Log:The Meltdown meltdown

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The Meltdown meltdown

OOC Date: October 5, 2015
Location: Meltdown Cafe, Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Jax Greystorm, Qadira Surryet, Kael Greystorm, Rheisa Dirleel

The Meltdown Cafe - Starport District, Nar Shaddaa This bar is open to the street in the front, one merely steps off of the sidewalk and finds a seat at the bar that sits beneath the large duracrete awning. The bar is usually very busy with all sorts of sentient beings. The bartender is a human man, getting on in years, rather short with slanted eyes and a wrinkled face. He speaks in a very accented basic and seems very energetic and always agitated. The area behind the bar is well lit and there is a window that shows a partial view into the kitchen where a few select types of food are prepared. The open setting to the street traffic makes this bar unorthodox, but yet its still very popular. The sounds of chattering languages fill the air, as does strange music from an unknown source and wisps of smoke gliding through the air.

"Thank." One of the many bodies seated at the bar is a Rheisa, the striking contrast of her montrals exposing her moreso than camoflaging her in the current crowd, so far from the turu grasses of her homeland. The 'tender grunts acknowledgement of her gratitude, leaving her with a plate of ... goop. At least that's what it may appear to be at a glance. Further inspection would reveal an eye and some gelatinous meat product - likely the older stock in the fridge, not yet sent to the fryer.

Her expression reads more disappointment than happiness though, as the Togruta examines the content of her plate with a talonesque fingernail.

The other two were lost but Kadi has seem to picked up another straggler. The young Corellian man that Rheia had met with the woman the other day. But the little droid is no where to be seen. "So you have Lily running a routine that can't be interrupted. Nice."

Kadi nods to her companion. "Yes, it's kind of important to the engines so she's all over it. Of course, unless there are problems, it's the sort of thing that we only have to do once." She glances around, and heads over towards the bar once she spies the young Rheesa from the other day. "Where is a good spot to sit, Jax?"

Well, beggars cannot be choosers, or so the saying goes. Not that Rheisa has actually /heard/ this colloquialism. Nevertheless, she delicately plucks the eye of nerf(???) from her plate and slurps it back thoughtfully. Fatty, juicy...it's an eyeball. Seems this species isn't anymore awful or delicious than the next. She seems to be alone this time, aside from the companionship of her carved staff, propped against her right leg.

Jax guides Kadi to a seat back at the bar. He set Kadi where she could talk to Rheia if she wanted. But hopes not to watch the tongua woman to eat eyeballs. He catches the attention of the cook when he comes by, "Nerf nuggets in noodles Corellian style." He then turns to wave to Rheisa.

Kadi settles in, glad for the company, even if Kaedric and his friend have gotten lost in the crowd. She grins at Jax, eyes dancing. "Thank you," she says. She makes a bit of a face, but well, eating requirements for different folks is different strokes or something like that. At least she doesn't go too green - barely at all. "Hi Rheesa," she greets. "Nice to see you again."

Another sliver of meat, pink, goes down the hatch, but not without a slight grimace from the consumer. Rheisa eyes the plate skeptically, unsure if she ought to continue with her meal. It's during that intense contemplation that her good eye catches the motion of a wave, and inner ears take note of freshly learned voices. She looks up from her supper, turning her head to first stare, then flash a smile at the owner of Leely. And her male companion.

"Kadi?" she questions, testing her memory with a point to the woman, then beyond her shoulder to "J-ax" hard on the leading consonant. "Nice," she nods.

Jax grins waving at Rheisa, "Hey, you out and about today. Where's Veela?" He asks and remembers to have a beer dropped off. He takes a sip of it. He looks back to Kadi, "I think Ax was eyeing the ballroom. So I think your not going to have to worry about many formal afairs." Kadi smiles brightly. "Yes, that's right. I'm Kadi and this is Jax. And you are Rheesa, right?" She hopes she pronounced that name correctly. "Come sit with us, if you want?" she offers. Though she's not so sure that's a wise idea. "Same as him," she orders so that she doesn't have to think about it.

"Veela and Qo make sale on...Trader's Way? Give me map." Rheisa twists in her seat to slide a folded piece of paper from her belt and thrust at them in proof. It gets sheathed away again just as swiftly though, beneath the strap anchoring a knife to her hip. Squinting, she tilts her head aside and looks pointedly to their current proximity. "Rheisa /is/ sitting with. You go...ahway?" Confused, her fingers mime the pair wandering out elsewhere atop the bar before selecting another strip of meat from the plate, with a little less gristle, and chewing thoughtfully.

It comes right back out, into the (almost)discretion of her palm, then back to the plate. Utter dismay dulls her features. She reaches for her cup of water, not seeming concerned about the haze tinging it.

Jax shakes his head, "NO stay.. Kadi was asking you to move closer." He looks at Rheisa with a bit concern, "Are you feeling okay? Do we need to call our doctor friend?"

"Right," Kadi says, with a nod. "If you wish that is." She frowns a bit, and then looks at Jax as he starts asking about a doctor. A moment of alarm on her face, her eyes widening. "Oh." So eloquent a reaction really. Her beer gets dropped off as well, but she ignores it for the moment, concern obvious on her face.

The lightbulb of enlightenment flickers on in the depths of Rheisa's eyes as Jax clarifies and she obliges Kadi's request, collecting herself and modest horde of dinnerware to scoot over. She watches Jax's lips moving, trying to recall a few key meanings of his words while lifting the glass to her lips for another sip. A long pregnant pause then, as her nose hovers over the beverage. The scent is...different. A tentative sip and she coughs, gagging as a liquid fire violates her tender throat.

Not water! Not! Tears well up in her eyes and she stands abruptly, hands clamping over her lips in what to some is probably an over-reactive display. Ribs heave a bit more rapidly beneath her 'shirt' in alarm and she affixes Kadi with a panicky stare as a heat she's not accustomed to swells in her breast, followed by a look of utter betrayal sent the barkeep's way.

Jax frowns as he gets a whiff of what she's drinking. "Sweetie that's not water." He looks at the bar tender and then goes, "Get her a glass of water and put it on my tab." He frowns towards Kadi, "YOu going to explain it to her?"

Kadi looks at Jax, and then she reaches for the glass, sniffiing it before she sighs, throwing a dirty look at the barkeep. "Rheesa, hang in there," she says, and then she pauses, biting her lip. "It's - it looks like water, but it's not. It's - 'shine, to get drunk. Probably what most buy here. Did you get - all you ordered? I mean, is your meal okay?" She frowns, looking back over at Jax. "Looks like there's a bit of taking advantage going on." Not reallyl surprised.

A Weequay enters behind the counter from around back, tapping the owner on the shoulder with a less than quiet whisper and says "Hey, boss. You see the bait for the rats? I left it on the counter to go..." And he trails off, seeing a plate with remnants on it that look /awfully/ familiar. His pale, grey face acquires a sudden rush of color. Surely not... I mean, there /were/ a lot of scraps leftover back there. Right?

"What is? Why? Is so...fire." Rheisa whimpers between coughs, and vainly wipes at her tongue in attempts to quell the pain. Her other hand wraps around her belly, trying to stay the urge to vomit as a wave of nausea rides through. The lekku-like appendages are vibrating in her angst, broadcasting the warning to those with hearing sensitive enough to catch it.

Jax takes a couple of deep breaths and looks at the weequay and the 'Boss.' He stands up, "Did you just posion this woman?" His voice clear as his hand drops to his blaster. "Kadi, we might be needing the doctor."

Kadi is on her feet, as Jax is. "Do we even know where Sesti is?" she murmurs. She, Jax and Rheisa are at a table, though standing, and Rheisa is in some distress. There's a Weequay and someone who is a boss talking about rats and bait. And Jax has a hand on his blaster. "I can go find the doc?"

Kael Greystorm heads into the cafe from the street and makes his way to the bar. Ordering a beer he finally decides to look around... "Oh that doesn't look healthy. "

"What!?" The little barkeep bellows, thumping his employee on the chest before turning to address the concerned patrons. "Whoa whoa...sir," he eyes the blaster with a seasoned eye for such things, shaking his head. Glancing nervously behind him, he thumps a fist on the window separating kitchen from public side. "Lerry!" He shouts, ordering the chef's attention. A finger point to the 'quay. "Ask him where he get this meat. It better not be what /you/ left out!" Hands shaking, he delivers not one, but two glasses of water, free of charge, on the counter in front of the gagging Togruta.

Rheisa, meanwhile, is working on remedying the situation herself. Nature knows best, and right now the best solution is to eject any offending materials recently ingested. She does, however, have /some/ sense of social protocol and after grabbing hold of her staff, retreats towards 'outside' before somebody winds up with a filled boot. She gets within a meter of the threshold before errupting. A soggy, still identifiable nerf eyeball splats upon the floor, amid other chewed bits.

It's to this that Kaedric arrives, having been forced to visit the hotel he's staying in before getting his meal. Fortunately the young man has very good reactions, he steps aside as Rheisa empties her stomach managing not to get covered

"Might want to take her with you Kadi." He looks to Kael and never letting the bar staff out of sight, "You might not want to drink that. I think they're trying to posion people" He says not removing his hand from his blaster.

Kael Greystorm issues a command to Mini-Translator Droid - 7987. The droid bleeps its acknowledgement, and begins to follow Kael Greystorm.

Kadi moves with Rheisa, since letting her go off on her own seems a bad idea. She swallows audibly as the contents of the Togruta's stomach are expelled so forcefully. "Oh man. That's gotta hurt," she murmurs. She reaches out a hand, but stops short of touching the other. "Kaedric! You have timing. We seem to have a bit of an issue." She seems quite worried, but also more than a little out of her element. "Rheesa? Did that help?" Also? Kadi is a tad bit green.

"Not at all sir, please!" the old barkeep assures, patting the air. "See?" He takes a healthy drink of the water himself. The pest control guy takes the opportunity to disappear as directed, retreating to the kitchen to sort it out with the chef. There's a lot of gesturing and pointing to trays and what must be cold storage.

Rheisa trembles, hunkering where she's hurled, in attempts to maybe just disappear. She mumbles something under her breath. A chant maybe, or prayer, involving a great many names. Her belly contracts once more, but it's fruitless. An aftershock, perhaps. "Mm...better." She groggily nods much belatedly to her concerned new friend. "Water bad." Or so goes her association with the most recent thing swallowed. Blinking hard, she stands...and lists to the right. Sounds warp in her head, the lighting shifts...her face is suddenly pale as her circulation fails to keep pace with all the excitement. "Was hungry..." she whispers and presses a hand to her side in attempts to muffle the thunderous spasming of her heart, though in reality it's quite silent.

And Rheisa's down. Ish. She takes a knee, hard, and bows over there, unresponsive.

Kael Greystorm hmmms and nods as he doesn't take the beer... His hands casually rest on his gun belt as he looks around at the folks he knows and just shakes his head, "Seems like a good way to go out of business."

Jax looks to Kael, "I say we get the lady to the doctor. She don't make it we come back and pay these folks a visit." He says to Kael. "Though I'm not eating here again."

Kadi frowns and then looks to the gentlemen. "Might need a hand to get her to the doc," she says. Cause hey, Kadi is small and doesn't look very strong besides. "But I think that's probably a good idea." She takes a breath, fretting visibly. And avoiding looking at that puke, though the aroma might still be enough to turn Kadi's stomach.

"Wasn't the same stuff!" the pest-fighting Weequay pokes his head out to call to his boss before stalking back into the kitchen and going about his business of baiting the traps. The owner sighs and runs a hand over his balding head. "Good. Hey! Let me call you a taxi?" He offers, first to Jax, but looks past him with worried eyes to the collapsed patron. Never good for business.

Rheisa doesn't seem like she's going to be much help in the matter. She's breathing, at least.