Log:Nar Shaddaa Nights: Hell Hounds

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Nar Shaddaa Nights: Hell Hounds

OOC Date: April 25, 2018
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Aenaria, Narsai Ordo, Netep Muri, Siha Archer, Tarion Tavers, Usha and Pennywise

The Corestar Spaceport sees a lot of ships coming and going. Tonight is no different. Its a bit more crowded even as it would appear. That means there's more than enough places for people to shop, chill or maybe even cause some trouble. There's the constant din of advertisements going as well as people trying to hawk their wares on others. Not to mention the people trying to load their cargo onto their ships.

Waffling. Netep's waffling between just a /handful/ of options now as she stares into the stats, flipping through her datapad with the glassy-eyed countenance of someone lost in a mind-sweating decision-making process. There are many pieces of junk now within reach of her budget and as they scroll over her screen again and again and again -Nella 342, Ghtroc 720, YT-2000, Nova-Drive 3-Z Light Freighter... - she doesn't feel like she's closer to ruling any out. Even further from committing herself to one.

Picking a new ship's like picking a new date, she fears. Any'll do...for awhile.

And so goes the little green-haired gal, leaving the Buy'n'Fly in her wake as she bumps and weaves her way through the pedestrian sea. She glances up from the screen every so often to make a new mental map of surrounding and navigate it accordingly. Her nose leads her toward the nearest food cart.

"Sccreewwwww offfffffffff..." So says Siha who is walk/running through the spaceport, the Mandalorian being trailed by two security droids who's beams of light flash at her as she ducks her way in this way, and that way, the woman darting in behind that vendor, sliding under that speeder, hugging that gas tank there. One droid gets lost, darting off in the opposite direction, while another keeps dogging her like an annoying puppy that will just not let up.

"Shavit, seriously, screw off you stupid bloody dinky-" The droid zips over her head, swinging around to try and catch her as she breaks out into a run, and then with a slide like she's about to score a homerun, she sliiiddddeeeeees in under the food cart Muri is sniffing in around, torso getting in under the spot, her legs scraping knees in against the ground to claw her way under. Then she waits. Hands out to either side, gloved palms pressing into the ground, helmeted cheek, the left one, pressed to the ground as she looks for droidy arms that might try to pry her out. None come, and Siha is for the time being ..free. Aahahahaha. AHAHAHAHA. Of course she's in a puddle of grease under a nugget cart, but /what/ a pile of grease to be in.

Bump. A man in grey armor with his left arm held stiffly out in front of him at a 90 degree angle from his body walks straight into the little green-haired gal. "Hey! Watch where you're going, grass-head," the bounty hunter complains, for who else could it be but Tarion Tavers? He's got a rifle on his back and a green reptile skin purse hung mannequin-like by a gold chain on his left arm, the one that's held straight out. Said rifle is adjusted back into place using only one hand, face relaxing into an easy lopsided grin as he seems to recognize the face of ol' grass-head. "Wait a second, I know you. You're that weird girl." Off to his left, Siha comes careening in from nowhere and skids to a stop under the nug cart, but apparently this is so ordinary as to not even warrant a raise of an eyebrow. "Watch where you're going, weird girl."

Aenaria is not doing anything particularly out of the ordinary. She is traveling, and thus she is engaging in conversation with a pilot whom he hopes to secure passage with. However, thus far, she seems to be having little luck haggling his price down to something reasonable. The bucket of bolts he flies barely looks safe and he's wanting faaar too much to even consider accepting it. At least, in her eyes. She would not settle for anything less than reasonable! It has not yet devolved into a shouting match, but looks like it is on the verge of such.

The Corestar Spaceport sees a lot of ships coming and going. Tonight is no different. It's a bit more crowded even as it would appear. That means there's more than enough places for people to shop, chill or maybe even cause some trouble. There's the constant din of advertisements going as well as people trying to hawk their wares on others. Not to mention the people trying to load their cargo onto their ships.'

Usha is at the very food cart that everyone seems to be floating toward, patiently waiting on line for her turn while casually inspecting her nails. There's a cloth bag hanging from her should and from that same arm is a slightly bleeding wound wrapped up in a bandage. Whatever business brings her to the port, it can wait for her to be fed first. She is startled however, by the Siha crawling beneath the cart and her eyes shift left and right to see if anyone saw what she just saw. Muttering to the human below she says, "I understand the food isn't so good here, but I'm really hungry so if you could just wait until I //after// I order to sabotage the cart that would be really helpful..."

Usually, Narsai's ship spends more time parked in Parmac then the Corestar spaceport, but that doesn't mean the woman isn't prone to wander the smuggler's moon. Especially when there's supplies to be bought. Wrapped in her red and black Beskar'gem, the woman's helmet had been removed and tucked under one arm to reveal features more fair and far less fearsome than the T-Visor of the helmet itself. Moving along past one of the stalls, her gaze is fixed moves over the various 'junk' pieces of ship and swoop components. Some loves die hard, Narsai had always been a tinkerer at heart.

"OW," Netep complains right back at "you...walking..." she's got an insult somewhere in there surely "...display rack. Frink's wrong with your arm, or you just really proud of your purse?" It's a nice purse, afterall. Matching her hair. She blinks at Tarion from behind her reading glasses which are promptly swiped off her face and stowed when a sudden commotion ripples through the surrounding crowd and ends with a shout from the vendor who does just leave it at a shout. Like Tarion, he's probably seen enough weird stuff go down to have learned to just roll with it. She resumes walking to get in line a short ways behind Usha there and tosses Tarion another /look/. "You smell better'n last time. Marginally."

Boop. What's that? A Siha flipping off one Turdion, though Usha sort of gets sorted into that finger hold simply by being in the vicinity, "Crap in a bloody shavit eating hat, seriously guys? You gonna do a girl like that?" Asks the woman who will scrape and drag herself out from beneath the cart as the vendor continues to merrily deep-fry those nuggets of goodness, serving people without missing a beat, because, well. You know. Gotta make dem credits. The security droids have drifted off, finding other unsavory types to follow, Siha off the hook for the time being. So with a hop she's up to a crouch, then hands to knees she's popping into a stand, dusting off her flat chest, fingers flicking this way and that, already striding off because she got places - oh. No. She don't. Boop. Reaching in Siha will snag a box of red sauced nugs out of the hand of the vendor, darting off with her free food as she does another fast-walk away, huff huff.

"You /look/ better than last time," Tarion replies with a lopsided grin, one half of his face dimpling. "Marginally." The arm in question is stuck in a permanent hail Caesar, there, only the palm is open and facing towards the sky, as if it was holding something when it decided to get frozen like this. "Space fairy put a spell on me, got my arm turned to stone," the bounty hunter explains seriously, pivoting his torso so that the arm swings around, cranelike. "Now I gotta find some kind of wizard as can change it back!"

The people start to shuffle on, but there's a few that loiter around next to one of the vendor stalls. They just look like they are there to just there to wait on something. So it's not too out of the ordinary. But the sudden sound of screaming from some of the other people milling about the starport might get everyone's attention. Maybe something isn't what it seems?

"Pfff..." Netep scoffs at Tarion's tall tale and rolls her eyes away from his grin to try and crane a glimpse of the menu before it's her turn. "Why'd a 'space fairy' think to mess with the likes of you, hm? Looks like she froze you when you were tryin' to grab some giantess's tit. Deserved or not, certainly doesn't look comfortable. Need someone to wrench it back into position?" And then there's screaming. Not so unusual for Nar Shaddaa, truths be sad, but it warrants attention nevertheless. Muri tucks her datapad into the folds of her outermost wear and stands on tiptoe with a twist around. Her hand stays tucked away, enclosed around another 'gadget' quite tightly.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. What the shiz. "What in the balls." Her stolen nugs are set on a garbage can lid as Siha slows to a stop, gloves tugged off and set into her belt, free hands touching at her helmet and smacking it. First on the right side, like she's trying to knock water out of her ear, then the left, smack, smack, head given a little wiggle. The Mandalorian will eventually twist and yank off her helmet, lengths of dark hair falling in kinky swirls, sweaty and damp, a few tendrils snaked in against the sides of her face, cheeks flushed from the running she did only minutes before. The sound she heard is still ringing out, a slight frown creasing her features as she covers one ear hole with a palm, helmet switches arms then so she can do the same to the other ear. Nope. But that low whine, "You guys hear that?" Asks Siha, frown deepening, a slow stroll taking her back to the group at the nug cart that she just stole from, the scream definitely interesting, but she's often been the cause for people screaming on this moon, so .."It's like a bloody animal whistle. Oh. MIMSI. IT'S LIKE MIMSI'S WHISTLE." That has Siha half-crouching down, a grimace on her face, helmet hugged in tight to her chest, "Oh no. I swear it better not be them." SO BRAVE IS THIS MANDO.

"If only," Tarion laments, rolling his eyes at Muri. "You're welcome to try, weird girl, but stone is made of pretty hard stuff. Like... like stone!" Good one. The bounty hunter glances over towards the big brave Mando, brow furrowing, walking over and leaning down to angle his body so that the arm pokes her in the head. "Quit making a scene. You're embarrassing me." Poke poke. "I do not know this woman! Someone call the psych ward!" The screaming doesn't seem to have phased him either. "Someone put a nugget basket in my hand, I paid earlier but I couldn't pick it up."

As her argument continues to get more and more heated, Aenaria seems to lose her patience, and then she pauses, losing interest everything the pilot had to say. She even holds a hand up to silence him as she listens to something. "You don't hear that, do you? No. I can't tell by the look on your face." She waves dismissively. "Your services are far too expensive, I'll look elsewhere." Then, curiously, she follows the sound, or at least does as well as she can at it. She was bored and frustrated, a little irked, and it would amuse her for the time being.

Usha's patience in all this chaos is about to be rewarded because gods be praised, it's her turn in line. "Yes three scoops, please - chocolate, vanilla, strawberry - in that order." She twiddles her fingers in anticipation. Have your greasy nugs, my friends. This Zeltron will get the good stuff. Credits are exchanged for a tall cone, to which she gratefully takes a bite, and also slips a basket of food into Tarion's good hand. Mouth covered in ice cream, she blinks to Siha and the rest, "Hear what? What am I supposed to be hearing?"

The screaming on the smuggler's moon isn't exactly a brand new experience, with or without the theft of nugs, but often there tended to an accompanying bout of blaster fire. With that thought in mind Narsai's helmet is slipped back into place before she turns towards the direction of the fuss, a frown on her face shrouded by the otherwise emotionless T-visor.

The screaming would be because of the two Kath Hounds that appear from around the corner where the two men were waiting. They seem to be just as surprised to see them as the rest of the people in the vicinity do. These are smaller creatures. With bright orange fur and two horns that curve up. It's like a mini running of the bulls in the spaceport tonight as people go running!

Netep shrugs at Usha "Aside from the obvious sound of someone in distress? Unsure." A glance goes back down to the cowering Siha. "I assume a whistle?" Her expression seems only confused and so probably isn't under assault from some auditory terror. She offers a hand down to Siha with a little finger waggle of 'come here'. "You're going to be trampled down there, whatever's causing a ruckus is coming this way." How does she know? The shouts and flails and sound of panicked feet is getting louder. When a portion of the crowd splits to reveal a glimpse of the creatures at fault, she finds herself unable to do much but morph her mouth into an odd sort of half-relieved smile. "Looks like someone's canine cargo got loose?" She reaches to take a nugget from Tarion's new basket with right hand while her little Czerka slides out in the lefty, just in case. The nugget gets lobbed in attempt to redirect their course.

"Hey!" Tarion protests as Muri kites one of his dubiously obtained nugs, eyes following the arc of the nugget and spotting the source of the hullabaloo, a pair of aggressive kath hounds. "Hey," he says again, more conversationally, an easy smirk lighting up his face. "Those look like anoobas almost, look how dumb they look. They're like... uglier anoobas." Animal control to Major Tarion. The bounty hunter walks straight toward them, that goofy grin on his face, hand locked out in a permanent offer of nuggets. "Come here, little guy," the abrasive asshole coos at the nearest angry creature, getting down on his knees and extending the other arm too. Weirdly, his entreaty works, and a raspy tongue gets swiped up his face, a trail of drool left behind. "Who's a good boy? Did you bite the nasty people? I would too, you did so good."

Aenaria makes her way towards the blasterfire and other commotion, not being one to pass that up. When she sees what is actually occurring, such as a bounty hunter sort of... baby talking a couple of kath hounds, she pauses.... turns... and then backs up. That's a little more weird than she was ready to handle just yet.

Distress? If Muri is confused, Usha seems even more perplexed between the building commotion all all the green-haired girls' warnings. Still, the rumble of approaching creatures makes the situation all too clear. Usha's got a lot of style. But rabid animals? That's NOT her style. "Hmmmm no," she takes a step back behind Netep and her Czerka, still taking bites out of her ice cream. But when Tarion takes a step forward she watches in utter curiosity while noting, "Strange how he's so much better with animals than anyone else." A gesture to the nuggets in his hand, "Good thing we at least fed him so he can go feed the other beasts."

Rampaging animals isn't exactly something Narsai was all that experienced with...well, not positively. There was that time she was nearly eaten on Dxun, but she didn't really like to talk about that. Her hand actually reaches towards the blaster pistol on her hip and she moves forwards, only to come to a stop as Tarion simply steps out in front of the hounds and...stops them. Huh.

"Quite fortuitous," Netep agrees, glancing behind at the Zeltron suddenly sheltered there. "Maybe they hang out in the same dives. I mean...that one seems to be getting awfully friendly with his tongue!" But the other one isn't stopping, isn't impressed by his affectionate coos. Muri doesn't like how close it's getting or how nasty those teeth look with that ugly tongue flopping around as it barrels onward. Can she outrun it? Nope. Not even on her best days, she suspects. Can she shoot it? Probably not without hitting two or three bystanders before she gets it right. Can she talk it down? Maybe. Operating under the assumption this IS just like some ugly anooba, she puffs up her chest to look scarcely bigger than she isn't, fires a warning shot into the air, and then runs AT it with a snarl of her own and wide-eyed eye contact. "GIT!" she barks.

Siha Archer had, like any brave mando, stood there and watched as the rampaging animals went around the spaceport, this mimicking very slowly her nightmares regarding Mimsi, the Zeltronian dog. Her first attempt at shooing the animals with a snide, "Eugh, get away-" Did like, nothing, but Siha is on her second attempt more sugary, more fine. And throwing nugs in an attempt to quell the beastie. But Netep has it under control, so those nugs just bounce off a snout here, but ..you know. They might help.

"Good boy, good boy," Tarion mutters to the kath hound in his care, letting the thing eat his nuggets, a courtesy he would not have willingly extended to any of the sentient residents of the starport tonight, patting it on the head. "Listen, you see that lady over there in the Mando armor? The one with the brown skin throwing nuggets at your buddy? Yeah, that one, she's a bad lady. You should go bite her in the arse," he instructs conspiratorially while the hound is finishing off his nuggets. But, when the nuggets are gone, and the bounty hunter gives the animal a push to "Go get her, boy!" the (female) kath hound whirls around and latches onto his arm instead. His good arm. "Hey, ow! Ow, kriffing- not /me/, you ungrateful- get off!"

Aenaria is not sure what is going on, really. She keeps a wary eye on the kath hounds for a time but then blends back into the crowd, not really wanted to draw the ire of the people sicking them on each other. "Not my thing... thanks."

Usha holds up a magenta hand of non-judgment and shrugs, "Indeed, very friendly. But some people are just into those kinds of thing." Still one more is on the loose, and its not the wild dogs nor the warning shot the startles her, but the bark the comes off of Netep. "Oh! Goodness me!" She instead takes a step behind Siha instead. Because whatever she's doing looks much less animated, for now. "Good job guys. You're doing great. Keep going." Usha calmly cheers the others from the sidelines, like your mother at a soccer game. But with less wine.

This was...strange. Narsai is sort of left staring. The 'serious' Mandalorian just doesn't really have a response for this. Besides, Tarion seemed to have it handled...right up until the moment he was bitten on the arm. That looked less than pleasant. A shrug, she turns her gaze towards the direction the hounds had come from. Who owned these dogs?

There's two officers that come around not long after blaster fire and other things are heard. They head over to Tarion and Netep Muri to take over the dog wrangling duties and they thank them. The owner of the hounds also thanks everyone in a sum of credits paid to them. Hey, getting bitten at least paid something! But it just goes to show everyone that there is never a dull moment on Nar Shaddaa...and you never know when a small pack of wild, yet adorable animals are going to tear through the starport.