Log:Resistance: Merek Under The Rain

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Merek Under The Rain

OOC Date: August 24, 2019
Location: Naboo
Participants: Merek, Tallissan Lintra

Rain falls from the skies onto the landing pad, while a cargo container has been opened up. The authorities as well as medical personell have come and contacted any in the Resistance willing to come. Merek had said where he was going, but he didn't come back. Now it's clear why, as people move to a man on the pad which is missing every limb, with a slash across his entire stomach from front to coming out the back, which is cauterized.

His beard is a bit bedraggled and his hair tousled, while he's barely conscious, eyes lidded staring into the sky. Miraculously, he's alive, though it could be because there's sign he was given just enough attention to keep him alive with the shipment. It's clear someone did all this purely in torture as well.

On him, a note: Please take care to remember that the buying and selling of First Order weaponry on the black market is illegal and a punishable offense.


Oran Arcantael, agent of the First Order.

A woman wearing a grey nondescript jumpsuit of a trader stands in the doorway of a private shuttle. Hands balanced against the sides of the hatchway, she examines the group standing around the open cargo container knowing full well who and what it is. Face guarded, she walks over the rainstick wing and jumps down onto the tarmac. The rain falls hard enough to darken her blonde hair, turning it to dark bronze.

The ID she flips from the small handheld holoprojector showing her picture, rank and authorization to pick the pilot up - Tallissan Lintra, Captain - Black Squadron. "I've come to take your...the...our package home." For pilot he is though now sadly reduced. After they have made space for her, she leans over the opened container. "You doing alright, Merek? I'm going to get you up to Dr. Cole as soon as I can."

Merek doesn't have a lot to say, his lidded gaze looking to Tallie, while he inhales then sighs, "Oran... Skora..." He makes a face and those words are spoken with, well. Emotion, it is difficult to tell really. He is dressed at least about the waist and wearing his tattered tunic as well save the place he has that lightsaber hole in him also. The limbs look like they were surgically and slowly taken off him, cybernetics melding with what's still there.

The Captain scans his wounds quickly before looking away, catching the gaze of a medic who stands out of Merek's sight. The medic shakes his head in a tight lipped frown which Tallie mirrors back to him. "Has he been given enough for pain?" She asks the assembled onlookers. "I want to get him on my shuttle as quickly as possible but there is no need for him to suffer as we take G's before transition."

A sharp sigh leaves her before she hovers over the edge of the crate, "How did they know to send you here, Merek?"

Merek looks over to Tallie, as if perplexed by the question, then he looks up in the direction of the fleet. Maybe he's staring into the sky, it is difficult to tell. That he's on Naboo and not Rori will probably say the Resistance. He then meets with Tallie's gaze along with his cybernetic one, "They knew before I joined I worked against them," he manages with that husky voice. Though probably only Command actually knew that in full. He's answering questions, but it could be because the medic lists a whole lot of medications he's on.

"You're not making sense. If they sent you here they know you are Resistance," the Captain replies in a low, painstakingly neutral voice. "Have they scanned you or the crate for bugs or trackers? You now have placed yourself into a high risk category, Merek by exposing us this way. No matter your intention. I want you to be comfortable and receive the care you need to treat these..." She looks away not willing to let him see how much the state of his arms and legs upset her. "Those pure bastards..." The words are bitten off.

"What I suggest is that you go into hospital here until high command makes a decision on bringing you back to base." Not once does she mention the location of the Resistance base. "I believe that I can't make that decision on my own."

"Exposing? They know nothing more than they knew when they found me..." Merek looks at Tallie in complete perplexion at her words. Though the talk about scanning does get a nod, he's not going to say that isn't smart. He just looks back up while he sighs. He seems to be shifting away from the conversation though, wincing while he tries to move, with what isn't even there. It's not like he hasn't felt this before with each limb though, so it's not 'as' crazy to him than it usually would be.

When she sees his incomprehension, Tallie retreats further into herself, reaching for patience she clears her throat and speaks in an even, low-pitched voice. "Any of us, any one of us going into territory that is under FO control puts each of us at risk. It's not difficult or complex to understand. But it's done. I will leave it up to the Major and the General to make their decisions regarding you. I'm sorry this happened to you. The people were cruel but it would be cruel to expose your fellow crew members, too. No matter your intention, Merek. We are all under heavy constraints. None of us enjoy not being able to see friends or family or taking a trip to trade."

"It was a smuggler station," Merek tells Tallie that much, at least. "They're everywhere, nowhere is safe, not any of them, it's always Oran, always him, always... Always Oran, always him, why... Why is it always him," Merek seems to be shifting from legitimate conversation, while tears come from his face, rolling into his beard, "I'm sorry, it's all because of me, it always is, I apologize." He then is on like that for a while, looking utterly broken, like a dog that's been kicked until it submits as well.

His pain touches her but revealing the location of their base and risking the lives of their comrades overrides her personal sentiments. Despite the tears, for an instant, Tallie's patience wears thin, "Ask yourself what it is that you are doing to bring this about? You cannot be an eternal victim!" With a deep sharp breath she closes her mouth unwilling to be short with someone so clearly in need. "Let me check on which hospital can receive you, Merek."

A private ambulance provided by local authorities took him swiftly through the rain slicked streets, Tallie riding mostly in silence by his side. The graceful architecture of Naboo's green domes and native stone buildings occupy her, beautiful even under the low, gray skies. Merek's crate is put on a gurney and after the all the datapads are filled in and signed he is taken to a quiet room overlooking a garden.