Log:Resistance: Good Houseguests

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Good Houseguests

OOC Date: March 2, 2019
Location: Naboo
Participants: Ektor, Elrych Cometburn, Kaelyn, Kisaiya, Merek, Poe Dameron, Sar Yavok, Tallissan Lintra, The Resistance

The incident had been reported over all public channels in the Naboo system: a civilian freighter (the Spiral Hunter) had come under heavy fire from pirate vessels in the Sea of Veruna. Initial reports place the strength of the space borne bandits at one heavy transport, two light gunships, and a handful of starfighters. The strength of the force has led the Naboo commander to transmit: <<This is Bravo Flight Leader of the Royal Naboo Navy, en route to engage pirate starships in the Sea of Veruna.>> It's not a formal request for aid, but it was broadcast on a shared channel.

Black Leader is conducting a patrol in the area when the transmission comes over the open net. While he had an inclination to ignore the Naboo subtle call for aid, he couldn't overlook the fact that the freighter being attacked contained close allies, and the presence of enemy fighters threatened the integrity and safety of their weapon. Breaking from formation, Poe comes over the encrypted Resistance channel. <<"This is Black Leader. I'm forming a sortie to assist local defense forces with a nearby threat. All call signs on station and willing to come along sound off and form on my wing. BB-8 will transmit the micro-jump coordinates.">>

Flying a routine patrol, Cadet-Diaz cranks up the volume to catch the full transmission, head angled to the side inside the helmet she's wearing. "Volt, we call that a declaration of intent," Diaz, aka Wolf-5, mutters to her droid as she cues up the coordinates to set course to join up with Bravo Flight Leader of the Royal Naboo Navy. <<"Wolf-5 responding, moving to assist, over,">> comes Diaz's voice over the com as she is doing all of that, moving to assist.

Having heard the call to arms shortly after returning to the system, Sar loaded up into the Jawa and put the old bird to work. <<Black Leader, this is the Dusty Jawa. Hope y'all don't mind a tag-along for this one,>> he comms, looking down at his trust R2 unit Reb. "Alright, little guy, wheel on back to engineering and get ready to get to work," he instructs the droid, who beeps affirmatively in response. Throttling up, the freighter speeds up, moving to join the newly-forming formation.

Merek is settled about into the Warsong with his droid in the astromech slot, while he maneuvers the ship to follow with the patrol of X-Wings. "Frost here, following Black Squad to assist," he comms, while he takes a moment to bring up the shields, then target computers while he takes a position towards the back of the patrol.

<<Black Five to Black Leader, copy that>> Tallie's eyes run down the readouts automatically and she touches the white scarf knotted at throat for luck and out of habit. "Fiver, on my mark, jump us to the coords sent to us."

Black 11 <<Black eleven ready and waiting for hyper coordinates.>> Comes elrych of the comms. He was out on patrol after having come back from leave and a few smiggling ops.

<<Ah, Black->> Ektor pauses a half second. <<Six. In the void and moving onto your wing, Lead.>> Off the comms, he mutters to the new R2 unit, "I remembered, I remebered. Shut your binary, yeah? Just get shields up Ay-sap once we get there, I'll handle the guns."

As the ad hoc formation of fighters and freighter race through the system, emerging before the multi-colored, swirling backdrop of the vast and rich nebula known to the Naboo as the Sea of Veruna, they behold the running fight: a Corellian medium freighter is fleeing toward the planet, pursued and under fire by a half dozen Dunelizard fighters, and a single heavy ARC-170. Entrenched within the gas clouds and only half visible, a large Action V bulk freighter (the Predator), a Nova-drive 3-Z (Reul Scavenger), and a

<<"Copy all, coordinates sent, let's drop in and say hello.">> Poe reaches up and pulls back the lever to initiate the micro-jump. A few seconds later, Black Leader emerges from its jump in a flash of blue. Red engine contrails expand subsequently, and his fighter moves toward the ensuring chaos. <<"Jawa, you're our center and heavy hitter. Take the lead and punch the target labeled..">> Poe reads the holodisplay. <<"Predator. All wings, follow the Jawa in and prepare to engage the same vessel. We'll do one pass and see if it's still breathing. Be mindful of fighters.">> His s-foils open once in range, and cannon fire ensues.

Zipping back into realspace, the Jawa blinks back into existence alongside Black Leader. <<Solid Copy, Black Leader,>> Sar says, looking down at his info display. As Sar slides a pair of levers resting atop the dash forward, panels of aftermarket engines flare out and howl to life, speeding the freighter towards the Predator. <<Clear the way, loosing missiles,>> Sar comms, tapping a few commands into his center console before he's pressing down on a nub on the left side of his yoke. A pair of missiles speed out from the launcher; one flying wide while the other makes solid contact against the shields.

A warning light begins blinking frantically, indicating the incoming missile. Luckily, it's easy enough to avoid and it goes sailing wildly by the Jawa.

Merek looks over to his droid Gadget and nods a bit to them, "We need to keep on those ship repairs," he says, then he takes the formation with the other fighters, opening the fire controls while he makes a solution and strikes the ship they are formed up on, with skill. <<Target is reading at half shields, Black Leader.>> Warsong shifts positions to protective formation. He places one of his tapes to the cockpit's deck, listening to music also. The shot from the lasers on the target hit his ship and take the shields of his halfway also.

Black Five boosts into hyper and drops out on the mark at the Buoy and as the blue of their entry fades Fiver blats at her. "I didn't set them, you goon. This is good cover," she doesn't look as nearly positive as she sounds. "Set me up to come in on Black Leader's port wing, we are taking the same target." She uncaps the firing mechanism and as she joins the group adds the red of her laser cannon to the others lancing towards the target. Predator's shields flare a rainbow of colors as they begin to fail. Wild shots destined for her X-Wing fly overhead.

Black 11 Elryxh gets into formation as soon as they revert to realspace. when in range he takes a shot. its hard to miss.

Spiral Hunter Kisaiya is at the controls again. Because... why wouldn't she be? They're running from a whole back of fighters and one that seems to have managed a missile lock on them. "ACK!" Kisaiya jerks the ship one direction and then the other (probably accidentally throwing off her sister's aim). "Kae! They're shooting at us and then there's a mi-i-i-issle! SHOOT THAT ONE FIRST!"

Kisa calls it over her shoulder as she turns back toward the controls and continues tapping away at them and trying to keep the ship dodging about to make it harder to hit. It seems she's doing a pretty good job of making it unpredictable for that matter!

Kae is flailing while inside the turret. Over the coms she is saying, to Kisa most likely. "Zap Zap Zap..." She says, yep it's kind of fun really as the ship's shields kind of giggle at the one hit from lazors, or at least turn a pretty blue. "Don't shoot holes in my boat!" She calls out, angling the dorsal turret at the offending dunelizard, before cutting lose with a long stream of rapid-fire heavy lasers... "Gah! Stop moving around you silly..." Then she hears the beep beep beep... "Eeee! Kisa the boxes! The ones we have in the port and starboard bays... Jetisson em!" she calls out, as she notes "Oh and so ya know Sis, we haz ummmm a loooot of fighters, but we're staying ahead of the transports! We should take em to black squadron, keep on waggling though it might help us from getting shot..."

Black 6 is toward the tail of the starfighter wave, as the Resistance craft sweep past the suddenly besieged Action V 'Predator', but while all others loose their weapons and break off, Ektor reports, <<Got a missile lock.. Staying on target>> A nervous trill from the R2 unit as his forward shields take a hit from one of the big freighter's quad laser turrets, but the Tionese grins. "This ain't nothing, Genius.."

Bravo Flight as slashed into the Dunelizards pursuing the Spiral Hunter, driving three off the mark with a precise volley of blaster cannons that hammer the shields of the heavier pirate craft. The Action V ponderously begins banking to try and present fresh shields, to survive long enough for a microjump into safety, as the lighter frighters abruptly conclude their illegal harvest of the nebula and stir to cover their mothership.

Firing on a carefully aimed shot at the enemy contact, probably considers themselves 'free enterprise acquisition agents' or something equally piratical, Fiora Diaz wears a fierce grin to have actually hit the mark on the first try. "That's the ticket," she mutters and angles her flight path to fly more in tandem with the rest of the wing.

Black Leader had followed the Jawa in for the initial attack, attacking after it sank a rocket against the shields. All craft veer one way or another. Poe reaches out to engage the encrypted channel again. <<"Good hits all around, let's finish this craft off and move to the other freighters! Take us in, Jawa.">> Poe is already coming about once more and setting up on the YT-1300's starboard side.

Fiora Diaz works the firing solution for a quiet moment, head angled to the side as Voltz spits out coordinates to fine tune the target acquisition. "I hope you're right," she mutters to her mech before letting loose another round of cannon fire at the Action V that's begun the attempt to bank and present fresh shields. "The 'verse does love optimists, that's for sure." She sucks in a breath and switches on comm again: <<Wolf-5, taking another pass, over.">>

<<Copy that. Coming around for another pass,>> Sar comms, whipping the Dusty Jawa back around for another run on the Bulk Freighter. Reaching over to click the firing selector to a different position, Sar sucks his teeth and says, "I really need to get a co-pilot, Reb." Then he's looking around the cockpit for his astromech. "Oh, right."

Angling the Jawa towards the bulk freighter, he lets fly a flurry of plasma from the pair of cannons mounted on the underside of the Jawa's mandibles. The heavy bolts plunk harshly into the enemy's hull, but don't take him out just yet.

"Repair those shields for me," Merek tells Gadget, while he takes a shot at the ship, although it doesn't manage to hit like it did before, he also is like to be a bit distracted by his ship being shot at also.

They split in an aerial high speed ballet lit by the lasers of Black Wing's fire. "Keep us on target," Tallie mutters to Fiver who is bringing up firing solutions. Black Leader goes for the turnaround and she takes the opposite tack making the Predator work for targets. Almost simultaneously they light the Predator with laser fire, <<Shields down, hull damage>> she reports as debris trails the target. "Keep us on vector to stay on Leader's wing."

Kisaiya managed to move the ship in a random pattern the first time around, and then she banked over turning toward where all the friendly fighters are and - when she does - she realizes that she just kinda help the huge cargo ship in a nice easy bank the whole time. She blinked and suddenly called out to Kae through the intercomm, "KAE! I hope that helped you shoot things better." All part of the plan. Totally...

Kae blinks "Heey, more ran... hang on!" she calls out, and sees the chance to fire... Another burst of laser fire from the dorsal turret, and well the shields get ripped right off the ARC-170.. "Ahah, no shields on... eeek He fired torps and everything!" She calls out...

Kae braces her self, and well the Spiral's shields glow bright blue as the torpedo slams home along with the other weapons fire too... "Kiiisa, get the droids on getting our shields restore, and try to orient more shields toward the aft arc! We're gonna needs em!" She calls out.

Kae sticks her tongue out of the corner of her mouth and peers through the targetting computer... Then she flails! "Gah! Killo!" She calls out, now having a loth kitten having like yanked he rshoe off, said shoe having not been tied. "Kissa! Kilo Got my shoe!"

The prior waves of cannonfire had done such damage to the big Action V 'Predator' that by the time Ektor's missile lock chimes and the linked proton torpedoes streak to detonate on the blasted wrack, the final death of the ship is already a forgone conclusion. <<Cannons live, Be-El you got a favorite target in mind, yeah?>> His question abruptly bites off with a "HEL-lo," as the incoming Reul Scavenger looses a volley of cannon fire at him that is only narrowly avoided.

Bravo Flight are clearly the elites of the Royal Naboo fighter corp, as one Dunelizard hangs dead in space, but in turn, one of the sleek N-1s has taken damage.

<<"Main target down. Good work. Let's focus on these other freighters. Target priority goes to the Corellian Terror. Let's wipe them out, Jawa we're on your wing, pal.">> Black Leader has already returned to the starboard side of the YT-1300 again. Within his cockpit, Poe is working his targetting computer as they draw closer, firing when it's both within range and away from possibly hitting any allies.

The warning light begins blinking again, so Sar starts flipping through the readouts on the small info screen. <<Ah, shriv,>> the man says, noting the missiles heading his way. Crowded by friendly and enemy fighters, Sar has no choice but to jam the yoke forward and disengage to try and avoid the incoming ordinance. Sliding the auxilary power level forward, Sar's then has to stand up, leaving one hand on the yoke, as he reaches over to re-align the deflectors.

Just in time, the deflector shields re-buff themselves in the aft right before one of the missiles smacks into the ship.

That's when all the other lights start flashing. "Never seen that one before," Sar says, reaching over to tap at a heretofore foreign flashing panel. "That can't be good."

<<Focusing fire on the 2000,>> Sar informs everyone as he flies back into the furball, resetting his deflectors to their layout. Being that the target is a YT-2000, Sar finds it very easy to imagine that his target is none other than the good for nothing scoundrel Zhu Yan. Using this to fuel his rage, Sar opens fire on the ship, playing havoc with the freighter's shields.

"Focus on those freighters, Voltz, sing out if they're starting to get jittery and taking and trying to ditch the fire fight," Diaz mutters to her Mech as she works the firing solution, letting loose again with the IX9 laser cannons. The droid makes a remark in binary as her shot goes wide, netting a nasty string of words from her as the rest of the flight continues the fight.

The cannon fire from the turrets take the shields down and it also blasts clean through the hull and part of one of the wings spins out into space. Smoke rolls across the hull as Merek takes the controls to hands then he speaks to Gadget, "Get those shields back up!" He then comms to Black Squad, "Warsong, escaping to Fleet," he then rolls to shift the ship to the other direction as he takes a shot that takes the shields down from the dunelizard which is looking to move to him.

The Private checks the systems while he taps on the control panel C---ICAL SYS--- -AM-G- is shown from the computer while he takes all systems that he doesn't need to shields also.

"We are packed as close as Naboo Scalefish," Tallie mutters staying in close behind Black Leader. She goes in for a pass on the Terror and they leave that joust fairly evenly as she pulls into a tight evasive roll and then comes around to reengage.

Black 11 Elrych comes in a little to hot as he turns in on the Terror. He clicks twice aknowledging Poes irders to focus on the freighter. His spead causes him to rush a bit with his shooting... or hold off to long and he just misses as he passes by the freighter.

A shriek as Kisa feels the impact that takes their shields down heavily. A few flicks and she tries to right the ship a bit better. Kisaiya was still trying to keep them off of her, but it's not exactly easy at the moment. "In a sec, Kae!" She calls out into the com, "KAE! Kill the Arc please! KILO! GET OFF KAE'S SHOE! Bad kitten! Keep... Kittening or something. I'm busy! WHY?!" She's seeing Merek start toward them and she's biting her lip, sort of angling in his direction as she thinks about the options. Kisa takes a breath and then exhales as she squints and makes a pot shot at the YT with the missiles, banking up and over. "Kae. Remember the doohickey place with the transports? Yeah." She squints and does her best to cut the angles so she can get in the way of Merek and some of the other ships. A swift bank at just that "ACK!" She felt the ship shudder again from the impact of lasers that probably just kept someone alive. <<Nyah nyah. Gotta shoot better than that>> she taunts the Dunelizard.

"Ooh Ooh! I got a great firing arc on the ARC! Juuuust hooooold..." She mutters, it's probably audible to Kisa "Ooh Firing!" She calls out and a stream of heavy laser fire lances out of the Spirals dorsal dual heavy turret! Several bolts pass around the center of the ARC< one catching one of the cooling S-foils, then another rips the wing off, causing the fighter to spin, two more strike the fighter, causing the vehicle to explode into a shiny shower of ionized gas and debris...

"Yaaay fireworks!" Kae calls out... She then hears the missile go off.. "It gonna hit?!?!" She calls out curiously...

The surviving pirate gunships are banking hard toward a microjump, but making a fighting retreat as they do so. The sturdy YT-2000 weathers waves of fire, proving surprisingly agile for its class.

One of the Bravo flight N1s can't quite avoid the head to head salvo of a Dunelizard, and is destroyed, though the victorious pirate is gunned down in turn by Bravo Leader. As some encrypted signal is given, all pirate craft seek to disengage and escape.

Black Leader stays with the Corellian Terror, firing into its stern and reminding the pilot they are still chasing it. All four cannons sink into the craft as it spins evasively, moving into the targetting parameters of the rest of the friendly wing. Poe twists low, folding into the wing but angling back. <<"Looks like the pirates have had enough. Let's escort our friendly freighter back to friendly lines. Good work, everyone!">> Black Leader, the T-85 specially painted X-Wing, closes its s-foils and increases its speed to catch up with the Spiral Hunter. He maintains a flight path above them once everyone has adjusted to head back.

Altering course accordingly, after taking a final pot shot at the retreating freighters, Fiora Diaz runs a systems check while keeping an eye on the rest of the flight. "Run a sweep of the system, Voltz, lets make sure nothing else is lurking under some random asteroid or heap of space debris." This said, and her Mech beginning that task while she settles the e-wing back into newly-acquired escort position, <<"Wolf-5, copy that, wil-co, over." >>

"Whaddya mean the shields are down?" Sar shouts back into the intercom at Reb. "Fix 'em, you scrap-heap!" Sar instructs, sliding the auxilary power lever all the way open.

Little Reb goes squealing across the engineering room, bonking it's little trashcan body into the wall before it manages to steady itself long enough to whip out its fire extinguisher and go to work. Keeping the ship from burning immolating, Reb then plugs into a nearby port and whistles sharply as it reroutes the power here and there, taking care of the kinda stuff that Sar can't do on the fly.

The sound of shields popping back into exsistence has the Old Man resting a little easier in his chair.

Creeping up behind the 2000, Sar lets loose another burst of fire into the aft of the escaping ship. Heavy bolts crash into the shields, but nothing gets through.

"What the kriff is that?" Tallie is pulling back on the throttle tipping to keep on Poe's port side. On her screen Fiver has magnified an image so much that at first she can't understand what she is seeing. Fiver works on the resolution while she follows close on Black Leader. Three hits win a smile as she hightails it after the Squadron Leader. "What...?" A strange skull orbited by moons stares back at her. "Intelligence is going to love this."

The Warsong manages to recover a bit, Merek piloting it to the Fleet, <<Thank you,>> he offers to the sephi while he takes the ship where the fleet is also.

Black 11 Elrych bites his tongue in concentration as he ties to angle his rectical just right at the fleeing freighter. He lets a volly loose and grumbles as they zip by missing.

Kisa hits the comm, <<SURE THING!>> I mean the ship is far away. Best to make sure he can hear her. Kisaiya pulls the ship back around as she hears Kaelyn shoot down the ARC, "WOO! Great job, Kae!" She quickly looks around, spotting a curiosity as she pushes the Spiral toward the rest of the enemy fighters and transports. "Stay!" Kisa calls out, her mouth pulling to the side as she sends off a missile careening toward the transport that everyone is picking on. "Noooo, looks like my first one mis-WOO! THAT ONE HIT! KAE! I HIT THE YT! SHOOT IT TOO!" Kisaiya flings her arms up into the air.

Kae ooohs as she sees Kisa launch a missile, this one going up in a big kaboom... "Ooh ooh nice shot! My turn!" She says, and squints... A few seconds later she's squeezing the triggers and sending a burst of heavy laser fire at the distant yt-2000.. "Gotta love heavies, range is amazing!" She calls out as the blasts hit home... "I got my little piece of that pie!" She calls out cheerfully...

Kae then looks up, and through the large viewport, she's waggling both arms at Poe's Black T-85 "Hellooo!" She then ooohs... "Heey Kisa I hit it tooooo! Woot! We're great!" She calls out,t hen oohs, and turns on her comms.. << Welcome! Glad we could help! Oooh Oooh! I took out an Arc-170!!! Oooh Ooh, Hello everybody! How are y'all doing?!?>> She broadcasts, yeah, it's the two Sephi sisters and they're in a good mood again. << Sooo Suronian Firebrands at the space port again?>>

The concentrated fire of a half dozen heavily armed ships finally overwhelms even the ability of multiple shield generators to absorb. First one generator fails, then the others in rapid succession. The hull is carved through and breaks apart under the sustained bombardment. The Reul Scavenger is the only pirate gunship to escape into its microjump, followed shortly by the remaining four Dunelizards.

<< I hear you, Lead,>> Ektor drawls lazily to the order to bring it in. <<Hey, uh.. Spiral Hunter. What was you even doing out here, anyway?>> The galaxy may never know.