Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt:Snitches Get Stitches

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The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt:Snitches Get Stitches

OOC Date: June 14th, 2020 (Optional)
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Dyannah Nerus, Jax Greystorm, Nerys Arda, Nova Korell, Sajin, Threl Ravrari

[Jax Greystorm]

The Irregulars had been called into the Undercity to rescue an 'asset.' One of the pirates the Irregulars were trying to shut down had been feeding them info. It seemed the pirate crew had found out while on leave on Nar Shaddaa. It had lead to some rather sore feeling on the matter and now some where down here the crew man was hiding and nursing a blaster wound. The Irregulars were trying to find the 'asset' before her former crew mates found her.

It was dark and well scary. It was the undercity as the team had excited one of the lifts into the area. Jax steps out for a moment looking at the area. "Alright, You've already got the holographic display and all the intel I got on this. Seems we've a missing person to find and we're exactly sure where they're at or who they are. They're also leveraging good intel for us to get them out of here. It's a Female Devorian that goes going by Blue Duck. I don't come up with the code names. Which is a good time to remind you, there's supposed to be hostile forces in the area, coms aren't secure, and I brought in an outside contractor to help with medical treatment. I figured we needed Moonbeam's other skills on this and not trying to keep somebody alive. So stick to your code names." He looks to Threl, "I'm Corsair." Then he draws his DL-30 and takes up a position to provide cover for the team as they secure the area.


<<"This one time, in Defiance...">> Started Sajin as he cocked the charging cord on his wookiee bowcaster back, charging it for an untold amount of hurt on the enemy. <<"I came down here hunting a swoop gang with Tarion... and I totally lost a kidney...">> He sighs wistfully, <<"Man... those were good times...">> He was wearing his Formfitter Powerarmor, complete with shadowplates. He was still getting used to the Jetpack for it so elected not to travel with it at this time. He worse the colors of House Verrni, Gold and Gunmetal Camo Gray along with a cape over his broad shoulders. Two pistols on either hip and an Ebony Ryyk blade sheathed across his back. He looked anything but friendly, but his tone said otherwise. <<"Alright... kill bad people... simple enough. Don't shoot a cute Devaronian chick. Got it.">>

[Nerys Arda]

Nerys was not the first out of the lift, leaving that to the team's leader, but she was as prepared as she was likely to be. Armored, and carrying her backpack with its usual accoutrements of weapons and useful widgets. She had already removed the bowcaster from her pack, and she worked at bringing the weapon to life as she stepped out onto the street. Belate had come along as well, in what amounted to stealth mode, for a BB droid, which means he had had Nerys slap some black decals on him to help cover the bright white shininess of his chassis. "Jetpack here. I'm ready."

[Nova Korell]

"For the record, I don't mind backing up somebody else in that department," Nova replies, looking decidedly /unlike/ a combat medic in her antique, urban-digicamo armor. She nods to the Togruta, a stranger. "Call me Moonbeam... it's not for my personality. Nice to meet you." She steps in after Corsair, taking a knee to do a quick visual-and-sights sweep of the area, then hurrying to the nearest opening and peering through it. "Check those corners... this place is even nastier than the rest of Nar Shaddaa. Nobody doing peacekeeping, except the local gangs, and they don't like guests."

[Threl Ravrari]

It's been almost forever since Threl's been on an honest-to-goodness /mission/.

It had been slow at the clinic over the past few days, with the usual injuries streaming in, here and there - nothing super interesting except for one guy who managed, somehow, to fall and make his knee bend the other way while trying to impress a girl. It seems a lot of the injuries she's treated are people trying to impress girls so, when the offer comes to go down and rescue someone from danger? Well, she's not doing anything else, so of course she was going to come along. Standing in the undercity in her armor and bare feet, with her backpack stuffed full of various medical equipment that might be useful and her spear - retracted, but ready - Threl looks determined. Looking to Corsair, her eyes glint in the low light. "/tohg/ here. Foot." She clicks her tongue, "Good to meet all. Ready."

[Dyannah Nerus]

Grumpy. It's very seldom that the Zeltron is out and out grumpy but Nar Shaddaa does that to her. For various reasons besides the rain and the crowds and the undercity, Dyannah dislikes the place. Dislikes it enough to arm herself to the teeth, the DL-30 on her hip, being the least of it, and wearing full Trooper armor. "Bah. This is as ready as we'll get. Be prepared for surprises."

[Jax Greystorm]

They were all correct of course, it was dangerous and not fun down here. Well that depended on your definition of fun. It was like moving through an urban warzone in a cave. Up ahead there was the broken remains of an old apartment building on what looked like a habitation block. The building was mostly intact though there was some serious chunks missing every so often where it looked like a wrecking ball or explosives had randomly and precisely destroyed a random apartment. Though on the fourth floor there was a pipe that burst out of the side of the building and had created a waterfall from above that washed down a section of the building into another drain. It didn't smell good and probably best not to ponder what it was. Yay Undercity.

Corsair lets out a whistle, "Last transmission said she was in there. King, Isn't that what you do ever weekend? And I don't want to know how much of you is original but I feel you on the kidney." He stops and looks at the building, "I got nothing. Somebody with better eyes want to take a look?" He looks at Threl, "Foot? Just confirming that's your codename?"


<<"Yeah... kinda...">> The King of Drik answered as he stops in front of the building where the target was last seen. Without much reguard for sneaking and being hardly light of foot in powerarmor, the usually highly dexterous Hapan trudges through the door and moves up the stairs. His bowcaster raised in front of him and ready to shoot back with any enemy contact. He clears one room, then the other, before finally making it to the fourth floor and into and old squaters room unkept with blankets and dirty walls, water and fire damage.

There's some movement under the blankets, his headlamp comes on illimuniating the area. Gauntleted hand reaches down and pulls off the blankets to expose the Devaronian female. There is an awkward pause before the large and heavily armored King says, <<"Come with me if you want to live.">>

[Nerys Arda]

Jetpack following along with the group, looked this way and that, as she moved out to case the joint. Well, if one couldn't go into the belly of Nar Shaddaa with humour where were you? Not moving well, that's where, as a misplaced foot banged at a passing bit of debris and drew a hiss from the woman which, while it went unheard inside her armor, caused a small wave of cans to jangle down to the ground. "Get into cover if you can. I see four potential hostiles on their way. Rifles out. Them. But also us." As she was near the back, it looked as though she'd be one of the unfortunate ones having to face the gang. She turned, trying to find some cover. Belate, of course, being tiny simply rolled behind some broken down furniture.

[Threl Ravrari]

"Barefoot works too." Threl clarifies to Corsair and the rest of the group as they make their way into the building. The group of them, Threl in the middle because she's new, aren't exactly quiet moving up the stairs. In fact, in her eagerness to be out of the way, Threl accidentally bumps into something precariously balanced, sending it tumbling down the stairwell. Luckily, it only falls down a flight but still, it echoes. She squeaks, frowning. "Sorry."

Approaching the top of a landing, she lets out a soft hiss. "Traps. Lines. There, see? Across the hall in front of us." Barefoot crouches low and points before retreating into the alcove of a door when the news of potential attackers comes. Eyes glinting with low-light vision, Barefoot crouches and waits, spear in hand, prepared for the onrush of attackers. potential onrush, at least.

[Nova Korell]

Nova, for once the quietest person here in spite of her heavy plating, slips into the building and into cover almost effortlessly. Her eyes sweep the interior of the building... <Whoa... anybody know anything about electronics? We've got a damaged conduit here, needs to be at least patched. We don't want to carry anybody over this thing. It's hot enough to hard-boil a Dewback.> The mention of incoming hostiles, though, focuses her attention. She slips to a covering position, taking aim with her Tracker. <Careful... get to cover, folks. We'll try to open the ball first, if they get close enough.>

[Dyannah Nerus]

As if things couldn't get worse, Dyannah steps on a trashcan lid which flips up and hits her in the shin. Armored shin guards protect her but the noise would alarm a drunk Hutt on a three-day bender. Slipping the gun from her holster after Nerys' alert, she takes a deep breath and continues forward. Up ahead she spies what could serve as an escape route, over comms, she announces, << I see what looks like a ladder and hatchway behind the waterfall, in case we need a way out of her.>>

[Jax Greystorm]

Blue Duck who reddish brown skin was broken up with blue jota face tattoos like a Zabrak looked up at Sajin after stop trying back peddle away, she held a blanket up between her and the King of Dirk as she was trying to cover her self. She gave him a smile, "Sure wish I could go anywhere you want stud." Then she lets the blanket fall away to reveal a charred and bleeding side. "I ain't going anywhere without any healing."

The racket was enough for what looked like a kill team directly toward the building. It looked like they weren't going to be sneaking out of this one.

Cosair moves to one of the building entryways shadows hoping to catch the kill team in a cross fire if needed. "I don't and Gadget wasn't available this time Moonbeam. I can try something if we have no other options. But we might be hauling two injured out then. Barefoot can you mark the trip lines and get to Blue Duck's position. Good eyes JetPack and Dutchess."

[Threl Ravrari]

"Aya" Barefoot responds, her voice quiet, but loud enough for those in the team to be heard. Reaching into her pocket, she withdraws several small plastic lengths of plastic which, when cracked, glow with a faint light and, creeping closer, she marks the tripwires near the wall, making sure the lights are visible from the direction the group is coming from but hidden from anyone coming towards them. "Coming to blue."

Backtracking takes a little bit, but Barefoot is careful, making her way towards the room where King and Blue Duck are. She's not worrying about choosing a target - that's what the big guns are for. Her spear is purely defensive at this point.

[Nerys Arda]

Nerys, who had just taken a knee behind a broken down old couch perked up. If only the group could hear the curse. It was a good one. What they did hear was, instead, in her most business-like tone, "Pulling back from engagement. I'll see what I can do about those trip wires." She did not put away her weapon, but she did take the stairs at a good clip, moving to where she was needed. The markers certainly helped with IDing the trip wires. Bonus. When she got to the landing, she set her weapon down, but still kept it close as she got to work, moving with the sort of efficiency that made it clear she had some experience with these things. "Alright, let's see if I can clear us a road." Or at least a hallway. "Belate and I can work on the conduit once things aren't so hairy."


Sajin looks towards to Devaronian, tilting his head to the side a moment. Though realization comes as she shows him her injury... <<"Niiice...">> He offers before keying his comm. <<"Fourth Floor, Blue Duck's up here. She need a Doctor before we can move her...">> He makes his way to the room's window and takes a look out. Noticing the advancing hit squad, he gets giddy. <<"Which one of you is the leader... You the one in the back... and...">> Weapon raised he squeezed the trigger. The loud report of the super charger quarrel flying towards and then exploding against the enemies body likely catches the enemy off guard. <<"Kill squad inbound... I think I got the leader... heh...">>

[Nova Korell]

<This is Moonbeam... second floor. I'm covering up this conduit. We'll have to come this way, getting out,> the soldier calls, cutting a wide strip of decaying carpeting. Rolling it triple-thick, she lays it over the broken conduit. It takes some time.

[Dyannah Nerus]

The team has it together. On the Fourth Floor, Sajin taking his careful shot blows down the leader in one. Dyannah keeps a watch on the other incoming hit squads members, one finger to her earcom, she listens to the others reporting in, commenting, <<Good news on those tripwires, Barefoot.>>

Dyannah moves into position to sight with a blaster, holding it double-handed, she aims carefully but only manages to wing the second man in the group as he jumps to cover after his leader went down.

<<Moonbeam, it's all relative. You know the old saw about getting on a Zeltron's bad side. This whole moon is on my bad side. The King took one down, I've wounded another.">>

[Jax Greystorm]

The kill team open fire in response to Sajin taking out of their leader but they fire wildly into the night in the direction of the team. Dyannah hitting the First mate. Though Corsair was hidden in the shadows a stray Jax cat far from the Moon of Rori jumps out of the hiding place next to him. The Cabin Boy and Second Mate in confusion open fire at the cat and well the real Jax/Corsair. Jax emerges from the shadow with blaster drawn and another jacket destroyed but no signs that he's actually hurt. He opens fire on Second Mate killing him with a couple of well placed blaster bolts, <Getting hot down here. Whats the patients status?"


Sajin inches back from the window as the return fire comes, moving forwards once more to pick up another target. The squad has thinned some thanks to the return fire from the rest of the crew. There's a scrawny lad, slow and green. A novice if he ever saw one. <<"Sorry kid...">> He lets off another round. The quarrel explodes against the boy, ripping through him, and leaving nothing much but a mist of blood and smoking guts and flesh scattered everywhere. <<"Live by the blaster... get vaporized by the blaster.">>

At the question about Blue, he turns towards his charge and looks her over before triggering the comm unit, <<"She's here still and lookin' pretty... waiting on Medical.">>

[Nerys Arda]

The tripwires made short work of, Nerys scooped up the markers, just in case they needed them somewhere else, attention turned to the sound of gunfire as she looked to see if she was close enough to a window to help out the team. Alas, there weren't any close enough. or perhaps she simply wanted to focus on making certain the team had a decent point of extraction, "Belate, go see what you can do about that conduit. And don't fry yourself." As for Nerys herself, she moved along the hall, searching for anything else waiting to trip them up. The droid chirped irritated, as he found the conduit covered, chittering back towards Nerys who was following along not far behind him, "I'm coming!" She paused, checking each of the windows as she passed them, pausing at one that looked out onto yet another alley, "We need to get moving, gang. I spot at least one more incoming from the west alley."

[Nova Korell]

<Conduit's taken care of, Jetpack... at least, as well as we can in this kind of hurry,> Nova coms, keeping low and getting to a window. The mess below says that Sajin's been busy with his bowcaster. /Ick/. There's one left though... until she opens fire, hitting him dead center. <That's the last of our first group. Nerys, did you say there are more coming? West? I'll try to get an angle on them.> So saying, she hurries for another window that faces west. Maybe she can keep them busy 'til Blue is ready to move.

[Threl Ravrari]

Low light vision in the underworld of Nar Shaddaa is helpful, even if her helmet provides it too. Barefoot deftly makes her way through the hallways, finally finding the room where King and Blue Duck are. "Hello." she says cheerfully, despite the blaster fire in the background, extracting her scanner from her backpack and accidentally dumping the contents of her medkit on the floor in her haste to get it out. It's been a while since she's been under fire. Important note for the future - get a combat pack to prevent this from happening again.

She'll worry about her stuff later. Right now Barefoot needs to make sure Blue Duck is okay. She scans the Devorian woman to get an idea of the injuries that there are and kneels down to gather what she needs to treat the injury - just enough to get her out.

[Dyannah Nerus]

At her post of the window looking out from the Fourth Floor, the Zeltron watches the last of the first hit squad go down under the team's fire. <<I have nothing in my view here, Moonbeam. It's not my call but I'd urge us moving out of here fast as we can, once Blue Duck is prepped and ready.">>

[Jax Greystorm]

Blue Duck frowns up at 'Bare Foot' as she spills the contents of her medpack, "Do you know what your doing?" He says making a pained face. One thing 'Barefoot' would have noticed just by the smell, infection has set in and the Devorian woman has a nice blaster bolt burn hole in her abdomen on the left side implying a gut shot. She's going to need surgery and some bacta after this. The woman looks over to Sajin, "Hey Stud did you bring me a real medic, she's not a saw bones right?"

Meanwhile downstairs, Jax's on the channel, "Alright keep eyes on them Jetpack. I'm with the Dutchess if we can blow this place before reinforcements or scavengers cause a second engagement lets do it."


<<"It's what I got, sweetheart... I'm sorry. I'll make sure I get you something real nice to make up for it.">> Sajin offers, keeping overwatch out the window while the medic gets to work. A quick glance to her, <<"You ant a saw bones though, right?">> THe question is echoed by the dumb yet handsome Hapan before going back to his overwatch through the 4th floor window, looking for that incoming enemy he was warned about. He wasn't going ot leave the asset's side.

[Nerys Arda]

"Things are as clear as they're going to be until we get out of this building," Jetpack offered, as she came up on a window that was looking towards the direction she spotted the incoming, "Anyone else have medical training? Maybe go see if you can help them move that asset. We don't have time for waiting around." She glanced back, "Belate, keep close. I want to move as quickly as we can."

[Nova Korell]

Dropping carefully down through a hole in the decrepit second floor, Nova moves to the way in they took earlier. <We can go back the way we came... it's clear as far as I can tell. But I'm with Duchess: We need to move, and soon. If this place comes under serious fire, it might come down around our ears.>

[Threl Ravrari]

"I no sawbones." Threl doesn't sound offended at the questioning - after all, she just dumped her kit and that doesn't bode well for confidence. "Can go right to amputate I'd want?". Yes, teasing for a second. She gathers the equipment she needs and starts to work, concentrating more on the job at hand than anything said. "Bad infection.". She looks up at her patient, then back to work. Probably why they are here.

A quick hypo of painkillers starts taking effect before Threl packs the wound with dermal sealants and antibiotics. "Get you to clinic. need surgery, bacta tank. you be fine."

[Dyannah Nerus]

<"Oh, you know me, Moonbeam, the nervous Zeltron, ultra-sensitive."> A laugh lights up the coms. <"That waterfall would be called a sewer outlet on any other world.">

Listening to the exchange between doctor and patient, <"Are you ready to move then, Barefoot? Can the Blue Duck walk, or do we need to carry her?">

[Jax Greystorm]

Blue Duck relaxes as she's shot up on Pain killers and antibiotics, "Now that's the way to treat a girl. You two are alright." She's bandaged up. She could walk but would need help with Sajin. Less help than what she needed but hey she was trying to hold onto Threl too.

Jax has moved up in a defensive position along the exit route, <Alright, Let not go showing in the poo doo and get out of here before we have to stop calling Dutchess paranoid and start using the word prophet when we talk about her.>


<<"Alright here we go...">> Sajin says wrapping one arm around the Devaronian woman and helping her walk out. His bowcaster is dropped to hang loosely in the quick response strap. Right hand is open and ready to quickly draw his DL-44 if so needed as he helps her out and towards the exfil location.

[Nerys Arda]

Nerys stayed at the window as long as humanely possible, keeping a weather eye out for whatever was coming towards them until she got the call that the team was on the move. Once it was time to get the you know what out, she went, falling into the droge position to keep an eye for anything that might be coming up behind them as they made their way out, "Don't know if the clinic is strictly safe, given it's still on planet, so, my suggestion? Get her into the med bay on my ship and get her somewhere safe."

[Nova Korell]

Nova glances back, seeing the group moving to exfil, and falls back to join Nerys at the tail. <Moonbeam, taking tail. We know there's company coming behind,> she says, carbine at the ready. <It's not far back to our ride.>

[Threl Ravrari]

Putting her spear away, Threl takes up position on the other side or the patient, helping her along the ruined halls with Sanjin at a decent clip. "on our way with package". she says into comms, nudging the girl. "you no pass out. keep talking. tell me about favorite place to eat in Nar?"

[Dyannah Nerus]

<"I will confirm that we have company on the way so let's get this company moving now."> The Zeltron takes up position on the other side of their lame Blue Duck. "Yes, listen to good advice. Keep your chin up and we will have you feeling good in a safe place in no time." She slides an arm under the patient's free arm ready to take her weight if need be.