Log:The Shadowport: The Hapan-ing: Digging For Moles

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As Adam Steiner once said, information is ammunition!

OOC Date: December 1, 2020
Location: Hapes
Participants: The Shadowport: Rale, Liz'diot, Ora, Kaavenn, Karr'roga, featuring Zhu Yan as GM

The short story: Snake, this is a sneaking mission. Weapons and equipment are OSP. This is a top-secret black op. Don't expect any official support.

The long story:

[20:11:56|Zhu Yan]
One of Zhu Yan's most favouritest targets to hit at any point in time ever were communications relays, and today was no different. Once everyone was varying levels of settled in at their accomodations, and had retrieved all of the gear that Yan had happily pushed through Customs, it was time for their first big gig. "<<So,>>" he began, sitting in a black hovervan parked in front of the second-most beautiful highrise anyone had ever seen. The most beautiful one was next block over. "<<EJ and company are doing their whole diplomancy thing shaking up her own house. Probably having stuffy dinners and polite talk. Boring.>>"

Yan's attire was strange as it always was. The day-old stubble forming on his face hinted at the man they all knew, his long hair was now beyond brushing his shoulders and in desperate need of some TLC. He looked like a metalhead who'd passed his prime. The most notable omission was the Jacket, which in fact hadn't been seen since they'd departed for Hapes. In its place was dark clothing, a button-up shirt, pants, suspenders. Not a lot of people could pull off that look. Yan wasn't one of them.

"<<We know that there's a mole... actually that's not the right word,>>" he elaborated to the Skunkworks team over the comms, "<<more like, one of the various houses here is making a play for EJ's house. Duchy. Whatever. I bet you an all-expenses-paid dinner that since EJ touched down, said house is in a tizzy. So, I want to know what they're saying, I want to know when they're saying it,>>" dramatic pause, "<<and I want to be able to bring down the building if I have to. IF I HAVE TO.>>" Big emphasis there, chaps and chappettes. "<<I'm uploading the schematics to your datapads, and there's suppressors in each of your bags. Put them on your guns and if you make a body at least hide it, longer these taps are in place the more info we got. Remember, information is ammunition,>>" he concluded with a pithy quote from some old holonet show based on a hologame about giant robots. Good times.

The building itself was... well, a normal multi-storey building. About ten floors. Standard front door, as well as some air vents for smaller individuals, and a loading bay out the back. Schematics indicated supporting structures in the basement, and server rooms on the top four floors. All of which contained communications equipment. The goal was simple. Insert hacks into the servers in any way possible (slicing, engineering, physical devices, code, etc) and wire the place to blow. How? Well, that's up to the assembled Shadowport crew to determine.

"There are spies in the servants of the household. Muri and I taled one to a smuggli]ng contact I know. Managed to swipe one of her pads, hopefully they make something of it." Rale's expression is hidden behind the faceplate of the tailor-made Suppressor Armor that seems to subtly suck in the light around him, the tiny bat-alien's helm truly adorable and not at all a copyright infringement with the adjustments made for his huge ears.

"I hope there are air vents. I LOVE air vents." He hums to himself, adjusting the suppressor on his carbine and settling it in his lap, clearly ready for a more violent, if subtle and sneaky, insertion, feet kicking quietly with the gentle clack of armored plate on seat.

Gun? Liz'diot THE OMNISCIENT... or in this case, COUNT DROLEX THE WISE didn't need no stinkin' gun. "Get me to the top, and then I can work my magic on the bottom. Heh.... hehehehhahahaha. Get it?" THe bith snorted in laughter at his own joke, thinkign he was extrodinarily clever. In reality he was just creepy.

"I can probably fit in a vent..." He was four foot nothing.

"Uh, so I didn't bring ...my gun .." Ora said as she holds up the supressor with her left hand as the right unsheathes her sword to try and connect the two, soft clink-clink-clinking sounding, "I mean this is sorta quiet, right?" Asked down to the little bat man as she lofts up her blade to shift it from side to side to demonstrate no overt swooshing noises, "In the movies they always got this 'schwang schwang' noise to 'em, but you gotta swing 'em a certain way to get 'em to do that, and I ain't mastered that which is /good/." For this mission. So supressor is tucked back into the bag, datapad plucked out as the right re-settles the weapon back into it's sheath, "I ..no." Said to Liz'diot with a faint shake of her head and a pained smile, "But ..that last, yeah, I can see it." Shimmy his way through the ducts! "So, we doin' the vents? Or -you- guys doing the vents? As I go in elsewise. Because my svelte arse ain't gettin' into those things without someone havin' to grease me up, an' that ain't happening." Said as she begins as she looks out the window of that hovervan up at that beautiful highrise, "I also ain't dressed to go in through the front, so ..." Loading docks it is.

There was long concentration from Kaavenn in regards to what he was going to do. On one hand, you do not wish to kriff with tradition. On the other hand, this job likely is up close and personal. He's literally mulling over Overwatch versus going in. There's a long sigh from him as he makes his choice. Yan had granted him options, he could select the suppressor for his Persuader, or stun sniping if needed. Too many variables exterior. So he selects his suit, gloves and the suppressor for the pistol slipped into a quick draw holster inside the waistband. "People instinctually listen to suits." Sometimes, he does not add. He test draws the Persuader, hefts the pistol... and sighing. Flicks the selector. "Loading dock likely smartest, but does it have security and cameras?" Time for him to find out what he can. It's what he does. So he had taken a few moments demanding a lap before they go in. He taps into his earpiece comm sine folk are on the move. <<"Camera's are a thing. Especially here, but they went cheap. They only have one camera covering the dock. It's literally above the door. Hell of a gap as it swings, slip in opposite the camera view. Once you're under the thing at the door, it can't see you. Hopefully no alarm on the door, if it's even shut.">>

Papa Dragon has taken to this planet like Gungans take to Jedi, and Hutts take to Twi'lek: Karr'roga is dead. Gone. Sleeping beneath the mental river that is Papa Dragon, and this gangster beast in his Krayt Dragon coat waits...patiently...nearby one of the beaches of Hapes. Left with clear instructions from a figure Papa Dragon only knew as 'The Chieftain' of his Clan. The mental waters are deep.

Sivvy Shaan was laughing as she entered her cherry red speeder. You know the sort: It was so rich it shined like a fake fruit. She did too. Dressed in the fashions of Hapes, and draped in finery, jewels and -

The Speeder lurches as Papa Dragon enters, one massive arm looped around the top of the headrest. Deep, cacophonous hissing rising and falling as the Barabel picked his long fangs with a gold-painted claw...picking free what can only be a piece of bone from an old meal. There's confusion, mammalian fear. Papa speaks quietly, "Brinnnng...Me..." The isolated word causes him to rumble angrily, "...to the top of that buildinnnng." A nod towards the ten-story cube. "...Live." The slitted eyes turn to look over the Hapan, "Anything elsssse..." He just continues to pick his teeth with the long claws, and that resting hand flexes to let retractable claws grow alongside the Hapan's head. "Not sssaying twice." The large brimmed hat is flicked. Like King would do to a fine young lady, right? Except the Barabel under the hat is a nest of hissing, growling noises.

[21:11:08|Zhu Yan]
The vents are a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Because it's an egress, not an ingress, there's not exactly any signposting as to what leads where. There's a couple of forks in the road, but if one remembers where north is, or just tunes their ears to the sound of airflow as Rale does, then getting into the parts of the building where one shouldn't be is easy.

The successful entrance leads to an underground hover-parking garage. The place /looks/ unguarded, because who guards a parking garage, and on the far wall there's a fire escape (stairs, quiet, but a long slog) and an elevator (probably needs some security but good for resting the legs).

Kaavenn is right, there's only one camera scanning the whole area, and it's got some nasty blind spots. I mean, who'd want to break into this building? Only the vast majority of communications for most of the House estates run through it, including that of House Jynell. There's one guard patrolling the area lazily, and clearly bored, because as no one ever breaks into anything on Hapes and he's got nothing to do but stew handsomely. That door looked enticing though. Just had to get to it.

What are you doing up here?!

Cowboy Barabel and COUNT DROLEX are carried up to the top of the target building by the obviously terrified and STUNNINGLY attractive woman, who may or may not be reporting them to the authorities later. That could be bad. Or good! But mainly bad.

Atop the roof is some very roofy stuff. But beautiful. Because Hapes. Honestly Yan in the van (that rhymes!) was sick of it but hey, he's in a van, he can't complain. Standard air cooling units, some antennae, power plugs just in case, and a door leading down to the stairwell that was, surprise surprise, locked.

"Ah, but the blade makes the best noises when it works!" After the disturbing comment to Ora, Rale makes his way to the vents and disappears inside in short order.Rale sneaks through the vents as silent as the Night, because he IS THE...Well, that's neither here nor there. He arrives at the parking garage and speaks quietly into the intercom while slowly, carefully removing the air vent cover with his handy multi-tool. <<"Insertion successful. Got to the parking garage, going to get prepped and take the stairs moving upward. Will leave entrance available if we need me to quickly re-locate.>> And he very carefully pries loose the cover so he can exit into the garage, carefully keeping an ear, nose, and eye out for cameras. He eyes the stairs, making ready to go for the safer approach once the others check in.

"I'm not sure I brought enough LUBE to get you all greasy." Liz says and it's rather unclear, being a Bith and all, whether or not he was joking or being serious. Likely one would never find out. He starts towards the vents as intended but notices the size of them... "No this does not computer. LIZARD! I shall follow you instead. INDEED." He rushes, waddling towards the speeder. He skids as he moves around to the other door and hops in to the otherside... One really big Alien, and another really small gross alien now in her speeder. "Away SEXY LADY! Do the bidding we have fortold! Such and such and such."

KRIFF THE POLICE! Liz gets out of the speeder like a baller, fixing his sleezure suit as to rid if of wrinkles and imprefectiosn from sitting in the speeder. "Now we must look for an ENTERANCE. HAHAHA YAAAAAS."

There may be a moment of real concern projected from the face of Ora towards Liz'diot in the midst of a backwards walk, head tilted just so as her upper lip curls a little as she formulates a response. The ghost of a 'whaa' curls across her lips silently, though a twitch enraptures her features as she suddenly laughs.

"Aahha, probably not, if I'm bein' real." Said as she rolls her shoulders back, winking with a twist to head off 'round the building to head off to the loading bay. It's a little bit of a walk, which gives Kaa the time he needs to suss it all out and give his advice, "Camera, got it." Said once she's stood back enough to follow his line of sight, spotting that good lookin' guard, a very brief eyeing given though the man is dismissed. She doesn't do seduction. Plus in comparison, she looks like a sprouted potato.

Nope. Instead the young chick does a quick zig-zag along the parking lot area, or whatever leads into a loading bay, zip-wopping this way, zip-zapping that way, quiet and slinky like, a slinky tater-tot, rolling silently under the cameras radar, hands pressing to the door to grab the handle and pull, and there it goes.

Turning briefly to give a wide thumbs up to Kaa with a big grin, one bounce on her toes sends her back in through the door to disappear within, leaving him to catch up.

Ninja Wolf, Ninja Wolf, doing whatever the credits say... or EJ. Kaavenn likes not being stabbed. So he's debating his best approach to the doc and the guard situation when Ora just tacti-rolls under the camera with some panache`. Good thing he didn't suggest seduction to her, he likes being shot way less. He does frown a little at the thumbs up and door closing part. A shrug of the shoulders, he likely had that one coming. Mumble. "Could have left it open a crack."

Kaavenn watches the guards bored-out-of-his-mind-predictable-patrol-pattern. He waits for his timing and makes a break for it. No roll, just a steady motion for the blind spots of both camera and guard so he can slip in and have one less thing to worry about, and hopefully not something terrible awaiting him on the other side of the door.

When they land, Papa Dragon waits for THE COUNT ROLODEX to ditch the ride. The Barabel however turns to regard the STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL HAPAN -- who might find her looks falling flat, as the dinosaurian just stares at her. Nostrils flare. Thermal pits 'wink'. Hissing passes between long fangs, and the Barabel speaks low again. One hand drawing out a dart from the Talz Blowgun belt under the Krayt Dragon coat, "You will wake up laterrr."

The dart is thrust into her thigh and the large Papa Dragon will just hang for a bit until she loses consciousness.

Side-eyeing the rooftops, and patient again. "Antennae." The word growled at The Count, as he scans the rooftop environment for security. Antennae. Because as far as Papa Dragon is concerned? Antennae are where all the data comes, goes, is stored, and holoporn comes from. But those thermal pits open and close again, and the large figure would depart the Speeder to stand before the door - and those slitted eyes wander the mechanisms. There's no words, really, just a turn of the head and a deep crocodillian rumbling at the nearby Bith, before one bedazzled pinky claw gestures to an alarm system box on the door leading to the level below - before stepping aside. Two clawed fingers rising to press the comm-link at his left ear, <<* Roof accessss aquired. *>>

[21:56:01|Zhu Yan]
Well this is significantly less mazelike! Karr'roga and Liz are at the absolute top, and being fire stairs, they go all the way down to the basement. The four server rooms are accessible from here, but since they lead to some Rather Important Areas, it'd be worth noting if they're locked, trapped, watched, etc. They could go allllllll the way down, to near the bottom, where Kaavenn and Ora have cleverly made their entrance without being spotted. From there, up leads to the rest of the building, whereas down is the basement, which has all of those juicy structural support beams that Yan said he wants to be possibly blown up at a later date.

Well this is interesting. You've got your standard buttons that go BOOP and light up when you press them, and a little keypad, presumably for secure access to some Rather Important Areas. Notably, the buttons range from 10 (the top) down to 1, G (the front door), B1, and B2.


That wasn't on the schematic...

Liz reaches a hand out towards the security device and flips open a panel. "PRIMITIVE." He states, reaching a lang shrivled up hand into his blazer only to pull out some sort of spanner or prodding device. He sticks it against a wire and then pulls a couple others. It sparks and the door unlatches. He puts away the tool and opens their way into the stair well.

"I must go to the server room first... Tell the others down bellow to either wait for me or start setting up the explosives if they've the proper knowledge."

The only horrible thing waiting for Kaa is Ora, who is still smiling like an idiot, "Hey, you made it, too. Nice." Team work! Sorta.

She will then begin heading to the basement, "So I'm real excited t'get the chance to blow up some things, or ..you know .." She whispers as she begins heading basement wards down the stairs, "...Set it up so /Yan/ can get the fun, but ..whatever, I ain't bitter, gonna be my hands all over the goods anyhow ..you comin' or you goin' up?" Said like she's inviting him, question posed as she goes down, down, holding onto the rail to drive her body down with momentum, schwoom.

"I'd complain you shut the door in my face, but. Good call." Glowing red eyes blink at Ora as she starts going down. Blowing drekk up is not he strong suit. Some bad experiences scream at him from his memories. He silences that part of his brain, likely affecting his common sense too as he takes two steps after Ora down the stairs. Pauses, and listens for any potential bad experiences down there ahead of them. He'd like to just get in, get out, be smoke in the breeze.

He almost hesitates, and takes a few steps down to murmur "wait" at Ora. He does not whisper, for those actually carry. He DOES draw his sidearm, and hopes that will be unecessary. He holds up two fingers in front of Ora's eyes and points downwards. He isn't sure if they were yakking about Hutt Ball or watching and snoring. He gives Ora a 'now 'what' sort of look.... provided she doesn't bowl him over first.

Papa Dragon watches Count Rolodex work, and perhaps in that moment learns something of it. There's a rumble, and two fingers rise up to press the comms: <<* Brrrrain moving to Serrrving Dish. Eyessss presssent on ssstairs.*>>

The immense Barabel pokes his head into the doorway and there's that cacophony of hissing that passes into the hallway...then silence. <<* Brrrain sayssss to cripple the Legssss. *>> The comms left alone, there's a glance to Count Rolodex, and Papa Dragon says nothing before grabbing the Bith and throwing him over a shoulder, "Ssspeak not. Camerassss. Alarmssss. Each doorrrr." Slitted, saurian pupils peer across the hallway...and when that robotic eye shifts -- has anyone noticed Barabel move a little TOO quickly when they want? Or how they can simply vanish?

The satchel is opened, and Papa Dragon pulls out an odd looking thing: two globes squished together, oblong a bit and blue.

An Ion Grenade. It's held in one hand, palm open towards the Bith. Papa Dragon: Toolbox of Demise. The remarks from Muro cause a series of hisses that could easily be Barabel for - 'I hate you Zhu Yan, I am going to eat your other arm.' or 'Twi'lek steak sounds nice.' or 'This One don't like unmarked floors.'

[22:39:46|Zhu Yan]
"<<What do you mean new fl->>" The thing about being underground is that, despite improvements in comm transmissions and whatnot, a hunk of duracrete is still a fantastic blocker. Suddenly, that little van on the street was so much further away. Rale had no trouble making it into the elevator shaft, and dropping down to the doors that hosted the sub-basement. Now he just needed to find a way to get them open from the other side.

In the dark.

At the bottom of an elevator shaft.

This might not have been the best idea.

There were two guards, walking around, opposing shifts. This wasn't like a videogame where their field of view was just some vague cone, they were stopping, chatting, bantering, and clearly not expecting any sort of trouble. Scattered across the basement were pillars, clearly load-bearing. The trick, now, was to plant bombs where they wouldn't be found. Not easy, considering that the room itself was well lit for a dark place (Hapans being darkness-averse).

COMPUTERS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE. It is loud. It is bright. It is /cold/. And it has a couple of more attentive guards walking between the racks, patrolling the place. All the servers look nary identical, and judging from the position of the cabling are all wired into the same network. While it might be easier to plug a space-USB into the first machine and leg it, it'd involve a lot of external backdoor probing to move a trojan to the right machines. Or, they could brave the room and the guards and get to a centralized terminal to hack directly.

Rale? Rale has no bloody idea what's about to happen above. Nope, he is a bat in a tiny, dark tunnel in a suit made for stealth. So really, this is about as 'in the zone' as the little smuggler can be. Moving silently and peering about with his glinting, massive eyes, feeling along the walls for a panel. Finally, finding a seam, he carefully pops it off with a knife, his grin about the only visible thing about him before he slides into the vents once more, a ghost in the machine as he tries to see exactly what is on this secret, hidden floor. He figures Yan will love his ambition, right? Right? Never mind he's floors away from his team and wandering in an air vent with only his wits and a blaster.

Ora does actually stop, and refrains as well from biting at those clawed fingers in front of her nose, instead glancing down to listen. Her eyebrows go up, and a nod of approval is given, or agreement, her own hand lifting up to press two fingertips to her lips, a silent promise to be quiet. And then she darts out after checking to see where the guards are, dancing around one building support and hugging in, her bag reached into as she quickly, but quietly, peels off the adhesive to the bomb, hugging it to her chest before planting it with a quiet squish forwards, arming the thing with a flick of her fingertip. Then she waits, keeping eye out for where the guards go, so she can dance off to the next one.

It's just a bad day for Kaavenn now. He's not sure how he got himself on this newly occupied basement adventure, but here he is. This is his life now. So far, moving quietly and avoiding being spotted has been effective. He's able to point out spots to place boomsticks for Ora, but he's going by instinct more and schematics. So far so good, what can possibly go wrong?

Hunched carefully on the back of the Barabel, the Bith peeks his head around Papa Croc's head. "YASSSSS." He whispers as they arrive in the appropriate location. PLugging into the main server he quickly bypasses the security. "Child play, pitiful HUMONS. Feel the wrath of the Count! HAHAHA." And those decrepit little fingers tap tap tap across the Keyboard planting so many different bugs and remote access points that it'll be a scandle to go down deep in Hapan history. People would likely go to jail or be killed for the lack of foresight in preventing such security breaches.

When all is done, the Bith unplugs the interface and hops bac kon Papa crock's back. "Away my trust Stead, INDEED!"

[23:38:49|Zhu Yan]
Actions taking place around the three occupied levels of the comm relay building are coming to a head. Careful teamwork between the twin terrors of Ora and Kaavenn navigate the well-lit basement between the load-bearing pillars, avoiding the patterns of the guards and getting bombs planted on two of the four structural supports. Liz's long and rather-suspect fingers insert themselves gently into the security holes of the Hapan comm network and gently imbue a small snippet of forwarding code into the central comm routing API, going straight back to Zhu Yan in that small hover-van. "<<Got it, we're in! Make your way out!>>" was his barely-repressed gleeful instruction.

The sub-basement, however, not on any schematics, was a different story. This room was nearly identical to the one above, with four supporting pillars and a reinforced ceiling. Inside was a guard of grizzled-by-Hapan-standards stature, and a sole individual on a terminal with a headset on. Civilian. This place wasn't supposed to be here.

Rale pauses as he notes the guard. Gone is the innocent, cheerful Rale of before. No pleasantness, no cheer or energy wasted. Instead, he creeps, as silent as the grave up behind the man, Tracker coming out and around. It isn't really fair, truly, but when is this line of work supposed to be fair? He points the barrel at the back of the guard's head from about a foot away and squeezes the trigger. A muffled *pew* and the guard is down, guided gently by Rale's outstretched arms to lay silent on the floor before the Chadra-fan sneaks up behind the civilian to peruse what HE is up to, gun still in hand in case he gets itchy and glances around.

With TeamWork Ora is able to dance around the pillars to where Kaa indicates in order to plant the last two bombs, a dart here, a twirl over that way as she hugs in there to avoid the guards, enjoying this much more than if they were forced to kill the folks. Whisper quiet (sorry, murmur quiet, since her whisper quiet would carry), soft-soled boots cushion her to the spots and quick as a whip adhesives are peeled of their coverings, bombs are set into place and armed, leaving her with zero bombs left in her bag. A gesture under cover of pillars to Kaav to indicate they're good to go, you know, something like a thumbs up, Ora getting ready to make her escape once he acknowledges he sees they're done. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND.

[00:10:20|Zhu Yan]
With the handsome guard down, there's nothing between Rale and the handsome guy with the handsome headphones who, with his handsome back turned, seems blissfully unaware of the takedown behind him. This room contains additional communications equipment and even with only a cursory knowledge from dated Holonet shows it's visibly archaic. What was likely a handsome old storage room has been repurposed into some sort of Handsome Lair that may well survive a handsome building being dropped on it.

Over (under?) the shoulder of the civilian with the headphones and the loud staccato bursts of noise emerging from them was comm traffic focused around the noble estates. Notably, on the shifting list of highest traffic, House Jynell was second only to House Terell, a smaller family that bore a deeper green trim on the list of names, indicating their allegiance to House Jynell.

"Copy." The man's voice was loud in the deafening quiet that was the room. "Rerouting to Madam Vas." Clackclackclacking of the ancient terminal resulted in lots of little black windows with green lines of code bursting into existence and then disappearing just as fast on the screen. Oh wow, look at the sigil on his shoulder, why, doesn't that match the one for House Terell on the screen?

It's a fair bet that the traitor house had been found.

Above, in a significantly less precarious position, the demolition work had been done. As requested, all four supporting pillars of the building had been wired to blow. This of course brought into question the goals of Our Imperious Leader, He Of The Jacket, and whether or not he would Level A Building That Must Have Something Like A Couple Hundred People In It At Any Point In Time. For those asking, the answer is yes. Clearly. Why else would he wire it up to blow?

Moral conundrums for the morally vacuous aside, with the work done, all our infiltrators needed to do was sneak back out the way they came. Noice, huh?

With the expert movement of the hulking and taciturn Roga, Liz was absconded out the stairwell and back into the airtaxi, unconscious pilot in tow. Yes, this was not going to cause any problems whatsoever.

Rale, very quietly and stealthily, takes pictures with his helmet interface of the entire scene (augmented reality feature can surely do THAT, right?) before considering the handsome clerk for a moment. He looks to the guard, none the worse for ware, save that he's unconscious. He shifts him to lean against a wall, then nods to himself. With any luck, they will assume he fell asleep, or at least have no proof of otherwise. Silent as a gust of Karr's wind, he moves out into the vents again, placing the panel back into place and climbing up, into the elevator, then out into the garage, then out into the vents to make his way outside once more. Surely, nothing at all will interfere with his desire to leave without incident. Like, say, stunning a guard from a vent.

As soon as he gets back on the elevator, Rale casually announces into his closed radio <<"Oh hey, secret radio room in the basement. Figured out who the traitor house against Eriu is. Got pictures and everything, eh? Fun times, I love my job.">> Then off to the vents that lead all over the place, like say, hopefully overlooking a garage.

Ora is just awful. Just awful. After all that badassery, at the very last moment Ora's trainers hit some sort of material on the floor, maybe a bit of a raised doo-there-a-thing, or it's simply the way she pivots and the shoes just say no to this last act, but there's a squeak.

With already unnaturally big eyes big they widen even more as she freezes in place, hands to either side of her and fingers crooked in the air as she freezes in place, mouth slightly agape. A quick glance to the side, and another step - squeak. What a time for these trainers to give out.

Feathers gently ruffle around the collar of her flight jacket as she makes a last second decision and simply books it OUT, trainers squeak-squeak-squaking as she DARTS like the wind to the stairwell, hopefully mistaken for a rodent, or a samsquanch. Sorry Kaav, she'll wait for ya at the door! Maybe.

[00:46:51|Zhu Yan]
"Hey! HEY!" called out the staggeringly good looking gentleman that just so happened to be assigned the punishment detail of guarding the loading dock. Vagrant kids! Even Hapes couldn't avoid 'em. The cameras later would show a mad-dashing blurry alien female legging it after clearly trying to steal some of the gorgeous cardboard boxes. Petty thieves, nothing more.

This was of course a fine distraction for the resident Shistavanen, security expert, and sniper who just never wound up sniping anything. He didn't need to do anything more than saunter out.

The tiny bat man, on the other hand, after popping out of his vent network, got a comm in response, "<<~~---...'kay. Send them to me and the lady. We'll see what we can do about 'em. Split up, blend in, hit up a bar or something, I dunno. Go have fun. You all did good today.>>" There was a pause. "<<Even you, Liz.>>" Awww.

With the crew splitting up and going their separate ways, Yan's hovertruck scooted off, to parts unknown. And considering he hadn't even been to the Jynell Estate yet, he was up to something.

But then again, when wasn't he?