Log:Mandalorians: Savages

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OOC Date: October 6 2020
Location: Dxun - Japrael System
Participants: Sumi Kora, King, Terek Rosol, Narsai Ordo, Avery Ihala Kora and Hadrix Kora as gm Clan Kora

Dxun - Demon Moon of Onderon - Japrael System - Lesser Lantillian Route

Shrapnel rains into the jungle as another Onderonian air-speeder is struck by anti-air fire, hurling burning durasteel into the jungle. Shredding foliage and branches as the hulled fuselage breaks apart among the branches and trunks.

<<"Another down, command - three losses.">> <<"Affirmative, re-angle and keep closer to the canopy">> intercepted communications informative and filled with panic sounds or screams cut short as the forces of Onderon try to assess the Sanyassan's newest method of war. A freighter grade turbolaser hooked up to rag-tag power supply and moving on a sledge carried by repulsor and anti-grav systems. Plodding through the jungle, crushing everything in the way.

<<"Command, they've jury-rigged and monstrosity. We cannot get air to surface weaponry in place.">> More captured radio chatter and the quartet of point defense lasers carried with spit green energy darts into the sky while the main assembly beings to hum, sparks flying and systems squealing before, suddenly. A unit of withdrawing Onderonians simply no longer exists - a crescent of molten soil rapidly cooling to fragile lava-shale and burning foliage to either side is all the sign that they ever where there at all.

<<"Xesh squadron is -gone-. Command we need support!">> <<"Copy, re-directing armor">> <<"Armor!? Are you insane!? We need orbital support!">>

The Sanyassans have started on their warpath, headed for directions that the Mandalorians have come from in recent assaults. Do they attempt to strike at the Sanyassan forces directly, their 'terror' weapon?

<<"This is Sumi Kora. Local national forces flying the Sanyassan banner are approaching Mando lines and entering the jungle. Ten digit grid to follow; standby.">> Sumi hits a position amplifier after interfacing with their Mando-Net to broadcast her location in the sea of green and tropical jungle. Staying beneath a camo net of concealment, Sumi had no reason to emerge from her spot for now. Beside her, in this fighting hole of doom, sets her A280 assault rifle. The A280 was the CFE variant, obtained stock and decorated with aftermarket mods to make it smaller, more compact, yet keeping that mantra of heavy hitter. This rifle had seen some service, much like its owner who was currently leaning casually on the side of her fighting hole, watching the approach.

Even with viewing the blast through a shaded visor, Avery has to shield his eyes against the penetrating green that vaporized Xesh squad. <<"That there is a really big laser...">> He remarks quietly through the comms to the group gathered about him. The slicer peers from the death hole beside Sumi, dark emerald eyes finally coming to rest on the base of the turbo laser after doing a quick scan of the opposition. Thin eyebrows knit together as he considers, speaking his musings out loud, <<"I'd wager that thing could be easily shut down with enough damage to the base.... That or a good yank of the cord from the power supply it's hooked up to.">>

The former First Order trooper shifts, his obsidian armor glinting dully in the shadows of their concealed hidey hole, as he brings the ever reliable Tracker carbine up to bare. The barrel of the weapon sneaks out of the darkness to line up some of the mercenaries in front of them. <<"What'd'ya think, Sumi?">> Avery asks as he checks the lighted display on his blaster, a simple nod as the readout informs him of a full clip.

Narsai Ordo -had- survived direct artillery fire before, but that didn't mean that she was eager to see if she could repeat that trick. With the Sanyassans on their way and the Mandalorian lines were under threat, there was going to be a new priority target. Sweeping her gaze over her linked HUD as data was fed in, the Ordo woman checked over her weapons once more. The usual W-35 rested at her thigh, but a new weapon rested in her hand, paired with a rather strange new addition: a quiver of arrows.

The energy bow was kind of new to her, but it would certainly make attacking from concealment a lot easier for her given that she was a little short on sniper rifles among her stash. <<"Big laser, but probably not the most stable of power supplies...">>

Sitting in a foxhole of his own design, The Man They Call 'King' hears the reports of the vaporized folk and clicks his teeth in response. Bad business, that is. The brim of his hat is pinched and bent upwards just a touch as his hand drops to press at the still-pervasive bruise on his cheek. Damn aftermarket nanomachines not doing their job. The Morellian Enforcer takes a deep breath and folds his arms over his chest, waiting for the call to action and letting his eyes wander over to the long-rifle sitting in the foxhole with him. He doesn't like letting it sit in the dirt, but he's also lazy, so it's gotta be done.

For his part, Terek is actually surprised at the level of firepower. He'd never seen anything quite like that before. Though he's grateful to not be on the receiving end of that.

"So what is the plan?" He finally asks. He pulls his pistol out of the holster on his hip, taking a second to glance at it from behind his helmet, "Somebody remind me to get a bigger gun, please."

<<"Sumi Kora, this is Lieutenant Cayzi of Onderon.">> a pause, possibly due to incredulity? <<"I am authorized to extend a cease fire, for now, if you have authority to accept - in exchange for assistance in dealing with this Sanyassan threat.">> the voice biting out the last, grudging for having to have to offer such a thing. More Onderonian craft trying to keep outside of range are forced to twist and dive to keep from being brought down by the point defenses.

The Sanyassans press forward, savages in makeshift armor and poorly maintained weapons flank their turbolaser and march just at the head of it. A wall of flesh and durasteel with simian faces and guttural roars for battle cries and sudden gestures in the direction of Avery and Sumi's position. Their consonant heavy dialogue not difficult to translate as they start to take aim.

<"The plan?"> Sumi asks back in response to Avery, a smile present though unseen given the helmet. <"Well, I thought we'd just kill them, but it seems.. Onderon wants to work together. We may have to look at the grid defense systems down there.. open up the air for bombardment.."> Sumi turns from Avery to kneel down into the safety of her hole.

<<"I understand, Lieutenant. We may make good allies yet. We'll look into jamming those air defense grids if you can get a squad by here to bomb that thing back to hell. How we work together moving forward? We'll cross that path when it's upon us.">>

Sumi takes hold of her rifle then. <<"Anyone got eyes on something important, like laser grid?">> This time, Sumi asked it over the private net.

<<"Hey Terek... you should probably get a bigger gun.">> Comes the smart-assed response from the ebony armored Mandalorian. Avery's head swivels briefly in the Cathar's direction and, simply from the tilt of his helmet and the manner of his body, one could swear his lopsided grin were visible though the obscuring T-visored helmet. The cries and roars snap him from his mirth and back to the business at hand. <<"Maybe making the armor somewhat shiny was a bad idea.">> He admits as he climbs from their hiding hole and ignites the rocket on his back.

'Maybe a bit more practice with the new armor and jetpack are needed.' Avery thinks to himself as the stream of fire blasts from the pack and sends him flying higher than anticipated. Such is the rapid climb into the air that his first shot merely gravely wounds his target instead of outright killing him. He doesn't make the same mistake twice as he steadies himself and sights in on a new mercenary guarding the back of the laser. <<"I'm trying to get in close to see if I can unplug the thing!">> He calls as a searing red bolt sends his man careening backward to land in a heap on the ground.

Taking in the readout of the weapon as Sumi is addressed and relays the intel, Narsai draws back the string of her bow and takes aim, awaiting the first attacks. <<"That gun is pretty hastily put together, all the repulsors on the exterior and the anti-gravs at the base. Hit one side hard enough, the whole thing will flip and grind itself to pieces in the dirt.">> Gloved fingers loose the string and the arrow flies, but it's still a less familier weapon than the blaster she knew, and the shaft whistles past the target by a few centimeters instead of finding its mark.

Peeking a bit out of the foxhole, King pulls his rifle up and readies it for action. There's no scope on the thing, but the Morellian doesn't necesarilly need one. It's all muscle memory and quick math that he's done time and time again for a century. Slowly loading his rounds, King watches the encroaching line. <"Line's thinner in the middle. You clean 'em out, you can take that gun out yourself, if you move hard and fast enough,"> King radios to the rest of the group, as he begins peering through the slugthrower's sights. Two shots are loosed and two light infantry, in the middle of the line, drop. One with a shot to the jewels, and the other with a chunk of his cheek missing.

Terek's gun lights up the night, along with all the others once the Mandos attack. He fires, weapon striking one of the light infantrymen square in the head. It was a beautiful shot, even in Terek's opinion.

He immediately fires another shot at one of the Regulars. No luck with that one, but he quickly ducks back into his hole in order to make sure his own head doesn't get taken off by the inevitable return fire. Sure enough, within a moment or two shots bank off the edge of dirt parapet that he had built up, "Well cut that a little closer than I would have liked." He murmers to himself, counting down in his head before he gets ready to lean out and fire again.

<<"Understood, Kora. We have our sensors watching for an opening.">> grudging in tone. Onderon, proud people. To their detriment sometimes, but it's a start is it not? Blaster bolts, explosive arrows and slug rounds fill the air. Raiders fall in droves and their shots are wildly inaccurate. Possibly because of their total expectation of the turbolaser's supreme power.

Repulsors along the sides and back of the monstrosity angle suddenly when the massive barrel cuts loose, burning a perfect hole for nearly a kilometer through the forest, leaving parts of Hadrix's armor glowing from the near heat.

<<Kriffin' hells of Corelia.">> apt?

More Sanyassans come from the rear, cheering and shaking their weapons, trying to mass and both gain their glory as well protect the 'super weapon' they've brought to bare.

Avery reaches the apex of his flight and starts to dip back toward the ground below, the giant blast from the laser casting a sickly green sheen on his armor even at his height. The Doomseeker clad Mandalorian adjusts for the new angle of attack and picks out two of the Regulars on the left that rallied to join their quickly falling comrades. <<"Working on it!">> He sucks in a breath and squeezes the trigger, a red bolt screaming through the air as its loosed from the end of his carbine. The blast had barely struck his first target, sending him sprawling lifeless to the dirt, before a second bolt had left the weapon. This shot mortally wounds the second Regular, the poor Sanyassan grasping at the hole in his chest.

<<"If y'all wouldn't mind, clear out the other two for me? I'm going to try to work on this beast of a thing.">> Avery calls as he adjusts his body midflight and ignites the jetpack once again. He's a little more successful this time around, the burst sending him smoothly in the direction he intended. A few seconds later and the dark armored shape of Avery lands at the base of the laser, super-hero posed and looking about for any resistance before he begins to work on the turbo laser.

An arrow from the trees, Narsai gives a little exhale of victory as the first arrow finds its mark. Better, but there was plenty more targets to go around!

"Nothin' to it but to do it, I guess," King says to himself, pulling himself out of the foxhole and straightening out his duster. His rifle is lofted and pressed into his shoulder, a deafening *CRACK* exploding from it as he fires another shot, this one spearing through the air and exploding a hole into one of the incoming soldiers' legs. <"I'm makin' a run for it. Cover me,"> the Enforcer says. The rifle is leaned against a tree and patted softly before its owner tears off towards the big ol' laser.

Terek counts down, "Three. Two. One." And then he ignites his jetpack and launches himself up into the air. Sailing above the Regulars, he aims downwards with his pistol, firing a pair of shots in rapid succession.

He lands, and then immediately takes a shot to the head, knocking him off his feet and sending him sprawled into the dirt. He's not DEAD but that sure looks like it hurt.

<"King, I have your six."> still rattled by the turbolaser bolt that had warmed up his beskar'gam, Hadrix leans up from cover, head tipped to rest his cheek guard against the furniture of the antiquated weapon. Barrel smoke and the flare of the report coming a split second after a Sanyassan intent on putting a blasterbus into the morellian's side is shoved like he was kicked and hits the ground gasping and bleeding profusely.

More accurate, and desperate, this time - with Mandalorians rushing them and Enforcers charging, shots are taken with more vigor and more time given to aim as told by success from the raiders strikes, and fortune remains on Hadrix's side as the turbolaser revs up vibrating violently with arcs of energy shooting out around Avery before the barrel glows and another beam cuts across the jungle, sending trees leaping into the air as their sap is flash-boiled and small fires begin burning.


Even more Sanyassans come, fewer of the heavier troops and far more of the lighter armed savages, piling on the opposing force against the Mandos.

Sumi has stayed hunkered down in the foxhole for awhile, coordinating with the Onderon forces to negotiate a good opening. When the fog of war was clear enough, and Sumi off her comms, she peeked her cover to snap off a shot toward the regular infantry, uncertain of its success because she was back down again, waiting to hear back from the success or failure of her team! <<"Status report.">> Sumi intones over comms, her voice oddly calm despite the ensuing chaos.

The remaining two Regulars on Avery's side drop from the assault provided by the crew. He turns to give a quick salute to his group before turning back to concentrate on disabling the laser. He barely had lowered his hand when green arcs zap past his body and coalesce in a giant blast from the laser that further deforests the jungle. <<"I'm working on it!!! Looks like the coast is cl-aaaAAAAAAH!">> He exclaims, obviously not seeing the Sanyassan that had the fortune of shooting him. Well, the poor soul managed to draw attention to himself and in response Avery motions frantically toward the baddie as he ducks around the side of the laser's console. <<"Get him, get HIM!">>

He hunkers back against the body of the laser, trying to remain out of sight as much as possible as he pulls the Computer Interface from his utility belt. Quickly the slicer yanks the cords from the interface and slides them into the housing on the mega-weapon's console. The dull green interface flares to life and he dances his fingers across the screen. Avery winces slightly as pain from the smoking wound in his chest throbs.

Arrows had been good for stealth, but now stealth was long over. The bow collapses back into its folded state and Narsai fixes the weapon behind her on its mag mounts before she leaps, emerging from the cover of trees as the next blaster bolt comes at her. The Beskad at the small of her back rasps as its drawn from its sheath, bringing the forged Beskar blade to bare while the Ordo Alor joins in the melee.

Breathing sharply as he runs, King keeps his composure. He's a dang ol' super soldier, after all. He doesn't have quite the same amount of aftermarket mods that Sumi has, but the Morellian physiology takes enhancement very easily. This much is made clear by the fact that, even after running for that extended burst at the clip he was, he begins to pick up speed.

Nearing the rig, a light infantry moves to intercept the Morellian. Think fast, King! And think fast he does, closing the distance between himself and the man with the gun, stepping up onto the fellah's knee, and driving a knee into his jaw as he elevates, King's spurs ringing from the impact. Once he's back on the ground, King's running again.

Terek's ears are still ringing from the shot that bounced off his helmet. He's seeing double, but he's trying to continue to engage targets.

At least until the turbo laser is down. Then they can get the hell out of there.

He fires his blaster a couple more times, tagging one of the targets in the torso, the other shot hitting nothing because it was one of the afterimages from his concussion. He's starting to fall back towards the rest of the group, in order to lurn anyone who's after hm into a trap.

Chaos for certain. Men in dusters charging their ranks, running into the teeth of blaster fire while ice coats the skin and armor of others. While Avery works there is a system reporting power rising dangerously high before, the forest above Sumi is just... gone and she is suddenly very, very, warm inside of her armor. Miss or not - the amount of heat caused by coherent light is such that it causes sweat and dries it if the skin is exposed.

No new recruits come either, much to the frustration and fear of those who remain snarling at the Mandalorian atop their weapon.

Hearing no response to her call, Sumi assumed the worst. Having ducked back down in time, she's witness to the sudden manifestation of laser above her location. Green, bright, mesmerizing and frightening all at once, Sumi has to swallow back the notion to order a fall back. Staying at her post, Sumi rises back up, doused in the soot and falling ember/ash of what remained of the matter which once occupied the space above her, and sights her rifle. Pivoting slightly, Sumi lines up a shot and fires a single bolt that finds its mark. There might have been a pink mist had their blood not simply evaporated from the remnants of the weapon having fired. They fell from their defensive position and Sumi adjusted her aim to prepare another shot.

Shots ricochet and fly by the slicer as he concentrates on the task at hand. Absentmindedly gnawing on his lower lip as he navigates through the sub-systems, trying to shut down the laser defense grid that was keeping the aerial attacks at bay. Such is his absorption in his work that he doesn't even notice the mercenary that slips around the back of the laser and levels a shot right into Avery's leg. <<"AAAAAAAH!!! KRIFF!!!!">> If he could channel the power of the weapon he was currently trying to dismantle from his eyes, the Mercenary would be literal dust right now. As it is, he presses himself farther back against the huge machine, trying to become the smallest of targets in the galaxy while he calls for assistance in dealing with the annoyances that keep putting holes in his armor... and in him. The wounds in his leg and chest serve a more nefarious purpose as the pain distracts him from his job, his fingers seizing up in agony, spasming on the control pad and setting his attempts at stopping the device back.

From slicing to a very literal kind of slicing, Narsai moves into the mix of the regulars, swinging and slashing with the darkened metal weapon in her hand. That first swing? It misses, but the sidestep from her target is quickly counted with a rotation that draws the blade across the man's face before she grasps the blade two-handed and slashes down hard from shoulder to hip. With the spray of blood spattering her plating, the Ordo woman exhales and turns towards the swearing Avery. "<<Still alive over there?">>

Thunk! King's marathon is interrupted by a wayward blaster bolt and the Morellian goes tumbling onto the ground. Rolling for quite a while, he eventually slides to a stop, clutching at his leg. A quick inspection shows that the armored plating stopped the bolt, but he's gonna have a heck of a bruise there in the morning. <"Closing in on the laser. Gonna...try and pop it's power supply. Be careful, though. Capacitors might have a death rattle still stored up in there somewhere,"> he advises, pushing himself back up to his feet and limping around to the back of the machine. "Avery, where you at, boy? We gotta get to steppin here in a bit. Quick-like!" he calls out, pulling a lump of plastique from his trusty utility belt. "Any way you can make sure this thing empties whatever it's got in the tank?" he asks the nearest Mando, setting about prepping one of the power supplies for demo.

The damage Terek took must have affected his sense of distance, because he goes to ignite his jetpack only to realize that he's right almost face to face with one of the light infantrymen.

Without thinking he raises his blaster and fires a pair of shots, the second one sailing wide as the first one puts his target on the ground.

Of course now he's gotta put some distance between himself and them before he gets swarmed. He also has to duck another blaster bolt that comes his way as he rushes away, zigging and zagging. Serpentine!

<<"All good here, Commander. Keep the fight going.">> Sumi calls back, showing her resiliance by blasting another regular infantryman center chest. The contrail left int he wake of the bolt mists into steam, even though she's pivoted to take aim at another target. Bolts impact the ground around her fighting hole, casting small waves of dust up around her. Even bits of small rocks pink off her helmet, though Sumi seems unfazed by it.

A pained voice breaks over the comms complete with hard breathing and pauses. <<"Yeah... I-I'm still here...">> Avery grits his teeth and doubles down on concentrating, only pausing to call out, "I'm over here!" through his headset speaker when King comes looking. The slicer lifts his head to nod to the tall Morellian when he arrives, his eyes lingering on the hunk of plastique as it gets placed in the device. Unfortunately, his response seemed to attract unwanted attention and another bolt slams into his leg, hobbling the poor man and sending him to his knees with a grunt. Still the interface is clutched in his hands and he peers at the device through a rising haze of white. <<"I can.... I can still... still shut it down....">> And he does... finally the last line of code slips into place and the quiet building whirr of an overloaded power supply begins rising in the air. Avery grips the interface in one hand, yanking the cables from the laser, and takes a couple of stumbling steps away from the machine. It's clear the Mandalorian is laboring with the injured leg.

There were a few things that Narsai Ordo was good at, but slicing was not one of them. She couldn't coordinate the army as Sumi was, she had no line to the Onderonians and the Majority of the warriors here were clan Kora, not Revivers. She wasn't a doctor, she couldn't medic Avery any better than others could. That left the Ordo woman with one thing to do; fight. That she could do pretty damn well. The blood was pounding in her ears, the impact of an enemy bolt pinged off the side of her Beskar'gam, barely registering thanks to the hardened metal while her hands gripped the hilt of the blade she continued to slash and slice through.

Narsai couldn't take on a whole army, but if looking like she was trying would buy the others time? Well...

With the charge and timer set, King steps back from the laser and slides his chromium-plated Enforcer from its cozy little holster. Noting the struggling Avery, King moves to slip his shoulders under the man's arm in an attempt to steady him as they beat a retreat. "I got you, killer. We gonna write to momma about this one, alright?" the Morellian assures the man, clicking back the hammer of the heavy revolver. He'll try to help usher the man along more quickly, but with a leg injury of his own, it's easier said than done.

Terek's weapon was getting low on ammo, but he was certainly putting it to good use. He moves to position himself between King, Avery and the remaining hostiles, intent on drawing their fire to give the other two some time to escape, "Come on you bastards, you think you can hit me, then go ahead and hit me!"

He shoots again, striking down yet another one of the light infantry troopers with a shot. He's going to need to reload soon, but these guys don't need to know that.

Before Avery's disconnection to the system, as power begins to well up and short out systems, there is a simple report:

  • <* Warning - Power reroute successful. Overload imminent - Warning *>*

Maybe a little redundant. But the sudden shift at the turbo lasers cells - and the sudden output causing its repulsors and antigravs to go off at sudden overdrive the massive weapon bucks where it hovers. A blast of coherent light explodes from the barrel, but it isn't focused and the durasteel balloons out in a chain reaction that flows down to the power systems itself.

<<"Terek, Narsai, get clear. Up and away; fifteen degree angle.">> Hadrix's growl over comms. Of all things the man had seen in his years afield - explosions. His jets fired, working again to carry him like an obsidian missile across the distance to scoop Avery beneath one arm and King the other before angling up and away - to let the blast carry them.

The Sanyassans? They don't shoot. Not now. Not with this. They're running, screaming in panic.

<<"Kora - we're reading a power spike and...">> the Onderon Lieutenant's voice cutting off when the turbo laser finally explodes in a ball of fire that glows like a small sun, whipping away color and replacing it with stark black and white. Sound is eliminated and soil becomes molten as the weapon consumes itself.

<<"Don't need those bombers after all, eh?">> no small sound of surprise and perhaps a touch of awed respect?

Hearing the warning and the direction that's given from Hadrix, Terek holsters his pistol and turns, quickly blasting off. This time there's no hesitation to use his jetpack. He has a good idea of what's coming.

Somehow he manages to outrun the blast wave, though the heat coming off of that explosion would still be enough to cook him if he didn't have his armor on. Thankfully he lands, a bit singed, and with his head still ringing, but safe.