Log:Maz visits The Blue Light

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Maz visits the Blue Light for some info

OOC Date: May 8th, 2016
Location: The Blue Light
Participants: Siya, Rheisa Dirleel, Maz Kanata, Lowkeyyy, Zhu Yan

There was a cheering mass of people at the bar, seemingly surrounded Siya who had just gotten finished doing some fantastic bartending tricks. However, the Zeltron had made her way out of the crowd, leaving a row of colorful drinks for them to consume and greeted a blonde Wookie. "Come in, Lowkeyyy. Come and get a drink."

The massively short and orange skinned alien of Maz shows up after a couple of tries at the door. She is starting to remember why she doesn't travel as much. Harder on the shorter folk. She scans the bar and decides to have a drink. She takes long steps to the counter and pulls herself up on a stool, with little effort. She sits and waits for someone to take her order. She even spins on the stool while she waits.

Taking Siya into his arms as she moves towards him, Low picks her up in a strong hug and gives a quick squeeze before placing her back down on her feet. "Siya, my love... How are you doing?" The translator attached to his belt picks up after he finishes speaking and gives the words in a robotic monotone.

Siya turns to see the short orange woman entering. A warm smile is flashed towards Maz "Welcome to the Blue Light!" She greets. Then she is scooped up and she oofs in the Wookie hug. "Easy.. " She chuckles once he puts her back down. She straightens her garments and turns back to the bar. "Come on, Low. Come get a drink or three." Moving back to the bar, the crowd previously there disperses back to their tables. She moves behind the bar once more and offers another grin to Maz, "What can I get for you today?"

"I'll probably just have something that burns a little as it goes down, don't need anything too strong today." Low winks at Siya and settles on a stool at the bar, his ice blue gaze moving over to Maz. "Hi" He barks at her.

Maz Kanata eyes the wookiee. She doesn't need the translator, but she smirks. She waves to Siya and nods in greeting. She eyes the stash. "What do you suggest?" She is interested in what Shaddaa has to offer and not her own knowledge of drinks. "I'll take just about anything as long as it's not motor oil and it's strong." She dials her goggles to get a better look at Siya.

Siya grins at Low, "Ok, something simple for you. I have a good vintage of Correlian whiskey that just arrived." She bends down under the bar and pulls out a bottle, popping it open. The amber liquid is poured into an etched glass before it is slid over to the Wookie. Turning her attention to the elder, "Hmmm. Well, I suppose it depends on your tastes. Do you prefer something straight, or maybe a mixed beverage. I know a really strong drink a local bartender taught me. It is called My Lil Secret. I will only sell two per customer. Unless you are a Zeltron with two livers." She winks.

Maz Kanata snorts at that "Hutts." She rolls her beady eyes around in those goggle lens. "They wouldn't know a hole in a wall from a docking station." She watches Kadi. "If you are busy you don't have to pay this old bat any old mind." She teases more and looks around the Hangar with curiosity.

Maz Kanata eyes the wookiee. She doesn't need the translator, but she smirks. She waves to Siya and nods in greeting. She eyes the stash. "What do you suggest?" She is interested in what Shaddaa has to offer and not her own knowledge of drinks. "I'll take just about anything as long as it's not motor oil and it's strong." She dials her goggles to get a better look at Siya.

Taking the offered glass of corellian whiskey, the wookiee watches the very tiny woman as she adjusts those glasses as if zooming in on Siya. "She's pretty hot, isn't she?" Low asks with a wink. He lifts his glass up to his lips and sips at the whiskey.

A few steps lead up through the doorway into this tavern in the Corellian District. Once inside one will immediately be bombarded by smells of smoke, people and even food. The sensory perceptions are not let down there though. Conversation also fills the air within this watering-hole's walls. There is a long bar along the back wall, furthest from the entrance, tables where patrons rest and booths on either sides of the tables. Off to the right of the main entrance is a small set of stairs that lead up into a mid-level area where more tables are setup, but these are designed for the use of Sabacc or other games of chance. This is one of the most liveliest bars in the Corellian district, anyone who's anyone on Nar Shaddaa often comes in here.

It's late, and a Rheisa is hungry. If memory serves correctly, Qo and Veela had plans to use up some produce they'd spent a great deal of creds on for dinner before it goes bad, and that is one meal she wants nothing to do with. So the Togruta's getting something on the road. But is also in need of a sit. Stress makes the heart beat harder, and hers is much too tired already.

Imitation tumoun cloth whispers over the stone steps and across the floor as Rheisa pads her way into the din. She slides through the crowd at the entrance.

Maz Kanata's minimal nose wrinkles at the thought of Correlian whiskey. "Well if it's mixed. I should let you be creative hm?" She listens to Siya's options and advice. "Please, I am a small woman, it would probably kill me." She teases. She looks at Low and nods. "She's a nice example of her kind.. Though you look familiar. You wouldn'thave a father who enjoys to travel in his younger days do you?" She winks at Low, teasing. Just the short and sassy sort. "Also if you know anything about animal trade."

Siya bites her lower lip. "I know. A Blue Comet. It is simple, strong, but not too strong. Sweet, tart, frosty.." She begins to assemble what she needs. A glass is taken down and she pours a few shots of various clear liquids into it. As she works, there is a humming. Then, a blue liquid is poured in before she stirs it gently. From beneath the counter, a small can is produced and she sprays the glass. A puff of smoke hisses out and when the smoke clears, the beverage is then frosty and neon blue. A little straw is added and she slides it towards the diminutive woman. "Names Siya." She introduces herself to the orange elder. Glancing up, there is a Togruta entering. A pink hand waves towards a snow-white Teilek who immediately makes her way towards Rheisa. "Can I get you something to eat and drink, dear?" Naria asks of Rheisa.

Rheisa blinks her focus off the chatter of a Squib at a nearby table and onto the snowy Twi'lek. "What is on menu for foods?" She inquires politely with a flash of smiling, hopeful teeth.

The minimal orange skin tries to contain her entertainment as Siya struggles to come up with a drink for her. This is vastly amusing for Maz. Espeically, when the shoe is on the other foot. "I do like frosty." She chimes, dripping with pirate charm. "Nice to meet you Siya. I am Maz." She glances over her shoulder to the togruta that's entered. She dials her goggles back on the blue comet drink she has. She nods and whistles. "Well done. I am impressed." She attempts to communicate in Zeltron to Siya as a guess.

Naria smiles to Rheisa and cants her head, her leku shifting slightly. "Well, we have just about anything. The roasted boarmeat is delightful tonight. It is served with a delicious gravy." Siya perks up and follows Maz's gaze over to Rheisa. "Rheisa! Come join us here! Don't be a stranger over there." She beams a smile. Looking back to Maz, she beams a smile. "I am pleased to meet you, Maz." She even seems more delighted that she speaks in her native language.

It was Atunda today, which meant it was time for the magnificent, the incomparable, the recently returned from a 'business trip' Zhu Yan to make his appearance in his favourite haunt. And not just because he was friends with the owner! Though that had perks. He swaggered on through the door, wearing his standard spacer gear plus a new, shiny, brand spanking new plastic crown on his head. It's good to be the king.

There was a strange orange midget at the bar, clearly being worked over by Siya's magnificent boo... bartendering skills. Ahem. Clearly this was where Zhu Yan, gorgeous was he, is needed. He hiked up to the bar with panache and derring-do and planted his elbows on the counter. "Siya, dear, good to see you. How's Legs?" If Legs were here, Yan would be slapped. Legs was not here. Thank goodness for small favours!

Standing before you is Zhu Yan, a ruggedly handsome man looking to be around thirty. At 5'9", he looks like the typical average height Corellian spacer, fair skinned with roguish good looks and an inability to display any sort of expression that isn't a smile. He isn't a muscle-bound hunk of a man, but he's solidly built and not inclined to fat. His brown hair is thick and messy and in desperate need of a trim, and yet his beard and moustache are well maintained, if not really styled. Notably, the man has a Caucasian complexion, not at all what his name implies.

Yan is dressed like a proper spacer Captain. He wears a brown bomber jacket with the furry collar which at first glance looks definitely too thick to be comfortable in the heat. Underneath is a black button-up shirt that bears no insignia, and on his legs are brown pants covered with pockets. Sturdy black boots complete the look. Around his right hip is a holster with an old and distinctive looking Bryar Pistol.

"Boar?" Rheisa echoes and entwines her fingers loosely with a rub to and fro. "Has been a very long time since I have such things..." lilac-flecked eyes turn glazed with nostalgia a moment. Was her last hard-won meal on Shili. A boar - slain by her arrow, fetched by the robed man, prepared by her for them both. She wonders, is Jaren yet alive?

A blink. Someone calls her name. Turning her face to regard the bar and its tender, the Togruta offers a small nod. "Board would be good." She leaves this 'Naria' to do her bidding while she answers the summons to the bar.

Maz Kanata attempts a sip of this creative drink. She licks her lips. "Good. Not my thing but good." She nods, speaking in Zeltron and glances over to Zhu, she thumbs. "Who is the baby bozo?" Siya seemed to be very popular with her regulars. She chuckles and goes back to drinking her blue drink and removes the straw, she didn't need such a thing. She pushes some credits Siya's way [Language: Zeltron]

Siya groans as Zhu Yn arrives, dripping in self importance. It is a sad day when a man can even make a Zeltron groan. There is a rolls of the eyes and she turns to look to the man. "Zhu, welcome back home. The usual tonight?" She sighs, "Legs is not here tonight. She is blissfully at home, not being called Legs despite her repeated attempts at asking you not to call her that." She pours Zhu's usual and sets it in front of him. Speaking in Zeltron, she looks to Maz with a smile, "This is a friend. Zhu Yan is his name. Don't believe a word he says." She winks to the orange woman. Back to the common tongue, she looks towards Rheisa, "It is good to see you. Can I get you something to drink? I trust Naria is off to get you something to eat?" Speaking of, the snow-white Twilek has dissapeared into the kitchen to collect said order. [Language: Basic]

Zhu Yan sighed! He clearly overdid it for dramatic effect. "Hey, you try remembering Le'galamb." Not her name. "Leg'selende." Also not her name. "Leg'goofmee?" Also not her name. Eh. Yan gave up. He took his usual, deliberately not-cheap-but-not-expensive Corellian whiskey, because he was Corellian, yes, and took a sip. "Delightful as usual." It was at that point that he turned to look at Short, Orange And Wrinkly. "Don't believe whatever she says," he said in a super conspiratorial tone. "She's always picking on me." Fake sulk! [Language: Basic]

Stepping back in from outside, a datapad call had sent the wookiee out for quite some time. "Shit heads..." Low mutters as he walks back in, looking around to see the conglomeration of people gathered. MAIL: You have a new message (19) from GLOBAL: Dahan's.

Rheisa's feet slow to a halt and she lingers a couple steps behind the Wookiee. It's the one who had called out to her in the port. Feeling a slight twinge of embarassment at how that encounter had gone, she makes an abrupt two step turn to take up roost on the other side of Lowkeyyy's neighbor - a small person of somewhat kindred color! And that guy. Another questionable encounter from the port. It's just not her day, perhaps. The Togruta offers a meek, harmless smile. "Water."

Maz Kanata attempts a sip of this creative drink. She licks her lips. "etaetutov. ovi adorh hoomejaaph aewofevood etaetutov." She nods, speaking in Zeltron and glances over to Zhu, she thumbs. "kosa eapeadaefa ghevaethie oolaag toogeatheaghaa?" Siya seemed to be very popular with her regulars. She chuckles and goes back to drinking her blue drink and removes the straw, she didn't need such a thing. She pushes some credits Siya's way

Maz Kanata watches the hustle and bustle of a place in a city than in comparison to her sleepy little castle. She smiles around the rim of her drink. She glances to Zhu and nods politely. "All humans have a loudness about them." She chuckles ruefully. "Well, I don't tend to believe anything I hear. You know.. being old and anicent and such, plays tricks with the ears." She is teasing of course. Still sharp as a tac, but she plays frail. "Typically, people have names, and it's best to remember them." She points. "Or they'll remember you, when it's your turn." Old wisdom. She turns her attention to the Togruta at the bar and nods. Skin twins! Similar color indeed.

Siya rolls her eyes again! "If I was picking on you, I wouldn't pour you a drink. I would get Enida to do it." The rather squat, older woman with facial hair and tripple chins from in the kitchen had a little crush on Zhu. "She thinks your butt is cute." She smirks.

She then turns to Rheisa, pausing and furrowing her brows. "Are you alright, dear?" She asks. "Water it is." She pours a crystal clear glass, setting it in front of the Togruta. Just then Naria returns and heads to the table where Rheisa -had- been at and pauses. She spins around with the plate in hand blinking and looking for Rheisa. Siya chuckles a little, "Naria! That is my fault. She is over here now!" With a little skip, Naria arrives and sets a juicy plate of roasted boar meat slathered in succulent gravy.

She glances back to Maz, "See! She agrees with me there. Need to learn names. Her name is Lanisa. The one you keep calling legs."

Of the many exciting words that could be used to describe Zhu Yan, 'wise' was not one of them. "'Scuse me, my butt is GORGEOUS." Yan made an 'Umf' sound to go with it. In his mind, his butt had bishie sparkle and everything. Though that might have just been ego clouding his judgment. Again. And if Enida caught on, well, that would not be a night to tell the boys about at the bar.

Moving on! "Don't believe anything you hear?" Clearly this ancient old wise woman had not been trolled by the insincere might of Zhu Yan! "Well, Siya over there can't actually make a drink to save her life." Completely deadpan. Ohhhhh, he goin' get slapped. "She has this sneaky cloaked droid that measures the ingredients for her and does most of the flipping and whatnot." Really slapped, even though he was clearly having a great time coming out with random sithspit on the spot. "I tried to hack into it once, but the thing is tiny. When I finally caught it with a pair of tweezers and got it under a zoom scope it said 'Bugger off, Zhu Yan!' I was offended! Offended I say."

"Do not believe a word that man says." Low tells Mz as he steps up to the bar once more, looking around to see if his drink is still sitting around. Someone please roofie it and he'll be all over Zhu, dat ass he's talking about! THe wookiee points at Maz. "You call yourself elderly, just how old are you? I am over 200."

Rheisa takes a few seconds longer than necessary to study the goggly-eyeing goggles worn on Maz's face. Before curiosity can get the better of her and influence those fidgety fingers forward, Siya redirects her attention - as does the aroma of savory porcine flesh. Hyper salivation ensues. "Am fine, okay. Thank," she murmurs and delicately takes hold of the glass to give it a safety sniff before downing half. It's nice when water is in fact /water/ and not setting her throat on fire.

A pale tongue flits over rehydrated, grey lips. She works at peeling a strip of saucy board free with two fingernails while watching the man called 'Zhu' puff and flaunt his feathers for the benefit of all. It's difficult to hide in plain sight when you're colorful and striped and sporting a mature rack of montrals, but the Muse' curator does her best. It is as the little one says - listening and learning is indeed important. Low's revelation of age stirs a little sense of admiration within and before she's quite finished chewing that first bite, she emits a low whistle.

Maz Kanata has to take her time to look at Zhu's butt. "It is cute!" She holds up her drink in cheers. She winks her beady eyes behind her large goggle lenses. She smirks. "I mean, We can start calling him 'Butt Cheeks' if we are going on physical nicknames." She sips her drink and pumps her tiny legs from her high bar stool. Thumbs again. "Does he always talk this much?" She pulls up her goggles to peer at him. She goes back to Siya and ignores Zhu. She chuckles at Low. "Oh Fresh." Paws the air. "You are a baby." She winks, "A lady never hands out her age." She wiggles her eyebrow ridges at him. "Willfully at any rate." She takes another sip, snickering. "200. Peh, a baby. Like I said I bet I know your Pa."

Maz Kanata has to take her time to look at Zhu's butt. "It is cute!" She holds up her drink in cheers. She winks her beady eyes behind her large goggle lenses. She smirks. "I mean, We can start calling him 'Butt Cheeks' if we are going on physical nicknames." She sips her drink and pumps her tiny legs from her high bar stool. Thumbs again. "Does he always talk this much?" She pulls up her goggles to peer at him. She goes back to Siya and ignores Zhu. She chuckles at Low. "Oh Fresh." Paws the air. "You are a baby." She winks, "A lady never hands out her age." She wiggles her eyebrow ridges at him. "Willfully at any rate." She takes another sip, snickering. "200. Peh, a baby. Like I said I bet I know your Pa."

Siya turns her attention to Zhu and there is a gasp! A loud gasp! She seems mortally offended! Her brows furrow at him and she even grrs a little. No, she does not slap him. She is not a violent person in the slightest. Instead, a little mischievous look crosses her features and she just accidentally tips his drink over so the liquor will spill over the edge and onto the crotch of his pants. "Oh dear.. I made a mess.." She says with shifty eyes.

Feeling satisfied with her level of evil, she turns her attention back to Lowkeyyy and to Rheisa. "SO! Rheisa! This is my friend Lowkeyyy. The one I was telling you about! Lowkeyyy, this is Rheisa, the Togruta needing wood for the beautiful art she makes." She beams a smile.

Maz's comment suddenly has the Zeltron laughing heartily. "Butt cheeks.. I like it." She smirks. "Unfortunately, yes. He is really full of himself. Though, where his talk is a bit annoying at times, he can get quite creative and get out of some interesting situations."

Were it any other circumstance, and Zhu Yan would be making some sort of joke about having whiskey dick. After all, Siya had gotten her revenge on him in a far more cunning manner than expected. However! He was far too distracted about the words she said next.

"Siya!" he quietly half-hissed, leaning in close. And also stealing napkins so he could do something not-actually-suspicious with them on his crotch. "Please tell me you did NOT just say that," he turned to look at the Togruta and was surprised when he recognized her! He turned back abruptly and continued his sentence. "...Little Miss Blowpipe 'needs wood' to the crazy Wookiee sex fiend!" His facial expression and tone carried a hint of amusement mixed in with a whole boatload of worry.

The wookiee turns his attention towards Rheisa once more and points at her. "Togruta!" It is an accusing point. "You're the one who ran off when I didnt do anything!" Low makes a 'tsk' noise. He then looks back at Maz and smiles. "Right, well that makes me feel better, all of these young pups make me look old, but it is nice to feel young by the way you talk..." Low stands from the bar once more as his datapad went off again. He looks back to Rheisa. "Wookiee wood can be hard, but very pleasing to touch." Low winks and gives a wave to those around him. "I must go!"

Rheisa looks between the lot of them, headtail stripe pigment blanching /just/ a tad as the connection between Lowkeyyy, Siya, and the other day's conversation finally clicks. Whoops. Thoughts too riddled with her own self-conscious beratement for the very thing Lowkeyyy points out, she doesn't exactly pick up on the inuendo, and Zhu is granted an odd look for his concern. "I...I did not know you," she offers in quiet explanation to the Wook before he gets up to take his leave. "Siya has asked me to create something for her, so...for that I need good wood. Smuggler's Moon is not a good place for this, to find" she explains with somewhat slow, deliberate pronunciation. Partly to get around the lump forming in her throat. Partly because she's been working on completing sentences in Basic with more acceptable grammar. There are some things her protocol droid is good for.

Maz Kanata is too old for this shit! She finishes her drink and nods to Siya. "Thank you for the drink and entertainment." All this crap is making this old woman blush. Damn kids! She nods to them. "Have a nice evening." She climbs down the bar stool, being short and all. She makes her exit.

Siya looks to Zhu Yan. "You are simply insufferable." A long and dramatic sigh comes from her. "Good night, Lowkeyyy. Hopefully the two of you can talk soon!" She watches as her good friend leaves and she goes to pour a new glass of whiskey for Zhu Yan. She looks to Maz as she moves to depart, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Maz! I do hope we can meet again!" She lifts a hand to wave in warm farewell.