Log:That Fish Has Swam The Pond

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That Fish Has Swam the Pond

OOC Date: January 10, 2016
Location: Jakku
Participants: Rax Vaelus, Rey

Jakku is a desolate place. Remains of one of the last large battles between the Rebellion and the Empire lay scattered across the planet as a reminder that people only really came here for a strategic advantage. The villages are mostly primitive. The people who live here have a hard life. Perhaps that is best seen in the Roadhouse. It's dirty and dusty, but it's where people come to either use some of their small amount of credit for something special - relatively speaking - or perhaps gossip.

Of course, there's not much to gossip about on the planet. However, it's not unknown that offworlders may come in to try and either hire a scavenger, find a relic from the old battle, or even seek information. There is, after all, the rumor that Jakku holds a handful of Sacred Villages whose people follow the Church of the Force. Every once in awhile, those curious about the infamous and mythical Jedi may find themselves in Niima attempting to find their way.

The Roadhouse smells sour as the sun starts to set and the evening brings on a bit of cool to the punishing heat the sun brings. Rey sits at a table in a corner. Her back is to the wall, to make sure no one can sneak up on her. Her trusty staff leans against it as well, within easy grabbing distance. A small plate of some unidentifiable food sits in front of her, as does a glass of cool water. This is apparently a treat for her, as she's savoring every bite and sip.

The pirate and bounty hunter, Rax Vaelus, had come here for a variety of reasons, none of which were working out for him. He had come to ask about ship parts for rare and unusual ships, for information about ancient, lost worlds, and to find a little peace and isolation. But the conversations nearly always turn the same way: 'Hey, I found some neat junk, wanna buy it?' or 'I'm a really hard worker, I'll work for passage elsewhere' or 'I'll do anything for credits.' Nothing useful. Anywhere.

The large human is lounging at the bar now, looking annoyed. He's wearing a black, lacquered scabbard on his back, gently curved with brass hardware, and an old blaster pistol on his hip. His coat, gloves, and even his boots and vest have been left on the ship. Jakku is not a cool place. His inquiries are done for now, and his bright cerulean stare is cold and distant as he contemplates his next move.

There are not often many strangers on Jakku, so Rey finds her stare drawn to the large pirate and bounty hunter time and time again. Another bite of food finishes down her plate. Her dusty cloth helmet is placed on the table next to her as the sun starts to set and she feels as if she no longer needs it to protect her head. A hand wraps around the glass as she leans back a bit and watches Rax.

Most people wouldn't attempt to approach the intimidating man, but a pair of older, skinny scavengers nervously approach him. "Sir, I heard you were looking for scavengers, sir. We're the best. The best of the best. We'll get you anything you want. Promise. Just get us to another planet." Rey watches this exchange curiously, drinking a bit more of her water.

The eyes of lightning narrow, without turning aside. Still staring at the wall, Rax does not immediately reply, allowing the silence of dread to stretch before commenting, "You heard wrong." His tone is conversational. Casual. Normal. But the lack of amusement in his eyes, the way his face doesn't change... He slowly looks sidelong at the two scavvers, letting his gaze settle upon them. "I am looking for equipment. Rare, specialized equipment. ...That no one here has ever heard of." He looks at his hand, turning the curled fingers this way and that, "I also need the engines of a TIE Interceptor. The entire engine assembly. I have been told that none remain." He looks over the two and looks away. "So you have nothing that I want."

The old skinny scavengers look at each other and then back at Rax. They seem nervous, but unwilling to let someone who obviously could pay well slip away from them. "TIE Interceptor engines. We can, sir, oh I'm sure we can find them. TIE fighters far off in the desert. We can show you were they are. Even take something big to haul it back."

Hearing that, Rey takes the last sip of her cool water before it turns warm and grabs her staff. Standing, it's hard to hear her approach on the sands that make up the floor. "You heard him, be on your way," she tells them, setting her staff down a bit in front of her. It's hard to imagine the small girl to be intimidating, but there's steel in her voice and a tone that begs no arguing. The other pair seem to recognize her at least and leave quickly, backing out of the Roadhouse and disappearing.

As they move off, she follows them, not looking over to Rax just yet. "There were TIE Fighters there at one time, but they're long gone. They'd have tried to lead you to the sinking sands. Get you to fall into a sand trap and steal the ship you left behind," she tells him, whether he cares or not. "They've tried it before. Consider it a clean theft, as the sands leave no trace." Finally, she looks over at him and then starts to move back to her table, not expecting thanks or anything else.

"I know." Rax still looks contemplative, and he still regards the wall. But his tone has changed. "It was all over them them." His eyes suddenly shift aside toward her, and his stony expression cracks as he flashes her a smirk. "That was needlessly brave." Lowering his foot down from the stool he was using, and untangling himself from his languishing posture against the bar, he swivels around to face the young girl, laying an elbow against the bar next to him and crossing his legs like an executive regarding a beancounter.

"And who are you, that hardened killers flee from you?" He smiles, in a warm, yet measuring way, his eyes slightly narrowed as that electric gaze remains locked.

"Brave? No," Rey scoffs at that idea. Her own table is not incredibly far from hers and she drops back onto her seat without much ceremony. "I'm from here. You're not. It's different. They know I'd never fall for something like that and they don't have the stomach for anything more violent." Her eyes move from his to the exit from which the pair of scavengers already fled.

At the question, she shrugs. "They're not hardened. Exactly the opposite. They're desperate to leave and are willing to hurt others to do so. I can't help them with that." The attempt to get her name is met with a quick of her lips. "I'm just Rey. And, unfortunately, I don't believe I could help you with anything you're looking for. I overheard what you told them. There's not much of anything like that on Jakku any more. Some still hold out hope, but it's unlikely."

Rax Vaelus shrugs slowly, "It takes a certain kind of person to stand up for others. You could have easily sat there and..." He chuckles, "...let me wander off to my death. Or their deaths, which is more likely." He smiles mysteriously, his eyes searching, "...But you didn't. And, more importantly, you didn't ask for anything in return. Even now, you've requested nothing of me." He leans forward a bit on the stool--just an inch or so. But his eyes are slightly wider, burning like turbolasers. "...Why?"

"Perhaps," Rey replies to being the certain kind of person to stand up for others. She sizes Rax up as he smiles and says he'd be more likely to kill them. She doesn't argue that point and something in the way she now watches him might show that she certainly believes the claim. When he leans forward on the stool, her hands flinch a bit on the table, as if itching to grab her staff.

However, she doesn't. Instead, she looks straight back at him. Her reply is simple and truthful. "If I'd have sat by while knowing what they meant to do, I'd be just as guilty for your or their deaths. And I don't think a life comes with a price." Despite the fact that just about everyone on Jakku is for sale - it's how they all survive for the most part. Then, she gives him a bit of a smile. "And I'm not sure you have anything that would be all that useful here."

When she doesn't cringe back, his grin widens, "Even now...you would go for your weapon." He glances at it briefly, for emphasis, "...Rather than running away." The grin loses its intensity, and he settles back, smiling. "Honestly, you're the only person I've met since I landed who hasn't asked for something. That's intriguing all on its own." He glances aside, as if briefly searching for the memories. "...I think you remind me of myself, when I was your age. Just..." His eyes slide back over, but his head doesn't turn. He smiles ruefully. "...nicer about it."

He shrugs, "If you know where I can find the engine baffling from an Epsilon or Lambda-class shuttle, that might be worth some credits to me. Or the cooling cells off a C-138-class hyperdrive."

"I only run when I need to." Rey didn't survive for most of her life here by being rolling over to everything that scared her. However, she also survived by knowing when to run. When he settles back, Rey's shoulder's roll back just slightly, losing their tenseness. The staff is still within easy grasp should she need it. "Yes, it happens when ever anyone arrives that looks like they're not from around here." With a shrug of her shoulders, she tells him, "I prefer to not have to rely on anyone."

At being told she reminds him of himself at a younger age, she gives a half smirk. "You were a scavenger on a desert planet when you were younger?" It's not so much a tease as she's not sure how to answer an observation like that. No one has told her she anything like that. "I'd try with Unkar Plutt first. He tends to hoard things in the back. If not, Silman in the market might have them. They tend to steal from each other."

His smirk is lopsided and rueful. "No, I was a scavenger on an urban world after escaping from Imperial prison...around your age." He grins, turning his head, "Not so different, really... You can't eat sand any sooner than you can eat pavement, plastic, and steel." The grin fades away, and he shrugs, "Unkar Plutt has stuff in the back, does he?" He glances sidelong, off toward where the junklord's stand would be if walls and buildings weren't in the way. "I may need to call on him again..."

His eyes suddenly snap back to her, "Wait... You are a scavenger?" He sits forward--without the predatory look this time. "Have you been inside the Star Destroyer?"

Hearing that he was also a scavenger, Rey's smile turns more understanding. Living poor and day to day is an understand that is immediate. "Ah, yes. I've heard it's just as difficult on other planets." She's never seen them for herself. "And eating plastic is just as unappetizing as sand." The tip about Unkar is met with a solemn nod. "However, you did not hear that from me." Many others know about it - it's a well kept secret. "I still need to sell him my wares."

The predatory look does not make her any easier than the wolfish smile. The hands on the table remain there and she, again, looks back on him. "Yes, I am." The Star Destroyer that acts a backdrop to town is hard to miss and draws quite a lot of attention. "And I have. However, it's been practically picked apart."

Rax Vaelus grimaces, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised..." He glances at the fading light outside. The sun's either still setting, or has long since finished, and he raises an eyebrow at her. "...If you've got wares laying around, you might not want to wait." He shrugs, "...But I know nothing of your customs." He rises, looking down at the scavenger girl, "Remember: Cooling cells for a C-138 hyperdrive, or something compatible. Thermal baffles from an Epsilon or Lambda-class shuttle. I'll pay you handsomely for either, the next time I'm out this far along the spiral arm."

He grins, showing teeth as his brow furrows a bit, "Or an actual TIE Interceptor engine. But it seems that fish has already swam the pond." He grins for a second longer before realizing that the analogy he just made probably makes no sense. "Like a womp rat that's fled the canyon." Nope, Tatooine." He furrows his brow for real this time, glancing off to the side. "Whatever, like a thing that's not here anymore."

Rey's been through that Star Destroyer enough times that she practically knows it by heart. At his warning, she looks outside at the quickly impeding dark and nods. "I've already traded mine in," she informs him. "And I can take care of them should I need to." The way she held her staff showed an easy competency with it. She's used it before to protect herself and she will do so again. "I'll remember," she tells him solemnly, with a nod of her head. The idea of being paid handsomely is something to help retain information.

At the analogy, she gives him a smirk. "I know what a fish is. And a pond. I may not have been to other worlds, but I have heard of them." The womb rat, however, does actually go over her head. It's a bit too specific. "But, as you said, I believe the Bloggin has left the nest on TIE Interceptor engines."

Rax Vaelus grins, "Alas." Tossing a few credits to the bartender, he nods toward Rey. "One for the girl." Walking by, he gives her a slow nod, "Take care of yourself, Rey. Reckless bravery is in short supply in the galaxy... ...for very good reason." And then he's walking away, sword on his back and blaster at his side. As someone shuffles up to him, looking bright-eyed and eager, Rax points a sharp finger at them without looking their way, "/No/." He may as well have shot the scavver woman from the look on her face as he walks through the flap covering the Roadhouse's entrance.