Log:Troiken Senate Meeting

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Senate Meeting where the Troiken Matter gets discussed.

OOC Date: May 23, 2020
Location: Senate Building, Chandrilla
Participants: Aure Deserra, Naome, Septima Carnine, Tyrius Bodega, Questeris Uvallian, Ban Iskender, Merek, David Ironside, Aras Khan

[Aure Deserra] The building itself is filled with the quiet murmurs of those who have gathered for the meeting. People continue to file in towards their seats as the Chancellor stands and looks around the room as if waiting for the natural order and hush to befall the gathered. There is a brief rise in the hum of conversation but like a wave it slowly begins to subside as more people recognize the movements. The meeting is called to begin and old business is dealt with first. A tiresome affair that outlines quite a few concerns that have yet to be rendered finished. Finally as the minutes are gathered and the Chancellor looks about the room he nods to the Senator Deserra of Aure. "The Senate recognizes the Senator of Aure. The Senator has new business to bring before the gathered." With that said the Chancellor yields the floor and Aure stands. Rising to her feet she steps forward and takes position to speak to be heard.

"Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, honorable Senators and Representatives. I bring to you a matter of grave importance. Troiken has a natural flow to its politics and way of life that is being torn away by outsiders invited in under the guise of political strength. The Hydian League has taken a position of power on the world led by Quinctilius Nim who was once a junior army officer in the last days of the Civil War. He has become a leading figure within the Hydian League. We suspected there might be more to this and how it was affecting the natives. With Republic Intelligence several of us and others went to the planet on a fact finding mission. This Primarch, Nosin Falso has loyal people around but in general the natives Xexten do not trus the humans there. The League have secured the spice mines and other important places of power on the planet and we had heard that dissenters and those who rose against the Primarch in question were disappearing. We had no hard facts but what I am about to show you will prove that the very way of life and the natives themselves are being destroyed and the League are likely not to leave."

Aure motions for the holofilm to put upon a larger screen and quiets.

The image flickers into focus, replaced by a recording taken from a hand directed camera. By the timestamp, it was taken about three hours ago. Silver's voice narrates, <<Subsection Suresh two. Gallitep mining complex, Troiken.>> The view pans across a cavern, which at first pass appears to be a blue-white floor marked by a series of flat black squares. Until the image refocuses, and those flat squares are shown to be the open tops of a line of eight ore carts, and the blue-white mass is revealed as a thick carpet of bodies, blanketing the cavern and ore carts. "I.. can't guess how many. Many thousands, here alone-"> Astro voice states quietly.

Letting that linger in the air finally, Aure speaks once more. "It is my hope that we, as a Senate can recognize that though the Xexten are not fully united in voice that we must stop this. That we as a just governing body must set forth Republic assets to free the Xexten from the Hydian League before more are lost to this unfortunate takeover."

[Ban Iskender] Ban Iskender is seated among the onlookers, only present to observe the machinery of the Senate at work. The subject matter of Aure's initial speech and the hologram she shares draws his black brows into a subtle frown, though of course the spectator say nothing. Drawing a slow, thoughtful breath through the nose, he is idly curious which of the Senators will speak first.

[Tyrius Bodega] The Representative from Drik stands at that point, not far from Senator Deserra. "I can assure you that there is not a uniform acceptance of the Leagues take over here. The Xexten are extrememly..." He clears his throat, taking a moment to adjust his cape and shift his weight on his cane, "Intrinsic?" He didn't want to say Xenophobic. "They keep to their own and don't trust outsiders. From the first time I met with officials to the second was like night and day. Upon the first meeting the Leauge had just moved in and I got catered around. WE found out that a lot of spice runs through there and the government is indeed involved in that buisness. THat's fine, I'm not one to judge local politics." He then points to the Holo-vid, "That though... that's a mark of what my second visit was like. All the officials I met with had been completely changed out. I spoke with one who was very clearly nervous and under great stress. He was likely being extorted or bribed. They would not let us go or talk to any opposition cities or officials and Hydian guards were watching us over our shoulders ever second like a bunch of paranoid dogs." He clears his throat offering a stern look, one made of age and experiance. "I've been on an accupied world... especial one run by someone also with the name Nim. Years we lived in caves until our Queen returned with her King and allied to free us from our chains such as theses privateers have put upon the Xexten." "Either this is intentional genocide or complete lack of reguard as the Xexten might be used as slave labor in dangerous mining operations. Reguardless, this must be stopped and I second the Senators proposal."

[Qesteris Uvallian] Quietly observing, Qesteris remains at the elbow of Representative Aure, one hand folded behind his back and the other holding his staff as usual. Quiet, nothing to add he hasn't already given her regarding the extensive surveillance cameras in the city they visited, the armed convoy time and direction... The tanks in the square. All of it fun for sure.

[Naome] Lady Naome was led to her pod and allowed to board. Accompanied by a pair of Handamaidens dressed in fiery orange hooded robes, they dip their heads showing only a portion of their youthful, beautiful faces. Lady Naome initiates the Naboo's pod to detach and hover. She's dressed in a light green dress, with silver jewelry and a crescent to honor the Moon Goddess of Naboo, Shiraya. "The Senator of Naboo," is heralded before the small droid buzzes toward her pod. "Such a travesty and collosal loss of life breaks my heart." Naome begins, gesturing with a small hand toward the images of the holo. "Under what circumstances must worlds lose their sense of dignity and be subjected to such untold horrors. For some, it was the sake of war. For Troiken, it is the sake of credits. What we see here is the result of some hostile takeover, and while unfortunate for the people of Troiken, we must take a step back and ask: What is it we are getting involved in?"

"The delegation has heard the words spice trade. And while no one disputes these events are heinous, the New Republic's involvement with a world that deals in the illegal distribution of spice is questionable. What does the New Republic stand to gain from such an alliance? I do not speak of gain as the give and take of allies who barter for loyalty. I speak of gain as one considers our Reputation. Spice is Illegal, and the operations that have persisted on that world are illegal. If the Republic stands to be involved, then it looks as if we're complicit about working with criminals."

[Merek] Merek arrives to the Senate Building, while he walks up into the place. He then begins to the meeting area, while he wears a silver-black armor, with the scarf which is adjusted about it. His beard has been trimmed to a chin, in addition to the messy hair of his being kept up. The man salutes to those in the entry way, then he finds a place to settle into the observation area.

[Septima Carnine] Septima is wearing a dress today and it's not covered in dirt. The Chandrilan Senator has chosen to go with something that is a peachy color with Orcanthus embroidered down the right sleeve. Her hair has been pulled back into a simple braid. She watches the holoprojection with her greenish-gold gaze and there is a deep set frown on the face of the woman. Her ever present guard, Mekil is hovering not too far from her, but given they are in a Senate session he doesn't have any worries of her being shot again. Or at least not right as things get started. She shifts in her seat and gives a nod to those that have stated their findings and thoughts.

"This is troubling news indeed and something that we shouldn't be standing idly by while it happens." the woman states. "And while Genocide is not something that we want to condone, I can see where Senator Naome's concern's lie with the situation as well." she admits. It was a tricky situation from what the Chandrilan woman could tell.

[David Ironside] Walking in just as his homeworld's Senator starts speaking, David directs his droid wordlessly to stay by the entrance as he takes a seat and observes. His face set to 100% serious, he leans in at the Lady's words, nodding along. She's essentially speaking his mind on this, the same issue he'd raised when David was part of a group to determine just how eager the Troiken people would be to join the Republic. In the pilot's mind, the best course of action would be to remove the party with the Imperial assets entirely, and then withdraw.

[Aure Deserra] As others speak, Aure listens and her brows furrow at what Naome has to say. A nod is given to Tyrius but for a moment she gathers her thoughts before she speaks once more. "I can understand the concern, Senator." Said to Naome as before her gaze sweeps over the gathered. "Spice is illegal and by not aiding the Xexten we are allowing a rather organized and focused group like the Hydian League to not only kill and destroy their people but to also take over prime mining position over their mines. If you think the spice flowing from Troiken is bad it will become worse. It will spread wider and faster with the connections of the League. It seems the most logical thing to believe. And I am certain with someone such as Nim leading the League's operations there we will see the genocide of a full species before they are through and those that are not killed will become slaves. This could be the Republic's chance to find an ally in Troiken and find another way for them to suppor themselves. There could be a way to help regulate if not close spice trade from the planet."

A suggestion though the logistics are not offered before she moves on. "We can either worry about our reputation in regards to the spice trade and criminals or the fact that we might stand by and let a world fade, change hands and a people die out. There are innocents on that planet. If I am to guess with Nim at the lead the spice flowing from those mines will increase by quite a bit."

[Tyrius Bodega] Tyrius responds, "Well Senator, you must not be willing to help a lot of worlds here because a lot of us don't have laws against the spice trade. Actually, on Drik, shops legally sell the stuff. There's a lot less actualy violent criminal activity due to a lack of prohibition as I'm sure is the case on other worlds. We can talk about whether it's good or bad for health and families... addictivness... But certainly is the vice of drinking as well which is legal." He clears his throat giving a smile, "So we can stand here and argue about what's legal or illegal on Republic worlds, but the message that you send to worlds like Drik and the thousand of otherworlds who hold only representatives here is: No... we won't help you... even if there is genocide going on. Just because your main export we just don't happen to think is acceptable." There is a shrug and a chuckle, "I'm sure the rest of us will remember what you've said and your stance on us less refined worlds." A wink. "However, I'm not unopen to compromise...So I'll suggest this..." THe old mand shifts his weight on his cane, "Make contact with opposition leaders, and offer help on the condition of eventually removing spice mining as their major export. If we need to feel the moral highground here. Let's not forget the thing we all might have done to get us here that may not exactly have been... acceptable or within the law."

[Qesteris Uvallian] Looking from one speaker to the next, Qesteris had thoughts on the spice trade - but none he should give here. Suggestions - but he wasn't one with the knowledge of how actions would have galactic impact. Sure he had idealism, but at least also the pragmatism to know he didn't know as much as the professional politicians. But he made mental notes, things to float to the Aure to decide on - rather than embarrass her. So meanwhile? Using the visor of his helmet in black-out mode to casually peruse the eye-candy... and also keep an eye out for would be assassins. They might be among the eye candy.

[Naome] "Forgive me, Senator Aure, Representative Tyrius; but attacking me is not addressing the problem. The New Republic's foundation, its very existence, is comprised on the idea that a galactic forum can be established. Though, its establisment is under the pre-diposition that IF a world is to come under New Republic aid, they /must/ follow its laws. I'm to understand you're a merchant, Lord Bodega. Tell me, have you seen spice passing through Chandrila's vendors? The exports? What about any of the New Republic cargo alliances? The answer is no."

Naome shifts. "The Republic must remember that we're only as good as our word. If on one hand we enforce the laws of spice in our trade lanes, and on the other we help a world the distributes it, what message does that send to our constiuents?"

"Both of your solutions is to go to that world, demand of their leaders to give up their way of life on the predicated notion that you /THINK/ genocide is occurring. We've only seen the dead. The act has already occurred and we're painting the hands of the Hydian League red without their representation or account. You would have the Republic sweep aside its cause for diplomacy, for fact finding and executing its right to intelligent involvement to rescue a world only to enslave it once again under the laws of the New Republic. Force a people to live by a doctrine they have not agreed upon. No one here is asking: WHO killed those people. Are we even certain it was the Hydian League? Are we just saying it was the Hydian League? That is not justice, Senators and Representatives."

"The galaxy is watching the Senate's move. Every. Move. If we jump at a cause for war simply on conjecture, without irrefutable proof, then we are no better than regime that came before this one. Let us just sweep aside reason and attack without cause, without proof, because we /think/ we're right and they're wrong. THEN.. at the end of it, ask again who the victims are. Troiken's way of life, their means of support is gone under the New Republic; yet allegedly under the Hydian League, they are dying. Kill them fast or kill them slow. That is the overarching decision. So forgive me if I want a bit more proof before committing our /limited/ resources to another war."

[Qesteris Uvallian] Still watching, doing his best not to keep his visor focused in one direction for too long, though Naome's comments of attacks draws attention. Looking to Naome, head tipping. No AR display to work with, but he keeps his visor opaque. There's a moment his mouth opens - but again... Not a representative, or senator. Not his place to speak.

So he keeps his mouth shut. More mental notes.

[David Ironside] David shakes his head. Politics, right? One moment everyone's civil and the next there's personal attacks. Wringing his hands together uncomfortably, he watches. Naome's still speaking his language, even if he'd been partial to the removal of the excessive military assets that the fact-finding mission had determined as present and in play. Still, like the others who aren't senators or representatives, he keeps quiet. It's not his fight until the Senate comes to a decision on whether there will even be a fight, anyway.

[Aras Khan] Making his way into the chambers late, is Senator Khan. It appears his shopping trip to his homeworld failed to find a suitable vendor or tailor to get him some appropriate clothing for events such as this. He quickly makes his way to his own position, and settles in. He grabs a datapad to look over the recorded statements of the other senators so far.

[Septima Carnine] Septima watches the volley between the other Senators and Rep and there is a look to Mekil when things get a bit tense, but it looks like they just need to talk things out. She doesn't lend her voice to this argument for the moment though. She turns her gaze back to those who are speaking and she is taking some notes.

"If I can suggest that we send our own small fact finding mission to determine things. I know that we have limited resources at the moment, but that would give us a better understanding of the situation and help to alleviate some of the mystery that we are finding." she states. "It might also help for settling on a decision with the Troiken situation. Or at least give us an idea of where we need to start the assistance of the people." she adds.

[Aure Deserra] "With all do respect, Senator of Naboo, there was no attack intended. These are observations made from visiting and fact fidning. What we have provided is actual visual evidence of the loss of life being suffered by the native people. I do not disagree that our reputation hangs in balance but so does our choice to remain inactive in the face of this knowledge. If there is a wish to speak with the Hydian League then by all means, have them attend a closed session but I do not think there will be a straight answer to be had. They would never confess the sins of are represented in this image." She makes a motion at the paused video showing still the mass of bodies laid out.

"I am still uncertain what you wish for in regards to further proof? You won't get admission from the Hydian League and the locals are scared enough of outsiders as it is. There was little information to be had. They are trading one power for another but this one is resulting in what you see here. It is a complicated matter, of that I agree but do we wait months to see more dead. My worry is that we will become a body of inaction even when presented facts and proof. We will bargain who we will stand up for and who we will not. Yes, spice is illegal but so is murder and genocide. We are witnessing the latter at present. So is the trade of spice a worse crime than the killing of a species is the question here? I suggest we move in to remove the Hydian League without expectation of the Xexten joining. That we leave the planet to order itself as it always has with no appearance that the Republic supports their trade. We offer an alliance with the expectation that they begin to transition to another form of economic sustainability. But, are we not the representation of the galaxy that seeks to provide free choice and safety?"

She draws a breath and looks towards the other Senators. "We have dead natives. This we know to be fact. The one thing that has changed on this world is the presence of the Leage and thus by logical process they should be the guilty party but if we need to prove this in some method, I think we should move to a closed session to discuss how this might be achieved."

A nod is given to Septima. "There have been two such fact finding missions, Senator. Two. The natives are suspicious of us though have given some insight into the disappearance of their people who are opposed to the Primarch and the League. I suspect these are the bodies. We can send another if the Senate so wishes but...I suggest again making the arrangements in closed session to stop the spread of possible information leaking."

[Tyrius Bodega] "Nope I havn't, that doesn't mean it doesn't. There are smugglers in every part of the galaxy who don't care what you think. Stop them sure, but ensure violence in the process. Not overly Naboo of you." Tyrius reposte's to Naome, "And I guarentee you they're here on Chandrila too." He laughs, loud and long, shaking his head. "What hypocricy Senator. You don't want to help people unless they live by republic laws, then you shift and say republic laws a tyranny? Come on now. The facts are the Republic /has/ sent fact finding missions to Troiken, twice. Both times I was there, I was on the ground for hours, days. I saw the uneasyness and the unwant of the human's there. I saw the force damn Hydian League in uniform. You know what I didn't see? Anyone from Naboo." He looks over towards Dave and give the pilot a wink. "So Senator, Both The Senator from Aurea and myself have offered an option to stop clear wrong doing and attempt to save lives. What's your solution?" He hefts a sighs, "And you're right. The galaxy will judge us, and judge us no better than the First Order when we let a foreign despot slaughter a race simply for profit and spice. That the New Republic is the same, the same old in fighting, squabling, decaying entity with an underlying weakness that allowed for the Empire to form in the first place. I understand our resources are limited but if we're going to send a message of protection... We best do it now before the First Order or another power does after all the ground work we put in... or be judged as a do nothing weak government." Lord Bodega takes a seat before saying, "Take it to a vote... what ever your opinion is. That decision will be respected and recorded." A look o Septima, "And I will be first on the shuttle back if that's what it'll take." He offers, a glance to Aure as she speaks, "They wanted help, is my understanding... they certainly got it and then some." At the mention of the legality of things, "Morality and Semantics, both belong outside of the senate building." He gets quite a few laughs from other reps near him on that quip.

[Naome] "I appreciate the candor, Senator Aure. I understand and appreciate you are trying to do the right thing, as the loss of life is clearly the motivator for involvement. I do not believe in violence, it is not the way of the Naboo. I detest violence, to be perfectly honest, but I cannot abide the solutions being proposed here. Allow me to explain, please."

Naome shifts a bit more, clasping her hands neatly together in front of her appearing poised and lifting her chin. "Were the Republic to intervene in the matter of the Troiken conflict, we will have another war on our hands. While we're out fighting the Hydian League, and let's say we are successful in removing the threat from Troiken soil, we will just destabilize the planet and have removed its defenses. Your solution was to simply remove the Hydian League, then move on. So we will leave their people completely defenseless without the means to prevent the invasion of the next regime while we batter the former back into the outer rim. This is not accounting for our own losses in this conflict. No one here has spoke of the defenses provided in the intelligence reports. Heavily fortified and garrisoned troops with ground to orbit cannon capabilities. This Colonel Nim has garrisoned his troops in a city filled with the innocent lives of those who must contend and abide their presence and allegedly die, and you think the New Republic invading will change their odds."

Naome shifts again. "The Naboo was in a conflict like this once. Our people had to fight street to street, door to door, and the number of innocent lives lost still haunts our people to this day! Now we are faced with a similar situation, against a man who has been invited into that system to fortify, using the innocent has his shield. We invade Troiken soil, we damn the souls there. Our intentions may be honorable, yes, but can the same be said of the Colonel carrying out his campaign? Will he do worst acts of murder and genocide, at the cost of more innocent lives, just to bleed our forces? This is not a situation where heroes can sweep in and save everyone. You must see this. If Colonel Nim is as intelligent and deadly as these reports suggest, then he is holding the Xexten and the denizens of this world up as a shield, inviting us to come down just so he can show us how brutal he is."

"To the Representative's point, I was not on Troiken soil. I have been carrying out my own investigation concerning Sullust. Where I have established irrefutable proof of the First Order's nefarious attempts at stealing children to mold them into mind-washed soldiers. I have seen first hand their facilities for indoctrination, walked with the underground Resistance, and seen the plight that they face on a daily basis. You see, Representative of Drik, I am only one person. I have no naive compulsion to rush off to battle without knowing the true complexity, compromise, and sacrifice needed to make a difference. I applaud your efforts with Troiken. I do. I think their people deserve justice. I believe you are doing a noble thing, but for the reasons I stated earlier, I cannot support the action to invade. Not yet."

"I propose that the Hydian League and representatives of Troiken be invited to speak here at this delegation. We are speaking for a world and a faction who are not here to speak for themselves, imposing conjecture with no proof beyond the shocking images of mass dead and no context to that. It would behoove this forum to /find/ people who can /speak to this travesty/ earnestly. With proof and fact, because violence begets violence and our invasion will only emphasize that at the cost of some countless millions."

[Aras Khan] Slowly, the Senator from Dac stands up and addresses the Senate. "Fellow Senators, Representatives, and everyone here to watch or listen to these proceedings." his large blue eyes look down to his attire for a moment as he considers straightening it, but gives up on the concept and looks to those assembled, his gaze slowly moving through the crowd. "We have heard reports of what is going on, we have information, and it would be nice to have more. It would make for a secure decision to have more information. All the while, people may be dying." he pauses, "Dying." another pause, "While we sit and debate if we have enough information to offer assistance. While we debate if we are making the right decision, because the New Republic cannot be wrong." he takes a breath, "As the Senator from Naboo states, the people of Troiken do not have a representative here, if we ask for one, who will come? What truth will that person bring us? If we do not have enough information as presented, what will the information provided next enough?" he looks about to the senators assembled, "If we cannot decide to send forces in what may be necessary to save lives. And there is interest in sending a fact finding mission. Why do we not do both things. Send aid, food, medical, supplies. A humanitarian mission. We have proof of need, so let us send aid. Of course, times are dangerous, we cannot send such a mission without proper military escort, to ensure that pirates do not hamper our attempts to help people. Help people, however we can. It does not have to be a one size fits all, why do we not send people to help, and equip our people properly to reply to all the needs necessary of what is on the ground, with the option for additional supplies if required." he sits back down to allow his words to be digested.

[Septima Carnine] Septima gives a nod to the talks and there's a look to Tyrius, "Thank you for going on those missions, Representative Bodega." she tells him. "I will read up on the second mission if it available to us Senators and Representatives." she states. "I have nothing further to add for the moment though except for this, you say that Morality has no place in the Senate, that is false. We are trying to work together to better not only our own planets and systems, but to aid others like on Troiken. Morals are the prevailing standards of behavior that enable people to live cooperatively in groups." she points out to that. "So where, if not here is the need for Morality. It is not a fixed thing." she shakes her head to that. Then she listens to Aras and there is a thoughtful look, "That might be a good option." she states in a quiet tone.

[Aure Deserra] The Senator of Aurea listens, nodding to a few things that are said but one can plainly see the tension that rides through her shoulders. The senate at large is speaking, that original hum before the session started has returned once more. There is a clear indecision of what to do even as some are pressing for movement and others are not wishing to commit just yet if at all. The varying degrees of view brings forth the Chancellor before the Senator of Aurea can speak again. "The time alotted has ben used for this new business and we must move on to the next. I suggest that we move this to another session with the want to bring in a representative of the League and Troiken so that the Senate may question their actions and intentions before a larger audience. We will address this again in our next session after the rest of the Senators and representatives have gathered their thoughts."

There is a cry of agreement from many as the video is sent to all their personal accounts as well as any information that is pertinent. The minutes will carry all the needed information for consideration in further discussion. "Moving on. The Senator of Taanab wishes to discuss a new trade route..." and so it goes on as a new issues is taken to the floor.