Log:Knights of Ren: Droid Days

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Droid Days

OOC Date: Feb 22, 2019
Location: Jedi Temple on Coruscant
Participants: Erisi Auslese, Oran Arcantael, Ravelyn

The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is a place that hasn't been actively used in a while, though inside the temple there are a few remaining droids that have seen to at least some upkeep. None of that particularly matters to the Knights of Ren that are here now, having gained access to the temple for a specific purpose, find and defeat the droids inside that are specifically designed to be stronger, designed to fight against force users. Which is what they have to locate now. "In my brief exploration," Ravelyn's vocoded voice echoes through the deserted space, addressing the pair of knights along for this ride, "It appears the lift still functions, which means we don't actually need to scale the lift shafts to find the droids. Lucky us. Now we just need to find them."

"Droids." Oran's voice has the slightly rusty tone of someone who got woken up for this at least one hair of the dog earlier than he expected he'd be up. Is he hungover? Maybe. Slightly. Possibly. But he's here, following along with minimum of teenage worthy feet-dragging. "Droids are a you thing," he side-eyes Erisi. "Just..." vague gesture, "Tell them nicely to stop doing whatever they're doing, then we can go home. What /are/ they doing? Why do we care?" Oran switches the questions and his attention to Ravelyn. "Anyone digging deep enough in here is trying to find Jedi secrets, or something, which deserves to be a capital offense the droids can handle. Win bloody win, am I right."

Erisi is in rare form today, outfitted in a well fitted robe, her hair done nicely, appropriate dark makeup worn, jewel tones of blue and grey chosen to smoke out her eye. She'd have emulated Ravelyn but ..Ravelyn is a suit of armor. So she went shiny instead. She is, and has, the entire way here, even before she met up with Oran and Ravelyn, remained very mature and not at all chattery. With a slow turn of her head she'll eye Oran with an incredulous look, hood pushed back, comment held back and something useful coming forth instead, "I'll try, though no, if they defeat the /droids/, then we need to make sure they don't get away with the info." Eyebrows lift up, and she allows herself one small concession, "Duh." Look at her, such a big girl, she doesn't even roll her eyes as she leads the way, "Come on, we need to go this way." To the lift she goes, pushing the button and waiting ..and when it arrives, she's in, pressing one of the lower floor buttons. She just KNOWS okay?

Erisi JUST KNOWS the way, the force WAZE showed her the way. Into the lift, and to one of the lower floors. Which makes sense, considering these are trial droids, and why would you waste beautiful space with nice views on that sort of thing? You wouldn't. "I believe that is the goal," Ravelyn confirms to Erisi. "Cut down anything in here that opposes us, and remove anything that might be of use to the Jedi." The lift goes down well beneath the upper levels, the only real sign of age coming when the door opens again, and instead of a gentle hiss that you usually get, there's a mournful screeeech of protest as one of the exterior lift doors struggles to open. It's been unused for quite a while, it's doing the best it can.

The doors open into a broad, crescent-shaped lobby type room done in neutral tones, because of course it was. This is the Jedi, they don't experiment with color or style, that leads to the dark side. The floors are beige tile, curved wall painted a slightly lighter shade, and interrupted by half a dozen evenly spaced wide doors that lead to what is probably designed for a variety of trials. Only a few of the lighting sconces still function, casting half the room in shadow.

"Why do you look like an adult? Since when is that a thing that you do?" Oran replies to Erisi's 'duh' as he follows her into the lift and doesn't question her choice of floors. He either agrees, or has made his peace and/or apathy with the threat of sudden and imminent demise were she to choose wrongly. His own robes look like they always do, dark, tailored, impeccably repaired from that one time Brand set them on fire. There's a bit of a Coruscanti look to them; this is his homeworld, after all. No one deigning to ride air-buses has quite the same insufferably posh accent, though. That's for the upper levels.

Upon exiting the lift, he reviews the doors ahead of them and exhales slowly through his nose, annoyed at the temerity of this place to offer more than one door and not a direct path. A long moment lingers in quiet thought, then he decides, "This one," and moves to step through it. Cautiously.

"I had a performance review." Said with obvious discomfort as hands unconsciously smooth down her robes, hand lifting up to touch her hair which has been done sorta nice, bangs all shiny and blown out. Details of said review are not shared, but it's clear it had a horrific impression on her, hence why she's adulting today. Her usual slouch has been forced into a straight backed stance, lips curling in to one side, eyes narrowing just slightly, as she stares after Oran as he takes over the lead as they play hop scotch with the Force Waze, "I can cut them down .." Whispered, perhaps to boost her confidence, or to confirm to Ravelyn the Eldest she's ready to rumble. So it is with purpose that she strides after Oran in through the door.

"A performance review?" asks Ravelyn, curious as the armored knight follows after Oran, trusting that the Force Waze is leading him down the correct path.

The door that Oran chooses leads to a corridor that curves off to the right for a short distance, making it difficult to see too far ahead, it's not a long walk, and nothing sets off any force warnings of danger in the walk, and the all at once the corridor opens up into a much larger, circular chamber that is only illuminated by a few functioning lights high above in the domed ceiling. There are a few droids visible, but the lights don't illuminate the whole space, so there could be more. At the movement, one of the visible droids comes online, an old model, but still an unusual design, with four limbs and a head, though there are spots on the droid that give off a pale yellowish white luminescence, which must mean something, but it's not as though they come with user manuals. It's with slightly jerky movements that the droid steps toward the trio of Knights, ready, but waiting.

Whatever Oran might have expected Erisi to answer about her attire, 'performance review' wasn't necessarily it, and he lofts a brow upwards as Ravelyn inquires into it. The angel and devil on his shoulders (of which, let's be real, the devil gets listened to a lot more) war for a moment on what kind of response his technologically inclined, fellow high-society-expatriate Knight will receive, but against all odds, it's not scathing commentary. "Well, you could have done exponentially worse than you did. Appearance wise." It's a compliment! ... Sort of!

Upon entering the chamber with the droids, Oran looks deeply unhappy and takes a step back toward a shadow, which... he fails to meld with. Oh welllll. He eyes Erisi. "Droids," Oran repeats. "Your lead, before I spoil this entirely."

Erisi's eyes narrow as she slants a look to Oran, "Are you ~drunk~?" Accusation there, because where else would that half-assed compliment come from, freckled nose wrinkling at the idea, though hungover would also fit within the frame of reference for when people compliment. As Oran tries to squeeze his way into the shadows that don't want him Erisi will see the droid just in time, the remnants of yellow on it's frame meaning nothing to her. But you know what does? A big assed droid, "Oh droid poop." That will be the next 'performance review', Ravelyns' question going unanswered for now, but Erisi all over trying to connect with the droid, "Why /my/ lead, I work with /computers/ and /code/, not -- ha ha, hey buddy ..buddy friend oh mine. Oh, no. Nope. No. It doesn't like me. I can tell, and it's getting ready to do something, I can /tell/, it gives off the same vibes my computer Benhamin did before I smashed him up." Stage whispered to the duo with her, "Only this droid does /not/ like me." Half a step back, "All yours, Oran." Said as she pushes back the sleeves on her robes, revealing leather sleeves of the coat she wears beneath, hands rubbing together, "Force don't fail me now .." She's getting her body ready.

The droid is steadily coming online, and those unusual glowing patches on the droid grow a little brighter as it does. It doesn't speak, it simply lurches forward, not quite as slow as the old school battle droids of yore, but not quite up to its full abilities yet. The jerking motion results in a force that goes whizzing past Oran and like a more blunt force use of telekinesis, except not powered by the force.

"Huh," is Ravelyn's response to the unusual droid, and the method of attack. "Be careful." One gloved hand thrusts forward to send a powerful blow against the droid, which does impact the thing, but as it hits, those illuminated spots on the torso, where the attack landed, glow brighter and it only makes the thing stagger back a few wobbly steps. "I can see why these things were a problem."

"I'm not drunk, you just don't understand compliments that aren't weaponized," Oran replies back to Erisi. He leaves out the hungover part, especially because this Bigass Droid is coming inexorably toward them. "YOUR lead! What else do they run on besides computers and co--- oh, no, this bloody thing doesn't like any of us." He reaches out and manages to dent it a little, but it still seems largely unperturbed. "Might I kindly suggest this is the proper time for the application of a lightsaber, Ravelyn?"

Erisi can see the damage done by Oran and Ravelyn, it's hard to tell who has done what at what time, but she raises her hands up as she hears the screeching of denting metal on the droid, "Weaponized compliments are all there are!" Said grouchily from beneath clenched teeth as she tries her best to internally set the thing on fire, "Nnn, keep your ..compliments to yourself ..you're ..messing up my mojo." Hissed, her second attempt with fingers curling towards her palms causing an unseen shadowed column to begin burning red hot before it shatters and cracks loudly in a series of POPS from the super-heated interior, Erisi lucky to not have simply burned herself with the attempt, "I brought my whip. Should I whip it?" Whip it good? The question is directed to Ravelyn, and perhaps Oran since he's you know, there.

"This is the rare occasion that we agree, Oran." Ravelyn's slightly dry tone is transmitted through the vocoder as a gloved hand moves to the aforementioned weapon on the Knight's hip, the saber ignited with a menacing crackle. "If you have it, try it, we need to get this thing down before the others come online. Look." It's with the non-saber holding hand that Ravelyn points to a small glowing point in the darkness, that similar yellow-white color. It's feeble, but slowly growing brighter. The armored knight lunges forward just as the droid aims an arm at Erisi, and then Oran, firing off that kinetic force that again just sails past the duo, ruffling hair and robes and hitting the wall somewhere behind them with an audible PWAFF that denotes the force of the attack. Good thing it's gyroscopic diddlydoos are out of alignment or something, because it's aim is definitely off. It's right as the second shot is fired that Ravelyn slices downward with the saber, lopping off one of the arms so the light on it goes dim as it clatters to the floor.

Oran dodges the unknown, unfriendly kinetic force sending bad vibes his way and draws his own chain-whip-sword, though it's currently in the 'sword' formation and he's grimly holding onto it as though it's absolutely the last resort. "Don't blame me for your wanton destruction of post-classicist Old Republic Revival architecture," he complains at Erisi, before attempting to launch another telekinetic attack. It's not damaging the thing a /lot/, but it's better than nothing, right. "Why do they light up, other than to be appropriately disconcerting in appearance?"

"I have used this thing like /once/, and it was ..I held it." Admitted as Erisi reaches in under her robe, the deactivated whip/blade thing getting caught on the fabric which results in a momentary awkward fight with robe fabric. One of the shots from the droid further wrecks her robes, but the hole it blows through allows her to yank the whip out triumphantly, "Yes!" And there it goes, off over her shoulder with the triumphant lift over her head, grip not tight enough to keep it in her hand so it goes flying off into the wall beside the door behind them, "Shavit ..It ...it probably ..like those creepy jawa-drop-bears-" Said as she hefts up her robes around her feet into a puddle around her hips, turning and rushing to retrieve her whip, "With the glowy tummies and the horrific powers in that kids holo-show ScareBears." Skitter.

"Now's a good time to practice," Ravelyn assures Erisi, which isn't actually a great practice method, it's akin to throwing someone into the deep end to teach them to swim. Welcome to the deep end, Erisi! The droid sends off three more shoots, PWOMP PWOMP PWOMP, something is malfunctioning with it because the shots all miss, though the one at Ravelyn is the nearest to hitting. The armored knight only just manages to dodge the kinetic force by spinning away, then uses that motion to lop off the other arm with a downward slice. It's still up and wobbling toward the other Knights, but both arms -- which is where the kinetic force seems to originate -- are gone, so it's hard to gauge whether or not it's still a threat. ...Maybe?

"I wanna say you're wrong, but -" Huff. Why. Did. Kylo. Choose. Her. For. This. Girl is breathless just dashing across the room, her robes dropped around her feet with a swish of her hands in a rather determined manner. The shot from the droid skims off through the door to her side, but it's enough of a thing to interrupt her quick grab of the blade, woman turning around on her heels in her crouch to reach out with her free hand to, "/// You're right ///." Through gritted teeth she'll use the sudden anger at the droid not liking her to set the thing on fire internally, the droid beginning to glow a deep orange red in the belly area before it begins to crumple as frame and components begin to melt until it's collapsed awkwardly on it's side, still melting away as the other droid begins to light up, "Oh my goddesses, there are more, and they're coming online." Breathlessly stated, her freckled cheeks flushing red from exertion, the olive skinned woman looking exhausted, though she's shifting her palm towards the brighest, "Let's try to disable them /before/ they wake up."

Oran looks, admittedly, intensely relieved as the droid begins to melt into its constituent pieces, it comes no further, it does not necessitate the humility that would be him trying to take the sword to it. Good. All good. As for the next that begins to light up, he's reached toward it, but this time, only with a firm attempt to keep it immobile. So far. Stay where you are, droid. "Right," he side-eyes Erisi, tone slightly distracted as he focuses on keeping the thing from moving. "I'll just hold this a moment, if you two fancy having a go at those that haven't revived themselves yet? I think I can keep it from attacking you." A pause. "Probably."

The first droid is melted down to little more than molten metal and component parts that puddle on the hard floors. That's going to be a fun mess to clean up for someone else down the line, unless they just blow the whole place up. In which case it'll just be a part of all the rest of the mess.

The droid that Oran takes hold of is more awake than any of the others, the lights on the chest plate glowing brighter, the lights on the limbs coming to life as well. He'll be able to hold it, for now, but that could change. While that happens, Ravelyn uses her lightsaber to cut one of the other droids in half, SWISH.

"I mean, you could like, you know. Crush it, but sure, sure. Hold it while I put my body right up into it." Erisi mutters as she scoops up her whip under one arm before she dashes forwards to the droid that Oran is holding captive, a quick duck and dodge sort of motion done around the droid as Eri quickly assesses where a panel is, box located in the droids lower back, "~ Tramp staaaamp ~." She singsongingly whispers to herself, delivering a quick bop with her palm before digging in to just pull as much crap as she can out. It's very technical and savvy, and should the story be told later she will confirm as much, "Got this one!" And boof, she ...stagger-hops away from the droid sliced in half, even freezing for the briefest of moments as she watches it come apart, eyebrows raising as she offers a sidelong glance to Ravelyn, "You single?" Saucily asked as she waggles a brow at Ravelyn before she charismatically sliiiides to another droid to get to work.

"Once they wake up they're demonstrably difficult to crush, so no, I can't," Oran complains at Erisi, continuing his end of the bargain, a distracted note to the voice as the majority of his brain is focused on 'don't go anywhere! don't GO anywhere!' toward that automation trying to apathetically kill him and everyone else. "Just go up to the thing and ruin something technical, I have complete confidence in you." It is technical... of sorts? She found the panel, anyway! And it works, as at the loss of its components, the thing goes dim and falls. He exhales and drops the telekinetic grasp with a grumbled, "That was aggressively inelegant," then watches Ravelyn cut the droid. And receive a brow wag! For some reason this strikes him as deeply amusing, and Oran remarks, "Oh, form an orderly queue."

There aren't many other droids in the room, even when exploring the shadowy depths that the light doesn't touch. It's easy to cut down the droids that remain in this chamber, until there's nothing left but disabled machines, or machine parts. Compared to the first fight this part is easy. With the foe conquered, Ravelyn shuts off the lightsaber and puts it back into place. "We're lucky they didn't all come online at once, I can see why anyone else would have had a problem." An exhale carries through the vocoder. "Alright, we should go back for now and report what we found." If there's more to clear out in other rooms, it'll have to happen later.