Log:Mists of Avaria

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Mists of Avaria

OOC Date: August 24, 2019
Location: Dargul, Mid Rim
Participants: Veck, Sion, Palena Maris, Merek, David Ironside, Kasia Ashkuri, Rial Het, Jax Greystorm, Sajin, Narsai Ordo, Caim, Sesti Greystorm, Aryn Cole

Dargul Sea Port, Dargul, Mid Rim

Dargul was a beautiful planet from space. Its sapphire blue seas blemished only by the tropical storms that spiral with white clouds, or the green and brown smudges that marked land fall. The ship this covert team has taken was a non-descript vessel intended to shuttle passengers quickly. They break through the atmosphere, and make a descent for the capitol city. When it comes into view, they see a jungle covered cliffside that eclipses a massive palace of shimmering silver. Old ruins mixed with modern tech revitalize the skeleton of an ancient empire now long forgotten. Few ships take to the sky, because the port is not one that caters to smugglers, or general populace. Dargul is a heavily guarded jewel poised at the edge of a magnificent sea. Colors here are vibrant, and Darglum (the sun) shines bright leaving the sea shimmering with slivers of refracted sun glares.

Their pilot angles the shuttle toward the western sea port, and begins to radio in to find out where this Lady Avlin Rey is making her final stand. It becomes clearer as they get closer to this port, that the last stand is a heated blaster fight along the civilian docking piers. Tall ships of all makes and size are moored here, but the only people here are fighting for their lives.

The shuttle settles down behind a MASSIVE cargo container and Dr. Cole pulles the door open, sliding it aside to reveal what serves as Avlin's battlefield Commander. A heavily armored man stands 6'5 easy, and carries an A280 rifle. "GLAD YOU GUYS MADE IT!" He yells over the sound of the engines, his hair going wild. "WE'RE TRYING TO PUSH UP TO THAT CARGO LINER, BUT THESE DAMN ROYAL GUARDS ARE SPACED OUT ALL OVER THE GOD DAMNED PIERS, MAKING IT REALLY HARD TO MOVE ANYWHERE. WE NEED SOMEONE TO BREAK THEIR LINES SO WE CAN MOVE TO THE SHIP, AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! ARE YOUR PEOPLE UP TO THE CHALLENGE?!" He eyes the group coming off the ship with wary eyes. Meanwhile, stray and errant blaster bolts fly harmlessly overhead as a battle wages beyond the crate.


Veck watches it all dressed in his power armor with his hand reaching down to grab his pistol into his right hand, as he watches it all with a wicked little chuckle.<Now then, it seems it is already go time!> His voice is exicted as he looks down and out of the ship, as he moves towards the exit. But he is moving quickly now with a nod towards the others.<RUmble and party time!>

Having flown the drop-shuttle, Sion isn't quick to reach the door after they put down. She pauses to check her armor and weapon one last time, ready to step out the door.

But she does peek around the doorsill first. "Wow... I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. Did we land in the right place?"

Merek has on his black Naboo Arms equipment which he was offered to assist, while the helmet also covers his features. When the fire of the blasters sounds, as well as the person speaking to them, he nods a bit with a lift of his weapon to shift in with the others also.

Buffeted by the hard gusts of wind, Palena's first instinct is to lift her left arm as a block against it, palm extended and aligned in front of her face to try and keep it protected. It isn't much help. Squinting her eyes for help, Palena watches Doctor Cole draw her weapon and does the same, though unlike the woman's crystal sword, Palena's is simply a borrowed blaster. She shows some amount of discipline with the weapon in that she keeps its barrel angled towards the floor and her finger off the trigger, but she's not armored like most of the gathered and isn't carrying large amounts of ammunition. What purpose she serves, if any, is a guess. The sound of battle is fierce, and Palena's pulse quickens at the impending conflict.

David, armor on, cloak covering the identifying logos underneath (not that they'd be accurate), holds back, checking his blaster once more before stepping out behind Sion. "Oh, this is the place. Don't you hear the sounds of battle?" he asks. "Just gotta ask yourself whether it's a place you want to put yourself into to get to where we're supposed to go, according to this guy." He helpfully thumb-points at the battlefield commander. "Can't possibly be worse than dead bodies come back to life, though.." he adds under his breath.

Kasia is settled in wearing some light armor, not as powerful, durable, or useful as some of the heavier armor here, but it's what she has and what she's comfortable in. They land and she straightens up, drawing a deep breath before she gets to her feet to move to the open door, but that's where she pauses. "Well this is going to be fun." If by fun you mean probably violent and dangerous.

Rial Het affects a dry smile and likes to Sion, "I surely hope this is the right place. Because if it isn't, we're stuck here anyway, aren't we?" Checking the charge on a heavily modified little pistol, and takes a quick peek in the direction the soldier has pointed them all. "Would throwing out a smoke screen be an advantage for us or for them?" he asks the others aloud.

Cosair, the merc in the green Cng battle armor with the full helmet had as usual sit quietly on the ride over. As usual, he didn't speak unless spoken to and didn't remove his helmet. Though as they hit the ground, he seems to move with a purpose and careful step, his armor as though it didn't hinger him in anyway. Then as Aryn Cole draws her crystal blade, the man does the same.

Sajin was a big fellah himself, accented by the medium power armor he wore. The big guy greeting him only had three inches on the handsomr haoan king. "Should be a blast, Kas." He confirms through his helmets vocorder, heftimg his bih.old bowcastet up along with him as he trudges down into tue frey.

Arriving from the drop shuttle, it had been a little unsettling to rely on another?s craft and another?s skills but at least it was someone Narsai knew was well and truely capable. With her fair features obscured by the cold reflective t-visor of her helmet, the young Mandalore exhales a breath and then steps out with her own blaster pistols drawn. The sound and sight of violence waiting brings a light shift of her weight and an urge for movement, but she?d wait for their moment.

The fight would be on them in moments after all.

?We will get you there,? Narsai speaks, nodding her head. ?We can push through.?

The area of battle in question was a large, mostly open dock. On the right side of the dock was the city and beyond, but there were large buildings and tall levy walls that were being used as cover for a platoon of Royal Guards. Along the left side of the dock, the sea was the dominating backdrop, but scattered ship containers were sporadically spaced with dangerous distance between each. Behind several containers along the dock were nobles, men and women dressed not for battle but for court, yet they were fighting for their lives.

"SMOKE SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD START, BUT WE'LL LOSE TOO MANY FIGHTING UP AND DOWN THE DOCKS. USE OUR SHUTTLE WHILE WE DRAW THE FIRE AWAY! GET YOUR PEOPLE ON BOARD, THEN WE'LL MAKE OUR WAY TO THE LINER TO DEPART!" Aryn yells over the loud battle. The Commander nods his head. "I'LL LEAVE YOU TO IT THEN!" He climbs aboard the vessel and begins to power it up. Aryn steps to the group for a quick huddle. "SMOKE GRENADES IF YOU HAVE THEM! (not coded, obviously) WE'LL CLOSE THE DISTANCE TO THE ROYAL GUARDS!" Aryn waits for the smoke to be tossed and go off. She stacks to one side of the cargo container watching the battle. From our HEROES current position, the right side of the docks where the levy walls are is about 25m of open terrain.

When smoke is triggered all along the docks from EACH OF THE POSITIONS WHERE NOBLES ARE TAKING COVER, visibility is greatly reduced. Motioning for everyone to move out to intercept, Aryn steps from cover and into the smoke. Ahead of them, some 15 Royal Guards begin closing the distance and come into view.

There is a moment, of a pure joy in his motions as he leaps off towatds them now as he starts to sprint towards them, his blaster aiming down at one of the guards, firing one right in the left butt check with a wicked little laugh. But then he is charging forward as he is missing him with a little annoyance sigh, as his hand is ready for the next enemy.

There is a moment, of a pure joy in his motions as he leaps off towatds them now as he starts to sprint towards them, his blaster aiming down at one of the guards, firing one right in the left butt check with a wicked little laugh. But then he is charging forward as he is missing him with a little annoyance sigh, as his hand is ready for the next enemy.

"Gotta love it when the enemy knows you're coming..." Sion mutters, ducking down behind an emergency First Aid locker close to the docks and bracing her weapon on it. She jars her finger in the process and her first shot goes wide. The next connects with a wounded Royal Guard and sends him down in a heap. He doesn't move again.

The command to disembark sounds out after the deployment of smoke. Palena follows the Doctor towards cover and into the mix. Only once she's got feet flat on the ground and some semblance of cover does she bother raising her blaster. Whatever she's aiming at and intends to shoot at isn't any danger, however, because when she squeezes the trigger of the Blurrg, a gout of flame leaps from the barrel to tickle harmlessly at nothing but air. Muttering something under her breath, Palena's finger quickly leaves the trigger and she sets about glancing to the weapon's side, where a selector is clearly not on the right setting. She adjusts it with her thumb, and sends up a small prayer to the moon goddess to help her live through that embarrassment.

Merek seems to be waiting while he looks to Aryn, then he nods a bit. He shifts forward while he lifts up his blaster, firing clean at the guards which takes two to the ground while he takes his other hand to cock the weapon also. His cybernetic eyes that have a glow are what they see while he mows them. He then makes to cover while he waits to advance again as well.

David sticks to what he knows, and more accurately, who he knows. Him and Sion, both apparently muttering under their breaths, ducking behind a First Aid locker that's been clearly marked as such. He takes a first glance, then swings around to shoot in the same spot twice. Shame the first shot sent the guard off his feet, making the second shot go wide as a result. Rookie mistake, should've considered he might not miss. He turns back behind cover to address Sion quietly. "You think anyone would notice if we took some medical supplies?" he asks of her.

"It'll be something," Kasia agrees as she glances over at Sajin. "Hex would love this," she adds in a voice loud enough for the Hapan to hear, but then it's time to move. Grenades go out, and people begin to move. She ducks low and makes a run for what looks like some decent cover, pulling free one of the large blasters she's carrying, but she doesn't take a shot yet.

Rial Het throws a smoke grenade over their cover for sheer distance. He might overshoot their opponents entirely, but damned if he misses short and smokes his own face. Following up, he places a precise blaster bolt in the upper torso of a Royal guard, before shifting his aim to another. Alas, there us now smoke everywhere, and he ends up firing blind, and missing badly.

The smoke grenades are providing cover between the heros and the vile Royal gaurd, hopefully in crimson. This allows Cosair to move through the smoke on light feet as he races ahead and out of the smoke charging one of the closest Royal Gaurds bring his blade up to to cut deep into the guardsman torso then with a flick of the blade coming around for a second strike diging deep into the guards man's leg. Though as the gaurd doesn't die, <<Stand down, You've fought hard. Don't throw your life away.>> comes the filter voice that doesn't sound anything like Jax Greystorm.... Nope not at all. Not the droids you're looking for...

Sajin usually took out a leg or an arm with his bowcaster. This guy who took the bol though just exploded in red mist when it hit. "Woah! Haha, Kasia. Did you see that. He exploded hah. Hex would totally love this. We can make him jelous later with stories." Clearly lacking any mercy or remorse for the enemy at this moment.

And the action begins! Taking her blaster in both hands Narsai moves forwards, firing off a pair of bolts. The second goes wide but it matters for little as the first man falls with a hole smoking where his nose had been before.

The smoke changed Sesti's mind about opening her helmet, and she remains buttoned up as she dashes alongside Cosair, happening to end up beside him when the action started. The grey of the armor has been trimmed with a bit of red along the edges of the plates, and she moves quickly with her vibro blade in one hand and keeps the shorter blade in the other. She peels off slightly to the right of the Cosair and before one guard knows what's happening, the small but quick figure in gray takes out his leg and finishes on the backswing by taking off an arm and dropping him to the ground. The next guard receives the stab of her dagger before they are able to recognize the danger, but the pain catches the brain up to the situation and they back pedal, bringing up their weapon to try and take down the armored warrior woman before she takes them down.

The scene is comprised of chaos. Smoke looms over the docks as waves splash noisily from behind our heroes. Ahead, dark shapes have charged our heroes , and the initial trade off is very one sided. Blaster bolts change the tint of the smoke as slower-than-light flashes brilliantly through this small fog of war. Those with melee weapons have charged into the smoke, coming across foes who were not prepared to encounter brazen warriors with blades.

As the battle rages, the Commander has taken the personnel shuttle and begins ferrying people from the docks, where our heroes are fighting, to the cargo liner ship that sits upon the water, prepped for departure. The engines and frequent passing shuttle begins to clear the smokey haze, and our heroes can see that the next fighting position is contested by royal guards fighting nobles, but the Nobles have managed to thwart the attack leaving only stragglers. The final fighting position, some 50m down the dock to the north, is still locked in a heavy battle.

FIVE ENEMIES remain in our immediate vicinity, and when they're dead, the heroes have an obligation to help the third position with their battle.

Veck slides his hand over the blaster as he looks over the chaos, his eyes narrowing on a target as his had comes up aiming down the barrek, firing at the one down and out, and then he aims at his buddy next to him. He is standing there dressed in his power armor for now firing off into them, like a man that cares little for his own safety, cause he does noit.

With her weapon on the right setting, Palena dips back out of cover and levels her blaster at one of the remaining targets. A squeeze of the trigger provokes the weapon to bark, and the scent of burnt ozone wafts into her nose as the blaster discharges a red bolt into the chest of the guard she's sighted. To her surprise, it looks as if the armor absorbs it in a dissipation of energy over its surface rather than punching through to cause the guard to perish. She doesn't know whether to be relieved or frustrated, and the mix of emotions rushing through her mimics the heavy waves smashing against the dock behind them. She's not trying to kill anyone, but she knows those on the other side of the conflict are not going to give her the same quarter.

Merek looks to the guards while he begins to shift from cover, making his way to the guards while he lifts up his pistol, "Tell your leader you'll need more men!" he calls to them while he twirls his weapon to take one on the ground with two shots, then he places a foot upon the one he killed, while he lifts up his pistol to fire in the face of another. He then lifts a combat knife from his belt which he sheaths right into another of them twice that is on the ground moving away from him also. Caim runs on ahead with the others in time to see more guards. He moves quickly to cover and fires a blaster bolt at one of the guards. When he sees the weapon fly out of the man's hands, he turns to gauge the battle field, blaster aimed at the guard.

Still behind the First Aid Crate, David checks his blaster, peeking just around the corner to see Merek strike out with furious anger at the guards, giving the pilot pause briefly before he shoots twice, dropping a single guard of his own. He keeps the blaster trained until he's given the guy ample time to get back up, and when he doesn't he gets back in cover.

Kasia DID see Sajin's shot and she grimaces slightly at the results, turning away to look over at the man with the bowcaster. "That thing is way too powerful. I'm glad that it's not shooting at me, because it would hurt." Can he hear her over the noise of battle? Who knows. She doesn't concern herself with it, and instead peers out from behind her cover to spot a target. She narrows her eyes and carefully lines up the shot, so carefully. Really, really carefully. And then she fires, and the blaster bolt flies right past the target and slams into something that didn't need to be shot.

Rial Het advances to keep up with the more swiftly advancing members of the team, holdout pistol poised for firing. Yet, all this damn smoke- he nearly trips over a dead body at one point, noting tersely under his breath, "I'm aware that it were my own idea, and all.. But a bloody pox on all of this smoke, aye?" At one point he fires a pair of blasts in the general direction of 'the enemy' on principle and calls it good enough, for now.

... And he's dead, the guard it is. Jax lets out a heavy sigh that does not broadcast from his helmet. He turns and looks at Caim holding his hands upward and the blade to the side his body lanague easily, 'Really? Really.' <Strengthb means nothing to the dead.> Then spinning around he takes off at a run towards a gaurd using a crate as partial cover as blaster bolts bounce off the guards positon. Jax leaps over the crate bring his blade down in a downward slash cutting deep into the gaurds shoulder and torso. The blade slipping around and goes to stab it's point into the gaurd making sure he's down. His helmet turning to Sesti.

"I know it's kriffin sha-weeeeet!" Sajin replies to Kasia before the Drikish King notices an opening in the battle and a chance to charge to the next line. So he beats his feet towards the next set of cargo containers, his boots landing with a loud thud as he charges forwards. He slides down on his shins and against the wall of the crate before scooting up to take a peek. There's two of them, he takes careful aim, squeezing the trigger of the large and powerful weapon. The super charged bolt lands true, killing instantly much in the same fashion as the last. "TWO FOR TWO, KASIA!" Then to the next, less violent but still deadly. "Three... alright." There's a plinking sound and a smark against his arm. "Did something just bite me?" The blaster bolt that hit him was very hard to even see.

As she runs forward and leaves the smoke behind, Sesti gives a push to her helmet, sending it back over her shoulders. The zabrak's horns and jet black braids, as well as her tattooed visage emerge, and she gives a little sideways twitch to her head to relieve a kink from having to keep the helmet on. As she adjusts to her better peripheral vision and freer movement of her head to assess the battle, her first swing at the attacking guard that she almost overran goes wide but gives him enough pause for her to bring her second blade around and finish them. She spins to the next one, and her blades bite deeply again, almost too fast to see. Before she can finish, the guard turns and runs screaming. She does not pursue them as they leave the battle, turning, with blades in hand, she surveys the battle around her to see who needs her assistance.

Narsai doesn't have any words, banter or orders. She simply moves with her blaster at hand, firing off another pair of bolts reflected in the black mirror of the expressionless T-visor.

Another bolt claims the head of on guard moving from cover as she advances, but the second slams hard into her next mark. Not enough to kill, but the W-35 clearly did more than tickle! (re)

The docks are cleared of bad guys, and the shuttle that's been ferrying our friendly Nobles and Knights aligned with Lady AVLIN REY have been carted to the Cargo Liner named WATER SKIPPER. Our team has managed to THWART the Royal Guards long enough to join our allies on their vessel and we set out from the port and exit the bay. As we hit the open sea and twist to follow along a particular heading, we begin to get attacked by Starfighters launched from the palace. They REKK UP our ship, and the control cabin for our liner is taken out in a huge explosion. Unable to navigate or steer our vessel, we are locked on a course toward what appears to us as a WALL OF WHITE MIST.To the locals, this wall of mist is a natural occurrence of Volcanoes and Sea Water mixing together Those who have survived the starfighter incursion now come out to the main deck of the ship. Everyone is huddled together as they listen to the sounds of ominous thunder and see flashes of lightning in the opaque fog that covers our heads. OUR SHIP STOPS SUDDENLY AFTER LIFTING AND FALLING FROM VARIOUS TALL WAVES. WATER crashes against the sides of the ship, but then.. we're no longer moving. PEOPLE run to the bow and see that the ship has NOT run aground. SOMETHING IS HOLDING US IN PLACE

EVERYONE was jerked to one side as a thunderous wave cracked against the starboard hull, splashing over the edge of the ship and coating our heroes who stand at the central, main upper deck of the ship. Avlin, and her followers are with our heroes, and everyone has weapons out. The call comes out. <<"SOMETHING HAS A HOLD ON OUR SHIP! WE CAN'T SEE IT.">> But everyone CAN hear it. The metal that keeps the ship sturdy begins to moan and protest as it seems like the ship is being PULLED DOWN.

EVERYONE notices a dark shadow in the white mists rise sky high and loom over the starboard side of the ship. The shape begins to fall, drawing closer until a MASSIVE TENTACLE lands across the deck with an ear shattering BOOM that creates a concussive wave where EVERYONE falls over. This tentacle shifts, taking grip of the ship and twisting it slightly and making the ground a bit uneven. Our heroes can see the tentacle nearby, it has large postules that begin to pop, dropping human size sacks of green juice that bust open and creatures emerge. These creatures are known to the Dargul people as Drowners.

A drowner is a white, thin humanoid creature that has a nightmarish face with large googly eyes and razor sharp teeth. Long slender arms have hands with slender fingers that are capped with SHARP claws. Our heroes witness the first wave of drowners grabbing hold of several nobles, carrying them off toward the edge of the boat, and jumping off to take them down below the sea to die. A low, bass heavy growl follows as the ship creaks under the weight of this tentacle that begets 15 drowners, all of which create chaos in the white Mists. Our heroes, safeguarding AVLIN REY, must defend her against these monsters and survive. A horde of fifteen drowners close in!

Veck is shocked and that much all at once going down and he was not seeing it coming, he is dazed a bit his armor not proper adjusted yet, to the new surrondings. But his hand is going out to fire a quick burst at the drowners, that beam missing by a wide amount of space, with an annoyed sigh of rage.

"Okay... this is either all the fault of poor ship design, poor planning, or both, but we've still got to kill these things to get through here alive," Sion shouts, dashing for the rail. "So, mist or no mist, start blasting!"

Which is what she does, taking down one with a double-tap and wounding another.

Palena is not exactly a stranger to horrible sea creatures, but these things are still the stuff from nightmares, and there's no masking the fear on her face at their presence. Raising her blaster quickly, she trains the weapon at the numerous attackers and squeezes off a shot. It goes wide, and rightly so, since it's more a reflexive shot out of being afraid than it is the patient, target-acquiring approach she should have taken. She helplessly watches as some of the nobles are grabbed and dragged overboard. "We need to get rid of this thing's grip on the ship!" It's stating the obvious, but her mind seizes on something rather than letting the seriousness of the situation set in completely. The last thing she needs is to go into shock.

See, now would be the time to remain quiet and hope the problems go away. But since everyone else is shooting, David just kinda.. joins in. One hand hovers over his face while the other squeezes the trigger into the mists. The MISTS. Did he hit anything? Who even knows, everyone's about to die anyway and nothing matters anymore! "How'd I get from undead ship crew to a podrace to sea monsters?!" he calls out, constantly wiping fresh sprays of sea water from his face.

Merek looks to the tentacle which wraps about the ship, lifting his pistol so he can fire at the creatures coming from it, which takes one of them on the ground as well also.

This has been a lot, and Kasia is already tired by the time the ship goes eerily still. "This can't be good," she states to absolutely no one in particular, speaking in a whisper, because when you're in a creepy situation like this it's instinct. Then things go sideways, literally, and she hits the deck without much choice in the matter. There's a grunt of pain as her head bounces off the deck, and several moments trying to clear her head. But then there's a tentacle, with pustules that spit out even more horrifying things. "What!" is all she manages to say about it, because what else is there to say? Not much. Rather than try to find more words, she raises the blaster still clutched in her hand, taking much less time to aim before she fires. Apparently it works for her, because the bolt hits home, tearing a hole through the drowner. One down, way too many left to go!

Rial Het climbs up from the deck where he'd fallen in time to get sprayed with seawater. At least- "I body well *hope* that was seawater-" as he sees OMG TENTACLE gripping the ship and spawning a horde of aquatic horrors. His Talusian accent grows stronger in a reflexive, "Oh, HELL no!" Grabbing his pistol off the deck, he switches the device to fire a flame burst, and- with more guts than brains- approaches the gigantic tentacle and paints it with a long burst of burning plasma. And it releases the ship, "Aye! Haha! Rekk your fishy mum, you- oh, bother-" as the vessel is gripped again and Rial stumbles anew.

The Armored figure of Corsair looks at the tentcles and the sea creatures. He then looks to Sesti then back. He reaches for his off hand blaster but stops and instead pulls his crystal blade. He goes charging forward to meet one of the drowners. His blade cutting deep into the flesh of the creature. Then his stab missing as the creature's nimblness suprises him and his blade slides air. The unhuman scream nearly knocking Jax to his feet. His helmets audio getting dialed down.

Sajin did his best to steady himself in the rumbling and shaking as the ship entered the mists. "Heh, I Ironic... It's kid of like the Transient Mists, you know?" Of course he would watch silently as the tentical dropped down on the deck. He was already reaching for the Ryyk blade strapped across his back. He doesn't even hesitate as the green goobers start to bust our Drowners. His large ebony blade drops to the ground, the sound of it dragging across the deck plating is loud. "Twenty gundarks go into the water. Five gundarks come out of the water. We're guna need a bigger boat, chief." He hefts the large blade up then with both hands and the lets it slash violently down. It CARVES into the creature until the blade hits the deck. Quickly, the well trained Marcenary slashes across, his blade digging into the creatures side and sending it clear across the deck to writhe on it's back violently, somehow still alive after the brutal onslaught from his majesty.

Slow to the draw it seems, or at least to the holster, Narsai's weapon is lowered but her gaze turns upwards towards the looming tendril threatening to come crashing down at any moment.

Caim grunts as he goes flying across the deck. He gathers his things up and readies his weapon once more when the tentacle comes crashing down and explodes monsters. He raises his holdout and fires, grimacing as both shots seem to fly wildly into the mist. He wipes his visor and looks up when Narsai looks up. "I think we may need something big for that, Mandalor."

As the mist approaches, Sesti pulls the helmet back up over her head to try and protect her eyes from the spray. She is trying to inch her way towards Cosair without being obvious that he is her goal when the tentacle comes up and she's diving instinctively out of the way, the concussion of the landing on the deck causing her to continue to slide along the deck. She grabs a hold of a the railing to keep from slipping over the side, losing hold of her vibro knife in the off hand, but keeping a firm grip on her longer blade. She gives a grunt and pulls herself to her feet, and ends up in a second slide, although this one is upright and she manages to somewhat keep her balance through a flailing of arms. It's almost luck that she manages to finish off the first one, being able to swing at just the right time, and then she braces herself on the deck to keep from going all the way down as her second attempt misses when her footing slides and she's one knee down, lead hand still managing to hold on to the blade as she braces herself with that hand and draws her second vibroknife with her off hand, and then stabs at another pale creature.

The Drowners surround our heroes, screams fill the air, and massive waves crash against the side of the ship. Thunder crackles overhead, and the looming shadow of the tentacle drops back down with a deafening crack as our heroes do their best to defend Lady AVLIN REY from harm. Sensing that this would be a fight for their lives, Aryn unhooked the hilt from her belt and pressed down the activation stud of her lightsaber.

Standing beside Kasia, Aryn holds out her iconic Jedi weapon as a sapphire energy blade extends to its full 1.4m length and hums a monotone sound. The mist around Aryn turns a light shade of blue. As Drowners rush forward to attack, Aryn cuts through an injured one using a defensive slice that literally splits the creature in two. Aryn attempts to stay near the group, but an attacking drowner has her stepping out of sight. The Jedi, and the blue hue that surrounded her, was swallowed up in the mists with only the shadow of the drowner that followed her.

The ship's engines are groaning now, and the vessel tips. Another wave rocks the side of the boat, but everyone manages to stay on their feet. Whatever fire had been on the tentacle prior was extinguished now, and the metal under the tentacle begins to bend as the muscles in the 'arm' squeeze!

Veck is rocking back and forth as he aims for a moment with a little exhale of annoyance, as he looks down at the pistol. YThere is something fucked up on the scope, as he starts to try and adjust it now. His hand is then holding it up for a moment, with a little shout of shock as they are moving towards him, as he steps backwards.

Sion stumbles as the tentacle smashes down on the ship again. "Okay... I'm getting even sicker of that thing and I am of these creepy, clawy zombie things," she mutters, continuing to fire on the Drowners. She takes one down and gives another something else to think about besides attacking the people on the ship.

Briefly stunned by the sudden appearance of Aryn's lightsaber, Palena nonetheless refocuses on the numerous creatures still around them. The smack of the tentacle against the ship sends horrible tremors through her feet, but Palena remains upright. Squeezing off another harmless shot at the beasts, she catches a glimpse of Aryn moving away from the group. "Aryn! Doctor Cole!" Shuffling in that direction, Palena doesn't get too far from the group. Not enough to disappear into the mists like the blonde did. "We need to rig something bigger up to take care of this thing! Anyone have any grenades? I might be able to put something together!" She's not helping at all when it comes to shooting anything. Maybe she can improvise something stronger.

Merek is clawed by one and it cuts on into him deeply. This causes a few of his shots to aim wild while he fires, being pulled in by the creature as well. He then calls to anyone about, "Fire on this thing!"

David turns towards Merek's yelling, aiming his blaster at the drowner on him. The turn turns out to be a bad move, as one of the creatures leaps out of the mist and sinks its claws into David's armor, raking his pristine left butt cheek savagely. Because these things have no concept of dinner first. David, having fallen down with the monster, awkwardly angles his blaster towards it behind his back as he's dragged away. He's able to nail the creature with one shot, the impact throwing the beast's stride off and causing Dave to miss the second one. He calls back to Merek, "Little busy at the moment!" Could be worse. He could be getting dragged face-up.

Kasia scrambles to her feet after taking down one of the drowners, trying to keep steady, but she hit her head pretty hard and that makes things a bit wibbly when you're on solid ground. This whole situation isn't solid, or sane, but she's trying to muster as much as she can while things are bad. "Aryn, be careful," she says after the woman carrying the vibrant blue stick of death, then turns to watch the shadow that trails her. She sends off another shot, and this one misses, probably burning a hole into some unseen part of the ship. Hopefully nothing important.

Rial Het staggers for balance on his blaster-bolt wounded leg, sending another long jet of flame at the ship-crushing giant tentacle, this time to little effect. "Damnation! Maybe I oughta be using the underwater setting- I've got one of those, don't I?" Trying to check the fiddly bits on your blaster mid-battle- amid concealing mists turns out to be rather difficult. "Didn't bring a bomb, sorry!" he hollers to Palena when she inquires about rigging up something for effective.

The sound of the screaming on both sides causes Cosair to pause and catch sight of Aryn and her saber. If there are any words for the sight of the jedi among them he doesn't vocalize where people to hear them. Though there's a silent 'May the force be with you.' mouthed as she dodges. Corsair drops his crystal blade then reaches to his holstered off handed blaster and the handle sliding back reveal the handle of a saber. In a smooth motion he draws, lights, and slashes through the middle of a drowner. A blue glow surrounding him as he takes a form 3 stance, his free hand extended and saber pulled up ready to strike.

DID SOMEBODY SAY GRENADES! "OHHHHHH HOHO, little lady, you have /no/ idea." Sajin promptly pulls his fanny pack around to his front and starts to unzip it. Reaching a hand in he feels around. Silently the armored Hapan pulls out a Fragmentation grenade and raises it up. "ALAS... BEHOLD The ROYAL Boom Balls have been summoned." This group should have been so lucky that the dumb King had forgotten about his little stach of explosive devices. Thanks to Palena, he was reminded and a crude and stupid tactic was now forming in that overly dense brain matter of his. He moves into position to try and get a good toss on the tentical. It'll take a moment.

Caim yells in pain as one grabbed him by the hip and claws him badly. He tries to shoot it but it lets go and moves back into the mist. He readies his blaster and tries to search for the lightsaber wielding woman he saw earlier. the mists make it difficult to see however.

Slipping again, Sesti begins to create a new martial arts discipline as she turns her body while her feet slide across the deck and she manages a downward stroke on the one hanging onto David to partially dislodge it, then a twist to finish severing its head from the body, grimacing as, for a second after the body falls the head still clings to David's backside by it's teeth, then it falls as well. She swings at another nearby, but the slippery deck causes her to change the arc of her swing in order to maintain balance, and she misses.

Aryn can hear Palena call her name, but she also has the sense to trust when her instinct says run. She disappears into the mist, turning suddenly to drive her lightsaber like a pike, impaling her pursuer in a single fluid motion. She catches sight of a second and draws the blade out, twisting in place to cut diagonally downward. Two drowners lay dead as a result, and Aryn suddenly realizes she's lost in the mists.. and can't find her friends.

Two Drowners remain, that can be seen at least, and those in the vicinity of the large tentacle are witness to Rial's glorious pair of misses, but /something/ hits it. A sudden jerking motion appends the tentacle from having a hold on the ship, then sends it flying toward the bow, and out of sight. The sounds of sudden crashing and metal bending follow, likely the result of whatever unlucky ship structure was in the way of the fleeing tentacle. The large appendage does not return immediately, but when it does, it lands far more harshly upon the ship than before and the metal begins to scream under the pressure. The tentacle is covered with lacerations and countless other wounds obtained just moments before. If our heroes are going to sever the appendage.. now was their chance!

Veck watches everything is going nuts, and then the tentacle is attacking the ship, as he watches it coming closer he pulls up his blaster, lying into it with two solid blasts, as he watches the others.<This is insane.>

Seeing the numbers of creepshow refugees thinning, Sion redirects her aim. "Maybe with a little luck, we can convince this /thing/ to look for easier prey..."

Flicking the safety on the blaster and shoving it into the belt around her trousers, Palena immediately moves to the man with the satchel of grenades. Grabbing three from his stash, Palena dips her hand to her belt and draws from it a length of cord. Rapidly tying the grenades together, Palena risks rushing to the tentacle, which is torn and bleeding from numerous wounds inflicted upon it. Rather than try to find some way to secure the grenades against its flesh, she punches the bundle into a deep laceration while triggering the fuse with her thumb. Ignoring the muck of gore coating her arm, Palena turns back towards the group and quickly sprints away from the tentacle. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" For her part, she's diving to the deck and covering her head.

With a crumpled noise, the grenades explode. In a disgusting spray of flesh and blood, the tentacle is bisected by the eruption and releases the ship from its grasp.

David shoots a grateful look at Sesti, giving the fallen head a kick first thing after getting back on his feet. He waits for her to move onto the next drowner, breathing heavily from his butt being hurt. He shoots into the mist, aiming by where everyone else is aiming when they're not shooting the massive tentacle that's in plain view.

Merek looks to the blood which is spattering upon him, then he takes a moment to take a few shots firing into the direction of the creature. He then takes the helmet off, which he lifts up so he can swing that into one of the creatures on the deck as well.

Kasia lifts her foot long blaster to fire off one more shot at another of those creepy drowners, the bolt slamming into a leg and doing damage. Not enough to kill, but maim. Maiming those is better than the ship they're on, right? It's maimed enough. She takes a step back and looks around cautiously, not only for more of the creatures, but also for those in their party, the faces that she'll recognize. "Are we all still here? Did any of us fall overboard?"

"I dont think so...hopefully whatever that creature is, it ran off." Caim says as he looks to his hip, noting the big chunk of ass bleeding out. He sighs as he goes to get his medpac to begin stitching himself up.

With the last of the drowners down, and the tentacle having disappeared as well, Sesti sheathes her blades and pulls her medpac around from her back. She pushes back her helmet again so that she can see better, and approaches Caim after looking over the people closest to her and sizing up their injuries. "Hold on, you should not walk around too much on that injury until it is cleaned. Who knows what kind of toxins or bacteria you are infecting your body with from those creatures. Let me take a look," her hands indicate the med kit she's pulled around, stamped to indicate her profession as a doctor.

As the others fight the tentcle of doom with grenades, the Corellian knows not to mess with where even Space Angels fear to tread. Jax switches from defense to offense his fighting style unorthdox. Jax goes running toward the last Drowner they've seen that was healthy his saber bendtedn behind him and he slashes around with a quick slash to cut off the beasts head. Then with a quick spin, he stabs the maimed drowner through the chest. Then taking a defensive stance. "I think we're all still here by my count."

Sajin is about to throw his Grenades when the theif known as Palena strikes. He tosses nothing but empty air. "HEY... HEY! Those are property of the Drikish people!" He looks arounds then for someone to punch, but as the explosion comes he notices that the reamining drowners have been deafeated. Sad Sajin slumps his shoulders and drags him and his blade back towards the center of the ship. Sad Sajin is Sad. No boom balls for him.

"I dont think so...hopefully whatever that creature is, it ran off." Caim says as he looks to his hip, noting the big chunk of ass bleeding out. He sighs as he goes to get his medpac when Sesti begins to doctor on him. "A fellow medical man so to speak." Caim says with a smirk as he pulls off his helmet and looks to his injury. "I dont think there are any toxins, or else I would be reacting to them already." He says softly as he looks to others to see who else was injured. He waits for Sesti to patch him up enough so he can move easier.

The explosion is no small matter. It encompasses the center of the ship and arrives at the flash of a bright light that can probably be seen from orbit. The white blast fans out like a concussive disk of destruction that not just severs the tentacle, but blasts its organic matter in /every/ direction. One half of the appendage goes port side, flopping dangerously and CRUSHING a noble that tried to run from it. The other half slides off the edge of the vessel and the ship suddenly lurches as its prop finds purchase again. THEY ARE MOVING!!

The explosion has rendered everyone with ringing ears, but it saved the ship and everyone on it. The result of the concussive blast caught Aryn off guard, and she was hit by the blast and knocked across the decking, tumbling over and over until she struck the bent and mangled railing on the port side edge of the ship. Her lightsaber deactivated when she was hit, and when she struck the railing, she saw black. To the onlookers, she appeared to be just another corpse covered in organic material.

The ship continues further into the mists of Avaria, its course unknown. To be continued....