Log:Tatooine: Hearts & Minds, Pt. 1

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A team of mercenaries, contracted by Borgol the Hutt move to protect a water shipment at Mos Eisley.

OOC Date: March 15, 2022
Location: Tatooine
Participants: Borgol the Hutt, as Self/GM, Amal Jha, Bizz Bliptettjupp, Dhr'rall, Hahtavi Kora, Nora Frayus, Snogrutt, Sumi Kora

[Borgol the Hutt]

The escort prepares itself. Whether that is in their own speeder, clinging to the sides of the speeder trucks, or outright straddling one of the water tanks. The Devaronian simply offers a couple-teeth-missing grin back toward Dhr'rall, but carries on with doing his duties as the passenger. Navigation and, if need be, security. He points to the viewscreen of the speeder and clearly says something to the driver, likely directing him to carry on now that the escort appears to have readied itself.

The speeder trucks begin to creep forward slowly. The trio of trucks don't rush ahead, racing to reach their destination. Their cargo is a precious commodity and the risk of an overturn would not only potentially cause the loss of an extremely expensive resource, but also potentially garner the ire of their employer. Therefore the three speeders begin to ease their way westward along the dusty streets of Mos Eisley. The drivers seem mindful of pedestrian and worker traffic while they steer their craft away from the Mos Eisley starport.

It doesn't take long for eyes to begin turning toward the three trucks. Some faces exhibit curiosity. Other faces display looks of consideration, desperation, or eagerness. No one moves though. As the speeders trundle their way down the avenue, while there are eyes and faces that turn to regard the three trucks and their precious cargo? No one seems inclined to move to impede them.


Snogrutt tightens his grip on his handhold, grinning at Dhr'rall, no signs of hangover here! The Gamorrean does look a little bored, heaving a sigh. "ihotura sas ofezaaghae, aafiehafas hoofooph tearh ofiraaphaa ytugaghugh ghevaethie ghidesoo." The Gamorrean seems to abhor walking long distances, which is why he's elected to ride along on this little job.

Snogrutt calls across to the Togorian, "ofiraaphaa seph duphi tupaetave aagonyr as as yhasu! fethijad miefewood iekosafy!" [Language: Gamorrean]

[Sumi Kora]

Still hanging on, Sumi remains quiet, returning the upnod to fellow guild member Dhr'rall. If she had comments about their Devaronian friend jinxing the convoy, she keeps them to herself. Mandalorians probably prayed for ambushes anyway, right?

<"Gonna need a smoke after this. I'm craving one.."> She grumbles to no one in particular.

[Nora Frayus]

Nora Frayus continues to move alongside the speeders as they proceed through town. Though, truthfully, to call them 'speeders' when they move at this pace is a bit of an irony. She's able to keep up beside them with a leisurely stroll. Her cold blue eyes do scan the crowd, however. It isn't with compassion or empathy that she regards them, but with a strange and detached sort of curiosity. She can see the desperation in their eyes, but truthfully she cannot entirely fathom it. Not when she's never wanted for anything in her life. Not -really-. Not meaningfully.

"It does seem like a worthwhile cause," she offers in agreement with Bizz. Perhaps she's trying to convince herself of that very fact, too. She gently waves away a pedestrian that has idly walked a touch too close to the procession, and they step away obligingly with the light reflecting off of her delicate earrings catching their attention.

"I suppose when resources are this scarce, it needs to be controlled in order to be equitable. Still," she murmurs. She doesn't finish this thought, either. Just turns her attention out to her surroundings.

[Amal Jha]

If this strange procession through the streets struck Amal not very unlike an idol being paraded through growing crowds of adherents, she thought better than speaking the thought aloud. Nor did she comment on the poor choice of moving the water over land. She kept her rapier at the ready, "How long before we arrive at the drop off location?" That, at least, was something relevant to add to the conversation.

[Hahtavi Kora]

Up above them, Hahtavi's cruising a slow circle with his aerospace fighter-speeder. The Corp. Sector X-17A Air Speeder with its sleek black paintjob roves up ahead to scout the path the water speeders are due to take. The Mandalorian in the cockpit uses his helmet's optics to aid his vision as the dimness of sunset lengthens the shadows and starts to make the cityscape darker.

Something catches his notice. The Kora zooms in his optics to study something and adjusts his flight path to take him out over an alley up ahead of the water haulers. Not too low. His baritone comes over the coms to the other speeders and Sumi's helmet.

<<"I see maybe six swoop bikes in an alley you are about to pass in route.">> In case they might be trouble, Haht passes on distance and which side of the street to warn the others to be alert.

Meanwhile, the airspeeder is brought slowly around for another loop to line up his guns should the swoops move out to engage. Just in case.

[Bizz Bliptettjupp]

Bizz awkwardly scrambles up on top of the round water tank on his hovertruck. He rides it like riding a fat ronto, taking the moment to tilt back his simple monk hat and drink something from his waterskin. "Oh this planet is so dry. I am sure the residents of Mos Eisley will appreciate this precious water." Bizz glances around. "Though I would far prefer a refreshing ruby bliel. Or perhaps a Tatween Sunburn."


Noone seen seem to want to start any problems. This appeals to Dhr'rall, making good credits the easy way. However, Dhr'rall knows better. So he keeps his eyes out on the various horizons. After a moments consideration, the Rifle is cradled along his right forearm in his strong hand. This lets his left reach up, and gently grab his faceplate to the armor and lock it into place. He patiently awaits the bootup sequence for the HUD. Cycling the display through the thermal scans, as well as e-bino settings. The filtration system picks up, and Dhr'rall no longer tastes Tatooine as much as he was.

Snogrutt enthusiatically squals and gruns at Dhr'rall, which is a good sign. But he doesn't understand a syllable of it. "Could someone tell Dhr'rall what Gammorean has for name?" He doesn't expect translation but someone here HAS to at least know Snogrutt's name. For Nora's benefit, Dhr'rall dryly adds. "Galaxy is compactor fire." Amal's question gets a nod of agreement, good information to have. If only to get out of this heat, and get the sand out of... places. Hahtavi's warning gets some interest. Dhr'rall shifts him aim in that particular direction, but keeps looking about. At least Bizz has the right idea. Drinks later.

[Borgol the Hutt]

The convoy moves through Mos Eisley for the better part of twenty minutes or so. The trip is agonizingly slow at that! The speeder trucks take their sweet time navigating the avenues of the city in order to prevent some great mishap with their cargo. The alley in question that Hahtavi has called out where the half dozen swoop bikes and their riders can be seen? Proves to be nothing of note. A few watchful set of eyes peers back from the alleyway at the passing column of speeders, but at no point does that group of swoopers even appear as though they may attempt to leave that alleyway.

Even as the convoy approaches the compound where the delivery will be made, nothing has transpired. It seems like it's going to be a day for easy credits! One of the drivers calls back to Amal Jha's question, "Right up ahead!" He calls this out with a gnarled finger pointed toward the compound.

As the first of the trucks slows to a halt near the compound gates, an armed and armored human steps away from the wall with a blaster rifle cradled within his arms as he lifts a hand to signal to the lead driver. When the truck finally comes to a halt the human approaches the driver's side of the lead speeder, gesturing toward a pair of hinged gates that begin to swing open, "You're to pull them in there. The droids are ready to help offload the cargo!" he calls out over the sound of repulsorlifts.


Snogrutt seems non-plussed that the Togorian is struggling to understand him. As the convoy arrives atr the compound, the Pig puts his game-face on. "fethijad, yvyka kosa neawa." he snuffles, wheezing as he steps off the running board of his truck, waddling past the 'other' guards and into the compound. The Gamorrean has his axe in both hands, just snuffling casually as he waddles into position to keep an eye on the cargo. [Language: Gamorrean]

[Sumi Kora]

As the truck comes to a halt, Sumi disembarks by releasing the side of the speeder and plopping down feet first into the sand. Her cape follows, fluttering down her back until its tattered lengths touch the backs of her boots. Sumi over hears the guard waving them in, but her intuition has her haunches up and she steps up beside the guard to look at their driver. <"The speeder isn't going anywhere until we've scoped that compound out. Stay put."> Sumi says, then turns to the guard to watch him a moment, the mirrored T-shape visor giving the gate guard his own reflection a moment. <"You.. come with me.">

It was not a question, and Sumi makes that indication clear when her gloved hand rests on the worn leather grip of an enforcer handcannon seated in a holster on her thigh. <"Walk ahead of me, achuuta.">

And inside the gates they go, heralded only by a communication sent to the rest of the group, <<"Seems hairy. I've halted the convoy to scope it out, Haht.. make sure those swoops don't move.">>

[Nora Frayus]

Even though the twenty minute journey to the compound without incident, it still feels agonizing. There's a palpable tension in Nora Frayus' body language that only disappears towards the back half of that journey. Her hand never really leaves her blade, however. Despite being her nondominant hand, those fingers still grasp at the grip and gently tip it back and forth as she moves. When they reach their destination, Nora steps towards the rear of the convoy when it's halted. She peeks towards the front to see Sumi and the guard move up to scope out the compound ahead. She exhales softly and steps back towards the rear. Her cold blue eyes remain pointed out towards where they'd just arrived from. All quiet. All clear. Perhaps it really will be this easy.

[Amal Jha]

Amal, waiting until Sumi had gotten her feet, stepped away from the middle truck, moving up to take up position ear the front, looking over at the two who were inside the truck, the driver and the gun-toting devaronian. "How many total inside waiting for the offload?" Again, another reasonable question, as she settled in to wait for the all clear from the Mandalorian and her possibly reluctant assistant.

[Hahtavi Kora]

It's just as well that the swoop bikes stay put and aren't placed for an ambush. Hahtavi none-the-less marks them for his HUD to track in case they should show up behind the convoy after passing, and as they come to their final destination. Just in case. Mando's are all about that 'just in case'.

To Sumi, Hahtavi replies <<"Hahtavi copies, Alor.">>

As before, the airspeeder is brought around in a slow circle over top of the buildings. The airborne Kora looks carefully, continuing to keep an eye out as the water haulers come to the gates of their LZ. Haht nearly misses movement below.

<<"On one of the rooftops across the avenue from the gate are a group of camouflaged individuals. They appear to be armed and preparing to fire down upon you from behind. Maybe half a dozen, over.">>

The airspeeder is gunned and suddenly starts to slew around to line up a shot. Hahtavi's a combat pilot and while this isn't his Kimogila, he still knows how to fly and shoot at the same time. Even in the fading light a shadow passes overhead as the Corp. Sector X-17A Air Speeder swoops low overhead and starts opening fire with duel blaster cannons! The red bolts light up the roof opposite the gate, behind the convoy.

That might ruin the surprise ambush a touch. Haht doesn't get a chance to see what wreckage he does - not until he can swing back around and get a look.

[Bizz Bliptettjupp]

Brother Bizz goes to stand up on his water tank at the first truck, using his walking stick as an aide. "Well the fellow seems trustworthy enough. Though I do not trust droids." He squints, attempting to see inside the darkened place where they are being directed from his tall perch.


There's motion that catches the Togorian's eyes and even as Hahtaavi speaks of rooftop raiders Dhr'rall starts his own transmission on the shared mission freq. <<"Windows hold armed surprises also.">> Dhr'rall shifts on his tank seat, raising the rifle to firmly seat the butt into his shoulder. Eyes track a moment, flitting from potential target to target. His RoE is very simple right now. Strike first and hard. Dhr'rall's claw twitches on the firing stud and there's a figure staggering from the blaster bolt. <<"That one regrets life.">>

[Borgol the Hutt]

There's blaster fire and then there's blaster fire. Hahtavi's airspeeder opens up on the rooftop across the avenue from the compound's gate. There's a few shouts of alarm and terror that can be heard from the rooftop opposite the gated compound. The rooftop is chewed up, but so are a number of bodies that lay burning. Dhr'rall calls out the presence of individuals in the same building across the avenue from the gated compound; behind the facing of the three speeder trucks. His shot into one of the windows results in a sharp yelp and hiss of pain.

Meanwhile the one that had joined Sumi for a stroll toward the gates abruptly lifts the barrel of his own blaster rifle and attempts to put a blast into her as the sound of blaster rifle - from above and ground level both - erupts. Those on the rooftops fire at the airspeeder circling overhead. Those near the windows of the second story begin to open fire. The compound doors continue to swing open and reveal another half dozen ambushers hustling to advance on the gate and the three speeder trucks, as well as a Nikto bringing up the rear of that group of six in the compound.


It seems like a whole lot kicks off between when the Gamorrean gets off the truck and when the whole world seems to explode! Suddenly there are flying ships and blaster bolts zipping all over the place, "atyfoo aghiese ghevaethie fajyte oon ofezaaghae?!" he roars, seeming none too pleased when a blaster shot nearly hits him in the head! "sat! doo hageav!" The Gamorrean turns to see one Guard, not one of their Guards, another guard! He swings! "yn!"

The Gamorrean is caught out of position and unprepared, swinging wide of his target with that giant axe of his. Course, he doesn't really have to do much more than make contact and that ax is likely to cleave someone in two. [Language: Gamorrean]

[Sumi Kora]

Sumi put the gate guard in front of her for a reason. He would have to turn around to fire on her, and it's that reason he died before he could accurately shoot. He turned about, lifting his weapon to fire, but found that Sumi brought up the barrel of the enforcer with practiced precision, her thumb locking back the single-action hammer with a 'clik--CLIK'. A subtle tilt of her helmeted head, and Sumi pulled the trigger, revealing the contents of his head by spreading them across the sand.

The gate guard's body hasn't hit the ground before Sumi's already locked the hammer back again and has taken aim at an ambusher from across the courtyard. The handcannon barks with another discharge that echoes out over the street, distinctively a slugthrower by the loud WHIP-CRACK of kinetic rounds that carried on after bursting through the back of an ambusher's head.

Sumi holds her ground, standing out in the open and locking the hammer back for a third shot; this time, she misses the lady who dives for cover, the result a pocked up cloud of dust and dirt where the .48 slug hit. <"Ha! Good reflexes, kid!"> She locks the hammer back and stalks after the one she missed, intent on murdering the female. Her gait is as casual as one might use to carry out the trash, paying no mind to the bolts crisscrossing around them.

[Nora Frayus]

Right. Rear guard. The coast certainly looks clear from back here, which means that maybe this delivery is going to go off without a hitch!

Oh, but then Hahtavi is shooting. And then other people are shooting. Nora blinks for a moment and without even thinking twice, her parrying dagger is drawn from her thigh. The flat of the dagger is gripped near her thumb, with the blade itself extending out to the far side of her wrist. She takes three steps, and that's all she needs.

It's obvious, after all, what's happening. An ambush.

"By the mother, could you be any more -obvious- about it?" Nora murmurs. She flips the dagger around in her palm and thrusts it forward into a nearby ambusher's belly. The guard winces and yells in pain, doubling over. The blade is guided out and then back up, through the bottom of the chin, piercing tongue and boring past the soft palate and into the brain. She pulls it out, shoves the body away, and takes a few steps forward to another ambusher. A small smile touches her face and she flips that dagger back and forward. Back and forward. Takes a swing that they're able to sidestep, and laughs again.

"Mmmm! Always best to mind your footwork! Excellent job," Nora says, and straightens her posture, one foot in front of the other. She holds that dagger out towards the ambusher, as if offering her hand for a dance.

"Now step with me, yes? One, two..."

[Amal Jha]

As the ambush was brought to bear, and the hired guards for the convoy sprang to life, Amal reached out her free hand, banging the door of the truck she was standing beside, "You have a blaster. Start shooting. Not at us." I mean, had Amal or anyone in this group actually vetted the ones leading the convoy? Ah well, too much to do right now to ask too many questions. As Sumi drew her weapon and took down the gate guard, and various and sundry went about the business of shooting the people in windows and on the roof, Amal took off at a run, dancing her wat through the combatants who moved to engage in hand to hand range, as she charged towards the Nikto. Thugs always lead from the back, and Amal carved into him, the combined damage of blade and plasma dropping the nikto, who got a stomp on his neck solid enough to snap vertebrae for good measure.

[Hahtavi Kora]

OpSec is a thing and maybe Hahtavi shouldn't have used Sumi's rank - but if their coms are compromised, few here will know Mando'a so probably not an issue. Even so, the pilot silently berates himself as he brings the speeder around for another pass at the roof top ambushers.

If they have anything to shoot him down with, this could be fun. Buildings eveywhere.

Civies are probably making mad dashes to get away from the area - if they are smart.

Blaster bolts light up the night, leaping this way and that in various colors, slug throwers making brief discharges. If there are shields on this thing, Hahtavi has them up and active - even if they are pathetic compared to his real fighter craft. A slow deep breath and he flips this little birdie around and dives right into their small arms fire, trusting to the 8mm armor of the speeder should the shields fail.

The Kora lines up another shot and starts firing away with another barage at the rooftop!

Alas only one on the roof goes down that time. They got smarter and spread out.

[Bizz Bliptettjupp]

Brother Bizz is surprised as blaster bolts start flying. "Hey! This water is for the innocent people!" He hops with some amount of dexterity off the lead truck's water tank and wields his unetiwood walking stick. He charges the group of compound ambushers, whacking them with his stick and beating a few senseless. His straw hat goes flying off in the fracas.


Blaster fire, slashing and stabbery. Normal Taungsday Night for Dhr'rall the Togorian, especially on Tatooine. Then the fire is coming in at the security crew and Dhr'rall roars out, feeling the singe from the blaster bolt that just burrowed past armor into his left arm. He snap shots at the window ambushers, giving a new one their own matching burn in the process.

[Borgol the Hutt]

"Oh, right!" comes the Devaronian's shout back at Amal. To this point he had simply broken, his blaster carbine held at the ready but not firing. He fires a few times but the bolts don't really impact anywhere that could cause concern for the ambushers. Judging by his grip on the weapon and the fact that he periodically turns his head and squints his eyes while firing? It's incompetence at work.

Meanwhile there's a lot of dying happening in Mos Eisley this evening. The ambushers had become the ambushed and their dwindling numbers only serves to reinforce that tale.

The sheer ferocity of the escort's engagement is enough that those in the second floor windows begin to withdraw, clearly looking to make a break for it through the various dwellings nad alleyways available to them. Their hope being that they will be able to disappear into the city and escape with their lives.

The pair within the compound itself continue to press forward. Likely as a result of not realizing that they have effectively been abandoned. They continue to fire at the speeder truck's defenders; some of those shots even strike the speeders themselves, but the energy weapons fail to do any substantial damage to the trucks or tanks.


Snogrutt is locked in melee combat with one of the Compound Ambushers. The two exchange blows with their respective weapons, Snogrutt's heavier axe being easier for the Guard to parry with his pike, getting in a few good jabs at the Gamorrean, who roars his disapproval. "ies sigh raekaa! ghevaethie! tireselaa!" Of course he blames his tools, swinging again, snarling as the Nikto tries for another swing and hits him in the shoulder!

Snogrutt's reprisal is equally wide, the big galoot chopping at the air, hitting nothing but net. [Language: Gamorrean]

[Sumi Kora]

Sumi tracks her intended target as the lady crawls along the stacked crates to avoid the Mandalorian. She makes it to the end to peek out but doesn't see Sumi there. That's when Sumi steps out behind her, and the ambusher turned to look at Sumi just as Sumi up-nodded and fired her handcannon again. It would be a closed casket for her.

Sumi turns in place then, locking the hammer back and firing into a runner, catching them in the neck just as they crossed her sights. He falls over, wheezing and bleeding everywhere and Sumi kicks his weapon free of his hand before stepping over him, <"Idiot.">

Just as she locked the hammer back, another ambusher made themselves known, and Sumi puts a round in their gut, the .48 blasting out their back in a cloud pulverized blood-mist. <"Bah, sloppy shooting on my part!">

[Nora Frayus]

The ambusher takes two steps towards Nora, and Nora takes two steps to her right. When she moves, it's to some sort of unheard beat. A rhythhm. There's a step, two three. Step, two three. She laughs a little at his shakiness, watching him approach as she twists that knife back and then forward. When he shoots, she twirls. A pretty little pirouette to her right that looks -almost- unnaturally fast. Not the motion, per say, but how quickly she'd reacted to it. As if she somehow knew where he was going to shoot before he did. The pirouette doesn't close her in. Not too much. But the three steps inward do, and soon enough she's close enough to swing.

The first swing is down and across, with the blade pointed opposite her thumb. It sings through the air inches form him and, at the bottom of that swing, she flips it in her palm once more. She steps into him now, and draws it back across his body in the same line she'd just cut. The same distance away. It's as if she's playing with him. She laughs -- a cackle now -- biting her bottom lip briefly as she watches him take a step back and away from her.

"Again! Practice through repetition! You'll never get better if you simply -gawk- at me all da--"


Sumi's first shot rips through her dance partner's back and his eyes bulge. Nora turns to look over her shoulder as he falls to his knees in front of her. She takes two steps, reaches for the back of the man's head to tip it back, and sinks her knife into his throat. A strong gush of blood from his carotid artery is enough to drop his blood pressure. He loses consciousness instantly, and dies a few moments later.

[Amal Jha]

Amal, seeing the grounders getting cut down, frowned, as the contacts began disappearing back into the windows. She took off at a run, the boots which she wore over her bodyglove giving her a bit of lift as shetook a running jump, ending up on the hood of the first water truck, before she spun, using the overhang of one of the buildings to catch her foot as she leap frogged on up to the roof. She did not quite manage the angle she wanted, though, but it was close enough that she did manage to open up the back of one of the gunners before trying to strike out at the second, but the whip did not quite reach. "Who has eyes on the windows?"

[Hahtavi Kora]

As he comes back around with the airspeeder, Hahtavi starts to line up another shot to hit the rooftop just as he seems Amal get up there. Another man would take the shot but Amal's been one of his many instructors. So the Kora pilot veers the aircraft off and begins a new circle.

<<"I'm watching in case I can spot them - but I no longer see firing from the windows, over.">>

Eyes in the sky circles like a carion bird looking for a feast in the night.

[Borgol the Hutt]

The number of ambushers is dwindling quickly. Two remain when Amal Jha leap frogs up the side of the structure to the rooftop. Her whip opens the back of one and fails to strike the other. Their response is blaster fire back at her. One of them is injured and panicked, which results in his aim being fairly poor. The other's aim is less inaccurate.


Well, with all the action more or less moved on, and all the Compound thugs more or less taken out. Snogrutt stoops to quickly ruffle through some pockets, just inspecting for any easy snacks, cash or information. He finds some survival bars on one of the bodies, and a pamplhet for an eatering. "ghevaethie... mema.. disazooko..." he murmurs, raising an eyebrow, "easitem uhefevus pien." he tucks the Pamphlet into his armor. There's still shooting going on, but Snogrutt doesn't seem terribly interested as he makes his way towards the water trucks, making sure things are alright with them and they haven't sprung a leak. [Language: Gamorrean]

[Sumi Kora]

Sumi takes a moment to appreciate the brutality of Nora's kill, conferring the young noble a subtle nod of approval. She glances up, then turns to look behind her to see that there is still fighting up on the rooftops. Her jetpack comes to life then, roaring with a breath of fire and propulsion.

The Mandalorian arrives to support Amal, fanning the two remaining shots from her revolver and clipping one of the two combatants. He stumbles, and Sumi closes in, smashing the heel of her boot against his leg before landing in a crouch and watching him tumble.

Rising up, Sumi empties the cylinder chamber of her revolver, spilling casings around the rooftop at her feet before pushing new rounds in. She steps closer to the man, 'ching-chang' noises announcing each step. When she makes it close, the chamber spools in place from her hand spinning it, and she flicks the weapon to the side to lock the cylinder back inside the revolver. <"Warm or cold, kid?">

But he wouldn't get to answer that. Just as Sumi locked back the hammer of her revolver: 'clik-CLIK'-- he was pulled from his position against his will.

<"..Saves me the ammo..">

[Nora Frayus]

Nora Frayus tips her head gently to the side as the fighting seems to wind to a close up above. She lets a soft little 'hmmmmh' out of her lips and looks down towards her dagger. Crimson drips from the ornate, pretty, reflective steel and onto the sands beneath her. She slowly guides the flat of it up the inside of her right thigh, leaving one smear of red across her pale and freckled skin and then a second. Clean enough. She tucks it into that thigh holster and turns her attention up towards the roof to watch Amal, Sumi, and Hahtavi mop up those that remain. For whatever reason, Nora's icy cold gaze turns to one of the rooftop attackers. It's nobody's fault, really. Not his. Not Sumi's. Not even Nora's, really. It's the motion that draws her eyes towards him. The motion, and the sound of something crawling through the back of her skull like strings. An unsettling sound, and an oppressive one. But for just... one moment... Nora feels as if she's the one drawing the bows across the strings.

It doesn't look like much, really. He stumbles, Sumi points her revolver. That hammer is cocked back and -something- happens. The motion is unnatural, but the result is just gravity. He slips. Or is pulled. It happens so fast, it's likely hard to say. Either way, he falls off that roof and collapses into a heap below, wrapping himself around a railing before sliding off and onto the first floor.

Lady Nora's eyes track him the entire way down. Lidded and calm. She exhales.

"Well then. A job well done, hmmmh?" she says, turning to look to Snogrutt with a warm little smile.

[Amal Jha]

In order to engage someone at melee range, one needed to get in the face of the enemy. This was to the good. One could not hit what one could not reach. In order to engage someone at melee range, one needed to get in the face of the enemy. This was to the bad. Because anything that could be hit, could hit you back, at a distance sometimes outside of your range. And so, as Amal began the process of cutting into one of the gunners, the other opened fire on her, the woman's movements sending the blaster into her right leg, causing her to half stumble before she forced the pain into that place in the back of her head where such sensations lived. It settled in, like an old friend who spent much time there. When Sumi rocketed up to take down the one who had shot her, Amal narrowed her eyes. She had been born to combat, such were the daughters of Eshan, and she understood pacification when she saw it. But then Sumi's target was tugged away by forces unseen, stumbling off of the roof to his death. So...plans changed. And this time, when the rapier flexed back out into the form of a whip, it wound, not around his neck (Amal's signature move) but around the gun, tearing it away from him. "He's yours, Sumi Kora." Sumi was the true bounty hunter. Amal was really only there on sufferance. And Borgol would want answers.

[Borgol the Hutt]

The ambushers either lay dead or dying. Those who had been on the second floor had smartly withdrawn from the fighting and left their compatriots to die.

On the rooftop one of the two gunmen is shot by a bounty hunter, then kicked in the face, and THEN yanked from the rooftop to the packed sand at ground level. That sand doesn't break their fall. In fact it just breaks the gunman.

Meanwhile Amal's skill with her whip is quite impressive. So impressive that the look of shock and awe on the gunman's face is quite evident as her whip wraps the barrel of his blaster rifle and then promptly removes it from his possession. That one at least seems to have a bit of good sense and doesn't go at a Mandalorian or skilled Echani fighter with his bare hands. Instead he lifts those hands high, practically working to wave them in the air like he just does not have a care.

Inside the compound, Snogrutt's continued investigation into the pockets, personal possessions, and eventually begins to wander into the storage facility that makes up the compound's main building. It is in there that the Gamorrean guard locates a dozen or so workers of the facility, all bound and huddled together in a storage shed. Likely taken prisoner by the ambushers that the escort had only just dealt with.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

The airspeeder finally lands in the street. Hahtavi pops the canopy and hops out, closing it up and locking it before he strolls to join the others in final mop up, searching, and various nocturnal bounty hunter activities most suitable to the Mos Eisley night.

[ Snogrutt (Snog)]

Snogrutt just is exploring, as he is want to do. The civilian workers are let out, the Gamorrean paying them no mind really, "kosa ha oomapijyf gafoonu wefufea thaa ghiethivoow em aapophet oomapijyf sighoo yvyka?" he puzzles, shaking his head. He holds the door politely as they shuffle out, speaking their thanks to the Hutt for their salvation, and water! Snogrutt emerges after the group, the burly Warrior looking around, frowning, "ghiethivoow, easitem kelaelasoo ghiethivoow ofiraaphaa etaetutov as." His score still remains at 0 and 2. [Language: Gamorrean]