of the Sentinel, all power seems to leave the metallic beast. It goes limp. Ruur sighs in relief and lets /everything/ go. Chani can likely feel his presence in their joint hold disappear. He slumps forwards, winded. There is a glance with red eyes towards the others still trapped. He moves over there, attempting to use his spent strength to open their prison doors yet can't.

Eventually the group would find the means to open them more carefully, and others with medical knowledge could tend to them. Resting safely aboard a shuttle they've brought into the Hanger, the 'batteries' take off evacuating the area to more appropriate medical facilities.

Now the team makes their way down the corridor to the room where Elrych is being held. He's there at the center dais, floating in mid air with cuffs around his wrists and ankles (Like Obi on Geonosis). He rotates slowly, the menacing figure of the Sentinal Prime Chassis behind him, unmoving for the time being. Ruur approaches carefully, cautious, not trusting his surroundings.

The room is quiet except for the dull whine of machines and computers, the ray shields, and the natural hum of the station.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Chani visibly slouches when she ceases channeling the Force to hold the Sentinel in place. The loud clatter of inoperable machinery hitting the station's deck is loud and heavy. Depressing the activation stud on her lightsaber hilt, the cyan blade makes a shuddering whisper as it deactivates. "Great job," Chani breathlessly offers to Ruur. Her attention turns to Nerys. "Thank you for the help." Her lightsaber is not returned to her belt in the aftermath, but remains in the grip of her fingers. "We shouldn't relax. Who knows what other defenses this station might have set up. Let's not get complacent just because we strolled in through the front door." As they extract the last sentients to get them to the shuttle, Chani remains alert.

"How long do you think he's been here?" Chani's voice is quiet, decibels low as if afraid to disturb the eerie hum of machinery. "Should I get Sky to check out the system?" The powdery blue and white astromech is still accompanying the Jedi, though she'd rightly hidden once the fighting broke out between the strike team and the Sentinels. Her gaze floats among their party, from one member to the next, before finally returning to the imprisoned Jedi held in rotating stasis. She doesn't approach the ray shielding. "I'm not sure we have anything capable of dealing with that, short of figuring out what's powering it. They use these on Naboo to guard the power generators for Theed. I've never seen them, but we learn about them. They're strong."

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen had assisted with the removal and transport of the batteries but when the group got to where Elrych is being held he just steps off to the side watching for the moment his stunsaber held lightly in his hand, "No idea how long but..." He points at Sentinel Prime behind him, "That's the big bad of all this right? But they need a living being to power them?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax frowns at the sight of Elrych floating there in the ray shielding, "Curious and curiouser. Why did the Prime not power up? I am concerned about this." He calls out, "Elrych Cometburn! It's Jax Greystorm. Speak to us if you can?" He says as his eyes look around, "We should use all resources at hand to get Elrych out of here and blow up this Sithspawn of a place." He says moving towards a terminal.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys shrugged a shoulder, which caused Numpty to bobble on his perch, as she reached down, having put away her blaster, retrieved a leather sheath from one of her belt pouches. Not at all interesting. What might have been more interesting was the round ball of lightning she pulled out to settle into the sheath. Anyone familiar wit the gungans might recognize it, or those who were told stories of the war against the droid army on Naboo. Nerys lifted a hand, directing the group away from where she stood facing the prime chassis. "I say we don't bother to give it a chance to tell us." Nerys began to swing the sling, building up her momentum, before she let the ball of Naboo core plasma fly, lightning in a bottle as it were, until it hit the prime's body and the chassis crackled with ball lightning, the plasma electrifying and frying its components, even as it began to eat into the body of the Prime Sentinel. "If we can trace the control panel for the ray shield, we might be able to deactivate it." The small explorer was surprisingly matter of fact about such monumentous things, but then, this was Jedi business, and Nerys...wasn't.

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn catches up, jogging in behind the others after tending some to his arm injury. He holds his unlit saber in his left hand and narrows his eyes at what's on display within this room. "Be careful..." He tells everyone.

When he sees Nerys produce that weird item, he looks from her to the Prime Sentinel and back again. "What is that? Where are you getting all these things?" He asks the Saber Squadron pilot. "I need to get out more... get my own toys."

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

When Ruur approached one of the terminals he was surprised how familiar the systems were to him. "The Order would sometimes use this for prisoners. Interrogation and the like." He flips a couple of switches and the shields flicker off.

Elrych had been unresponsive to Jax's calls, but as soon as Nerys threw the Boomer at the Sentinel Chassis, it was as if some sort of connection between it and Elrych were broken. He started to open his blue eyes just as the shield turned off. He fell hard onto the dais, a loud thunk present. Ruur stared at the Corellian and said, "Sorry..." In a deadpan voice before moving over towards a glass case that housed the Darkstar and Gold colored blue blade Elrych was known to wield.

Elrych groaned, curling up in a ball as he blinked awake. "Wait... wait this isn't right... The screams the..." He shot up, turning and looking towards Jax and the others. "No you shouldn't be here. It's not time... It hasn't."

Suddenly there was a rumble from deep within the station. Comms popped on from the ships patrolling outside. <<"Guys... the Super Weapon is powering up. This thing is going to shoot something!">>

Elrych crawls off the dais, falling to the ground, his legs atrophied from lack of use. He attempts to stand, pulling himself up. "Failsafe... can't stop..." He looks to Jax, "Go... I have a plan. I can... I can fly this thing... into a star." He glances around at the others, pleading. His mind warped, scattered from drugs and force mind control but present.

[ Chani Tahn (Chani)]

Between the sudden production and usage of a Gungan grenade and Ruur's deactivation of the ray shielding, there are plenty of reasons for Chani to be tensed up as she is. It's only when Elrych collapses, free of the prison, that the tension in her shoulders starts to ease. All too soon. The loud noise that carries through the station, amplified enough from its origin point that it even causes vibrations through the soles of her boots, ramps all that tension back up. "Don't be ridiculous!" Chani blurts out at the inebriated Jedi who is suggesting that he sacrifice himself to fly the station into a star, even despite the dire and ominous warning from the shuttle outside that alerts the Jedi within to the fact that it looks like its powering up.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen looks around just a bit although he does step back and away from the mystical bag of very dangerous things, "Remind me to stay on her good side." He mutters in Jax's direction. But as the station prepares to fire he looks towards the folks running the mission, "Are there any other options besides sacrificing somebody?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax frowns at this situation and looks at the situation. He steps over to Elrych and goes to slip one arm over a shoulder, "If you're going to do something stupid and Corellian. Let me help you get to the pilot's station. You'll never get there in time." He glances over to Ruur, "The man will need his shades. The rest of us need to get to our ships."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"I've been doing this...a long, long time. And I'm no pilot, despite what it says on the squadron roster. I just //can// pilot. I'm an archaeologist. And I have a knack for finding useful things, and thinking around corners. Something I learned from having Jax as my commander." When and where, Nerys did not elaborate, as she tucked the sling into her belt, heading over to look at the ray shielding. Which, did her the good service of deactivating itself.

But enough with the coquettish Nerys. We needed work Nerys, and Nerys, indeed, got to work, tucking herself in by one of the terminals as she brought up what systems she could access, "Well, not to alarm anyone, but, first, we can't shut down the planet killing laser, and second, it's aimed at precisely where my husband is probably cursing the droid he rolled in on." A beat, "The weapon's target is Chandrila. Either Elrych flies the station, or you can explain to the galaxy how we allowed another Alderaan to happen. Unless one of you wants to volunteer? However," Nerys held up a finger, "He might be the only one able to do it, though. He's been part of the control system of that droid, and that droid might have had some control of the station." If the fact that the failsafe activated when Nerys nuked it was any indication. Bad Nerys. As for Nerys, she was already on her feet, and she looked towards Elrych. "Thank you, Cometburn." And then, more gently, "Be seeing you." Nerys was clearly going. "Jax, get back to the ship, or I'll bring you back from the dead and kill you myself." Ah, family.

[ Finn (Fn)]

"Elrych." Finn says. "It's good to see you, buddy." He tells him, slapping him lightly on the back of the shouldrr after Nerys takes care of that terrible droid body. Something... catches his eye though, and he walks over to the bulkhead beside where the Sentinel Prime was. He spies the lightsabers on the wall, and specifically regards the one with the crossguard handgrip.

Finn spaces out staring at it while the others talk behind him. His mind returns to something from years ago, the sound of screams, the last look at a new friend as he disappeared in to an abyss. The feeling of pain. His own pain, radiating up his back, nearly through his whole form and in to his heart...

Finn reaches his hand up then and picks the weapon up off of the rack. He holds it then in his hands, and stares down at it. Should it stay? Should it die here? Yes, probably. Maybe.

But instead, Finn lowers it down to his side where he has a leather satchel hanging behind his left thigh, and he drops the saber hilt in to it, then lets the leather flap close over it, the same place where he keeps his E-11 carbine.

"Come on. Lets figure out a way to finish this place off." He says to the others.

[ Ruur (Ruu)]

Ruur paused for a moment, taking in the chaos of the scene in front of him. Klaxons started going off, lights were flashing. He picked up Elrych's saber and turned back towards the group. When Jax mentions the shades, something suddenly clicked in his head. Perhaps Rey knew this might happen? Perhaps she knew that a cycle needed to complete. A life needed to end to save many more. Or she just wanted to return a gift to an old friend and Wingman she hoped they could bring back.

Elrych Combetburn, Knight of the Jedi Order. Elrych Combetburn, Lieutenant of Black Squadron and Rogue Squadron. The plucky young Corellian hot shot pilot who was equal parts annoying who thought his bravado was on par with that of one Han Solo. Rock Bottom looked like hell. He looked towards Jax and nodded. A soft smile to Nerys. A sad look to Chani and a shake of the head that said 'Go on, get out of here sweetheart' with that smoldering look and handsomely pursed lips. The flirty line of a wiry smile. Even if he was clammy from all the drugs.

Ruur unfolded the thick black frames of the sunglasses and put them on Elrych as Jax helped the Corellian up. The Shista Jedi also handed over the Lightsaber. Elrych clipped it on his belt. "Ready..." He said

Elrych gave a nod to Finn, "Later, old pal." before him and Jax made their way to the bridge.

It wasn't that far. Elrych slumped down into the helm chair, those dark dark mirrored shades reflecting all the lights from the consols and viewport. He started to switch things on. "Jax..." He said through labored breaths, "Tell Vhe... Tell her, yeah?" That's all that needed to be said. He patted his robes, "A heck... where is it..." After a moment, producing a data chit... "There it is." He pushed it into a receiver and looked back to Jax... "I'll be seein' you." And then flipped over a coin Jax had given to him one time. Some type of Corellian tradition.

On Jax's way back, the Klaxons stopped. Speakers now starting to play a slow waltzing tune. Not just over the loudspeaker, but the comms too.

Once the group was clear... The large station zipped into Hyperspace, leaving nothing but silence. Sensor reports come in moments later of an impact on the closest star causing a massive solar flare.

Comets burn and form ice tails when they get too close to the sun. If one looked hard enough, they might be able to see the bright blue glow of Elrych's tail streaking into that star painted against the stary void of space.