Log:Sensor Blips

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An unlikely group come together to investigate strange happenings in the Yanibar system

OOC Date: October 8, 2021
Location: Yanibar
Participants: Jax Greystorm, Kael Greystorm, Maeti Distayre as Self/GM, Nerys Greystorm

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

And what fun there is to be had here. Rumors and whispers have drawn a varied collection of beings to the crossroads cantina on Yanibar.

The air dusty and arrid as it's edging towards high summer. Few if any seats filled at the moment as it's still early in the day.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"This was the best that they had." Nerys did not bother offering an apology, as she carried two dented and well-used, and likely badly cleaned tankards back to the table where she had left Kael. "I'm not actually sure it's potable, but I suppose we'll find out." Casual conversation for a casual night. Just the sort of night for listening to rumours and whispers of things likely better left unexplored.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax returned with his moments after Nerys. He moves to take his seat. "I still would trust it more than the water. They boiled it when they added the grains and alcohol has a tendency to kill off bacteria. Doesn't mean it still won't kill you." He says as he takes a tentative sip. There's a pause and Jax exhales surviving.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Looking up from where he's sitting down at the table Kael glances over at Nerys and grins, "Oh I'm sure it'll be just fine. Or we'll need a doctor after. Either way an adventure." He does look around at the mostly empty cantina before trying a sip of the... beer?

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

The dented tankards probably are the best in the house, though what's actually IN them might be questionable in nature. Depends on how well the brewery did this week. The scattering of occupied tables however disgorges a figure one might not expect to be in a place like this. A sole Mandalorian steps into the place, giving the room a scan before shaking their head. Hands lift to release the seals before lifting the helmet clear. Maeti quirks an eye brow at the gathered folks she's at least seen in passing. "Chasing tales as well? Been here a month of days already." She tuckes hte helmet under her arm as she lifts the other hand to wave to the barkeep. "I'll cover them, but please for hte sake of hte space spirits, break into the green keg, instead of this weeks monstrocity."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"Well, if you kick over," Nerys offered as she settled into her seat, "I am not the one dragging your body back. Kael can do the explaining on that one." That's what the REAL Greystorm was for. She was just the pretty side piece. She did not, however, do more than give the questionable brew a sniff.

When Maeti made her presence known, Nerys pushed the tankard aside. And while she did not rise, her words were respectful. "Alor Distayre. We are indeed. I can never turn down a good story. I think these two might be here solely to save me from myself. Join us if you like."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"I should hopefully be able to purge it from body in time. Maybe Kael shouldn't drink it. I don't know if I can save him if we both get sick." He lifts the drink to his nose. Jax frowns and looks to the newly arrived Mando, Maeti. He looks to Nerys, "Friends of yours? Adn I'mjust here for the booze."

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael Greystorm looking over at Nerys and Jax he shakes his head, "Totally going to just leave him here. And I'm in my fancy suit of armor I'm pretty sure Nerys can just make it walk for me." Then as the Mandalorian walks in he looks over in that direction, "Always chasing tales. Be it tales of my target or tales that pique the interest of Nerys here."

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti's lips quirk a bit at the answers. Nerys gets a slight inclination of her head in responce to the honorific. A steely eye flicking towards the bartender to see if he's at least breaking into the cask she asked about. "Tale chasing can sometimes be a profitable endevor. For me, it may just be a link back to a past I've only found fragments of." She hooks out a stool as she was offered a seat. Settling gingerly on it as she's not certain it's condition since the last brawl when the herdsmen were in. "But if it is the whispers of hte ships that drew you here, then perhaps I may have a hunch as to where you might try to get a bit more info. They refuse to talk to me in the least. Something dating back a ways in their culture has them nearly frothing at the armor."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"Indeed," Nerys' answer to Jax's question. And then, so that there was no confusion between them, "Jax Greystorm," indicating the tall brunette, "Kael Greystorm," the equally tall blonde. She followed it with, "That one is mine, the other I only have on loan. I am not allowed to break him." And then, to the two men sitting with them, "Jax, Kael, Maeti, Alor of Clan Distayre." All the pleasantries. Nerys believed in them, "I am more than happy to ask the questions. Whether or not people wish to give them. I am terribly disarming." The hand of an ID10 droid came up, smacking her on the back of the head, "Yes, my droid is terribly disarming as well."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax takes a drink, "Does this taste like dish water to you?" He asks Kael. He turns his head to regard Maeti, "Well met." He raises the hand, "I'm the one on loan. What is this about a ship?" He asks putting his drink aside for a moment.

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael offers a nod as he's introduced, "I'm sure we can ask some questions." Then he looks over at Jax and nods a bit, "It's why I stopped drinking." Setting his own... Dishbeer down on the table.

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti's grin shows for a moment at the ID10's antics. Her eyes settling onto the three of you present as she nods. "Dish water would be better for you. I think it actually came from the nerfs out by the brewery. A whole herd of them upstream from the water intake." She shifts her helm to her lap and rests her arms atop it as she leans slightly forward. "I promiss not to break any of you... personally. But can not promiss for those you will be chatting with." She shifts one arm out slifhrly to uncover a holo-projector in the vambrace and a map of the planet. "This is what I have so far. There is a small hamlet over the mountains that has been reporting at least one ship, if not several that have been flickering on scans. There, then not there. I know of a small group of such ships, but they were hidden quite a while back by one of my Clan."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, having handled the introductions and received her, likely, well deserved chastisement, settled into the business of rumour gathering, "I am assuming that the ships have been recorded in space by other neighbouring ships, or are they reporting losing contact with them in the atmosphere? We have transport, if we need to get to the source." She looked between the two other Greystorms, "Use the cargo speeder, and we can have the Alor hidden in the back?" She glanced to Maeti, "It would get you close without alerting them to your presence."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"That could work. I could be quite convincing when I need to be. People seem to find me quite charming at times. Which is shocking if you get to know me." Jax says sitting his mug down and slides it to the center of the table. "Next time maybe we can get Itty to scan it before we drink it?"

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti chuckles softly at the reaction to the news of the beer. Just as the barkeep comes over with a tray of new mugs of what was requests and recieves a hefty stack of chits. "This should be safe for drinking, though your heads may argue later. Black mead from home." At the offer she inclines herh ed slightly. "Thay may work, yes. And the flickering has been off all scans. Including the suite of them that I have on my own ship. Though perhaps not all scanners are affected that way. That is what we are seeking."

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael Greystorm leans back a bit looking at the Nerf Sith Bath water and then over at the others, "I think the speeder could work. So how violent are the folks in this hamlet?." Looking at the holo display then over at Nerys and Jax, "Do we know of anybody with those ships with the extra powerful sensors?"

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"Thank you," Nerys offered the barkeep, who only looked at her as though she were a bit insane, as Nerys handed around the mugs, "Well, if we have to handle the violent ones, it will leave us less people to get in the way of the scanning." Not just the hand now, but the head of the ID10 droid appeared, but whatever it was she was saying was not broadcast to the group, but only relayed to the team by her steed. "Bitty says that she could probably analysis and cross reference the scans, if she can get access to the ship's logs and try to get a best estimate of the ships movements." But then, Nerys continued, "You said something about ships that a member of your Clan had hidden away? What sort of ship was that?"

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"The MRX-BR Pacifier? You know as rare as those ships are, I know two different people with one but that's been awhile back. One's went on to other things and Ax had to have a Skipray for some reason." Jax takes up the mug, "Thank you." He says to both the server and the buyer. Then he looks to Itty. "If you would?" He then looks at the others, "I think identifying ships on the ground would be better if we can."

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael Greystorm nods pointing at Jax, "That one. The Skipray isn't bad but those sensors would have come in handy." As a real drink is provided he takes a sip from that, "Oh this is rather nice." I've got HiBall here who can assist Bitty as well."

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti watches the interplay between folks as she accepts her own mug and lifts it for a small sip. She fishes a small computer data crystal from a pounch at her belt. "These are my scans as well as those of six other ships and the scans from the main taffic contol systems here." She offers a small smile as she holds out the crystal. "That is if you can read the old Repubic chain codes. The system here is old, old."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys reached over, accepting the datachit, Bitty's head peering at it, then over at Jax, before she unhooked herself from the maglock on Nerys's back. Jax, though, had no maglocks, so when she repulsored over, she, possibly rather rudely, simply grabbed onto the back of his robes, like the traitor droid she was. Nerys, herself, nodded, "I have a list of them stored away in memory, but it'll need someone else to plug them in." It was a bit like having learned something by rote, without learning the use for them. "We'll need to give some time to cross-reference the scans to see if we can pick up any clues before we get to the village, I think. It might give us a head start on getting to the bottom of what's going on. But if we want to just forge ahead, I'm alright with that too."

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Once hte crystal is taken and slotted the date will rolld out pretty smoothly. It's standard scans, not really super encoded. Just from three differnt eras of base system. And like Playstation, not everyone was into backwards compatability. You have 4 modern era scan logs, 2 Imperial era scan logs, and one old Rep era scan log for data platforms. All of them show the same thing, a large ship appearing in near orbit. Fighter sized ships launching and heading down to the planet for a bit. Then returning to the larger ship. Then the whole of the group vanishing off scans as they start to turn back away from the planet. One scan shows the large ship appearing a ways out and coasting in. But the model systems only list it as <Unknown> for type other than capital class.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax is not use to having Itty clamp on his robes. He looks a bit confused. "Hello Itty." Then he's not sure if the little droid is scanning his drink. He reaches down to produce a datapad. "Can I copy the crystal, Nerys? I do know a thing or two about manipulating chaincodes. I guess Kael makes the call. I out of practice of running in blindly. "

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael Greystorm chuckles as Bitty goes to work with Jax. Looking over at Nerys and then over at Jax, "So what are we looking at? The big one is a type I haven't seen before but looks like the fighters are your standard types."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys handed off the datachit to Jax, not at all put out by Bitty's sudden but inevitable betrayal. Instead she focused on the problem, "If the ship makes entry into the system on a standard course, I wonder if we couldn't use the Tai's jamming suite to hide out own signature so that we could get a visual on the craft?" Ah Nerys, always looking for the most direct route. As for Bitty, she only hovered, watching everything that was going on, chirping excitedly to Jax as she processed all of the information she was being offered.

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti settles back now that the information has bene passed onto someone that might be able to get into where there might be more to be gathered. "I hung out in the shadows of the third moon for a week, but that was the only read I got on them. I'm almost afraid it was one of ships that was tied to some battles among the ISP that ended a former member's ties with them. But since none of those files survived the destruction of our Clan ship. Well, I can not even offer those for identifying purposes." She grins and fishes out another chip. "My holo codes to contact me. Going to go have my ship lift off as if I were leaving. Might take some of hte bite out of them. Though I don't think this was one of the planets hit in the invasion." She shakes her head as she rises. "Until later."

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax takes the datacrystal and then after several moments of working. It's returned to Nerys. He hits some buttons and qorks as he seems to work on the codes. "We got some Uglies of various configuration, a y-wing, Some balls and a Squint. That's Tie/lns and Tin Interceptor. So short range fighters and at least one group not really designed for landing without a special rack."

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael's letting the two brains handle working on the ship stuff, "So short range fighters. What exactly is the big ship though? I understand that it's not able to be identified but do we at least know what it could be?"

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, having bid Maeti a farewell, turned her head, hearing Kael's question, "Short of getting a visual on it, can any of the scans give us a roughe simation of the ship's size and density? That might help us to narrow down what we'll be looking at. I don't want to assume something imperial just because it needs to have racks for the TIE fighters." She frowned, "Do we need to use the computers on the ship to extrapolate, or can you do it on the pad?"

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Extrapoliation of the data gives the 'mother' ship being roughtly 300 meters long, buy nearly half of that wide. Large freighter, Large frigate, or a small cruiser for size. Whatever it started as, it has seen some extensive modifications done to it. A rough holo representation of it has a split prong front tapering back to a slenter waist, then large engines pod with large cammons mounted on the outsides of them. All in all, a rather mean looking ship.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

"I can do it on the datapad." Jax says as he works, "Though the Tai has better computers than the datapad." Jax says as he starts to extpolate data and building possible capital ship. He shows the data, and lets out a whistle. "We're looking at a custom job. I can't figure out if this started life as something else like the first Mon Cals were modified cruise liners or is it a custom job from the ground up."

Jax frowns, "It looks Sienar designed almost. If it is that would explain the Tie Racks. We looking at a lost protype? It's not Kaut or Moncal for sure." He looks at Maeti, "Mandlmotors? But it doesn't follow there design asetics. Sure ain't CEC or Incom standard. I'm betting Sienar or Custom."

[ Kael Greystorm (Kent)]

Kael Greystorm looks over the images and then shakes his head a bit, "We're going to need more information than what we've got." As he takes another drink of the mead and starts to sway a bit, "Also. This is really potent stuff. Think Kadi would be able to recognize the type? I'm thinking of any of the droids Lexxi might be the best one to ask. She's a master of capital ships and has been around longer than most of us without a memory wipe." He sets the mug down and starts to stand up, "Lets use the Tai and see what else we can get before we go visit that settlement."

[ Maeti (Maeti)]

Maeti having slipped off while the data was being processed is not there to offer her opinion as to what shipyard produced the beast. Instead she's at the docks arranging for one of her crew to lift off to portray the appearance that she's left the planet. She did however leave comms codes to reach her.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

"Think they'll let us take the beer with us?" Because this was clearly the important thing in all of this. "And I won't even tell Lexxi you called her old." Nerys could be serious though, and she was, even as she handed off the datachit to Jax for safekeeping. "if I was trying to build or use a stealth ship, I would probably go out of my way to make sure it couldn't be traced so easily. But we can do some more speculating when we get back to the ship." Once more, into the breech, dear friends!