Log:Log:Mandalore: Pulling the Plug

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Mandalore, the ravaged world torn time and time again by battle, death and the tyrrany of warlord and the Empire alike. Yet today there was a hope that by the efforts of united clans and the warriors rallied behind Boba Fett they could be one step closer to rebuilding what had become the spiritual home to those born into the culture or who had come to the 'Way' as foundlings.

Yet before the mountain could be conquered and the Darksaber returned, the defences would have to be weakened and a crack in the armor created.

The power station feeding the planetary shield was the target of the operation Narsai had gathered the warriors together for today, but the mission could not be simply solved by a simple strike from above.

"Aside from the emplaced defenses and the guard stations, the main structure above ground is the hanger access and an elevator reinforced with blast doors. The main facility is underground, drawing power from thermal ducts reaching down past the planetary crust," Narsai speaks, the Ordo woman's briefing shared to those gathered as a holomap of the surface was displayed, offering a view of the multiple emplaced guns lining the perimeter. "The Savage Clans are well aware of the importance of this station, making infiltration difficult. A skilled enough slicer might be able to force the doors if our people can remain undetected, but their patrols are numerous. Alternatively if we can breach into the facility by either point, we can make our way deeper in and destroy the station. Whatever damage we do needs to be beyond their scope to repair with any speed, if not a total destruction."

With that in mind, Narsai's display shifts to several technical readouts, specifications and blueprints.

"Best we can tell, much of the structure is very similar to old Imperial tech, what that means for us is that backup systems in the facility are going to be limited. If we can't bring the ordinance with us to do enough damage to the equipment, disabling the magnetic fields that regular the temperature will quickly cause an overload...but we'll have to be ready and able to withdraw quickly, or we'll be going up with the facility in pretty spectacular fashion."

Ending the display, the Ordo woman moves to secure her helmet in place and give a nod. <<"The guards inside are sure to put up a fight, and the facility is important enough we may encounter some of their skilled warriors. Prepare for a hard fight, one way or another, and watch each other's backs. Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!">>

With a signal to the gathered warriors to make for their vehicles and the mission to begin.

<"Any specific targets, Alor Ordo?"> Tara grins inside her helmet, syncing her HUD as she climbs onto her leader's vehicle, activating her boot maglocks and bracing a bit to hold herself steady and get a good view of the terrain ahead through her rifle's scope. <"Or should I just wait and shoot when you say?"> [Language: Mando'a]

Grabbing both her trusty shotgun and a suspiciously imperial-looking rifle, Arca moves into her vehicle <<"Now, Mandalore Ordo, couldn't it be just as possible to just overload the reactor in the worst case? if we made our way in unnnoticed... I don't think it would be hard to just mess u the entire controls...">> she turns to Tara <<"Sniping, Tara? I might join you.. although, we could sneak in...">> sh muses, patting her silenced Dagger

Sumi hoists up the heavy cannon and swaggers out to a ride, taking her time with a smoke hanging from the corner of her scarred mouth. "Not sure if anyone is surprised, but I ain't sneaking in any where. Best direct me to where ever the fighting is going to be the thickest. I came here for one thing, and one thing only.." As she arrives at the ride, the short Mando takes a final pull from the smoke and flicks it off, then accepts a hand to climb inside and get situated.

Rua was carefully listening to what Narsai was explaining before giving a check over her own gear. She was making sure she had extra ammo for the carbine before setting out to see which vehicle she was going to be using. The violet haired woman is ever the quiet one and waits for those that are leading this shindig to call orders so that she doesn't do something dumb. Like start off before they do!

Teela looks over the displays while Narsai gives them their varied options regarding the assault on the shield generator. They all knew this wasn't going to be a milk run... <"This feels like a go big or go home moment."> She walks towards one of the vehicles with a hand resting one of her pair of blasters. She hops up into the back and settles into a seat with a grunt. Checking over her equipment before they're properly in the suck.

"Just one thing? It's always 'death' or 'glory' or some combination of both," Fae Renta murumurs, following shortly behind Sumi with her head tipped lightly to the side. As is typical, Fae hasn't bothered to clip in her helmet. Not yet. She's fiddling with the magazine of her Coruschal Dagger, sliding it down and inspecting the slide. Mechanicals clicks and clacks as she pops it backward and forward, and then slides that magazine back into place with a metallic snap.

When Sumi is helped up and into the vehicle, Fae stands behind her with her hands folded across her chest. She lifts her left foot off the ground to step out Sumi's still-smoldering cigarette. As if that could be the thing that set the whole planet ablaze. She steps up and into the vehicle a short time after sliding her sidearm back into the holster on her torso with a sleepy little yawn.

<"Push comes to shove I've a few fun party favors that'll give a good area of destruction to handle the issues of making it irreparable."> Hadrix's voice from where he walks, looking at his arm mounted datapad while the other hand checks over his gear. Gliding along towards the vehicles, speaking up again as he starts to mount up and switching to closed comms as he does so,

<<"If you need me to slip in, point me and I'll go in quiet to start. If it's Imperial based it'll be a lot of long corridors with shallow alcoves to make a forward assault a series of kill-zone choke points...">> head turning towards Sumi's direction, <<"So, you're kind of party, eh Sum'ika?">> little Sumi.

No weapon drawn yet of the myriad he is strapped up with, up to and including a conc-launcher.

Hahtavi Kora is among those gathered to listen to the briefing before the op. He is kitted out in his usual black Dreadfinder armor that has been liberally slewed with dust to better blend in on Mandalore. Jetpack and rifles on his back, he stands quietly back a little to give room for others like Hadrix and Sumi to be up front for Narsai's briefing. There is a glance in Avery's direction at mention of a Slicer though he himself doesn't speak up.

While others begin speaking, Haht keeps his silence to listen, watchful, and waiting to see what his own Alor's and Al'verde's input shall be. His own helmet is clipped to the side of his belt, his scarred face bared. A flicker of humor might be in his pale grey eyes for Sumi's comments.

There is a faint frown at nothing obvious.

Hadrix speaks his piece as well. Haht listens, already checked his gear, ready to go.

Get in. Blow it up. Get back and nab a shower. Seemed simple enough for Valeska. She never was one much for tactics: subscribing more to Sumi's autobiography in the Methods of War. Fast, loud, and messy. She walks along with her clanmates and other Mandalorians, listening to the briefing -- okay. Half-listening. Double-checking the charges on her carbine, Valeska nods absently to what she hears around her. "Just point me in a direction. Tell me what to hit and how, yeah? The rest will be up to the Maker."

An assault it was, Mandalorian forces mounting their speeders, swoops and other vehicles to make the push towards the power station and it's destruction.

Blaster fire fills the air, the sound of alarms begining to ring out across the sands in the lowering light of the sun. Shouting, the shapes of warriors pouring out of the hanger bay and the elevator alike.

A first line defense by the Savage Clans trying to respond to the detected assault force, but it was hardly a trivial obstacle.

Now the warriors had to punch through!

Narsai herself lifts her weapon, the hilt grasped in her hand as the HUD lights up with the flagged targets. If the snipers were going to be covering the approach and the way out? Time for them to put in the work!

<<"Target the guns or they're going to prevent our extraction, stay alive out here.">> With that, the Ordo Alor triggers her jetpack and takes to the air, weaving through the blaster-lit skyline and making a beeline for the hanger.

<"Oya!"> Tara dismounts with a burst from her own jets, coming in for a landing behind a convenient boulder and dropping the bipod onto it. Flicking through her optics settings to cut through the smoke and dust, she centers the reticle on the head of one of the turret gunners, exhaling smoothly before squeezing the trigger. The blaster bolt flashes through the slit in the armored housing, the gun slewing wildly to one side as the ex-Savage Clanner operating it slumps onto the controls. <<"One down.">> [Language: Mando'a] Arcael jumps down on a boulder close to Tara, lifting her small, bipod-less Sniper rifle, trying to make the finicky weapon line up with a head and firing, at least managing to hit the gun, sighing <<"T, I think I'd have more success just firing with a shotgun at this range.">> she jokes, before muttering more quietly "I should absolutely realign the sights once we get back." [Language: Mando'a]

"Alright people, get your hard-hats on. Time to go to work." Sumi says whilst inside their ride. When the speeders begin to arrive, and the offboarding light turned on, Sumi's eyes adjust when the back hatch drops and Mandos start running out. With her helm on, the exterior visor changes from black to reflective silver as target data begins to filter in. She hefts up the heavy cannon, triggering the internal spool which made a loud humming noise in preparation. The feed of coolant pouring into the Morellian weapon hung off the receiver and curled to the Mando's back, where it plugged into the self-oscillating perpetual coolant pump.

Targeting data synced with the weapon, and Sumi trudged forward at a light jiggy job, <"FOR THOSE GOING TO THE THICK OF IT, FOLLOW ME!">

Rua's got her Zarvel out and ready, but still not close enough to do what they need to be doing! She doesn't know who is driving, but they've not ran into anything and died in a ball of fire and screaming. So they've got that going for them! She keeps herself ready and focused for the fight to come!

Shooting from the back of a speeder is what Teela's do best. The vehicles are punching through the target rich environment, right into the thick of it, and Sumi is leaping out to lead the forces into the heat of battle. <<"Oya.">> Calls out one who leaps from the back and takes a shot as she lands, it's only a wound and the second shot misses, but she keeps moving to follow towards their intended target.

Fae has yawned at least three times as the speeders drove directly into the heart of the assault. One would think that she wouldn't be yawning, but as she insisted at one point during their journey:

"A yawn is just the brain's way of telling you that you need more oxygen. Clearly, I need as much oxygen as I can get."

When they arrive, Fae pointedly waits for both Sumi and Teela to exit first, waiting, as it were, for the beskar-clad Alor Kora to let her know if there is any immediate risk of being shot at. Teela pops out. Pops a shot. Fae hops down and levels her E-11 towards the soldier currently doubling over from that spent shot.

"<"Hayyyyyyyyyyyy~"> she chirps over her vocoder and pops a shot. More suppressing fire towards the targets that they're marching towards. She... jiggy jogs? Is that it? She jiggery-joggos a few steps closer, intent on following the lady with the Big Gun.

Fae has yawned at least three times as the speeders drove directly into the heart of the assault. One would think that she wouldn't be yawning, but as she insisted at one point during their journey: "A yawn is just the brain's way of telling you that you need more oxygen. Clearly, I need as much oxygen as I can get." When they arrive, Fae pointedly waits for both Sumi and Teela to exit first, waiting, as it were, for the beskar-clad Alor Kora to let her know if there is any immediate risk of being shot at. Teela pops out. Pops a shot. Fae hops down and levels her E-11 towards the soldier currently doubling over from that spent shot. <"Hayyyyyyyyyyyy~"> she chirps over her vocoder and pops a shot. More suppressing fire towards the targets that they're marching towards. She... jiggy jogs? Is that it? She jiggery-joggos a few steps closer, intent on following the lady with the Big Gun.

Target is given, the emplacements and as they begin to move in the mass of the bronzium and wrooshyr made weapon is drawn from Hadrix's back and checked over momentarily before his thumb draws over a depressed slide, and there is a keening SH-CHUUUNNG of the pressurizer systems coming online. Humming to himself and looking out at the arrayed weapons,

<<"On your lead, Sumi'Alor">> blinking to send out data he has been quick-look putting together en route. Points with good defilade, firing lines, approach paths and targets of opportunity to all receiving his comms just before he stands to take a short hop of his jets. Kicked through the air, utilizing his grav-belt to keep him skimming a few scant meters before he lands. Dropping into a bracing posture - stock of the long gun snugged to a groove set in his pauldron, cheek guard just above while the sights feed data to his HUD and his eye.

One cannon erupts as the solid slug wrapped in viridian cores through gun shielding and into the main housing to send up flame and melting shrapnel in a geyser spray ahead of the explosion that flings the operators. The kick of the rifle having pushed the edged beskar treads of his boots into sand and stone, creating grooves before he presses the firing stud again and cuts loose another comet a handful of degrees to the right with identical, if perhaps less spectacular, effect before he stands.

<<"Two down, door opened. Move up Kora. Darassum Kote.">> Eternal glory.

Being bunched up with several others in a speeder isn't ideal but it'll get them there fast. Hahtavi Kora has his rifle out and clipped to his tactical rig, leaning out a little for a better view. As the distance closes and is about to come into range of those gun emplacements, he shifts and leaps up out of the speeder.

Haht's jetpack fires off and up he goes, choosing to make a smaller target of himself as he closes in.

Snipers and Wookiee long rifles are taking out the gun emplacements but he's not kitted out today with heavy hitting ordinance. Hahtavi jetpacks in swooping low at the last moment and fires away with his Galaar, taking out his first target with a very solid hit that lays them out at once, smoking hole in the head.

The ramikad's second shot wounds and takes down another but didn't kill the Savage.

Boots touch down and Haht keeps moving, looking for cover...

Ah, there be some hearty foemen to hew a'plenty. Arriving to the scene of battle, Valeska brings her Tracker up to a dull whine, trigging a response in her body. Must as the akkdog salivates at the sound of a ringing bell, Valeska's finger gets twitchy and her vision starts to focus when her rifle starts singing to her. <"I hear ya."> Said... to the gun? To her companions? To the blaster fire and shouting in the very near distance?

Definitely to Sumi who calls for those who plan to rush into the chaos, and Valeska is quick to join her. She glances over to Sumi's gun with a bit of envy. <"Yours is much bigger than mine, chief."> As if Sumi needed to be told that.

Hadrix has the right idea: aerial is always more fun. She's slow on taking to the air but makes up for it in pure, unadulterated gusto. Joining in the cacophany against the first few emplaced gunners, Valeska erases that last one from his seat before turning her ire onto one of the footsoldiers directly below her. <"Look up.">

He can't hear you, Val.

He's dead.

Apparently Avery had decided to catch a quick nap along the way and only spurred himself into action when the doors opened and hell broke loose. Snatching up the silvered helmet that sat nearby, the Mandalorian Slicer plopped the bucket on his head and pulled his E-11 into a ready position before he stormed into the attack beyond.

<<"Did I miss anything?">> He asked while his HUD flared to life before his blinking eyes. Carbine raised, Avery sights down one of those red targets and squeezes the trigger, the red fading from existence on his display. 'One down...' another reticle gets his attention and the rifle is brought to bear while he moves along behind the rest of the crew. Trigger depressed, shot loosed, sand hit... well, there's one thing he missed for sure. Mandalorians surge, rushing the defenses mounted by heavy cannons and a wall of rushing foot soldiers bringing their surplus rifles to bare. Not as high-tech as many of the Mandalorians had brought to bare, but plenty to be deadly if they find their mark. With two guns reduced to wreckage and the crews on the others fallen, those that dont immediately begin firing at the allied warriors rush to reclaim their heavy weapons while others begin to fall back into the hanger, intent to hide or perhaps prepare some deadlier threat. Narsai herself moves among the warriors, blaster pistol from her thigh drawn and a pair of bolts fired to cut down a warrior that rushes their position. She might be leading the charge, but the powering up of Sumi's gun? She takes a step to the side. She'd seen that beast work before. <<"Push into the hanger! We want to break through before they can lock it down!">>

Tara's targeted turret finally stops spinning when its gunner is replaced, only to promptly be given a firsthand demonstration of what happened to the previous occupant. <<"Like shooting mynocks in a barrel!">> The chiss grins wider inside her helmet, one of the wildly sprayed shots in the distance spanging off her pauldron. [Language: Mando'a]

Arcael aims down her barrel and fires <<"At least you are being positive.">> she mutters, as she manages to hit her target in the shoulder, at least likely making shots go wild. [Language: Mando'a]

There's no question about where Sumi Kora is when she finally makes it to the action. Bringing the MWC Staccato cannon up, the gun begins to bark to life, spraying countless crimson bolts forward and into the crowd of savage warriors, establishing an aggressive field of fire.

Normally, one might hear Sumi laughing or simply 'AHHHHHHHHH'ing, but the chaos and noise of the battle overshadows anything the century old soldier might convey. She adopts a rapid rate of fire though, surrounding herself in the steaming scent of burned ozone as the unmeltable barrel of her weapon begins to glow orange at its compensator. <<"MOVE FORWARD!">> Sumo growls, adding something of value and direction to the tactical conversation.

There's no question about where Sumi Kora is when she finally makes it to the action. Bringing the MWC Staccato cannon up, the gun begins to bark to life, spraying countless crimson bolts forward and into the crowd of savage warriors, establishing an aggressive field of fire.

Normally, one might hear Sumi laughing or simply 'AHHHHHHHHH'ing, but the chaos and noise of the battle overshadows anything the century old soldier might convey. She adopts a rapid rate of fire though, surrounding herself in the steaming scent of burned ozone as the unmeltable barrel of her weapon begins to glow orange at its compensator. <<"MOVE FORWARD!">> Sumi growls, adding something of value and direction to the tactical conversation.

Rua's making sure that things are loaded before she starts shooting, because the 'click' of an empty gun is not a good thing. Thankfully that doesn't happen, she gets the shot lined up and manages to take out one of the wounded that were trying to get to their gun, that was one less to worry about for the others.

Teela moves with the other Mando soldiers towards the hanger, cleaning up whatever scraps are left on the plate. Wounded or otherwise, if it looks like it can shoot and has a gun in its hand, she's putting it down. <"Could put someone up on those remaining guns to hold our exit."> That's her contribution to the tactical analysis of the situation.

They didn't have aerial coverage on this mission so a nice strong base of fire to keep their retreat secure wouldn't be a terrible thing.

Fae's plan to follow the walking battlemech with the big gun proves to be ill-advised, as it seems to draw more fire towards her general direction than it does shield her from it. She takes a jump to the left, and then a step to the right to avoid the incoming blasterfire. A shot is squeezed off towards a straggler that's attempting to flail past Sumi's frontal cone of fire. It impacts them in the back, prompting a Wilhelm-esque yelp and a spray of sparks from blaster fire and armor. As a unit, the Mandalorians advance while sniper fire makes sure those turrets stay (at least partially) de-person'd.

<<"Moving up. Val'ika, Avery - fire and advance on me. Lady Fae, on Sumi's flank. If you get hurt, kill them. If you get killed, rub some dirt in it and stop being a whining shavit."> a shot from a blaster bouncing off of his shoulder and thudding into the dirt with a burst of displaced sand and dust.


Advancing as he fires, a small crater still glowing green from the impact and the figure whom had been the intended target is hooting and shaking their fist at the big man, hurling insults before the humming of the pressurizers becomes a keening sound to signal the need to fire. With the bolt slamming dead center of their body, sending limbs and head flying out and upward.

He proceeds forward still, rolling his shoulder for the heavy throb beginning to build from the rapid use of his weapon.

His boots have hardly hit the hardpacked sand than Hahtavi's noticed that two or more of the Savages fell back into the hangar. This Kora fires off his jetpack once more and heads right past the line of staggered defenders like a Mando shaped bullet.

Haht utilizes his helmet's optics and target tracking to aid him in trying to locate where - and almost at once picks up movement of two bodies. Unfortunately right through a door and into the interior.

His boots strike the ground with knees flexed and he whips around, seeking new targets. The Galaar rifle fires off another two bolts, taking down one and then another of the hangar's Savages.

Over their helmet coms, Hahtavi reports, <<"Two of them escaped through a door inside of the hangar, deeper inside. I wasn't able to stop them.">>

Hearing Hadrix makes Haht laugh - but not over the coms.

She goes through the trouble of removing a gunner from his seat and one just pops right back behind the controls again. That's just rude no matter how you slice it. Ah, but they quickly pay for their hubris from someone else's shot and all is right with the world.

Jetpack burning through fuel, Valeska puts one limping footsoldier out of their misery and created another wounded one in her wake as she scorches the atmosphere around her to follow in line with Hadrix's advance. <"Copy, Al'Verde. You always take us to the nicest vacation spots.">

The return fire from their assailants is about as effective as the raised fleet from Exegol, all shots harmlessly bouncing off armor or simply pock-marking the sand. In comparison, the Mandalorians continue to mow down the opposition, shot after shot finding a target to drop it to the sand. The call to move into the hangar is heard and heeded, Avery sprinting over the expanse to make for the doors that lead inside. When Sumi's heavyblaster starts up, he's once again reminded how happy he is that she and her weaponry are on their side. Very much like Hadrix and his box of tools, being on the receiving end of explosions, rapid blaster fire, death, and the like is not a good place to be.

Even without Hadrix's order, Avery is advancing. Now he just has a more clear direction as he turns to make his way toward the big man. Hoping to add to the cacophony of destruction and mayhem, Avery lifts his carbine to loose two shots, quick firing at the savage clan folk while pressing the assault. One finds its mark, the unfortunate soul going down in a spray of sparks and viscera. The second goes wide, plinging harmlessly off the hangar wall and burying itself in the ground. <"I mean, it's better than being on Mandalo... oh wait."> he replies, to Val as they angle in a similar direction, the grin on his face lost in all but voice.

With their retreating fire offered, the remaining foot soldiers fall back, piling into the elevator and sealing it behind them, decending deep into the apparent promise of safety within and almost certainly reinforcements. The Mandalorians would have to move fast to maintain the edge brought on by their lightning raid.

As the team reaches the inner doors Hahtavi had watched his prey retreat into Narsai holsters her blaster pistol, thumping a hand against the locked door before gesturing with her head. <<"Slice it, cut it or blast it. They're not extravagent enough to have Beskar doors here, but every second we delay, more backup can arrive and those within can get organized. Anyone securing the perimeter sound off if anything comes in behind us. Everyone else? Push forwards.">>

The guns finally silent, Tara folds her bipod again, slinging the rifle and holding her arms out to Arca. Her relative firmly in her grasp, she fires the jets, the right one sputtering slightly on ignition, and boosts them over to the parapet of the fortress, where they can stay on overwatch and deal with any backup sent. The aforementioned Aunt smiles under her helmet <<"Thank you, Tara! So... who manages to kill less backup buys the other drinks?">> she offers [Language: Mando'a]

<"I got this, I got this!"> Avery calls as he moves through the group to the locked doors of the lift. Out of his gauntlet comes the interface line and into the terminal the connector goes. <"Give me a feeeew se... oh, well. It's done"> Almost at the exact time he states this, the doors click and pop open with a hiss, sliding back to reveal a corridor beyond.

The silver Slicer removes the line from the console and allows it to whip back into its housing in his wrist. <"Well... that was easy."> he remarks, unslinging the E-11 from its resting place to motion for his friends to continue on. <"After you!">


Sumi takes a blow to the head=piece and the Mando is knocked right from her feet in a glorious clatter of gear. She has the frame of mind to release the trigger after being hit, so the group was spared from errant blaster fire. Rising up, the Mando shakes her head and senses, thankful for the beskar, but not saying such.

When she is back to her feet, ears ringing, the old gunner trudges forward at a run, keeping up the 'intensity' and advance by moving to point, heavy weapon leveled ahead again despite still seeing stars. Had she heard Teela over the ringing tinnitus in her ears, she would've agreed with her suggestion, too!

<"What day is it?"> Sumi asks, head still shaking.

Rua, by some miracle, has not been blown to hell and back. Which is a nice thing. Not so much that it's not going to happen at some point. The violet haired woman stands out as a target and she manages to evade the shots that are meant for her. Thankfully she has enough sense not to 'neener' at them.

With the hanger secured, Teela steps over the fallen bodies of savage defenders to stand in front of the doors they'd used to make good their escape. The blaster in hand settles into her thigh holster, lazily leaning against the wall with her palm spread out against the grip while the tech savey or weapon heavy breach the doors that'll lead them down into the elevator shafts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that's going to require some rocketeering and she's not currently wearing a rocket pack.

<"I've got this mental image of all of us packed into an elevator, slowly descending into the belly of this complex."> The vocaber takes all the emotion out of the humored tone, <"Doot... doot-doot... doot-doot..."> Her left hand snaps to a beat tapping out with her foot.

The doors pop open and people make good their entrance to the next level.

Still humming the elevator music as they move.

<"Full disclosure, I have no idea how to answer that. Galactic calendars are a convoluted mess of hundreds of different species all putting their unique spin on the day to day naming conventions of any given week. The only logical, and appropriate given the situation, answer would therefore be: Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur.."> She offers a clipped nod and pushes the descend button with her blaster. <"We're going down right?">

Fae watches with moderate-to-severe horror as one of the Savage Clans of Mandalore applies a blaster bolt directly to her forehead. She'll never get used to things like that. Even with the deflection of beskar, it causes a violence that topples Sumi over. When the Mandalorian gets to her feet, Fae steps a little closer and gives her three gentle knocks on her right shoulder. She doesn't bother responding with what day of the week it is -- she's sure the woman can't hear it anyway.

<"We are all forever grateful of that thick skull of yours.">

Fae helps to gently nudge Sumi towards the elevator where the rest of the Mandalorians have begun to file towards.

<"Can we even go up?"> The Hapan asks, even after Teela's already nudged the "down" button.

<<"Could be Hoth.">>

Commented as things go quiet and the approach into the building allots time to swing the wookiee rifle over one shoulder, turning suddenly when Sumi is clanged in the head and a pang of sympathy runs right through him. But she's on her feet before there's time to worry, so there is only a thump of his fist to her shoulder pad before unhooking the even more ridiculous weapon in his arsenal today. Almost as long as he is tall, nestling the hip brace into place and wrapping his fingers around the top mounted, triangular, bracing grip as he sets to a heavy jog. <<"Going to have that song in my head for days, Teela.">> head shaking, but there's humor in his tone as he begins to pack in, <<"No weight limit jokes.">>

<<"Kora, when we arrive, form up on Sumi and I. Be ready for a charging advance">> hustling to get abreast of the blue clad chieftain where their portable turrets don't risk others. <<"Alor'Ordo, on your lead.">> letting the repeater in hand remain braced and supported by straps a toggle is pressed and a dial turned up, a bit of tuneless humming being hot-mic'd, like he was strolling to a picnic. Hahtavi Kora yanks back the clip ejection lever of his Modified Galaar-15 - 22703, the emptied power cell falling out as his locks a new one into place.

Ahead of the others and already deep into the hangar, Hahtavi waits for Avery come up and do his thing at the elevator doors. Doors he could probably have sliced open for them himself but Avery's better - and they dare not waste precious seconds if Haht had flubbed it. So instead he stands back, rifle pointed in a safe direction on it's sling as he stays alert to anything coming up behind them.

<<"Got your kama, vod. Open her up.">> Haht says low as the others are coming up to join them. He suddenly winces as Sumi does an amazing landing flat on her back! But then she's back on her feet and moving up.

Behind his helmet's visor, Hahtavi can't help but smirk at Teela's elevator joke. <<"Going down can be good.">>

With the security cracked the Mandalorians surge into the base, scattered fleeing foot soldiers and unarmored security officers easily cut down by the skilled force as they scatter, retreat and scream, errent shots of holdout blasters easily bouncing harmlessly off Beskar when they do manage to land a hit.

Cutting a bloody swath through, their steps seem to be guided by some unseen force (or more likely pre-read blueprints) and sure enough they'd find themselves in the power station's depths, high above the lava-headed trench below that powers the base and indeed the planetary shield they were tasked with crippling.

<<"Alright,">> Narsai breathes, turning to watch the corridors behind them as the group was effectively boxed in by a drop into burning death or a lot of heavy machinary. <<"Work fast, it won't be long until...">>

The words never really finish as shouting echoes out down the path they came, the sound of running feet suggesting backup was on it's way.

That wasn't however, the end of the problems. Backup was indeed a threat to the rear guard that was the pair of snipers...but it wasn't coming from the plains.

The large cargo container that had remained in the hanger suddenly opened with a pneumatic hiss and a thump of heavy metal, within the depths of the Storage? A single deep red eye glowed as the last defence or intended ambush for the forces within came online.

<<"Shab! Arca, we've got a thermal spike in the hangar!">> Thankfully, Tara had been looking in roughtly the right direction, and had noticed the bloom of hot air as the droid in question powered up. Dropping down to the hangar floor, the rangefinder on the hunter's helmet deploys in front of her visor slit, a warbling tone filling her ears as the missile's seeker goes online. As soon as the tone solidifies, reticle flashing green, she flexes her glove to trigger the launch. The missile, however, seems to have other ideas, veering upwards shortly after crossing into the hangar and smashing into the ceiling, raining duracrete down. Rangefinder lifted again, Tara's left g facing the now dusty and rock covered, but mostly undamaged droid with no heavy weapons. <<"Alor'Ordo, We've got a Shabla Scorponek up here!">> [Language: Mando'a] Droids! That sent panic through Arca as she tries aiming at the eye. Sadly, her aim is shaky and... it hits some of the rubble Tara sent! Maybe even propeling it a milimeter forward, out of all the meters it needs! <<"Yup. A giant problem.">> she agrees <<"Tara, remind me... do you have your ship on standby? Now would be the moment to call it!">> [Language: Mando'a]

Sumi gives Fae an upnod and looks to Teela in confusion, though such cannot be conveyed across the exterior of her helmet. Had there been more time to answer, she might have tried by asking WHAT, loud and over the ringing in her ears, but they had contacts soon after and Sumi honed in on the more armored of the entourage.

Hefting her weapon to bear, the Mandalorian moves forward and fires simultaneously. Her shots are all over thanks to a dizzy perception, but in the chaos she scores a defiant hit on one that has him HOWLING. Sumi pauses in her fire to laugh, doubled over slightly because of it.

Hahtavi Kora swipes a finger over the activation switch of the CryoBan Grenade and the small blinking lights across the weapon's surface suddenly deactivate...

<"Bith be trippin' is easily one of my favorite songs out of their catalog."> Teela comments off handedly to Hadrix, casual in the elevator. Her visor turns towards Fae, <"With the amount of firepower we're carrying, I think we could probably go whatever direction we wanted.">

alright, game face.

Teela turns her blaster pistol over when she spies the trio of beskar gilded warriors. Whatever forward charge she'd been engaged in is haulted in favor of taking cover. Blaster back in her holster, she instead retrieves a long attachment connected to a canister mounted in the small of her back. It locks into place on her wrist, hoses run up and snap on both sides. She tests the tension line and nods her helmet, peeking back down the corridor.

Her fist clinches and her elbow cocks back. A spark from above her knuckles sizzles as the flamer comes to life with an experimental WOOOSH

If she had but known they were all about to get dead.

Still, it's very dramatic.

Fae Renta follows besides those she's accompanying and points her E-11 in the general vicinity that the others are shooting. There are so many targets, it's hard for two shots to -not- hit something. More elusive, however, is for her shot to actually strike true. Though the shot itself chunks itself into one of the armored foe's legplate, it deflects harmlessly away. She gives a haughty little <"hmph"> through her vocoder and takes a few steps back and away. She doesn't even consider lowering her blaster, however. She keeps it trained on not only the one she'd just fired on, but also the one who'd been shot in the posterior, intent on keeping up the pressure.

RRUNNK RRUNNK RRUNNK RRUNNK RRUNNK, right beside Sumi when her staccato cannon engages, Hadrix's hand presses down on the brace while he squeezes the trigger, entire body bucking when The Pig starts grunting.

Plasma bolts intended for anti-infantry as much as light vehicles chatter across the distance while the big man walks forward, leaning into the kick of the weapon bursts and tracing after one of those armored in mandalorian iron, <<"Sumi! They armed themselves for lesser clans today!">> the rasping gravel of his voice turning into a grinding sound and his shoulders bob furiously, laugher emanating from him as he continues to rake fire towards the enemy.

<<"Maybe we should give them five minutes to get shields or pray to whatever gods they hold?">> laughter intensifying while the charge counter in his HUD rolls down steadily.

It's just as well that Hahtavi was facing the open hangar behind them as he did as he said he would, watching Avery's Six while his vod worked at the elevator controls. As soon as there's a bang back there and all hell starts to break loose, this Kora's moving a bit to the side to not be bunched up.

Shots are pinging this way and that - it becomes very clear very fast that these three must have beskar. Shots are bouncing off of them.

Instead of shooting, Hahtavi drops a gloved hand to his satchel. He pulls out one of his cryobans.

<<"CRYO OUT!">> Quick warning to the others! Heart rate up, hyper focused, Haht watches closely for just the right spacing and then throws it...

Not a bad throw at all. It lands right in the midst of the three at their feet. Just enough time to look down and think 'Osik'

And then it went off!

ICE. INTENSE COLD! Shockingly burning cold. And almost as fast, his teammates are bringing them down hard. <<"OYA!">>

Inside the power core, a slew of dead Mandalorians in their wake, they make it to the power core. Today's goal. <"Now all we have to do cripple to shield, cut our way back out, and call it a day, yeah?"> Again. Not a tactician, but she's pretty sure that's what she heard earlier. Make shield go boom.

But that feels a little too eas-- ah. There they are.

Valeska pins to face the on-coming warriors: beskar-clad Mandalorians fighting to secure their territory that they are rightfully trying to take over. <"Damn waste,"> she grumbles and levels her shot while the others are doing well to thin and injure the crowd.

Beskar doesn't save them today. Two of the heavyweights go down with an expert shot to one and a merciful shot to the other still suffering from a cyro grenade.

'You'll be a monster.' Sumi's words prove prophetic. At least today.

When Avery steps away, about half of the crew pass through the opened doors, the rest remaining outside on overwatch in case something goes awry. And awry it does go, an intimidating hiss, this time not from the doors, as an unheeded cargo container releases its goodies. Goodies could be a loosely applied word here, unless one considers a murder bot something of a prize. Either way, it was currently a threat as it stomped out of its home, that single glowing eye enough to send a shiver of doom down his spine.

<"Let's see how you deal with this!"> Avery yells at the killer droid while raising his E-11 and sending a couple of shots its way. Turns out the thing deals very well with what he had to offer, both bolts deflecting off its surface to light up some other area nearby. <"That's not good.">

The warriors in Beskar find their metal might save them from a bolt or two, but it was no match for skill and sheer firepower. Or crippling cold and marksmanship in this case!

Even so, victory basking would have to wait till later as Tara's call comes in over the coms about the Clone War-Era death machine awaiting them and pinning the snipers down. Behind her helmet, Narsai frowns and she draws the beskar-forged hilt of her blade before gesturing back to the corridor.

<<"Back to the surface, I'll set this thing to blow. We need that droid dead if we're getting out of here and our rear guard needs assistance.">>

Moving towards the console, her hands are already making to work. She'd grown up fixing things, now she needed to break something pretty spectacularly...and then mess up the console afterwards so it couldn't be fixed!


<<"SHA-">> Tara's vision goes white, ears ringing despite the dampers in her helmet, inner ears reporting a wild tumble that ends about fifty feet outisde the hangar where she smacks into a rock, stunned and breathless. After a few seconds, she rolls over and tries to push herself to her feet- Only to faceplant again. Blinking the weird spots of color out of her vision, her suit's bodyglove is melted and fused, the beskar plating still hanging on but entirely paintless. <<"All-">> She coughs, blood spattering the inside of her visor. Fuck. Must've cracked a rib on impact. Or two. That feels like a punctured lung. <<"All warriors, withdraw from the hangar! Calling in a strike, get clear!">>

Her vision blurs, it taking a few trys to change frequencies on her commlink, but she manages it. <<"Aay'han Kar'ra, Fire mission, Fire mission! Beacon is active! Adjust fire 100 meters, bearing 125, Six shots!">> The commlink crackles in her ear, the sound of her ship's crew giving an ETA on their firing position to her transmitted coordinates. But now... She has to run. Get further away. [Language: Mando'a]

At the call to advance in the other direction, victory of objective in hand, Sumi pivots. <"Agreed, hahaha.."> Said back to Hadrix, her laughter joining his. If she were to comment any further, it'd only manifest in huffs and puffs. Sumi hates running. She's smoked for fifty-plus years, so running is not something she excels at, though despite this, the old warrior makes it back in time to open fire at whatever awaits them at the surface.

Her accuracy suffers because of the effort put into running though. Not that she's missing, but she's missing anything /important/. Bolts bounce off the monstrosity but Sumi doesn't stop shooting it, moving bravely to one side and adopting a cyclic rate of fire. Chronicles of Sumi: Everything in the galaxy can be solved with the proper application of force.

<"Seriously? I put this thing together for nothing?"> Teela sighs and pats the attached flamer on her right wrist, <"No... shhh... don't look at me like that. You'll get your time to burn."> Two fingers touch her helmet, right over where her lips are, and then tap the top of the nozzle with the flash of flame. Her fingers release the trigger assembly and it goes out with a snuff.

Thank the force there's a whole ride back to the surface and run down the hallway. She's got time to take it back apart, stow it back away, and pull her blaster pistol. It might not be battle droid rated, but she's much better with it. She'd been counting on the confined space of a hallway to makeup for what little actual talent she may have weapon the weapon.

Seeing a massive battle droid, however?

<"I don't think this is gonna cut it..."> So she doesn't even stop running.. hell, it probably looks like she's running for an escape. Since darts RIGHT out of the hanger and over to one of the speeders they came in on.

She leaps into the driver seat and fires up the controls, <<"Belay the hell out of that order. Do not strike this facility. We have friendlies danger close... It's just a gonking battle droid. Get in cover and put your buy'ce down if you're scared of it!">>

Fae's head tips to the side as the call rings out across comms to return to the surface. She tucks her blaster beneath her shoulder and hoofs it back in the direction they'd just arrived from. Shortly behind Sumi, Fae arrives just as the Mandalorian begins her rain of blaster fire and Teela gently suggests that the order for a strike be belayed. Fae pops a few shots off towards the massive mech, with only one seeming to do any sort of structural damage at all!

Narsai has seen it. Sumi, Valeska, Avery, Hahtavi - damn near every Mandalorian in Kora or that has spent any extended time around the big man. When told to go, Hadrix takes off with an alacrity that a man of his bulk shouldn't be able to have. Pivoting on one foot and letting one leg swing around as he starts to run.

Hadrix "It's time for PT!" Kora. If he's not lifting he's jogging, if he's not jogging he's swimming, if he's not swimming it's endurance work. Marching, sprints, running. P. T.

<<"On... my... way...">> patting Sumi's shoulder once her fire stops while sliding to one side and twisting into the throw that sends the metal sphere hurtling ahead of the pair of micro-rockets that lock into place and fire in sequence. <<"Blinders. Thermal out.">>

How. Kriffing. Many of those does he have? Enough.

The rockets soar directly into the white hot blaze of the short lived sun that fills twenty meters of space, airbursting over the droid - short and higher than he had meant, earning a bitten out curse while his arm goes over his visor and he waits that moment for sound to return and vision through his visor clears to show him the rockets had made it past shielding holding against a thermonuclear blast. Going off within the hull, churning craters in armor and sending components spewing while the big man is laughing.

Run! Running! This is not Hahtavi's strong point. He's a jetpacking or digging in kind of guy, not a sprinter in heavy battle armor. Dreadfinder boots pound up through the corridors.

Into the elevator. Muzak plays.

Muzak plays some more...

More Muzak! He'd shoot the controls but that wouldn't help.

Eventually Hahtavi makes it back into the hangar and even shabla /SUMI/ made it way ahead of him. How embarassing to be the last one hitting the hangar. Breathing hard Hahtavi sees a really BRIGHT FLASH and FEELS the BOOM of Hadrix's detonator even as his helmet optics went dark to shield his eyes.

In that moment Haht runs smack dab into a crate. Trips and falls right over the shabla thing. Running fail.

The droid's shield flares to life only to have the assault of Tara's backup arrive. Energy crackles and sparks, the Clone War tech solid but not unbeatable as several shots punch through. A thermal detonator blast throws a heavy flare of heat and energy that creates a gap and the rockets blow chunks off the armor. Bolts hit components, damaging systems but the damn droid just -keeps- going like a pissed off Rancor! Turning its quadriple barrels towards the source of the emerging warriors its weapons charge and its systems dial in... Right at the moment as Narsai emerges, weapon in hand. <<"We've got about 5 minutes max before this place is a pile of superheated met-">> she begins, only for the resounding impact of a heavy cannon bolt to take the air from her lungs and hurl the petite Clan leader back, paint on her armor smoking but the shining metal beneath intact.

Avery is amazed at the power of the relic as it blasts Tara, his eyes wide behind the Y-Visored helmet when she begins to call down a barrage. The call for help went over comms and he can hear the clatter of armored folk as they run to assist. About that time the droid turns toward the door, its glowing red eye staring in the very approximate direction of Avery himself. <"Oh... oh no..."> he breathes, lifting his blaster to send a couple of shots in the mechanized beast's direction.

The first harmlessly glances off the defenses of the machine, glancing off to score the hangar wall nearby. The second actually bites into the droid, sparks and metal flying from where the bolt buried itself.

As if to say, 'Mine's bigger' the Scorpenek lets one loose and Avery dives out of the way. Unfortunately the bolt catches Narsai, the first to exit the interior of the hangar. <"Shoot it!"> the Slicer yells, pointing madly at the Annihilator Droid while he returns fire again.

By the time the Aay'han was in position, the gunners can clearly see the situation's changed since Tara called it in, so the dual laser turrets open up instead of the turbolasers. The cargo lift in the belly of the YZ-775 descends, armored Reviver warriors descending on jetpacks, lifting the wounded up to the hovering ship, including the hunter herself. <<"You heard Alor'Ordo, everyone in who wants the fast way home!">> comes the voice of the ship's pilot. <<"We'll try to keep some of the heat off you!">> [Language: Mando'a]

Firing still, Sumi places her self between the forces moving at the prompt of Alor'Ordo and the death machine. <<"Make for the exit, and advance to victory. Mechanical monstrosities are not the path to glory.. THEY LACK A HEART.. to rip out. MOVE IT!">>

Step back, firing. Step back, firing. Step back, firing. It has no effect, but Sumi doesn't care.

Son of uh...

Teela is having trouble getting the speeder up to a proper speed and she knows good and damn well that it's going to hit the things shields long before she hits the things shields. There's a spark from the front of the speeder, which ricochettes off and twists around facing the wrong direction. <"Well that was pointless and anti-climatic...">

She force shifts it into gear with a grind and almost drops the power actuator into the deck-plates when attempting to bug out ahead of the big explosion. <"At least you shot some wounded people, that'll count. It'll have to count.">

Fae levels her blaster to take another few shots at the Scorpenek Droid from behind cover, but Sumi has signaled for a retreat. She makes a soft sigh as she pushes up from her position and starts to run. An errant bit of dislodged metal catches her foot and she stumbles awkwardly mid-sprint, feeling the outside of her ankle turn towards the inside. A soft yelp of pain rings out from the Hapan over vocoder, but it's drowned mostly out by the sound of her E-11 discharging in the -general- vicinity of the droid. Her alor on either side, there's really only that mech left in the direction she'd left it. Does she look?


That second shot shoots sparks out of metal, causing enough damage to the hull to make it think twice. Or commit it from RAM to ROM. Or whatever droids do.

<"My karking ankle!"> Hahtavi is on the ground, the sight of him spilling over the crate seen in his wrap-around sensors, unsure of the cause. Narsai struck, and everything going to hell on a timer while fire falls all round. Teeth bared behind his helmet and his mobile turret swung about, pressed into his shoulder with the expectation of one helluva bad shoulder bruise tomorrow. But present mind is furious, raging at the tactician at the fore.

<<"Nar'ika!">> his initial instinct to move at Sumi's orders and his want to exact some sort of vengeance, a manner of getting out the rage building up when he throws himself into a slide to target one more rocket at the droid, reflected off of the shields and exploding. A bare moment of fortune that tears a hole in the weakening deflectors for the Pig to cut through whilst Hadrix rises back to his feet.

<<"Hahtavi, Narsai! You two ok?">> still firing as blaster scores become glowing red holes rent in the hull, become fountains of spraying components melting to slag, fire shooting out. He's back on his boots without looking to the droid, focused on the other pair while getting to the exit itself, to get clear at last.

Avery stands at the call for retreat, planning on sending a few more blaster shots at the droid as they made their way from the hangar. However, as he turns his carbine on the hulking droid the thing appears to be in not so great operational manner. Probably from the myriad of attacks it took finished off by the blast from whatever weapon Hadrix had pulled from his portable arsenal.

And now they have a new reason to run, if this droid goes off with the size of an explosion it has the capability of doing. As he follows the rest of the evaccing crew, Avery slows to give Fae a shoulder of assistance. <"Going my way?"> He asks, thumbing back toward their speeders and the other Mandalorians. He wraps an arm around her waist, taking some of the weight off her injured ankle and the pair make their way as swiftly as possible to a faster means of escape.

Probably broken ribs, almost certainly some bruised pride, Narsai does climb to her feet and raise her weapon to join the fight...but the team's overwhelming attacks finally topple the droid and it falls in a pile of whining scrap metal.

One pained breath of relief that everyone seemed to be mostly standing, the woman with her armor still smoking begins to move, headed to their exit and intended minimum safe distance.

It's only when they pile into their craft and the warriors begin to speed away that more blaster bolts would chase them, fired from multiple Savage Clans warriors and even some of the emplaced guns still standing.

Narsai herself, she glances back from her seat...just in time for the damaged systems to show their face.

It was less of a boom and more of a 'WHOOSH', as if Mandalore itself had taken insult to its resources being plundered and decided to consume the facility in compensation.

Heat washed up, frying unprotected warriors where they stood, but the wave of shock that followed shattered stone and metal alike in a dramatic roar and the facility's upper levels disappeared below the surface, crushed and melted along with any souls within.

An exhaled breath, Narsai leans back, a quiet laugh coming through the comm: <<"I think that counts as disabled. Well done Brothers and Sisters...the first round is on me.">>