Log:Saber: The Devil Down Below

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Anakin turns back from the dark side

OOC Date: August 3, 2022
Location: Corporate Sector
Participants: Ax, Jax Greystorm as Self/GM, Kael Greystorm, Kasia Ashkuri, Nerys Greystorm, Rey Skywalker, Shemar Eisley, Yuun, Zandra naMuriel, Saber Squadron, Jedi Order

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The members of the Saber Squadron and the Jedi Order had arrived through various space craft from private to Saber fight craft. They had descended on a facility with the ominous yet non descript name of 'Production Facility Zerek.'

The complex was houses in a large asteroid that would almost be classified as a 'Small Moon,' but it wasn't orbiting anything but a dead sun in a large asteroid field.

The Painted Guardian landed in a large, almost cavernous landing bay that seemed to be the main landing bay for the facility. The landing deck was made of metal and to the back of the landing bay was metal with a series of large lifts for transportation of fighter crafts and parts. There was also a few smaller landing bays. Jax walked down the ramp there was little light in the place. The tap of his feet echoing. His voice carrying across the bay and into his comlink, "Good news, there's air. Bad news it hasn't cycled in a while and a bit stale."

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Kasia rode with Jax on his ship, stepping down the ramp after him with a rebraether in place, even after the remark about their being air. It's stale, so she's keepin' it on for now. "That's a promising start. Maybe things will go well." She's just short of saying Hex's catch phrase of 'easy mission, ok ka' and dooming them all to chaos, not that it might not be ahead of them anyway, it's just probably not going to be her fault. Maybe. "Do we have any plans or anything about this facility?" she asks, drawing even with Jax and glancing over at the man.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, having arrived in a probably, more likely than not, not borrowed without permission skipray, hopped down from the edge of the ramp where she had been waiting. Bitty was maglocked to her backpack as always, Numpty hanging out on her shoulder, looking as though he were contemplating climbing up onto the top of her helmet. The trio crossed the distance from where they had landed to one of the access control panels were that would allow them access to the rest of the station. She did not remove her helmet. "I'm not reading an atmosphere in here. Thankfully, I'm not really attached to breathing." Beat. be serious, Nerys. "Let's see if we can do something about setting this up as an escape route. And get some oxygen flowing in here." Also possibly letting them in to join the rest of the group.

[ Ax (A)]

Ax had flown here on his modified VCX-100 in true smuggler fashion. He'd flown in through rarely used and slightly dangerous smuggler routes, and with some sensor readings found a seperate area to land. Locating a suitable spot near the top of the asteroid, he sets the Black Sands down.

Once landed, Ax departs his ship, leaving his droids behind. <<"Crab, I took an upper landing bay, looks designed for a luxury shuttle. Guess I hit the VIP area. Wood inlayed walls, nice lighting, it's warm.. Do we have to blow this place up or can I get it hauled to friendlier space?">> he says via commlink. <<"Got a locked security door between me and the rest of the station it looks like, but shouldn't be a problem.">>

Looking back at the Sands, he calls out. "Donk, secure the ship," to which an affirmative beeping is heard from the Droideka in the cargo bay.

[ Shemar Eisley (Shem)]

A bunch of X-Wing fighters showing up in a dead system and cruising to meet up at a particularly large astroid surely not going to get anyone's attention. Nope, nothing to see here! Once Saber 13 has landed and powered down, Shemar Eisley looked back to his astromech before he hops out, and while his canopy rises. "Stay put. You should be safe in here. I'll be back." A dark skinned hand reaches back to pat his R3 on the dome affectionately before the Tatooine native climbs out and hops down from his bird.

Helmet on his arm, Shemar walks on out to meet up with Jax. "Somebody could use some ambiance, music, and fresh air."

The former Lieutenant looks around as the others gather. Some of the faces aren't familiar to him but he'll give a polite nod to any who look his way, attentive.

[ Rey Skywalker (Rey)]

Rey arrived in a red, black, and silver Naboo starfighter, one of the ships from the auxilary Jedi fighter unit. She disembarks from its interior with relative ease, and her astromech is soon to be shot out of the bottom of it, to wheel over beside her. Dressed in black, Rey raises her hood up as she starts to look around, walking toward where the Painted Guardian, and those stepping off it are.

R2 just trails along behind Rey, with his optical sensor looking around as he makes quiet boops and whistle noises.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael wasn't in the Skipray with Nerys although the Aggressor fighter he's flying in zooms along in formation with said Skipray that Nerys was piloting as he looks over at her ship before keying up the comms, <"Getting no atmo readings in this hangar either. Pretty sad I like oxygen it likes me. That somethin we can fix remotely or am I going to have to suit up with an EVA before hoppin out?>" And then he actually listens to Nerys and sighs, <"Great minds."> As he turns towards his droid in the ship with him he shrugs, "Think you can get the air on out there for us HiBall or should I hold it for as long as possible and hope for the best?" Then the dang droid just starts laughing as he heads towards the airlock on the fighter.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun rode with Jax and anyone else who was riding with him, he's always enjoyed flying but also flying with others and this is one of them. He checks over his things as he sits there but once they are at their destination, he lets out a breath and prepares himself for what's to come. He sees people leaving the ship and he too follows suit and he makes his way down the landing ramp to join the others.

[ Zandra naMuriel (Zan)]

Zandra is also with Jax aboard the Guardian. She's okay with flying of course, always is, but sometimes there's something to be said for not having too many ships. They might get a little less notice than a whole fleet, among other things. She too has a rebreather, taking a note from Kasia, and keeps it on for the moment. "Stay alive, don't leave anyone behind, and work as a team?" she offers half seriously to the question about what's the plan. Though she does look over to Jax, curiously. She also pays attention to the comms coming from the others.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax listens to the reports coming in on his comlink. He shakes his head at Kasia and Shemar with a smile. "Neither of you say it this is easy or too easy." Then he nods to Zandra, "Sounds good, also we're looking for any intel we can find on the Prime Sentinel, the Tie Avenger IIs, or the what the Sith Spawn, the Star Forge is."

Jax frowns at the words, "Alright Squint, How about you get one of the droids to take real good holocaptures and build your own? Be careful up there. There's no telling what traps are in there."

Then he turns his head, "Break and Lucky, sounds like a good plan securing it as a fall back point. Get that field up and running. Try to meet up with us."

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine," Kasia tries to reassure Jax, but he knows her well enough to know that she probably always says that sort of thing in times like these, and it's so rarely true. Just to reinforce that idea, right after she says it her gaze lands on something. She takes a few steps forward, head angled back just slightly as she looks at something in the distance, up on a wall. "So, not to alarm anyone, but I'm pretty sure those things are still running," she angles her head in the direction of a security camera. "So I think it's safe to assume that if someone isn't already watching, they probably will be soon."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys who had already sunk her hands into the panel's innards, came back on the comms, "I'll let you know when the landing bay's prepped." She didn't bother looking around, to mark HiBall making his way over to the panel. Bitty, who gave the other ID10 droid the middle finger (she only had three, not in a row, but somehow she managed. She had skills). It was the work of a few minutes time, before the sound of air compressors followed the hum of the protective field coming down to protect the bay from the cold void of space, "We're all set here. We'll be making our way up to you, Crab." She did look back towards the trilon, "Ready to go wandering with me?"

[ Ax (A)]

Ax calls back to his ship, "Buster, you're with me. Take as many images as you can," he says to his BB-series astromech. The small droid should at least be able to stay out of his way, though the Echani is kinda debating whether he should leave Donk on the ship or not.

Regardless, he moves to the security door and pries off the cover panel of the lock. <<"Should be through in a minute,">> he says as he starts manipulating wires to get the door open. "That should do it," he says to his droid before the doors start to open with a low hiss.

<<"Crab, got a fancy office and apartment it looks like up here, I'll have buster get on the computer and see if he can download any necessary files while I look for anything physical that might help us.">> Of course, he likely means booze as well.

[ Rey Skywalker (Rey)]

Wearing a breather mask, with the hose going down to the device on her belt, Rey just wanders around the landing area. With R2 beside her now, she stops at a deep dent in the floor, and walks carefully around it, eyeing the rusty hued filth that is caked on to the floor around the divot in the durasteel. "What do you make of this, Artoo?" Rey asks, glancing back at the droid who stops and starts to view it himself. "Ship wreck?" She asks the droid who just beeps repeatedly at her.

Rey's eyes look up then toward the others, keeping tabs on the progress that they're making from the handful of meters she stands away from them.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

As HiBall exits the ship to help to help secure the hangar's oxygen levels the droid uses it's datalink to start working the computer systems to get the environmental systems and force shield back up... Then toggles over the comms to Kael, <Safe to exit you frail organic you.> With a sigh Kael does a quick look and it does appear that the shield is in place so he heads off the ship and finds himself lacking that beautiful oxygen as the shield flickers a few times leaving him gasping and a great deal of puckering going on before the shield finally snaps into place, "Dang it HiBall you trin to kill me?"

[ Zandra naMuriel (Zan)]

Zandra looks around as she listens, the young knight quiet more often than not. She looks to where Kasia is pointing and a brow arches, and then she shrugs a bit. "I'd be more surprised if there was no security at all. Though - is that blaster burn?" She catches sight of something (oooh squirrel!!!!) and moves closer to the walls, before she announces, "It is blaster fire scorch marks, and very precise ones at that. I bet no Sand People shot this well." Not that she bets, really, but there's always a first time.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"Blaster fire? I know the facility has been shut down and the Prime was hunting down the leadership of Black Ember Aerospace." Jax frowns, "You don't think... This facility wasn't completely or mostly automated?" As Jax says says that a sinister red light fill the cargo bay and the industrial lift starts to lower.

Down below Nerys and Kael quickly discover that the facility was indeed not automated at all. There is a cafeteria, quarters, and rec area for technicians. The stench of the place hits them quickly as the technicians, mostly Ugnaughts, with a few humans, lay unceremoniously dead as if they were trying to make towards the lower landing bay.

Ax will find a well dressed human, maybe near human, as he doesn't have a head anymore. Slumped over a console at his very nice desk. It looks like blaster fire. The console though is running through all the data as the screen shows it's being deleted. Though it will take a few minutes.

As the team in the main bay are distracted from the lights and the lift. Something large, about the size of a star fighter with a basic insect design drops from the ceiling onto the ground with a metal thud. The end of it's legs creating divots.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

"Cameras, and blaster fire. Comforting," Kasia moves a hand to the weapon at her side to pull it free, but not activating it yet. It's there just in case. Which seems like a great idea in hindsight when the red light fills the area and something large descends from above. "Uhhh." Eloquent as ever. She retreats a couple of steps as her eyes lower to see the divots carved into the ground. Rather than move in to attack immediately, she spends a few seconds centering herself, drawing in a deep breath, and trying to reach for that thing in the force that allows her to create a barrier between her and anything that might want to hurt her.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, who still had her helmet on, clearly had no problem moving through the dead. When one spent most of their time tomb raiding in space, one grew accustomed to finding, or making dead bodies. "Looks like most of the sentient crew of the facility never made it out of here. Plenty of bodies down here. We'll see what we can find on our way up to you." And so, Nerys began the best part of her job. Grave robbing, bodies were tossed and turned, their pockets riffled and she came up with a datapad, liberated from the body of an ugnaught who clearly didn't need it anymore, "We should get to the rest. We can access the information on the move."

[ Ax (A)]

Buster starts downloading information from the datacore, though it only has so much internal storage and lets Ax know that it can't contain everything. <<"Crab, Buster's downloaded a good bit, but he doesn't have enough free space and everything is heavily encrypted so he's not sure what files to grab and what not,">> Ax says over comms. <<"When we're done, I'm going to snag the data-core but it's likely to do something crazy to the base computer systems so let me know when a good time for that would be,">> he adds.

In the meantime, Ax is searching the office for anything that might be of value to them, pausing momentarily when he finds a bottle of booze to read the label. "Good year," he says to nobody in particular, setting that next to the computer so he doesn't forget it when he goes to leave.

[ Rey Skywalker (Rey)]

Rey is listening to Artoo respond to her when the place gets a lot more threatening. In so far as to say that a massive droid of TIE parts is suddenly coming down from the ceiling across the way from her. She snaps her eyes up, the hose of the mask swaying rapidly in front of her.

Artoo lets out a short wail of surprise, then starts to roll toward some nearby cover, while Rey reaches for her brown leather belt and unclips the pipe-built saber from her left hip. She holds it at her side in her right hand now, and starts to walk around the divot she was beside, looking up toward the ceiling directly above her.

"I guess that answers that..." She mutters.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael's making his way near Nerys looking around at the bodies all around while he tries not to breathe too deeply, "They were trying to escape all on their way towards the lower hangar here." He spots a datapad picking it up he tests it and sees it turns on and gives it a quick once over before tucking it away, "Datapad from Black Ember Aerospace not sure what's on it but can't hurt to hold onto." He looks over at Nerys, "They were runnin from somethin so either it's off the base or it's deeper in we should be careful I think. But yeah lets link up with the rest."

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Keeping an eye out for the others, he notices Rey looking up and this draws his attention to the droid, "You don't see that everyday." he says as he watches the droid as it comes down. His hand reaches for his lightsaber, gripping it in his right hand. He lets a breath blow for him into his mask, he shakes his shoulders a little bit as he prepares himself. "Yup, it does." he says to Rey as he prepares.

[ Zandra naMuriel (Zan)]

Scorch marks on the walls, looking like blaster fire, and all kinds of interesting tidbits of data coming from everywhere. It's not easy to process it all at once, but Zan is concentrating, brow knit. She's got whatever folks are sharing on comms, which is - bits and pieces. And what the group in the main hangar can see. She is about to comment, when the lighting change and she whirls around to hear the THUD and see the newest arrival. << We got trouble, >> she announces, to make sure everyone knows. << Red light - big bug droid. Sound familiar? >> As she speaks, her saber is taken in hand and the young knight moves to take a protective stance intending to help defend the others. Her gaze goes to the intruder, (No they're not intruders, they're rescuers, if a bit too late.) and she comments, "You could just go retire on a beach somewhere and drink fizzy blue drinks for the rest of your days. Just a suggestion."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

In the office with Ax, a familiar yet bone chilling cackle fills the room. "It is a very good year and Vintage, jedi. You'll never taste it! Die!" The console begins to overload as bolts of lighting arch across the room in bright bolts. It sends Ax's bb unit flying as the little guy gets ionized, back towards the door.

The Tie Avenger droid had a panel on it's back slide open and from the top emerges a turret with a pair of blaster carbines mounted on it. The turret swivels this way and that as it calibrates it guns. There's the whine of blaster fire targeting the jedi each as the droid goes charging towards the group.

Jax flexes the fingers of his right hand as he draws on the force. His hand taking up the new silver saber hilt in a quick draw, like the others he presses a button and blue blade emerges from the end of the saber. "The main hanger bay has been engaged. There may be traps be careful."

Kael and Nerys can hear the blaster fire above but for the moment they are safe.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Well, it looks like the thing is definitely hostile as Kasia manages to avoid being on the receiving end of a scorch mark by dancing to the side, a burn marking the floor where she had just been standing. She draws in a deep breath and rushes forward, trying to engage the thing before it has a chance to take another shot. The first swing of her saber lands, sparks shooting up as the first hit lands, the second and third going wide enough to miss any part of the avenger.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

It was just possible to hear the sound of blaster fire through the group's comms, which earned a quip from Nerys, though only to Kael. "This is what happens when we leave them to themselves. They're always playing around." Nerys picked up the pace, moving as she navigated the corridors, reaching down to retrieve something that looked interesting from the floor as she went, "Lucky and I are on our way to you. We'll surveil the facility on the way." As fast as she was moving, being nearly a foot shorter than her husband meant that Kael did not need to expend much effort to keep up with her. To look at him, he might have been strolling, while Nerys looked like she was running at 2x speed.

[ Ax (A)]

Damned robo-Palpatine! Ax says as he's nearly electrocuted and his droid doesn't seem so lucky. Staggerred back, he mourns the sight of shattered bottle and the fact that the room was on fire. <<"Dammit Crab, I've been made by Robo-Palp. He fried the computer system and the room is on fire. Gonna have to vacate,">> he says. The ball-shape of Buster made it easy enough for Ax to boot him out of the office towards where he'd parked the ship. He only hoped that the droid got enough intel to help.

It's probably a lost cause, but Ax makes an attempt to rip out the datacore, purely by force, rather than with any finesse before he too is rushing back to his ship. He'd have to join the others by flying to their location instead.

[ Rey Skywalker (Rey)]

With the Avenger displaying weapons, shots being fired, and lightsabers activating, Rey snaps her free hand up, and starts to walk around the divot she had been inspecting with Artoo. Her mind draws on the Force around her, as she starts to try and crush segments of the Avenger inward upon itself. Of course, it's a big target, so this is not so easily done, but as the lightsabers snap on, parts of the Avenger do start to visibly crush inward, denting, rumpling, and warping in upon itself.

With her black hood fluttering in the motion of her moving at a casual pace, her right hand up, Rey thumbs the switch on her saber, sending the activator ring spinning around the shroud of her hilt, and a golden beam saber blade to extend from it, nearly impacting with the ground beside her as it reaches its full length.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael just sighs and nods as they pick up the pace although at one window he pauses to look through into another room, "Production floor here and everything's been cleared out. I doubt we're going to find too much more than the data we've gathered already 'round here." Then as there's more blaster fire and all he does glance towards the sound, "Think we'll get there before they're all dead?" Does he mean the Jedi or the Assailants? Who knows.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun watches as the carbines pop up, he narrows his eyes slightly as he watches as the droid begins firing on them. Yuun sees the laser fire coming. Moving into motion, Yuun's blade intercepts the shot aimed at him and deflecting it away from him and the others. He quickly rushes to his right as Rey begins her attack, using her attack as a distraction for himself, he leaps up spinning and slashing in as he comes down at the apex of his leap, cutting downward on the Avenger droid. He then stabs inwards into the droid and drags the blade to his right and quickly hops back from the droid preparing just in case this wasn't enough.

[ Zandra naMuriel (Zan)]

Is Zan the only one who sort of feels this was too easy? She is frowning, as the team work flips into action and the robot avenger gets given whatfor. Her eyes widen, and she says, "Great work, team." So ... why is the hair at the back of her neck still feeling a little bit - on edge. She shudders a bit, turning to look around, reaching for the Force. There's a moment of insisting knowledge that there is danger still. Something - is not right. Zan reacts instinctively, moving as the Force works through her. Her saber comes up defensively as she half spins, gaze going up. "Watch out, there's a turret coming from the ceiling." She does manage to get the words out, just barely, as the turret has fired and the blaster bolt hits Zan's saber and deflects back at the turret. There's a sizzle smash and a very small boom as the turret explodes. "There are definitely traps," she adds with a wry smile.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

There's an eerie quiet that comes with the destruction of the droid and the turret main hanger bay. The droid lays there like a great insect sliced to shreds. Jax stands there for a moment, "Sounds wise Squint. Get the intel out. We've got the room secure. Question mark. Same with you guys Team Break and Lucky. Take the intel you got and get out." Then Jax looks around. "Let's get out of here before something else happens." He cuts his eyes over at Kasia. "Hex's put you up to say that didn't he?" He shakes his head. "Alright everyone lets go."

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Kasia eyes the big thing as it goes down without much trouble, lowering her weapon and deactivating it for now. "No," her eyes cut over to Jax, amused momentarily. "I can honestly say that he didn't. Maybe I've just spend too much time around him and now I can't help but say something that jinxes us."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"I suppose that means they're all alive." Well, one would think they'd let the group know if there were funeral arrangements to make. "Well, looks like we're heading back the way we came." Nerys, having been proceeding at pace through the facility, made an about face and headed back towards where she had left her borrowed ship. She might even manage to get it back before the law officer from whom it had borrowed it realized that it had ever left. On the way back, she once again rifled a pocket, coming up with a holocomic, flicking it on as she walked. "Look at this. Star-Lord in Space. Number 462. Mint condition." And then she was on her way.

[ Ax (A)]

There was no delicacy to his actions as Ax ripped out the datacore while the room was beginning to emblazon around him. Then, he's rushing out of there, kicking poor Buster along until the droid seems to gather its bearings and rolls on its own towards the ramp where Donk was stationed, guarding the vessel.

Running into his ship, Ax slams the button to shut the ramp while he heads to the cockpit. <<"Crab, we're bugging out. Do I need to come pick you or anyone else up? There action down there you need help with?">> he asks as he's getting his ship ready to fly out of the hangar.

[ Rey Skywalker (Rey)]

With the Avenger droid becoming a hunk of slag on the floor of this hangar, Rey just watches it settle some before she lowers her hand. Her eyes look over to the other Jedi, before she nods to what she overhears on com, and chatter. Her saber is closed off again, and she turns back toward the way they'd come. "Come on, Artoo. We have more to do."

Artoo wheels out from behind the cover he'd gotten behind, and beeps something back at her as he rolls to catch up with her.

"Oh, I agree, that thing was unprepared for us. A nice change of pace, really." Rey responds on the way back to that nimble fightercraft.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael stops skidding a bit as he turns around a bit, "Well that was quick. Looks like the place was pretty well picked over and cleaned out already." Heading back towards the hangar he does keep an eye out for anything glittery with no real expectations to find anything, "But at least everybody's alive."

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun keeps his lightsaber up in a guard position but as everything goes quiet, he looks to Rey and Zan, he nods his head and he quickly moves towards them. Deactivating his weapon, Yuun continues to keep a vigilent eye out just in case something else decides to drop down on them. Scanning the ceiling and the other access ways. Though once he hears Rey speaks he chuckles. "I guess, though things look clear." he says as he starts to make his way to Jax's ship.

[ Zandra naMuriel (Zan)]

Zan does not deactivate her saber until she's up the ramp of the ship, feeling somewhat paranoid about possible turrets lowering from the ceiling to randomly shoot at folks. However, she does take one last look around as she follows along with the group, vacating this place with as much haste as is reasonable. On the way, she spies a small gear - two of them - that look like they're meant to be attached to something much bigger. But there's just those two little serratededged circles, made of a bright gleaming silver coloured metal. They are slipped into a pocket for later investigation.