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OOC Date: April 21, 2016
Location: Medical Lab, D'Qar
Participants: Ambrosia Greystorm, Kasia Ciph, Hex, Gerratt DeLong, Sesti Gath, Jax Greystorm

Another day, another dip. Or two. A little tinkering with her spine between treatments...child's play, surely. Ambrosia is being removed from the tank again, patted dry and tucked back into bed. Something to note this time around though - some padded restraints unfold from a compartment beneath the frame of the mattress. The droids continue their automated task of rearranging wires and lifelines while a flesh-and-blood nurse positions her arms and legs /just/ so before pushing an orange button.

  • SNAP*

The Major is secure. "Patient 2173-AG is prepared for acclimation."

Hex is sharing a sweet moment with Kasia, a (very, like you have no idea) patient person who is doing her best to keep Hex from complete psychological meltdown. But there are hurts to be tended to, and the nurse is back. "I'm sorry," she says quietly, "The next tank is ready, and we'd better get him in." And thus, he is wheeled away, quiet again while droids and medical staff dump him unceremoniously into the tank, PLOP. Just kidding, they're attentive.

Kasia is worn out, and is starting to look it, but she's patient with Hex as they share this sweet moment. Which is interrupted, but the nurse in question is so much nicer than the orderly yesterday, so when they need him, she surrenders his hand and sits back in her chair, simply watching as they wheel him to the tank. Once he's dropped in, she turns her gaze to the woman, the normally somewhat terrifying woman who is fresh from the bacta tank. She shifts the knife from her lap to her hand, holding it as she gets to her feet and approach the side of Amber's bed. Thankfully it's not to stab anyone. Not today.

If so, probably wouldn't be the first soldier to want to stab Major Greystorm in her sleep!

The nurse punches some orders into the bedside monitor, spares the fluid bags and lines the briefest of glances, then bustles off to his next task. One of the droids swivels a couple arms in response to whatever was typed and does as requested. The blinking numbers next to 'core temp' symbol on the monitor flash green in acknowledgement. An attached heat exchanger - which one of the IV lines feeds through - clicks off, then back on. After several minutes, the temperature number increases by a degree.

Kasia just sort of fiddles with the knife, but she's not even holding it right for a person who wants to do a stabbing. Also she looks tired, and stabbing takes a lot of effort, so if there are murderous impulses (like, for a certain orderly) they're coing to have to be carried out later, after a nap, or a significant amount of caf. For now she just looks down at the Major, brows furrowed slightly. "Is she doing better?" This is asked of the nurse, of course, rather than the woman lying unconscious on the bed.

The nurse pauses, tucking something back into a gray pocket on a gray tunic. He presses his lips together in a cautious immitation of a smile and offers a single nod. "She's responding on track, so far. Anticipate she'll be ready to wake this evening. Just need to bring her temperature back up to the range of the living, first. Get her metabolism ready to handle the demands of being awake." Glancing down to the datapad held in hand, he smirks and shakes his head. "I didn't expect her to survive the surgery upon arrival, so the fact that she's still here?" He winks and reassures "That's a good sign. You in her unit?"

Kasia looks up from the woman on the bed, to the nurse, who gets a tired, but genuine smile in return. "Good. I'm glad to hear that." A pause follows, then she shakes her had. "No, I'm not. I'm with him," the him in question is gestured to, or the tank that he marinates in is, anyway.

"I've seen her around before all of this, and since they got back, I've seen a lot of her in here." She realizes at once that she's still holding the knife and turns, taking a couple of steps to set it on the chair. Don't forget about that, Kasia, sitting on a rancor claw fasioned into a blade would be ill-advised. With the weapon put aside, she returns to the bedside, looking down at the Major again. "She's looking a lot better than she was. Hex is, too." Though the attempt at a smile dims a bit there.

The nurse tracks the relocation of that knife with his eyes habitually, tone kept even, if not upbeat. "Ah. Well, there's a long road to recovery ahead of her yet. Might need to learn some of the basics again. No telling what the effects of brain and spinal trauma will be until she wakes up, but we've got an idea and a plan. The challenge is assuring her cooperation, of course." That last sentence he adds with a slight lean in and voice dropped to a whisper. Like the Major's gonna hear what he said. Apparently her reputation gets around.

"Anyway, she won't be alone. Your friend there," he points to the suspended Twi'lek, "has a lot of physical therapy in his future. Doctor Gath will be designing his prosthetics, I believe. If her medical record dating through to the rebellion is accurate, I'd say Major Greystorm could coach him through a bit of that experience. Adjustment periods vary by the individual, of course."

Kasia's brows furrow slightly as she listens, nodding every now and again. "I can see how that might be a challenge," she admits. She might not know the Major personally, but she's been around enough to have heard a few things. "I wish you all the best of luck with that." She twists around again to look back at the tank, frowning slightly. "He does." She looks back to the nurse. "I should track down someone to talk to about all of that. I suppose that should wait, though, once he heals. Once they-- you know. Once his leg heals, or doesn't." She draws in a deep breath and squares her shoulders a bit. "I'm glad to know that he'll have someone to talk to about it."

To that, the nurse chuckles wryly. It takes guts (and maybe a heart) of steel to find humor in a place like this, but the man seems unhindered by the morose atmosphere of dying people. Their plight gives him reason to be grateful for his health, after all. "She's not the most chatty, I hear, but until she's cleared for active duty, don't think she'll have much of a choice." Another wink. Reaching out to pat Kasia once on the shoulder, he nods. "Keep doing what you've been. It's the right thing." And with that, he ambles off to other chores.


It's official. Ambrosia Greystorm's core body temperature is a perfect 98.6, primed and ready for the return to life outside the confines of her own subconscious. In other words, it's time to poke the bear. (Then maybe run)

"Vitals remain stable, temperature within ideal range," reports the droid monitoring her screen.

Gerratt has been sitting in his own little area since he got back. Sleep apparently wasn't a thing for him at the moment, so the gaunt Master Sergeant has take to resting by sitting very still, breathing very slowly and staring at the wall directly in front of his chair for a few hours a night. different strokes for different folks, right? it appears this is what he's doing now.

Entering the room, Sesti is carrying a tray in one hand that she hands over to Gerratt. It has a cup of caf, a water bottle, and a simple sandwich of meat and bread. She gives him a ghost of a smile and then continues on to Amber's bed. "Alright, my calculations were corect. Maybe a few minutes earlier than I thought, but that is fine. It is time to wake her up, then." The zabrak checks the restraints on the woman's wrists and ankles, and then lays a hand gently on the Major's chest. She looks to the droid and gives a nod.

With a showman's whirl of the stylus-fashioned finger, the droid taps a screen. On cue, the IV pump ceases, plunger injects a few cc's of a new serum, and the pumping resumes, drawing from a fresh bag. The drugs keeping the Major under begin to flush out of her system.

Blinking once as Sesti hands him food, Gerratt blinks quietly and nods. It didn't really matter what the food tasted like. having no tongue to actually taste with, he wolfs down the sandwich quickly and settles back with the coffee to watch the proceedings.

The man needs to get meat and muscle back, whether he can taste it or not, and Sesti will try to take care of that. She waits patiently, her hand on the chest light feeling the rise and fall as well as the rythm deep inside, while her eyes go between the screen and the Major's face, watching her eyes.

Meanwhile, in the depths of limbo where Ambrosia's 'soul' has retreated...

Wroona lay twitching on the floor, petrified stare turned red...then dead. The girl responsible trembles there on her hands and knees, rage building inside. Her own collar buzzes a warning, commanding her attention return to the nameless mask wielding the device. 'See what you've done?' She sees. She does. And frankly? It doesn't hurt as badly as she knows it should. What hurts more is the way 'his' eyes look, casually pouring himself a second cup of tea. He looks bored, completely and emotionally detached from the situation at hand. Not angry...just bored. Waiting for the disturbance to be removed so the meeting can continue in peace.

Someone makes a call to have a mess removed from the conference chamber. A finger points accusingly at her. She's an ungrateful disgrace, and will be dealt with accordingly. She's to go back to her quarters and await---

Except she's not. The floor's farther away now and that mask is so much closer than it was before. Something's screaming. Sounds like an animal.

Ambrosia's neural activity suddenly surges. Her breathing hiccups.

As Amber hiccups, the hand moves up towards the shoulder, not holding her down, yet. Just a reassuring pressure. She looks to Gerratt as he watches, and then her attention returns to Amber. "I think we will wait until she is completely conscious to tell Jax she is awake. We do not know yet what kind of damage might have been done to her brain when it went without oxygen while we were dragging her downstairs. Best that we can give him fair warning before he sees her if she is suffering from memory loss." Her voice is low, reassuring, as she talks over her shoulder to Gerratt.

Watching Sesti, Gerratt picks up the tablet and flips open a program. Typing for a moment, he finally hits enter causing a Sultry female voice in a Husky corellian accent to say. "I'm not going to tell him shit Doc. The orderlies won't let me 5 paces out of this room...and they took my chew."

...The shuttle's alarm is squealing. Her wrists are on fire, rubbed raw and bleeding, but they are free. Her feet, on the other hand, are having trouble getting a grip on the situation. Because the floor's slick. Blood. Lots of it. Cockpit. It's a term she knows, but doesn't' have a damn clue about where in a ship such a control room could be found. But the pilot's there. That's the person in charge. That's the one who's next on her list. Then, when the inevitable crash occurs, she can find peace in a death that came by her bidding. No one else's.

Ambrosia's chest spasms out of the machine's rhythm again as the symbols and graphs across the screen continue their frenzied dance. The machine takes the hint and stops. A pop-hiss and her trach tube discon's from its leader into the Oxygen tank. It fogs and sputters with her body's own effort now. Reset button's pushed...the woman is breathing on her own.

Wherever she is inside, she's surely soon to come out. The graphic of her brain shows blinding flashes of color. Hearing. Vision. But it's the primal region of the organ that shows the most activity. Fight or flight.

Jax and Kort had finally given up the vigil to go get a cup of caf and food. Aora and Wedge were asleep in the bunks on the Ice Queen. So Sesti was the only family here. As the had limited the waiting to outside while Ambrosia was in the bacta. So it was too much of a surprise that Jax and Kort both came in at the same time. Jax is still sipping on the Caf. Hearing Garret's 'voice,' he does say, "Sarge. I can't say I've ever heard you sound Sexier. Glad to have you back." His eyes going to Sesti and Amborsia, before he asks his father speaks up, "Sesti!? Is she alright?" He says moving

A fiery death. It's not was she envisioned, but it would have done the job. Except it didn't. She's crawling over cool, wet grass...and falling down a very deep hole away from it all as the memory gets disturbed by another ripple. And another. Tears - they blur her sight as she stares into the face of death. She's aware of every pore, every hair upon her body...until she isn't.

There's a light. A bright one, though it starts small. The heaviness is lifted away, weary limbs cradled by something soft. A cloud? No, that's stupid. Stupid fairytale. Like the kind used to hush complaintive children at night...children? She had those, once...

There's that damn light again, obscuring her thoughts. She could almost see them, the owners of those little voices. Now all she sees is white. Eyelids, previously unsealed by her dutiful droid friend, flutter as the eyes roll underneath. A blink. It's the first since she tripped over that damn rock...

Glaring at the tablet, Gerratt taps on the screen in a perturbed manner before he types again and hits enter. What comes out is a stream of Ewok. apparently the thing was a translator as well. Looking confused, he switches and tries again, a high pitched elfin type voice is at least speaking basic. "Thanks Jax. wish the cost hadn't been so high."

Looking up, Sesti chuckles at the voice Gerratt uses, but then the Greystorm men are entering, and she holds up a hand to slow the rush to the bedside. "She is fine. Her body temperature returned to normal human level and we took her off the drugs that were keeping her under. She is starting to resurface." She expels a breath. "I must warn you, we do not know how much her brain was affected by the time that she was out before Jax and I started resuscitating her. Hopefully, we were in time, but..." she gives the two of them a sober look, "we do need to be prepared."

Kort turns to look at Gerratt as Ewok comes streaming out. The 'Other' Major Greystorm's expersion, did that really just happen. He turns back to Sesti. He takes a few deep breaths, "I understand." Though he takes a step forward and catches himself. Not wanting to be in 'Kill box' when his bride wakes up.

Jax nods to Gerratt. Then he moves to stand next to Sesti. His hand moving to takes hers and he watchies his mother.

The light suddenly cuts out and the Major is again cast into darkness. FLASHOFLIGHT!!! Dark. Light, dark. Light. Light? Yes. But it's hazy, like she's underwater, unable to cut the surface. And now that water's pouring down her throat. She's going to drown in here, before she figures out where 'here' is.

  • HUURK*

The woman heaves, upper back suddenly arching off the table as her diaphragm lurches and jaw opens wide. She's gagging around the tube. A throat raw and sore clenches, trying to evict the foreign body. A shuddering groan rises from the depth of her being, followed by another choking heave.

There's a thunk as Gerratt accidentally drops the Tablet on the floor. picking it up he types for a moment then hits enter. something seems to have gon wrong with the tablet though. as he hits enter, a Bass beat begins to play like a drum kit, his words coming out in a smooth male voice with a hard to distinguish accent as autotune and a few other widgets for the program turn his message into a smooth R&B tune. "I'll giiiiiive you guys some privacey-ey-ey-ey." the word trails off in a series of vocal warbles and synchopations as gerrat's face goes red. Standing quickly, the Gaunt Master Sergeant quickly types. "The Fuuuuuu-yuuuuuu-cking thing is Bro-yo-yo-yo-keyayannnnnn. uh." Deciding that he's done enough now, he calmly tucks it under his arm and moves out the door with as much dignity as he can muster.

Strong, warm, fingers squeeze Jax's hand momentarily until the Major starts to show stronger responses. She doesn't have a chance to laugh at poor Gerratt and the tablet as she's too focused to really register it. Stepping forward, she gets her elbows on the woman's shoulders to steady her and pull out the trach tube, quickly handing it to the droid in case she needs to turn Amber's head. "You can talk to her Kort, let her know where she is. See if she remembers your voice."

Kort turns to give Gerratt a salute. He turns nodding to Sesti, "Ambroisa, relax. Your back at base. Things are going to be alright darling. Just lay back and relax." He says trying to be encouraging. Jax waves to Gerratt and then stands back watching for a moment, "Yeah everything's fine Mom."

Ambrosia's eyes snap wide open to the tune of a deep and arduous breath. In an instant she's transformed from a weathered sleeping beauty to a mad person, staring wildly around at this old plane of existance, once so far away. Her arms shiver, hands quaking with the effort to lift them, reach for anything that makes sense. An anchor. But they're stuck. She's stuck, grounded to this plush slab. Her feet, meanwhile, aren't doing much of anything. All's still below the sheet down there while her upper half flips the hell out.

"Whu...whu...whu..." her lips fumble with words while her face turns to each of the foggy shapes leering over her.

When nothing but the tube comes out of Amber's throat, Sesti stands and moves to the opposite side of the bed, slipping her hand into Amber's so the woman has someone to hold onto, leaving the other hand for Kort and Jax. She nods to her boyfriend to come over while she gently lays her other hand on Amber's forearm to press it back down and relieve the straining if she can. "It is alright, Major. You are fine. Please lay back and let your body recover slowly."

Kort calls out, "It's fine, sweety. Your alright. You're with Family back on D'Qar. It's Kort." He syas moving to next to the bed and putting his hand on top of hers squeezing it.

Jax moves to the other side and helps hold his mother, "Mom. It's alright, just relax." He saays hoping she'll reckonginze his voice.

Ambrosia's arms continue to writhe but without the initial power of her first attempt. She turns her head jerkily from one voice to the next, gaze searching, squinting with confusion. "Wh..." Why are the voices different? Why are these faces not masked? Where is the shuttle? Is she back in her cell? Where...is...'it'? She can't feel it stirring. Ambrosia swallows, shaking her head clear of the cloud, or trying to at least. But it's so hard. She's so tired. Muscle by muscle, she sags back onto the bed and rolls her head aside to stare at some fuzzy, brown eyes. Brown, not steely gray.

"Why?" rasps the Major in a tone so meek and pleading. And it's all she says before drifting back into a fairly comatose state. Breathing-tube free.

Kort sighs, "Because they brought you home and your home safe with your family, Amborisa. Jax, Aora, and Wedge are here. I'm here to Sweetie." Then Kort leans down to kiss her on the fore head gently. He looks to Kort, "Go rest. I'll finish the shift. You and Sesti go take a walk unless she needs to be here medically." He makes a shoing sound and gesture before the kids can respond.