Log:Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt II

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Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt II

OOC Date: April 16, 2020
Location: Prison Ship
Participants: The Resistance, Ban Iskender, Sajin, Tallissan Lintra, Jax Greystorm, Merek, Zandra naMuriel, Aryn Cole

It was a hasty operation, with all volunteers in the immediate vicinity piled aboard an assault shuttle, and sent with the seven fighters on patrol at the time, they were briefed in hyperspace:

The Starfighter Corp would immobilize the Dungeon ship, and hold off its escorts while the shuttle *Messenger* would dock with the Dungeon ship and deliver boarders, who would take control of the vessel (heavy opposition expected), effect repairs, and return to Chandrila with their ship full of a thousand rescued prisoners for a grand party, if all went well. All that remained was to blast their way onto a heavily defended ship, deal with fifty riot troopers and a sizeable ship's crew, and escape before First Order Star Destroyers arrived in response to the distress call.

The battle was sharp in space: those with a view out the canopy could see the tiny handful of Resistance fighters engaging a squadron of TIEs under the guns of a black-hulled Lancer frigate pouring cannonfire into the void. Tempers sounded short among the allied pilots, though such concerns passed swiftly from the scope of the boarders as the *Messenger* docked with the crippled Dungeon Ship, a resounding metallic rumble passing through the shuttle's frame as magnetic airlocks bound the ships together. There would be no computer trickery to open the hatch, it would require force.

Merek is with the boarding party, checking his weapons while he places on the black equipment gear. He takes time to nod between people, while he checks the pistol, lifting that up, while he waits at the airlock with people. "I'll give you support from the middle of the group."

Zan got called in, though normally she'd be with those pilots. All things considered, it might not hurt to have her present here for the boarding. Someone has to be the bait after all. She takes a deep breath, squares her shoulders and reaches for the Force, but is perhaps a bit distracted by the sounds of the voices and the fleeting thought that she should perhaps be out there too. "Should we try to open the door with telekinesis?" she offers, as they get to the airlock. That's Force, right?

Jax had watched the space battle from the vantage point. His mind struggling to remain calm in the ocean of the space battle in front of him. "May the force be with you." He whispers to the pilots and a part of him wishs he was there with them. Though as the 'Messanger' docks the Corellian turns to look at the team with him and reaches out to let the force flow through him and guide him. He looks around to the others, "May the force be with us." He finds his way to the front of the party. He takes up his saber and ignites it. The blue blade gleaming across him and he waits for orders from the leader of this crew.

This rather uneven crew epitomizes the Resistance for her, pilots, ground ops personnel, more than one errant Force user, herself, all banded together for one objective. Tallie fits the pilot category but she has her gun with its old fashioned wooden handle and ascension cable and non-resistance armor without the X-Wing.

"Whatever it takes," she murmurs to herself and then louder, "Thank you Jax. May the force be with you," she repeats, tasting the little-used phrase and liking it.

"Yeah," Answers Aryn, "Unless we risk exposing vacuum to any who survive our boarding action. One sec.. I've opened an airlock before." Despite Aryn's command of the force though, the only influence she has over it is denting the damned thing inward and that was not enough. "We may not have a choice.. ow.. my head hurts. Trace the threshold with your lightsabers..we can shove the door in following that.. Ugh.." Aryn held her head after a second attempt, her nose bleeding a bit. She stands off to the side a moment.

Sajin cocks back the charging cord on his bowcaster. He did not have any frells to.give. Shutting his helms visor, his hud activates. Light om his power armor suit flicker to life. The cap sways with each minor movement, accented by the large ryyk blade acroas hus back. He gives a simple and silent th7mbs up. Ready to proceed.

Ban Iskender is attired in heavy battle armor, with the typical green half-cape secured over one shoulder. The white blade of a stunsaber is lit and held upright anticipating the breach, and the hard fight to follow. A small wince narrows his eye at seeing the aftermath of the titanic effort put toward forcing the airlock open through direct Force, and remaining narrowed in mild irritation when the necessity of cutting through is voiced.

Lightsabers make short work of the buckled durasteel, raising shouts of panic from the dungeon's defenders behind a barricade of overturned tables. The main airlock of the Dungeon Ship *Bulwark* open promptly into the vessel's main hold, a blocky two-story chamber with a bare metal framed staircase leading up to a second floor to the aft. A haze of smoke thickens the air and pricks at sight and smell for the instant before a screeching hail of blasterfire converges on the invaders.

Merek waits while the smoke begins to fill from the airlock being opened by lightsabers. The man lifts up his weapon with a little twirl, then he fires three blaster bolts, two of them managing to stun a trooper. He then toggles the setting while he maneuvers about into cover, lifting his weapon along the frame. "We've got thirty troopers, shooters find your cover, let the sabers do a bit of work. You all got this!?" The man asks of the Jedi, in addition to Tallie and Sajin.

Zan isn't sure what to do at first, as Merek opens up firing. she ducks a bit into some protective cover, and then gets the bright idea to try to move the tables. She narrows her eyes, concentrates and one hand moves slightly, as she tries to move the tables. Which are cemented to the floor it seems, as they move - not at all. << It is seriously one of those days,>> she mumbles to Aryn, or whoever else is listening. And she ducks back to the cover for the moment, rubbing her head lightly.

As Jax breaches the hole, he quickly notices the explosives on each side of the air lock, "Explosives!" Jax yells as he slashes his saber to the right cutting the electrical cable between the detonator and the charge on the right. The left side explodes before he can bring the saber around to destroy the bomb completely. When the smoke clears they're still and one piece and the ships shook like crazy. Jax's new jacket is gone but he's still there with his saber lifted and ready to fight. "I JUST TOOK A BOMB TO THE FACE! YOU SURE YOU DON"T WANT TO SURRENDER?" He yells as well maybe his hearing seen better days.

Sealed into her suit, the smoke and exotics burning off of the airlock doors is no barrier to seeing what is beyond the breach. Blaster beams scream by; the color morphed into something less threatening on Tallie's HUD. Not that it matters as she flattens herself to the wall before taking a look around the corner, trying to place the angle of fire. The troopers are helpful enough to rain down enough bolts to make them easy to spot, <<Heads up. We have Troopers on the upper gallery, people. Careful of the crossfire.>>

The blast of an explosion roils through the open hatch. Tallie takes a deep breath and runs into the room and drops behind cover.

The bleeding stopped, Aryn's lip slightly more red, but thankfully not stained. When the door is opened, the team is moving forth and spill out into a cell block. A tall ceiling with dug in troops who had the advantage of height and cover. "We walked into the wrong damn room." She mutters to herself, looking up and taking a moment to see who was looking down at them. Slightly annoyed at the disadvantage, Aryn raises her gloved off hand and commands the force to influence the man who served as Warden, and who happened to stand apart from the others.

He is lifted into the air, screaming because of his lack of control, and is brought down into the center of the room where the troopers above must fire. He hits the ground and rolls to one side, painfully sliding across the deck. Aryn sets to moving toward him and crossing the center to take command of him. If she can control the Warden, then perhaps he can control his men.

THUD THUD THUD, as Sajin thumps his way down the hallway after almoat hitting his helmet on the cut through air oock. His bow caster raises, advanced sight linked to his HUD finely tuned and supremely accurate. He squeeze the wookie weapon's trigger plugging a Riot Trooper with a super charged quarrel. <"Sorry but nit sorry!">

Ban Iskender had started forward for the first rush, until Jax's call of explosives had delayed him. "Well spotted, sir," he commends evenly, defore dashing forward, sword held before him in a deft salute that turns swiftly into a guard. Deflecting one bolt, he rushes to quarters, striking one black-armore riot trooper with a thrust and draw cut, dropping the first foe, and aiding Aryn's advance toward the ranking officer.

It is chaos. Pure, bloody chaos.

Merek watches then when Jax finds what looks to be explosives. The man steps back a bit, into cover while the next begins blasting up into the hull. While the sound begins to ring, he tries his best to line up with his pistol, then he takes a blaster bolt to his stomache, searing in through his armor. He makes a little noise, then he tries to shift back into cover. He lifts up what looks like a frag, then he sets the dial for it to explode in proximity after it's thrown.

"Firing frag!" He offers to the team, while he begins to throw the device along in amidst the troopers, then it explodes, taking pieces of the troopers with them, the blood splattering upon their allies as well as those not in cover!

Zan might not be quite as startled as she should be by the bomb going kablooey so close by. but it is something frightening to see. Her eyes widen and breath catches, just before she ducks down fast, cringing as she gets shot at, not once, not twice, but five times. Five. Sunnova ... Her brow furrows, and she glares at the troopers, and that commander for good measure. Then she concentrates again. "You don't get to hide like that," she mutters, as one hand reaches out and then a table goes flying to smash into the walls of the bay. Her telekinesis blast is such that along with that first one, two more tables go flying, removing a significant amount of cover for the troopers. "Now then," Zan says, with a nod. She ducks back in her cover for the moment.

Jax jumps into the hold with his saber blazing as he swings the saber around taking out one of the riot troopers arching through it's midsection. Then he spins around to cut the legs out of another one and finally another one. He brings his saber up in a form III defensive stance. He chooses not to say anything at the moment. It might be from the fact he's not hearing much but a ringing in his ears at the moment.

"Into the breach." Tallie is talking to herself again, but it keeps her moving forward with the others wielding their swords and cutting down the Troopers protecting the ship. Tables lift, seemingly by themselves, she gives Zandra a thumb's up for taking away the Troopers' cover. The flash and particular zooming sound of lightsaber rhythm her advance. Blaster fire comes close enough for her to flinch; she misses two shots but makes up for it with the third.

Aryn is moving across the open brazenly, earning her the attention of two marksmen who fire staggered of each other. Living up to the expectation of Jedi, Aryn pre-emptively stepped into a spin, swinging her blue lightsaber blade upward and smacking the first bolt intended for her right back to its point of origin. The trooper who was struck spills backward.

The second bolt is intercepted on her down swing, recreating a similar circumstance though with a harder hit than the first. The result is also similar, but that trooper screamed in fear because of where and how it struck their torso.

This spin and swinging combination was performed nimbly and elegantly by the doctor, who despite being distracted, continued toward the upended Warden and had effectively closed the distance.

"Sir, I implore you.. should you have any consideration for your men, you will order them to lower their weapons and place them on the deck. No one else needs to be killed here, please do the right thing."

To punctuate her point, Aryn lifts her lightsaber so its humming energy essence is within immediate view, and is used to keep them separated by the threat of its dangerous touch.

There's a BLINK sound as a shot sparks and impact against the hard torso armor of Sajin. It causes him to grunt in pain, arching into the wound a bit. Reguardless, his bowcaster rises once again and lets loose another super hot and charged quarrel. THHHHOOOP. A leg goes flying off one of the Riot troopers, sending them crashing face first into the ground. If it wasn't the shock that killed them, it's likely be blood loss. He staggers back as another bolt lands right next to where he oter one hit. <<"Really! The chances!">> He had to give it to them, at least they were precise.

Ban Iskender strikes down one of the troopers, before seeing the remaining resistance crumble. "One can hardly fault their resolve," he observes, evenly.

Hauled out of an impeccable defensive position to skid across the deck only to be hauled up by invisible hands and find himself staring down the point of a lightsaber, the warden grunts, "Ah. You are most.. persuasive, yes. Stand down, stand-" he is interrupted by a claxon. Somewhere, an onlooked had activated an alarm upon seeing the defense broken in the main hold, and the stern, feminine voice of the ship's automated systems states, <Warning: breach protocols activated. Extinction orders commencing. This is not a drill.>

Merek lifts up from cover while he begins to sway his weapon towards a few of the troopers while he positions. Then he begins to fire, while one of them strike into the foe. He then takes a bit of material from the belt pack, so he can wrap that about his stomache. It won't treat the wound, but it will keep him standing while he begins to follow with the team. <"Captain, are we taking the ones surrendering?">

The alarm for breaching the ship was loud enough for even Jax to hear. He takes off at a dead sprint the force flowing through his limbs letting him move faster than was normal past the troopers that were firing on him. He stabs his saber into the blast door closed between the bridge and the rest of the ship. The door starting to heat and melt as Jax starts to slice his way through creating a hole. He looks up to see Tallie on the way to join him he gives her a smile, "I hope you're a better slicer than me. Of all the times to leave my R2 unit behind."

Zan now rises from her cover, and steps out, racing full tilt at those still firing troopers. She swings her own lightsaber, at the very least terrifying the troopers, brave though they are. Her swings miss at least as much as they hit, but when they hit, they are deadly. "We have to move," she calls out tightly as she keeps moving. "I think that is not a good alert for the prisoners." Her goal - where the prisoners are held to get them out and maybe assisting with the crew.

Aryn is shot at.. AGAIN.. even after the bulk of the troopers have chosen to surrender. Pre-emptively, the young Jedi pivoted in place and took a step forward as if walking a straight line. She raised her lightsaber up in a defensive pose, using only one hand to grip the weapon, directing it to intercept the fire sent her way.

In combination with the others who opened fire on the stubborn troopers that remained, the one Aryn sent the bolt back to was the last. He fell and did not rise again, something that weighed on Aryn's conscience a moment, but her resolve was to the alarm and threat set in motion.

Her lightsaber returns to the warden, angled toward him. "Sir, this protocol /must/ not be carried out. We showed your men mercy, for those who have surrendered. Show the same mercy and tell us how to disable this programming. Please."

The princess's call to stand down is unexpected, but welcome to the Resistance captain. Their compliance speaks of a change in the old order of things that is heartening. Tallie waves the Troopers to the side, warily keeping an eye on the ones who didn't accept the stand down invitation. The klaxon announcing the ship going into 'extinction' sequence cuts across Merek's request, between announcements, she calls back,

<<"Disarm them and tell them to stay put, Corporal, if they value their lives.">>

Motioning to the group to stand in the far corner, she raises her gun frowning, taking one of the stubborn Troopers down with a shot. He flips over the side of the gallery falling loosely to the floor in front of his fellow troopers.

<<"Yeah well... we show them Mercy, they still pepper me with blaster fire.">> Sajin mentions wih a grunt as he lets his bowcaster fall against his armor, held in place by a single point sling attached to the adjustable stock. He reaches behind him and pulls his ebon Ryyk blade, unsheathing the massive weapon in all its glory. A loud clank echos as the edge drops to the ground, deadly even though it has yet to kill on this day. <<"I suggest they make he right choice, because I'm probably going to get mad if they don't.">>

The warden grinds his teeth and rolls his eyes at the alarms. "Extinction orders: kill the prisoners to prevent escape. They'll have lost oxygen, by now. Pass out soon, and suffocate within minutes. Can only be reversed from the bridge," the pudgy warden with the grey crew cut answers. The Hapan with a wookiee-sized murder stick draws several wide eyes stares for m the surrendered troopers. "Hang.. hang on, I've got more," one mutters, adding a stun baton and pistol to the deck, where he'd already dropped his carbine. Gloved hands up. Another adds, "He's got a knife in his boot." An oath that he'd forgotten about the knife, before it's dropped too.

Ban turns a wary look to Aryn as the warden explains what is underway, and he hurries toward the aft, where the prison block is located.

Merek looks around a bit, then nods while he begins to secure the troopers. Best that he follows orders, because keeping them from deciding they would like to fight again wouldn't be wonderful. <"If you need me to walk you through slicing work, I will offer what I'm able."> He does point the weapon to the warden, "Tell them the codes if you would." A little nod.

Zan arrives at the prison block, and in vain hope, she slices the computer terminal controlling the doors. it sparks and fizzles, but doesn't unlock anything. "This is not good," She calls tightly. "All the doors are sealed. It's a big nope down here!" She gives Ban a look. "I guess we can try powering through, but maybe we need to hit the bridge?" Especially since there's no slicing through that locked out terminal any more. Oops.

Jax leans into his saber pushing it all the way around opening a hole in the blast door. The blue blade slices around letting the door fall away, the sparks and slag melting down the door. Jax drops to the floor and beneath the panel to one side. "Oh Kriff. I haven't worked that hard since ... Well every." His blade extinguishing for the moment. "Going to take a break."

Imagining the prisoners slumping to the floors of their cells gasping for breath has the pilot practically dancing in agitation as she watches Jax's feat of strength opening the doors. Tallie watches him slump to the floor, <<Jax, you hold on. I'm going to try to talk them down.>>

No one can see her rolling her eyes at herself. Gathering up her conviction, she shouts into the doorway after a quick peek around the corner, <<"Stand down! Stand down! Your ship is taken. Open the cell doors and live!">> A shot zings through the door in answer.

This is not good, but Aryn did not stay with Ban and Zandra to discuss it. Guiding the Warden to Sergeant Merek, the custody was transferred and the Jedi ran to the bridge just in time to see Tallie screaming inside the bridge to try and plant some common sense with the crew, but they chose violence.

Blaster fire sparked off the door Jax had forced open with his lightsaber, the edges still orange hot. Swinging down, Aryn smacked the only bolt that could have harmed Tallie away, redirecting it back to its origin. Moving in after Sajin, Aryn looks for the next threat and hopefully draws enough attention off the door for others to file in.

<<"Alright, that's enough.">> Sajin says walking towards the opened bridge then gradually picks up speed before charging inside. He picks out the first piece of white plasteel armor he sees, raising his large blade high into the air. <<"YAHHHHHHH!">> He shouts as it comes crashing down on the trooper, digging hard into their armor. He pulls the blade, a trail of blood following. Another swing, but it's avoided. That's when another blaster bolt slams into his armors mid section again. <<"GAHHH! COME ON!">> A low growl.

Ban Iskender gives a terse exhale as Zandra looks his way. A short shake of his head. "There must be *something*." Striking his fist against the bulkhead in a flash of frustration, Ban leaves his armored fist against the durasteel. "Can you feel them?" Another breath and his eyes go closed. His fist flattens out on the cell block wall, before Ban abruptly deactivates his saber, draws off the gauntlet from his hand and touches the bulkhead again.

On the bridge, the common ship's crew huddle for cover offering no resistance, but the quintet of Stormtroopers holding the bridge have no such compunctions, opening and maintaining fire. At the very back of the bridge lurks the prim, white uniformed figure of an Intel Liason, whose pistol scores the growling Hapan.

Merek waits for all of the prisoners to be secured while he nods. With that, he then lifts up his pistol while he begins to move along through the ship. <"En route to the cells, I want one of you to prepare an access panel for me, so I can then link into a console."> He sweeps each place on the way.

Zan looks over at Ban and tries for a moment to sense the electronics, and then inspiration ... or frustration ... strikes. She swings at one of the doors, the nearest one, and puts a hole in it. This lets air in, and she can hear gasping breaths on the other side. "Ban, we have to put holes in them!" She calls, realization striking. "We don't have to open them. Now she's on a mission: to hit every door and put a hole in it, so there's air going in. "We have a lot of rooms to get to, and not a lot of time."

Jax struggles to his feet moments after Aryn has arrived like the Avenging Angel of Alderaan. He gives Tallie a weak smile. "Hey we can all be Pretty Boy Dameron. Then again they'd probably shoot at him too. I would have surrendered. " He re-ignites his saber and raises his hand locking eyes with the intel officer and narrowing them, "YOU will lay down your blaster and have your men stand ..." Jax just knows it not working, "Kriff it, Aryn you talk good make 'em stop. Emperors black bones, I need a nap and caf.

Blaster bolts are no worse than lasers or so the pilot says to herself; Tallie is hopping and skipping out of the way of bolts as Aryn marches into the maw of the troopers protecting the bridge. A little open-mouthed in wonder at the shot being deflected so adroitly, Tallie follows her into the bridge firing. She aims away from the cowering group of bridge personnel, bringing one Trooper down and leaving another to stagger for cover.

Aryn moved quickly past the threshold of the door, cutting the first trooper she came across right through their chest in a single passing diagonal strike that bisected their armor plating and left them falling over in a clump with showering embers glittering over them. Two others intercepted her, and Aryn thrust her sword forward just as one sought to duck, suspecting her to swing.

The result sees the blue blade piercing their helmet through the eye and out the back of their head. Needless to say, he fell backward once Aryn kicked him back and off her blade (instead of ripping the lightsaber out to cause unneccessary damage. The final trooper fires, but Aryn ducks and rises up with a final strike the swept horizontally across his chest in a blur of blue motion. The momentum of the swing cast her cape to one side as she held the stance long enough for the man to fall back in a clatter of gear and ruined plasteel.

"We've not the luxury of diplomacy. People. Are. Dying." Aryn says, moving to support the King of Drik as he goes into a Hapan rage to blitz the poor Intel officer.

<<"THAT IS HE LAST TIME, YOU IDOTS SHOOT THE KING OF DRIK!">> Sajin roars through his helmet, chargind towards the Intel Officer who had shot him after his breach into the bridge following Aryn and Tallie. His ebon blade comes down hard, the Officer escaping the first assault. Instead, the console he was standing in front of erups into sparks, smoking and catching fire, as the Ryyk blade claims it. The Raging Hapan may be slow in the head, but noone ever accused him of that on the battle field. Despite his wounds, he recovers that blade with lightning speed, twising it so the blade's edge faces up ward. He swipes up, catching the Officer's left arm... seperating it from their body. Blood spirts from the abscess.

Ban Iskender answers quietly over the comms, <"Acknowledged, Sergeant. I will try to prepare you a terminal."> His eyes remain closed, even as he shakes his head to Zandra, "Do what you may to help all that you can, mistress Zandra. I lack the proper sword." Focusing his mind and breath once again, the nobleman feels through the contact of his palm, into the unnatural tangle of electronics, and wiring, sensing the A.I. of the Dungeon ship, but his mental reach falls maddeningly short of touching it.

A trio of Stormtroopers are cut down in a flash of sapphire saber, another falling to Tallie's blaster. The oath is cleared to the officer in white, who- in a too-late moment of fear as Sajin's sword hacks down, cries, "No, wait-" It's easy to be brave behind a phalanx of fanatically loyal troops. Much harder, without.

The bridge is taken.

Merek manages to make the cell block, then he looks around, while he finds a terminal. He begins to tap on it, with a nod as well to Iskender and naMuriel. "I... They locked it away, I'll keep working." He seems to be using the station as a balance while he fights the distraction from taking that shot to the stomach. <"We need you all to turn off that system, probably yesterday. I'll send you what information I find.">

Zan doesn't stop. She has the first door with a hole and there's air getting in there, so she moves with as much speed as she can muster to the next door, and then the next. And the next. She's going to keep doing this until the doors open or someone tells her to stop. Or she hits all the doors, stubborn determination writ obvious across her face. It's questionable if she even really noticed Merek.

"You're not wrong." Jax says to Aryn as she well talks to the Storm troopers in her own special way of Aggressive Negotiations. He steps over to the terminal next to Merek and frowns before entering a different sequence in causing atmosphere to reenter the cells and hopefully unlock them, " That was almost it, Sargent. Good work, re-rounting the subroutines. I couldn't have done it without you." Then he broadcast to the terminal that Zandra keeps eyeing to destroy, < Everything's under control, situation Normal, We had a slight weapons malfunction. But everyone's fine. How are you? People should be breathing fine.>

"Jax, the Irregular's have a prize in you," Tallie says, giving him a thumb's up, and sliding into the seat of the ship's central bridge console. She stares for a moment, reorienting herself to controls that she hadn't studied since the Academy and then sets to work.

Over general coms, << I'm going to see if I can bring her hyperdrive back online.>> She is aware of eyes watching her from the captured ship's crews as holograms begin to sync the syne waves for controlling hyperspace entry. Systems stay orange until they don't. <<We're green for hyperspace.>>

With the matter of the intel officer settled, Aryn deactivated her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt. She joined the others, though her focus was at the nav-station. Everyone had a role, and Aryn's came to fruition the moment the hyperdrive was up.

Her gloved hand punched in the course, slapped the side of the monitor, and the consoles lit up initiating the preparation for the jump. "Course laid in, Captain Lintra. The ship is yours, ma'am." Aryn brushed her cape back and pulled out her med-kit satchel, setting up on a table she cleared off with a hasty sweep of her arm. <<"If you need medical attention, I'm on the bridge.">>

<<"No, wait...">> Sajin says in an annoying and high pitch tone that blatantly mocked the whiney plea from the intel officer before the King seperated his arm from him. The Hapan lifted his blade, ploping the blunt end across his shoulders. His free hand reaches down to feel at the three bloody holes that were drilled into his torso. <<"Gah... I'm lucky my wife digs scars...">> He theres a tsk and a shake of his head as he sighs in pain, waiting while the others perform more important and necessary roles. HE took comfort in he fact that for the time being he was still ambulatory.

With efficient speed, the *Bulwark* has restored just enough of the subsystems to effect a hyperspace jump to Chandrila, returning a thousand stolen souls home, the hard fought rescue accomplished.

<"That's all you, great work."> Merek then backs up from the terminal, while he taps along upon it once the commands are restored. While doing that for a bit, he then will eventually make a way to that bridge for medical treatment with Cole.

As the doors open, it takes a moment for Zan to realize, and then she smiles. "Alright, they did it. They did it, Ban," she says, with a failed attempt at staying serene. Now she moves to start checking on the prisoners, seeing how well they are doing and which need medical aid. If she can do so. It's something to do, while the ship moves back to Chandrila at least. "C'mon now, easy does it."