Log:Resistance: Milk Run

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Milk Run

OOC Date: September 15, 2018
Location: Unknown
Participants: The Resistance, Chewbacca, Ektor, Elrych Cometburn, Jessika Pava, Kare Kun, Nova Korell, Poe Dameron

Many of the systems nearest to the Resistance base at Ichren have either become host to First Order warships, or else are dominated by hostile criminal cartels. This has pushed some Resistance-friendly criminals into taking less direct routes in the course of delivering their smuggled cargoes to Blackrock. Today, three freighters are meeting at an uninhabited gas giant in former Trade Federation territory to coordinate their final hyperspace jumps to Ichren. Orders are simple: escort the three freighters into hyperspace, then follow them to Blackrock Starbase. So far there have been no delays and no complications.

Ektor has been irritating his astromech out of boredom, flipping various unfamiliar switches to see what they do in the cockpit of the cutting edge X-wing. Gradually drawling over the comms, "Arright, who feels up to a bet? I say there's some kinda super top secret Rebellion badass who's sneaking into base aboard one of them freighters, and that's why we're here, yeah? There's gonna be at LEAST a Star Destroyer coming at us, yeah? Annnnnny minute, now."

Did someone say Rebellion Badass sneaking into base on a freighter? Chewie had both heard of the smuggling mission through the channels he still keeps in touch with in the smuggling world and of course the whole Resistance connections and all. Despite this, the wookiee is a bit late joining in with the X-wings and the like and the Falcon comes into the area from a hyperspace jump shortly before Ektor's jump.

"Do we get to use you as bait for the Star Destroyer?" Chewie barks over the comm system, followed by a pause and then the translation of his words. He looks out and around as if actually expecting said Star Destroyer. "ANyway, the Falcon is here to help if you need"

Poe stares blankly into space as the red contrails from his engines glaring contrast to the vast empty blackness of space indicate his ship is still moving forward. His S-foils remain locked in closed, affording a bit more speed, but nothing that would put substantial distance between he and the Black squadron sortie. "I've never been a betting man, Ektor. To come up against those odds again would impart a bit more gray in my hair than I'd like." He recalled their mission of D'Qar, and his daring run over the dreadnought to clear the way for Tallie's bombers. Despite the stinging bittersweet victory, that was something Poe was glad resided in the past and did not require him to live through again. "Glad you're here, Chewie. Black Squadron let's extend our sensor range." Poe understands why Ektor is being talkative. It was always the waiting that was the struggle. Waiting for something bad to happen. Waiting, waiting, waiting..

""Not some secret spy. I hear Poe is finally getting new underwear and thus here we are."" Kare replies as she sits in the cockpit of Black 4, her legs stretched out as far as they will go, her head leaned back as far as it will go and her eyes are closed as far as they will go. ""Or is it a new order of whiskey, Poe? I can't remember which you cherish most."" "Brat, extend our sensors. I'm tired." To which the droid beeps and whistles in a snarky way but does do as told.

Elrych Cometburn was in his Arethspirit sans proper spelling as the player is on his phone and at his crappy job. El was working on his patients, which was wearing thin on this mission. Lots of staring at his screens for contacts. He chuckles to tue banter vut keeps his mind ipen to tue force just to lend him aid just incase things went bad but ao far a routine mission.

If anyone is going to rise to the challenge of meeting Ektor's bet, it's not Jessika Pava. Gambling has never been her forte, and as someone reliant on facts and numbers to determine any course of action, the negative expectation that comes with playing against the house is something best avoided, in her opinion. The solo flier in Black Squadron, with no wingmate, Black Seven has been mostly comms-silent throughout the flight, anyway. It's a simple job with a simple timeframe, but it's moments like these where complacency waits to lull individuals into a sense of false security, and Jessika? She's having none of that, either. With her snubfighter's s-foils closed and in the cruising position, she maintains formation and re-checks her radar for the nth time.

The trio of freighters reach the ideal jump point without incident, and one at a time pull back the hyperdrive actuator levers. One, two, and three, each streak off into the safety of hyperspace, mission accomplished, time to go- wait.. That third freighter is still here. Profanity spills over the channel as it is opened to the Resistance fightercraft. "Kriffing piece of drek- Ah, this is the Kissimi Back Spiral, we've got some kinda hyperdrive malfunction. Need a few minutes to get it corrected."

Ektor cackles back at Chewbacca, "Kriff yeah, you do! I am bait with TEETH," the Tionese pilot in Black 5 claims. "And I know that ain't how bait is supposed to work, but still." Poe's comment gets an audible smile. "Nah, you'd prolly get all distinguished with some grey, yeah? Proof you lived through some deep drek is a good look." Kare's input gets a sharp laugh. Sensors are extended, and finally the freighters start to jump out. "Oh, kriff me sideways, we got a dud," Ektor gripes off comms.

"Do you have a dock on your freighter? I can dock up and get your hyper repaired real quick so you can get out of here before you turn into bait instead of Ektor." Chewie gets that feeling on the back of his neck that crap is about to go down, his eyes darting about and the Falcon does a quick scan of the freighter, moving in its direction slowly.

Poe's comment on grey hairs has Chewie smirking to himself and speaking on the comms again, waiting for the response from the Freighter. "I have a couple years on you and I'm not going gray, Poe."

"Funny, Kare, but I'd reckon they're carrying both." Poe chuckles and reaches out to flip the switch for his sensors, extending the reach to their max range. He glances to the starboard briefly, watching as two freighters leap out, but one is left. He adopts a concerned look. "Let's move into position near that freighter. Stay vigilant." As Poe sets a new course, he's hit from both Ektor and Chewie about his comment earlier. He shakes his head. "Not looking to be a venerable hero like our mighty Chewbacca here. He ages like Dargulum wine." Despite the banter, Poe is practicing what he preached. His S foils have opened and he's near the freighter. Since Chewie established contact with them, Poe did not interrupt.

Kare smirks as she hears the reply from Poe. "Brat. Wake me if anything shows up on the scans. Extend out to max. Split shields fifty fifty." But then there is Poe barking again so she sighs and sits up. A quick visual scan of her ship's displays then she shakes the stick slightly before banking slightly to close in on the freighter.

Elrych Cometburn does as recomeded or instructed by his betters staying alert on both the sensors and the force. He throttles the fast little arrowheaded ship ahead moving into position.

One gone. Two gone. Three.. Well. Looks like the third time isn't always the lucky charm. "Ali, run a diagnostic scan on the freighter and see if you can determine the nature of their issue." Calm, detached, and ignorant of the cajoling taking place over their communications frequency, Jessika's gaze drifts to console screen where the BB-unit's binary output is displayed as readable Aurebesh. Although she doesn't mention it, she dislikes the idea of the Millennium Falcon docking with the freighter just to attempt some repairs. Taking one of their heaviest hitters out of the defensive screen around the freighter is begging for trouble and announcing they're wide open for attack. Jessika doesn't leave the tasking to her droid alone.

Concentrating a deep sweep of her own instruments against the freighter, the outcome is concerning, and it's best represented in her radio traffic. "Black Leader, Black Seven. The freighter's hyperdrive took itself offline. I'm picking up an anomalous code sequence that caused a forced shut down of its engines, and it's also beaming a subspace transmission to an unknown destination." Which can never be a good thing when it comes with failed systems.

"Yeah, this doesn't scream 'trouble'," Nova mutters from the turret gunner's seat. The soldier looks over the surrounding space, servos whining as the turret moves with her. "Tightening up visual scanning... Chewbacca? Anything on the sensors?"

Not that she'll understand a work he growls, but she's not about to pretend he's not there just because of that. Good thing there's a translation program on the visual display!

Ektor was all too eager to open S-foils and glide toward the idle freighter as Poe instructed. "Innnnn position."

Some days, hardship gets predictable. No sooner does the speculation volley back and forth than targeting computers light up with six incoming transponders: a Surronian Assault ship (the Fallen Despot), with an Incom Slingshot (Jezzar's Dart) on one flank, and a quartet of Kimogila heavy fighters on the other. The Wookiee's offer is answered as the Kissimi banks away from the incoming hostiles with only the sluggish nudge of thrusters firing, "We have a backup hyperdrive, slow as frozen honey, but with what your Black 7 just said? This is a kriffing set-up- once we got the engines back online, we're jumping back to Y'toub. Will set up another run when I know my ship is clean. Need a few minutes to get my engines back up, though."

Chewie was just scanning for a dock, Jessika more or less answer's Nova's question, but then the sensors begin beeping in the falcon as the six are incoming. 'Get ready, Nova.' Chewie calls over the comms, he banks the Falcon toward the enemies showing up as the Freighter moves off, talking of their back up hyper and the like.

"Hostiles incoming" Chewie bellows over the comms with the Black Squadron. The Falcon seems to be heading in the direction of the Assault ship, the Despot. 'Ready to rock, Nova?' Chewie asks on the local Falcon comm.

"Guess that's a yes! Systems go, ready to flatten some flyers," Nova replies, spinning the turret to the bearing the new contacts are coming in from. "I count four heavy fighters... not familiar with the type. But one of those two civvies is a heavypuncher. Don't let that one get behind you."

"A synced hyperdrive?" Poe asks rhetorically after hearing Jessika's synopsis of their situation. "Good work, Black Seven. Chewie, can you jam the area of any traffic not our own?" Just as Poe says this, bright flashes earn his attention and his proximity sensors alert him. BB-8 warbles concern and Poe adjusts course. "Form up and let's buy these guys the time they need. All Call signs, set an intercept for their Assault Ship. We'll follow the Falcon in, focus fire then split into pairs to engage the fighters. Black 4 and 7 will cover each other, Black 4 is with me." Locking onto the intended target, Poe's engine glares expand with a red glow and he's planted back against his seat. "Alright Buddy, let's do this!"

Kare doesn't hesitate as soon as the ships appear the switch is thrown and her s-foils deploy. After a wiggle in her seat to sit up a bit straighter "Brat, seventy front and thirty rear on the shields. Be ready to go to full military power. Lets see what the bucket of bolts can do, shall we?" The droid beeps as it makes the adjustments as needed ""Black Four ready and in attack position. Boogies identified. Got your six, Boss." Her left hand presses the throttles to the stops and the X-Wing seems to leap into action. "Oh, I am liking this," Kare comments and a half grin forms.

Elrych Cometburn responds and he rolls his ship about and heads towards yhe assult ship. He cycles through to make sure he got himself a good target once he lets a concussion missle loose. "Silver 2 switching to concussion missles. Shields double front." Ready to be switched vack to balanced once the melee insued with the fighters.

A moment after the trio of alerts goes off about incoming, unknown ships, Jessika's leather-gloved hand removes itself from her craft's throttle to toggle its s-foils. They split, positioning the fighter's four laser cannons in their iconic position, and by proxy, the X-Wing's main program control automatically disables the safeties on her weapon systems. Finding her ship's throttle again, Jessika eases it back while tilting her flight stick to the side so the craft rotates on its axis, allowing her to perform a tight bank that swings her craft towards the approaching vessels. The IFFs aren't listed in her computer's database, and by the Kissimi's admission and situation, Jessika believes them to be hostile for a few reasons.

With all the information relayed, little else is needed from Jessika except a simple mention of understanding. "Black Seven acknowledges." Adjusting her vector towards the assault ship, she prepares for a strafing run whilst simultaneously adopting a subordinate, protective flank on Ektor's wing. "Keep an eye on the heavy fighters, Ali."

Ektor banks swiftly to the attack, veering onto Jessika's wing. A bit too swiftly, really. It's clear he's still not quite used to so nimble a fightercraft. "Arright, Jess. Let's do this, yeah?" Grinning fiercely, he makes an attack run on the onrushing Fallen Despot, laser cannons spitting.. eventually, he had to glance down to find the fire control, and by the time he opens fire, he is forced to veer off in the face of a charge by one of the Kimogila fighters. "Drek, Jess I'm coming around to pick up that Huttsucker, you-" he pauses, seeing Black 7's evasive maneuver. "...Damn."

The pirates have shifted their priority to the Millennium Falcon, with the quartet of Kimogilas trying to chase off the phalanx of Xwings. As of yet, to little effect. The stranded Kissimi lurches into motion, as the faint glow of sublights flare back to life. "Engines online, working on the hyperdrive."

The first shot is usually wild, a cold bore and all... or does that only work with Rifles? Chewie will use that excuse if asked anyway, he opens up on the Despot as he comes within range of the heavy hitter, but then Nova fails too. 'You're supposed to be the gunner here' Chewie barks over the intercom, afterall a Gunner is there for the blame, right?

Chewie veers off quickly after his miss and manages to keep the Falcon out of harm's way. "This is a bad opening gambit here"

The sensor readings don't look good: Nova's seeing some odd shifts in the vectors of the opposing craft. And they're closing on...

"Chewbacca, watch out!" she calls, as the conclusion hits her like a bucket of ice water in the face. "They're changing targets, to /us/!"

She rushes her shot in the wake of the sudden realization, narrowly missing one of the Kimogilas. But everybody else has to be warned. "All craft, they're shifting targets. They weren't expecting escorts! Chewbacca and I are the first course on this buffet!"

Their assault was off to a blazing start, and the initial trade off was lackluster. It was understandable of course, both they and their opponents were speeding toward each other, and at those speeds it was hard to land hits. At least that was Poe's story in this case. As he banks with Black 4, they're intercepted by fighters and Poe immediately takes a hit which rattles his craft. BB-8 warbles again and Poe corrects him. "I want happy beeps, BB-8. Happy beeps. We're gonna get through this, buddy." A glance out the port as they speed by, Poe keys his comm. "Elrych, stay with Chewie and continue your assault. We're going to deal with these fighters." Poe adjusts his course and switches on the tac-line with Black 4. "Alright, Kare. Let's light up some fighters. I'm coming about sharply." His warning was made as the X wing lurched in one direction sharply. Poe stations his arm against the canopy and jerks the stick before angling back. His X Wing makes a sliding motion that traces a U, and his targeting computer begins to beep.

Flying on Poe's wing and when he fires Kare does as well. The bandit dodge so she only gets a glance hit which does no damage on the shields. "Still on your six, Black Lead" she calls as she banks her craft over to stay in position. As for the return fire, so far off she pays it no never mind.

Ektor banks swiftly to the attack, veering onto Jessika's wing. A bit too swiftly, really. It's clear he's still not quite used to so nimble a fightercraft. "Arright, Jess. Let's do this, yeah?" Grinning fiercely, he makes an attack run on the onrushing Fallen Despot, laser cannons spitting.. eventually, he had to glance down to find the fire control, and by the time he opens fire, he is forced to veer off in the face of a charge by one of the Kimogila fighters. "Drek, Jess I'm coming around to pick up that Huttsucker, you-" he pauses, seeing Black 7's evasive maneuver. "...Damn."

The pirates have shifted their priority to the Millennium Falcon, with the quartet of Kimogilas trying to chase off the phalanx of Xwings. As of yet, to little effect. The stranded Kissimi lurches into motion, as the faint glow of sublights flare back to life. "Engines online, working on the hyperdrive."

Elrych Cometburn gets a tone thats loud and clear and pressed the trigger. The red flare of the concussion missle flies ahead and slames right into the engine section of the assult craft. "Hit with the missle. Switching to cannons and engaging fighters." Hes on to his pre cucled target pulling hard

Chalking up their preemptive strike to the hostile craft's disorientation after returning to realspace, Jessika nonetheless takes the opening for what it is: an opportunity. A wasted one, on her part. Squeezing the trigger on her flight stick, lances of super-heated tibanna gas streak from the tips of her laser cannons in a rapid-fire salvo that blitz by the evasive freighter. "Negative impact." It might have been a miss, but thanks to her foresight, Ali is able to warn her of the approaching fighter intent on taking shots of its own. Jessika is quick to go evasive, first by a deep press of the port pedal of her starfighter which starts to turn its tip to the side, and then by a minuscule adjustment of her flight stick which turns it into a peeling roll that has her avoiding the incoming fire while mostly maintaining her vector. It's a flashy corkscrew that's as effective as if her fighter had blinked out of existence and then reappeared in place.

Well the bore is warmed up a bit on his guns, and he manages to hit the Despot this time, but they are not terribly hard hits that don't do anything to the shields on the large ship. Chewie moves to try and put Nova into position for a good shot before he's doing a quick turn and burn to make return shots harder on the prized Corellian ship.

Despot's return fire is avoided, followed not long after by the Slingshot's firing at the Falcon as well. "Well I dont know who is flying the Despot, but I am not having the best luck so far here" Chewie growls over the comms. Then speaking over local comm to Nova. 'Still with me back there?'

Poe is faced with another miss, but his attack forced his opponent into a terrible firing solution that Poe easily avoided. He glances port, then starboard to see Kare hit her's. "Nice shot, Kare!" If anything, they were keeping the fighters away from the Falcon, giving Chewie the elbow room he needed to punch that assault ship in the face. Poe adjusts course again, something less flashy this time and attempts another firing solution. "Just stick with it, Chewie. We'll get through this, buddy!"

Nova's next shot is a little slow, sparking brightly off the Conquerer's shields with no visible effect. "Still here, but I'm starting to think this ship'd be better off with an Ewok on the guns," she mutters. "Evidently my brain got all the nutrients at dinner tonight."

Ektor banks the agile snubfighter around and clips the shields of the front Kimogila with one cannon blast, the remaining three shots searing out harmlessly into space. He only narrowly avoids a volley of heavy cannons in turn, giving eye to his wingmate. "Jess, I'm coming up on your nine- gonna get your guy's attention, don't be jealous, yeah?"

The melee in the void doesn't lack for enthusiasm, but the heavy fire flying among the pirate freighters and the Falcon has yet to do its worst. The cheerful report from the Kissimi follows, "Ha! Backup hyperdrive online, programming in hyperspace coordinates. Not long, now! Extra wine for Armungo, tonight!"

"Only a glancing blow, Boss but better than nothing" Kare replies as she banks around again to engage the bandits. She hangs on Poe's wing, naturally as if she knows what he is going to do before he does. They have been flying together for so long "I am getting tired of this. Lets take the direct approach this time. Head directly to them."

Elrych Cometburn ends up chasing one of the heavu fighters around in a big loop just above the assult craft. He gets a green tone for a second but his two bolts go wide and disappear in the void of space as the zoom away for infinity. What happened to stray bolts. They could be hazardous. He keeps the chase, "Come on... great first shot now im not doing so well."

Following Black Leader's OPORD, Jessika readjusts her heading to streak towards the craft that engaged her first. With her targeting computer flashing vibrant in the darkness of the cockpit, indicating a positive firing solution, her leather-clad finger squeezes the trigger for another salvo of fire that has more success than her run on the freighter. The heavy fighter's shields pop like a bubble under the riddle of energy impacts, but it's not a one-sided trade. Impacts along her own shields cause them to shimmer as they oscillate. The feedback doesn't cause them to fail, though, even if they are much diminished from their initial state. Jessika doesn't waste her breath on telling Ali to deal with it. The BB-unit knows her job. "Five, Seven. My target's shields are gone, but mine are heavily damaged." Succinct, but pertinent.

'Great shot Nova' Comes the growled words over the local Falcon comms followed quickly by the translation. Chewie is not an ace pilot, but he's helped to win a war or two, so there's mutterings that sometimes reach the comm's to the Black squadron. His shot goes wide, and the Falcon doesn't maneuver as easily as an x-wing does, and the luck of teh Falcon wears down momentarily when the Despot connects, the whole ship jutters harshly followed by all the lights dimming inside. "Falcon hit, shields at a bit over half" He's not sending out a distress call, but keeping Poe and the rest updated.

"Thanks, Chewbacca..." Nova's words are distracted, as she focuses on her work. The powerful quad-lasers don't miss this time: There's a flash from the Conquerer, and the ship's shields vanish from sensor scans and sight. "Woo!" exults Nova, relieved to finally be contributing something to this fight. "He felt that! Let's hit him again before he gets the shields back up!" Over the tac net, she's a little more restrained. "Shields are down on the Assault Ship. They might pull off if we take that one down." She winces as the entire ship jolts under the former target's fire, tracking the combat vessel's course as it tries for a tailing position. "We might want to do that quickly..."

Ektor banks hard toward Kimogila two, abruptly ditching his dance partner and coming up on Kimogila Two's underside. The cannon fire rips into the heavy fighter, detonating promptly. A cackle over the comms is cut off as Ektor's abandoned enemy takes his tail and pounds Black 5's shields. "Haa.. one down, now- Oh, drek. Shields took a pounding there, Tenner get on that, yeah?"

The friendly freighter banks slowly and maneuvers toward the hyperspace lane. "Course calculated, preparing to jump."

"You got it, Kare." Allowing Black 4 to take the lead, Poe angles to her port side and they both fly right at them. The staggering positioning of their craft ensures that he has time to react when she angles off. The trade off occurs, and Poe scores a hit that buckles their shields in passing. Instead of spiralling off after them, he stays with Kare. Angling back around, he hits the transparisteel canopy from above. "What's the deal back there, BB-8. Wake up, pal! We're fighting!" He laughs and adjusts to get a new solution. "Copy that, Falcon. Break off if you need to, pal."

Kare takes the shot and again strikes the shields "Pretty sure that one's lost it's shields," she com's out. Still sticking to Poe's wing she sees the return fire at her. Quickly a yank back on the stick as well as a sudden retard on the power lets the blasts go harmlessly by. As soon as she does she throttles back up to keep the spread "I say we stay with these two and wittle them down but if Falcon needs help we can break off and run to them seeing how the boggies are sticking fairly close.". A glance over where the other X-Wings are dodging about "How you doing, Jess? Need us to come help?"

Elrych Cometburn keeps on Kimogila (whatever one is free to go after because I couldn't keep track on a small screen.) And takes another shot that goes wide once the rectical turns green and gives him a good tone. "Don of a Bantha Kriffer..." He exclaims, Baby whistling to him from his socket. "Yeah yeah..." He listens about the Assult Frigate and nods. "Roger that, once I finish this guy I'll take another run less someone else gets there first."

Just as she's attempting to line up another shot on Kimogila Two, Jessika's squeeze of the trigger sends a patterned quad into.. nothing. A singular shot from somewhere off to her port smashes into the fighter and makes it explode, which means her own fire chews through nothing but debris. "Not cool.." Her thumb is nowhere near the communications toggle, which keeps the edge of annoyance in her tone relegated to the reverberation of her words off the transparisteel viewport and the cockpit surrounding her. Ali reports an increase in shield strength, and Jessika angles around to engage the fighter still currently chasing Black Five. A quick study of sensors and reports relayed to her instrument panel details they're winning this fight. "Four, Seven. Negative." There's no need for it.

At the next pass, Poe engages his opponent again scoring two hits while they fired at hime simultaneously. The two hits Poe scored might've been more had he not had to initiate an evasive manuever. Rewarded with a clean slate of shield health and the shots missing, Poe expertly comes about again and targets his intended fighter. "Still with me, Kare?" He can't afford to glance over to watch for her because he's focused on obtaining his lock.

Well Chewie likely got a little pissed that the Despot connected pretty well with the Falcon, and so with Nova's earlier hit dropping the shields, as he comes back into position and opens up with laser's, he manages some hull damage to the ship. 'NOVA! Finish it!' Chewie bellows, he can't afford another hit like that last one, like seriously, shield repair is expensive, and stealing stuff from Resistance supply is kinda difficult.

With his hit and some simple evasive manneuvering, Chewie manages to keep the Falcon from return fire by both the Despot and the Dart. "Falcon has shields down on Despot, connected again after, but their heavy hitter is still flyin"

"Nice shooting!" Nova congratulates Chewbacca, missing another shot narrowly. She practically scraped the tail ducts. "That ship's tough, though!"

Ektor banks and dips abruptly. Getting out of the Kimogila's cannon sights becoming a rather pressing necessity as Tenner reports shields back up to half strength. "Put them double rear!" Ektor prompts immediately. "I got no lane on this guy, if we eat another pair of them cannons- well, lets not do that, yeah?" Wincing in his flight seat, the Tionese pilot ventures, "Jess? In a bit of a spot here, yeah?"

Luck was to run out some time or another and now it has. Kare takes a hard hit, knocking the nimble craft over as her shields flicker, nearly out. Once she gets the craft back in control she checks the systems "Yea, they got lucky Black Leader. Just knocked my shields a bit. No worries" Well it's not a total lie. "Brat, see if you can get me some sheidls back, Okay?" The droid responds with whistles and goes to work. Mean while Kare lines up a shot but with the craft skewed as it was her shots go way wide.

"AHHA!" Elrych shouts, "Okay... now I'm feeling it..." He says turning up the volume on the music he's got playing inside his cockpit of that Arethsprite of his. One of his bolts had finally landed. "Hell yeah." He takes his fighter for a barrel roll, following K4 along trying to get another tone on his rectical as he lines up a shot on Kare. The Avant'gard type Jizz playing over his ships speakers is really drawing in that cinematic suspence. A bit of sweat drips down the sunglasses wearing Jedi as he concentrates on hammering his prey. "Hang in there Kare-Bear... I'm on him."

Concerned with its target, Kimogila One either doesn't see Jessika in an advantageous firing position or decides to take the risk of sticking with Black Five. Whichever is the case, neither matters anymore. Once the virtual representation of the heavy fighter is in her targeting reticle, Jessika acts both instinctually and by conscious decision: squeeze the trigger while she has the chance. The heavy fighter can't stand up to the battery of snubfighter laser cannons against it and perishes in a brief flash of a craft exploding from the inside. "This is Seven. Scratch another fighter." With that small tip of the scales, Jessika glances between the Falcon caught up in a two versus one and the other two members of Black Squadron dealing with their own issues.

If Someone was going to stay on one of the two fighters left it might as well be Elrych and his Jedi STarfighter which was more like an A-Wing interceptor in design with anything. The cockpit had more creature comforts than that type of starfighter and not to mention the ability to help the force flow through the Jedi using it via a headset that strapped around ones head. He had his glasses linked to it too, which were different now. Fancy, still dark and thick rimmed, not that anyone could see. They were Hologlasses now and could provide HUD information on certain things and subject. However, none of this fancy stuff was helping him get a bead on K4 as they danced through the void, another one of his linked double shots from his cannons going way wide. "Stang..." He glances to the sensor reports, "At least we got that ship down..."

Nova can't seem to hit the blasted ship twice. But others do, and the Conquerer seems to be getting the worst of it. "Good job, guys! He's off our back. I'm seeing escape pods on sensors. Thanks, Lead, Kare, Jessika."

She turns her guns to acquire another target. "Still one or two out there, though..."

"All callsigns, let's converge on that assault ship!" Poe adjusts his course after hearing from Kare. He was relieved to hear she was okay. With everyone adjusting course, Poe attempted a quick lock but suffered a weapons malfunction. Rather than firing a torpedo intended for the craft, he missed his opportunity to fire but flew over it regardless. His S foils close, giving him cruising speed allowing him to dart out of the way for the other fighters. "Regroup on our friendly freighter, and let's go home! Good work, everyone."

"Good shooting, everyone. I strongly suggest we get on out of here our selves." Kare says over the coms. "How we doing on that damage, Brat?" The droid beeps and whistles and beeps for a good long while "What are you saying? It was my fault? No, you should have told me to dodge better. I'm blaming you, Brat." Which gets an angry response. "Roger that, Black Lead."

With the fighters cleared from their side of the engagement, Jessika lines up another attack run at the assault ship that managed to avoid her opening contribution to the battle. It's lifeless engines leave it am easy target, but her distance has strayed throughout the battle, and she lands few of her shots. One, really, is all that's necessary. One to hit some hidden, critical component that suddenly renders the ship's weapons silent. Not long after, she sees the escape pod jettison. There's no doubt that the Despot is no longer a threat in their current engagement. It can do nothing but list in the direction it was heading when its engines were taken out. "Seven acknowledges." Closing her craft's s-foils, she maneuvers towards an escape vector. "Prepare to jump with the rest, Ali."

Ektor exhales sharply as Black 7 clears the Kimogila off his tail. "Thanks, Jess.. you're the best, yeah?" Bringing the X-wing about, Ektor cants his head to a bemused angle, and switches fire control to torpedoes. "Lets take a flyer, Tenner. Link forward torpedoes." The Incom Slingshot is moving too fast for a missile lock as it strafes the Falcon, but in a mix of luck and long experience slinging proton torpedoes put the unguided shots right on the mark, and an unlucky juke of the Jezzar's Dart runs right into the missiles, being consumed in a fireball in the same moment as others tear into the Fallen Despot. " I hear you, Boss. Coming around."

The Fallen Despot is dead in the black, the last pair of Kimogila fighters flee, and the Kissimi Back Spiral vanishes into hyperspace.