Log:Rogue Squadron: Local Trouble

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After weeks of quiet since their thwarted hijacking attempted some weeks ago, the Children of Balmorra separatist group have started causing more problems for the local authorities. In the interest of security and good relations, the New Republic has assigned flights from Rogue Squadron to escort civilian convoys from Chandrila and other Republic worlds to the system. Naturally, things are going to go poorly.

[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Several weeks have passed since the Rogues shut down the hijacking of a brand new prototype frigate designed by the weapons plants out of Balmorra; the system, well-disposed to the Republic if not a member state, has allowed certain convoys of freighters jumping in from Republic worlds to be given a security escort as required. Tonight, a convoy of civilian ships belonging to Metax Galatic Chemical, a combine providing a great deal of vital chemical cargoes for the Balmorran industrial complex. Leaping into the system some five thousand kilometers from the Balmorran gravitational envelope, the transports - essentially big chemical tanks with a superstructure and engines built around them - lumber forward, with the sleek fighters arrive midway along the convoy.

Which is when the alarms go off. Panels go off like Christmas as sensors detect a number of small masses in immediate space - one of which is close enough to the rear transport to collide. One cannot /hear/ explosions in space, but one can certainly /see/ them; the light from the impact and subsequent fusion flare is enough to throw a sheet of white light across the hulls of every ship before the darkness of space returns, and the comms fill with the alarmed voices of the transport crews.


[Tallie Lintra]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The latest technological advances in transparasteel canopies save the commander's eyesight and those of the pilots around them. Instruments jump as the coms channel fills with alarmed voices asking for damage reports.

"Update me, Fiver. What caused that?" She asks over the commotion.

<<This is Rogue Leader to Rogue Squadron. Give me your status reports and sweep for mines and incoming bogies.">> Switching to a channel to hail the chemical freighters, <<"This is Escort Leader, what is your status, Captain?">>


[Jax Greystorm]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

One can not hear explosions in space, but one can hear the sound of an explosion played by their R2 unit in space. That's what happens in Rogue 9 followed by an alarm as the cockpit's canopy lights up. The visor of Jax's helmet his helmet saving his eyes. The Corellian throttle down and remains in formation. < Rogue 9, here. Everything green. Exine decided to play an explosion clip in the cockpit. I will have him delete that soundfile.>


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ Ax had chosen an E-wing this time, still trying to find his niche among the available vessels at his disposal, at least until he can shoehorn some Phantoms into the mix somehow. The Echani didn't care for the A-wing, while fast, he liked having his droid along for the ride and the RZ-2 just didn't allow it. "Eye up, Buster," Ax says to his droid. "We've done this kind of run before, remember that run of hyper-fuel we took to the Maw station last year, same situation. They've mined the lanes."

<<"Rogue 3 to Rogue Leader, read you five by five. All good with this bird so far. Starting sweep. Tell those cargo haulers to hault forward momentum until we can get them a course plotted to safety.">> Ax immediately starts going on his sensors and hoping that those mines weren't the magnetic ones that tended to gravitate towards ships instead of staying in a more fixed position where they were dropped. ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


Patrols and escort missions are boring, almost by definition. Neander had nearly dozed off in his ship when the explosion hit, lighting up his canopy and making Twofie -- and the comms -- erupt with noise. "Yeah...I hear it," Neander says, as he starts to flick switches to prepare his X-Wing for the coming fight. He waits for orders from the Commander, and reports in, <<Rogue Six here, all green. No damage.>>


[Karas Darkwing]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Karas is flying overwatch and as the explosion erupts, well yea you can't hear an explosion in space but the flare of light catches his attention. At that moment the tac net starts streaming in different com chatter from the caravan. Shaking his head, "Spark begin tuning the sensors to start scanning for incoming bogies and possible mines within the caravan corridor."

<<Rogue 2 here, all systems pushing, I'm good. Scanning to see what may have caused that.>> he says back and he begins pulling his fighter up so that he has a better overview of the caravan and squadron.


[Zandra naMuriel]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Zan is in an A wing, so she's droidless once again. << Rogue 5 here, all green, >> she calls in. << Sensors scanning, will let you know if I find anything. >> She takes her place in formation, smothering a grin at Jax's comment about his droid. << Ono wishes he could be here with us, I'm sure, but I'm kind of glad he's not yelling in my ears. >>


[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Most transport crews are entirely civilian, but when the captain of the last ship - the /Eldaran Ecliptic/ - speaks, the calm of bygone service days etch his every gruff and gravelly word. << Escort Leader, this is /Eldaran Ecliptic/. There's been some kind of explosion to our aft starboard side, probably some kind of explosive. Our drives are out, no telling what damage control can do. Power's down to forty-seven percent as well. >> Shields are, naturally, not a question either.

Which is when /more/ alarms go off, as ten fighters jump into realspace, a horde of Cutlass-9s led by a trio of gray T-85s. A familiar voice - at least to Tallie - sounds over general comms, belonging to none other than the squadron leader from the last terrorist sortie.

<< This is the Children of Balmorra, >> she proclaims, her voice hard and bitter. << Republic fighters, turn back, we will fire upon you at the slightest provocation. Republic transports, we give you ninety seconds to depart your ships in escape pods before we destroy your ships. Do not attempt to flee; our mines will destroy you. For freedom, this we vow! >>


[Tallie Lintra]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

<<"Children of Balmorra, this is Commander Tallissan Lintra speaking on behalf of the New Republic Civilian Defense Force and New Republic transports. Stand down from your actions now or face the consequences. In other words, no. We will not concede to your demands.">> Switching to encrypted channels she hails the Eldaran Ecliptic and the Squadron.

<<"Rogue Leader targeting mines while the escort takes on the attackers. Captain, we have you covered. Keep us updated on damage reports.">> 

Fiver has red-lighted the icons showing the small mines that the convoy is drifting through. Tallie opens the s-foils then angles the T-85 away from the convoy. Twin lasers find their mark, leaving puffs of debris flowering in the convoy's trajectory as they find and destroy the terrorist's mines.


[Jax Greystorm]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The Boss gives the order and Jax stays frosty up until the COB squadron moves in to attack. <Guess it's time for agressive polticis, Rogue Leader. Rogue 9 engaging.> The Corellian says as he goes flying after the T-85 indetified at 2. He opens his s-foils and opens fire. Exine raspberrying at the miss.


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ "Great," Ax says with a mutter as the fighters arrive. <<"Where did they get T-85's?">> He asks as his sensors show the signature of the fighters incoming.

<<"Rogue 3 engaging the enemy, I can sense my way around the minefield.">> Of course, whether he could and still concentrate on flying was beside the point, he just had enough confidence in his piloting ability to assume he could avoid them without much problem.

"Buster, get ready to ping mines on the sensor display if we get too close," he calls to his droid. <<"Rogue 9, I'll fly your wing,">> he calls out, hoping Jax doesn't mind as he moves to engage the same target. Maybe if they focus on one fighter at a time, they'll eliminate the enemies faster. ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


S-Foils already opened, when the entirely expected ambush happens, Neander rolls Rogue Six out of formation and takes a firing pass at his counterpart of the Children of Balmorra. <<Rogue Six engaging a Cutlass. Let's see how well these things hold up...>> He fires a pair of shots at his target, both hitting, both dropping the enemy ship's shields.


[Zandra naMuriel]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

It's an A Wing so it's fast. Which means Zan's sort of going, Wait, there are mines? She's /almost/ over them before they show on her sensors, almost. She still dodges around the ones that are too near to her, and goes charging after one of the baddies, because she heard the boss. And also, she figures she might as well slow them down. << Rogue 5, going after Cutlass 5. >> Might as well pick on the opposing 5, after all. She concentrates, calling on the Force as she does so.


[Karas Darkwing]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

From his position, Spark is able to pick up the incoming fighters, listening to the comm chatter, Karas shakes his head and begins flipping the switch and the S-Foils of his X-Wing moves into attack position. When the furball starts, Rogue 2 breaks right and begins moving off towards one of the T-85s while Rogue Leader is clearing the mine field, <<Closing in on one of the T-85s.>> he calls into the tact net and once he has a lock on, red energy lances streak through space to splash against the sheilds of the enemy fighter.


[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

The separatists aren't here to play; the moment the Republic fighters engage them, they go from 'we give you two minutes' to 'set lasers to fry them all'. Descending as a wave upon the /Eldaran Ecliptic/, the SoroSuub Cutlasses, relatively fragile on their own, are a school of hungry predatory fish as they mass fire toward the wounded chemical transport. Pounded from all sides by laser fire, the already damaged and shieldless ship springs a leak, then another, and a third before all that flammmable stuff within is set off. Instantly, the ship is converted into a ghastly green fireball, a witchblaze in the night, that /keeps burning/ in the moment, even after the ship explodes and the cold of space settles in. That is fierce chemistry. The same fate serves the rest.

The Cutlasses move in to their next target, even as the separatist X-wings move to keep the Republic fighters corralled...


[Tallie Lintra]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

As though the Balmorran Leader had a personal vendetta not only against the Republic but against Tallie, the enemy T-85 comes in from a sharp angle, lasers blazing at Lintra's fighter. A small green nova forms, blossoming into the remains of the transport, fiery grave for their crew. The explosion peppers Tallie's shields as she drops them out of the enemy line of fire, flips the X-Wing, gunning for Freedom One. The wily pilot, Tallie knows an ace pilot is at the controls, slips under Tallie's fire, coming around to reengage.


[Jax Greystorm]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Jax shields get a couple of hits scored against it. The Corellian frowns as Exine complains at him. The little droid already repairing the shields. Jax says, "Yeahh I know he's back there." Then snaking between mines, Jax a turn coming around to catch Freedom Two tagging it's shields. "Nice work." Then he opens the com up, "<Thanks team. Any target priorities there Rogue 1?>


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ Ax continues on Jax's wing, focusing fire along with the Corellian. Rogue 3 is dancing among the mines and incoming laser fire, though none has been directed at him yet. Buster is busy lighting up mines on Ax's sensors. ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


A quiet sigh and curse comes from Neander as the transport goes up, but, he's soon enough aiming to take out one of the fighters attacking the freighters. He sets his sigths on one of the raiding Freedom fighters, and blasts him out of the sky with another quick burst. He then rolls over and starts to scan space for another target, "Yes, Twofie, we're going to get them all...just...give me a minute to find another."


[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

The coordination of the attack is professional and well-trained; the smaller ships, despite losses and damage, descend upon the next transport, /Lady of Corellia/, and shred her shields with massed laser fire. << Escort fighters, >> pleads a voice from the /Lady,/ << Help us! We cant get out of this minefield. We are dead if we take another pass or so like that! >>

Meanwhile, the lead fighter speaks again, an edge of victory on her distant lips. << We gave you a chance, but you chose the hard way. Oh, horrible hard way! >> The laser fire punctuating these words flash about the hulls of the Republic ships, even as one of the separatist fighters break off and make for safety with the mines behind them. Can't fight in a flying collander...


[Tallie Lintra]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Mouth set into a grim line, Tallie flips the T-85 into a turn so tightly that Fiver screeches protest and the Incom-FreiTek fusial engines red-line for a dangerous instant. Green laser fire zaps by them as she focuses on getting Freedom One dead center on the reticule. The target tone steadies, and she fires, keeping a steady stream of red laser fire on her adversary, anticipating her moves until the other T-85 sheds one of its double wings and an engine implodes. There is a moment of regret when the pilot doesn't eject. But, Tallie has no time to spend on the dead pilot now. <<"Rogue Leader reporting enemy Leader is down. Reorienting on the Cutlasses now.">>


[Jax Greystorm]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Jax found himself flying through space as a call went out from among the jedi and force adept's among the squadron. "Exine take the stick, this is really going to be clever or really dumb." The Corellian then closes his eyes and inhales and exhales as he finds his center. Then joining in with the other two, Ax and Zandra. He sends out a push with is mind to send the mines away.


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ Telekinesis was never one of Ax's strongest talents, but if the three force users could combine their efforts, there was a chance that they could at least create a clear path for the friendly freighters to move out of the minefield.

"Take the controls, Buster. Just keep her steady," Ax says as he opens himself up to the force and lets forward a wave of energy ahead of his starfighter. ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

[Zandra naMuriel]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Zandra catches the movement in the Force, as she's reached out to it, and she can guess the move, just as the call is made. <<Move those mines,>> she calls to her fellow Force Sensitives. <<Freighters and Rogue, be ready to move fast.>> It takes only a moment to put her A wing on evasive autopilot, and she squares her shoulders, staring into space. After all, there are mines in the way, and the freighters are trapped. She takes a breath, reaching out to add her skill, such as it is, to help the team. Mines need to be gone out of the way. Space is big, mines are not so much so, but there's only a certain amount that they need to clear. It is a big space, even so. Freighters aren't small, except in relation to the vastness of the galaxy. Zan can feel the strain as she struggles to help Jax, to clear enough room for those ships to get moving. Here's hoping her ship's autopilot is up to the task. <<Next time, >> Zan pants, <>


[Karas Darkwing]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Karas sees this amazing feat from the Jedi as they just detonate the mines, "Whoa!" he says as he looks out his canopy, but he isn't fully awe struck as he rolls and dives from an attack that misses hiim and he let's his dive take him down and he rolls and evens out as he comes around as he sees one of the remaining enemy T-85s still attacking. He rolls his fighter under one of their cargo ships and as he does he fires as he has a lock but the enemy T-85 manages to evade his shot.



Rogue Six seems to have gotten a bit mixed up in the wash, and it takes him a few moments to reacquire a target. Once he does, he only has a half second to line up and fire, and when he does, his shots go wide. He sighs and pulls a high-g maneuver.


[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

With a burning wreck and plasma cloud seething behind them, mines ahead of them and a full on space battle raging around them, it would be entirely understandable for the poor civilans inside the transports to despair at their situation. But the Force is with them, even if they do not know it. From the confines of their cockpits, Ax, Jax and Zandra reach out, channeling the living force as only their kind can do - and thanks to their coordination, their strength with the Force, they prevail...and suddenly, as one, the mines in nearest proximity to the ship are pushed away from the transports to clear a path for them. A few of the mines detonate from the sudden shock, but it is no violent movement. These are practitioners of the light side of the Force, and their pressure, while strong, is not the violent lashing out of those on the other side of the equation.

But their wonder-working has an additional effect. Their leader gone, losses about to begin in earnest, and their minefield suddenly /flung away/ by methods quite unknown, the raiders do what raiders to after they hit: they fade. As one, the ships break and depart at top speed, punching clear and heading toward hyperspace exit velocity. No thank you, ladies and gentlemen. They are not at home to sorcery.


[Tallie Lintra]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Fiver whistles and blats maniacally as simultaneously all of the red mine icons make a sudden shift leaving the transport corridor miraculously clear of the mine menace.

<<"Did I just see that right?">> she asks, disbelief and relief pushing her voice an octave higher than normal. <<"Great work. All of you.">>

Scan shows the raiders trying to slip away now that the odds have been turned against them. Tallie zings a parting shot at one of them, damaging a shield.

<<"Transport captains, we are nearly at our destination.">>



More rolling and diving and trying to line up a shot. When the freedom fighters turn tail to run, well, might as well give them a parting gift. Neander fires a pair of bursts at a fleeing Cutlass, one goes well wide, and yet, on the second try, two bolts sink into two engines and *poof* another one bites the dust.


[Jax Greystorm]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Jax eyes open up, "We're still alive? We're still alive. Good flying Buddy." Jax says as he takes control of the X-wing. He lets out a sigh of relief. "I hope we don't do that again for a long while." He watches the bad guys run and he reaches up to close the s-foils.


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ <<"I can't believe that worked,">> Ax says. There was a reason that the idea had been broadcast over private comms between he, Jax, and Zan. It was a longshot, but it paid off it seemed.

As the enemy begins to depart, Ax wasn't against launching a salvo of laser fire at one of the departing fighters. <<"Rogue Leader, this is Rogue 3. Recommend calling in a Republic crew to clean these mines out and put out word that this region is off-limits to space traffic because of it. Over.>> There was no telling how many mines there were in this system, and since they just scatterred them in every direction, they're gonna be tough to find. ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

[Karas Darkwing]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Rogue 2 watches as F3 manages to evade from his shots, which causes Karas to smile. The Ace pilot loves a good hunt, but he watches as the enemy pilots begin running, their team leader having been taking out by Rogue Leader. Karas sees one of the Cutlass trying to flee, and shakes his head and with just a slight movement of his flight stick, he fires as he gets a tone lock, the targeting bracket goes green around the enemy fighter and he presses the trigger watching as four energy lances shred the fighter. He feels for the pilots, but there are always bad guys and attacking defenseless targets is cowardice to him. <<Splash 1.>> he calls into the tact net.


[Zandra naMuriel]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Zan takes a breath, one hand reaching to rub at her helmetted head briefly. It doesn't work and she grimaces. << My head hurts, >> she coms privately to Jax and Ax, as she takes the controls of the A-Wing back from the autopilot. That change shows, as the A wing promptly loops, speeds up and she fires lasers at the fleeing fighters, making sure they keep going. She hears Tallie and that brings a quiet smile to her face. She knows that it took all three of them to make this work, and it nearly didn't. << Good shooting everyone. >>


[Callax Dalso]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Good shooting, indeed - though they're fleeing as if the Evil One were behind them and flying as if on fire, the Rogues still manage to pick a few of them off at the very outside range of their cannons, proving that even as a 'civilian' unit, the Republic's patriotic citizen pilots are nothing short of lethal. But soon they're gone, jumped away to parts unknown, and the surviving transports need to be escorted to Balmorra - leaving a burning cloud behind them.

The Balmorran authorities are thankful and most apologetic at once, especially since it's their own citizens taking innocent civilian lives. The government official spoken to upon return explains that they'll handle the impromptu minefield, and promise to work with Republic authorities to 'do something' about this situation. Regardless of what's happened today, it's clear that the Rogues aren't going to be free of Balmorran local color anytime soon.


[Ax]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ <<"It's all that hair dye,">> Ax responds to Zan's mention of her head hurting. <<"The fumes mix with the life support in the cockpit. Deprives you of oxygen.">> ~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-