Log:The Shadowport: The Hapan-ing: Scurry My Friends

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Things go pear shaped and the crew has to get out of the Terell Manse fast. Air car chase ensues!

OOC Date: December 8, 2020
Location: Hapes
Participants: The Shadowport, Eriu Jynx as GM, Sajin, Khalim, King, B'haav Adasta, Netep Muri

Eriu Jynx

The boom that sent the group running draw the attention of House Terell like a magnet. This led to the unfortunate security guard being found and the alarms being raised. They have a few minutes head start before things can be organized enough to stop and detain them and this is where our heroes are currently. Standing before the beautiful prime and new air car and the driver is NOT there. Eriu stares at the empty car. "SOMEONE DRIVE!" She shoves Muri at the seat. "I don't care if you tear the dress further or whatever. We need to go. Now." She has that precious disk in her care, shoved in her shallow pocket - nothing could go wrong.

She hops into the car in the front and drags B'haav with her, slamming him into the middle so he sits next to Muri. She doesn't even bother buckling in and as she tries to supervise as the Terell support rolls out. Members of the house and the staff come into view - including baldy - who Netep recognizes.

"GET THEM! Get to the air cars!" There is a garage not far away and already they are running towards it as a few start to pull blasters.


Sajin was already pulling the compact E-11 rifle from it's place against his chest, pulling out the locking adjustable stock and unclasping the foregrip just bellow the carbines muzzle. He waits just outside the hover craft, the weapon raised to return fire as the others pile in. <<"Pile in, come on...">>

He notes the Terell Guards moving towards their own speeder, <<Blasted... let's move!">> Once everyone is inside he enters and punches out a window so he can shoot properly from inside.


"Kriff," Khalim exclaims as he sees House Terell guards beginning to converge and drawing their own weapons. He climbs into the passenger compartment following Sajin, his own stubby little XT-2 withdrawn from an armpit holster that had been more or less obscured by his jacket. A quick thumbing of the weapon's activation button and it briefly whines to life, as static pulse adaptors in the barrel begin preparing to handle tibana-charged particle bolts. Sajin's breaking of the passenger side-window prompts the Mirialan to lean forward, pistol held to fore, and with shrieks of red particle-blur, two shots are dispatched at the closest guard.

B'haav Adasta

Eminent psychologist and new cane-user B'haav Adasta is Hapan-handled into the car, with very little time or room to try to land in the seat smoothly. Dragging his silver cane behind him, he quickly rights himself to make room for whoever is following as he settles next to Netep Muri. He looks behind them where the Terells are swarming like sandflies on bantha poodoo, and pulls his hat a little lower as he spies their weaponry glinting in the light. There isn't much he can do, unless... Oh, that could work.

"Netep Muri, try to ignore what I'm doing. But if you can find some place very narrow with a left AND right turn, let me know which way you're going. I'm going to try to psychology them!" With that, he lifts the sunroof and pulls himself through until his shoulders, arms and bowler-topped head are above the roof of the car. It's not an easy climb, what with the still-developing lung and all, but he makes it. He also makes an interesting addition to the sleek outline of the air car.

Netep Muri

"CAN I GETH THAT IN WITHING?!" Muri lisp-shouts back at EJ as she's herded into the car and stuffed behind the drive console. Her bare feet fumble around, getting out of B'haav's way and she's already prepping the engine while the rest pile in. The repulsors glow to life, seat humming with anticipation. "Yeahyeahyeahyeah suwething, Bavf." A nervous glance gets thrown out the window to the figures piling out on the lawn. One of them strikes a chord or familiarity.

"Oh FWINK, thath's the guy! Thath's the--" Her agitation turns inward, mumbled mutters finishing sentence under breath before she jerks the craft into an abrupt half turn and equally abrupt halt, lining up her straightaway. Okay, everybody hang on and I don't wanna hear complaints."

And they're off!

The speeder is launched straight into full throttle and the race is ON. Just like she's chasing Yan in the space race, Muri pushes the craft steadily toward its limits. Her squinty eyes could be misconstrued for intense concentration, but it's honestly just swelling from her faceplant a minute ago. "Okay okay okay right and a left, right and a left..." and she's hunting, eyeing the terrain and streets ahead for a suitable squeeze spot.

Eriu Jynx

"B'haav?! B'HAAV!?" It takes a moment to ensure they are all in when she finally sees B'haav poke himself out of the top of the car. "No, no no no!" She calls and there is a great deal of tugging from the Duchess to try to get him down. The blaster fire begins and one shot is let off but it pings off the back of that gorgeous car with its green and silver detailing. It screams Jynell.

She lowers the windows on her side, just in case they are shot at - mostly because broken glass is more a pain than its worth and she feels the car shift as Muri seamlessly lifts them off the ground. "Krif," she mutters, grasping the door as she sticks her head out the side just in time to see two aircars from the garage lift up out of the top and begin their earnest pursuit.

"Great.." she turns her head back into the car to alert Muri. "Muri, we have two. We are going to need to dodge and weave." She expresses, hoping their curren driver can do just that. But Muris on it and Eriu's knuckles go white hanging onto the side of the car as her auburn hair whips about her face from the air flow through.

The two cars in their sea blue hues pick up speed to try to cover the ground. The first starts to come up along the side, still behind to a degree as a gunman pokes his head out to start taking aim at the group.


Sajin falls back as the speeder rockets away with Muri at the controls. He struggles a moment to get his bearings, sighting in the two speeders heading towards them. His first bolt goes wide, the second hits though as he gets used to the rapid movement. <<"Eriuessa... wht did Ilaina do this? What is she getting out of all this?">> He asks.


Khalim's attention remains out that side window, and he sees the familiar colors of at least one Terell aircar attempting to bridge the gap. Sajin snaps off a couple of shots at it, one that scores, leaving a mark. The Mirialan ranges on the same car and snaps off a quick shot. The red bolt sizzles to the size, missing by a few solid meters. A second squeeze of the trigger send a tibana-charged particle bolt into squarely into the vehicle. "Tough little car," he grunts, as it fails to slow.


"Netep," King says, looking like he's about to offer her some sort of threat. Or promise. Or advice. Likely all three. He shakes his head, accepting that they're all going to die.

The Morellian hangs himself out of the window again, his chromium revolver held straight. Three slugs bark out of the barrel and dig into where the gunslinger assumes the repulsor housing is. Those slugs clearly aren't for show as they tear apart the plating, causing smoke to billow out and blind the driver. The first pursuing air car squeals off to the side and crashes into a building.

B'haav Adasta

B'haav was not expecting to have to try to fend off an attack from within the car, but as the Duchess pulls at him he is FWUMPed back into the car, landing heavily on the rich leather seats. "Duchess, I'm trying to do some psychology here to keep y- all of us safe. It's a little risky, but I'm asking you trust me on this!" Trust? Oops. Rough choice of word, maybe. But he quickly reaches his hands up and pulls himself back up through the roof. He is now performing some sort of directive ballet with his cane, tracing slow sweeping curves in the air... In the direction that Muri is presently turning. When she makes sharper turns, he waves his cane more sharply in that direction, very clearly telling the bad guys which way the good guys are going. Is that some double agent stuff, or is it the dreaded psychology? Despite his precarious position, he manages to keep his head at least a little more down, to - hopefully - placate the duchess in the front seat.

Netep Muri

"HOOO Thath's somethin!" Netep screams, watching an explosion rip roar worrisomely near in the distance ahead. And to the left. A blast of heated air gives lift to the rear of their speeder and threatens to throw the whole thing off kilter. Some quick action up front keeps thing balance. And onward they speed.

"Gonna be tight, don't hang too far out, hey?" Muri warns once as they maintain a breakneck approach for a house/shop/whoknows gorgeously framed in crystal and gold. Like she's fixing to crash through it, head-on. One hand parts with the controls to cue up a nav screen in attempts to nab a more omnipotent eye, which leaves her knee to knock and tilt the lever when needed. Nobody look, it'll be fine. It's fine.

"RIGHT" she yells at the Balosar's butt for his benefit with just fractions of a second for him to register before she cuts a hard right and plows down some overly expensive landscaping.

Thwupthwupthwup...that's the sound of money being reduced to green mulch.

"LEEEEFT....right.....NOW!" Pause "I mean LEFT NOW" And the speeder cranks hard, tilting some on its axis for a cut down a utility corridor between opulent architecture. A maniacal cackle rips from her throat and she informs B'haav's bum "MORE OF THAT, COMIN RIGHT UP, DO YOUR THING"

At this point, the events of Scurry My Friends and Gotta Go Fast intersect!

Eriu Jynx

"Yan?" Eriu's head turns as she notices the figure that vaguly looks like Yan. But naaaah his hair is too long! Yan better beware for if his hair is ACTUALLY that long, she might shave it off. But they have more worries at hand, missing cars, taking shots and they rock and roll this way and that.

The crossing of fire is a myriad of crazy as both the skunkworks team and those in the Jynell aircar pick their targets not based on their own detriment. Thats what friends do. Shoot the pursuer of their cohorts.

Then there is a sudden wash of purple flowers and green foliage as their aircar slams into that beautiful suspended plant over a bridge they narrowly hit - at least they didn't hit the bridge.

Its enough to make them an easier target and one of the cars passengers gets off as shot, slamming into the back of the car near Khalim and Sajin, smoking as it burns a bit through the seats but leaves them unscathed.

Eriu twists, pushing herself out the side of the window in an effort to devine the car. She tugs and pulls and up over it goes. "DUCK!" she cries out to those in the car. Finally she cries back in the whipping wind. "Ilaina is a kriffing manipulative coward...we will find out why!"


<<"I certainly intend to.">> Sajin says in a rather dark tone before lining up the /erfect/ shot and blasting one of the Terell cars. The shot causes enough damamge that the King of Drik is convinced that it'll be the end of it. So he switches his target to the last persuing vehicle. His aim is careful, true... yet Netep turns sharply sending his shot wide as the momentum causes him to slam up against the side of the speeder. <<"Would you drive normal!">>


Khalim's freshly charged pistol doesn't feel any deadlier, but a quick pair of trigger pulls send energetic charged-particle death slamming into the body of the last remaining Terell aircar. The vehicle isn't disabled but it's taking a solid beating and begins a smoking wobble. "Almost down," the Mirialan grunts to Sajin and King, though its unlikely either can hear him over the tempest of whooshing speed-driven air that grabs his words as soon as they're out of his mouth, and squelches them. He's still hanging out the window.

Also, you know, they're smashed into and Khalim's very nearly ejected but that leg... it's a tough leg... and it remains hooked and Khalim remains /not falling/.


Snapping his hand out quickly, King snatches B'haav's bowler out of the air before he whips it back into the vehicle, the Morellian ducking inside just fast enough to avoid a mess of brambles to the face. "Muri!" he shouts, before lifting the Enforcer for another volley. King squeezes the trigger a few times, but only one shot barks out followed by two clicks of the hammer that lead to nothing. Fortunately, it seems like the situation's handled. Well...mostly.

B'haav Adasta

B'haav Adasta didn't get any big, flashy explosions as his reward, but at least he hasn't been shot yet today. That's a new criteria he's added to his rating system for quality days, and this one is acing that category. As he stares back at the cars, looking for something dramatic, the Jynell car crashes through a large plant and - without his hat to protect that Balosar pate - B'haav is knocked into the sunroof chest first. As a fairly loud groan of pain escapes the Balosar, he falls through the sunroof where he temporarily hangs from his left arm which still holds the silver cane in the middle of the shaft. A quick jostle pulls it inside.

If the Balosar could see himself, it would certainly be a sight, as his head is covered in foliage and flowers fromt he plant they had struck - that had struck him, honestly - covering his palps in horticultural camouflage. With a particularly violent jostle, the flowered psychologist spots the Duchess beginning to tumble out of the car and quickly makes a grab for her with his right arm. Pulling every bit of air into his healing lungs, he struggles to keep her from exiting the vehicle entirely as the forces acting on them seek to accelerate her departure.

Netep Muri

"YOU WANTH THO DIE!?" Netep barks a retort at the voice from the rear, even if Sajin's complaint is valid. It IS be hard to shoot under these conditions.

And now it's worse.

The impact of that shot what smoked the Jynell's backseat was felt as far as the cab and Muri's got a couple wide eyes, feeling some shift in wind resistance. More holes = change in air dynamics within the craft and even though it's a subtle one, she's tuned in. One with the car. She doesn't have this luxury out in space, see. In space, you either seal off the damaged compartment..or you die. Terribly.

A glance to the mirror spies their pursuer making a smoking descent and that's a sight for sore eyes! "Almosth th--ACK" EJ's flapping out the window, anchored by B'haav and that's cause for concern! Physics to the rescue! Muri cuts the elevation by a short drop while tipping the speeder juuuust so. And then back the other way to finish the swoop an' scoop. "Righth, sorry. Almosth there!"

And they are. The glorious Jynell estate can be seen glowing ahead on the horizon. Was there ever a more welcomed sight? Not in the last ten minutes, for sure.

Eriu Jynx

The second car goes down, well more like it explodes and the pieces are thrown all over the place, luckily they are still speeding away from the direct path of any of the debris shot forth from their violent tendencies.

The third one? It takes repeated hits after Kaaveen scored the first and it weebles, wobbles and finally starts to dive with a screaming sound. It slams into the ground just short of a plaza pond and begins its own firey display of death and destruction. All the while the green and silver Jynell air car carries its occupants with Muri at the wheel.

Thank goodness she is not wearing a dress this day because things would be perilous AND humiliating. The vines give and in that moment, Eriu is pitched off the side and starts to fall free, her hands grasping at air. But she slams into the side of the car with her back as soon as B'haav anchors her. SHe oofs audibly and tries to catch her breath.

Muri with an expert turn leans the car which makes it easier for Eriu to pull herself up and grabs desperately at the car. She pulls herself in and slides right into the seat against the balosar.

Her hair is a mess of flower petals and strands all strewn about her face in a chaotic mess to the point she can't see.

As she notes the Jynell estate she lets out a sigh of relief. "Park us on the grounds anywhere, I do not care. We need to ready ourselves for retaliation of some kind."

As soon as the group touches down she is pushing her way up and out of the car, trying to drag her hair through the wind whipped hair and just looking like a bushy mess.


There isn't a single word from the other Hapan in the car. Not a single one. Nothing except the simmering rage that radiates from his armored body like the waving heat of somer off the the durocrete black top. When the car comes to a stop, he exits the vehicle without another word. THere is not checking on others, just a quick look around for any enemies. <<"If they arn't already here... I'm going to walk the grounds and make sure things are secure.">>

The Big guy probably just needed a few moments alone. He didn't have an medical training and he may or may not need a wall to punch his gauntlets through. So there he goes, walking off silently, brooding, filled with the deep rage even a rancor might not scoff at.


The flyer settles with a surprising amount of grace given the circumstances, and Khalim finally pulls himself back into the rear passenger compartment. A quick glance is sent Muri's way and the Mirialan offers a simply nod and a quick, "Nice flying." At that he exits through the same newly opened door that Sajin recently climbed out of, and takes a brief moment to collect himself. Retaliation. That's what he'd been preparing for all week. The basement armory had been practically emptied, portable hardpoints and a handful of crew served weapon emplacements, both anti-personnel and anti-vehicle, well established. "Time to make the rounds," he says, and marches off towards the nearest strongpoint.

B'haav Adasta

B'haav heaves a sigh of relief as Eriu Jynx is finally returned to the car thanks entirely to Netep Muri's expert driving and not his own noodley arms, which had only managed to grab her leg and maybe, just maybe, offer her a scan extra bit of leverage to hang onto until rescue. He rides silently the rest of the way, sinking down as he remembers that his hat is indeed gone and not at all certain of the coverage provided by the leaves and large blooms covering his black hair now.

Grey eyes sweep every direction as he follows EJ out of the car after landing, turning back and offering the driver of the car a simple, but sincere, "Thank you, Netep Muri."

"Duchess, I must strongly urge you to get inside and to cover. I'm going inside to find Madam Jyri and enlist the servants in securing every door and window and ensuring all guards are roused to high alert." With that rhythmic click-tap of cane and shoes - a rhythm he seems finally to be adjusting to - B'haav Adasta heads to the nearest door into House Jynell, preparing to sound the alarm.

Netep Muri

"I neeth a dwink. With ithe." That's Muri's first order of business for herself when she gets inside. But she's got to get there first. Limbs still jittery with the hype of highspeed chase, she just takes a beat to sit there and offers the departing passengers a thumbs-up. Nod. Wink. Aight.

Netep slithers more than climbs out, bracing her weight on the front end for a hobble or three around before she decides that her legs work well enough to get her ass inside. "Anyone elth neeth a dwink!?" She's got some catching up to do maybe. That gimpy stroll is kicked up to a light trot.