Log:Mandalore: Fury of the Rageland Road

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Mandalore: Fury of the Rageland Road

OOC Date: June 17, 2021
Location: Mandalore
Participants: Sumi Kora, Hahtavi, Avery Ihala Kora, Narsai Ordo, Valeska Jaivon and Hadrix Kora as GM Clan Kora Mandalorian Revivers

<"We're getting some payback today. The Ori'ramikade have absorbed the Black Thumbs, but their numbers are still low."> Hadrix's voice in the dim of the planning area as a topographic of a set of canyons is displayed, with a series of six large repulsor transports moving through it. <"Recon is showing them move what they have through here." a stylus pointer following the movement path. <"We're hitting them on the run, dropping from here"> a point on the cliffs highlighting,

<"We drop down here"> the icon for the assault team moving down to land at the back of the convoy, <"and I'll be dropping satchel charges as we go and anyone else who has the knack. But we're landing on the rearmost car and working forward. Don't get bogged down. Shoot at targets of opportunity, drop explosives if you have them and then keep moving until we hit the lead car. Even if we don't wipe them out, we'll do damage and potentially cripple them. Either the deserts or the other clans will likely handle the rest. But after we hit the front transport we bug out. Fast in, hard-exit.">

At last the big man's face appears in the gloom, <"Questions, before we head out?"> a low slung speeder was in place to take the crew, with Gofor to drive away once they were let out.

Sumi sets down a heavy weapon set with spare K-grade power cells. It's clear she intends to use this weapon to help clear a path from point to point. Superior firepower was a catalyst to keeping your enemy fixed and heads down. It also kept a lot of the hate and discontent on her. <"I'll need someone to lift me up for each jump. Carrying that big boy will make me less mobile. That said, feel free to drop me where it's thickest and I will clear a path.">

It's a very fancy map with a not-so-fancy plan attached to it. The canyon with a transport moving through it: hopping from car to car and blowing up everything in their wake. Lo be the poor bastard that falls behind. <"Start from the back and work our way forward. Are these cars attached or are we making jumps from one to the next?">

Valeska leans over the map and extands a hand, pointing along the top of the canyon. <"What about blocking their path with some kind of rock slide or collapse? Or is there no time for that? It would certainly slow them down."> The crimson helmet turns to Sumi with a slight cant. <"I could go with you if you want, but I'd likely slow you down. Haven't exactly gotten my wings yet, as they say."> As no one says.

Hahtavi's baritone rumbles, <"I'm still learning how to use explosives. Someone else could set them and I can help drop them, but until I'm more skilled, I'll pass on setting up the charges."> If Avery is here, Val won't need him to give her a lift, so he looks to Sumi, <"I or Hadrix can lend you a hand as you require it."> All he has for his op otherwise is his rifle, unless they want to loan him something heavier. No kimogila this trip - it's still gutting and awaiting delivery of the new engines.

He turns his head to listen to Val's suggestions and questions.

Narsai stands nearby as she listens, a nod to Sumi's words given before she tilts her head. Helmet in hand, the redhead Ordo leader draws her eyes back over the holodisplay. "The objective is destruction rather than seizure? Anything we can take from them could go a long way to helping the refugees, or at the very least support some of the clans we are in talks with."

Her deep green eyes lift, drawing over the new face among them before she lifts her own helmet into place. "<Her suggestion could allow the less mobile of us to move in, if we can halt the convoy but..."> She locks the helmet, gesturing to the display. <"I will of course, follow your lead. This is your call.">

Avery seems to be grinning a bit more than usual, if that's possible, before his silver helmet is secured over his dopey expression. <"If she's alright with it, I can get Valeska down and we'll move up, free up Sumi to not have to cart two things."> he says, taking this time to check the ammo count on his E-11 and A280, the former nestled behind his right shoulder for a quick draw when they're at their mark.

The Mandalorian Slicer looks over the holodisplay at all the moving images, the laser pointer getting a bit of focus before the Y-visor shifts over the field. <"I like the map... fancy."> A cough emanates from beneath the helmet, the newly minted silver Doomseeker armor rolling his shoulders as he works his mind into business mode. <"Whatever we do, I'm ready... let's get to it.">

<"Not enough time to set up the charges for a landslide and only Sumi and I have rocket launchers on our packs."> Hadrix notes to Val's questions, nodding to Hahtavi's confirmation of he or the other helping Sumi with her jumps. <"I'll be the anchor then, dropping charges and moving.

<"Unknown if they're connected, so expect some rocket assisted jumps."> looking to Val, <"Keep by Avery or Narsai"> At the last Hadrix looks to the crimson armored figure, <"Once we're through we can signal to the clans at the Butte, have the Saiwali move out, they're the fastest, for cleanup and salvage. Right now we're the spearhead. Soften them up, take out what we can. Hit hard and then strategic disappearance. We don't have the ground craft or time to purge them all, but we can make it easier for the second wave, as it were."> the display turns off and the big man heads for the speeder. <"Right now it's a matter of keeping them from getting too far out, rebuilding numbers or calling in favors.">

Fully centered in the old Special Forces mindset, it would appear. But for all of his quiet brooding while going over the plans again and making sure maps are sent to everyone for their HUD, he's at least not too gruff today. Even when the speeder is letting them out some hour later on the edge of the canyon, the convoy already in sight and moving at full speed down the shallow turns there's not much more than a grunt or a grumble.

Only a curt <"Go go go!"> when the line of cobbled together speeder trucks is about to rapidly pass beneath.

Sumi lands with a KUH---thoooonk, strapped to the Commander of Kora but promptly unfastened with a quick release. Sumi's years of soldiering showing as she rushes right into the open. <"FOLLOW ME!"> This is followed by the automatic fire of a Staccato cannon. The build up of its release was announced by a LOUD and distinctive noise:


Sumi stood a wide gait, trudging forward and firing simultaneously, screaming in delight as the insane amount of blaster fire literally dissected a warrior as they moved for cover. Even with all the missing, Sumi was not letting up on the suppressive fire.


Judging by her posture, Valeska is rather disappointed there won't be any kabooms to crush this convoy was it passes. Just imagine all those huge boulders smashing into meat and metal. Squish crunch grind. Done. Ah, well. Perhaps next time. <"Understood."> All that was left was to get down there and give these guys a severely bad day.Time to follow the Sumi!

Turning towards the silver Mando, Valeska gestures wide with her hand towards the treacherous canyon below. <"Shall we, then? After you."> Together, the pair fly down and Valeska rains hell upon the first car. The first to shots, by the way, were just warning shots. It's the last one that was meant to hit. And look at that! It hits! The poor sod takes it to the shoulder and is flung off the transport to become one with the desert. Forever.

<"Excellent plan, Hadrix. I like it."> And Hahtavi's former clanmates and allies get the benefit all the way around, strengthening their hold on Last Home. He is decidedly pleased, since his former riduur and his daughter both live there still. The maps are indeed also appreciated by Hahtavi who likes things well planned, when possible.

Once on the cliffs, Hahtavi hunkers down and awaits the signal to go. Then it's cliff jumping time!

Hahtavi has trouble and almost misses his landing point! Just when he might hit the dirt instead, he manages to save himself with greater thrust from his jetpack and scramble up onto one of the transports! Oya! That was close!

Luck or the Force really is with him today! Hahtavi manages to even keep his rifle in his gloved hands upon landing and gets a couple of shots off. The first misses but the second doesn't! He can hear Sumi already laughing and it makes Hahtavi grin like a bastard!

A rush of air and a beskar-plated bolt through the skyline, Narsai's feet touch down and she carries the motion forwards as she lands between the remaining targets.

A sharp rasp of her blade leaving its sheath, the Reviver leader's Bes'kad cuts deep, both men falling while Narsai barely slows her steps.

With a nod of his bucket to Val, Avery steps up beside her to tuck under her arm, his left hand wrapping around her waist. <"Indeed, we shall."> He affirms, igniting the pack to send the pair sailing high into the air. There's the quiet sound of wind rushing by them for a minute or so, the six targets below gradually getting closer and closer until Val is able to open fire on the unsuspecting Ori'ramikade. Between the lot of Mandalorians assailing the convoy, the four visible baddies go down in a brutal release of assorted fire and slashes.

The couple's feet touch down on the last car and, Avery's rocketpack shuts off, for the moment... with all the opposition lying dead on this craft it seems they'll be moving to the next rather quickly. Before they go, he gets the idea of disabling this transport, make it a bit easier for their allies to scavenge the transport after they leave. Two things get his note, the outboarded engine boosters and the air-purifier system. Figuring that it'd be easiest to scavenge a non-moving object, the Slicer lines up his shot on the engine aaaaaaaand.... misses when the vehicle goes over a bump, his red bolt planting itself in the sand as they pass. <"Non-moving targets, the bane of my existence.">

Hadrix was apparently on point, watching Avery's shots as they move - keeping close to Sumi as he preps charges, engages the mag-locks and drops along the engine boosters at a run, hearing the tell-tale 'doop-dooP-doOP-dOOP-DOOP of the detonation countdown,

<<"Good eye Vod.">> slapping the man on the shoulder as he makes for the front edge of the transport, another charge landing on top of the cabin hood, right above where drive controls would be. <"Don't worry, plenty more to come, 'lek?"> a bit of a laugh in the broken stone rumble as he's grabbing Sumi and lifting off to cover the distance to the next car. It's plausible to just jump, but no chances being taken with the weight of the Alor'Kora's big rekking cryopack. Even turning some to hook fingers around Narsai's bicep en-route...

It's quite true, plenty more to come - hatches are opening on forward cars and on the one being left behind as explosions begin to go off, turning the vehicle into the canyon wall before the final charge goes off and the transport begins a languid summersault when the nose digs into the ground. Those who had been climbing out being introduced to their old nemesis. Ground.

But there are still yet more out and preparing to repel boarders.

Sumi lands at the next stop, thanks to Hadrix. Upon landing, she moves forward firing at the cyclic rate, still. The loud roar of her pack is overshadowed by the higher pitched discharge of automatic bolts as they pelt along the cover and surface in transition to targets. <"LET'S GO!"> Screams Sumi, shooting and running forward with the heavy cannon, her pack moving from side to side with that jingle-jangle sound heavy gear made.

She manages to track one target, bringing them down, then transitions to a second winging them.


Valeska looks over to the Reviver of Ordo with an appraising stare that only she knows she's giving. Cause... helmet. <"Nice."> Her smile can be heard with all the modulation and distortion. <"I see why Hadrix likes you."> One car cleared and off to the next one.

Sumi is already shredding through them and Valeska lands with Avery, trying to pick at the scraps. Two more "warning shots" and then she makes quick work of the one who didn't even have a chance to beg for death. <"You're going to have to cover me!"> Her hand is already reaching for the next powercell. She looks behind her quickly to make sure the others are making it over okay with them.

This time his hop is good from transport to the next, his jetpack functioning perfectly. Though Hahtavi missed that Narsai needed an assist. Hadrix got her in one smooth move along with Sumi. Must be nice to be that good at anything. But Hahtavi's trying.

His boots no sooner land on the reused metal than he's firing. Nailing one and missing the bastard when the injured nearly falls off of the transport. At least they are keeping the Ori'Ramikade busy while Hadrix plants charges!

Mandos have the best parties. Just ask Sumi!

A nod to Valeska, there was probably a smile there, but indeed...helmet! Narsai rushes forwards, her jetpack igniting right as a bump throws off her leap, leaving the woman usually at home in the sky spinning off slightly out of control...right up until she's hooked by Hadrix and -hurled- back on course at her target.

She'd thank him later, but for now as the rooftop of the car is lit up by the storm of fire from Sumi Narsai draws the Beskar forged hilt and ignites the glowing plasma blade. She's landing a single lethal hit only while her foes attempt to avoid her, but it's a hit that sends a man's head bouncing into the dirt.

<"Mandalorian Deliveries, at your service."> Avery quips before slinking in next to Val and supporting her for the next jump. Boosters engaged and their feet leave the vehicle as the first explosions send the transport into the canyon wall. At her request to be covered Avery nods while angling for the next vehicle. When their boots meet the durasteel he releases the crimson Mandalorian to lift his carbine, finishing the last wounded Ori'Ramikade on their car by sending him off the side with a well placed shot to the chest. <"Gotcha covered.">

More bad people pour out of the car ahead and Avery sights down one that spills from inside, the bolt smacking him dead in the center of his torso but resulting in nothing but a singed paint job. <"Hmmm..."> he muses, the Y-visor tilting toward Valeska when he holds his arm out to deliver her to the next speeder. <"Not that I mind giving you a lift, quality time is quality time... but we should /really/ see about getting you some air time on your own.">

It's going according to plan. Oddly enough. When does anything go to plan?? Where's that other boot going to come from? But with members of the Ori'ramikade clan (Super Commandos indeed) being scattered before them the next car is plainly in sight. Defenders poised to repel the oncoming attack when a FSSSSHHHH of a jetpack rocket sizzling past to slam in among the group of defenders, splattering them in a fireworks display of limbs and ichor. It leaves one very angry raider to open fire, shooting at the one who fired the ordinance and then his head is jerking back when the round bounced off harmlessly.

From the open hatches additional combatants were coming out, on the fourth car, third and second from the front. Weapons drawn and screaming curses at the attackers. Some clearly members of the now defunct Black Thumbs with their armor painted or modified to fit their new aliit. All manner of ad-hoc blaster weapons being prepped for volley fire.

As the warriors clear the gap, setting down or setting their fellows down, the fifth car slews from side to side as more charges go off before an overcharged repuloser fires and spins the jury-rigged speeder onto it's side to skid, slide and slam into the other canyon wall before the engines are finally cut.

<<"Getting there, keep moving!">> Hadrix still, huffing slightly even as he preps more demolitions.

Sumi lands and immediately pushes forward at a fast-paced jog clearly encumbered by the heavy weapon and pack strapped to her back. Heavy footfalls are overshadowed by the constant firing of the cannon, with lightning fast blue bolts finding targets and picking them a part. Sumi isn't so vigorously screaming this time, exhaustion has begun to spread its roots, but the old soldier keeps moving, bearing grit and strain against the after effect of so much adrenaline.

Gritting her teeth, she goes as far forward as she can and holds that position, maintaining fire but aware her weapon will be dry soon. Sumi remains in the open to draw fire, doing her best to keep their ulterior motive concealed whilst the super commandos attempt to contend with the boarders on their vessels.

Sumi's arms shake from the strain, she grips and re-grips, and in the back of her mind she hears Sana. The thought of the blonde standing with her again brings with it strength of a different kind.

Now see? This is working out better than all that willy-nilly flying around jazz that sends you plummeting to the ground. Just gentle little rocket-boosted bunny hops from one racing death trap to another. Alighting on the next car like an armour-plated lump, Valeska rolls behind Avery, her back pressed to his as she quickly sets about reloading the pistol. <"Remind me to ask Jax if he has an ammo mod for this damn thing,"> she grumbles over the series of clicks that come from reloading her pistol. She does get a wonderful view of their comrades tearing through this train of target practice. <"Got it! Ready!">

Things /are/ mostly going according to plan far too well. Except Hahtavi's getting a little annoyed, missing about half his shots half the time. He's supposed to be /really/ good with the rifle, one of his best skills, but he can hardly hit jack drek today! Maybe it's the moving cars and the rush of dusty wind. Maybe he just forgot to eat his Star Wars Wheaties. Whatever the case he does manage to jetpack up to the next car, shoots one of the Rageland raiders and misses the other. <"At this rate I need to go back to the rifle range or learn how to use a blade! I can't hit drek today!"> It comes out almost more a growl into his coms than words. Yeah, he's kind of getting annoyed.

Don't jinx yourself, Hahtavi! It can always go down the drekker yet! Haddles hasn't blown himself up yet, right?

Another flash of plasma as Narsai moves, the weapon in her hand cuts through another Ori'Ramikade before she turns on the next with a pair of sweeping slashes that has the hostile warrior backing up franticly.

<"Didn't say thanks for the compliment before..."> Avery states as he claps Hadrix on the pauldron, <"Was busy being grumbly over missing a stationary target! But thanks!"> the grin goes unseen as he scoops up Valeska for another Mando Delivery, the two trailing smoke while they angle for the next car. Her spent magazine drops past them to bury itself in the sand as they begin their descent to the vehicle dubbed 'four'

Seeing the many blasters trained their way, Avery drops her just behind him as they land, taking a couple of steps before bringing up the blaster to end the one Narsai backed away with her rave-blade. His silver bucket nods to her once before shifting targets on the car ahead, a moment taken to line up a former Black Thumb, before sending him flipping head over heels off the side of the vehicle. If we wasn't dead when the bolt burned a hole through his chest, the collision with the ground certainly did the trick. <"You're good, Haht. The bumps of these transports are making it difficult on everyone. You're downing em where needed."> The Slicer remarks, glancing back at Val in time to see her raise the pistol with the new magazine locked. Avery extends an arm as they prepare to make the jump for the next car. <"Will do, more ammo is always a good thing.">

The fourth car is dotted with charges in Hadrix's wake as he runs at Sumi's back. The small mag-locked detonators tweeting their deadly call. <<"Three more! Go! Go!">> already there is the first concussive WHUMPS from the back of the transport and more following with, catching up quickly and making the big man regret thinking things were going well. Sumi is lifted, but his jets are knocked askew leaving him to tumble to one side, arm lifting to fire his wrist-mounted ascender line into the back panel of the next part of the convoy.

<"Kriff!"> bounce... bounce <"OSIK!"> lucky that most of his armor is actually made of forged beskar... but still. Being dragged is less than fun, moreso while reeling himself in. <<"Keep moving!">> WHUMP <<"REKK... I'll catch up!">>

Then the fire rains back from the forward cars, the numbers of repelling crew thinning, even as a small reinforcement comes. They fire in groups though, one unit trying desperately to stop the one with the lightsaber while those further back just attack to try and force the attackers heads down.

Transport four is still spinning on its nose behind, smoke and flames pouring out.

The jump to the next car is a debacle. Sumi is nearly left to hit the desert with no means of rocketeering but ultimately is saved by Narsai in those final moments. The situation is jarring enough that Sumi is panicked by the time they land and has to take a knee to catch her breath, and her heart. She fires from the kneeling position, emptying the remainder of her weapon's tank. It's /everything/ Sumi can do to hook the receiver to the pack to allow the weapon to hang there and cool.

Slow to rise in the chaos, she frees a revolver from the holster on her side, cocking its hammer back with a thumb, and raising it in preparation to kill. Sumi moves forward at a brisk walk, breathing so heavily that it's conveyed over her helm.

Her blaster squeeee'ing back to life, a belly full of charge and ready to roll, Valeska hooks her arm around the back of Avery's neck and they successfully hop to the next car. These warning shots are working so well that Valeska decides to mix it up. A warning shot, an intential hit, then another /intentional/ warning shot. Anyone who suggests otherwise is just cruel.

<"If you expect me to strap one of those things to my back anytime soon, we need to find a planet made out of pillows and down."> Valeska notes to Avery. A bit late but when she's working, she's often slow on the uptake with other things.

He is about to leap forward and head for another transport when he sees Hadrix go down /with/ Sumi! Then his Al'verde is trying to recover himself using his ascention line, bouncing along and getting dragged! Orders be damned, but that won't do at all.

Hahtavi abandons moving foreward and shooting. Instead lets go of his rifle that's on the tactical rig and uses his gloved hands to flip himself over the edge of the fast traveling transport car. The ground races past below him and if he paused to think about it, he might realize he's doing something either very daring or very stupid. But Hadrix needs a hand up!

Securing his maglock boots to the side of the car and keeping a grip with one gloved hand, Hahtavi thrusts out his other hand to try and grasp Hadrix! That is one heavy kriffer! It takes more than one try to fire off his own jetpack and lift his vod back up onto the car he'd been clinging to only a moment before. Thank goodness Narsai got Sumi! Hahtavi would have dove off the damn transport after her if he'd needed to.

<"You all right, Hadrix? You hit?"> Make sure their demo man gets whatever support he requires to finish the job.

Narsai wasn't strong enough to deadlift Sumi and her weapons, but the redhead does have the advantage of physics to make up for a slighter frame.

Her arm slips out, grasping Sumi's rigging and guns her thrusters to slingshot them both upwards onto the car.

Releasing Sumi before the gravity can return full weight to her shoulder, Narsai comes leaping downwards piercing her saber through the chest of an unfortunate foe.

Avery and Val leave the transport seconds prior to it becoming a flaming pinwheel, his trusty jetpack carrying them up and away from the vehicle of death. His eyes go wide at the team members that fail the jump, Hadrix being dragged along before given a hand up by Hahtavi and Sumi scrambling for purchase before Narsai can come to her aid. With a sigh of relief, they make for three, Avery concentrating on planting their feet safely on the moving vehicle so that Valeska can loose her pistol fire when they arrive. After they land he relieves her of his grip, the E-11 being afforded two hands for better accuracy to draw down on their foes.

Two standing after the others deal their death and, after a brief look to Sumi who seems more winded than he can ever recall, Avery pops off two bolts at the hangers-on. One shot blasts the leg out from under the Ori'Ramikade, the warrior going down to his good knee but not out of the fight. The second shot goes wide, sailing over his head to plink against some rock surface far in the distance. Looks like they'll be staying on this ride for a little longer, the enemy not yet removed to jump to the next.

Most of the paint is missing from his left shoulder pad, his cuirass and the front of his helmet. <<"Just banged around. Vor entye. Keep moving, vod."> wind knocked out of him for sure, Hadrix is only able to get his bearings for the moment, but he does still slap Hahtavi's shoulder pauldron, a nod given as well. <"Good work.">

He can't plant charges yet, but he's not bouncing along the road now. Small favors.

There's enough disarray for others to move past, shots flying and sparking off of durasteel while the canyon walls sail past. Fewer cars left, fewer defenders and the lead car looming up ahead. The Ori'ramikade continue their work, most silent with a few loosing jeering battlecries.

Sumi is lifted up again, this time by Hahtavi! When they land, her arm comes back up shooting the revolver once, then twice (almost as soon as she can lock the single-action hammer back). The sound of the revolver is distinct against the sounds of the other weapons, the slugs whip-CRACKING past the targets she didn't aim at to smack the one she did.

She catches their shoulder first, then face. She locked the hammer back and took aim at another, but this time the .48 slug sparks off the side, miss! Sumi trudges forward, having found her rhythm again, and breathing normally now that she wasn't running and gunning with a huge cannon.

Valeska sees the targets in front of her. She hears Hardix screaming "Go! Go! Go!" But instincts demand otherwise. She spins around back towards car 3 and steadies her shot on the two that remain there to give Hadrix and company a hard time. The first she injures and rather than finish him off, pulls her aim to the next one. Pop pop! Two more shots and that one is dead. Threat neutralized.

Valeska sees the targets in front of her. She hears Hardix screaming "Go! Go! Go!" But instincts demand otherwise. She spins around back towards car 3 and steadies her shot on the two that remain there to give Hadrix and company a hard time. The first she injures and rather than finish him off, pulls her aim to the next one. Pop pop! Two more shots and that one is dead. Threat neutralized.

Haddles is up. He feels the arm clap on his shoulder and briefly Hahtavi gives Hadrix a friendly slap right back. No time for more, just a nod and he turns to run up the length of the car and grab Sumi, <"Here we go!"> Thankfully she was waiting for another lift and not trying to take a shot just then.

Allioop and plop, boots touch down. Sumi's already firing away with her pistol. Hahtavi lays his second hand on his rifle to steady it seeks his own targets, shooting one on their car that was about to aim for Sumi, and then shooting a second one further on. Finally! He doesn't waste a shot.

A quick glance at the power cell reading in his rifle makes Hatavi grimace. Almost out, but not quite. Hahtavi glances real fast to check the status of his team mates, then is looking for more targets.

Ooooooor not, looks like most are moving on to car 'two' while Narsai remains to help. With a nod, Avery waits for Val to hold on, the two then continuing their dance of death, leaping and firing, flying and killing. However she turns to blast back at the car they just left, sending one of the remainders screaming as he falls from the side. The Silver Mandalorian drops to a knee in an attempt to steady his shot, the lone Ori'Ramikade stalking Hadrix and Narsai while the former sets charges. His first attack goes wide, slamming into the canyon wall that they're rushing past, the second catches the warrior square in the back, flipping him end over end above Hadrix and Narsai to crumple into the departing sand behind them. <"That oughta do it..."> Avery claims, standing to note the car they're on is devoid of baddies as well... but he's getting the sensation that they're not out of the woods yet. <"I gotta bad feeling about this."> The Slicer claims as he stands, looking forward to the last vehicle in line.

Narsai covering the back, while Hadrix gets back to work, throwing detonators along the hull while continuing his hard run along the back of the transport. <<"Sumi, forward team - eyes front.">> not a chiding but a pointing out of the figure appearing through a hatch at the front of the convoy. A jetpack carrying the figure up and a repeater being leveled as they begin to advance on the forward party.

No words from that one, not but a sinister intent as he prepares to fight.

Behind, Hadrix and Narsai light upon the second car while the third is pocked by shape charges blasting down through the hull, shredding vehicle and passenger alike. The concussion bouncing it before it slumps to a dull rumble and a scream of metal against the rocky wall, disappearing quickly into the distance.

None too soon either, with the mouth of the canyon appearing in the distance.

Lift off again, and prompted to look ahead, Sumi is:

Locked. On. Target.

She and Hahtavi hit the ground and she is charging right for the big Super Commando leading the resistance. She had holstered her pistol in flight and freed the baton from her side. By the time she's charging, its serrated edges pulse with blue arcs of electricity.

Sumi gets in a trio of blows, each knocking the warrior backward with gut-wrenching, bonecrushing blows. It's not enough, though, and Sumi's exhaustion is showing as she stumbles to one side, shoulders heaving despite the weight of her blaster pack. He is focused on her, leaving his back to the others to blast at... she hoped!

Nope. Never /that/ easy. Valeska dramatically slow-turns back towards the front of the convoy as the lumbering hulk jetpacks up from below. When Sumi is on him like a spider monkey beating the ever-living hell out of him, Valeska grins widely under her helmet. <"I hear you loud and clear, Alor!"> Flicking her settings to stun for the first time in.. ever.. Valeska braces herself and waits for Sumi to be out of firing range.

Pop! Pop! Plow!

Three blue bolts race each other to see who can get to the big ape, first. It's a photo-finish! The trio hit the already incredibly dazed Commando rapid-fire. Left shoulder, right shoulder, head. The last rings off his helmet, sends a shockwave through his body, and sends him tumbling backwards over the edge. He pings off the front of the transporter, breaking several bones on the descent, then disappears into a sea of sand and pain where the rest of the bones likely shatter, as well.

Indeed, Hahtavi has made the leap once again hauling Sumi to the last transport car. She hits the ground charging while Hahtavi grabs his rifle and is right behind her, ready to follow up with a shot or to grab Sumi if she looks less than ideal on her legs. Seems maybe he's a bit more concerned about how her knees are holding out than worried about the last Mando she's beating the living stuffings out of.

And there Valeska finishes him off ere Hahtavi needs to deal with the fellow. As he comes up, Hahtavi shoots out a hand to help Sumi keep her balance, steadying her.

Then he starts looking down and around the side ... sees ... well now, that's interesting. Hahtavi shifts his position, carefully leans out and lifts his rifle to shoot almost straight down, <"Brace yourselves!"> One, two, three ... and he fires into the first car's controls!

Going to be time to GTFO.

Having fallen back to cover Hadrix from any blaster fire, Narsai watches the last foe fall and glances over her shoulder, a nod given in approval as the last charges are set.

Shutting off her weapon with a flick of her thumb, the woman raises a hand for a thumbs up to the others on their car. <<"Clear over here">>

It's a nice change of pace to not be leaping away from an exploding car, however in this case they're leaping toward a rather mean looking individual who apparently has a problem with their systematic destruction of the convoy. Just before they're landing Sumi and Hahtavi are already engaging, with the former battering the man with her vicious stun baton. Next it's Val's turn and her shots ring true, all three connecting with the already crushed foe to send him backward from the vehicle with a nasty crunch as he crumples beneath the rapidly moving transport. <<"Nicely done.">> Comes Avery's call over the comms, the Slicer looking for anything to shoot that might be engaging.

Finding none, he instead turns his attention to the machine itself, trying to spy some way to slow it down, disable it, or even just straight out wreck it. It looks like Hahtavi has this one all handled, the man moving to blast the controls. That means it's time for all on board to skeedaddle! Avery loops his arm around Valeska giving her a nod to hold on before he ignites the pack and rockets them both clear from the impending wreckage.

<<"Copy, Hahtavi.">> Hadrix looks up to see the front car already swinging out of control following the blasts into the control compartment, spraying sparks and smoke out of the heavy mesh side windows and forward view port. Fish-tailing until one side hits a rocky spur jutting out, beginning the inevitable. The front prow of the speeder transport hitting the ground and plowing up sand before it strikes something solid it begins to tilt upright in a slow flip - but only barely slow enough to give those on the front transport time to jet clear.

All the while, detonator half-spheres have been getting slapped onto the sides of the second car, now the tail car, looking like some mockery of a life-day decoration just as the front car begins its death throes. <"Time to exfil, Nar'ika."> the cheek of the big man... taking a moment to 'bonk' his helmet against Narsai's before his jets ignite to carry him up and away as he calls <<"Ba'slan shev'la.">> Strategic disappearance.

Steadied, Sumi watched as the big guy is gunned down by their freshest recruit and it surprises a laugh from her. <"Ha! Bloody good shots!"> Sumi deactivated her weapon and prepared to leave, looking to Hahtavi. <"Everyone, get ready to get off this thing! OYA!">

The jumping had gone so smoothly, so effortlessly that, of course, when it's needed the most his jetpack shorts out. Thankfully the pair had flown far enough away from the crashing transports that, when the propulsion ceases, they're not plunged into flaming rubble. Still, there's that moment of... <"Kriff..."> before the two start falling. He's a little more prepared for it than she is, knowing his gravbelt will kick on and prevent them from a sudden stop. However, he's not so certain she's aware of his armor's capabilities. As it is, the two slow their momentum a few meters from the ground and lazily drift to the sand, boots touching easily on solid ground as the cars crash and explode in the near distance.

It's been working so far, so why quit a good thing? Valeska gives a fistpump to Sumi then stuffs her pistol into it's holster. Throwing both arms around Avery's shoulders, she nods. Time to get out of here. They take off into the air effortlessly. All in all, that went pretty damn well. You know. Maybe this whole jetpack thing isn't so bad.

Like a badly written script, the jetpack sputters and flares out. Now they're like a pair of lead weights plummeting from the heavens. Sure, she knows /of/ the gravbelt he has. It helped on Corellia. However, in the moment, she isn't thinking that. All she's thinking is 'I swear if I die like this, I will haunt you for an eternity!'

They float down with Valeska clinging onto Avery like a cat being threatened with a bath. As soo as they land, her helmet turn-snaps towards him and she starts slapping his shoulder repeatedly. Thanksfully, her comms are off, but Avery can hear the string of curses all the same.

Indeed, it is done and even as they watch, the front car begins to snake and twist out of control beneath their very boots. <"OYA! Job well done!"> Hahtavi's right there, letting is rifle go on it's tactical rig so he can use both arms to get a snug hold on little Sumi. Then he's making that leap just as the transport jerks and bucks hard, about to throw them off.

Thank the wasteland that is his former home that Hahtavi's jetpack fires off with precision and he and his Alor lift neat and clean, up into the sky to start heading back to the cliffs for their exfil.

He looks back though, to be sure that all of Hahtavi's team mates are getting clear of the soon to be wreckage. It's a beautiful sight in the Mandalorian twlight as the lowering sun paints the desert and the sky in an array of colors, catching upon the rising clouds of dust and smoke as the convoy becomes no more.

Time to go!

Narsai rushes upwards with a triggering of her jetpack and the Ordo girl is propelled away from the imminent erruption with a whoop of joy.

"Now that is a great way to start your week!"

She sweeps through the air, falling into airbourne formation while the last charges errupt.

<<"Nice work everyone!">>