Log:The Irregulars: Aggressive Negotiations

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The Irregulars and company move in to secure a target.

OOC Date: July 15, 2021
Location: Corellia
Participants: Hahtavi, Hadrix Kora, Jax Greystorm, as Self/GM, Nerys Greystorm, Valeska Jaivon

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The U-wing designated as Plan A came into the Corellian Atmosphere with a pair of Tie/FO's chasing it. There's a thump as one of the Tie Fighters scores a direct hit on the rear of the ship. The pilot in the cockpit, the armored Corsair pulls some moves, < Sorry about that. I'm used to flying things that are a bit more agile. You might want to hang onto something.> Then the Plan A goes flying over the Resistance base as Corsair hits buttons and radios in all types of code words, the anti-air guns at the base open fire and one of the tie explodes and the other one breaks off. There's a moment of a pause before the tension breaks. Then Corsair's voice fills the com unit of the passenger area.

<Welcome to Corellia, Galactic standard time is 0400 and it's a cool, partially cloudy day. Our destination is the Old Light House suites in Cornet City. The team will be inserting by rooftop landing pad. Then making your way two floors down to the suites. Then entering suite 82. It belongs to one Dialo Sycker. Dialo Sycker is small time Corellian Crime lord that has managed to secure a section of Cornet City in chaos. We're to extract Mr. Sycker mostly uninjured for aggressive negotiations with Corsec and the New Republic. Expect security at the facility. Unfortunately our advance sweep for Air Speeder and starfighter assets allied with Mr. Sycker was reassigned before mission was completed. So I'll be sticking with the U-wing and will result in a fast exit and extraction. I am uploading the layout of the apartment complex and known holocaptured of Sycker. May the Force be with you.>

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Thank goodness for mag boots, as the backpack (complete with droid attachment) made it impossible for Jetpack to secure herself to the seat with the usual restraints. A hand did keep a steady grip on the edge of her seat, though, so she turned out alright, by the time the danger was past, and the ship was on the approach. Her helmet was on, but the comms within remained inactive for the duration of the flight, at least along the shared mission channel. Once the briefing was over, as was the Tie-induced turbulence, she rose to her feet, making certain that all of the weapons she carried with her were in easy reach. The bowcaster she drew, holding it at the ready, as Bitty unlocked herself from the backpack and pulled her pistol from the clamp on the side of the backpack. <"Copy that, Corsair. Are we cleared for external recon of the complex?">

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

<"This planet..."> Hadrix mutters as he holds one of the hang stanchions and braces during the turns and flippies, rumbling in his throat as they make their way and Jax gives the operational briefing.

Mostly unharmed. Simple. <<"Are we being gentle with his bodyguards and thugs?">> reaching up to bring the massive bronzium barreled cannon he carries over on its sling, shifting it to check the load status on the drum mag attached to the loading chamber. The Massive Mandalorian shifts with the rocking of the craft, thrusters of his jetpack puffing momentarily as it primes.

<"Ready for mid-air deployment if desirable."> looking up and towards Nerys, t-visor the only thing that passes for a face on the man.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Hahtavi is distinctly NOT pleased to be in a ship being chased by TIE fighters when HE is NOT the one piloting! He's not even manning the guns, for fierfek's sake. Having to depend on 'Corsair' being a good pilot is not his preference, not at all. Nobody can see his scowl behind his T-visor of his armor, only that he has his maglock boots locked and both gloved hands stabilizing him as the craft jerks this way and that as it enters atmo.

Thankfully, the TIES are no longer a problem and the briefing begins. Great. 'May the Force be with you' stuff. At least this 'Corsair' fellow doesn't seem to be one of those pacifists.

Hahtavi is kitted out for bear. Not probably as much as Hadrix is, but he's ready and continues to stand silent as he listens to the others. As he expected, Hadrix asks two of the questions that were on his mind himself, so no need for him to speak up. Just keep his ears open.

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

Clinging to whatever she can, Naga lurches forward as their U-wing takes a hit in the rear. Her crimson helmet glares towards the cockpit with a huff. <"Thought you were some hotshot pilot, Corsair."> She may or may not have caught on to the man behind the mask. Maybe? Enough to half-joke at him.

That out of the way, she turns her attention towards Jetpack with a nod of regard. <"Will you be leading this one, as well? I understand one target makes it out alive."> Naga can't help but glance to the other two Mandalorians with her, a tilt of her head seemingly accenting the 'mostly uninjured part of Corsair's explanation. Especially to the larger Mando.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

Jax makes a course correction, < The other side had good pilots too.> Comes the crackle of the voice of Corsair to Naga. <Jetpack is the boss. Mission parameters call for standard rules of engagement. There are civilians in the other suits, so stun weapons only unless you face overwhelming resistance. Jetpack makes that call.> He says as the U-wing makes a narrow turn next to a sky scrapper. < Sorry Jetpack, the window is narrow on this one due to the fact we don't have control of the skies here. I'm running a scan now. There's no energy shields on the landing pad and nothing anti-aircraft powered up. Expect a small security team such as a patrol. Past intel includes a security team of no more than Twenty-Five individuals.> Corsair looks up at the sensors, <Here we go. I'm seeing five on the roof.> Then as engines cut and the s-foil wings of the U-wing go to a forward position. The repulsor engines come to hover about a meter off the roof. The sounds of small arm fire hitting the shields as the ship hovers there, <Go!> (repose)

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

<"I will be coordinating the ground operation, with Corsair as our exit and technical support."> Jetpack, who had prepared everything that she needed, for the moment, moved towards the exit ramp. The comment from Corsair on stun weapons, brought a change of weaponry, as she secured the bowcaster, drawing a slim, silver baton instead. Bitty did low lower her blaster. Once the call was given for the all clear, Nerys stepped to the edge of the ramp, kicking off and allowing the grav belt in her armor to modulate her rate of descent. Bitty, having repulsors simply hovered herself down, taking aim at the security team that had been pinpointed for them.

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

Mm, non lethal. Fine.

Hadrix makes for the exit at a run, giving Nerys enough time to clear before he is leaping above and past her into open air. One hand going for a sphere on his belt and the other slinging the long rifle across his back again en route for the roof and the first person who feels they're up for the challenge.

<<"Akk-Dog, spearheading.">> voice dipping down an octave from broken rumble to growl.

This was absolutely the best part of these operations, one could practically feel the exhilaration pouring off him and a little something more boiling below the surface.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

More scowl behind his helmet. Somebody doesn't like risking stunned people waking back up and shooting you in the back on your way out. But, Hahtavi will do as the op requires. He pulls his Galaar from his back and clips it to his tactical rig and flips the setting over to stun without comment. Wearing a helmet is nice to keep people from seeing you grimace or roll your eyes. Ready to go, he moves to the hatch after his Al'verde. It's only a meter down so no bothering with the jetpack. When the 'Go' is given, he leaps out with his rifle in hand and starts moving fast, looking for targets first, cover second, and following Jetpack's and Akk-Dog's lead.

Go Time is the Best Time! It makes Hahtavi take on a feral, silly grin that nobody can see. <<"OYA!">>

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

A hand planting on her hip, Nage offers an audible snerk in response to Corsair and leaves it at that. The toggle from 'kill' to 'stun' is flicked without a thought as Naga moves over to the opening ramp. Already she can hear the ping pang ping of smaller blaster shots against the hull. <"What a waste of powercells."> Spearhead? Got it. Valeska follows after the rest, but not before turning towards te cockpit and giving the pilot a two-finger salute from the browline of her helmet.


[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

As the team deploys onto the landing pad, the security team opens fire on them. The bar by the pool has a pair in cover. Another two are under the pavilion held up behind an over turn table. Then the final guard was up near the stage behind a pavilon. The bright light over head of the light house passes by. Then the sound of a pair of air speeders incoming can be heard as the Plan A rises up and goes to engage the airspeeders.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, who had not separated far from Bitty, landed just long enough for her feet to touch the ground, before she headed at speed towards the pavilion. Bitty's blaster firing past her as she closed to close quarters range with the man, though getting to him past the protections he had erected at the pavilion was proving difficult. Ah well, that was an Irregulars mission for you. It all worked out in the end.

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

The blaster bolt aimed for his center of mass ricochets off of Akk-Dog just as he strikes the ground, his grav-belt having been disengaged barely a meter above ground so that he can hit and fall into a dead run for the ones at the table. Footsteps light despite the build and bulk of the wild bantha hurtling towards them.

Hadrix's steps launch him to the edge of the overturned table, using his momentum to carry it over, forcing the security forces back and opening up for him to connect with an exceptionally well placed hook that leaves the target open to be missed clearly by a following elbow from the overbalanced warrior. Following through to regain his step by dipping into a combat roll to come up on the other side of the pair.


Good advice?

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Boots hit the ground and he's moving, Galaar up. Everyone else is moving fast too, and Hahtavi fires off two shots at a guard on the roof who's not behind cover but may be going for some. Both of his shots miss and he bares his teeth, /hating/ to miss his freaking shots. Nonetheless the Mandalorian just keeps moving to close in on the piece of Osik like a charging bull!

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

Landing on the rooftop, Naga goes into a forward roll to dodge the first onslaught of blaster bolts. Coming up on one knee, she returns fire but manages to hit kriff-all. To the other side of Akk-dog's spearhead, Basilisk is also firing plenty of warning shots. That's what this is.... yeah. Warning shots.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The thugs stands their ground as the team opens fire and punches at them. The guy behind the bar, a rodian, watches his human buddy take a good beating from Akk-Dog and opens fire with his blaster at the big Mando. "Poodoo!" He says and as the little droid open and Nerys go after the human in a fancy suit. He springs out opening fire, <We have a breach, secure Sand Panther. Out the front! Don't bring an air Speeder here.>

Meanwhile the air speeders on site are having problems dealing with the mediocre U-wing pilot. Who just seem to be one step ahead of them.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

As Nerys moved to close with her target, a blaster bolt hit her with the force of a train, almost setting her off her balance. But if she cried out, it never came across the comms, and the woman simply continued to work on eliminating the security guard she had engaged, moving as though the wound hindered her not at all. That, or she had simply learned the trick of fighting through the pain. She moved with a liquid grace as she brought the baton down along the side of his head, the backswing striking upward and snapping his head back before he dropped. Bitty, the droid with all the gifts, left Nerys to her work, as she spun around in mid air and opened fire on the target which had had the audacity to attack her steed. Filthy meatbag.

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

Another blast bounces off of the beskar plating coating the Al'Verde Kora, turing around towards the rodian hurtling expletives in a pivot that brings his poleyn into the poor snout nosed alien's stomach. Bending him forward in time for Hadrix to issue a keldabe kiss that concaves the crown of the spikey headed creature's skull.

One foot coming up, as if to give the poor wretch a final big boot, Akk-Dog steps and rides the body down with a heavy crunch as he stalks towards the next, shoulders and chest rising with heavy breaths that translate to bursts of rustling static from the vocalizers of his helmet.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Staying focused on his target and closing, Hahtavi manages to dodge getting hit and fires on the move. His shot finally connects and takes the guard down, his second missing. At once he's looking for another target and to check his team's status. Friendies are marked on his helmet's HUD and there's only one hostile left on the roof?

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

No, she isn't /hiding/ behind Akk-dog. That'd be absolutely ridiculous. Naga is taking tactical cover behind the wall of beskar as blaster bolts pling and plang off of him. She may also be keeping close to the large man as an anchor because as the last one goes down with one shot of her pistol, she touches his shoulder. Then pats it once. Twice.

A glance to Basalisk to make sure he's okay then her helmet turns towards Jetpack.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The team made there way down to the suite floor. The hall way was quiet and there was no secuirty team here waiting for the Irregulars. There was though a very fancy security door marking Suite #82. The lock looking very complex and very military grade. The door if test appears to be of spaceship grade durasteel plating, maybe even having a thin layer of beskar? But we don't have to go that far, we just won't be using Hadrix head as a battering ram on it. (repose for Hahtavi)

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

As the team went down the elevator, Nerys pulled a patch from a pocket on her armor. The patch was more to repair the integrity of the suit and did nothing for the wound that was, briefly, visible beneath it. And then they were into the corridor and she was on her way with Bitty towards the door, the droid(s), haha, getting to work trying to manage the security system on the door.

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

​The chuffing sound Hadrix made at Valeska's touches were all that he'd uttered from the rooftop to the end of the turbolift ride. The open doors letting him trod down the hallway, watching Nerys and Bitty. Drawing a collapsed rod from his hip and swinging his arm to extend the weapon with a loud SHK-SHK-SHK-CLANK before the vibro-systems engage.

Modified doors, walls showing bulk-outs from reinforcement.

<<"No time.">> taking a heavy step forward and jamming the pike into the door and then drawing down to begin slicing through the duranium plating. <<"Jetii'kad, hah. Ner trat'bevii. Pakod, elek vode?">> a strained grunt coming as he forces an opening that he gives a heavy kick to force in and allow his improvised door to fall open.

Breathing hard again, sweating into his eyes and shaking his head to clear them.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

As soon as Hadrix rips and kicks the door out of the way, Hahtavi's up against the wall and looking in. He sees no trip wires, no obvious traps, just one mean bad mother hutsucker, <<"Mandalorian armor.">>

That's all he has time to say before he's in the door and to one side of it to clear the way for the others. Might not be their target but one way to find out is see if they can knock'm out, then ask nicely. The Galaar in his gloved hands fires once - twice, hoping to have the surprise! But the big Mando is fast and Hahtavi's rifle shots miss. Just not his best day. But wait, it gets worse!

The Merc stands up and turns so fast, firing off two shots in rapid succession. Hahtavi's hit in the left leg and then the chestplate of his armor. It throws him back against the wall with a loud smack, then he hits the floor.

After that? He's not moving.

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

<"I mean... we might have had a little time, vod."> Naga watched the big man just brute-force the door with arms crossed casually over her chest. She managed to catch most of what Akk-dog says amidst the hackin' and the slashin'. <"I mean, one of them could've helped in this situation, I think. But would probably make a racket.">

Speaking of racket, the door is now open and Basalisk is immediately on it and Naga is quick to fire behind him. This charge is short-lived as her comrade is pinned against the wall by two hard blasts before falling to the floor.

Doing her best to hold her ground, Naga looks over her shoulder. <"Bas! Bas, say something! Kriff!">

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)] ​

Standing in the middle of the apartment was a Mandalorian with a big blaster rifle heavily modified to spray blasts at short bursts and as the sight of Hahtavi, he opens fire. <Nobody said anything about other clans. I want double.> He says to somebody on channel. Then turning to open trade shots at Val, her two shots hit and the stun effects slip past his armor hitting him in of blue energy webs and he falls to the side unconscious in his armor. ​ There's a silence in the apartment as there's no sights or sounds of where the target is.

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

<"Akk-Dog, secure Basilisk. Stabilize his wounds. Naga, you're with me. Move in when you're ready, Akk-Dog."> Jetpack, moved into the room, Bitty bobbing along with her as they began a circuit of the room, the pair moving in silence as they explored. <No way they had that mando in here and the target isn't close by." And then the pair stopped, as they headed into the bedroom. A low chirp from Bitty and Nerys nodded, moving to one of the end tables, a gloved fingertip rubbing a scratch on the wood top, before she realigned the decoration, and a panel slid back, revealing a false wall panel, which slid out and behind the bookcase. There was a door revealed there. "Let's get this open." And then they went to work, Bitty reaching out midway and rapping Nerys' knuckles like a schoolmarm, before she took over. The soft sound of locks releasing came a moment later. <"I'll shield you,"> She offered to Naga and Akk-Dog, if he was in with them now. She tapped a control on her armor, and a bubble of energy shimmered out around her body, encasing her in the glistening bubble of a personal shield unit.

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

Already in motion, watching the other in similar armor firing and going down in one, there was no need to tell him to take care of Hahtavi. The Big Man is already moving to his side, one of his blades to act as a pry to unhook his cuirass before his med kit is out and unrolled.

<<"Ori'Vod.">> patting the side of Haht's helmet, Hadrix begins applying Bacta gel directly on wounds before a hypo goes into his neck, injecting painkillers and a healthy shot of adrenaline.

<<"Wake up damnit. Rub some dirt in it.">> a plaster slapped on and the wounds checked. <<"Shab.">>

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

'Basilisk', also known as Hahtavi, isn't moving. No sign he's alive at all, crumpled on the floor in an awkward slightly twisted and partly face down heap on top of his rifle. No answer on his coms, either. Unless one's helmet is filtering it out, there is the smell of partly melted durasteel and burned human flesh.

Once Hadrix rolls him over and opens up his armor, Had can see it's bad. No response from Hahtavi. Especially not if his helmet is left on. Stabbed with a hypo in the neck doesn't get an obvious reaction either. But adrenaline'll sure punch up a man's heart rate. A shuddering, labored breath. At least it's a sign of life, not yet entirely fled.

Weak, barely there whisper over their coms, <<"Ppaak.">> Salt. Rub some salt into it.

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

It takes everything in her not to run up to Basilisk who is laying motionless on the floor and only by the grace of orders to follow does she succeed in resisting. Also, Akk-dog is on it and Naga definitely knows that Bas has got the best field medic in their clan.

Stepping over the now unconscious, unknown Mandalorian, Naga follows up behind Jetpack into the panic room where their target appears to be cowering. Pistol still in hand, Naga opts for the 'silent and scary' part of wearing this armour: looming behind Jetpack and allowing her to do the talking while trying to silently quell her worry and anger.

[ Jax Greystorm (Jax)]

The apartment was secure and the target was in his pajamas as Naga stood over him with a pistol held on him. If this guy was a tough leader of the bosses, he didn't look it. His hair was matted from sleeping. He looks up and holds up his hands. "I hired the wrong team." He mutters. A single stun bolt will do it.

The team channel sparks to life, < This is Plan A. Are you bout ready to get? I got a couple of Air Speeder of thugs heading your way and a FO troop APC and they're converging in about a minute. I'm landing."

[ Nerys Greystorm (Nerys)]

Nerys, who moved in ahead of Naga, allowed Bitty to clear the room, making certain there were no other surprises. "Well," came her modulated voice over the external comms, "that was a given." Bitty, who, if a droid could look gleeful, did indeed look as if this was her lucky day, as she sent a stun bolt into the man's chest, not quite chortling as he collapsed forward. At least she didn't blow on the end of her blaster. Nerys deactivated the shield long enough to hoist the man into a fireman's carry, before she activated the shield again, this time the bubble extending to cover both of them. Be a shame to have him get shot on the way out. She hefted the dead weight, handling the much larger man surprisingly well. <"We're on our way out, Corsair, we've got one man down, but we've secured the target.> And then, to the rest of the team, <"Back the way we came, Ship's waiting.">

[ Hadrix Kora (Had)]

<<"You're still breathing, vod.">> looking towards the stunned mandalorian, head canting to his side, poor shab put up a fight at least. Hadrix looks back to Hahtavi. slathering in more of that miracle medical gel and unfolding a large pad to apply and hold it in place. <<"You'll live.">> sealing down the chest plate to keep the bacta in place before he starts to stand, hauling one of the others arms across his shoulders to bring him up.

<"Copy, ex-fil."> looking towards one of the windows and thinking of his jetpack before deciding to go to the hall, for now. After all, TIEs out there.

Not to mention the Greystorms might object and he has enough on his plate this time.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Things are happening. Dimly. Hadrix's voice over his coms? Hahtavi's hauled up by an arm and his boots move, trying to get to his feet. Without his commander to haul him out he'd not be getting out on his own, not today. Left leg won't take his weight anyway, but he tries. Better than being carried out like a rag doll. But it's plenty of drag on Hadrix's shoulder as they get moving, mostly dragging 'Basilisk' out half on his feet.

[ Valeska Jaivon (Val)]

On their way out, Naga stops to regard the other Mando one more time. Yeah... he definitely took the wrong job. Part of her wants to feel for him. She's been in that spot quite a few times. Then again, he very well could have killed her friend and if she hadn't heard Akk-dog confirming 'You're still breathing, vod' over the comms, Naga may have been tempted to put a barrel to tbe bucket.

But no.

She comes up alongside her clanmates and though Akk has it well in hand, Naga pulls Basilisk's other arm over her shoulder to help. <"We got you, vod."> And the exac commences.