Log:The Darkest Day

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A twist of fate and change for the future.

OOC Date: January 15, 2023
Location: Hanna City, Chandrila
Participants: Bors Thul, Ulani Thul, Jessika Pava NPC, Tallissan Lintra NPC, Zacara Saronno, Rieve Selki, Chewbacca NPC, Nerys Greystorm, Lando Calrissian NPC, BX-B8, Kael Greystorm, Karas Darkwing, Bizz Bliptettjupp, Rose Tico NPC Poe Dameron

On this day, the skies were dark with storms of a fast approaching spring. The air has warmed with humidity, the winds have picked up to usher the dark clouds from the silver coast to linger above Hanna city. Life went on as it usually did until the dark shadow of a star destroyer was cast over the city itself. It was not an invasion, at least that's what the New Republic officials said. Empress Kessa, the Dark Lord of the Sith Empire and purported majority leader behind the Empire's recent rise in the Core, was coming to visit Lando; no, she was arriving to visit her FATHER.

The event was to usher in a new found peace between diehard enemies. Much of the ultimatums levied against the New Republic to harbor more of a distance from the estranged and notorious Resistance and Jedi Order had been all but demanded by the Sith. To achieve a new level of peace between entities, this was the alleged 'way' forward.

Now, on every televised screen, monitor, and holo available, the meeting between estranged Father and Daughter took place. They met at the heart of the Chandrila Senate building, in the capital and center of the Republic's strength. Lando looked as charming as he always did, sporting a blue and yellow cape, a light blue tunic with tall shined boots. His greying hair was tame, and a fresh mustache decorated his lip, achieving a certain status of poise and charisma from that alone.

The man certainly looked the part of an old, retired Republic hero and General.

Opposite of Lando, his daughter, of equal height and stature with just as much charisma as he commanded, yet married with a natural beauty of exotic hair fashioned with silver clasps that glittered with dark jewels. Her eyes were shadowed, matching the same tone of her lips, and she had an alluring smile with a hint of perfect teeth beneath as she strode forward, simply gushing to finally meet her father on equal ground. Two of the same blood, of the same pedigree, meeting at a galactic stage of power and as equals.

People on the street gathered beneath the canvas awnings of stores where the projected holos televised the meeting of fates. Many people commented about the shadow of the star destroyer above, and how lightning flashed giving it an ominous presence. While others commented on finally achieving peace without the need to worry about the Jedi holding religious grudges against the Sith. Only time would tell how this would transpire.

Outside, where New Republic Military where guards needed to be posted, to keep the crowds from milling in, pushing too close. Dressed in his old commando armor from his days as part of NRSF, before leaving to champion Aldera Squadron, Bors of The Ancient and Noble House of Thul stood.

Visored helm on, glowing T shaped visor blocking his features and its AR HUD feeding him data, including a broadcast of the Chancellor's meeting in one upper corner of his view,

<<"Lead, Squad - be on alert. Methinks this was a bad move, done in good faith.">> brows knit and the monocle worn within, before his right eye, adds to his feeds. Faces in the crowds being bracketed and being run against Republic databases. <<"I've reservations.">>

Ulani is one of those many, many people who cannot help but look up at the star destroyer looming in the sky. When she had fled her family and the First Order, Chandrila was the haven she sought. This place had been the heart of democracy. The place where she find her new beginnings. A circle of friends and soldiers in arms. A husband. A family. Everything came from Chandrila.

Now all she can feel is a cold, heavy pit in her stomach. She stands next to Bors listening to his orders over the communications, a frown pulling at her pink lips beneather her own blastshield. "Has it come to this? Truly?" To no one in particular. Perhaps to the gods.

Stepping off the shuttle with the other members of her squadron, BB-22 rolling beside her, Zacara Saronno is the image of nonchalance. She's armored, which is unusual for her, as was suggested by her Squad Leader, but not nearly so heavily as he. Her Specialist armor is colored in the azure and silver tones of Aldera Squadron with a slugthrower longrifle slung over her back with a strap that runs diagonally across her body. "C'mon, Gadg', let's catch up." She and her droid rush forward to catch up with the other two, nodding her confirmation to Bors' advisement.

"Hey, it's Chandrila. Anything happens here, it'd be like suicide. We'll be fine," she says, offering a trademarked smuggler's smirk to suit. She obviously doesn't see this quite as seriously as the others - perhaps naive, or over confident. Certainly not spiced. That would come later.

She'd left the helmet to her suit back in the shuttle, her red skin and pink hairbuns clear for all to see. Green where the white usually is in other people's eyes suggest that this could be an Alder-Espirion and not a Zeltron as so many others assume. "Anyway, I'm with you two," she offers, taking up a stroll behind Bors and Ulani. Beside her, Gadget issues a positive series of binary tones which -could- be a confirmation of some kind, though its owner had never taken the time to actually learn to understand it.

Rieve had only recently arrived and was making his way through the throngs of people to meet with a native of Chandrila, though the projected meeting upon those screens certainly gave the blue-haired Hapan reason to pause and eye the spectacle being broadcast. Clad in rich blue robes of varying layers, Rieve was certainly colour coordinated in differing hues of blue, and a distinctly blue vibrosword slung at his hip, and a slightly darker blue pack slung against his right shoulder. The sword itself was partially concealed by the folds of his robes, and they billowed gently as he came to a slow halt and smiled up at the vision of Lando and his daughter. It was a good to see, they were good to see. It made the sight of that Star Destroyer a little easier to bear. Resting his hand against the grip of the blade, Rieve tilted his head elegantly and stood somewhat poised, graceful amidst the press of people. Perhaps peace could be achieved? Rieve almost seemed hopeful at such a prospect, it had seemed unlikely for so long. Moving out of the way of some, Rieve paused again to continue watching the feed.

Nerys was, to be honest, not paying much mind to the gathering crowds, or the darkness looking, from ship or sky. Except that it made moving from the further reaches of the industrial area back down, closer to the place she called as much home as one might consider the Greystorm to have home, nearly impossible. It had not quite come to having the droid riding on her giving people a nudge with his foot to get them to move, but it was a close thing. But then, this casual walk and wander through life, always mindful, but never minded was Nerys' mode of being. She did glance up, on occasion, to the screens that had been set up for that purpose, but that was just a necessity. The crowds went as the action went and the meeting seemed about to begin.

Bait, a hodgepodge of old battle droids left over from the Clone wars, strolled the streets. Slung on his back, a blaster carbine. He wanders through the crowds, photoreceptors looking out for signs of trouble, because enevitably when two factions who have been at war for so long get together, trouble follows.

Kael had come out to stretch his legs scratching the back of his neck as he maneuvers through the crowds since he's not part of any of the Republic's Military he's just here to see what's likely a bad idea prove itself. A sigh before he starts to wander towards Nerys offering his wife a wave, "Figured I should stretch my legs care for some company while you're out here as well?"

Karas has been on Chan for about a week now, his girlfriend left him to go figure out what she wanted to do, which he didn't mind. Though today and also having been keeping up with the news, Karas is pretty much spectating. Having left his droid at his ship to finish up the last of the tuneup. Walking through the streets, he stretches a little bit and as he does notice Nerys and Kael and he walks over to where they are, "Sup.." he says as he joins them.

The feeds did not hide the sounds of their voices as the two came to embrace. Lando was sincere in that moment, setting aside the notion he represented a galactic nation to embrace his responsibility as a father. "A day to celebrate," he says. Lando holds his position, arms gesturing wide briefly before settling into a clasp at his center. He adds, "When we might for once reunite as a family, and at the same time, solve this need for peace."

Kessa allows her father that moment, adding in, "Today we foster in a new age of cooperation, Father. One unclouded and devoted to peace, to prosperity, for all. Come, Father, allow me to show you what I have in store."

In that moment, they step forward to embrace, yet something distorted sounding in the holo transmission of this meeting reveals the presence of a gleaming weapon held in the Empress' hand. She steps forward in a graceful motion that catches Lando off guard, impaling him with the red blade. Only, it does not have the desired effect. Something of a protective shield shimmers into existence preventing Lando from being struck, and he retreats behind a wall of Republic soldiers who raise their weapons and begin to fire on the Empress. With stunning ease, the image shows the Empress holding her ground, spinning her weapon to intercept the bolts intended for her and redirecting them in various directions. "BUT FATHER, WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DISCUSS!" A bolt is directed toward the camera feed, shorting it out as the last image of Empress Kessa is seen pursuing her father in the senate building.

Outside, and throughout the city, the feeling of dread set in. Thunder rumbled as the clouds lit up with orange and blue. Massive green streaks pierced the cloud cover landing at the military base outside the city and setting it to flames. Huge explosions make the ground shudder, creating pillars of smoke from the point of impact. Panic begins to fill the streets, as people take to running for shelter at the sound of something SCREAMING overhead. A squadron of TIE fighters can be seen engaging the space port vessels taking off with trade, blasting the ships apart and creating another massive explosion.

Orange projectiles emerging through the clouds plumet toward the surface of Hanna City, and transport vessels launch in unison from the star destroyer 'Fallen Star'. The orange projectiles seem like missiles, or so citizens exclaim as they hurry for cover. Instead of explosions, it is black pods that land, from them emerge the 10ft tall gleaming black-armored Dark Troopers. Red eyes shimmer from the confines of their dark pods as heavy feet step out to the stone, and automaton arms reach back to append weapons from their magnetized back strips, priming them. "CITIZENS! PEACEFULLY RETURN TO YOUR HOMES AND NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU!" One demands, its heavy marching sounding as a few spacers try their luck against the droid. Smugglers by the looks of them, they pull modified weaponry and fire, but the blasts plink off the armor, achieving only in earning the ire of the droid that fired back with pin-point accuracy killing both. "STOP RESISTING!"

Troop carriers begin to arrive, the Tau-Class transporters wings folding up to present landing skids and deploy a ramp. Stormtroopers in red armor immediately march out in unison. Further inside the city, the commands of a Sergeant can be heard, issuing the column of troopers 'RIGHT FACE'! Followed by a mechanized voice of a Sith Lord as they bellow, "FOLLOW ME!" The Sith Lord marches up the stairs of the senate building, red lightsaber lit and columns of troops following them up.

Over open comms, Commander Tallie Lintra is heard, <<"Rogue Squadron's hangar is gone.. half my squad is down!">>

Comms are chaotic, troops for the Republic frantically trying to make sense of their emergency orders.


People throughout Hanna city begin to weigh whether they should fight, or.. surrender.

<<"Strength was had that bested the Order forces held out after the conflict at Exegol and planted heels upon Coruscant. Nary shall I feel they came hither with expectation of defeat, regardless of the front they bring conflict.">> Bors murmurs over comms, turning at the waist, surveying the crowd and the feed at the same time. Rolling his shoulders when the first tickle of an itch at the middle of his back started its caterpillar feet movement.

How long had it taken him to develop that particular skill? To get his armor or flight suit to take care of that little issue? Flight school? The Academy? Somewhere where he had to stand still, no matter what.

Distracting yourself, old man.

And then he sees it in the feed, speaking without thinking, <"Mother protect us..."> he continues to act without thinking, the old blaster carbine in his hands and he is kneeling down, stock to his shoulder and targeting reticle in his HUD going green and a hailstorm of crimson is unleashed towards one of the hulking war droids,

<<"Squad, Lead, protect the civilians! Open evac-paths.">> bitten out, sweat sheening his brow within the even the climate controlled environment of his suit. His foe sparking when the track of his fire is reflected from armor plating one after another, tracing upwards until sparks fly and systems judder. Glowing red metal already beginning to cool while the Dark Trooper turns, lifting arms towards him.

<"Father, embolden us...">

A reunon of father and daughter. It should be a cause for celebration and warmth. So why does Ulani feel the chill to her bone? It conjures up those deep seeded memories of the last time she had seen her father. That day on Kuat when she stood in his study and begged him to call off his guards. To let her return to her friends and to bury his personal vendetta against one companion in particular. She plead not for her own life, but for his.

That day ended in bloodshed and no matter how much she rubs her arms, she cannot shake that feeling of dread again. "Bors?" She is about to either ask him a question or simply confide her worries to him when chaos barrels in between them.

A flash of a red dagger is all it took for the skies to turn black and unleash fiery hell. It's instincts that puppets Ulani's movements. Though she fumbles with quickly drawing her pistol, she is right alongside Bors and pelting his target with pistol bolts. Pling! Plang! Pling! One after the other hits and is just bounced off with explosions of sparks.

<"Pretty Girl! Hold the line! We're coming!">

Zacara's staring at Bors from behind while he delivers his initial monologue. She'd been around him long enough that it was starting to get easier to convert his ... whatever that is, in to Basic, but it did still take some effort. "Yeah they probably don't -expect- to lose, but they're not really the smartest bunch around," she teases - once more displaying a degree of naivety or general situational unawareness. Classic Zaca.

But then the assault starts.

'Bors?' comes from Ulani. When the first building is brought down (and rather suddenly, as she hadn't seen it coming with her eyes glued to a viewscreen) she quickly ducks down, her uncovered head turning about to find Bors and Ulani and ensure they were still standing first and foremost.

'Protect the civilians! Open evac-paths!' "Bluff copies," she shouts over the chaos of the city, slinging her rifle around to her front. "Techie, put your earplugs in!" She only gives Ulani a brief moment's warning before she's raised the rifle and joined in the fire being directed by the other two Alderaanians.

KERPOW! The first slug is fired, finding the weak point in the armor Ulani's pings had weakened, penetrating the layer and striking something critial. The droid falls over, useless. KERPOW! The next slugfire round fires, and by now Zaca's hearing is pretty much ruined for the next several hours.

Rieve was taken by surprise, the wild panic, the explosions everywhere. Utter chaos! Rieve almost tumbles as he's knocked several times by fleeing civilians, but as the pods drop, and the transports land, he stares in disbelief at the unloading Stormtroopers. His hand instantly grasps the hilt of his vibroblade, drawing it from its decorative scabbard, and instantly the blade whirrrs with such smooth and purrring efficiency. The Hapan is certainly graceful upon his feet, a dancers gait as he steps beyond the fleeing civilians, blade held low at his side.

Perhaps it is the idea of noble service, or perhaps it's stupidity. But the former Hapan noble closes the gap with those Stormtroopers swiftly, a whirl of blue robes. A rutian Dervish. The blade is brought across, cutting through a flailing Stormtrooper, blade whirrring with ease, though likely overshadowed by screams as one Stormtrooper is sent to the ground. The second swing is dodged as the Hapan presses his attack, a snarl upon his lips and a demand shouted of the fleeing citizenry. "Get out of here!" That decorated blade swung in an arc, ready for the next swing.

"I never mind the company." Goodness knows, as many times as Nerys was lost down a plughole at the end of the galaxy, time actually on the same planet as the Pretty Greystorm was a thing to be cherished. Until it wasn't. Today, though, was not one of those days, as the sound of a lightsaber being drawn, all too familiar to her ears, though usually the colour of it was blue and not red, brought her attention around to the screen and the far away start of the battle.

And then the sound of war exploded around them, and announcement from the Republic General. "To the starport." Shooting and/or cutting their way out, if they have to. "I left the stove on." Welcome to the Nerys Greystorm show. Always a joke on the lips, but Nerys' actions belied the devil mat care words, as she drew her pistol, opening fire on the Dark troopers barring the way for civilian evacuations. She did not bother to look at Kael. He knew what to do, and she trusted that they would work in perfect tandem, as they always did. "I'll take the big one!"

"Predictable organics." Bait mutters as all heck brakes loose. As Dark Troopers arrive, and battle errupts, Bait makes an effort to distract the more severe threats, hopefully buying time for unarmed civilians to get out of harms way.

He levels his H-11 Carbine at one of the Dark troopers and fires off a set of shots. Their armor though proves resiliant and both blasts just ping off doing no harm. He eyes the Dark trooper in anoyance, making note to salvage it's remains later. He could put the plating to use, if any of it survives...

Kael nods a bit, "I figured you wouldn't mind the company." Then as chaos begins he just sighs, "Well I suppose we should head back to shut the stove off." He looks around, "Aren't they all the big ones to you?" And he aims over at a different Dark Trooper his X-8 that almost appears in his right hand making no sound as it fires off a pair of bolts at the Dark Trooper both ineffective against the armor however the Sentinel IV that barks once as the left hand comes up from the holster shifting his stance a bit the bolt slamming into the trooper causing some interesting sparks from the machine. "After you darlin."

Brother Bizz was in the crowds to see this spectacle. Now he is being jostled by civilians fleeing this way and that. The plump monk tries to get through on his comlink. "Kaya! Get the orphans to the star port, to my ship!" He switches frequencies. "R5! Prep my ship in the star port!" The monk takes a glowing ball of Naboo core matter from his robes and flings it! It splatters on a Dark Trooper's chassis, causing sparks to shoot out. Then he runs.

This was not a surprise to him, honestly he felt this was going to go down at some point and here it is. Though seeing a live assassination attempt on the holonet was new and a red lightaber. He knew the familiar sound of the weapons and to see the attempt, then hearing the familiar sounds of battle. He sighs and shakes his head, another war. He's survived the First Order, and now he will make sure he survived this.

With a practiced ease, he drew his blaster pistol, he hears the comms going off, he quickly ducks behind cover, he saw where the Troopers were stationed at and he looks to see who was fighting, good some of his other squad mates were here, Nerys and Kael. Hearing Tallie and Poe, <<Why is it I always have to be here to save your collective asses. Not all Rogues are down, Rogue 7 is here and active and will head there straight away. Sending info on my fighter, make sure Spark my R2 unit gets data codes so that you all don't shoot me down! Be there shortly Rogue Lead and General Dameron.>> he chuckles and squeezes off two shots at one of the Dark Trooper. He blinks when the Trooper just takes it, "What the Kriff!?" he drops back down behind cover.

Thanks to the efforts of this brave group, the four dark troopers menacing the crowds are either malfunctioning or obliterated. A squad of stormtroopers think twice before engaging a sword wielding foe after watching one of their own cut down in an instant. In the wake of this development, the area begins to rush toward evacuating. Overhead TIEs continue to scream by, blasting at ships that have managed to leave the scorched republic military base. What they had not accounted for were the cadets stationed at the academy as well, and starfighters begin to lift off as nugget (nickname for new pilots) enter the fray bravely, but hardly a match for the collective efficiency of well trained Imperial pilots. Two of the twelve are picked off immediately, but the remaining ten manage to get clear of the academy before a battery from the star destroyer targets the building and transforms it into a molten heap with a massive explosion.

Stormtroopers give chase to the valiant defenders on the ground, chasing after the crowd of people and fighters alike and opening fire. They just begin to target everyone, funneling them TOWARD the sieged starport.

Up ahead, a barricade has been erected at the starport and two new Dark Troopers land (hero landing) without having to bend their knees, and step off upon impact, raising their weapons to train on the crowd of people coming their way.

"SURRENDER, CITIZENS! NO ONE REQUIRES TERMINATION AT THIS TIME!" Many of the civilians are stopped immediately. A platoon of stormtroopers makes itself known, popping up from behind the barricades and training their weapons on the group (civilians and heroes alike). <"HANDS UP! RELINQUISH ALL WEAPONS!"> Commands one of the Imperial officers.

Beyond the starport, the crowd can see the coast and horizon of the silver sea. Stormclouds loom and flash with lightning. A bright flash constitutes the arrival of a large frigate from above, followed by a fast moving light carrier. It's not clear what their purpose is, but someone in the crowd points and yells, "IT'S THE RESISTANCE!"

The Renegade begins to open fire relentlessly, heavy batteries and turbo cannons piercing the air and colliding with the stalwart shields of the Fallen Star. Havoc 1, the Carrack class Cruiser, deploys its hardpoints and defense grid lasers begin to engage TIE fighters from every angle it has turrets, putting on a lightshow with fireworks.

<<"This is Commander Tico of the Resistance. We bought you a small window here, but our shields won't hold against a destroyer with weapons of that magnitude. Do what you can, and get off the ground. Over.">>

<<"Roger, Rogue Seven, good to hear your voice,">> Tallie says back to Captain Darkwing. As Resistance fighters begin to criss cross in an opening aerial joust overhead, a VCX-100 arrives at the spaceport, an angry Wookiee over the intercom, telling the stormtroopers they've met their match. Poe's voice is heard over the comms as well, saying, <"Nice one, Chewie!"> Under heavy fire, the Ghost sets down at the center of the spaceport, drawing a lot of fire. The siege begins to lose its organization and stormtroopers divide their time between shooting at the new arrivals, and keeping the group of fleeing citizens at bay.

Needless to say, it's chaos all over again.

<<"All New Republic Forces at this position.">> Bors's suit IFF begins broadcasting, changing it's original designation. Sensor readings for New Republic systems changing his Azure and Silver designator from RADF - AS-01 to <<"Black-Seven">> moving with the confidence of a man whom has weathered more than two decades of his life in service. A veteran pilot become Commando after serving under Dameron, <<"Wheel positions and form up. We must bulwark for evacuees. Defensive withdrawal pattern Qek-Yirt Aught-HUNH">>

Cast backwards by the shot, skidding on duracrete, his carbine comes up loosing hell the whole way, riding out the impact and rolling without seeing the shots managing to overpower heavy armor again, forcing one of the Dark Troopers to stutter in its movement,

<<"Bugger all">> language, Bors, <<"Clear them out! Clear a path! Civilians are priority!">> managing to get to a kneeling posture again, breathing hard and feeling the heat from the deflected shot.

Booted feet pound on the sidewalks and streets she had once strolled upon so leisurely. She can barely hear Zacara saying something about earplugs, but she she turns around, she doesn't see the woman there. Nor does she see Bors. Or anyone. People are running all around her, screaming in terror. Sobbing. Calling the names out of their loved ones lost in the swarm or falling dead under the indescriminant blaster fire.

Now separated from those she came with, Ulani spins back around in the direction of the starport while overhead, clusters of dogfights break out and ships are exploding. Shaking the jitters from her arm, Ulani returns the volley as bolts whiz past her. Her heart still breaks a little for the violence, but Lady Thul has hardened over time. Enough that she is steeled against the barbs of what she must do.

On stormtrooper falls before she is grabbed from behind, sending a second shot wide and into a parked speeder. A struggle ensues between her and the armored trooper trying to disarm her. Ulani manages to twist around enough to bury the barrel into the trooper's gut and send a bolt ripping straight through his stomach and preventing him from doing anymore harm ever again.

Captain Zacara Saronnoa of the Starblossom, nonchalant smuggler and risk-taking A-Wing pilot transformed into Ensign Saronno of Aldera Squad as the attacks on the civilians began. The blasts and explosions and screams and crashes and orders and durasteel scraping overloaded her senses, and that's not to mention the deafening effect of firing a slugthrower without ear protection. Her synesthesia manifested in full form, an overloading awareness of swirls of colors in all directions. "GADGET!" She yells, as she can't hear her own voice over all of this. "PROTOCOL RAINBOW! GUIDE ME TO MY ORDERS!" She won't hear it, but Gadget will warble an affirmative pitch.

As she hustles, Gadget will let loose a loud tone in a specific frequency which is really naught more than a musical note, but it will manifest in Zaca's eyes as a bright pink wisp of smoke quickly rising from the BB droid rolling in front of her. She sees the signal and hooks right until the tone stops, and then she stops turning, running forward. Gadget emits two quick staccato notes of a lower frequency, signaling Zacara with two red smoky waves, and she raises her rifle, firing it what appears to her as a white blur dead ahead.

KERPLOW! KERPLOW! Two quick rounds from the 2-Aug-2 are fired at a Stormtrooper, striking them first in the chest and then in the leg as they go down, bleeding out quickly. The leg shot had been an artery.

Gadget lets out a higher pitched tone, manifesting to Zacara as a green whisp and she moves forward again. Gadget will continue this series of tones, manifesting as colors in Zacara's eyes, to guide her back to where Bors is holed up.

"WE SHOULD BE ON THE TIES!" She yells out at Bors, clearly much more confident in her A-Wing than with her rifle.

Chaos. Having taken down one Stormtrooper, Rieve turns and runs, funnelled along with the others and the many countless civilians caught up in this. A civilian too, but armed at least, Rieve powers off the weapon for a moment as it drifts down low against his side, held ready but obscured by his robes as he runs. Those blue robes flowing, billowing, splattered with the blood of the Trooper his blade had dug into and killed. As fire rains down upon them, he witnesses his fellow civilians punched backwards by blaster fire, falling hard, hitting the ground, unmoving. Somehow, through sheer luck and good fortune, and perhaps a hefty dose of fate. One thing was certain, Rieve was angry.

Rieve simply kept running, his Shriek-Hawk blue vibrosword slowly brought to bear, and into the fray he slammed. His first blow was wild, it was uncontrolled and angry and the recipient was certainly prepared as they countered that wild snarling swing of the vibrosword against a sparking baton. The two weapons grinding and grasping at eachother as they push back and forth.

Staggering back a step, Rieve was a far cry from the noble Hapan of moments ago, yet still he stood firm and poised, a fencer's pose, heels together. Smeared with grime and blood, other peoples blood, his upper lip curled once more as he stepped forth and swung again, this time better, but again held off by that scraped baton that was chewed by his blade. The snarling Hapan pushing against the traitorous Stormtrooper, blows traded, feet scraping and scuffing the ground as they pushed back and forth.

Bait watches as all but one of the Dark Troopers are downed. The last only malfunctioning. He levels his carbine and fires off a shot at it, finishing it off before leveling at a trooper only to miss. At least he would have lots of salvage in the form of Dark Trooper parts to upgerade his chassie with.

"I wore lifts!" A whole two inches, darnit! Nerys quipped as she moved, lifting a hand to signal that she had seen Karas as the defenders identified themselves. You know, by being the ones shooting, slicing and not just dying like the poor civilian Nerys had to leap over to avoid stumbling. Not that Nerys bothered to stop and check if they actually were still alive. Battlefield triage. Save the ones you can see are actually still running. She fell into position with Kael as they continued on, pulling up short only briefly as the siege forces showed themselves and so did the resistance. "My stew is definitely burning now!" They needed to hurry. But that moment of hesitation as Nerys recalculated their escape vector cost her, as a rogue blaster bolt caught her in the right bicep. Thankfully, that wasn't her shooting arm, and she opened up again with that blaster, it's oddly screaming whine as outraged as sheherself was, one of the Dark Troopers falling to her wrath (imagine the amount of scrubbing at the sink she was going to have to do, ya'll) and a stormtrooper for his absolute cheek and she pushed on.

Bizz is talking into his cigar-shaped comlink again. "Kaya, the starport is under siege! Hide outside with the kids at the BISCUIT BARON until it is safe! I'll drive my hovertruck out or something!" He grabs another one of his booma balls from his robe, lobbing the grenade into the stormtrooper formation. It explodes, spewing sizzling Naboo core matter all over a few of the troopers. One of them screams. "R5, startup one of the trucks too!"

Kael chuckles and shrugs before he turns towards the red suited troopers his X-8's silent bolts sailing towards the first trooper his sights are set on the first one a solid miss however the second one punching through dropping the trooper with ease. Then the Sentinel IV barks off again as the gunslinger sights in on another trooper the massive bolt from the Sentinel IV punching through the armor and the trooper with ease, <<"Lexxie get the Warden ready.">> Then he looks over at Nerys and shrugs, "Burnt stew is better than no stew."

Karas quickly moves from cover to cover, he wasn't liking his aim today as he fires off a few shots, both missing the Stormtroopers. "Kriff, am I this damn rusty?" he looks and shakes his damn head. He quickly starts to move towards the Troopers, helping to put down fire to clear an exit lane for the civilians to get out. <<Copy that.>>

Chaos is everywhere at the starport, and above the starport. The Star Destroyer has taken notice of the Resistance arrival, and has begun to devote its fire toward the frigate and cruiser respectively. Misses pock up the ocean with massive waves, but shields shimmer into existence with each buckling hit. It's no doubt the crew inside are having a hell of a time withstanding its punishment.

Down below, at the spaceport, the rebellious group of heroes have incited a huge fight with the barricaded troops and Dark Troopers. Dark troopers are taken down handedly, eliminating a major risk, but the stormtroopers still remain. A measly platoon of troopers was not enough to stop a raging crowd of patriots seeking a fight. Troopers are at odds with the hundred plus, and even still, people are running for their hangars and disconnecting hoses and bringing ships online. Commander Lintra joins the fray, bringing with her the tattered remains of Rogue Squadron, who are escorting a number of high command and senators alike. They move in a hunkered down group, listening to Tallie as she bids they "TAKE COVER.. HOLD ON!" Tallie blasts a trooper down, and motions for the group to follow.. they're moving for the Ghost..

The Ghost is the recipient of a lot of abuse, bolts sparking off the ablative exterior, showering sparks down over two figures who have come down the ramp to join the fray. A red and blue battle droid that's covered in bones is with Poe, announcing in a nasally voice that, "THIS UNIT'S PROGRAMMING INDICATES THIS DAY.. IS A GOOD DAY FOR MURDER!" To punctuate that, the specialized droid shoulders a rifle and blasts a stormtrooper sniper from their hide. "TARGET ELIMINATED, PRETTY GIRL (Poe)."

"That's good, pal! Now get these people inside!" Poe answers back to the murderous droid designed by the late Snap Wexley. Poe is responsible for blasting a trooper as he wades forward, motioning people to the freighter. "LET'S GO! HURRY! -- TALLIE.. OVER HERE!"

Meanwhile, the speeder truck Bizz has issued R5 to start up turns over with an engine ROAR. It's ready to move at his command!

<<"Nor all we do is in the cockpit, Five">> responding via comms, and levering himself up under fire, attempting to maneuver to get Ulani close, Zaca, tryng to form them for fusillade fire in all of the mayhem. His tone dropping, to keep his mic from picking up, "Mother grant me the peace to know that I may do evil that others do not need. Father give me the strength of heart to accept that I must be wicked, that others remain pure."

Raking a series of three round bursts from the old EE-3, forcing heads down or showing its fire bursting harmlessly over most of those who come under his crosshairs, one of them twisting into a spin before they strike the ground and writhe.

"Mother and Father forgive me my evils done in the name of Good."

Blasterbolts SPAK against the specialized, reinforced, Katarn plates. A relic of The Old Republic. Designed in reproduction of other famous armor of its era and holding true against the F-11 blasters levied against him.

<<"L7, open up the Thranta for passengers, One-Tee fire up the engines. Close the cockpit hatch until we're aboard.">> the barked orders, confusing his own work with his multitasking and failing to mark targets that his gaze sweep over. Over comms a series of trills from the R2 unit acknowledge and the synthesized, humanoid, grunt of the Butler droid on its heels.

<<"Two, Five, we need to get people aboard transports.">>

Ulani picks up the familiar beacon coming from Bors' Katarn suit. Black Seven. Ah, better days, that. Ulani wrest herself free from the now dead trooper's loosening grasp and scrambles over a few fallen. Through a pair of... was those enemies? Civilians? It's getting difficult to tell in all of this. But she's got a beacon to follow now like a lighthouse shining through an ocean storm.

"Bors!" She finds him soon enough just as a bolt finds her leg. It rips through her ankle, causing her to stumble and practically run into him and Zacara. With that small bit of leverage, she turns and fires in retaliation; downing her assailant and creating another precious opening for people to make their escapes.

Somewhere she can hear Poe and other familiar voices calling over the din. But she cannot help but look up at the darken screens and wonder if Lando made it out. It is brief then she snaps out of it, helping to cut a path towards the Thranta.

The swirling colors and diminished hearing continue to sensory overload the Alder-Espirion. Ensign Saronno in her azure and silver armor takes up position near her squadron leader, firing at a position ninety degrees to his left. BB-22, Gadget to Zacara, emits a quick series of staccatos and the woman's slugthrower is aimed an inch more to the right.

KERPOW! The first shot hits at an awkward angle, the trooper's duraplast armoring causing the slug to roll off at an angle, striking the duracrete behind him with a puff of pebbles. KERPOW! The second shot pierces his visor and he goes down, his blasting flying backward. Dead before he hit the ground.

At this point she can hear nothing. She hadn't worn hearing protection as she didn't take this meeting to be as serious as it turned out to be. She can still see the sounds, though, through her synesthesia, although the swirling colors were more than overwhelming at this point. It was going to take a lot of spice to dull these senses. Assuming she makes it back to Espirion tonight.

She didn't hear Bors' order, but Gadget would guide her in their unqiue fashion the droid and its owner had worked out, should she need to move or otherwise change her tactics. Glancing aside briefly, to see that Ulani had joined in, she spins around, ready to cover Ulani while the other stumbles from her wound.

Bait sees a group of what looks like dignitaries heading for an old VCX-100 transport and decides to help clear a path for them. He pops off two quick shots into a Trooper, who goes down initially, but then gets back to his feat. "Stupid Organic, Stay down when I shoot you!" he shouts at the trooper.

Rieve pushes forward, his blows parried as his whirrrrrring blade scrapes and snarls against his opponent, though eventually there's a break and Rieve slashes across the trooper's body, the blade sinking through that armour with ease as Rieve steps back and away, a scrape and scuff of feet against the ground as he looks about. His blue hair a total mess, his eyes wide as he takes in his surroundings as his opponent swears at him, spitting forth profanity amidst the pain in his voice.

Even as he stands there though, a blaster bolt sears his right arm, flinging him about a bit, staggered for an instant as feels that searing pain lance against his right bicep, scouring his robes with searing blackness.

The blade is held ready even still as he exhales a ragged breath, the wild panic and terror all about him was not something he expected. He should have been parrying harmless blows with a Chandrila native, practising their sword stances and various other activities. But even now he can't help but wonder as to how his dear client fairs. Yet that is beyond him as he seeks to keep on the move, bringing his blade to bear if needed.

<"Lexxie, we're heading to you! Make sure the Kima is prepped to receive me when we clear atmo!"> Whatever acknowledgement came from the droid, went unheard except across internal comms, as Nerys sheered off from the main group of defenders, heading not for the Ghost, but towards the Greystorm hangar, shooting her way past troopers, the doors opening and the police droid inside providing covering fire as Nerys headed for the Tempest Warden, again trusting that Kael would be right behind her. There was only the sound of blaster fire now, and thre tread of boots on durasteel. <<"We'll give you the cover to get people out!">> That was to the general comms.

Kael grunts as he gets shot in the chest, "The audacity." Then he returns fire dropping a pair of troopers between his pistols, "Nerys I think we may need to postpone that stew." He looks up at the Star Destroyers as he veers off towards the Greystorm Hangar with Nerys.

Karas grunts as he is hit in the side mid-stride as he's running. He lines up a shot and fires and as he does he watches the blaster bolt go wide, "The KRIFFF!!!!" he was about to throw the damn blaster but holsters it, <<Spark, you prepped yet, I'm on my way, get ready to launch!>> he calls into his comm to his astromech which was already loaded for him, which would help him save time.

Brother Bizz's R5 unit has prepped his AA-5 cargo truck and parked it at the ramp of Bizz's ship, the VISCACHA. Bizz runs as fast as his feet can carry him, hiking up his holy Jedhese robes. A blaster bolt nearly misses him, singing his temple with a CRACK. "Son of Xer!" the ugnaught curses before climbing into the hovering vehicle and shifting into gear. BZZZZZZM it goes as it zooms out. "<<Kaya, I'm coming there in the truck!>>" He gives Mister Bones a look, disliking droids in general, and ESPECIALLY battle droids. "Hey, this ain't a joy ride!"

The hovertruck goes zooming out of the star port. Bizz throws a globe of Naboo core matter as he passes a squad of stormtroopers, blowing three of them to smithereens. "The FORCE is strong with me today!" he shouts out the truck's window.

Commander Lintra's group makes it to the Ghost, and she pauses by the ramp to make sure they get up the ramp, instinctively ducking when a shot sparks above her. "KEEP MOVING!" She yells, her helmeted head turning to watch the chaos.

Poe takes a hit, his personal shield deflector shimmering into view and the concussion knocking him sideways. He falls to a knee, firing a hammered-pair of blasts into a pair of troopers. Rising back up, he spots Bizz getting into a truck and turns to motion for Bones to follow. The battle droid moves with surprising grace, mantling into the back of the truck and taking a kneeling position.

"THE ONLY JOY THIS UNIT EXPERIENCES IS FROM TERMINATING ENEMY SOLDIERS!" Screams back the nasally voice of Bones to Bizz. The droid blasts another trooper in passing, holding steady.

Much of the troopers have been eliminated, save for a couple who are being swarmed by citizens and beaten to death with whatever can be found. Ships of all sizes and make begin to taxi out from hangars. Fighters, corvettes, freighters... they're all being primed.

Rose Tico is heard over the comms, <<"This is Commander Tico of the Renegade, our shields are critical, we're pulling back to space to rejoin the fleet. Follow us up.. the skies are clear for now..">>

<<"Black Leader.. this is Black Two, be advised..">> Announces Commander Jessika Pava. <<"General Calrissian didn't make it. Imperial forces have claimed the senate building. There's nothing more we can do here, sir.">>

Poe grimaces as he makes it back toward the Ghost, pausing by the ramp to share a look with Tallie before looking back out over the shifting crowds. <<"Understood, Testor. You know what needs to happen.">>

<<"See you in space, General.">>

"WE ARE LEAVING, PEOPLE. GET ON A SHIP, LET'S GO!" Poe screams from his position, gesturing wildly, his blaster still in hand.

Arm shooting out when Ula comes close, forcing him to handle the short-rifle one handed, tucking its stock against his bicep, <<"Take hold of me.">> clipped tone, eyes behind the glowing blue visor seeing the injury to her leg and his systems switch to squad comms, <<"Five, the Thranta has turret cannons and its salvage arms can be used to clear a path.">>

People are crowding onto the large salvager craft turned into a small private flying home for Lord and Lady Thul, the frame of the butler unit trying to keep those frantically boarding in line, keeping them from swamping the hatch while they fight their way up the ramp. In the cockpit, connected to its droid socket and continuing the prep procedures, trilling progress.

<<"Still not fluent...">> the admonishment making 1T repeat itself, text scrolling before Bors's right eye, <<"Copy. Two, Five. For the Thranta.">> arm looping Ulani's waist to help her along while reaching out to smack Zaca's shoulder, his rifle lifted to swing a tight spiral over his head before pointing for the Thranta. Hand signs, 'Moving out, that ship.'

And then he is moving, watching for more troopers, more dangers and trying to keep himself between them and injured Ula all the while. <<"Nearly there.">> visor turning towards the skies, at the shapes in the heavens and his guts run cold. One step after the next. Left, right, left, right old man…

The news is like a blade of its own. Is this Chandrila falling? Was this supposed to be an introduction to peace? Despair and confusion mostly clouds Ulani's mind, doing a terrible dance with the pain in her leg and the pumping of adrenaline. "We have to get out of here," Ulani helpfully repeats in a quiet daze.

Stormies are still falling. People are still fighting, but it is a war of attrition. Not ll of those here have access to the comm chatter, but those that do know they are seeing the heart of the Republic seize and die. Racing towards the Thranta with Bors' arm around her for balance, Ulani does her best to help everyone towards the Thranta or any other ship readying for takeoff. Parents are pushing their children forward while they remain behind, turning back to buy those fleeing just a few more precious minutes. A chance to flee and find... whatever life will be after the dust settles.

There's no time to pause and take one more look back to this city that helped her find her freedom and her purpose. But Ulani knows what is there. Fires are burning and the streets are littered with bodies. The darkened sky fills with smoke and debris of wasted starfighters. Is this what the last goodbye looks like?

She takes in a deep breath, clenches her jaw, and keeps herself pushing forward; her pistol stowed back into its holster and her arm hooked to Bors as they scramble.

As the enemy force begins to thin, Ensign Saronno takes the lull in the action to thumb a lever along the top of her longrifle. The ammunition cage (as these are physical slugs) falls out of the rifle and she reaches a hand into a pouch along her light armor suit to grab another, jamming it in to place first with her fingers, then her palm. She pulls the firing lever back, ready to fire again.

But the immediate threat seems to have ceased, at least for now. Completely deaf (and will be for the next several hours), the Alder-Espirion can't hear the comms from the allied warbirds. As of right now she can only see her sounds, thanks to her synthesesia, though that does nothing to tell her the words being spoken. Only that they were spoken. Standing straight from her firing position she relaxes her arms, holding the weapon in both hands before her. Gadget nudges her ankle, letting out a series of tones in the same pitch, which manifests to her as a visual signal to 'look for leader'. She turns to Bors and Ulani, offering Ulani a sympathetic frown. Gesturing at the other's leg, brows raised in an expression like 'are you okay' or 'is it bad' or something along those lines.

The smack at her shoulder and gestures by Bors is all she needed, and Gadget leads the way, ready to deviate should any other orders need to be shown to her. As they board the ship, and keeping close to its owner through the onboard crowd, Gadget will show Aldera 05 to the control board for the craft's salvage arms. She grins, picking up on what it was translating. Setting herself down and propping her rifle up in the corner, she grabs the controls and will operate the arms to move debris and darktrooper scrap out of the way to the ship can make it to a safe launching point.

Rieve yells towards some of the civilians, those not taken by the loust for trooper blood, hammering helmets with stolen weapons and discarded detritus. Rieve gestures towards the Ghost, sheathing his blade and reaching about to clutch his right arm as the pain finally breaks through the sheer rush of adrenalin.

"Come one, come with me... get aboard!" Rieve nods towards the Ghost, flinging his wild and mussed hair in a dramatic swish of silken blue locks, now sullied by smoke and dust and debris. Rieve moves swiftly, his pack finally slumping into the crook of his good arm, weighing heavily and tugging him lightly off balance for a moment. But towards the Ghost he moves, beckoned? Driven by the need to escape the horror this gorgeous planet has befallen. He never expected to leave so quick, he just makes for it.

"Leave them, they're beaten... get to safety. You've done all you can!" His warm words flowing easily, rthat distinct Hapan accent seeing each word drift once easily, yet now wearily into the next. Yet still he seeks to smoothly beckon those who are so close to safety, to freedom, as he follows his own advice and boards... slumping somewhere, dumping his pack, and finally taking a breath.

As soon as Nerys hit the interior of the Warden, the droids that peopled the hangar got into action, well, they already were, guiding as many people into the hangar and onto the ship as they could. "I'll make sure we're clear back here!" Nerys called that to Kael, leaving him to be able to get to the cockpit. <<"We'll do what we can to make sure the skies stay clear! Just get clear and to hyper as fast as you can!">> Soon enough, the ship had taken on as many people as Nerys thought was prudent, given that the ship was giving the 'we're about to close and launch alarm.' The last sight, for now, that those escaping on the Warden saw of the hangar was the dead bodies lying in the door, and the brief glance of the sky as the hangar doors opened.

"All aboard!" As for Nerys herself, she hopped off just in time, dashing over towards the 2400 that was her personal transport. That was packed too.

And with that, the Tempest Warden lifted from the hangar, its engines flaring to life, hardpoints already deployed as the Marauder corvette moved to provide cover for any ships that were making their way from the spaceport and the landing pads across the city. A slow and steady ascent towards the edge of the atmosphere. There were clear skies here, for now, but space awaited, and no doubt another battle to come. "I'll be seeing you, Kael!" She fully intended to. The Birena Tai sped off in pursuit.

With the troopers routed and everyone else falling back to ships, Bait grabs one of the more intact Dark Troopers and drags it behind him as he high-tails it to the Ghost, hoping the passengers and crew don't mind a battle droid joining them in their escape. Bait considered himself fortunate that this time, he had only a single smoking hole in his chassis. And even more fortunate that nothing vital was hit.

Brother Bizz zips to the Biscuit Baron outside the starport and hovers to a stop. Kaya Gimm and a gaggle of orphans disgorge from the Biscuit Baron and start loading up on the truck. "Don't mind the battle droid, he's with Poe Dameroon I think!" Bizz makes certain all of the children from the orphanage are inside, from Miriala the little green Mirialan, to Blelaila the Twi'lek, to M'nevvus and Su'nil the Zabrak twins, and so on. Then his speeder truck is barreling into the starport, aiming for the giant GS-100 salvage ship with a large rodent drawn on the side. The speeder truck goes up into the cargo bay just as the cargo bay door begins to close, and the R5 droid in the cockpit begins takeoff procedure.

Techs had a ladder already hanging from the cockpit, Karas dodges blaster fire as he picks up speed. This isn't the first time he's ever been shot and will not be the last. He does stop to make sure that the Civvies are getting to transport, <<General, Black Lead and Rogue Lead, boarding my fighter now, will transmit info. Currently waiting to make sure people are getting to transport, then I will launch and give you all cover!>> he calls into his comm unit.

He quickly reloads his powercell on his blaster. Seeing people get to transports, he changes comm channels and speaks into it to both Nerys and Kael. He quickly runs to the T-70 X-Wing and he unlatches the ladder letting it drop. The snub-nosed fighter quickly preps, fighters have a faster cycle rate and with Spark having did most of the work, the T-70 begins to rise. The landing gear pulls into the fighter and Karas quickly pushes the throttle halfway to gain speed and he begins to circle the landing area making sure the other ships get off the ground. "Spark keep me informed on any incoming fighters." he says.

All ships begin to rise as Brother Bizz successfully evacuates his orphans from danger. Poe is the last to board the Ghost, clapping the shoulder of Rieve with an approving nod in passing. "Everyone get buckled in.. ride isn't over yet. Tallie?!"

"Got it, sir.." She answers, closing the hatch behind him. "Chewie, get us up, buddy." Poe calls, making his way to the control cabin where a very angry and grief stricken Wookiee is raging. Poe can be heard arguing with him as the Ghost begins its course for the air.

Renegade sends a comm transmission to the Warden, <<"Much appreciated, Warden. We'll see you above. Good hunting.">>

Hundreds of ships begin to leave the space port at once, and Poe calls out to, <<"Thranta.. stay close to Ghost. Gonna pull an old spice running maneuver to get us out of here.. then? We can return to do some good..">>

Golden engines flare as the Ghost enters into the stormy clouds chasing after the shadow of the Renegade and Havoc 1. Lightning flashes, thunder rolls, and hope is put to rest behind them as stormy seas usher in a new spring dominated by the presence of the Empire.

Space is not a welcomed sight. The fleet is trading blows with the Sith ships, and massive parties of TIE fighters swarm ships seeking escape. <<"STAY WITH THE GHOST!">> Poe commands. Chewie protests, and Poe answers, "Yeah, well.. I don't see any other option." He places his hand on the hyperdrive lever and grimaces. "Last jump.. maybe forever!" Without warning, the spicerunner initiates a sudden hyperdrive jump generating a mass wake behind him. The Ghost's hyperdrive screams as it shoots ahead, and those ships in the wake of the freighter, zip out of real space with them, lightskipping to relative safety.