Log:Wanted Alive: Angouri Dros

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Wanted Alive: Angouri Dros

OOC Date: August 21, 2019
Location: Kaadara, Naboo
Participants: Angouri Dros, Sumi Kora

09:00 Outdoor Cafe - Kaadara, Naboo

This is a quiet outdoor cafe that sits along the city center region, through a view of the northern beaches is visible beyond a small metal fence covered with fresh flowers.

Metal tables with multi-colored umbrellas sit across the area and attendees bring drinks and food to those present here to enjoy the atmosphere and a quiet meal.

There are currently 5 people in this area.

Morning on Kadaara is beautiful, and truth be told, the word beautiful lacked the luster one needed to convey the actual sight. Nabuu, the system's star, was just coming over the mountains and shining down upon a waking city. People comprised of tourists and natives dress in all manner of things, and hurry through the streets to business or pleasure.

The beach can be seen from the Outdoor cafe, and it's a sight that Sumi Kora has come to enjoy. It was rare to be in the vicinity of such amazing views, that someone of Sumi's age had an obligation to stop and enjoy it. Among the clientele here, Sumi was perhaps the most intimidating. She did not impose or force her presence upon anyone, it was her armor and what it stood for. Beskar'gam was a symbol of war, /generations/ of war. Those fortunate enough to wear it did so with pride, even if it damned them.

While Sumi's presence was tolerated, she still sat away from everyone. She took an inner corner, her back to the wall, and had a clear view of the entrance and everyone in the cafe. She had nursed a hot tea, but now reclined with her helmet back on and locked in place.

Angouri Dros is proud of herself today. It isn't the first time that she's stowed away aboard a ship, but this attempt will surely go down as the time that she pulled it off under the most scrutiny - a process which raised a few concerns regarding gaps in Resistance landing field security that will no doubt be relayed to some higher up down the line... But, for now, the diminuitive amaran worries about nothing more than revelling in her stolen hour of freedom, awash in the glow of a bustling city and beautiful view.

In juxtaposition to the armored figure sitting alone, Angouri has situated herself in the most crowded spot of the patio, her head thrown back at some overheard joke. "Ain't as bad as 'at time me an th'folks had t'transport some nerf herder's herd - I mean that literally. 300 of th'things all crammed inte cargo that maybe - /maybe/ - was meant t'hold 100. Da' complained about th'smell fer /three years/ after that." The vulpine teen laughs, fitting easily into the local's conversation, too pleased with her victorious 'escape' and the joys of free actions to worry about who might be nearby.

For the ancient Mandalorian, her internal HUD displays a scanning routine that is interfaced with the intergalactic bounty registry. Its function was like any identity scanner, a flag might pop up when someone had a death mark, or they had a bounty. Scant details often accompanied smaller marks, but the larger ones often carried the most. Utilizing this valuable tool, albeit unbeknownst to the patrons around her, the helmeted female's reflective silver washed T-visor settled on the Amaran. It may or may not have been an indication of concern, but then it lingers.

Enhanced auditory fuctionality hones in on her conversation and the interface begins to scan the sounds of the voices trading stories. Sumi remains seated for the moment, watching. Even after a yellow reticule flagged Angouri as a person of interest, Sumi did not act. Hunting required patience.

God rays from the star shown down through the decorative lattice from above and the sounds of avian creatures screeched in the distance. Had one possessed the acuity to see the open sky over the beach, they'd see that some of the gulls hung over the rooftops and canvas tents, appearing motionless above the coastal sea. Even from this distance, it's easy to fall prey to the therapeutic music of nature, where waves play an entrancing percussion upon the sandy beach shores.

"The whole damn lump sum 'at we earned? All went t'getting th'ship scrubbed out after." The amaran continues, thumping a fist against the table with a bark of laughter. "Programmed a droid t'do my job for me after tha' - droids ain't got nasal receptors..." Angouri pauses for a moment, thought clouding over her face as the gears within begin turning, and her own gaze locks on that of the stony, expression-less visage of the Mandalorian's mask for an uncomfortably long moment. Perhaps some instinct has flared to life and shouted caution, perhaps she's simply remembered that someone in her position ought to have caution -

"I could program a droid with nasal receptors." She finally finishes, a grin blooming suddenly across her muzzle as she snaps her attention back to the crowd with her, none the wiser.

The mysteries of the Force and how it influences the minds of Jedi are not a topic with which Sumi can speak to any degree of certainty. If, by some chance, this is /the/ Amaran the First Order is looking for, then it's one of those gifted people Sumi has to contend with. She moves then, rising from her seat with an audible scratching of wicker wood to stone. A tattered silver and blue cape falls down the length of her back and brushes the backs of her calves at its lowest height.

She settles her debt with the cafe and begins to walk away but suddenly changes her direction when she has placed herself between the smaller female creature and the exit. If she had detected Sumi's intent before this point, that instinct may have been to run, but now a fully armored combatant stood in the way of such notions of immediate freedom.

A hand emerges from the confines of her cape and she uses her arm to sweep the fabric aside and show off the impossibly intimidating presence of a compact custom DP-23 shotgun, and beneath that, a GLIE-44 blaster pistol. <"May I speak with the Amaran alone, please?"> Sumi's hand presumptuous in its positioning, silently dared any of those, including Angouri herself, to stand up and deny her the very thing she asked.

It starts as a prickle at the back of her neck, raising the fur along the amaran's nape, but then it is as if some unseen force has grabbed at Angouri's conscience and cast it upside down.

Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong.

"Bu', I'm afraid I'm t'be back at th'port soon." She tells her new friends, her mouth going dry. "Have a caf on me." She adds, dropping a credit towards one of the other girls that seemed around her age. Something is wrong. The amaran moves to stand, doing her best to appear as casual as she did when she arrived here, but that /feeling/ - she just can't shake it, and fear is beginning to dig icy claws into her chest, urging her to run - but it would only draw more attention to her. This was a mistake - she should have listened to Rey, she should have laid low - she doesn't even have a lightsaber yet! The stunsaber at her hip, hidden beneath her clothes, is nearly useless to the unskilled young Jedi, and that fact rings through her thoughts amidst the blaring alarms.

Something is wrong.

And then the armored figure is glowering down at her. The group near the amaran disappears in the space of a moment, chairs scraping as the bosom buddies of the moment prior retreat at the Mandalorian's urging. Angouri swallows against her mounting panic. It tastes like copper at the back of her tongue. Something is wrong. "How, uh..." She clears her throat, and her voice comes out somewhat clearer when she continues. "How might I help ye, fine... Person? Ain't got nerfs what need moving, do ya? 'Fraid I'm outta that business these days." She should have listened - why didn't she listen? Her gaze flicks to the left, then to the right, and then settles back on the armored figure, Angouri still half-raised from her seated position as if awkwardly frozen in place.

A glare from the sun refracts off a pockmark on the warriors armor, it is an artifact that tells a story about battle. In particular, this Mandalorian is no stranger to it. <"I would like a moment of your time for you to consider something. Please. Sit."> Sumi remains standing for the moment, content to remain so until the Amaran complied or Sumi was left with but one option.

"A'course, a'course." The amaran swallows, forcing a sharp-toothed grin across her muzzle, and begins to lower to her seat again. "Ya want somethin' t'drink? Might have t'take that thing off yer head, first. Th'caf is fanastic, get it with th'little flavor syrup they got there, s'like a love fest fer yer tastes, let me tell ye -" And then, with a deft movement, Angouri shoves against the table and leaps backwards, sending it flying and scrambling for the little metal fence that separates the cafe from the city proper. Tiny paws grasp the edge as she tries to haul herself over it before retaliation can be had.

Even prepared for the action, Sumi is caught by the table and stumbles back. Items go sliding in almost every direction, and some cups even fall and smash onto the floor shattering into several pieces. Screams follow and people vacate their seats at the sudden motion. Sumi, already frustrated that it resorted to this, takes hold of the table and appends it to one side, spilling everything from the top of it in a defiant crash.

Her offhand is the one that produces her weapon of choice, a gleaming white and black GLIE-44 blaster. <"Target confirmed."> Sumi says for her recording as she takes a stance to aim at the climbing Amaran. <"Move out of the way!"> Is shouted with authority as well, indicating the people who always managed to muck up a perfectly good shot.

Ango scrambles up and over the short fence with ease, and launches herself away from it with a shout. Her foot catches in the ornamental plants that adorn it, and she crashes into the ground with a dry 'thud' that snatches the breath from her chest. She throws herself forward on all fours, trying to right herself with another gasp of pain that sears red-hot through bruised ribs. She can feel eyes on her now as she shoves her way into the crowded streets, running for the beach - then thinks better of it, and banks a hard left, now aimed for the sliver of an alley between two quaint buildings. "Anyone copy?!" She pants into a communicator. "I fucked up!"

Rather than pursue Angouri over the fence, Sumi leaves the cafe and rounds the corner. She's made it in time to see the Amaran merge with the crowd, then observes her detour to the alleyway. Sumi adopts a run by that point and arrives at the end of the alley just as Angouri is at the other. She aims hastily and fires, her blaster emitting a blue stun array bolt that sparks off the side of a dumpster. In failure, Sumi remains quiet, and sets to a trot once more tailing the fleeing Jedi Knight.

"Kriff!" Angouri swears, reflexively throwing her arms over her head as she hears the bolt go soaring past, clanging against the dumpster. She should have stayed put - this is why they wanted her to stay put. Gritting her teeth, she removes the stunsaber from her hip with an uncertain grip - this thing hates her, she's sure of it, and she can't bring herself to feel any reassurance with the weapon in her paw. Swinging through another alley, weapon now at the ready, she screeches to a halt and throws her back against the wall. Maybe she can hide, maybe she can... "Kriff." She repeats, panting heavily already and scanning the wall above her for windows, ledges, anything!

Sumi runs around the next corner and has a stand off when the small female produced what Sumi incorrectly identified as a lightsaber. It gave her pause, but resolve saw her weapon raise and two stun arrays emit in a hammered pair. Both find purchase on the Jedi, but Sumi isn't content to approach until she is certain Angouri is down for the count.

Is that a - yes! There's a window, it's a hard jump, and she leaps for it, still clutching her stun saber dangerously in one hand. She is in the process of hauling herself up when she spies her way out - it's a jut of brick just within reach. If she can grab that, she can swing onto the roof - she's going to get out of this!

And then the first bolt catches her, and she falls several feet with a shout. She slams to the ground and scrabbles for her stunsaber, holding it at the ready when the second bolt catches her... She's unconscious before she hits the ground for a second time.

It's a valiant effort to escape, but Sumi has ended it decisively enough that the Amaran is unconscious on the ground. After a moment of no movement, Sumi approaches and toes the laser sword weapon from Angouri's grasp, then kneels down to collect it. It is not examined or activated, she just clips it to her belt.

She rolls the sentient over, searching her with no thought to modesty. She finds a blaster among her effects. Sumi removes Angouri's bag completely, and when she's content that the tinkerer has nothing but clothing, she is bound. The moments that follow have Sumi hauling her unconscious frame back to the Gambit Pursuer named Kyber Heart.