Log:Wanted Alive: Rey (Failed)

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Wanted Alive: Rey (Failed)

OOC Date: December 9,2019
Location: Batuu
Participants: Clan Kora, Rey, Zee'Roh Kora, Hadrix Kora, Kylo Ren as our Moderator, Sumi Kora

Batuu is a far away port, but its also a reliable source of goods and services. It was briefly a Resistance base after the battle on Crait and since then has become a fairly regular port of harbor for the outlawed Millennium Falcon, as well as its crew.

The Falcon has settled into that port on this day, early in the morning hours, for repairs after a small skirmish over salvage in a not too distance star system.

The repairs are underway at the starport, Chewbacca is working on the ship with some locals who he's known for many years now. Rey wasn't a necessary element of the repairs, so she'd set out to do other things... such as sell some of the salvage at the marketplace. Trade it, more precisely, for better goods. She and Artoo had gone to do just that.

Artoo had gotten his hover-sled filled with goodies and was on his little dome-headed way back to the starport landing fields now, while Rey was busy... entertaining the locals. Local children, as it were. The young woman was taking a bit of a break from her serious training and trying to find a bit of levity. Some of the children know her too, from their previous times on this world. So, not far from the Marketplace, the 'Force Witch' is playing a game of hide and seek with a group of about ten local children, laughter, little feet scurrying about, and a much taller girl in the middle of it all, crouching and whispering to those she's teamed up with.

Currently, this is where she is, crouched with her pole-arm staff at her side, her eyes are on the faces of two young kids roughly 12 years of age. She's doing hand gestures to tell them their plan of 'attack' on the other group's nearby base which is located behind a food and drink alcove.

Rey's hood isn't up, her face is identifiable... she's grown to believe there was some measure of anonymity on this world, which is likely very unwise of her to do.

Batuu is fairly busy at the moemnt, its not jam packed with foot traffick though, just small groups here and there milling about on their own business.


They tend to draw attention with their heavy armor and distinctive helmets, but one such warrior is moving through the crowds of the market place with a heavy environmental cloak thrown over her T-Visor'd helmet. Beneath she's armed for... Jedi.. but she'd specifically chosen the length to let her run those long barrel rifles down beneath the cloak rather than hoisted up high on her shoulders.

Above the market, Zero: Seeker Droid is hovering just out of view of the thoroughfare. Scanning for a target Clan Kora had come to Batuu had come to collect on.. Some low-life smuggler who was hiding out after a particularly nasty run in with customs turned violent in the Corellian sector.

Interconnect communications join the trio of Mando's, signal boosted by the droid above, <<"Contact says he's holed up in the Tap Tav ahead.. wait.. I..."> Zero's connection to the BHG database alerts the hunter to another target, which she'd usually ignore if it weren't such an urgent message scrolling across her HUD almost too quickly for her eyes to scan it... almost.

<<"... Sumi, up ahead, do you have eyes on that young woman?">> Ducking back into an alley with her shoulders against the duracrete, peeking around the corner further down where a young woman is playing a game with children. <<"... Zero just alert me to unregistered docking of a YT-1300 under old service codes that don't match the make... Wookie sighted matching wanted bounty: Chewbacca... I .. I think that's the Force Witch... Rey.. I think that's Rey. Can you confirm? I have no clear sight.">>

Children were a soft spot for Sumi Kora. She saw them and heard them giggling and all she could think about were the precious few moments she'd had her own daughter. Denied the privilege of even holding her child after birth, a slave Sumi watched in restrained horror as she was carried out of her room, out of her life.

Nearby, a blue plated Mandalorian watched standing a still and straight as a statue. Enhanced modding for her helmet allowed her to center in on noises and sounds around her, and it was the laughter of children that gave her pause. To any who noticed her, Sumi's head tipped down in some manner of unseen melancholy.

It took a direct transmission from Zee to draw Sumi from this dark moment. Her head lifts back up, and for a moment an embarrassing sense of vertigo has her knees go weak, and her bearings go out of whack. Emotions, stress, and the sudden possibility that the largest bounty in the galaxy was around them now!!

Sumi takes a moment for herself to steady her stance and breath. Anxiety attack? Her few steps take her to the stanchion of a shop's front stoop where a young girl skids to a halt in front of Sumi and smiles up at her. "Excuse me!"

Sumi leans, and gently waves her hand in a motherly way to usher the child by. <"Keep running, little one.">

Sumi's head angles up, tilting. <<"No joy from my position. Can you be more specific on the location?">> Her voice does not emit from the sanctity of the helmet itself, only over the encrypted channel the Mando'ade share.

Chewbacca. The name rings a bell and when it's said Hadrix's head lifts from the building he has been laying on top of, sniper rifle close to hand. He's been prostate for hours - just like old times eh? Gripper hasn't been launched, but the name of the wookiee whom he had put a blaster bolt into once upon a time gets his attention piqued.

<<"Negative contact from nest.">> using the targeting computer of his rifle in conjunction with his helmet binoculars as he performs a slow scan.

<<"What are your coordinates, vod, and relative directional?">> Frowning inside his helmet, studying the augmented display as his own droid's voice pipes in on a private line.

<<"Want me to launch?">> <<"No. Stay put">> <<"Of course, what good would a scout droid be right now?">> a lilt of something like humor in the female voice. <<"Shut up, Gripper...">> said with an annoyed sigh as he tries to keep low while searching for the target of his aliit.

The two kids and Rey have started to crouch-run their way around part of the landscape in the area, moving down past a set of trees planted inside of a duracrete pit. The three of them all pause and peer up over the edge of the duracreete, three sets of eyes all staring across the paved-way to where the other team's base is...

Then all three drop back down as one of the other team's kids runs past! They all share grins and soft laughter, but Rey tries to shush them with a finger held up to her lips.

"Rey!" A child's voice calls out from the other direction, a younger girl with curly blond hair and an orange poncho outfit on, she's tiny and flailing her arms as she tries to run to them where they're 'trying' to hide. "Rey!"

One of the kids with Rey glares at the girl. "Shush it up, Meeka!" He scowls angrily at the girl as she arrives. "We're hidin' and you're not supposed to call her that! Her name is 'Blue', we've told you this a gazillion times! This is why you're not invited to play!"

As the girl reaches them, she looks much less happy now, looking from the two older kids to Rey, who looks back to her. Rey smiles at her. "Its okay, Meeka." She pats the girl's shoulder. "You're welcome to join us. We're just about to make our assault on their base. You'll be with me." Rey then looks to the other two. "Nykus, take Drik and go around the other direction, we'll flank them from both sides, the won't have a way to escape."

The two groups start to split up and move around the duracrete tree-island. Still crouched, Meeka and Rey move one way with the boys going the other.

Poor Meeka though, has inadvertantly given out Rey's identity and confirmed its her, with or without spotty eyes able to confirm it.

The negative contacts from her Vod almost have Zee doubting the scan from the droid hovering above, but a glance around the corner again spies a clear view of Rey through passing pedestrians when she hoists up Meeka.. Facial recognition confirmation beeps into her helmet, locking onto the familiar visage amidst all the children huddling playing some war game...

Her hand drops down to one of the two rifles beneath her cloak, moving it forward on the tactical sling to lay across her chest rather than her back, but she's not brought it up yet.. <<"Confirmed identity.. That's her. Sending you coordinates and facial data.. caution, children present that could complicate things..">> For them, Zee'Roh doesn't give as much concern to biological children. She knows the stastistical repopulation rate of most sentient beings grossly out-paces natural death ratios.

In her brain, the ends justify the means.

But she /always/ sides with her Vod.

<<"I have clear view from this position, but it sounds like they're about to move... she has an army of tiny biologicals with her, possibly storming some unknown enemy stronghold... The Resistance are using Child soldiers... dispiccable.">> She's probably joking, maybe.

<<"Confirmed.">> Sumi announces, coming off her lean and walking away from the immediate crowd. Without warning, the sound of a rocketpack sounds, its user going up high to ascertain their position within the city and the location from above with possible exit areas. <<"We've got one shot at this. I've marked key locations she can run; now I'm landing for effect. Pray.. the children scatter.">>

Sumi swallows as she comes down near Rey suddenly. Her immediate arrival causes her cape to billow out to her side as bits of dust kick up from the propulsion of her jetpack. Her sight is directly upon Rey, though her hands possess no weapon. <"Blue, is it? A friend says you can help me with something."> A gesture to the children is made. <"Pardon us, children. But I must speak with your friend alone..run along, please.">

Sumi's tone carries an underlying octave of business, but it's not cold. If Rey needed any indication who Sumi was, she needed to look no further than the BHG sigil in bloodred upon her waist sash.

Using child soldiers. That hits deeper than Zee might think, joke or not. Hadrix's growl over the comms is far from joking - like the grind if ice against stone. But Sumi's sudden lifting off and his IFF indicators allow him to track her passage... and to whom she lands near.

Stang. It is her.

Hadrix was taking up the old position, muscle memory taking command as he lifts the rifle to bring the view-finder scope up before the visor of his helmet. <<"Alorir -tracking your position, preparing a shot. On your order.">> he tries to keep to training, impromptu as it was from an old friend... Aim behind them, focus to aim behind them, they're not there... If you focus on them. They'll know.

She's using child soldiers... He's looking for them in the peripherals as well.

With Rey and Meeka coming in on the left and the two boys running in on the right, the four of them are about to converge on the alcove that leads to the other team's base... when a rocket pack wearing woman in armor roars down from the sky!

The two boys both slide to a halt, and Rey stops crouching and reaches over to shield Meeka at her side on her left who there-by clutches on to Rey's forearm and left hand. The boys stand up and start to back up behind Sumi, staring at her jetpack like its some kind of magical item they've never seen before. All of the kids have huge eyes right now, though Rey does herself at first.

Her vision does take in that BHG sigil and she's learned enough about them to know that they're the Guild most responsible for bringing in bounties. She's avoided them for the most part up to this face to face meeting. Rey's pole-arm weapon is held in her right hand and she taps on Meek's shoulder with her left now. "Run along, Meeka. Back to your parents shop."

The blond girl starts to backup, but keeps her little blue eyes trained on Sumi, she gets about five or six steps back before she stops and just stands there in Rey's shadow.

Rey, stares right at Sumi. "I'm happy to help you, though I fear the help you're after is something I'm unable to give. Willingly." Her staff is held close at her side, with one end planted on the duracrete beneath her boots and the other aimed skyward.

Needless to say, Rey's senses are primed now, ready to feel for dangers around her.

Zee'roh keeps her weapon down, shoulder leaning into the durocrete a dozen or more meters further up the street from where Sumi and Rey are conversing, <<"She's dropped the biological...">> The weapon slides up, anchored with her fist against the barrel to the side of the alley-wall, but her finger remains extended across the trigger rather than through the trigger guard.

Zero continues feeding her tactical data of the surrounding area, specifically the star-port, keeping tabs on the YT-1300 and the massive furred Wookie there abouts.

She doesn't mirror Hadrix's assurance of target lock, rather, double clicks her comms to signal she's in position and ready for a signal to fire.

<"Now, Meeka.. what did Ms. Blue say? Run along. Please."> Sumi's hands casually post upon her hips in a motherly fashion, her helmet tipping just a bit more to regard the child.

When at last Sumi regards Rey, she measures her up, but makes no effort to draw or cause violence. <"You're shorter than I expected. Meaning no offense, of course. You're prettier than your holo makes out."> Sumi produces the the holo image projection with a slow, calm gesture to her wrist. Rey's likeness appears and flickers for a moment before terminating.

<"I didn't suspect you would solicit your help willingly, so I have sharpshooters with slug rifles aimed at you. Now; before this escalates.."> Sumi's hands go back to her hips. <"Will you turn yourself into me? I don't want to fight you. I've experienced first hand the terror the Force can create. But I also know the reputation of the Jedi Knights. The Order, the old Order, was still around when I was a little girl.. before the Clone Wars even. Compassionate, just, neutral, patient, and peaceful were all virtues they instilled.">

Gesturing from herself to Rey, she spoke again. <"It's said you're a Jedi Knight. Will you choose violence? Or will you come with me peacefully?">

It's impossible to not be as a threat in the force for him. Decades on conditioning and brainwashing. He's broken through much, but there is so much more blanketing his psyche... The notion of the force witch abhorrent to him... utterly offensive.

He looks to the young woman in the view scope, brow knit. Young. Everyone in this war that's fighting is young... Children commanded by doddering elders. It sets off something in him and he growls again, the old battle lust floating under the surface.

The old rage. A comrade, waiting to be tapped. Hadrix hates it.

Meeka takes another few steps back before she's joined by an older girl who takes hold of her shoulder and starts to guide her away from the confrontation, though the hunters likely would realize soon that many in the area are looking now, as a jetpack wearing Mandalorian isn't something this port town sees a lot of...

Rey's stare is broken when Sumi mentions a sniper somewhere. She gives a quick glances to the right and then back to the Mandalorian facing her. She doesn't really seem put off by the idea, she just flickers her eyelashes a little while the loose strands of hair framing her face gently sweep about her skin in the calm cool breezes flowing through the port.

"If you're sniper were to shoot and harm me - let alone kill me - it would likely then be you and they... who'd have a very large bounty on your head." Rey replies with a soft, even if slightly arrogant, smirk but it fades away rather quickly.

She shakes her head side to side then. "I'm afraid I can't go with you, I have too many lives depending on me to take a detour. Plus, it would ultimately be pointless. That bounty is a farse and you'll never see the credits that they claim to be offering. You're being used, as is their creed within the First Order's ranks."

A small pause then, a breath is drawn in between her pale pink lips. Rey lowers her chin and her dark eyebrows furrow ever so slightly. "You should call off your soldiers, and leave this place." She calls upon the Force to enter Sumi's mind to make her believe in those words.

Compared to her Vod behind his snipers scope, Zee'Roh is dispassionate. Cold determination that's every bit as dangerous as rage. She's a robot set upon calcuated purpose and impending violence as surely as she is standing in the cool breeze dusting back her cloak from the pale blue durosteel plates of her heavily armored thigh. Her attention remains centered upon the Force Witch, but she's just as clear a view of Sumi as well, waiting for any hand movement or indication that she should fire.

None comes.

There's no impatience in her.

She's incapable of feeling pressure to rush into action, not out of fear of the woman, but a dedication to the Chain of Command... She's no fool though.. She's seen Jedi fight and she would much prefer Rey come peacefullyt han not.

These kinds of battles have a way of getting colaterally damaging the longer they press on.

<<"Stay steady, Hadrix.">> Hearing the growl, she speaks across the encrypted comms. She's no doubt he'll do so without her saying so, but she adds her deadpan voice to further sooth the old rage ready to boil over from her vod.

<"You disappoint me."> Sumi says coldly, her tone changing to one of a trained killer. Anger surfaces, and her hand rests upon the custom grip of a DL-44 blaster now, intent building to draw it at the blink of an eye.

The wind blows then, rustling Sumi's cape as Rey sets to the use of the force. Sumi, a perpetual victim of this mysterious energy, has a sudden epiphany that's planted in her mind and not her own. Its implementation becomes obvious when the Mandalorian's helmeted head tilts in confusion before uttering back what was just instructed for her to do; as if it were her own thought and idea to carry out.

Sumi's hand smooths over her weapon, fastening the holster strap with a click. <<"I /should/ call off my soldiers and leave this place.">>

With nothing more to add, it seems, Sumi turns about and walks away as peacefully, thought not as abrupt, as she arrived.

Something in Black Spire Outpost is... wrong.

It's a feeling in the air, a sixth sense that even those not attuned to the Force directly can feel as a prickling at the back of the neck, an involuntary shudder, a sudden rise of gooseflesh on the skin.

The feeling coincides with the intrusion of a trio dressed in black clothing, diverse bits of black armor strapped over vital areas. They move with a certain ominoous confidence, and each of them carries perhaps most distinctively a blood-red vibroblade, mimicking the style of another group that fancies black clothing. Masks cover their faces. "We've come for the witch," one announces, stepping ahead of the other two as they come within Sumi and Rey's proximity, weapons at the ready. "Do not interfere, Mandalorian. It is too early in the day for breaking antiques. Keep walking."

A pair of clicks come over the encrypted channel when he's spoken to, and by name. A quick pair of bites to toggle his calms as his lips begin to move. A mantra, almost a chant - the mnemonic device forcing his to calm, longer breaths. Then Sumi is turning to leave... Why leave? What's going on?

<<"Zee, wha-">> his question for Zee lost as the trio appear. Swinging his sights to them and trying to focus on whomever is on point.

<<"Contact, contact! Sumi, Zee! Those two are going to turn this place into a blast crater. Alorir, what are they trying to do? Do I have weapons free?">> One last grip at old methods. But honoring the way as he has learned so far from the clans. <<"They'll kill everyone if they get the chance. They are extreme threat.">>

When Sumi's reaction to her mind altering command is accepted, Rey can't help but release a bit of tension when she sees the Mandalorian turning around. But that means its time to go, in a hurry.

Her eyes go to the boys she was with who are now just stepping out of Sumi's way. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. I'll return as soon as I'm able. Tell the others they should run home immediately."

Something else tickles the back of Rey's mind however as she feels an approaching... cloud of anger and hatred, the kind that comes from the members of the First Order's legions. A breath is taken in and Rey gives alook in the direction that she feels them, but instead of moving toward them she turns and starts to make for a nearby alcove to duck inside of it and hide... of course, this means Zero and Hadrix will see her fleeing, if they still care try to intervene on her doing such a thing.

Hadrix's suddenly startled and excited announcement is almost enough to raise Zee's blood pressure. She tracked the trio of black clad figures as they appear and was about to mark them out when the hurried words from her Vod derail the plan instantly. <"Sumi, snap out of it..."> She's never seen that particular power used, but she's heard stories. <"Head on a swivel, Alorir.. we have dangerous contact danger close to your position.">

Her primary concern, now, is Sumi's safety. <"You're weapons free, Hadrix..."> The slugthrower barks, sending a slug hurtling, but the second shot hits true.

Sumi is content to walk away when suddenly this mental revelry is broken by the sudden and dramatic appearence of dark acolytes who address her immediately. She keeps walking until the sudden mental image of children comes back to mind and the Mandalorian stops for a moment.

The pop of her holster strap follows, and she turns back around with a fluid motion of a predator. <<"Engage all hostiles. Leave none of them standing!">> The commanding rasp of Sumi's voice is soon overshadowed by the fact she's aimed at the Acolyte that had addressed her, firing enough of a distraction for a slug round to hit. <"That's the thing about antiques! They rekking /hurt!/ Hahaha!"> Sumi holds her ground, giving the acolytes a reason to be out in the open for her snipers to pick them to pieces.

Almost immediately, negotiations devolve.

Rey takes off and Sumi opens fire, and the black-clad interlopers leap into action, the red blades of their vibroweapons humming with faint menace as the leader hurdles past the DL-44's thunderous fire to slash out at the blue armor. The other two are focused on locating Rey, with one unable to spot her amongst the obstacles and the other picking her out, giving chase and crashing her weapon into the duracrete above Rey's head.

On a rooftop observing the street, yet another two figures in black observe, kitted up in black armor with black helmets, a single big military-grade sniper rifle laid out over the edge of the roof. The other has a pair of binocs, scanning the road and neighboring buildings.

SHOONK the air around the barrel ripples with heat shimmer. The sights and aiming system were modified as high as they could go, and the output capabilities raised almost a full twice over. The plasma cartridge in the side-mount slot hisses and the plasma chambers fill again.

Hadrix's shot is aimed for center of mass, cratering into the ,<"Buy'ce'osik... Ruanna's dead... go back into your holes...">> growling as he sees the bolt headed for the Acolyte's center of mass.

Once inside of that alleyway... its clear its not really an alley at all, its an inwardly curved alcove but ultimately a dead end unless one were to climb.

And though she's capable of climbing... she didn't.

Rey steps out from behind an indentation in one of the side walls after the sparks from the blaster shot at her rain down upon the ground. She reaches out to the dark trooper who'd pursued her into the alleycove and she PULLS the trooper to her.


Rey stands face to face with the trooper, holding the saber inside of the person's ribcage. She is nose to nose with their helmet, able to see her own reflection in the black eye coverings. "I'm sorry." Rey says to them as they're still very much alive, on the lightsaber blade's beam.

She deactivates it, the blade slides back into the hilt...

But Rey doesn't let the trooper fall. She catches them beneath their arms and starts to turn them around, moving their limp body as best as she can.

She starts to walk toward the mouth of the alley now, with the trooper in front of her... hovering in the air, as a shield?

'CLOW' chi-chit 'CLOW'

The archaic slugthrower rifle braced against the wall reports sharply with the double tap. The first hits the Acolyte and he's almost certainly dead as he begins to fall, but these jack asses got in the way of a ten million dollar bounty.

There's a special hell reserved for them.

So the second shot assures a closed casket funeral.

<<"Did someone hear a snap-hiss?">> Easy breathing behind her thick armored helmet, targeting system switching to the last remaining acolyte whiel Zero buzzes above trying updating the ever changing battlefield for Zee'Roh's HUD. <<"I think snap-hiss means they're dead.">>

Sumi's struck, /hard/. She's hit across the chest plate and sent backwards, absent any breath or the ability to breath. Her first instinct is to activate her jetpack, but she's landed on her back before the thing can even come to life. Thus the result leaves Sumi's pack simply sparking beneath her.

Fate would have it that the Sumi was out of the way when Zee's slug rounds burst out from the Acolyte's body in front of her. A firm hammered pair and the intent warrior is very dead, leaving Sumi showered with their blood.

Adjusting, but still on her back, Sumi finds it difficult to breath and fires wildly toward the last of the Acolytes that she knows of. One shot misses; Another; then her third and Sumi turns over to her stomach to crawl away to find cover and her breath.

She sees children peeking out from one of the shops, and she waves her hands for them to get inside! No peeking! Sumi's getting her ASS KICKED!

"There. The one who took out Arkkad, a hundred twenty meters." The spotter with the binocs settles them on Zee'roh, dialing in the rangefinder and calling the shot for the sniper laying out next to him with the big gun. KA-WHOOM. The rooftop shakes, sending up a cloud of dust as the massive bolt of energy goes cracking through the air, causing a chunk of the wall above the Mandalorian's head to explode. "Negative hit," the spotter remarks quietly.

Down on the street, the attackers quickly dwindle, leaving just one on his feet, slashing out with the red vibroblade but only managing to hack at the body of his dead compatriot Rey uses as a shield, letting out a hiss of frustration and fury at the wanton disrespect paid to her corpse by the Force Witch.

<<"Got your back Alorir...">> the blast from the enemy sniper team and he swings the yard arm with a firing chamber he has loaded in their direction. <<"Contact high, feeding coordinates, opening fire.">> SHOONK dust is baked and set aflame by the heat of the rifle and the report is like a small turret going off.

It explodes a chunk of masonry, causing the stone to burn cherry red as Hadrix tries to adjust, tapping at the targeting computer, muttering. "Range adjust... Idiot..." grumbling to himself off of comms now.

As Rey emerges from the alleycove she ducks behind the trooper held in front of her with the invisible grip of the Force flowing through the trooper's body. Another blaster bolt zips toward her and she responds to it by ducking a little more behind the body while the blaster bolt zips over head. A second later and the trooper is flung through the air toward the person who just fired upon her! Now using their own trooper as a projectile weapon back against them, sort've anyway. ITs a distraction if nothing else.

Once exposed, Rey rushes toward Sumi and moves to help her up. "Come on!" Rey shouts to the Mandalorian woman, trying to help her up to get her out of the firefight's direct danger. "This is why you don't work for them, they've no regard for your well being. Its why they'll never pay you for that bounty either. They're tricksters, and liars. Nothing more than bullies."

Once she's got Sumi up she'll make for more cover to get the Mandalorian to a safer spot and thats when she'll reach for her saber's hilt again, to clutch it within her right hand as her eyes will scan for any other threats that may come their way... or whom to go after next to end this and help the people of this port town that she by-and-large enjoys to be around.

Zee sees Rey moving out of cover towards Sumi and initiately assumes the worst, firing her rockets that sputter rather than firing, but she still moves out from behind the corner of the recently exploded wall with her rifle falling down on a tactical sling. Right hand drops upon the grip of her DL-44 pistol hosltered on her right thigh, whipping it free as she approaches the pair of Rey and Sumi, <<"Go! I'll cover you!">> Turning the T-visor towards the 'Force Witch', <<"Less preaching, more protecting my Alorir...">>

Gun held up in the general direction Zero is highlighting on her HUD, she's got poor line of sight on that position, but still peppers the lip of the roof with three quick blasts. <<"Hadrix, Rey is temporary noncom, helping Alorir... I need some magic here with that rifle, brother..">>

Sumi is painfully sucking in air and struggling and it's in this state that Rey finds the ancient warrior. Doubled over on all fours, coughing and holding her chest. Her emitter, the one on her helmet, conveys the struggle it is for her to breath. Rey's approach is met intially by the raise of her weapon, but Rey was not there to harm her.

Pulled up to her feet, Sumi had an instinct to simply curl up and double back over with pain, but she did not. Every fiber of Sumi's mentality came from being a soldier, and soldiers had missions. Sana's words rang out in Sumi's mind, and she refused to stop; refused to stop; refused to stop.

One step led to another, then another, and another, and soon Sumi was limping alongside Rey. When a threat presented itself, Sumi stopped them to turn; firing a trio of blasts with a successful hit. Now they're to cover again, and when they reach it, Sumi slumps down with her back against her; her vision fading in and out thanks to a lack of oxygen.

A moment of clarity as her lifting her chest plate up and suddenly, air found her lungs. She sucked it in as if she'd just emerged from being under water. Air. Sweet, sweet air!

With the body of his comrade flung upon him, the warrior in the street stumbles backwards, born to the ground by the dead weight. The corpse is pushed aside with a surprising modicum of care before the faceless figure pulls himself upright again, getting his bearings and giving chase before being shot in the shoulder by Sumi for his trouble. There's a flare and a flash, a little gout of flame, but he slaps it out and keeps coming, swinging that red blade around in a dangerous arc that passes right over the pair's heads.

When a piece of their roof explodes, the spotter and sniper shift targets. "There. That rooftop. Two hundred thirty. Prone." KA-WHOOM. Another shockwave rocks the building, and again another lightning strike of a bolt goes sizzling through the air, vaporizing the bricks a foot to the left of Hadrix's position.

The force witch is a non-com... There is an explosion of rage and frustration in the force from the man, as far as one could call it of a man who has no touch within that energy field that binds all living things... And also rocks and starships when a swamp hermit gets involved and changes the entire paradigm laid out by some crazy old sand hermit on Tatooine.

<<Elek. On it, ori'vod.">> Hadrix's mando'a coming out fast natural. That's why he survived the Creche. That's why he survived Starkiller. The Vanguard. Fast learner despite all of his brutishness. He isn't distracted as he speaks, which goes well for him as he is forced to roll to one side to avoid the blast churning duracrete to boiling hot slag in a molten runnel where he had just been.

He turns where he lays, lining up his scope - ignoring the golden glow of his left shoulder pauldron where the blast had cooked some of the indigo paint to black,

<<"Come on... Show me your face I'll cure all your ills...">> the firing stud squeezed and what little dust is left on the roof he dwells on is cast up in the vibration, all around him - some of it burning to embers even as it is pulled in a vortex with the cacophonous SHOONK report.

Rey watches Sumi for a moment, but there's nothing she can do for the armored woman. Instead she looks out at the Acolyte that Sumi had shot and she exhales softly... She stands up and holds her saber out at her side, unignited.

The young woman starts to run forward, rushing past some of the booths and stalls in this section of the marketplace. She rounds one's edge and then runs up the side of the one between her and the Acolyte, and at its apex, she lunges herself up into the air to spin up and over the booth, its small seating area and the Acolyte on the other side.

Her saber ignites once more, the beam flows downward into the crown of the Acolyte's head, and then retracts back up into the hilt of the Skywalker lightsaber.

Rey lands a foot or so away, as the Acolyte's body drops to the ground in front of her. She releases a light exhale and turns to try to find those snipers..., her eyelids flutters quickly several times, with the system's sunlight shining down from above across her brow.

Zee is back up towards cover when the durocrete explodes after hadrix's shot, <"There you are..."> She goes to fire her rockets, but they must be all gummed up with Tatooine sand since they only sputter again, but it's of little real concern for her, even if a little embarassing when it back blasts rather than blasts off...

The DL-44 barks twice, snapping through the exposed part of the soldiers face like a giant canoe carved out of armor, the second clipping his spotter as she turns around the corner of the alleyway into which Rey took Sumi before her acrobatic ninja beheading. The approaching mando'ades hood has fallen back from her armor and she taps Sumi on the shoulder as she passes to her right of the woman, kneeling down to slide an new blaster cell into her weapon.

Eyeing the scorching on her Alorir's armor, but she says nothing. She's no lack of faith in the other mando'a. <<"Zero, what's the situation up high?">> The response is a series of beeps, fresh data fed to her HUD, and a scrolling translation on the bottom left of her screen.

The sudden instance of a lightsaber activating is mesmerizing when the brain is traveling through an episode of tachypsychia. The lip of the rooftop explodes, showering dust and rocks, and Rey goes airborne in an attractive display of aerial technique, slicing the chasing opposing acolyte with unnerving ease.

Zee's arrival stirs Sumi, spooking her, but she nods when the other Mandalorian sets to reload. Sumi extends the sling of her rifle then, holding it out only after collapsing its buttstock so that it's compact and more easily held. It's her turn to cover, and she does. The lip of the roof is shot again, showering more dust and debris. <"Focus.. fire.. on that spot. Shoot them until their dead; Zee, jam communications in the area. No outbound. No one can know what happened here.">

Sumi wraps her sling about her forearm then nods.

Blaster fire rains into the sniper nest, and between Hadrix and Zee'roh, the soldier manning the rifle lies motionless and smoking. Tagged himself, the spotter grunts, grimacing beneath the full-face helmet, and rolls over onto the body of his teammate to take up the big rifle. Without a spotter, he guesses at the windage in the Kenntukk'y style, aiming just off of Zee'roh and pulling the trigger. KA-WHOOM, the third big blast from the sniper's nest goes rocketing out, scorching the Mandalorian's armor from the intense heat of even a glancing hit. "Blast these Mandalorians," he mutters under his breath.

"And you're not gonna take... what they've got to give... and you're not gonna let 'em take your will to live..." A cadence, taken from some folk tune heard in a rustic bar on the rear end of the galaxy. It helps. It's better than the Creche mantras. No nightmares in folk songs, for Hadrix, and the same effect.

SHOONK flame and light, duracrete melting or blackening in the wake of the plasma bolt loosed across the distance - like the fingers of angry gods stabbing back and forth, attempting to smite those who would dare to wield such power.

The Snipers on the roof seem to be dealing with one another. Rey can spot the Mandalorian's shot that heavily damages what seems to be the last of the First Order detachment, but there's likely more... there is always more of them to come.

Her lightsaber is reattached to her belt and she starts to walk toward the building that the First Order warrior is perched upon. Both of her hands rise, her left hand trips away the cover that the soldier his hiding behind, while her right pulls the soldier himself (herself?) off of the roof of the building and brings them out into the air above the marketplace.

She dangles them there, hovers them there, and starts to gently lower them toward the ground, facing away from her and everyone else to keep them from being able to use their weapon on anyone else, if they're even still able to utilize it at all.

Zee was about to roll back out of cover when the blaster bolt from the sniper round strikes her in the left pauldron... She's not knocked completely off her feet, but does spin down onto her knee with a grimace.. and an audible snarl as she rises up and out of cover to track straight towards the Soldier hurtling towards them... The blaster angles slightly as she approaches, patting with her free than hand to smother the still smoldering flames caught into her poncho and cloak..

Her grip turns, fires a shot cleanly through the dangling Acolyte, stopping his struggle instantly as life fleas him... Then turns sharply back onto Rey..

Her finger sits upon the trigger, tightening her grip as if to pull the trigger. Watching the young woman through the augmented reality of fed to the HUD inside her helmet. Watches a playback of her playing with children in her positronic brain... watches this same woman, half a year ago sitting in her ship treating her not as some piece of property, but as a person.. even though she knew precisely what she was.

She watches her dragging Sumi out of the street, into cover, under fire.. by enemies who weren't even here to kill /them/, but specifically sent to kill /her/...

The blaster rolls back over her hand, barrel catching the forward angle of the hoslter and dropping down into it with a magnetic clink as it's seated against her thigh. <"I'll erase record of your ship being here, but I can't stop anyone who saw you from sending transmissions out to the First Order...">

There's no part of her that thinks she'd stand toe to toe with this young woman alone, with no surprise on her side, and stand victories... <"Twenty minutes. That's your window. Get the kriff out of here before I realize I just let 10 million credits walk away..."> Hand resting on the grip of the weapon, thumb hooked back behind her belt.

Sumi plants her back to the wall nearest her and just slides down to a seated position for now. She's tired, everything hurts, and her head is all sorts of messed up. She unwraps her arm from the rifle and adjusts it to rest at her side, then fixes her chest piece, loosening it a bit to allow for more breathing room.

She hears Zee address Rey and remains quiet. When her dismissal is given, Sumi nods. If Rey had looked at Sumi, she'd find the warrior had given a salute, a firm fist over her chest where her heart was. A sign of respect. A slow dip of the head, and Sumi tips her helmet back to look up at the sky for now. She needed medical attention.

The attackers lie dead in the street, except for that one up in the building. They're not First Order, and the resident expert on those things can confirm that. What they are is dead. Nothing on them gives any clues as to who may have sent them or where they've come from. It's all gear and weapons.

Standing and lifting off at the same time with his jets, Hadrix closes the distance between he and the rest of his clan. Slamming down heavily, his rifle slung across his back. <<"Either of you need hands vode?">>

T-visor turning towards Rey and back to the others now. <<"What's our next move?"

Rey watches the woman in the heavier Mandalorian armor take the shot to end the last member of this strange dark attack squad. When the woman speaks to her and offers a bit of a truce, Rey nods her head softly once in response. She does glance to Sumi once more and sees the respectful salute, a nod is given to her as well.

And then, like a space rabbit, Rey is off, running at a high speed and barely making even the slightest bit of sound. She passes over one of the fallen Acolytes and takes only a second to bend and snatch up their oddly painted vibro-sword. With sword held pointed backward, and polearm in her other hand, she darts toward one of the street side alleys...

Just as Chewbacca arrives, bowcaster in his hands. He 'Rrrrowls!' at Rey, and starts to chase after her, the two vanishing around a bend, moments later two young kids can be seen going to chase after them as well... then a third, a young girl with blond curly hair. Shouting. "Rey! Wait up!" Because some kids never learn...