Log:Property Reallocation: Trash

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OOC Date: September 18, 2016
Location: Near Pando
Participants: Defiance org: Kasia Ciph, Tylin Creel, Nyla Forr, Jehni'va Cihn, and Hex as GM.

The short story: Hex gathers some associates to help steal slaves from a human supremacist's estate on Near Pando. Tylin saves her friends from getting thinner; Nyla loses her fruit snack; Jehni'va battles wildlife; Kasia is trashy.

The long story:

Why does anyone trust Hex to put together a dangerous mission? Have you guys met Hex ever? You fools. Regardless, here's our intrepid group, flying a pair of ships - the Paradox and the Of Course I Love You - to Near Pando, a minor trade world at the edges of Hutt Space. It's not known for a lot, other than it has some intriguing ancient ruins called the Malabar Construct, but it's a temperate world with trees and grass and clear skies... and several estates of the fabulously wealthy, people who want to enjoy the perks of Hutt Space - like slave ownership - without being too close to the slugs themselves.

"Paradox, look perky," Hex's voice comes over the com to that ship, "I'm sending you coordinates. You're landing at a landfill. If you don't see like twelve acres of trash, you're not in the right place." He switches it off and peers at his own pilot, Kasia. "Don't crash in the trash, babe."

There is a long pause before Tylin's voice comes back over the comms "Twelve acres of trash and you are telling me to look perky," with a tinge of disgust in the tone "Got it." She sighs "I wonder if those breathing masks will help. Can you imagine what this is going to smell like?" She can see the other ship far ahead of her as she uses all of her limited flying skills to keep on course and keep all the systems in check.

It's hard to say why Kasia lets Hex do most of the planning, but hey, it's worked out so far. Right? Yeah. Maybe when things don't go so well (like when she has to crawl around in trash) she'll take more of a role in plan making. If only to avoid it again. "Have I ever crashed?" she asks Hex, giving him a look. "Not once." Yet. It'll probably happen now. She listens to the coms and laughs a little. "Not so great, I imagine, though it really could be worse."

"Acres of trash...?" Nyla Forr wonders as she sits in one of the passengers seats on Tylin's ship. "We're landing back on Nar?" The human girl snorts a laugh at her own joke as she lounges, looking fairly causal despite the day's planned events. She tosses a weird, round, purple and green fruit up in the air, hands grabbing at it to make sure it doesn't fly around the cabin. She's in her usual digs. Crusty old, grey flight jacket and pants with a ridiculous amount of pockets.

"Eh, sounds like home." Jehn agrees with a smirk none of them can see. The tall, gangly woman has nestled herself aboard the Of Course I Love You, and even surrounded by mere acquaintances it's hard to hide the human's pleasure at being 1) the hell off Nar Shadaa, 2) in the /air/, and 3) the /hell of Nar Shadaa/. She settles back against the seat with a fart-like squeak, which she definitely ignores, and grins. Thankfully the adrenaline and sheer pleasure of action are holding the doubts at bay - although the whole 'trash' thing keeps coming back up. Nervously, she plays with a zipper on her own suit with a sideways glance out over the landscape flashing below.

Hex wasn't kidding about the landfill, and it might be more than the acres he promised. It's just acres and acres of trash. Discarded furniture, food, packaging, broken and unwanted items, rotting consumables. Large, alien creatures with 5-foot wingspans, and a second set of smaller wings attached to their legs, swoop and screech at each other as they fight over the miserable spoils. The creatures are white in color, or would be, if all of them weren't covered with a splattering of disgusting refuse. The creatures flap away in a panic as the ships approach the landing site... except for one, which manages to fly straight into an air intake on the OCILU. THUMP. Hex, Jehni'va, and Kasia feel a jolt, but it's not really clear what happened from where they sit, so Hex settles for blaming it on her. "Don't crash in the trash!!" he repeats, this time a little more panicked.

Other than the mystery thud, landing goes safely, and ramps are lowered so that the team can stride out... into... the lovely landfill. Hex stands there hands akimbo, all gunbelts and flowered duster, like Trash King proudly surveying Trashlandia. "Passi. Perfect!" he beams, and then crunch crunches his way a little further from the ships. On the ground now, large droids can be seen dutifully arriving, tipping over their trash bins, and then returning from whence they came. "There's your quarry, Nyla Forr," he instructs his droid whisperer. "I need you to speak to a couple of those things and reprogram them so that they'll maintain an open channel to you, and return to the landfill on your mark even if they don't have the right weight of cargo. Tylin? I need you to hack into the security system for the estate these droids belong to so that the private guard company isn't called if the alarm goes off." She's got the relevant hacking details for this already. "Jehni'va, you're gonna keep the ships ready for liftoff, help these two nerds I'm henceforth referring to as Nylin, and hop in to pilot if there's an issue, ka?"

Kasia hasn't really had to fly around creatures before, so when one is sucked into some part of her ship, she goes a little pale. "I'm not going to crash!" she insists, but this protest is definitely higher pitched than it was before. She glances over at Hex, then back at Jehn to make sure everyone is okay after that little jolt, then focuses on not hitting any more creatures, and landing. Which she does. Without crashing, thank you very much. She takes a few moments to simply sit there and breathe, because that was stressful, and then she climbs out of the pilots seat and follows after Hex, the King of Trashlandia. Is she plotting a way to leave that coat in the trash heap? Maybe.

Tylin cuts her eyes to Nyla and grins, of course her doing so makes the ship rock a little bringing her full attention back to the job at hand, flying. "Sounds like it to me," along with a chuckle "This should be interesting, never landed in a trash dump before. " When the winged creatures take to flight as the Paradox nears one comes at the view port which causes Tylin to duck her head. Eyes wide she dares a glance to Nyla "Did you see that?!" Oh, yea, flying. She corrects the steep dive and flares the ship, well it does land, doesn't really hit anything, no crashing. Success. As the ship's engines wind down the ramp is lowered and the aromatic fragrance of the landfill fills the ship. She fights to keep from gagging. She makes her way to the ramp, but is not certain about stepping off into that...stuff. She looks at Nyla as Hex points out her target "You first," she urges. "And I am not a nerd," she calls out to Hex as yes, she did hear him.

Nyla Forr pauses her fruit toss game to lean, staring out at the white shapes that flitter and scramble away. "/Gross/," she says in response. Yeah, she can see 'em. The moment they land Nyla is picking herself up, grabbing her gun belt and slinging it around her waist. There is a blaster in it, but mostly the loops and hooks are filled with tools. "On it," she says through the fruit that is wedged in her mouth as she finishes latching her belt and stomping down the ramp. Nyla keeps her eyes trained on the droids and kicks up a little, squat run towards them. The ground squelches and shifts under her. Maybe bringing a snack was a bad idea.

They hit a little something, things get kind of jiggly, and still Jehn just sits and takes it with that dumb, doofy smile on her face. Too chiffed to spare more than a small, sad moment for whatever poor creature they just obliterated. She'll light a candle and be sad for it once they're home. Once off the ship and into Trashlandia, though, that expression quickly withers beneath her wrinkled nose. "You're /eating/?" She admonishes Nyla - because gross. Hex has an odd definition of 'Perfect', but she nods dutifully at his words. "Ships, nerds, pilot if need be. Got it."

"You're definitely a nerd," Hex informs Tylin, squinting in the sunlight. Sunshine, what is this, it only ever rains on Nar. "Get into that security system and make it your bitch." He watches contentedly as Nyla trundles off toward the droids, the cargo bins of which are the size of dumpsters. A couple people could fit in each. "I need three done, total!" he calls after her, and then a pause lingers. Hex hesitates. He looks to Kasia. "You and I are, ah," these may be the last moments of his life, but he's trying to play it casual. "Getting into the bins. To ride them into the estate and collect the slaves." There does not appear to be a part of the plan where they clean the bins first.

The alien creatures are starting to get pissy that these much larger flying creatures have invaded their territory. They're just flying around, for now, but one bolder than the rest swoops down and scratches at the OCILU with an unhappy shriek.

It's true, these may be the last moments of Hex's life. The look on Kasia's expression says it all. Horror. HORROR. Even though she's not dressed up as fancily as she usually is, her clothes are tidy, and her hair is done. Thankfully she's not wearing any jewelry, unless you count the weapon on her hip. She doesn't. At least not until she bedazzles it. "You want me to get into--" Lips purse. "You could have--" again, those lips purse, and he gets a look that suggests there is going to be a talk later. Or possibly strangulation.

With Datapad in hand, and after a pause at the very foot of the ramp, Tylin takes the plunge and into the garbage she goes. Nearly slipping she glares at Hex but he's telling Kasia the plan. A smirk as off she trudges to the main security datajack. Plugged in she goes to work. Easy getting in, but damn that code. A scratch on her head, she taps some more, scratches more and then looks to Hex. Not really wanting to ruing the moment between Kasia and Hex, it looks very interesting but at last Tylin calls out "Ok, uh, yea we /should/ be good to go," the uncertainty is clearly in her voice as well as the shrug of her shoulders.

Nyla Forr skips over to one of the droids currently lined up with two others waiting to deposit their loads. "Woah there, pals," she mutters and takes a little device from her belt. With a quick touch to each of it, the droids halt in their tracks. "Sorry, sorry," she says as she places her snack on one of the droids before plopping to a sit in a... more dry looking spot and starting to pry the back panels of each of them. Tools fly in and out of her hands before she removes her own earpiece and starts to fiddle with it as well as the wiring on the inside of each. It takes a few minutes and there is plenty of apologetic cooing coming from the droid mechanic as she works. Finally with a little pat Nyla stands up and dusts herself off, backing up after touching them against with her prod. The droids start to buzz and wake up, unaware of their little invasive surgeries. "Oh! Wait," she calls to one of them, jogging after it and snagging her fruit. "Not for you," Nyla tsks and turns to stroll back to the others. "Done an' done, cap'n," the girl reports before wiping the apple thing off on her shirt and taking a bite. Gag.

Hoi! Ships are her job, flying thing! Jehni'va spins around and glares at the thing that has just taken a shot at the OCILU. "Bad thing!" She scolds it, loping squashily back in that direction, flapping her arms in a less-than-dignified fashion. Hey, she may be gangly and silly looking but at least she isn't destined for the trash bins. Sorry Kasia. R.I.P. Hex. She turns, scoops a long piece of piping from the trash at her feet and wields it threateningly at the winged assailant. "Bad!" She reiterates.

Hex is preemptively cringing a little bit, but he seems pretty relieved when Kasia's hair doesn't set on fire and her eyes don't turn into soulless pits as she shrieks the fury of a woman who has to get into a trash can. That might come later. "Good work, Nyla, Tylin," Hex praises the techs, as he squishes his way through soggy patches of landfill to open up the back of one of the three trash pods. It's empty, mostly, but little bits of decomposing mystery stick to the interior, and the sides of the pod are wet with things that shouldn't be thought of alone at night. "It will be totally fine," Hex assures Kasia. "Just a quick ride. It'll sense the container as empty, so it won't take us anywhere except the interior chute where we just... scramble up and right on in. Easy." His attention turns to the techs and the mechanic-pilot, "You girls good? Keep your comms and connections to the droids and estate open in case we need he--" Oh. Oh dear. The thing that got sucked into the OCILU is having its revenge as there's suddenly a large, unhappy, CLANK-BANG sound, and an important looking piece falls off the ventral side of the Broadstar. Sparks begin to shoot out. "Jehni'va?" Hex frowns. "So if you can fix the ship that'd be great." He heads into the trash pod.

Lucky for everyone here, Kasia's hair doesn't burst into flame, because who knows what gasses are being emitted from this rotting trash, or just how flammable things might be. It'd be good for no one. Maybe that thought is the only thing holding her back, or maybe she doesn't have the power to do that yet. It's probably the latter, but one day she'll get there, and then, watch out. She's yet to squish her way onto the ground, because ugh, it's so gross, and her boots aren't that gross yet. They will be soon enough, but not yet. "I'm not sure I believe you when you say it'll be that easy," she notes to Hex, giving Jehn a look that edges closer to amused. Not totally there, but closer than it was, at least until she looks back to Hex. "You owe me," she informs the confident Twi'lek, finally stepping onto the ground with a grimace at the squelchy sound and feel of it all. Ugh. Why did she agree to this again? Then there are sparks coming off of the OCILU, and she gets this 'my ship!' look, without actually saying it. Worst mission ever.

Tylin eyes the trash bin, then Kasia, then to her two partners that are not getting into the bins "I wouldn't get into that! Nor would I want to be Hex after all this." It's then that the sparks fall from the ship "Yea, that's not good," and she goes to look as well. Not like she would know what she is looking at nor what to do but she still has to look.

Nyla Forr taps her ear piece at Hex's inquiry, indicating it's working. She can't help a shit eating grin at the folks who are supposed to be getting into trash cans. "Haaah," she snorts as she takes another large, lip smacking bit of her fruit. Her head turns, watching the score in the trash monsters vs. ships game tip in favor of the trash monsters. Another bite. "Need help?" Nyla asks Jehn with a smirk.

"On it!" Jehn's voice is winded as she swings at the air with the metal pipe to clear away the cooties that come back for seconds. "No! /Bad/!" She grumbles, and then spins around as Tylin approaches. She holds the pipe out to her as she fumbles at her belt for tools to stop the whole... Sparky-boom-boom thing they've got going. "Okay, calm down." She admonishes the sparking slash and she juts an arm into the opening. She yanks a wrench loose and clenches the heavy thing in her teeth - she can hear her mother yelling at her in her mind's eye - and pulls herself forward. "Okay, got a nick in the - aw, shit." She is just a lower torso and legs, voice muffled around the wrench she's still holding in her mouth. "We really pissed them off." One hand appears, fumbles in a pocket, and then disappears again. "Oh, uh, please make sure I don't get eaten - ack!" She spills backwards, face covered in a black gunk. See, Kasia? This is going bad for her, too. "Okay, make that two nicks."

"I owed you already, my bright shining star, hirani nonna," Hex assures Kasia, "I owe to you every good and happy thing in my life... and I'm really sorry about the smell... pretty sure it washes out eventually..." his voice echoes as he heads into the pod, and just before the hatch closes behind the pair of them, he can be heard adding, "Please don't hurt me, ok ka."

With that, the droid dutifully swoops off, hover-flying its way back to the target estate, followed by the other two droids Nyla altered. She still has a connection to them, as Tylin does to the main systems of the estate itself. It should be easy, right? Soon the three droids will return with pods full of Kasia, Hex, and newly freed slaves, then they launch back into space and did their good deed for the galaxy! Easy! Except... except... Nyla's readout is indicating that one of the droids has split off from the others. The empty pods are going to the correct chutes that Hex plans to 'scramble up', but the pod where Kasia is probably beating Hex to death with a moldy baguette is not going there. The droid has sensed it has a load of some sort, and is dutifully doing something about it! Where's it going? She might have to ask Tylin to slice into the estate systems and find out. Meanwhile, the white Trashpets seem pretty upset that Jehni'va is desecrating the body of their dead or whatever, and screeching, one swoops in to try to nip at her exposed legs. They have teeth like geese, unlikely to damage you, but capable of pinching and very annoying.

"Yes you did," Kasia sighs out the agreement as she follows Hex into the trash pod. She lifts a hand to cover her nose and mouth with her sleeve, trying to help filter out some of the stink. It helps a little. "I can't hurt you right now, ka're, I'm trying not to breathe. If I hurt you, I'd probably pass out and then I'd be laying down in here, and I really don't want to do that." Hex, saved by the disgusting surface of the pod. "I make no promises about what will happen once we're out of here."

Beep beep, says the datapad. Nyla, distracted by Jehn for only a second, blinks and fishes it out of one of her larger pockets. "Wait," she says, eyebrows climbing. "Wait wait wait. /What/." The girl jogs forward, then crab walks to the side, and starts to flail. "WAIT." Dread fills her. "TY. Gimme a read on that second droid! Code... uh uh! Code 89967!" And with that she's leaving Jehn to her rubbish flier fight as she helter-skelter pelts after the rogue droid. "You dummy! What ARE YOU DOING?" The fruit flies out of her hand and lands in what maybe once was some sort of septic tank. Curse words fly through the comm system.

As the pipe is thrust into her hands, Tylin clings to it as she stays clear enough so that Nyla can help as well. "Aw shit doesn't sound good at all," her eye go wide "Nicks and space ships don't mix, I don't think." So helpful. When one of the pets swoop down she waves the pipe in it's direction. "Go away," she cries out as she struggles with the pipe. This is just not her thing, fighting and trying to fend off things. Ok, she is a nerd. "Somebody just shoot the thing," as she takes another feeble swing at their new found friends. Her words directed to Nyla, she does have a blaster after all. But Nyla doesn't get out her blaster as she is going on about something. "What?" then it sinks in what may be happening. Pipe dropped, "Sorry, Jehn, gotta run," and Ty takes off. Again the datapad is plugged in "Did you say 89976?" No, that's not right, cause there isn't one with that number. "Oh, got. 89967, yep, here it is. It's going to TC-4," she announces proudly. She taps a few more times "Uh, we got a problem," the last word is dragged out "It's going to /trash compacter four/!" A glance to Nyla, the blackened face of Jehn and then the droid that rumbles off on it's own little mission.

"Well shit." Jehn agrees as everything goes thus. The only thing she is going to be useful for is patching this hole - and patch she will. The human dives back in with a renewed vigor and squeezes a thick paste over a black tube leaking black gunk. Squeeze, spray, tighten, go- "EEMOTHERFUCK!" She knew she'd been abandoned but she had hoped for, like, a courtesy swing or something, Jesus guys. Blindly, she swings at her behind with the wrench, feels it connect with whatever just took a sizeable pinch of booty, and then jams her hand back up into the inner guts of the OCILU. "C'mon baby, it's okay, I got you..." She croons to it. "Where is - FUCK -" She kicks as the flapper returns for seconds. "Okay, good-WHORES!" She doggedly refuses to leave her post, just like all of her "FRIENDS" didn't leave her ass unprotected.

Inside the pod, Hex is none the wiser as to their new destination, and grimaces as he braces his arms against the slimy walls. "You gotta wait to kill me until after we rescue the slaves, cause I need you for that," he points out to Kasia. "You can kill me back at the landfill, and then body disposal will be pretty easy while you're at it. See? I'm a thoughtful man, baby." Their trash-pod droid, heedless of Nyla's calling, has left the premises and zipped off towards the estate - which is of course far enough from the landfill not to get its smell. They'll have to help their friends from afar.

The trash pod docks where the misguided droid thinks it should dock, and begins to tip. "Why's it tilting?!" Hex gasps in sudden alarm. "It's supposed to be at the bottom of a chute!" Before Kasia has a chance to reply with something helpful, like 'I want to go home' or 'I want a different boyfriend,' the hatch opens, the pod tips farther, and its contents drop unceremoniously down into... a trash compactor. This is worse. This is actually worse than the landfill, because this isn't just trash, this is worse trash. Things that were the wrong size for the bins, things that had too much liquid for the bins, industrial-looking parts. The liquid is a little over knee deep at the bottom of the compactor and it smells like death and hurt feelings. Hex snatches a comlink out of his soggy pocket and yells at his techs, "NYLIN??!!" He probably wants them to turn on the compactor so that he dies before Kasia can drown him in garbage water.

Kasia is likewise totally oblivious to their destination, and is currently wallowing in self pity and trash stench. "Yes, so thoughtful." She's trying so hard not to touch anything, but she can't help it, she's got to reach out and touch the walls to keep from falling over. "An even more thoughtful boyfriend would have mentioned to bring gloves, or a mask," she points out. Her whining ends there, and she suffers in a thoroughly grossed out silence. Then they're tilting, and Hex sounds alarmed, and that's not good. THAT IS SO NOT GOOD. Her lamenting about needing a new boyfriend is cut off with a squeal as she's dropped into trash compacter, and sadly she doesn't land gracefully on her feet, because that would just be too easy. No, she slips on something disgusting and slimy, and lands hard on her knees, both hands sinking elbow deep into this disgusting, trash soup. "HEX!" Even his name sounds strangled, which doesn't bode well for Hex's throat, as soon as she can get some of this slime off her hands so she can get a good grip.

"TC-4, TC-4," Nyla repeats to herself, scrambling over a hill of furniture that the waste warriors above use primarily for a bathroom. "ON IT," she shouts into her comm as she slides down the shit stacks. "I'm not a whore, YOU'RE a whore!" Nyla growls back as she scampers through the acres and acres of trash towards the structure with those numbers and letters detailed on the side. The girl whips out the stun device, darting to the droid... "Oh." She watches Hex and Kasia tip out and down. What should she do? Whistle and turn around towards the ships innocently? Nyla's brow furrows and she throws herself to the edge. "Ty, turn the compactors off! Now!" She peeeeeks over the side and down into the depths below. Heh, hello.

"Off, right, yea," Oh hell, Tylin works hard, but she keeps looking in the direction that the droid and now Nyla took off in. All the while Jehn is yelling something that doesn't sound pleasant either. Pressure. "I got, I got. There!" she exclaims as she hits the enter icon. A glance to Jhen "I got it, they are safe now."

With a sudden and wildly reassuring silence from the ship, Jehni'va whoops and falls, backwards out of her, landing splayed painfully on the trash-ground. Immediately, she leaps upright and swings at a flapper that comes her way. "NO MORE!" She rages, unaware just /how/ close things are getting on Hex and Kaisa's end of things. Painfully, disgustingly close. Her? She's just sore. "What's going on?" She demands of Nylin.

Ka-CHRUNK. Whirrrrrr. The walls are moving! Hex regards this development in horror, then outstretches a hand to Kasia. "Get up, get up!" he encourages her, because that's what canon teaches us you do in trash compactors, you scramble to as much safety as you can while wailing at your friends. Tylin's hacking saves the day in just the nick of time, and thankfully - even though they can almost touch the walls with their arms outstretched - the walls stop. Hex pauses a moment in slack-lekku relief and apparent contemplation of his own mortality, then switches the com on again. "Okay. We're getting back into the pod. Nyla, make this thing go where it should have to begin with, ka? Then we'll go to the estate, and get those people. I'm not giving up." The droid is very unhappy with relinquishing its previous programming, but after fighting with it a little, Nyla can convince it to go to the 'empty bin' chute with the others.

The sound of scratching and ripping not far away from the group reveals that one of the trashflaps has found its way to the Paradox, and is now joyfully ripping out a bunch of important looking wires.

Oh no, the walls are moving. OH NO. Kasia had managed to at least get up to her knees, shaking her hands wildly to try and clean them of this slimy substance that clings. Said flailing has to stop as she quickly scrambles to her feet, climbing over and on top of trash as it moves, and the walls close in. Someone is going to have claustrophobia after this. She looks terrified that her life is going to end with a squelch and a whimper, in the trash, but thankfully the walls stop. They stop, and then they can climb back out. "I-- I never want us to have a plan that involves trash again," she tells Hex, sounding shaken. "Please don't let us get dropped into another one of these," she says over the coms. "I don't have words to describe how disgusting it is. There aren't enough showers to make me feel clean again." Maybe she'll get some bleach.

"Don't worry about it, muffin," Nyla hisses back at Jehn as she reaches up to snag the trash droid. "You stupid thing," the girl chastises, quickly losing her patience and love of droids in this instance. Thank gods for Tylin. "I did," Nyla begins, punctuating each word as she digs into the droid and rewires, "/Everything/ the same as the other two. The other two /work/, Hex!" Nyla gripes as she shoves herself into the smelly rubbish robot in order to sort it out, being none to gentle in the process. "There, you hunk ah junk!" And then she kicks it, for good measure. "Stupid!" she calls it again and growls. Her eyes scan her datapad, reading code from the droid as fast as it pops up. "Okay. It works now. M'pretty sure." That last part is barely audible in a whisper.

Waving her hands, one in one direction the other in another "The droid and then the trash compacter four, Hex and Kasia," Tylin explains to Jehn then smuggly "But I saved them. It's ok. Now." she looks at Jehn "YOu tore your pants," and she points to her own ass to indicate where it's torn, "There and there and, oh yea, there." So many places "Did you snag it on something?" So proud of her work, unaware that the compacter started moving at all she doesn't see the flappy thing tearing at her ship. Not for a while. Then when she does she shrieks and takes off running "Go away, go away," she is screaming at the top of her lungs. Even stopping to pick up something and throw at it. Which she hits the ship with, but not the creature.

Of course Tylin has a com's unit and the little ear thingy is in her ear. But did she turn it on? Of course not. She has no idea how close Kasia and Hex came to being squashed. Nope, her attention is fixed on the ship "Shoot it!"

Like Tylin, Jehn sucks. She's not used to the com thing! She can only turn it on and listen in horror to the tail end of the incident. "You know me. I worry." Jehn sighs, rubbing her butt and thighs, which are going to be so magnificently bruised. "Schnookums." She adds, as an awkward afterthought. As Tylin speaks, however, her gaze darkens... And darkens. "Yes, you could... Say that I... Snagged it." She takes a deep, shuddering breath in. "On something." But then she sees it. OH. SHE SEES. The waves of anger swell in her chest. "Oh no. You. DON'T!" A small something breaks inside Jehni'va as her vision goes red on the trashflap. "Not today, bitch." She roars, taking off after Tylin and snatching a new weapon from the trash as heading towards the ship at a slowly quickening lope. She's flat out sprinting by the time she twirls the long, twisted, metal something over her head and swings for the creature. You know, she always considered herself more a bit of an animal rights activist; she doesn't even eat meat! But this precious little nugget will get brained if it so much as /looks/ at this ship again. "You and me, ese." She growls, thrashing it from side to side as she accepts the inevitable. She can't kill it, and she's going back in there. "One of you /please/ care for my tush!" She shouts, climbing up the ship with her feet and one hand, brandishing her weapon of choice with the other. "Oh you just... You just straight ripped it /out/?! Who /does/ that!?" She shouts at the trashflapper, and with a final groan of acceptance... She drops the weapon and leaves herself undefended as she dives into repairs.

Hex is soggy with trash water. His beloved red-flowered duster is soggy with trash water. Also his girlfriend, who's at least as beloved as the duster. He's not even trying to stay clean inside the pod now, he's just sitting down with his back against the wall and some kind of wet paper stuck to the top of one lek like a jaunty hat. "This... this is actually disgusting," he admits to Kasia. They've finally found it, the limit at which Hex will break down and admit that something is yucky. When the pod finally does dock at the right place, he hoists Kasia out (with an unflattering "ooooofff" as he gives her a boost), and then crawls out, himself. They look terrible. Trashy and terrible. "Do you feel comfortable bringing the slaves out, yourself?" he asks. She's had a map to the slave quarters, as part of the briefing. "If you do, I'm gonna try to rob some of this woman's collection of artifacts from the Malabar Construct, so that we have a chance of making off with something we get paid for. Let me just check and make sure the girls are --" He switches on his comlink. Sure sounds like a lot of squawking. He switches it off. "I'm sure they're fine."

Maybe this will be it. Kasia's chance to get rid of that duster. It's soggy with trash soup, maybe there won't be any saving it. Maybe she can accidentally set fire to it. "This is disgusting." She's not quite so ready to sit down on the floor, because she's disgusting, and it's disgusting, and she doesn't want to take more of the disgusting with her if she can help it. "Yeah, I know the way," she replies, looking and sounding so unhappy right now. She may well fly them home naked, just to get out of these things. Sorry guys. Are the others fine? She doesn't know, but for now she's willing to believe Hex's assessment of the situation. Surely it can't be worse than this.

"You are the grossest thing in twelve acres," Nyla informs Jehn after her chosen petname. She backs up from the droid, watching it trundle away with its, hopefully, undetected load. Her shoulders sag and she ignores the fact she's covered in trash and her boots are more trashflap poop white than their dusty grey. Nyla adjusts her earpiece and turns, dragging herself back to the ships. "HOLY HELL," is her exclamation at the chaos between Jehn and Tylin. "What is going on??"

Tylin points to the ship, then makes a flapping motion "It was eating my ship and Jehn is up there trying to fix it. Just shoot those things. I hate them." He explains to Nyla. If only she had a blaster. "Are Kasia and Hex alright? I stopped the compacter but now my ship is all chewed up. And look," she holds up her boots and there is something gray, nasty and clung to the one "I can't get it off." Oblivious to the state that Kasia and Hex are in. "This is just, disgusting."

Is she, Nyla? Because Hex and Kaisa are... Pretty nasty right now, Schnookums aside. "Everything's fine!" Jehn's voice crackles through the comlink atop the garbled, constant screeching of the trashflap and metallic 'CLANG' of metal against flesh and metal. Plunging a fist into the ship's wiring, she yanks the frayed clump up to survey the damage. "Um - just fine!" She reiterates, swearing. She yanks a spool of copper wiring and a hand-solderer from her kit and bends over the damage. Every time death from above descends towards her, she cringes, swears, and falils but doggedly takes one for the team, her fingers working the dextrous and painstaking job of re-wiring by hand.

The estate is, mercifully, pretty quiet. It's too much house for too few people, and the mistress of the house is out. There are alarms set to go off at unauthorized entry of the doors or gates... but they didn't come in through doors and gates! So brilliant! Kasia is unseen as she makes her way to the slave quarters, and oddly, the door is unlocked. HOW PECULIAR. When she enters, however... there they are. The slave quarters are actually beautiful, as beautiful as the pods, compactor, and landfill are NOT, and there are nine slaves present. All of them are wearing collars, but Kasia has with her the usual device she and Hex use to disable such things. The slaves are both male and female, of non-human species that Humans tend to find appealing - Zeltron, Wroonian, Twi'leks, Zabrak, Cathar, Mirialan, a few that might be human hybrids. They look at Kasia in shock, distress, and a little bit of horror. TRASH GOLEM! One, a Zeltron man with more authority than most, stands up to demand, warily, "Who are you?"

Nothing, of course, is simple. Nyla is receiving feedback from the droids, now far away at the estate, that they're receiving more actual trash, so... no more empty bins when the team returns! Tylin is receiving a notification that the alarm system, while not calling guards, has locked the door behind Kasia. Jehn is KICKING SOME DAMN ASS with her repair job, however, trashflaps notwithstanding!

Kasia squishes her way through the pristine halls of this huge house, likely leaving behind footprints on the otherwise clean floors. There really isn't anything that she can do about that now, though, because she's certainly not going to go looking for a mop. She gets to the door, which is open. Odd. But she's not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, because everything has been otherwise entirely terrible, and if this is going to be easy, great. It's not, obviously, but for the present, she lives in her smelly ignorance.

The room is big, and beautiful, and she has no idea of the locked door behind her. "I don't mean you any harm," she says this to the slaves at large, but her focus comes to rest on the Zeltron man who speaks. She holds up both hands to show that she isn't holding a weapon, even though there is one on her hip. "I'm here to get you out of here, if that's what you would like." She pauses to glance down at herself, grimacing slightly as she looks back up to the slaves. "I know I look a mess, but we had to take unusual measures to get into the estate. That aside, if you come with me now, I can offer you freedom, a life where you can choose what you do. Which starts now," she says, turning slightly to gesture at the door behind her. "We don't have much time, so if you're going to come, come now, or stay and serve at the whims of someone else."

"I hate you," Nyla says at her datapad. But... there isn't much she can do at the moment. Concern washes over her face at the exposed, torn pants Jehn attempting to repair the ship. The datapad is stashed back into it's pocket and she whips her blaster out of her belt and aims two shots off at the trashflaps. The first one misses by quite a long shot, not even grazing the flock above them. Nyla growls and whips the point of the blaster at a closer target that dives towards Tylin, nailing the creature right in the chest. "Aw," she says with a frown. "M'sorry little poop bird."

As her datapad chirps she looks down from her trying to wave off the the flappythings "Huh, this is strange," she studies the data that scrolls down the screen "Sneaky, the door locks from the inside but you can enter," a roll of her eyes as Tylin goes to work, disabling the lock. She continues to scan the rest of the security system, now and then and with out looking up she will wave a hand in a feeble attempt to ward off the flappy big birds. But then the blaster goes off right near her and she jerks from the surprise. Not just once but twice. Tylin looks up just in time to see the dead carcass come crashing down right near her. A smile to Nyla "Thanks!"

Something crunches down, hard, on her left calf as Jehni'va fixes the ship's electrical system wire by wire. It's tedious work that requires full concentration - something that is not made easier by the constant attacks from above. Exposed as she is, the human can only grit her teeth and leak out a harsh, steady stream of obscenities each time one assails her. Oh sure, shoot down the ones around Tylin! With a harsh gasp of relief, she finally seals the last one and kicks her way up and out with gusto. She slides off the ship, lands in a sickening heap of trash, and yanks her bludgeoning-thing up with a whoop. "Not to brag, you guys." She says into the com, loping around the ship and batting at any kamikaze trashflappies. "But I'm awesome."

At first, the slaves don't look convinced. "Our mistress treats us kindly," the Zeltron man informs Kasia, coolly. "What guarantee do we have that there is no other buyer on the other side of your so-called 'freedom'? This is our home." But Kasia's words have reached other ears, and a Twi'lek girl stands up. "She treats /you/ kindly," the girl says quietly, but fiercely. "And you know why she's gone off today. The estate in ruins? The finances drained from every corner and debt up to her ears? /She/ will sell us! You overheard her yourself, saying she'll have to sell us all!" What an interesting fact this is! Perhaps this attack has had another, stealthier front, and if so, it's got them rattled enough that even the Zeltron drops his bravado. Kasia seems trustworthy, if trashy. "We will come with you," he says, quietly. All the slaves seem pretty astounded when Kasia just... opens the perma-locked door. She's magic! Thanks to Tylin! But that seems to cement their trust in her, and they follow her to the trash chute where it's possible to climb back into the pods. All that Kasia needs to do is comm Nyla and have her signal the droids to return - two out of three pods can be sent back full of former captives. The ships are repaired and flight worthy. Though there is the matter of... where'd Hex go?

"There's nothing I can say to guarentee it," Kasia replies, but she stops there as the Twi'lek stands up and does the talking for her. "Good. If there's anything you want, now is the time to grab it." She opens the door -- just like magic! -- and uses her scanner on each one as they pass through the door, just to make sure nothing will explode upon leaving the estate. That'd be worse than all this trash business. She's quick to lead the way to the trash chute, letting the slaves go first. "Hex," she coms, before she follows. "We're all ready to go. Where are you?" She holds off on coming Nyla just yet, waiting to make sure that her trashy, weird, alien boyfriend makes it with them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Nyla hums with a snort at Jehn as she skitters up to the girl with her blaster still in hand. Her head tilts to the sky, making sure the trashflaps aren't going to attack again. "There is plenty of garbage /everywhere else/, you rot mouths!" she calls to them with a wave of her pistol. The girl sticks by Jehn, eyes falling from the flock to survey the ships. "Everything good with them? /Damn/ am I glad we brought you."

"Damn /straight/ everything is good with them." Jehni'va affirms, savagely prideful and in an insane amount of pain. Oh my god, is she in pain. "We need to get out of here, though, because that -" She points at the ships. "I'm not doing that again."

"GO GO GO GET OUT OF HERE GET THEM INTO THE PODS!" Ah, there's Hex. Predictably, because he's Hex, he's found his way into some trouble - he's been shot, somehow, in the left leg just above the knee, and he's limping. But he does have a large sack hefted over his shoulder, filled with.... something. Precious artifacts? Apparently not breakable precious artifacts, because he flings the sack down the nearest chute, where it lands with a clank and a surprised wail. Hit one of the slaves. Oops. Hex winces. "Nyla," his voice crackles over the droid whisperer's comm, "Cue droids one and two to return home, and get those people on board the ship. Jehni'va, get the engines hot, we're coming home." His appearance, and the stolen objects, have alarmed the Zeltron all over again, however, and he backs up in horror. "Thieves!!" he gasps, the last slave to get on board, literally and figuratively. "You /are/ going to sell us, you're here for profit!"

Kasia gives Hex this look, this /look/ that says /HOW/. She doesn't ask it yet, though, because there isn't time, but she will later. Oh yes she will. "We're not," she turns to the Zeltron, giving him an imploring look. "We're not here for a profit, but we /do/ have to pay for the rescues somehow, in some way that doesn't put is completely in debt to people who are as bad, or worse, than the people who enslaved you. You are not going to be sold, though, you're going to be free, and will get to choose where you live, what you do, but if you want that you have to come now, otherwise you'll be here to explain to your mistress what happened." Either way, she's leaving, that much is clear. Thankfully it works, and the guy gets in the pod. Kasia /sighs/ as she has to again as well, sliding down the chute and hopefully freedom. Hopefully not another trash compactor.

"Hold that thought, my little wookie-cookie, I have work to do," Nyla chirps at Jehn with a finger held up before she goes to the connected data pad and taps at it with a finger. "One and two incoming. It's now or never, Hex," she replies back to Hex with a grin up at Jehni'va and a thumbs up to boot.

"Wook - are you - wow." There's a harsh bark of laughter. "On it, boss!" Jehni'va grins, clamoring aboard the respective ships to get the engines running hot. As she collapses into that first chair, she groans. Sitting down is going to be a chore for the next week. But the game is afoot! A moment of shuffling, panting, and electronic hubbub later and both are purring like kittens and straining at the reigns. She stays aboard the Paradox, mostly for the sweet, final relief of being in a place those hellish trashflappies can't trashflap.

"Ka, hit it, I'm in," Hex comms back to Nyla. It's kind of an awkward pod ride with ankle deep added refuse, not empty like last time, plus a sack of Presumably Valuables and a terrified Zeltron who's way out of his comfort zone. And Hex got shot. But nonetheless, he seems pleased. "It looks good, girls, we got away clean," he comms to Tylin, Nyla, and Jehni'va. There's a pause, then, "I guess I mean that figuratively."

It doesn't take long for the droids to return to the landfill, and dump out their contents. Unceremoniously, again. The slaves are fearful and confused, but allow themselves to be guided into the Gambit and the Broadstar. Both of which are running flawlessly, trashflap encounters notwithstanding. Those Trashflaps are steering clear now, though, they've got the message about blaster fire and getting sucked into air intakes and they want no part of this now. They just want their trash in peace!

Speaking of trash... the interiors of both ships smell terrible. TERRIBLE. Kasia and Hex are soaked with garbage water, the slaves had to ride in the smelly pods too, and Tylin, Jehn and Nyla had to tromp around in the trash. The air scrubbers are not equipped to deal with this. Everyone is banged up and so disgusting.

"Flawless," Hex decrees, to his shipmates and over the com. "Ahahahaha! FLAWLESS!"

This is so disgusting. Kasia is back to that again, looking wholly displeased at her place in the trash pod. The fearful slaves do help to distract her, and in her grossness, she tries to offer as much comfort as she can. "It'll be okay. Soon we'll be in a better smelling place, and then in an actual place where you can shower, and change, and it'll smell better there, too. Mostly. I mean, we're stopping on Nar Shaddaa, so maybe saying that it'll smell better isn't exactly accurate, but it'll be better than in here. That's for sure." They make it back to the ships, and then onto her ship, everything started up and ready to go, it's easy to close the ramp once everyone is on and get ready to take off. "The interior of my ship is never going to be the same." She /does/ find a blanket somewhere on her ship, which she uses to cover her seat, and one for Hex's seat if he chooses to sit there, so that their garbage juice is less likely to seep into the seats. So gross.

Nyla Forr bolts up into the Of Course I Love You after Tylin and buckles herself in, breathing heavily from the execution and the adrenaline rushing through her. She leans, pushing her shoulder against the viewport to look around as everything works out. "I wouldn't say /flawless/," Nyla hums into the link. Her eyes scrape down to the poop on her boots. Sigh. "AW HECK," the girl suddenly realizes, patting frantically at her pockets. "Where is my fruit snack?!" But it's too late and they're up and out of there.